I tttt: 3ioKyiCx ikectuia. Ey.tsuAi, may 20, .1908. Hose Worth Fine quality Women's Hose in stainless fan. The patterns are allover lace, boot lace, plain lisle or embroidered and striped effects. A wide choice of patterns in all sizes. Grades selling regularly at 75c, 85c and $1 the pair. We will make Wednes day a tan hosiery day worth remembering. Choice of all our popular lines of tan hose in Q these qualities at the saving price of, pr J sC Women's Swisg Robbed Garments, of a fine quality yarn. Low-neck, sleeveless style. One of the best 25c val- -1 'J nes to be had; prioed Wednesday at, special Women's Handkerchiefs, sheer Irish linen or linen cambric. The cambric handkerchiefs have 4 or Vs-inch hem; dainty designs and superb quality; regular 20c and "1 Olyf' 25c Values, on sale Wednesday at, special, each. I CREA T SALE OF SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS Long Kid re 11 istftx.n vrJ t.Jm 0 COLORED EMBROIDERIES ONE-THIRD LESS This includes all edges, insertions and alloyers, in colored embroider ies. This is a rare opportunity to purchase the trimming for Summer gowns at a great saving. The col ors are pink, blue or lavender em broiderv on white materials. SAVE ONE-THIRD. CONSIDERS VERDICT OH RUEF Lawyers Consume Whole Day in Closing Argument About Bribery. NO REST FOR PROSECUTION Heney Ready to Devote Iilfe to Vin dicating Law Defense Says the Prosecution of Rucf Is : Purely Personal. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. The case of Abraham Ruef. tx-polltlcal boss, charged with bribery, went to the Jury at 9:30 o'clock tonight, after a day de voted to closing arguments and the in struction of Judge Dooling. At a late hour the jurors were still deliberating, without apparent prospect of a decision tonight. WTien court convened today Mr. Chap man, attorney for Ruef, made the clos ing argument. He devoted a great part ot his time to criticism of Rudolph Spreckels and Assistant District Attor ney Heney, saying the prosecution of Ruef T88 a personnl one on their part. Heney to Continue Prosecutions. At the opening of the afternoon ses sion Mr. Heney began his closing ad dress and spoke for over three hours. He apologized for the many clashes he had had with Henry Ach, Ruef's attor ney, during the trial. He gave much time to an analysis of the testimony of Supervisor Gallagher. He admitted Su pervisor Daniel Coleman had endeavored to change his testimony in favor of Ruef at this trial and intimated that the prosecution is not through with Cole man. Mr. Heney remarked that the prosecu tion is not dead and made the declara tion that he would devote his life to the vindication of the laws of Califor nia and to show that no man Is above the law of the state. Without using the name of Gallagher, reference was made to the dynamiting of the ex-Supervisor's home. Mr. Ach objected to the remarks of Heney, but, was overruled by Judge Dooling. Xo Sign of Agreement. Mr. Heney concluded at 6 P. M. and the Jury then went to dinner. When court reconvened at 8 o'clock tonight. Judge Dooling began the delivery of his charge to the Jury. He consumed one hour and a half in this delivery, of which an hour was taken up in reading the Instruction which had been sub mitted by the attorneys for the defense. The Jury then retired. it is not believed there is a prospect of reaching a- verdict tonight and very few look for a report before late tomor row. Judge Dooling remained in his chambers until midnight, but, no report Aomlng from the Jury up to that hour. IU to $1 Pair Gloves $4 Grade $2.89 Pr. The world over, wherever good gloves are sold, four dollars the pair is the regu lar price of the glove we offer in this Wednesday special. The colors are black, white, mode, cham pagne," navy, oxblood and helio. No - better gloves made, and you can supply your nandwear wants to day at, the pair WOMEN'S TAILORED COLLARS Striped linen, with colored embroidered dots, or white linen with em broidered figures done in colors. The smartest neck wear styles now in vogue, and a splendid 1 Olj, value at 25c each. Special Wednesday. . . . SC DRESS NETS AND LACE WAISTINGS In white or ecru; our entire line bargainized for Wednesday. Filet or round meshes a goodly assortment of patterns and prices. The regular OQn $1.50 grades, vard OZsC r - 1) 7 ... The regular $1.65 to $2.00 grades, the yard Grades worth $2.25 to $2.50 yard, special : he ordered the 12 men