Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 18, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Hindu Seamen Take French
Leave of Strathgyle.
Men. Demand 34 Hours Ashore and
Desert Vessel Without Further
Ado Delay Will Be Expensive
to Owners of the Ship.
Desertion of the ship by five Hindu
sailors has delayed departure of the
British steamship Strathgyle. lumber
laden for Shanghai, and has entailed a
loss of about 100 to the owners of the
vessel. The sailors walked ashore, leav
ing all their effects on board, about an.
hour before the hour set for sailing yes
terday morning. They refused to return
until they had been ashore for U hours.
, The situation Is a peculiar one and Cap
tain Grant was powerless to act yester
day. On the disappearance of the sailors
from the ship he called up the Sailors'
Home and told of his trouble. He wsis in
formed that he would be supplied a suffi
cient number of men to man his ship
Kwithin an hour and to make the necessary
arrangements with the British Consul.
Later Captain Grant said that he would
be compelled to wait until today, as one
of the firemen would be paid off. It seems
that the colored members of the crew
have some hold on the master i the way
of a contract and that he permitted the
came action at Calcutta.
The Strathgyle has on board 3,500.000 feet
of lumber and is bound for Shanghai. She
is a vessel of 2837 net tons burden and the
delay of 36 hours will make a difference
to her owners of close to $SO0. Aside from
the delay there will be the additional ex
pense of new men. The vessel will not be
able to leave down before noon today.
Portland People Will Turn Out In
Large Numbers to See Fleet.
Applications for tickets on all steam
ship, steamboat and railroad lines leading
to Astoria and points on both the North
and South beaches, on the occasion of the
arrival of the fleet off the mouth of the
Columbia Wednesday, are being received
In large numbers by the agents. The
capacity of all the steamers will be taxed
and the railroad will have a sufficient
number of cars on hand to handle all
who desire to go to Astoria.
Special daylight permits have been
granted by the United States Inspectors
of Hulls and Boilera to the Roanoke and
the Alliance. The former will be per
mitted to carry 725 people and the latter
vessel will take 300. Permits will be also
granted to the Breakwater and the Nome
From Astoria to Megler, on the Wash
ington shore, there will be a fleet of tug
boats in operation and the steamer T. J.
Potter, of the O. R. A N. fleet, will make
the run across early on the morning of
Wednesday. The Potter will leave Pert
land as usual Tuesday night. Special
trains will be operated between Portland
and Astoria and Astoria and Seaside. The
Mayor of Astoria has declared Wednes
day, May 20, a holiday and the entire
population of the city will turn out In
honor of Naval day.
The special trains from Portland will
leave the Union Depot at 7 o'clock Wed
nesday morning and will arrive in Astoria
In time to permit the steamships to leave
their respective docks at 10 o'clock. The
return will be made by the steamers in
time to permit passengers to catch either
the regular or the special trains for Port
land. Taeoma Shipping Notes.
TACOMA, May 17. The steamer Mon
tara arrived from Seattle this afternoon
and will load 1000 tons of wheat for San
The steamer Governor was In port to
day discharging and loading general
cargo. She took, in addition to regular
freight. 600 tons of barley and a consign
ment of bullion.
Steamer Edith returned from the
fishing banks with 100.000 pounds of hali
but. Schooner Admiral Dewey also re
turned with a good catch.
Schooner Bertha Is due tomorrow with
a consignment of ore from Ellamar.
Steamer Jcanie Is also due to load coal
for Nome.
Recover Body t Gust V. Sandy.
ASTORIA, Or., May 17. (Special.)
The body of Gust V. Sandy, watchman
at the Sanborn coa.1 wharf, who has
been missing since the evening of Mon
day, May, 4, was found yesterday In
the river at the foot of Ninth street.
It Is supposed he fell overboard acci
dentally, while walking along the
wharf. The deceased was a native of
Sweden, 60 years old, and left a widow
and several grown children. He was
a member of the Longshoremen's Union
and the funeral will be under the au
spices of that organization.
Marine News of Raymond.
RAYMOND, Wash.. May IT. (Special.)
The steamer Carmcl arrived yesterday
and Is loading at the Silver Mill Com
pany's dock. The schooner Ensign was
towed Into the harbor yesterday morn
ing and is loading at the Raymond mill.
.The steamer Qulnault sailed today with
a cargo of lumber from the Qulnault mill
for San Francisco. The steamer Helens
sailed yesterday from the Raymond mill.
The Cascade arrived today to load at
the Willapa mill.
Sunday Excursion Season Opens.
The Summer Sunday excursion season
opened yesterday when the steamer Bailey
Uatzert made the run to The Dalles and
return. The steamer Chas. R. Spencer
did not leave the dock but will probably
make her initial Sunday trip on the 24th.
The Gatsert took upwards of 100 people
for the round trip and a number of pas
sengers for way points. She will continue
oo this schedule until further notice.
Puts Into Astoria for Coal.
ASTORIA. Or.. May 17. (Special.)
The Norwegian steamship Elr, en route
from San Francisco to Victoria, B. C,
put Into this port yesterday for coal,
as she had but 20 tons in her bunkers.
She had encountered strong headwinds
coming up the coast and her supply of
fuel had run short.
Takes Lumber to San Pedro.
ASTORIA. Or.. May 17. (Special.)
