Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 20, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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$1500 6-room house and large lot on Karl
et., cast of R. R.
$750 Nice lot. Central Albina, on Van
couver ave.
$louO Fine lot with- fruit tree and ber
ries; East Alder st.
$4X Quarter block, East 11th sx., close
la; easy terms.
$525o Very desirable borne, East Side;
m-eil located.
TTiew are rood buys.
Have others, both in city and small
tracts of acreage.
819 Chamber of Commerce.
Modern 11 -room house, close In, Ir
vington: house very modem, with added
conveniences; built by owner. Extra size
corner lot. hardwood floors, built-in fire
place, -extra fine woodwork. Price right;
will sell for cash. Phone mornings,
A or Main 3126.
A VERY sightly residence lot; cement walk,
curbed, and Bull Run water; all paid for;
building' restrictions: good car service, 15
minutes out; price $500. We will sell on
easy terms.
Call on us.
714 Couch Building.
10O 4th St.. near Washington.
A STRICTLY modern, T-room house on Port
land Heights. 2 blocks from car; built of
cement blocks, and nearly new ; only
$4800; terms.
Call on us
714 Couch Building.
106 4th st., near Washington.
10-acre hornet; deep black, soil ; runn I ng
water; on railroad1 and two electric lines;
school on tract. Many sold. Just as good
left. See them any day; $70 to $150 per
acre. Good terms.
Cheapest and best offered.
263 Stark, room 12.
191 4th St.
Corner lot, 137x157; very modern 7
room house; best avenue in the city; ex
cellent terms.
R21 Corbett Bldg.
Six-room new shingled bungalow, just
finished; this house is worth $3000; our
Vrtce, $2200; $200 cash, balance $20 per
month; block from car. Key at our
office. Bollam, Grusst A Higley. 128
3d St.
GOOD house, barn, ot 80x125, high, dry,
gently sloping; grass, shade, roses, mag
nificent trees loaded with chorries, apples,
splendid neighborhood; Improved streets,
electric-lighted; near carline, schools,
good stores: $2500; terms. Owner, 205
Mlsner St., Montavllla. Tabor 271.
100x100 AND 8 -room house. hardwood
floors, high-class plumbing, thoroughly
modern, ciose in. bin sc., i-touaaay
Add.; price much less than actual value.
100x100 and 7-room modern house,
beautiful grounds, choice location, E.
Madison St.; price very low.
W. O. WADDEL. 309 I.umhflp EzchaneA.
Hot-water heat. 2 bathrooms, built 4
' years, new carpets, lace curtains, steel
range goes with It; third cash.
LAMUNT HAKKIM, 303-4 SWetiana DlOg.
A very choice lot, less than 2 blocks
from carline; will make very liberal
217 Ablngton bldg.
A COZY home for $2500; 6 rooms, modern,
full lot 6Oxl00, kinds fruit and roses,
garden ; 761 Kerby. bet. Fremont and
Beach; furniture and house, $2750; without
furniture, $2600; terms. Cameron A Cable.
338 Chamber Commerce.
100x100. 8 blocks N. E. Steel bridge;
$4760; $2750 down; no agents. Fine loca
tion, nothing better. Owner, L 928, car
' BTRICTLY up-to-date residence. 7 nice
rooms, besides hall, pantry and bathroom;
In desirable East Side district. Can be
Rothchlld bldg.
BY OWNER, 4 lots on Dwlght St., near Willis
boulevard; 1 lot In South St. John, 1 block
from car; 1 lot In North St. John. All fine
residence lots. Call bet. 5:15 and 0 P. M.
253 Wash. st. Room 25.
FOR SALE $3000 New five-room bunga
low; modem, newly furnished; two blocks
from carline; $1000 cash, balance month
ly payments if desired.
337-839 Chamber of Commerce.
14 BLOCK FOR $17R0.
Close in, good locality, fine elevation,
macadamised street, cement walk, sewer,
improvements all In. paid: best car serv
ice. Call mornings. Hellman A La
th rop, 210 Abington bldg.
What you pay the rent man, added to
what you pay on that lot, will buy a
home In a few years. See Butterworth,
"the Bungalow Man," 317 Abington bldg.
Main 8520.
REAL ESTATE men with a clientele of
small inventors will find it profitable to
call on the Standard Trust Company,
Chamber of Commerce bldg., 263-67 Stark
$6U00 Sox 100, in business district of Lower
Alhtna, and new modern 6-room house;
room for other improvements.
W. O. WADDEL, 309 Lumber Exchange.
NEW 6-rootn house and barn, near Alberta
carline; best buy in dty for $N00; half
cash, balance monthly payments. B. S.
Cook & Co.. 60S Corbett bldg.
! LOT 36x100. . East 7th. near Broadway; suit
able home site; walking distance to West
Side by Steel bridge; $1126. Culver, 623
Chamber of Commerce.
Three lots, corner Kll llngsworth and
Hatght ave. ; owner. Address B. 202
Clay st. Mean business.
LOTS on small monthly payments; good In
vestments stocks; house for $825 and up.
Address P. G. Herner. Belmont and E,
3Sth. Phone R 2389.
FOUR houses on tract In residence district,
paying good interest on $10,h); $9tX takes
it; dealing direct with owner. R 4)63, Ore
gonlan. tine location. East Salmon sr.. west of
2JMh st.; must sell; $2900; terms. Owner
362 Park.
OWNER needs money, offers beautiful mod
ern 0-room hcuse and full lot near Pied
mont carbarns at sacrifice. Particulars
l-otf Rothohlld bldg.
Oregon City carline. C. W. Rlsler,
owner, Risleys Station. P. O. Milwaukie.
TWO of best located lots In Belle Crest
overlooking "Country Club grounds; owner
leaving city, rnone iasi 4172.
FOR SALE 2 new 6-room modern cottaaes.
full lot. $iSOO; terms to suit buyer. Call
HIO Tolman ave.. on feiiwoofl carline.
$25 CASH and $26 monthly will buy you a
home; stop the rent habit; see us. State
Land Co.. I3.i i st.
ACHE, close to Mt. Scott car. only $12."0
well worth S-OOO. Corns and see it. 325
Lumber Exchange.