locked up for the ! night. CALLS COTTON BROKERS Federal Grand Jury to Inquire Into Price Manipulation. NEW YORK, May 19. A sensation was caused on the New York Cotton Ex change today when it became known that a number of members of the ex change had been subpenaed to appear before the Federal grand Jury. One rumor was that th6 subject under in--vestigatlon was the trading of a very large speculator in connection with ad vance information secured by the specu lator on Government crop estimates. .It was generally understood that the men summoned will be questioned as to the methods of fixing the grades of cot ton deliverable on the exchange. In New York a committee meets twice a year. In September and November, and arbitrarily Axes what the differences for all grades shall be for two months or for ten months, while the New Orleans exchange follows the actual market dif ferences for these grades as established by dally spot transactions. In a recent repoij. on cotton ex changes. Hebert Knox Smith, Commis sioner of Corporations, said that in New York the committee is usually made up of men who are largely operators on the exchange and who are constantly interested in the future market. "It is within their power," said the Commissioner, "so to fix the differences as to affect enormously the value of their own future contracts. In the re vision of November. 1906. when the dif ferences fixed by the committee were radically wrong, several members of this committee have admitted that they were at the time heavily interested in future contracts and they profited by the action of the committee. There is no conclusive proof that they intended this." LETS THE TRIGGER CATCH Fisherman Shoves Shotgun From Him and Is Seriously Wounded. ASTORIA, Or.. May 19. (Special.) Eric Krickson, a fisherman, accidentally shot himself while on the river near Point Elllce, this afternoon, inflicting a serious, though not necessarily danger ous wound. Erickson was pushing a shot gun away from him In the boat, when the hammer caught on something, dis charging the gun, and the load of buck shot struck him in the right groin, tear ing the flesh in a frightful manner. The injured man was brought to the hospital here this evening. CLOSING OUT SALE. Mourning Goods. Forty-four-inch French crepe, all wool, tl grade. 67c; 44-inch all-wool, black Pan ama. 90c grade. 62c; 36-inch Faille guaran teed taffeta, extra heavy. J2 grade, $1.29 yard: 27-lnch black guaranteed taffeta, $1 grade, 78c; 44-inch French crepe, in black, tan and gray. Jl grade, ZSc: 50c worsted stripe and check suitings, 19c yard; wool challie8. 65c and 75c grade, 35c; 50c grade, 25c. Don't miss these splendid bargains. McAUen & McDonnell, the - dress goods store. Vote on County High Schools. TILLAMOOK. Or.. May 19. (Special) The question of four county high schools will be submitted to the people to vote upon at the election in June. Spring styles Hanan snoea ax Rosenthal's at 69c Ruffled The regular $1.00 Wednesday-at, the Men, by all means Men's Underwear, swiss ribbed garments, well made and nicely finished; 75c . ACkg values at .tC Men's Shirts, full size bodies, good ma terials, finished, with pearl buttons ; regular 75c.. values, 4Q Wednesday Shirts and Drawers, in fancy balbriggan, nice ly finished ; a lot of odd garments, in pink, blue or white. Regular 75c garments, AQn special jtJm $2.89 Moth Bags, overcoat size, worth 60c each; on special sale Ati Wednesday at, each Moth Balls, for packing woolens, carpets, etc.; selling at this Af. special price, the box Glycerine Toilet Soap, three cakes in a bos and worth 15c; on Q sale at, special, the box JK Coat Hangers of wire, nickel-plat- &&??.!!!?:'... 3 for 10c $1.29 $1.69 HASMORETO LEARN Paper Trust Committee Tan gled in Figures. NORTH DEFENDS HIMSELF Says Census Figures Correct and Kidder's, Inaccurate; Gave Data to Dalzell Pinchot Tells of Dwindling Forests. WASHINGTON. May 19. The taking of evidence was not concluded today by the wood pulp and print paper In vestigation committee of the House, as had been expected, and it will be resumed tomorrow. A number of in dependent manufacturers testified to day and a great deal ot statistical evi dence was placed on the record. Referring to the telegram from John Norris given out yesterday by the committee. George Spearman, treasur er of the St. Regis Paper Company, has requested that newspapers which printed the telegram will state