The steamer Olympic cleared at the
Custom House Saturday for San Pedro
with a cargo of 760.000 feet of lumber,
loaded at the Tongue Point Lumber
Company's mill.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Breakwater arrived up
yesterday with a quantity of freight and
a large number of passengers from Coos
The steamship F. S. Loop sailed yester
day for San Francisco. She will stop at
Llnnton and Rainier for small quantities
of lumber.
The steamship Rose City is due to ar
rive tonight from San Francisco.
The steam schooner Melville Dollar has
arrived at Astoria. She will load ties
at a point on the Columbia River.
The steamship Sue H. Elmore will leave
down this afternoon. She will take pas
sengers and freight for Tillamook.
' Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, May 17. Arrived- Steam
ship Breakwater, from Coos Bay; steamship
Santa Maria, from San Francisco; steam
ship Eureka, from Eureka and Coos Bay.
Sailed Steamship F. S. Loop, for San Fran
cisco. Astoria, May IT. Arrived in at 5 A. M.
and left up at 7 A. M. Steamer Break
water, from Coos Bay. Arrived at i A. M.
and Mt up at 10 A M Steamer Mellvllle
Dollar (to load at Preacott). Arrived down
at 7 A. M. and sailed at s A. M. 8t earner
Alliance, for Coos Bay. Sailed at 4 A. M.
Norwegian -steamer Hornelen, for Panama.
Arrived at 10:50 A.-M. Schooner Virginia,
from San Francisco. Arrived- at 12 A. M.
Schooner King Cyrus, from San Diego. Ar
rived at 12:30 P. M. and left up at 12:40
P. M. Steamer Santa Maria, from San
Francisco. Left up at 12 noon French bark
Edmond Rostand. Arrived down at 11 and
sailed at 12 Steamer Stf Helens, for San
San Francisco. May 17. Sailed Steamers
Olsen & Mahoney, Roanoke, Yosemlte and
Due to Arrive.
Name. From. Data
Alesia Hongkong In port
Breakwater. .Coos Bay In port
Rose City... .San Francisco. May 18
Roanoke Los Angeles. .. May 20
Alliance Coos Bay May 21
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro May 28
State of Cal. San Francisco. May 28
Numantla. ...Hongkong .June lO
Arabia Hongkong.. July 20
Nicomedla.. . Hongkong Sept. S
SueH. Elmore. Tillamook Indef t,
- Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Breakwater. .Coos Bay May 20
Roanoke Los Angeles. .. May 2a
Alliance Coos Bay May 23
Rose City. . . .San Francisco. May 23
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro May 28
State of Cal. Ran Francisco. May 30
Alesia Hongkong June 1
Numantla. ...Hongkong June SO
Arabia Hongkong Aug. 1
Nicomedla. .. Hongkong ,8ep't. 15
SueH. Elmore .Tillamook Jndef t.
Homer, schooner Henry K. Hall, for Port
land. Sailed last night Steamer Northland,
for Portland.
San Francisco. May IT. Arrived, steamer
Saginaw, Grays Harbor; steamer Daisy
Mitchell. Willapa Harbor; steamer Daisy,
Cequllle River, in tow Daisy Freeman.
Sailed, steamer Homer, Portland; steamer
Yellowstone. Astoria; steamer Yosemlte,
Portland; steamer Bear, Pugot Sound;
steamer Yeddo, Portland; barkentine Irm
gard, Honolulu; schooner Henry K. Hall,
Portland; schooner Roy Somers, Grays Har
bor; steamer Roanoke, Portland.
Tides at Astoria Today.
High. Low.
1:48 A. M....9.0 feet!8;40 A. M l.S feet
3:15 P. M 7. feet8:48 P. M 3.3 feat
What thm Fnii Agrat Bmj.
Francis Wilson Tonight.
Th attraction at the Helllgr Theater to-nlg-ht
at 8:15 o'clock and contlnutnff tomor
row and Wednesday nights, wtH be the die-tlng-ulsh-d
American comedian, Francla Wll
eon. In the delightful comedy. "When Knights
Were Bold."
"Secret Service" mt the Baker.
Another winner for the Baker 8tock Com
pany is "Secret Service' which opened
yesterday to xacked houses. The history of
this great play has always been the same
wherever presented one of crowded houses
and delighted audiences. All week at the
Baker, with Saturday matinee.
"Nell Gwynne" Tonight.
The Allen Company will open Its next to
the last week at the lyric In a grand revival
of that beautiful spectacular romantic drama
"Nell Gwynne," Verna Felton appearing la
her justly popular role of Nell.
The Toreadors.
"The Toreadors' is the only musical
comedy in town this week, and It Is at the
Star Theater. It was seen for the first tlmo
in Portland 'yesterday, when presented by
(he Armstrong Musical Comedy Company.
Good Vaudeville at Marquam.
In the Bell trio, the Pantages circuit has
sent the best singing act In Western vaude
ville to the Marquam Theater this week.
Other wel-known acta Include Le Morrison
and company. Wise and Milton, dark town
comedians; Marlon Sisters, In a novel musi
cal act : Crawford and Meeker high-class
entertainers; Mile. Camilla and her leaptng
hounds, and several others.
Grand's New Bill.