7 -ROOM house, acre, fruit, berries, good
barn; only $2500; worth much more. Call
325 I -Aim be r Kxcftan.
SAO R I FICW sale, corner, walking distance
,.f.ffi,.a nnlv XT4H) nrt arnfa Tulr Rn
FOR SVAI-EJ 7-room modern bungaJow; nice
location! $2700; terms. Owner. Phone
ooaiawn lv (1 roreouuia.
$2400 New 8-room modern bungalows, $.100,
$20 monthly. Ease 44th, near Hawthorae.
lr. DuxUng.
L A R E. new colonial 8-room house. $400,
$500, 2S mommy, wner, woodlawn itp.
6NAP Modern 6-room house, nice lawn, neai
car; $ioo. u 3. car uregoman.
LOT on East 13th. near Alberta; also cot
tage on Li canine, y none owner, u J4's.
FOR SA1.E By owner, 6-room bouse, lot
35x70. 310 (Jferutners St.
$4000 NICE 8-room bouse for sale by
owner, in irvingiun. (.an n inn s.
A GBN'UINB snap; $3000, quick sale, buys
6 seres 2 miles out; comfortable house, 142
fruit trees, bearing; 340 trees 1 year old;
strawberries. J. w. vweanck. Hood River.
FARMS, orchards, timber, acre tracts, choice
homesteads, vacant lota and houses; our
1 sts are full of snaps. Swvdash Land
Immigration Co., 911 Worcester bids;.
40 acres, 23 acres under cultivation, bal
ance slashed, burned and seeded: place
fenced and cross-fenced; four (4) room
bouse, barn 6uxHm. chicken-house, hog house
and all other necessary outbuildings, fam
ily orchard of assorted fruits, living stream
and good well, two old horse, wagon,
buggy, harness, 8 cows, 2 heifers, hogs and
chickens, plows, harrow, cultivator, mower,
rake, cream separator, etc.; nine (.9) miles
from Vancouver, 2 miles from country
town, church, stores, etc., 1 miles from
school. Owner has good reason for selling.
See this place before buying. Price $2700.
HO acres 9 miles from this city; 2
miles from country town, li miles from
school, 20 acres under cultivation and crop,
place all fenced, four 4) room frame houfe,
barn 44x&0, and all other necessary out
buildings, small family orchard, good well
and living stream, 12 cows. 2 heifers. 13
pigs, 2 brood sows, 3 horses. 50 chickens,
wagon,, buggy. harness, plow, harrow,
cream separator, hay 'fork and cable and
all household furniture, potatoes, hay, feed
and all croos. Price $3S"X.
20 acres. 8 miles from this city. 15 acres
under cultivation and crop, four (4) room
house, barn 36x50, woodshed, etc., 24
acres strawberries, fine family orchard of
assorted fruits, rural free delivery and
telephone line by the house, mile from
church and school, 1 miles from railroad
town, excellent neighborhood and a good
buy. Price $2500; $1600 cash, balance to
suit purchaser.
219 acres, 7 miles from this city, 90
acres prune orchard, in full bearing, baiance
all cleared but 70 acres, fine fruit dryer
and ranch buildings, well watered by springs
and stream. This Is absolutely the best
bur in Clark County today. , Price for a
short time only $22,500. -
12 acres. 3 miles from this city on gravel
road, 11 acres under high state of cultiva
tion, good four 4 room plastered house,
brick, smoke-house, fine barn and other out
buildings, mile from graded school, rural
free delivery and telephone. Price $3S.
If you are looking for a good home, see
See our list before buying. We can suit
you and save you money.
Citizens Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash.
This is a great bargain; 105 acres, 10
mites from Vancouver, 1 miles from
railroad and town. 50 acres in cultivation;
most all crops in; 25 acres beaverdam
and rich swale, running creek. 7-room
painted farmhouse, mllkhouse, large
barn and all good outbuildings: good old
orchard and new one. Also Included. 21
hogs. 30 chickens. 9 cows, 9 yearlings. ,3
calves, 7 sheep. 8 lambs. 3 horses, har
ness and wagons, plows, incubator, mow-ine-
machine, rake, and all tools and cul-
. tivators. Some timber, and no stone or
gravel on the farm. Soli cannot oe
equaled. Will make a superb stock, dairy
or onion farm. Price 5000; $1600. bal
ance easv. Or will take $500 cash and
$2500 cash basis in improved city prop
ert v. tho remainder easy terms.
Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Wash.
72. 2K acres situated In the famous
Logan VaMev, all clear except 3 acres in
'timber; good house, barn and a lot of
other buildings; on good road; rural de
livery daily: daily cream route; telephone
in house; large orchard, variety of fruit;
5 acres of potatoes, balance In grain and
hay; personal property; 1 registered Jer
sey bull. 10 cows, 5 0 them registered
Jerseys. 20 hogs, 3 horses. 2 sets of heavy
harness. 1 set single harness, buggy, hack,
farm wagon, new mower, rake, cultivator,
2 plows, 2 harrows, drill, hand seeder,
cream separator, all dairy utensils, 2
stands of bees, a lot of small tools; price
for all, $7600 if sold soon; terms can be
183 y First St.v
$2500 for a nice 10-acre tract witn gooa
buildings; all the stock and machinery,
near Clackamas, handy to Portland.
$4300 for a beautiful 40-acre farm in
driving distance, first-class soil, fine or-
chard, all the stock, crop, machinery and
furniture go with place; when you see
it you take it quick.
$20 per acre for 642 acren of very good
land, running water, ideal for dairying
or any kind of farming. This will be sacri
ficed to settle an estates
For good farms of any hind or size id
Oregon see.
F. FUCHS. 22114 Morrison st.
FOR sale or exchange, farm 454 acres; 200
in crop; balance hay and pasture; 8-room
house; stock barn 45x90: four hay barns;
water piped to - house and barn: running
stream; 1 mile from R. R. station; fam
ily orchard; soil the very best; will take
house in Portland for part; some cash
and terms on balance; price, including
stock, crops and machinery, $ 16,000. Ad
dress V 949, Oregonlan.
WE have a fine ranch, overlooking the Co
lumbia River, ana only miles from
Portland, consisting of a good modern
9-room house; hot and cold water, gas;
good barn, chicken house, fruit evap
orator; owner cleared net $2."i00 on the
place last year and wilt furnish tenant
who will lease the place for 2 years at a
rental of $000 per annum. Price of place
only $8000. See- Porter & French. 607
Commercial bldg.