that, when he was before the committee last Friday and before he had received a promise of immunity, he declared his connection with the Sparks manila and fiber pool and acknowledged his responsibility in that connection, which is a fact. He said that he had been advised by eminent counsel that the pool was legal. North Defends His Figures. Director of the Census North was the first witness today, and he ap peared to reply to a letter sent by Herman Ridder. president of the Amer ican Newspaper Publishers' Associa tion, to President Roosevelt and simul taneously given to the press. Later he accused the Director of the Census of having issued a false and mis leading series of figures regarding news print paper prices. Mr. North said that his figures were sent o Con gressman Dalzell in a private letter, after Mr. Dalzell had called upon him and told him he wanted the informa tion for a publisher in his Congres sional district. Mr. North said he told Mr. Dalzell that the census had been official figures, and in reply to a re quest from Mr. Dalzell said he was trying to get the Information from some other source. He said he got his figures from the paper trade journal. i Bidder's Prices Inaccurate. He said that Mr. Ridder ignored parts of his letter and was of the opinion that Mr. Dalzell's figures rep resented more accurately than did Mr. Kidder's figures the prices paid in the open market on the dates named by the customer, who had no special contract. The open market quota tions, he said, were a safer index to the fluctuations in the price of news print paper than private contracts. "I am informed that the figures which Mr. Ridder contrasts with mine are very Inaccurate statements of prices that prevailed at that time," said Mr. North. Supply of Wood for Paper. Gilford Pinchot, Chief Forester, told the committee that at the present rate of cutting spruce supplies would be ex hausted In New Hampshire in 25 years. Swiss Curlains Unusually attractive designs in striped and fancy effects. Full width cur tains, three yards long; finished with wide ruffle. For bedroom or cot tages these curtains are especially suitable. On sale at the following prices : grade, Cft The regular $1.50 pair ""C Wednesday at, the 3 Pr Men 's 50c Hose $1 buy your fancy Hose Wednesday. 500 pairs of pleasingly patterned fancy hose in dark striped effects or jacquard designs at one-third less than their regular values. There is a" complete run of sizes and the qualities are as good a 50c grade as there is to be had. On sale Wednesday at o D ff 35c the pair, or, special at ' 'o. yl.UU gUjvegular )aozen In the Notion Aisle Pin Sheets, containing 100 either black or white heads. 10c value, special, Writing Paper of English vellum, 50 sheets and 50 envelopes, OP worth 50c, special at OC Shelf Paper with lace edges. AH colors and a good grade; 10 yards in the piece and worth 10c each; on special sale "3 Pre Ifln Wednesday rLi lUt ESS in Vermont in 11 years, IfewYork, eight and one-half years, 'Minnesota nine years, and Maine 28 years. There were other woods, however, available for -paper-making, and he gave the committee a list of them. He thought spruce lands could be cut over again in 30 years, but this has been done within -15 years. Letters were sent by the committee to 6932 publications having a circulation of 1500 or more. Up to last Saturday night, 1191 answers had been received and these were turned over to the Census Bureau for compilation. Of that number 8R7 were sufficiently complete to enable the bureau to tabu late the information. Taking New York as an example, the tables show that on January 1, 1907, 106 papers reported that the average price was $2.45 per 100. On January 1, 1905, S5 reported the average as $2.41, Oh January 1, 1900, 56 papers Teported the average to be $2.35; January 1, 1897, 39 reported an average of $2.19; January 1, 1894, 32 papers reported $2.59, and on January 1, 1890, 16 papers reported $3.24. Regarding the removal of the tariff, 68 papers said it should be removed, 13 thought it should not be, 14 did not an swer the question and 24 were non-committal. ACTIVE SUPPGBT 13 URGED w. M. CAKE CHIDES COMMIT TEE FOB APATHY. Declares Several Republican Nomi nees Without Opponents, Have Not Shown Proper Interest. Generally encouraging reports, indi cating the probable election of the en tire Republican ticket, were made last night by the precinct committeemen at a