Harrigan. the comedy juggler, heads the
new bill of vaudeville at the Grand, which
starts today. Harrigan Is the original
tramp Juggler. Robert Henry Hodges and'
company will offer a funny sketch.
Grease, paints and professional supplies at
Woodard. Clarke tt Co.
Nineteen Pass Ont of 30.
WASHINGTON, May 17. Nineteen
men passed and 11 failed of the class of
80 who presented themselves for the
April examinations for consuls and vice
consuls In the student interpreter corps.
This Is a, higher proportion of success
ful candidates than at any previous ex
amination. Tomorrow and Wedneiday will posi
tively be the last days for discount on
East Side gras bills.
Name, Flair and Big
Aherfoyle. British ship
Ahnes Oswald. British ship
Albert Rickmers, German ship ...
Asgard, British ship
Aster. German ship .
Brablock. British bark
Carmanian. British bark
Clan Graham. British. ship .......
David d' Anglers, French bark...,
Emanuele Accme. Italian bark ...
Eugenie Fautrel. Kreucii bark ....
Falklandbank, British
Gael. French bark
Gen. Faldherbe. FT. bark
Henrlette. German ship
Helen Blame. French ship ..
Hordsce, German ship
Jourvllle, French bark
Kllloran. British bark
Laennec. French ship
La Rochelacqueleln. French bark .
Madura. British steamer
Mareobal Noallles, French bark...
Neotsneld. British ship
Oregon. German snip
Port Crawford. British ship
River Fallock. British ship
Turgot. French bark
Vendee. French bark.
Vlncennee, French bark
1687. .
... ..1380. .
1SS0. .
1569. .
2O00. .
25O0. .
1579. .
1SUS. .
2154. .
1652. .
1945. .
1803. .
ISM. .
1775. .
3 593. .
19i9. .
1766. .
Total tonnags en routs and listed. ...
Same date in 1907 -
Earns dats in 1906
Name. Flag and Big;. Tons.
Ancalos. British ship 1 04 .. .
Bretagne, French ship 1914
Brodick Castle, British ship l'ln...
Crown of India. British bark 1SR5...
Donna Franceses. British bark 210.1...
Kdmond Rostand. French bark 1P.-1...
Eugene Pergellne. French bark .......1963...
Largiemore. British ship ... . 17S6. . .
Ley land Bros.. British !:3S...
The key to economy
in dress is buy two
suits at once and alter- .
nate. ,
When a man buys
one suit and wears it
every day, it soon loses
its freshness.
Here are two good
ones for $28.
CuS KuhnProp' .
166-16S THIRD ST.
Confidence In Stability of Securities
Strengthens Daily Improvement
In Metal Markets Predicted.
NEW YORK, May 17. Prices of se
curities advanced last week with
growing impetus and Increasing vol
ume of transactions, the total sales
on Thursday rising to the largest of
any day since last Summer before the
financial crisis developed. The per
sistence of the advance and its free
dom from influence on check by events
seemingly unfavorable to values, gave
it lmpressiveness and had the effect of
converting a growing number of skep
tics in the professional operating class
who had contested the advance by
short sales at various stages and had
tried repeatedly to cover a loss.
Abandonment of opposition by this
class and their turn to the long side
had not a little to do with the increased
animation and buoyancy of the market.
The success with which all obstacles
were overcome and perhaps aggressively
advanced from the inception f the po
litical movement has been convincing
proof of the wide resources commanded
by the leaders of the movement who are
commonly believed to include great bank
ing houses and Individual capitalists
whose influence commands the resources
of the most powerful group of capitalists
in the country.
Public Gains Confidence.
The suspicion of a manipulative origin,
rise in the prices, for the purpose of
creating a semblance of improvement
where the reality did not exist, served
to hold aloof from the market most of
the general public which generally Joins
In an important market movement. The
confidence and constancy with which the
movement is pursued had growing in
fluence on sentiment last week and had
the increasing effect of causing a belief
in the satisfaction thus expressed on the
part of great capitalists with the de
gree' of improvement in affairs.
Securities Steadily Advance.
In the department of the money mar
ket this condition was clearly per
ceptible. For the easy money market
to further the succees of the plans of
corporations, however, there was nec
essary the additional demand of con
fidence in security values. The rise
in the stock market has operated as
such a demonstration. . The skepticism
with which it was accepted at first was
due to the conflicting evidence of
news affairs in general. This discrep
ancy continued last week, in spite of
the growing force of the rising stock
market tide.
That prices of securities continue- to
rise In spite of unfavorable Industrial
and commercial advlcee was summed up
to mean that promising signs could be
discerned beyond this Immediate sit
uation that prompted the large com
mitments to holding of stocks which
were being made from day to day in
the stock market. For instance, the
declared purpose of the principal al
lied interests in the iron industry to
hold prices of that great basic com
modity, was evidently quietly aban
doned and practically an open market
for iron established.
While conditions there are still greatly
unsettled and no change is reported in tha
demand for finished products It is con
ceivable that the way to improvement
may be opened by the new demand for
iron brought out by the concessions.
Metal Market Strengthens.
The same holds true of the copper in
dustry, where successive reductions in
price have been of discouraging effect,
while necessarily representing progress
toward the stage of stability. Demand
.Newcastle. N. 6. W...
. Nitrate Port
.Hamburg ...........
.8t. Rosalia
.Antwerp ............
. London
Antwerp ............
