THE 3IC?31G OREG ONI AN, FRIDAY, MAY 22, I90S. Soda Fountain in the BasementLight Lunches Served at Reasonable Prices Portland Agents for the "White Mountain" Refrigerators Today The Meier Frank Store's 956th Friday Surprise Sales 18 MEIER &. FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $3.75 Yd. Embroidered Waist Frontings 98cYd. In the Lace Store for today's great 956th Friday Surprise Sale we place on sale 2000 yards of 27-inch Swiss and batiste embroidery waist frontings Beautiful designs in blind work, eyelet, filet and baby Irish effects All new, dainty styles in grand array Values in the lot up to $3.75 a yard A timely purchase from a prominent New York importing house enables us to offero O . 70U you your choice at See Fifth-Street window display Better come early if you want the prettiest pieces Bargains for economical women MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $1.75-$2 Fine Bed Spreads $1.12 For today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale, great special offering of 3000 extra large size white hemmed Bed Spreads best patterns d? 1 . 1 regular $1.75 and $2 value buy .all you want of them at .S Mail orders will be carefully' filled. Take advantage of this great sale. MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 2000 Pr.LaceCurt'ns BMHCHJSLWTI $1.50 Vals. 95c Today's great 956th Friday Sur prise Sale the Curtain Department offers 2000 pairs of white and Arabian color lace curtains, 50 to 54 inches wide and 3 yards long Plain and floral centers with small scroll borders or heavy floral pat terns Very pretty effects twelve patterns to select from Every pair in the lot sold regularly at $ 1 .50 The greatest value ever offered in a low-priced curtain Just what you a want ior me coast ana summer cot tage, servants' rooms, etc. Your choice today at, pr. Mail orders will be promptly filled 95c MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE All Framed Pictures One-Fourth Off AH Stamped Wood One -Third Off Fourth Floor Special offerings for today's great Friday Surprise Sale. Economical buyers will take advantage of these great special bargains. Our entire stock of Framed Pictures all sizes and all sub- 1 m ' ff jects, some very fine ones in the lot, at 4 off regular prices. Vil Entire stock Kodak Albums at ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES Entire stock of Burnt and Stamped Vfood at just ONE-THIRD OFF All Leather Pillows, Hangers, Banners, Novelties, etc., ONE-THIRD OFF New Leather Skins, 26x34 inches, all colors, great value, at only $1.39 MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ew Coat Sweaters 1000 for Men and Women $5.00 Values $2.95 Each For today a Great Friday Sur prise Sale of men's and women's Coat Sweaters of fine wool and trimmed with large white pearl buttons Well made and finished Two pockets Colors red, white and oxford All sixes Just the garment you want for coast and outing wear Warm, comfort able and serviceable Every gar ment in the lot regular $5 value Your choice while they last at this wonderfully g Q C low price each.. wwiJ See Our Morrison-Street Window Display Mail Orders will receive our prompt and careful attention Order today MEIER &. FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Great Bargains in Basement Store For today every housekeeper must be interested in these specials: 500 medium-size Galvanized Tubs, great value, at the low price of . .72 500 No. 9 Wash Boilers, heavy tin, with copper bottom and rim.. $1.59 100 Clothes Wringers, adjustable, 3-yr. guarantee, extra value.. 82.84 200 zinc Wash Boards, 35c values, at the remarkable low price, ea.l8 32.50 Tailored Suits $12.85 Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store announces for today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale a great special purchase of 500 Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits from one of the largest and most reputable manufacturers in the conntry "Honest merchandise" and this season's most attractive styles selling at prices up to $32.50 a garment Your choice for today only at the ridiculously low price of $ 1 2.85 per suit. The assortment includes the following: Short, medium, and long-coat effects: semi-fitting, single breasted, strap trimmed, notch collar and full-length sleeves with cuff The new butterfly coats with tight-titting back, Jap shoulder and elbow sleeve; also vest effects of taffeta silk and braid trimmed Skirts are full pleated, trimmed with bias folds, others plain flare with two and three bias folds - materials in wool rajah, panama cloths, serges, tweeds and herring-bone stripe serge Navy blue. black, brown, lavender, mulberry, leather, Copenhagen, stripes and mixtures in great variety; all sizes Suits worth up to $32.50 See gt Jl f mm Fifth-street window display Mail orders carefully filled. Your choice for today only at the low price of only. $ Principal Portland Agents "Nemo" Corsets 2d Floor Meier & Frank Store's 956th Friday Surprise Sale 35c and 50c New Wash Goods 1 5c In the Wash Goods Section for today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale, a sensational offering of 20,000 yards of new Wash Materials of the most desirable style at a price far below regular value Included will be found silk mulls, silk batiste, white barred and dotted Swiss. Beautiful fabrics for Sum- 1 Co rner waists and costumes. Great variety to select from. Regular 35c and 50c values on sale at. See big Fifth-street window display. Don't miss this unusual bargain. For today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale, the Third Floor Art Department offers 1000 pieces of 24-inch Battenberg Centers, round and square styles, assbrted patterns. Linen Centers; very handsome pieces. Regular $1.50 to OQ $2.00 values, on sale at Take advantage QZfC Battenberg Centers $1.50-$2 Vals. 89c Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades-All Sizes Meier & Frank Store's 956th Friday Surprise Sale $3.50 Petticoats at $1.98; Each Three Great Special Bargains in Women's fine Undermnslins for today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale The best values of the season Take advantage Second Fl. 500 women's fine white Petticoats, trimmed in very fine embroideries, laces, tucks and insertions; separ ate dust ruffles. Great assortment to select from. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 values. Your fl 1 QO choice at, each, only .V 'O 1000 pairs of women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in fine laces, embroideries, insertions, tucks, beading, etc. Regu- QQ lar $L50-$2.00 values, pair. 70C 2000 women's cambric and nain sook Gowns, trimmed in fine laces, embroideries, tucks, beading and ribbon; made high or low-neck styles ; long or short sleeves. Hand some variety to select jj fl 5Q from; $2 vals., each. P A great special sale of children's cambric and nainsook s-owns. trimmed in lace and embroidery, ages 3 to 12 years; values up to $1.25 each. Take your pick at this remarkably low price, each take advantage of sale on sale on the Second Floor. HOC We are Portland agents for Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets. Take advantage of our undermuslin sale. Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order-4th Floor Large Comforters $ 1 .59 The Fourth Floor Blanket Store places on sale for today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale a great special lot of 1000 extra large Comforters with silkoline covering; filled with white laminated cot ton. Best patterns and colorings. Comforters in the lot worth up to $2.50. . Buy C? 1 C Q all you want of them today at, each.U a J f We are sole Portland agents for "Ostermoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses; all sizes 4th fl. Men's Underwear 79c In the Men's Furnishing Goods Store for to day's 956th Friday Surprise Sale 2000 garments' of Cooper's celebrated form-fitting Underwear. Plain mercerized lisle, Spring weight; pink, blue, tan, salmon, ecru colors. All sizes in shirts and drawers, perfect fitting underwear; regular $1.00 to $1.50 values. An advantageous purchase en ables us to place this lot on sale at the ffQ exceptionally low price of, per garment, t C MEIER &. FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 2000 Pairs Kid Gloves $3.50 Values at $1.95 In the Big Clove Store for today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale we offer another great saving oppor tunity in Long Kid Cloves. Perrin's and Other celebrated makos dm in- ) eluded Full 16-button lengths in black, white, red and navy All sizes Kid Cloves of guaranteed style and quality Also 500 pairs of Perrin's 8 and 10-button length Gusset top French Kid Cloves in the best shades of tan and brown Just the glove for wear with the new long-sleeve Tailored Suits All sizes 51 to 7 Regular $3.50 values; your choice fl 1 O tf of both lots at-... , p 1 -7 O Man Orders will be carefully filled Phone Orders Also Filled MEIER &. FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1 0,000 Prs. Long Silk Gloves $1.19 For today's 956th Friday Surprise Sale we place on sale 10,000 pairs women's all pure silk 16-button length Gloves of Standard manufacture double tipped fingers and two clasps at the wrist, and every pair guaran teed black, white, brown, tan, gray, navy, garnet, hunter green, reseda, pink, light blue, L.lio, Alice blue all sizes, 5y2 to 8 d 1 Q Regular $1.75 and $2 values, during this Surprise Sale, pair. P Mail orders will be carefully filled at all times from this department. MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women's $ 1,50 Underwear On Sale at 78c a Garment For today's great 956th Friday Sur prise Sale we announce a timely bar gain in Women's Knit Underwear Spring and Summer weights and styles The assortment includes lace trim med knee-length union suits Silk pleated undervests, low neck and sleeveless styles, Swiss ribbed nnder vests, long and half sleeves; also long sleeve Corset Covers White, pink and blue colors All sizes Values in the various lots up to $1.50 a gar ment Take your pick for today only, at. 78c MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Tailored Collars 1 1 c--Ribbons 1 5c Today, 500 dozen women's white and colored Tailored Collars, in solid colors and colored stripes, sizes 12 to 14 immense assortment 1 l best 25c values buy all you want at the very low price of, each. C For today, 5000 yards of 4-inch all-silk Taffeta Ribbon black, 1 t white and all colors 25c value, at remarkably low price of, yd. . JC 5000 remnants of Ribbons all styles, all lengths, all grades. Take your pick' during the great Friday Surprise Sale at Vz REGULAR. PRICES MEIER & FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 500 Men's Suits $18 Values at $10.85 In the Men's Clothing Store for to day's great 956th Friday Surprise 500 Men's Springy Summer Suits at one-half their real value Materials are fancy worsteds, fancy cassi meres and cheviots in browns, tans and grays, stripes, checks, plaids Single and double-breasted coats--All new, up-to-date suits, cut in the latest fashion Well-made and fin ished throughout Suits the exclu sive clothier asks you $20.00 and $22.50 for Your choice for to day only at this mar- OC velously low price pIVQ J See Our Morrison-Street Window Mail orders will be carefully filled Write at once and be sure to give your proper measurements to us MEIER &. FRANK'S 956TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 50c, 75c, $1 Handkerchiefs 33c Ea. Today we platfe on sale a great special purchase of 200 dozen women's all pure linen hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs Vi-iach hemstitching and scaiioped borders plain, and all-over effects 50c, 75c and $1 valaes, on sale during the Friday Surprise Sale at, each, only.C 5000linen center Handkerchiefs Princess lace border1 best 25c;-values, on sale during this great Friday Surprise Sale, each. "C orders will be carefully filled order today; delivery will be prompt.