Offers th beet, dairying, timber and mill
ing opportunities In Oregon. Call or write
frr map and booklet.
603 Corbett bldg.. 5th and Morrison eta.
Portland, Or.
OREGON Electric Railway 10 acres 400 ft.
rrom Muitnoman station; ahi per acre;
23 acres 600 ft. from Durham Station. $175
per acre ; 7 A acres adjacent to carline. 10
miles out, $150. per acre; 10-acre tracts
2 minutes walk Yrom Tonquin Station, $125
per acre; terms to suit purchaser. J. Run
ning, 426 Failing bldg. Main 4481.
160 acres of fine Summer grazing land
on easy terms: just the chance for some
Willamette Valley farmer who would like
to take his stock off for the Summer; all
fenced; price $10 per acre, on easy terms.
Frank E. Blair, Fall Creek, Or.
FIFTEEN THOUSAND buys 21 acres, five
miles out; 16 acres full bearing, also
young orchard; close to school and church;
Willamette Valley farm might be taken
la exchange.
Hood River, Or.
One of the best alfalfa and stock ranches
in the Ktfttn 600 acres in alfalfa: an abund
ance of water for irrigation purposes and
plenty of sheep range; 9000 sheep; must be
sold at once. Inquire of the owner, James
Smith, Burnt itancn, wneeier Jouniy, ur.
I WANT to talk with you before you buy
that farm; I know that I can satisfy you
in both size, quality and price; let me
tell you about them, and then go with
me and see for yourself; I can show you
tome fine placea. George Turner. 415-16
Rothohild bldg.. 287 V4 wasnington st.
SO ACRES, 5 in cultivation and fenced, some
timoer, gooa wen ana running wawr;
room house and outbuildings, horse, buegy.
cow. 3 hogs, 18 chickens, tools, household
furnishings; 1 mile to school; good soil;
$1300. 3; to Lumber Exchange blag. ,
FINE fruit land, acreage and terms to suit.
at foot Mount Scott on South; Macadam
road: mostly hlKhlv cultivated: balance fine
timber; running water. Inquire room 44)5
Abington bhlg., or owner. seen ten, cor.
6th ana staru. 1 ne yueue.
48f ACRES as good cherry, peach arid grape
land as there is in Oregon, six miles from
The Dalles; in fine shape to cut into
small tracts; 350 acres now in cultiva
tion, ready to be set to fruit; $14,400 on
easy terms. J. A. Douthlt. The Dalles. Or.
720 ACRES. 20O level- black bottom farm
land ; 30 acres in orchard ; good farm
buildings: 2 miles from railroad; unlim
ited out-rnaige; price $10,000; will trade
for Portland property. Phone Wood
lawn 1799.
FARM SNAP 150 acres. 2 miles of North
Yamhill. 140 acres improved. 1O0 acres In
crop, fenced and cross-fenced, good house
and barn. $60 per acre; terms. F. Dietz
mann, 51 4 3d sL
75 ACRRS. partly improved, 6-room house,
large- barn, ;t0 acres timber. 7 miles from
Vancouver. L. A. Miller, Vancouver, Wash.
Manor route.
WE have a buyer for an 8-room modern
house with fractional lot, not to exceed
$ri000. between 3d. 10th. Mill and Grant sts. :
if you have such a house for sale, let us
250 Alder st.
WANTED Information regarding a good
house and lot for sale, in or within 25
miles of Portland. Prefer dealing with
owner onW; state price, "location and give
"full description. Address L Darbyshire,
Box 6084, Rochester, N. Y.
WE have several waiting for property in
Sunnystde, South Portland. Albina and
Irvington. What have you ?
Room 6. 250 Alder st.
WANT to buy 7-room bouse west of 23d and
soufth of Pettvgrove in Nob Hill; $N0 down,
balance $50 per month. A D 952. Orego
nlan. MODERN house and 3 lots, in North or
South Portland; must be a bargain. Phone
Main 1976. -
WANTED, from owner. 6 Or 7-room. up-to-date
house in good neighborhood, for
$2800 cash, A C 952. Oregonlan.
AM looking for a good tract of about 50.-
wu.uou to iw.roo.ow reet or iimner.
details and map. showing how timber Is
located. Address E 967. Oregonlan.
WANTED Bargain in timber lands, single
quarters up to tuuu acres, v uregoman.
TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. McCrVcken.
S04 McKay bldg.
WILL exchange for a good farm, Willamette
vaiiey preierrea. a country store, near
Portland, doing business of $1000 per month.
Including 2-story store building, house and
barn, fruit and potato house, butter house,
chicken house. 1 acres of land, 2 horses
2 wagons, double-seated hack and buggy,
stock of general merchandise; invoice be
tween $:t&tK and $4tXJ0; total value $7000.
What have you. and where?
JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 th St.
160 A CKES logged-off land in Emg! ish rye
grass ana cover; living water, nns ior
dairy, fruit, nuts or mixed farming; some
timber; in coal belt, nearby nllnee. 2.5
per cent per ton royalty reserved; two miles
easterly from the thriving town of Castle
Rock. Wash.; price Is &1500; would trade
and pay cash difference on dwelling or
other- Portland property worth $4600.
B. W. POWELL, 761 Michigan ave.
Have 80 acres fruit land under Umatilla
project: over $1,000,000 already soent by
the United States -Government; owner go
ing to Portland account business; will sell
for $2000; 10-year payments at 6 per cent
Interest or exchange for Portland property.
Address A. C. Crawford. East 2d St.. Her
m is ton, Or.
NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery goods.
machinery, tools fixtures, shop, store duiio
ing and lot; will trade for small ranch
and some cash or will take other small
profits and some cash, or will sell halt
cash, balance on time to suit; in one of
best farming sections in Willamette Valley;
reason for selling, my eyes are failing
me. F 885. Oregonlan.
WILL TRAJE 80-acre farm with growing
orop. falr house, large barn, bearing ramny
orchard, living water and some heavy acces
sible saw timber, within 6 miles of "rail
way station. 18 miles out of Portland, for
city or suburban real estate or $2500. Port
land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st.
A GOOD 5-room house, 2 lots, 100x140, In
Boulder, Colo., a town of over 10,000; good
location; to exchange for Oregon property
or good rooming-house preferred P. C.