. Antwerp' ............
.Honolulu ....... ....
-Newcastle ...........
San Francisco ......
.Talcahuano .........
. Hamburg;
.Valparaiso ..........
.San Francisco ......
.Antwerp ,
.Feb. 25
.Jan. 13
.Jan. 20
..Feb S
'.April 1
In Port.
.Alblna -..I
.Col. No. X
. Drydoek .
.Astoria -
.Astoria ..
.O. W. P
.O. W. P
..April 20
..April 19
...Feb. 2T
.March 3
.March 26
...May 16
.March 11
..March 1
14th and Washington
Phones Main 1 and A 1122
. Charles Frohman Presents
In the Delightful Comedy
Prices $2.00. $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50c
Geo. I. Baker, Gen. Manager.
Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday.
One of the greatest successes on the Amer
ican and European stage of today.
By William -Gillette, author of Sherlock
Holmes. j A play of Intense interest, splen
didly presented by the Baker Stock Co.
Evening Curtain, 8:03 Matinee, 2:Oo.
Evening Prices: 23c, 35c, 50c Matinee, 15c,
25c. Next Week "Why Smith Lft Home.'
THE STAR Musical Comedy
7:80 and 9:15 P. M. Lower floor, 25c; bal
cony, 15c; matinees daily at 2:30 P. M., 15c
Week of May 17. 1908.
Th Armstrong Musical Comedy Company
In which is introduced a. real Spanish bull
fight. Two Vaudeville Specialties in Addition.
Both Pbones: Main 4685: Home, A 1026.
Week commencing Monday, May IS, P. R.
Allen presents Miss Verna Felton and the
Allen Stock Company !n the comedy drama,
Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
and Sunday Prices 10c and 20c. Every
evening at 8 :1B. Prices 10c 20c and 30c.
Boxes 50cy Office open 10 A. M. to "10 P. M.
Week of May 18. Hfjci ruling Monday.
In a musical act of unsurpassed merit. They
possess fine voices and sing good music
Other good acts make up the bill.
Matinees every afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Nights at 7:30 and 9 o'clock. No advance
in prices: Upstairs, 15c: downstairs. 25c;
boxes. 50c. Any seat, weekday matinees, 15c.
The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe
Entire Week of May 18. 1908.
The original Tramp Juggler and Monologist.
"Thoubles of Bill Blithers, a Bachelor.
That I. A. T, S. E. Man "On Time."
Exhibiting "A , Bridal Courple Dodging
will overtake supply and revival of the
Industry set in.
Great Influence In reviving the demand
for commodities Is relied upon from the
success of the new bond Issues by the
railroads and the consequent supply of
resources for resumption of buying and
Manual Training Pupils Will Build
Houses for Songsters.
- j
Even the bird of the Oaks are going
to have a day, and It Will be known
among the children of the city as "hom
ing bird day." There la much pleas
ant rivalry among the pupil of the
manual training schools of Portland,
who will participate in the event, and
the hearts of many youngsters are to
be made glad within a very short time
because the little beneficiaries of the
birds are to be rewarded.
W. J. Standley, superintendent of
the manual training schools -of this
city, has been Invited by Manager
Freeman, of the Oaks, to arrange &
series of prizes, which will be put up
by the park management for at least
six of the handsomest bird boxes to be
turned out by the pupils under Mr
Standley's tutorship. The proposal has
met with much favor and Mr. Standley
is now engaged upon the matter.
Wishing to encourage popular inter
est In .he welfare of the feathered
tribes, as recently suggested by the
Audubon Society, the manager of the
Oaks has addressed an Invitation to the
manual training schools to furnish the
bird homes for the thousands of birds
that inhabit the giant oaks up the
Willamette. Special protection is given
to the songsters, and It is believed that
by furnishing a number of houses the
bird-life of the park will be made much
more interesting and the number that
make the park a Summer home will be
increased. To that end he pupils that
build the best bird-boxes, as decided
by Principal Standley, will not only
have the honor of having a nice little
memorial erected to each one's individ
ual credit, but will also be awarded
valuable prizes by the manager of the
Mission Work Near Home.
PORTIaANT. Or., May 17. (To the Ed
itor.) I am sure The Oreffonl&n, will wel
come a letter filled with the heroism of
young women to whom, if they jao choose,
luxurious homes ere open.
The niece of Mrs. Bidwell, of Chico, Cal.,
a graduate of Cornell, and a young firiend,
have added to their education agriculture
and carpentry, and have gone to Klamath
Reservation to help the 10,000 Indians there,
for whom neither church nor Government
has ever done anything. This region is
South of Oregon and north of California, fiee
how near to us. It has neither roads, nor
schools, only a mule mail possible. The
new teachers report the children docile and
teachable above white children, and. that
the women strive to learn sewing and cook
ing, really "washing before coming in."
All of us who have a little cash after the
Easter shopping would gladden the hearts of
these heroic young women by sending a
few yards of heavy gingham, a spool of cot
ton, needles, scraps to teach the little ones
to sew, bootee of stories, simple histories, or
pictures of which your children are tired.
The address Is: Miss Arnold and Mias
Reed, Somes Bar, Slsikiyon County, Cal.
M. K. E.
Saved From an Operation by W.