meeting of the Republican County Central Committee at Republican head quarters in the Marquam building. Probably 80 of the 114 members of the committee attended the meeting, of which Charles E. Lockwood was chair man, in the absence of Chairman J. P. Kennedy, who was engaged in other campaign work. Among those submitting reports was W. M. Cake, state chairman, and com mitteeman from Precinct No. 29. Mr. Cake supplemented his precinct report with a criticism of the members of the committee for their apathy and appar ent lack of Interest In the pending cam paign and the success of the party's candidates. Censure was directed par ticularly against some of the Republi can nominees who are fortunate enough not to have any opponents in the gen eral election. Several of these, commented- Mr. Cake, had not so much as visited head quarters, and had done nothing toward assisting their colleagues, against some of whom the minority party was di recting a vigorous campaign. The state chairman presented the situation to the committeemen in plain terms, and declared that If they did not enter Into the fight with the same vim the opposition was exhibiting, some of the Republican candidates were in danger of defeat. Mr. Cake concluded his re marks with an urgent plea for active work on the part of each member of the committee during the remaining 10 days of the campaign, In the interest of the whole ticket- Passes Humboldt Bar. EiHEKA. Cal.. May 19. The Atlantic battleship fleet passed the Humboldt Bar, going north, at 9:30 o'clock this morning. Thousands of people lined the shore and the vessels, which steamed in as close as possible, were heartllv cheered. TAN SHOES IN ALL at 60c Tan uxiords of Russia calf, custom made. Has medium-weight extension sole, military heeL Vamp and tip have medium-size perforations; on CC ffj sale at this special price, the pair pJ.JJ grade, pair.... 98c Save Charming WA IS TS We are offerine Men's Linen Handker chiefs, made of the fa mous Richardson's Bel fast handkerchief lin en; they are llnished Elbow sleeve models In many, many patterns. Constructed from dainty sheer materials, and garnished with rich trimmings, plentifully and taste fully applied. In the decoration of these waists are used the richest and newest patterns in lace, embroidery and net. Some of the models offered have fronts trimmed with the very late Grecian embroidery, others are combinations of net and lace, still others are trimmed with linen or Venise lace. 'Tis an unusual opportunity to buy bodices of the better sort for a smaller than regular price. An abundance of sizes and designs, quite the best selection you'll find in nil Portland in short, the regular Olds, Wortman & King styles and quali ties, in lingerie bodices, for Wednes day. Values $3.50 to $11.50, re duced ONE-FOURTH Silk Petticoat Spc'ls This takes in black and all colors, all lengths, and many qualities. Have an extra silk und&rskirt;, surely you'll have ample use for it. Find a large rack filled with choicest models in all colors, GREATLY REDUCED. with y or -in. hems, h e m s t i tched and are the verv best nossihle 25c lines; fifty on sale Wednes day at this spe- "1 Q cial price, each. . C Men's Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, in hair line checks and stripes, beautiful colorings; a goodly assortment; $1 values, your CQ-. choice for JJ pins. the sheet. Says Trusts Fought There as in North. Him MUST RELY ON THE MASSES Only Hope of Democratic Success, lie Says, Is Abandonment of Re publican Methods What He Expects in Pennsylvania'. BRYAN WIN'S THREE TO ONE. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 10. To night's returns from yesterday's Democratic primaries In which dele Kates to the National convention at Denver were voted for, indicate that the candidates pledged to support W. J. Bryan for the Presidential nomination have been elected by a vote- of three to one. PHIt.ADEL.PHIA. May 19. William J. Bryan, who last nleht delivered an ad dress before the Philadelphia Peace Con ference in this city, when asked today his views concerning the outcome of the primaries held In Alabama yesterday, where he secured an apparent victory for the control of the National delega tion at the Denver Convention, said: "Alabama was claimed by the opposi tion, and while the vote is not a sur prise to me, it attracts attention because the returns answered the misrepresenta tions which have been