La seen & Co., 294 3d st., Portland. Or.
WANTED Gentle. sound 1200 to 1300-lb.
horse, wagon, harness; have city lots to
trade for the same; all paid for. Cable,
room 338 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main
FARM of 30 acree; another of 80 acres;
either to exchange for hous and lot or
business In Portland; value $2500. For par
ticulars call 325 Lumber Exchange.
EXCHANGE improved Eastern Oregon
wheat land for house and lot In or about
Portland. J. D. Swank & Co., room 8,
SSx Third st.
EXCHA NGE OR SALE Paying general
store; best coast resort in Oregon; 10,000
visitors last year; $3000. P. O. Box 182,
Newport, Or.
WANTED Farm near Vancouver, in ex
change for Portland house andTlots: hurry.
' Angeles Exchange, 518 Commonwealth
bldg., 6tb and Ankeny.
FOR SALE Or exchange for house and
lot. of lot, a good 6-room house with shade
trees and barn; the lot is 83x120; price is
FOR SALE or exchange, 8-room plastered
house and quarter block, In Hood River.
State Land Co., 133 1st st.
MODERN house to exchange for vacant
lots. L. Alnsworth Smith, 411 Buchanan
bldg., 2864 Washington st.
FOR SALE Or trade, grocery stock; in
voice about $3200; what have you? Ad
dress W 914. Oregonlan.
TWO choice lots in St. Jom for B. C. Amal
gamated Coal or Alaska Petroleum & Coal
stock. Phone Main or A 248. ,
IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see
Stevenson & Taylor. 311 Buchanan, 283i
BUY, sell, exchange. Swank & Co., room 8,
884 3d. Pacific 1756.
WILL trade for what 700 have. Qua Smith.
411 Buchanan bldg.
TWO homesteads adjolnin-g; will cut each
3,000,000 feet No. 1 saw timber; close to
good stream of water. 1 mile from rail
road: price $250
One timber claim, 5,000.000 feet or over
No. 1 saw timber, mostly yellow fir;
price $550.
1016 Williams ave. Phona Woodlawn 1871.
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattla.
829 Chamber of Commerce,
9.000.000 claim in Sileta territory.
Price $1500. If you want a homestead,
this is your chance. A. W. Nelson &
Co., Lafayette bldg., corner 6th and
low fir at a snap; party must sell quick.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
FOR SALE 160 acres good timber; deeded
lann, title clear; win cruue $4.wo,uoo feet;
three miles from Chinook. Wash., near
North Bank R. R. extension. What am I
offered? Terms cash. B 853, Oregon ian.
WE are constantly acquiring tine tracts of
timber for sals and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises or all kinds. Phone
Main 4486. Kinney & Stamp her. 531-32
mmoer uxenange Diag.
TIMBER lands, sawmills, large ranches, ho
telsbargains in small tracts. A. 962,
CHOICE homesteads in Oregon : we locate
you. Silver Lake Land Co., 721 Maxquam
Diug., roninna, ur.
Government locations. 827 Worcester blk.
320 ACRES good timber land,- $3500 price.
AURta Lewis, tiueen, lbi.
Fine ch Icken ra nch. ai k In d of fnrit
spring of fine water: will rent to man or
man and wife without children ; references
exchanged; $10 per month. Call
521 Corbett bldg.
40-ACRE ranch. Call at 132 5th
owner between 11 and 1 o'clock.
slorses. Vehicles and Harness.
$330 BUYS chunky bay team. 8 and 9 years;
weight 3950 lbs.; and double harness. $2S5.
pair of bay horses, 6 and 7 years; weight
2400 lbs., and harness; $25 a chunky
team. 8 and 9 years; weight 2500 lbs., and
harness; also double struck and express
wagon and wagon gear; can bo seen at
Dexter Stables, 45 4th st.
$325 BUYS a well-matched black driving
team, full brothers. 6 and 7 years; weight
21-"K) lbs., and fine rubber-mounted har
ness; thoroughly city broke; also rubber
tired pole buggy; cheap. Can be seen at
Dexter Stables. 45 4th st. '
$85 BUYS handsome roan mare with black
mane asid tall. 6 years; weight 1000 lbs.;
kind for lady to ride or drive. Call at
Dexter Stables, 45 4th st.
$135 BUYS handsome bay mare, a years;
weight 1000 lbs,; harness and rubber-tired
runabout: kind for lady to ride or drive;
can be seen at Dexter Stables. 45 4th st.
FOR SALE 23 bead of sound, well broke
horses from 900 to 1200 pounds; also
some good saddlers. 1S2 East S4th.
Phone Tabor 1112.
FOR SALE 1 double team, harness, wagon
and top. $500, if taken at once. A C 953,
SPAN of mules. 5 and 6. sound and good
travelers. Address Walter Wilson. Clack
amas. Or.
GOOD team, weight 1400; also harness and
wagon. Snap. 1716 E. 11th St., Sell
wood. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HORSES for sale W. J. Kelly. Overland
Stables 5th ana GHsan.
AUTOMOBILE, t 12 horsepower, holding 5
people. Price low; cash or real estate.
O 960. Onegonian.
FOR SAIB $72.50 EJlers piano certificate for
$10. A B 955, Oregonlan.
EJLERS piano certificate. $77.50. cheap for
can, or win trao ror somecning- equal
value. R. H. Hedlund, 92 3d st.
INTENTrNG purchasers of piano For sale
House. A B 952. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE First-class piano, comparatively
new; terms; price reasonable, rnone Main
M iftcellaneoas.
To visit our place before- you order your
stovf s. furniture, carpets, because we carry
a full line of new and as good as 'new
stoves, carpets and all sorts of furniture, of
which we can satisfy the taste of everyone.
People's Auction House. 167 Front st.,,near
Morrison. Telephone Main 5670.
MY business calls me away from city, must
sen my tuny equipped orrice; mgn-ciass
furniture, good location; will sacrifice for
quick sale. Particulars at 206 Rothchlld
bldg. .
FOR BALE New and second-band billiard)
and 'pool tables: easy payments; w rent
tables, with privilege of buying: mod era
bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balks-Collender.
49 Third st.
6XME pieces of furniture to sell; 2 chamber
sets, aining tatie, chairs, retrigerator, gas
range, couch, center table. des4c, suitable
for office, some carpets. 106 Union ave.