J. Tan Damme.
7 ' j
1 -
S. B. Colvin, of Florence, Lane Co.,
Oregon, was advised by his doctor to
come to Portland and be operated upon.
He arrived here a few days ago and
registered at the Esmond Hotel and
while there learned of Van Damme's
kldnev cure tea. He secured two bot
tles and was greatly relieved, and
decided that an operation was not
necessary. Before he left for home he
took a supply of the tea for himself
and wife, and since then he has written,
saying that he was feeling fine. This
is but "the testimony of one as these
kind of miracles occur often at
185 MoitIsom St,
Next to Pap's Coffee House.
TegetarianCaf e 11n0to't yi
goc. Meals served a la carte A. M. to 8 P. M.
Anstro-Hungarian Restaurant
ST Taylor, between 2d and ftd. Best place la
town to eat at a normal price. Try us today.
Park and Alder Streets
Barber. Ir. g. J., dentist PonAsrly Hlo
Leay bids. Phon. Main 1408. 1408.
City and County Medical Society.
EQUI. DR. MARIE L.. formerly Oreg-onlan
bldg.. suite 324-5. Main 2S0.
Ferris. On. K. K. it ). J., dentists For
merly Macleay bids. Suite 211. Main 1839.
French, Dr. C. Gertrude, physician Form
erly Dekum bldg. Main 714. A 4S1T.
Hawks, Or. c. E., physician and anreoo
Formerly Orecon. bids. Main 1512. 6404.
Htrstel. Dr. Edw., dentist Main 1409, A 1409
Holbrook. Dr. Millard K.. dentist For
merly Macleay bldg. Suite 401-2-3- M. 8818
Hyde, Dr. Leon WUlet, physician and sur
geon Practice limited to genlto-urlnary
diseases Formerly Fleldner bldg. Main
265. A 1889.
tarkia. Dr. Gee., dentist Formerly Ablng
ton bldg. Phones Main 678. A 744.
Loomia, Dr. Bryon K.. dentist Formerly
Oregonian bldg. phone A 3S18.
Perkins. Dr. T. lu, dentist Formerly Rns
el bldg. Suit, 407-h. Ma'n, 1512. A 5404.
Biggs. Dr. J. O.. den tlt Main 1408. A 1409.
Bosendorf, Dr. Max. physician and skin spe-
. claliat, formerly Berlin. Germany Of
fice. 115-316. Phone Main 5060.
Thnma, Dr. Edna O., physician Formerly
-Marquam bldg. Phones Main 714. A 491T.
Walgamot, Dr. F, dentist Formerly
Hamilton bldg. Phone Main 2290.
Watson, Dr. Alfred P.. dentist Formerly
Ablngton bldg. Phones Main 676. A 2744
Toiing. Dr. i. Q-. dentist Suite 418-17
Phone Main 6819.
Zlegler, Amelia and Fred J., physicians and
surgeons Phones Main 683. A 4048.
Grand Central Station Time Card
Lee. Van Portland
Roeeburs passenger
Cottage Grove Passenger
California Bxpresa ......
San Francisco xpress.
West Bide
CorvatlLs Passenger . . .
...J 8:15a
I 4:15 p
...... T:45p.
.... 1:80 a.
. I T:OOa-
! :!Oa-
Sheridan passenger
Forest drove passenger .... ......111:00 a.
Forest Grove Passenger I 5:40 B.
Aj-riTina; Portlaad I
Oregon Express 4 7:15 a.
Cottage Grove Passenger. :30 a:
Roseburs- Passenaer ......I BiaOn.
Portland Express
iu: p.
west aide
Corvallis passenger . ,
Sheridan Passenger . . . ,
Forest Grove Passenger.
Forest Grove Passenger,
6:85 p. 1
10:30 a. i
8:00 a i
2 :5 p. i
LeaTlng- Portland I
Tacozna and Seattle express. . . J 8:80 am.
North Coast A Chicago limited.. 3:00 p. m.
Overland Express lil:45nm.
Arriving Portland-
North Coast Limited.
7:00 am.
4:15 p.m.
8:85 p.m.
r-oriiana .Express .
Overland Express
Leaving Portland
Pendleton passenger
Chlc4o-Port land Special .......
Spokane Flyer
K.ansas City A Chicago Express.
Arriving Portland
Spokane Flyer
Chi.. Kan. City A Portland Ex. .
Chicago-Portland Special
Pendleton Passenger
:15 a i
.30 a i
:1 P-1
:00p. i
:00 a i
:45 a i
:50 p. i
:15 p. I
Leaving; Portland
Astoria & Seaside Express..
Astoria A seaside Express. .
Arrivina Portland
8:00 a, 1
0:00 p. i
Astoria & Portland.
Portland Express . . .
12:16 p. i
10:00 p. i
Leaving; Portland
C P. R. Short Line. via. 8pokane
Arriving Portland
C P. R. Short Line, via Spokane
Via Seattle
8:15 p. i
11:45 p. i
8:00 a. i
7:00 a i
Jefferson-Street Station
Learinsr Port Inn 4
Dallas Passenger
.Dallas Passenger ......
Arriving Portland
Dallas passenger .... .
Dallas passenger
7:40 a i
4:15 p. l
UO:18a i
5:50 p- i
Arriving Portlands
Wilson ville Local
Salem and intermediate Local..
Wlleorvvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Salem and intermediate Local...