sent out. The pri mary system enables the voters to ex press themselves. "I appreciate very much the figrht that has been made by my friends in Penn sylvania and in Alabama, for in 'Ala bama they had the steel trust to fight and in Pennsylvania they had not only the steel trust but several other trusts... "In fact, I do not know of any other state In which our people had so much to overcome as they had in Pennsyl- To Be Safe To be safe confine yourself to the use of such flavors as your experience and judgment tell you are of the purest quality. relets flavoring Extracts flavoring Vanilla Lemon Orange Rose, etc are just as they are represented to be. If not the cheapest they are the best, and no puddings, cakes, creams, or other tatte deli cacies, are spoiled by their use. BRYAN 1A Come to this store to buy your tan shoes if you would avoid disap pointment. Here sizes axe plentiful; select the style you are most pleased with and you are sure of finding your size and being PROP ERLY FITTED. This is the only shoe store in Portland having a full line of sizes in tan shoes; no ill-fitting substitute sizes offered. Thoroughly experienced shoes fitters in attendance to serve you. X127Va: Women's Dark,, XB2Vi: Women's 2-Button Oxfords Tan Oxfords, of Russia calf, in blucher cut. Have short vamp, three eyelets, new military heel and me dium extension sole; at p!aI:.the....$4.00 X125V2: Women's Dark the to lies One - Fourth, on Most vania. The vote which I received here at the recent primaries answered the misrepresentations that the Eastern pa pers had made in regard tg the senti ment in Pennsylvania and the same may be said of Alabama.' Mr. Bryan addressed the Methodist Baltimore, this General Conference in morning. Interrogated today as to his quoted statement to the effect that the Demo cratic party in this state was not likely to succeed until the leaders had aban doned Republican methods, Mr. Bryan said: My remarks did not apily to Pennsyl vania more than to same other Eastern states, where the corporations have worked through the Democratic party as well as the Republican party. Havemeyer, some years ago. testified that the sugar trust contributed money to both parties and more recent disclosures have shown 4h same thine. Just as lone as the Democratic party is under the control of predatory Inter ests our party nas no chance. our only hope in sLrenethenlni the party is to have an organization in sympathy with the voters and one which will give to the voters an assurance that their wishes will be respected and their Interests protected. We cannot hope to rival the Republican party In securing the suTTprt of the rorpor- WerC Demonstration of the Daveno in our show windows every day from 11:30 A.M. to4P.M. HI : hi if Li li tries in charmingly original designs and the newest colorings make it an easy and pleasant task to select new draperies. Expert decorative salesmen, of large Eastern expe rience are ready to give advice and offer suggestions J. G. MACK & GO. FIFTH AND STARK SIZES HERE of tan Russia- calf; made with hand turn sole, plain toe and high Cuban heel; narrow band of leather at top and cloth panels finish 2?C ff shoe ; sale price, pair. Special Wednesday Women's Ox fords in 30. styles; patent, kid or calf leathers, brown or black; many styles choose from, and val- dJO CQ tf $4.00 the pair. ations that have been control line politics. W must seure the support of the voters, of the rank and file, of the producing classes, and this cannot be done by imitation of Republican methods. DID NOT EXPECT VICTORY But Johnson Ixoks on Large Vote as a Compliment. - ST. PAUL, May 19. Governor Johnson took his defeat in Alabama cheerfully and Is quoted as saying that It was noth ing more than he expected. I was practically an unknown down there,' he said, "and had I received 40 per cent of the vote I would have looked on It as quiet a victory, and 25 per cent would have been complimentary. My friends have tried to make me believe that I would win there, and I was satis fied that I would not. They tried to make me believe that I was solid in California, but I was not so sanguine as some of my friends have been." Two choice lots in St. John for B. C. Amalgamated coal or Alaska petroleum and coal stock. Phone Main or A 24S8. rAILY arrivals of newSpring fabrics make our drapery department a delightful place to visit. New things . in cretonnes, madras, silks and tapes