FOR SALE Dentist business In first-class
town, paying $150 to $225 monthly; busi
ness increasing; good reason for selling.
Address Box 3. Ashland. Or.
GASOLINE, launch. 31 feet, canopy top. 15
n. f. 4-cyiinaer engine. Dress nnisnings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
boathouse. W 753, Oregonlan,
HOMER PIGEONS In first-class condition
ai 91 per pair; matin gs guaranteed. A.
Waldwick, Rout 3, Box 73, Tacoma,
FOR SALE One good glass wall case, also
snow case to match. people s Auction
House. 167 Front at. Phone Main 5670.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
Dougni, moid ana exenangea. r. winters 19
Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
$60 CERTIFICATE on lot In beautiful Waver-
leign ior sid; gooa tin May 25. Address
A B 953, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle ; been ru n
1 ess rjian iw miles; bargain . A c 960,
VERY stylish reception gown, never worn;
mecium size; cost $00; will sell for $15.
Phone East 828.
MOTION PICTURES, machines, sdng slides,
supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman,
293 Burnalde.
Moving-picture exchange Machines, sup-
GOOD secondhand Hall safe at bargain. Ad
dress Y 908, Oregonlan.
FOR BALE Railroad ticket, stopover, to
Chicago, cheap. Address Y 955. Oregonlan.
10,000 POSITIOrio.
For graduates last year; men aad women
to learn barber trade In eight week; help
to secure positions; graduates earn from.
$13 to $25 weekly; expert instructor, tools
free; writs tor catalogue. Moler System of
Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland. Or.
KEEP your Job, dmble your wages; sell
our monthly payment sickness and acci
dent policies on the side; experience un
necessary; others do this; you can; write.
North American Accident Co., Epler
Block. Seattle. District agents wanted.
WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales
men: liberal terms; excellent territory; out
fit furnished free; a good opening. For
particulars address with references, Ore
gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones, Main and A 1526.
Help Free to Employers.
WANTED Must be up to date in middle-class
trade and able to take charge of
department; $Su.
402. 403. 404. 405 Swetland Bldg.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying; day and. night: ho
books; positions secured; free catalogue.
Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 8th
st., San Francisco, 0
vestment carrying 15 per cent interest;
principal and 6 per cent guaranteed.
Splendid op'portunltw, city work. X 921,
WANTED Young man for bookkeeper in a
new corporation; must be able to Invest
$1000; splendid chance for bright young
man; must be honest and furnish reference.
A B 951, Oregon ian.
MOVING picture mach tne operators earn
$25 to $35 weekly. Will teach you the busi
ness in a short time. Lessons reasonable.
Positions secured. Newman's, 293 Burn
side. GOOD cook and his wife at once for" boarding-house
on ranch ; steady work, good
wages. Address B. S. & L. Co.. Haycreek,
Or., stating experience and references.
WANTED A first-class sash and door man;
steady work, good wages; but must be
first-class. Address Wail a Walla Lumber
Company, Walla Walla, Wash.
WANTEE A manager to handle business
of a corporation; must be able to invest
$lfi00; can make $300 month; must furnish
reference. A B 950, Oregonlan
GOOD MAN to take cash in A-l restaurant;
must have $550 to buy H Interest; owner
will insure $50 per day business. Call at
4 N. 6th.
M'AN with small -capital can earn from $10
to $100 daily in the motion picture theater
business. Full particulars given. Call at
2S3 Burnside.
LEARN watehmaKlnx, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured: money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED At once, single young roan to
travel and learn good paying business;
references. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room
1, The Mercedes, 20th. and Wash.
GERMAN to solicit subscriptions German
Catholic magazine and newspaper; com
' mission. Benedictine Press. 603 Good
nough bldg.
TEN men who think they can sell real es
tate; good opportunity for a bustler. See
W. R. Howard, the real estate roan, 110
2d st.
TWO solicitors, capable of handling financial
nronosition ; experienced men only need an-
ply ; good proposition to right men. 303
swetiana blag
WANTED Young man as sates manager
must furnish $10O cash bond. Call at Ro
tary Mfg. Co., 11 A. M.. 320-32T Corbett
WANTED Man with small capital, for half
interest in Kood-paylna- business; invest i
gate. 51S Commonwealth bldg., 6th and
WANTED Middle-aged man for general
work; must run automobile. Y 958, Ore
WANTED Young man. competent to take
charge of shoe department. inquire to
day Bannon & Co.. 388-390 E. Morrison.
For Men 250 Burnvlde Street.
Phone Main 5094.
YOUNG man wanted at once to learn barber
business; wages xiu to ia week to begin.
181 Morrison st.
$200 BUYS Vz interest !n real estate busl-
WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and
sales men, all lines. Commercial Abstract
Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg.
DRY GOOD? and furniture salesman; book
keeper and stenographer. 323 H Wash.
P. A. ft C. CO. -
WANTED A good all-round planing mill
man; a good steady Job for a good man.
Address Albany Planing Mill, Albany, Or.
HARNESSMAKER to work on light work;
onlv first-class mechanic need apply. 129
1st st.
WANTED Boy with wheel. Apply H. C.
Browne A Co.. Yamhill and West Park sts.
WANTED Men to dear land near city; good
job. stump-puller. 555 Kearney st.
YOUNG MAN wanted with some experience
tailoring. 262 Yamhill St.. call at once.
WANTED Upholsterer and couch maker.
J. H. Woltring. 348 1st st.
DISHWASHER for. coffee house and restau
ran t. 347 Morrison st.
WE SECURE positions for our members; spe
cial membership. Y. M. C. A.
BARBER wanted; steady job. 250 1st st.
We make a specialty of placing only
competent executive; technical, clerical
men and salesmen with firms needing them.
We And. owing to the shortness of the
supply of really experienced men we are
unable to fill fully 50 per cent of the po
sitions listed with us daily. If you are
an experienced man in your line. call,
but If. on the other band, you have no
particular experience.
402. 403. 404. 405 Swetland bldg. ,
WANTED 2 sash and door machine men. $3
up; 2 stock cutters. $2.75; tenoner. $3: 2
door stlckermen. $2.50 and $2.75; mortiser,
$2.25; mill tallyman. $2.75. straight time.
We also want several mill and yardmen,
restaurant cooks, teamsters, laborers, etc.