WiUonvllie Local
Salem and Intermediate Express..
Salem and Intermediate Local..
Salem and Intermediate Express.
Leaving Portland
Salem and intermediate Local...
Wileon ville Local
Balem and Intermediate Express.'
Salem and Intermediate Local...
Wllsonvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate, Express.
Salem and Intermediate Local...
Wllsonvllle Local
Salem and Intermediate Express.
. m.
. m.
. m.
- m
. m.
. m.
. m.
. m.
- m.
Following rates will be given only when
advertising Is ordered to run consecutive
days. Daily and Sunday Issues. 2ne Ore
gamiam charges first-time rate eaoh insertion
(or classified advertising; that Is not run on
consecutive daya The first-time rate is
charged for csca insertion in The Weekly
'Rooms,' "Rooms and Board. "House
keeping Booms,' "Situations Wanted, 15
words or leas. 15 cente 16 to 20 words. 20
cents; tl to 25 words, 25 cents, etc Ne
discount for additional Insertions.
Matrimonial and elairvoyant ads. one-time
rate each insertion.
Kew Tnday' 80 cents for 15 words or less;
16 to 20 words, 4 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50
eents, etc. first insertion. Each additional
insertion, one-half no furthev discount un
der one month.
Above rates apply to adrertislDg paid n
advance only. All hook entries will be
cbarged fat lines 14o per line for first fta
sertion and ?e per Uae for each consecutive
insertion. Special rates on contracts given
on application.
"SEW TODAY," (gnugw meaemo agate).
14 cents per Una. first Insertion; 7 cents
per line for each additional Insertion.
the convenience of patrons The Oregonian
will accept advertisements for publication in
classified columns over the telephone. Bills
for such advertising will be mailed imme
diately and payment im expected promptly.
Care will be taken to prevent errors, but
The Oregonian will not be responslbls) for
errors in advertisements taken over the
telephone- Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670.
2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com
munication this Monday) even
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Business of
importance in connection with
resolution recently introduced
will come before the lodge. A
full attendance of members Is
desired. Work In E. A. degree. The Silver
Trowel will be on exhlblton. Visiting breth
ren welcome- W. 8. WEERS,
Members of Portland Lodge No. 27 are re
quested to attend lodge on Friday. May 22.
It will be an open reception to Sister Brigngs,
Superior Chief of Honor, given by all local
lodges of the degree and A. O. U. W. By
order F. N. . PARRBNT, M. W.
Attest: T- H. FEASET, Recorder.
8. Regular communication this
(Monday) evening In New Masonic
Temple. West Park and Yamhill ats.
By order of W. M.
AL ARCANUM meets at K. P.
HaU. Alder and 11th streets, the
first and third Monday of each
month at 8 P. M. Visitors oor-
rotary. First National Bank.
At 64T East Ankeny, corner 17th. 10
o'clock A. M.. by S. L. N. Gilman. Auc
tioneer. At TO A. M.. Ford Auction Co. sells at the
corner 1st and Clay st. C. L. Ford, auc
tioneer. At Wilson's Auction House, 1T3-175 8eeond
street, at 10 A. M. 4. T. Wilson. Auctioneer.
BOURY At Wasco, Or.. May 1. Mrs. Ra
chael Boury, aged 82 years S months.
Mother of A. J. Boury. Joseph. Or.: A.
Boury. Spokase; H. J. Bourv. Marshall
town. Ia. : Charles Bonry, Greely. Col.;
John Boury. La Grande, Or.; Mrs. J. N.
Goodin, Mrs. Sarah Morana, Portland. Or.
Remains brought to Portland lor inter
ment. Funeral announcement later.
GAR-D& At her home In Landau, Germany,
on April 80. Sarah, beloved mother at S.
Soloman Garde, of this city.
HAMILTON At her late residence. 853 Har
vard St., Portsmouth, May 16, Mary Jane
Hamilton, aged 85 years, ft months and 16
days. Funeral will take place Monday, May
18, at 2:3 P. M.. from F. 8. Dunnlng's
chapel, corner of East Alder and Eart 6th
ts. Friends invited. Interment at Lower
Cascade, Wash.
LEER The funeral services of Nancy A.
Leer will be held at. Finley's chapel at 2
P. M. Tuesday, May 19. Friends Invited.
GAZEJLEY The funeral services of Laura
H. Gazeley will be held at Finley's chapel
at P. M. today (Monday). Friends in
vited. Interment Rose City Cemetery.
EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct
or.. 220 Hd st. Lady aaaUtan. Phone M. S07.
I. r. VTNLEY BON. uieral Director
Third and Madison, l'hon. Mala S. A lit.
Dvanbur, sf cEntes m Gllbansrh. Fnnaral Dt.
factors. 7th A Pin. Pboas M. M. Lady ai-l
t Lady assistant. P.O.. Mala S1S1.
KKLLEK-BYKNE CO.. Funeral Direct,
as. SIS Boasell. East ISA. Lady aadataat.
r. ft. DCNVXNO. Undertaker, 414 Kast
Udar. Lady aaaUtan. 1'huM. fcaat U.
Come out and buy a few lots
at McKenna Junction. Great
changes will take place at Mc
Kenna Junction within the year.