Large list of new work every day.
12 North 2d St. Both Phones.
GIRLS, 16 years and over, to work In fac
tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-NeviUe
Co., 5th and Davis sts.
WANTED Three waitresses, city, good
wages; chambermaid, city, good wages;
several other positions too numerous to men
tion here.
If you want work or hlp, call on us.
Ladies' Department. 205 1 Morrison St.
CHAMBERMAID. Summer resort, $30; 2
waitresses, same country notei, :: a
cooks, country, $50, $40; 2 cooks, city,
$40 and $12 a week. Dishwashers, kitchen
neip. nouse gins, ram 11 y cooks, aeconu
girls, others.
Good placea
New Places.
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
wanted in silks, shoes, underwear, fancy
work, corsets, etc.
$43 H Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upstair.
Phones. Main and A 2G02
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Woman or girl to do chamber-
hotel. Phone Main 3554 or call 232
YOUNG lady to demonstrate toilet prepar-
n tlr.n. A v- n .( m uti t fnr0 Mil fit hHVH
clear complexion and be fluent talker;
good salary. 235 Pine st.
WANTED A middle-aged weman as com
panion to elderly lady few hours eacn
day. Call between 10 and 12, mornings,
room 12, Elton Court.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, v lavi t;o-. ouv ttoiu
ehlld bldg., 4th and (Washington.
Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison BU
Phones Main 1062 A 1406.
843)4 Washington st., comer 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
BRIGHT, active, mature woman for assistant
manager; permanent it satistaciory ; gie
phone. A D 054, Oregonian.
CATHOLIC ladies to solicit among their
friendB for subscriptions Catholic maga
zine; commission. 603 Goodnough bldg.
GIRLS WANTED To make berry baskets.
Call at Oregon .Box ana Manuiacturing
Co. Take Fulton car.
WANTED Experienced salesladies and bun
dle wrappers. inquire toaay. uannon
& Co., 888-390 E. Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED cook; good wages to com
petent perwn; references required. Tele
phone Pacific 3010.
WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap
ply 101 N. 23d st before n a. m. ana
after 8 P. M-
MARRIED couple, (farm) $45; waitresses,
city. Heppnftr; cooks, chamber, family help;
milkers. "Drake's," 2o5 Washington.
WANTED Bright, neat girl, to clerk in
cigar and fruit store; state age, experience,
references; salary $7. V 960, Oregonian.
hill: gooa neip ana situations oz an
kinds. Main 5413.
CHORUS girls wanted. Apply Star Theater,
stage door, between 10 :30 and 12 A. M.
today and Thursday.
WOMAN to assist with general housework;
no washing; salary $5 per week; call at
360 13th st.
NEAT, quick waitress wanted at Stein's
Restaurant. 2664 Stark. No Sunday
WANTED Girl for general housework: small
family. 684 E. Taylor. Phone East 5988,
B 2440.
COMPETENT woman to cook and do gen
eral housework; small family; Portland
Heights. A 961, Oregonlam
rnMPRTRXT. reliable KiH for general
housework; good pay to proper party. 689
eEaat Ankeny.
GIRL to care- for child 2 years old, some
second work; references. 393 West Park
GIRL for general housework; must know
how to cook; family of -three. Call 674
Johnson, corner 21st.
GIRL for general' housework; small fam
ily. 107 N. 16th st. uait net. iu ana 3
GIRL for general housework: must be good
cook; 5 adults In family; $25. Main 4152.
COMPETENT girl, general housework;
small family; call mornings. 215 N 25th.
BOOKKEEPING-i-Prlvate lessons, $4 per
month. Phones Pacinc U4B, A. 4U4ti.
WANTED Competent woman to cook; with
references. Apply 60 3 jonnson st.
GJRL to do general housework; sleep at
home. TOO Kearney st.
A COMPETENT woman to do general house
work. 1644 Keimont St. raoor ..
WANTED Girl to assist' housekeeper; light
work. Apply lore noons, im iiuamooK sx.
GIRL for second work. Apply mornings,
236 King st. .fnone f.uain 011
frth. cor. Aiaer. rnone a aoov.
A GOOD Investment for business woman
with $300. 133H 5th. room 6. .
YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the
barber's trade. 12 N. 4th st.
GOOD girl for general housework. 791 Over
ton st. Phone A 5082.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; family of three. 128 14th st.
GIRL for general housework. 425 Tilla
mook. Phones East 1771, C 1416.
GIRL to help with general housework. Main
2416 or call 3 North 7th st.
GIRL wanted for general housework; good
wages. Call 58 Ella st.
GIRL to assist with light housework. No. 29
North 9th st.
GIRL wanted, to assist with housework. 104
N. 17th, cor. Kearney.
GIRL wanted for gents' tailoring. 568
Savier st.
A GOOD reliable girl for housework. Phone
East 1511.
W"ANTe"d Restaurant cook. 363 Morrison.
8000 MEN. women and children wanted to
pick strawberries in Hood River Valley.
The season will begin about the 18th of
May. Pickers and packers will be required to
furnish their own camp outfit. Growers will
haul them to and from the depot. Wood
furnished and plenty oC good water. Also
good camping grounds. Your letter will
be handed to a grower to answer, thus
enabling you to make direct arrangements
and be met at the train or coat. Be suss
and get a round-trip ticket. It Is cheaper.
For further particulars address the Hood
River Fruit Growers' Uulon. E H. Shep
ard. manager. Hood River, Or.
STENOGRAPHERS should take our special
drills night school, for better salaries.
Business University, Worcester block.
Bookkeepers aad Clarka.
POSITION wanted by bookkeeper, experienced
and capable of taking entire charge of
small office: no objection to leaving cHty.
X 925, Oregonlan.
WA KTBD Position as bookkeeper and gen
eral office work in lumber office; elg-ht
years' exjarience. A C 959, Oregonian.
'Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position with reliable firm or in
dividual, by a strictly temperate, up-to-date
young business man; have a general
knowledge of business and Its methods.
Address W. Mart hello. General Delivery,
YOU NG man wi shes pos It Ion as travel 1 n g
salesman: three years' experience selling
grocery specialties; acquainted with Port
land and Oregon territory. S 961, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man wishes position as collector; 18
months experience as collector for locat
wholesale grocery house. O 959. Ore
gonlan. POSITION wanted by a reliable young busi
ness man familiar with general business
and it methods: up-to-date, yet strictly
temperate. T 958. Oregonlan.