Prices will advance rapidly and
steadily. Just opposite McKenna
Junction, Swift & Co. will spend
$4,000,000. Remember. McKenna
Junction has nearly a mile of
frontage on the 100-foot Columbia
boulevard. Railroad yards, fac
tories and other industries will be
established here. Tracks are now
being laid from McKenna Junc
tion to the Swift plant.
$SOO Residence lots com
manding unobstructed view of the
mountains and Columbia River.
Bull Bun water.
$375 Business lots on Fiske,
Stratton and Newman streets, in
blocks adjoining Columbia boule
$400 Business lots on Chau
tauqua boulevard in blocks ad
joining Columbia boulevard.
Terms, 10 per cent cash and 10
per cent quarterly. ,
W. H. Grindstaff
Offices Goddard Station, on the
St. John Car line.
. No. 510 Commercial Bldg.
Phone Main 6009.
Best Farm
in the
Willamette Valley
For the Price
NO. 21. ZiO acres 2 miles from Sher
idan, Polk County, on Mill Creek; all
under cultivation but about 25 acres,
which Is in oak and ash timber; 30 acres
bottom 'land along Mill Creek; rich leaf
mold of the finest kind for truck garden
or small fruits; lots of small fruits; fine
young orchard consisting of apples, pears,
plums, prunes, peaches and almonds; also
an old orchard; most of the land Is spe
cially suited to walnuts, prunes or apples;
fine new 10-roomed house, besides bath
and closets, hot and cold water through
out, conveyed from excellent spring;
finest, of. mountain trout fishing along
river 'on place; county road on two sides
of place; telephone and Rural Free De
livery; good bam and other outbuildings.
Price t66 per acre.
Yerex Bros. Co.
802 Goodnough Bldg.
Six lots in Havelock, near Patton ave.
and Killingsworth ave. on improved
$275 Each
Will accept Oregon Trust and Sav
ings accounts and telephone bonds
in payment.
Northeast corner Third and Madison.
Real estate, timber lands, general
brokerage business. ,
Phone A 2184.
. Room 511. Oorbett Building.
Over a million dollars already spent
on improvement by the United States
Government. Have 30 acres patented
land under Umatilla project which
will sell In 10-acre tracts at S60 to (90;
ten-year payments, 6 per cent interest.
Address A. C. Crawford, East 2nd
street. Hermiaton, Oregon.
Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates
Keal instate, Insurance
MS McKay Hid., Sd stark.
Andrews, F. V. A Co. M. SMS. u h.ii al.
Baker. Alfred Us Ablnstoa bids.
Chaoln A Hmnv. SA2 rtiunixp nf rvmm.&
Commercial InveM. Co.. Xly I ,nm n.r Eactaansa,
Compton, X. F. Fae. A A1848. 1U0 Ablnsloa bU
Cook. B 8. A Co.. SOT-N hlo.
dossier Co, Ourbett alas. U. ISM.
Oaaaard, B. W Mala ana A ITU. 116 Id at.
Botcnklaa, C K. A Ox. M. 108S. SOS C of &
Jennlnc Co Mala 1SS. SO Cnsosuaa.
Klnaey Stamphar, MI-OS Uc. Ex. IC 4tsa.
Im. SC. JO., room all Corbrtt buUdlas.
KaU A Ton Borstal K Sd et., ssz X. BursaMa,
C Dona all. J. T.. M.4S41AA2MI. 330 Stark.
Palmer. B. P., 21S Commercial Club bids..
M. A 253.
Part-lab. Walk la. A Ca-SBO AMr St.
Potxmr A Free co, S07 Commercial bids.
Reed, Fields A Tynan, X. TOOC ASSS1. 101 14.
Raae City iUaJtx lav. Co.. Marchants Trust bl.
chalk. Geo. D.. fjst Stark at. Main !. AS92.
Surety Investment Company, rooms S3S-17.2S
Corbett bids., ops. Posto fries. (Robert B.
May and w. Lawrence).
Sharkey, J. p. A Co.. 12214 Sixth at.
wanasos, A. F. A Co., Sal), wsablsstoa sc.
The Oregon Real Estate Co, SStt TSlrd at,
(Holladay Addition.)
Tetaraa Laad Co.. 823 Chamber et Cammeroa,
Wadden. W. O.. SOS Lumber Exchange bids.
White. B. P.. 227V4 Washington St.
Woodburn Oregon Immigration Bureau.
ZlmrrArmas. S21 Corbett bldg. Main 1ST8.
I need soma money and will sell large
new ft-room house, large reception hall.
8-foot porch, concrete basement, gaa and
electricity, outside fireplace, built-in buffet,
linen closet, porcelain bath, kitchen and
bath-room tiled, elrgant AOxlOO lot, con
crete walks and steps, graveled street, sewer
and all street Improvements paid. It'a a
snap for $3875. 846 Bast Taylor; owner
neat door.
FOR SALE At COT to build, a S-roora
house, at the northeast corner of East
loth and Halsey sts. furnace, complete
tiled bathroom, grate, gaa and eleotrlo
combined fixtures, cement cellar floor,
woodllft. hard nibbed finish in halt par
lor and dining-room. double boarded,
first-class modern house in the best resi
dence district of the Bast Side. Phone
the owner. C L. Boas. East 82 or Bast
728. At bom. at ST 4 Multnomah at.
We have several choice homes for sals In
the East Bumside district, ranging In
pries from a few thousand dollars to one
that la cheap at $10,000. If yoo wish to
have your own house built, we can sell
you a lot at a reasonable price.
213 Commercial Club bldg.
Main 8686, A 2K3.
Fine sightly lot, choice location; dose to
comer of 12th and Tillamook; all improve
ments in; $1600.
122 Sixth at.
GOOD house, bam, lot 80x125, high and dry.
good soil, full bearing heaithy trees, apples,
cherries, grass, flowers, shades. Improved
streets and electric lighted, near carline.
school, church; $2500; terms. Owner, 205
M Inner st. Phone Tabor 271.
Kew. up-to-date ft-room bungalow at
Stewart Station, on O. W. P. line; $2200.
$500 cash, balance f 25 per month.
122U, Sixth et-
23 acres, 4 acres cleared, on the O. W. P.
R. R.. 10 miles from town, on Bass Line
road; $150 per acre.
12214 Sixth st. -
BT OWNER, 4 lota on Dwlght St., near v tills
boulevard; 1 lot In South St. John, 1 block
from car; 1 lot In North St. John. All line
residence lots. Call bet. 5:15 and S P. M.
253V4 Wash. at. Room 25.
What yon pay the rent nan, added to
what you pay on that lot, will buy. a
borne In a few years. See Butterworth,
"the Bungalow Man," SIT Ablngton bldg.
Main 8528.
FOR SALE At a bargain price, modern -room
house taken back on an Installment
sale. In Irvlngton and Holladay Addi
tion near both carl'.nea House must be
sold. Phon East 728 or East 82.
headquarters for farms, timber land,
claim relinquishments and business
chances In Clark Co., Wash. 408 Com
mercial Club bldg., Portland.
On easy payments; wheat land on crop
payment plan. For Information address J.
H. Wheeler, traveling agent, Corvallis, Or.,
for on. . w-ek.
J23O0 New 5-room cottage, pantry base
ment, bath, woodllft, combination fixtures,
close to oars and school; $500 down.
Would take lots for part. Owner. B 811.
REAL ESTATE men with a clientele of
small investors will find it profitable to
call on the Standard Trust Company.
Chamber of Commerce bldg., 265-67 Stark
IN SUNNYSIDE, lot 33 1-3x100. with 5-room
house; wood fiber plaster, porcelain bath,
water, gas. sewer; rents $15 per month;
$loOO. all or half cash. Culver, 623 Cham
ber of Commerce.
LOT 35x100, East Tth, near Broadway; suit-,
able home site; walking distance to West
Side by Steel bridge; $1125. Culver, 623
Chamber of Commerce. (
B or 10 acres at Oak Grova, between river
and railroad; cheap at $276 per acre.
243 Stark st. Main 1076.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquishments,
' $200 and up. also improved farms for sale;
easy terms. John H. Moeller, 155 13tb
St., North., Portland. Or.
FOR SALE Store building, with living
rooms and basement, 40x100. good subur-
ban property, in a lively town; prloe $1000,
terms. F 859. Oregonian.
10 ACRES Platting proposition; at a pries
that will net purchaser 200 per cent on
$:tooo required, See property by calling al
S88 Ev 32d St.
LOTS on small monthly payments; good In
vestments stocks; house for $825 and up.
Address P. G. Herner, Belmont and K.
S8th. Phone B 2380.
Oregon City carline. C. W. Rlsley,
owner, Rlsley's Station, P. O. Mllwaukle.
2800 b-room cottage. In Sunnyside, Just
completed, near carline, easy terms; a bar
gain. Apply 1066 E. Washington.
TWO of beat located lots in Belle Crest,
overlooking Country Club grounds; owner
. , , . I.l n - Co. J 1
leaving citj. ru. t
4000 Fruit Industry, cleared $2000 last
year, win this. Surely a bargain. V 853,
$2400 New 6-room modem bungalows, $300,
$20 monthly. East 4-uh, near Hawthorne.
Dr. Darling
NOB HILI Modem ft-room bouse; 2 carllnes;
half cash, balance easy. D 826, Ore
gonian. 10 CHOICE lots In Irvlngton. must sell
cheap; easy terms. Office, 15th and Hal
sey sts. J. E. Dolen.
S30 000 Fin. Inside business corner; ineom.
$175 per month. Owner mast sell. B bus.
NEW, modern bouse, 2-3 acre land; South
Mt. Tabor; $2700; terms. Address D 815,
Oregonian. -
13350 6-room bouse. Just completed; good lo
iaHty; close In; easy terms. D 925, Ore
gonian. S LOTS on West ave.. $1800. G. W. Ed
mond. owner. S Church St.. Mt. Tabor. (
AT rreat sacrifice, lota In Peninsular Add.
No 2. near Swift packing plant. East 3711.
LOTS 36 and ST. Block 22, Irvlngton Park,
$100 each; prefer cash. H 850. Oregonian.
frNAP Modern o-room house, nice lawn, neat
car; $1600. D 738. care Oregonian.
LOT on East 13th. near Alberta; also cot
tage on U carline. Phone owner. C 1428.
CHOICE full lot, Oxford St.. next to Union,
HO0. M. M. Rlngler. Phone B 1741.
FOR SALE By owner. 6-room house, lot
35x70. 810 Carutbers St.