Mi seel la neons.
EXPERIENCED traveling man, owning his
own team, wants to connect with a good
house who would like to have every eff
rallroad town within a rani vis of lOO miles
of Portland covered ; prefer a notion or
dry goods house. 8 962. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, competent, desires position;
will change location or travel; can make
all ordinary repairs; expect good salary;
references as to character, reliability and
experience furnished upon request. A 960,
BOY 18 wishes piece to travel ; willing to do
anytmng rrom rnvate secretary to ousin-ss
-man to caretaki r on cattle train; can Rive
references if desired. A D 958. Oregorian.
DOES your roof feak? Old roofs painted
arwl repaired; good work; right prices,
Scott A Smith. 191 Ivy st. Phone Wood
lawn 1613.
OUT31DBJ position, 7 years' road and office
experience; totaa juaostainer; can proouce re
sults; references, A D 959, Oregonian.
COOK, hotel, restaurant, boarding-house.
F. McC.. Rhelnpfalx Hotel, room 97.
MARRIED man wishes position as manager
of ranch; experienced with stock and rrult;
highest references. P 958, Oregonlan.
HONEST Japanese man wishes position at
any Kina housework in ramiiy or notei.
George, 482 Washington St., Portland.
COMPETENT moving-picture operator desires
sires position; is all-around electrician. T
057, Oregonian.
ALL AROUND fireman and engineering,
. steady and sober, wants position. A C 955,
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
lemaie. Z4H toucn st. none juain bozl.
FRENCH coachman and trardener; best of re
ferences. A B, 959, Oregonian.
YOUNG man aged IS desires position wbere
trade can be learned. A C 967, Oregon-Ian.
WANTED A position at Fairbanks, Alaska,
dj m pntcuvsk miner. a. rrnuiiiu.
JOB compositor, first-class workman, de-
errcATioN wanted female.
Bookkeepers and StenogTapbera.
BOOKKEEPER, very competent, and steno
grapher; $12 per week to begin where there
is chance to advance. A C 962, Oregonlan.
YOUNG LADY stenographer desires position
for practice; several years experience, but
am out of practice. W 959, Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner. Phone Clerical Office, Main
4504. Tested and certified.
STENOGRAP"HER desires position, willing
to take moderate salary. V 945, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG lady desires position as typist or
iu uw clerical wuit. riiuiio iv.
ART LA MODE, 181 6th at., opposite the
Portland, Main 3378. A 5826. High-class
ladies' tailoring department, gowns and
wedding trousseaus; special prices this
week for commencement dresses.
PLAIN snd children's sewing, neat work, low
est prices. Infants' outfits a specialty. 1200
E. Yamhill. Phone B 2385.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. 244 N. 15th
CAPABLE woman, good cook, wants position
as working housekeeper, outside Portland
preferred. 671 Kearney st.
WIDOW lady with, little girl 9 yrs., posi
tion as housekeeper. A C 951, Oregonian.
COMPETENT nurse, much experience, wishes
engagement, sick, invalid or child. Call
Main 5418.
LADY wishes place as lady's companion or
child s nurse. D itba, oregonian.
GIRL wishes place to do general housework,
608 Pettygrove at.
WOMAN wants few hours work afternoons
or eveninge; care of children or other
work. 226 Park. Phone Main 4788.
REFINED woman wants poslflon as cook
with American family; wages $35 to $40.
R 964. Oregonian.
COLORED experienced laundress wants
washing or ironing by the day. Phone
Main 6140.
WOMAN wants work part of a day in room
ing houae or private family. 561 Overton
WANTED Day work, by competent woman.
187 4th st.. upstairs.
MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices
paid. 78 N. so. Phone Jfacinc lwt
AGENTS wanted for sals of "Looters of
the Public Domain." by S. A. D. Puter,
king of the Oregon land fraud ring, in
collaboration with Horace Stevens, the
greatest work on the subject ever pub
lished, embracing a complete exposure of
the fraudulent system of acquiring titles
to the public lands of the United States.
Contains 500 pages. Including nearly 200
nne illustrations 01 prominent actors ana
events in tne great lana iraua arama.
Liberal commission allowed active agents
with good references. Applications for
territory should be addressed to Puter A
Stevens, Hotel Lenox. Portland. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees,
shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com
mission advanced each week; good terri
tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
AGENTS WANTED Can yon sell goods 7 It
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
BALESMBNf Can give a few good salesmen
a contract whereby you can make from
$100 to $2(0 per week; exclusive territory;
no competition. 410 Corbett bldg.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fiats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, 8. E. cor, 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
A COUPLE without children would like suit
able and modern suite, with board, or 1
large room with necessary conveniences.
In private family; Nob Hill district pre
ferred; references given. A C 9S0, Oregonlan.
THREE or 4 unfurnished rooms, on or near
Hawthorne avenue or Jefferson st. ; must
be reasonable and clean. Phone Room
129. Hotel Lenox.
BOARD wanted in country for Summer, by
lady and girl of 3 years. Address C 960,
WANTED 13 rooms or more, furnished,
house close to carline. phone Main 8348;
no agents.
WANTED to rent, a modern 6 to 10-room
house; large lot and stable; West Side
preferred. C. R. Hansen, jr., 154 N. 16th.
FURNISHED 7 to 9-room house, modern,
close in. from June 15; best references.
549 Johnson st. Phone A 4681.
WANTED Care of house during owner's ab
sence. S 960. Oregonian.
WANTED A pasture for 8 horses, not too
far from Portland. Apply 411 Mildred
WANTED Second-hand typewriter and
safe. Main 318. Angeles, 518 Common
- wealth bldg.
READY money paid for furniture: battes
prices than a dealer. Phone East 6888.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY cash, for household goods. Savage A
Fennell Fur. Co., 45 1st. Phone 900.
And any thing else you have to selL
Main 6656. " A 411L
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; w also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "'Fair
Deal,' 62 N. &d at. phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED Rug 10x12. or carpet with bor
der about that size; write price and de
scription, W. Ftsk, Box 2, Route 2. Lents,
A LARGE wardrobe trunk: buy or rent;
good price paid. The Toggery, 3S4 Wash
ington st.
WANTED Second-hand 7x9 logging en
gine; give price and description. H. D.
Land on. Lebanon, Or.
WILL buy roller-top desk ; must be good
and cheap. R 960. Oregonian.
FREE dirt for the hauling away, about
40 loads. 10th and East Couch.
WANTED A mandola to rent. Call Ta
bor 600.
Furnished Kooius.
TKH GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch.
near Washington, has the best rooms tn
the city. $7.50 per month and up. single
or ensuite. with or without board; baths,
steam heat, electric lights, both phones,
large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
and pooi tables, all free to guests.
Large, light and neatly furnished
rooms; hot water heat; uhot and cold
water, baths and phone; transient. $1;
special rates by the week. Phone A 13. Mi.
881 Yamhilt st . N. W. cor. West Park.
New house just opened to ths public,
cor. 11th and Washington sts.; beautifully
furnished, private baths, hot and cold
water, electric lights, steam heat; rates
$1 and upward. Phone Main 7964. '
JUST OPENED New apartment, beautlfullv
iurnwaea roc ms, mission and mahogany
furniture, steam heat, all modern conven
iences, different from the ordinary; don't
miss seeing them. 1'hone 2009. 469 Jef
ferson st.
THE GAYOSO Corner Grand avenue and
Stark; thoroughly modern, well furnished
roams, steam heated, hot water, baths,
levators; price very reasonable; this Is
new brick building, every modern con
venience. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th,
first-class furnished rooms, single or en suits;
every modern convenience, $3 weekly up;
daily 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 667
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suits; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
frse baths; rates reasonable. Faclno 494.
THE WESTMINISTER 6th and Madison sts..
lLHJHiwjmoiy zumtsnea tacneior rooms; every
modern convenience; terms reasonable; oniy
blocks from post office.
THE GENEVIEVE Newly furnished,
steam heat.' bay window room, walking
distance. $3 a week. Tel. M 7410. 44&
Columbia st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; elec
tric light, phone, bath. 412 Jefferson St.,
cor. 11th. Phone Main 8652.
$10 LARGE front room, light, clean, well
furnished, private -home. West Bide, walk
ing distance. A 5269.
LARGE light outside rooms; hot and cold
running water, hot water heat; everything
new. Main 4100. 201 14th. cor. Taylor.
258 THIRTEENTH Nicely furnished
rooms In private family, house new, every
convenience; gentlemen only; moderate.
$10 Bright, newly furnished room, quiet,
central, light and heat; porcelain bath.
325 12th st. Phone Pacific 2102, A 3702.
THE EHTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, -telephone and baths free. &27
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estsa,
ENTIRE upper floor, 3 rooms, furnished:
electricity; $15, unfurnished 8. Piedmont
Addition. Phone Woodlawn 1733.
CONNECTING sleeping apartments, ele
gant ly furnished ; central ; B car. depot
to door; private residence. 429 3d.
MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th, newly deco
rated, all outside rooms, hot running water
in every room; $3 up. Main 1153.
FOR RENT Beautiful furnished rooms,
suitable for two gentlemen ; also sing le
room. 325 7th st.
THE CADILLAC, 8d and Columbia; newly
furnished rooms, single or ea suite; easy
walking distance from center of city.
THE KINGSTON, 190 Sd st., 60c. $1 dally;
$2.50 to $5 weekly; modern conveniences;
open all night; transients solicited.
THORNTON'S HOTEL. 271 8d et. newly
f u r n l s h ed rooms, $2. 50 to $5 per week ;
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia; mod
ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 a day, $2 to $4 wlc
THE EUREKA, 1st and Market sts., clean,
outside rooms $2.50 wk. ; housekeeping rooms.
THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, reason
able, close in. 192 13th st., cor. Taylor.
THE ARTONIA Rooms, hot and cold water;
fine location. 128 W. Park st.
NICELY furnished room for one or two; gas,
bath, phone, close in. 330 6th st.
262 12TT.H ST.. a lovely furnished room, $12;
furnace heat and all modern conveniences.
NEAT, light room; bath, phone, suitable for
student; $5 per monUi. 195 N. 17th st.
TH E) STONE BLOCK roomfng-houee; cen
tral; rates reasonable. 342 1st st.
TWO rooms for gentlemen, in private home;
modern,, dose In. 547 Yamhill.
NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping;
bath and phones. 95 11th St., cor. Stark.
Rooms With Board.
ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Ella St.. new
and elegantly furnished single rooms and
suites, with and without bath; hot and
cold water In every room; first-class
table. Take Washington-street car to
Ella et
BLAKELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, bet. 5th
and 6th, pleasant rooms, with first -class
board; fine location for business people or
tourists; direct car service with. Union
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite of rooms,
also a nicely furnished single room, very
pleasant, in a very desirable location;
board if desired. Close In. 410 2d st.
Pacific 1554.
NICE LARGE front room, suitable for two
young men, with first-class board; all
conveniences, nice yard, good home
cooking. Aster House, 7th and Madison.
SUITE of nicely furnished rooms, suitable
for 3 or 4 gentlemen, with first-class
board, all conveniences, nice yard, close
in, very reasonable. 251 Seventh st.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 18th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella RaV lings, Supt., 510 Flanders st.
NICELY furnished front rooms, with board;
strictly home cooking; modern conveni
ences; walking distance; $6 per week. The
Undell, 269 Market.
33 N. 17TH ST., 1 block off Washington,
partly furnished front room, suitable for
1 or 2 persons; also one single room,
ROOM and board); very pleasant large front
room; modern conveniences, for man and
wife or two young men. Main 3280.
LARGE front room, newly furnished, mod
ern, private family; board if desired. 407
Holladay ave. Phone East 2013.
33 N. 17TH ST., 1 block off Washington,
well-furnished front room, suitable for 1
or 2 persons; also 1 single room; modern.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board; very
reasonable. 178 Ella, south of Washing
ton. TH4 MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well
furnished rooms, hot and cold water,
home cooking, permanent or transient.
Bunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and
cold water; first-class table; most reasona
ble rates., 455 Alder.
NICELY furnished rooms in private family,
1 block from carline, 248 N. 20th.
OLYMPUS Rooms and board, $5 week and
up. 141 Lownsdale, cor. Alder.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oxark.
225 11th st.
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Morrison.