lO THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAY 18, FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. 1 HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing In acre or half acre tracts la Portland: water mains laid and term of only 410 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO 110 2d 1L NOB HILL RESIDENCE PROPERTY. rooms and bath, cement foundation, full basement, stationary tuba, furnace heat, gas and electricity: modern In every re spect; nicely finished Interior; property ii in splendid condition and is located on Mar shall at., one block from carline; this Is a fin home property and will show a sub stantial increase in value during- the next year. Price $55o0. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 Sixth st. NEW 4-room cottage, full lot. at Sellwood, small cash payment, balance monthly. 5-room cot tage. almost new, good plumbing: full cement basement, with ce ment floor; rooms nicely tinted; eaay monthly payments. 8-room modern house. West Side, fire place, furnace; price $4300; terms. $1000 cash, monthly payments. ft-room house and full lot, near carline; $2000, $500 cash, balance monthly. O. M. -SMITH. 41$ Commercial Club Bldg. Main 3060. VIEW PROPERTY. PORTLAND HKIOHTS. We offer for quirk Bale the N. W. corner of Myrtle and Montgomery drive, 128 feet front on Myrtle and loo feet deep; this property lies high and has an unobstructed north vie w ; a splendid site for a. fine home; this la positively the cheapest buy on the Heights. For a few days the price Is $0-500; terms. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122 Vi Sixth at. FULL lots, 6-room house, free water, with all kinds of fin It and berries, good car serv ice; $.1UJ0: tfrms. 2 full lots on carline, house and barn; $1VK; terms. 12 full lot In Irvington, 31st St.; $4250; terms; will sell hair. Fine residence on Willamette Heights; $2(V4 cash, balance on long time, 6 per cent. Lots on Williams ave. for $1200. Kl.VNKY & STAMPIIER. 31-32 Lumber Ex. bldg. Main 448ft. HAVE just opened up the Clair tracts, 8 blocks east of Sunnyslde; have started the lots $4H( to $800 each, on terms; all lots 50 feet front; some have choice fruit and berries; this is close in and splendid prop erty. Investigate for yourself. McKenna Real Estate Co.. cor. 30th and Belmont. Take Sunnyslde car, going east, get off on 80th at. Phone Tabor K65. ONLY ONE LEFT. Facing on Hawthorne ave., lot 50x100, only 15 minutes' ride from First and Alder sts.; hre la a snap at $750, half cash; another one for $ rtflo, fa c i n g east . ELI-IS YORK. &. CO.. 201 Merchants Trust Bldg., 326 Washington. S. W. Cor. Sixth st. EAST SIDE- HOME. 5-room house, hard finish, cement foun dation and basement; full lot, nice lawn and' shrubbery ; one block from carline; nice location; this can be handled for $12u0 cash; the price is only $17O0. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 122H Sixth et. A SIGHTLY residence lot. 50x100; Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for; about 3 blocks from good car service, 15 minutes out; price $50o; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg.. lOft 4th St., near Wash. A NUMBER of exceptionally good bargains In Irvington. Holladay and John Irving Additions; 2-story residences, bungalows; lots from $000 up. terms. Phones East 806 and C lii'.ta. Office cor. 15th and Halsey sts., Irvington. Broadway car. J. B. Dolen. AT BARGAIN PRICES Lots near Waver-ly-Woodstock car line; $10 down, $10 per . month ; snap at prices asked; $250 to $350 per lot; chance for salaried people to Invest. Address me and don't miss the opportunity. J 952, Oregon lan. AM FORCET TO SELL, before June 1, 6-room modern house In Highland; beautiful surroundings, near car- line and school; will take ime vacant lots in traac. Owner. 1)45 Williams ave. Phone (vhi lawn nti7. HOLLADAYS ADDITION. 325 East 16th st, N.; 6 rooms and bath: hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room; elec tric, gas. furnace: improvements In, ce ment wanes; 9 ti. tin i. ARTISTIC? HOMES. We build 'em; nifty ones; don't cost much; Installments; let's talk It over with "Butterworth, the Bungalow Man, 317 Ab- ington biog. .vain (i.vj. BOUSES for sain In all Darts of the city; acreage close In, and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. FORCED to flacrifW; unable to meet pay ments: mooern tt-ronm nnuse. vt . h. line. not quit nnl?hrd, $220; ?'J40 cash. Haver- stic &. Gallagher. o4.i, Washington st. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT'Y. D- A TUFTS. 803 H WASHINGTON ST. $75, CASH, 2 Improved corner -lots, 1 block from car. 15 minutes from 3d and Morri son: $2i0 below market price; excellent terms. y im i. or gonian. BY the owner. $4500; slchtlv trart. TO 15ft. Mellnda ave.. Kings Heights; fashionable neignoornooa ; spienaia unobstructed view. Inquire 8H Dekum bldg. DO you want to learn about first-class house, built by owner. In swell restricted neigh borhood ? If so. phone B 2074. or G 05 1, Oregonian. MODERN 8-room house on Willamette Heights; must oe bom; make your own terms. inquire room 4U. asnington bidg. MODERN 8-room houee, Bast 8th and Ash, $35i0. New 5-room house, lot 100x100 ft.: all kinds of fruit, $1750. Phone East 2080. VERY choice acre at end of Waverly-Rtch- mond line, line view, good soil; price Slow, can ior aicvrain. Aiain am. DON'T pay rent. $5 per month for a large lot, convenient io car. Murt ioaay. furse. unamocr or commerce. xl 11550 New cottage: bath, cas and electric sewers in. 7tf0 0th. near Beech; terms. Owner, Pacific: 2125. or Main 3010. FOR SALE 2 new 5-room modern cottages. full lot, flMtt; terms to suit buyer. Call ttlo Palm ave.. on sell wood canine. $14.t 5-room cottage. Wood lawn, hard- finished and tinted, etc ; terms. Room 1ft. Washington bldg. Main 5741. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New, modern; a big snap. ;vjou. jonn r. narkey (jtx. Bth St. Main DCHJ, A. 537. $2450 5-room cottage, modern plumbing, basement, etc.. walking distance. Room l. Washington bldg. Main 5741. FIVE-ROOM modern house. iarre lot owner; small payment down, balance mommy. rnoiw Kenwood no. H. P. PALMER has moved to 213 Commercial, Club bldg. Phones Main $tH and A 2tf53. 9-AC RE tract near Beaverton. one acre cleared, balance partly Improved. $900. Terms. D 05. Oregonian. LAROE. nw colonial house, corner, strictly modern, beautiful home; your own terms. Plume Woodlawn 1799. TURK K new modern 6-room houses, sh ow 13 r?f cent. At your price; make offer. K 955. Oregonian. A FIVE-ROOM cottage. $100 cash, balance $20 monthly; price $12O0; snap. Inquire at 507 Alberta st. BAROAIN In acreage, 4 blocks from car llr.e; so minutes' ride from city. Cummins. f Rothchlld. WANTED FARMS. WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, de scription and state when possession can be had. Address L. Darby shire, box 40S4. Rochester. N- Y. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Bargain In timber lands, single quarters up to loo acrta. O 788. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. McCracken. 804 McKay bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. fco ACRES. Clark County. Washington, near Vancouver, on county road; must sell. X 917. Ortgonian. FOR SALE 26 acres. No. 1 fruit land, one t mile from railroad station. In Sout hern i Oregon, 49 East 22d su Phone E U23. FOR 8ALK FARMH. FRUIT LAND FOR SALE BY THE OWNER, 60u acres. $I2,50u; your own terms on payments; high-grade prach. cherry and apple land; also for raspberries and black berries and a portion fine for strawberries aud truck gardening: fine for subdividing; w ater on every subdivision; situated at the timber line, where fruit, jsoil and easy clearing combine. 250 acres already c' eared and In fine condition for tree plant ing ; balance can be cleared at $10 per acre. Located at the outskirts of the planted area; large orchard already plant ed In near vicinity and rapidly spreading towards this tract ; eight miles from The DaKes. six from Dufur; dally rural mall delivery; phone connectfens easily made; fine proposition for colony or company; good Income from grain, gardening and dairying until fruit trees come into bear ing; good income this year; when land al ready cleared Is set to trees it will be worth easily double the price asked, and will increase In value many fold b10" trees begin to bear; owner cannot handle It; you take It, plant treees, subdivide it and reap th6 profits: a sure enough snap. Addrees Farmer, Box 367. The Dalles. AN IDEAL HOME. ' 110 acres, midway between the three fa mous springs, Cohins, St. Martin's and New Mineral Springe, on new North Bank road, just 12 miles below Hood River; H mile from the Columbia River; finest apple and berry land in the world; fl-rwom house, ft acres in orchard and small fruits, fine spring of water piped in house, good horse, and buggy. 25o hens. 47 now setting; orch ard wiil bear fine crop this year; splendid market for egs, poultry, vegetables and frutw at springs. Price. $33'i0. half cash. Address H. Graham. Home Valley, Wash., and I will meet you with a rig. CAN'T BEAT THIS IN OREGON. 4W) acres fine fruit land not far from Hood River. In choice fruit belt; 60 acres have been plowed, balance easily cleared; timber is oak and cordwood; will nearly pay for clearing; 3iH acres of this Is level, soli first-class1. running water on one forty, house and barn, ft miles from town, lies nice to cut up Into small tracts. If bought at once; price $16 per acre. J. F. NOW LIN, Room 315 Alteky Bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison Portland, Or. WILL SELL my Lewis & Clark farm, sit uated six miles from Astoria, on Lewn and Clark River, on plank and graveled road, between Astoria and Seaside, con sisting of 153 acres, mostly tide and bot tom land; fine orchard; 3a cows. 1 bull, 4 horses, all farming implements. Includ ing mower, rake, seeder, hay press, wood sawing machine, separator, milk route, all equipped, etc. Apply" to W. J. Ingals, Astoria. Or. FOR sale or exchange, farm 454 acres; 200 in crop; balance hay and pasture; 8-room house; stock barn 45x90; four hay barns; water piped to house and barn ; running stream: 1 mile from R. R. station; fam ily orchard ; soil the very best ; will tak-a house In Portland for part; some cash and terms on balance; price. Including stock, crops and machinery, $16,000. Address V 949, Oregonian. OREGON Electric Railway 10 acres? 400 ft. from Multnomah Station: $350 per acre; 23 acres 6:0 ft. from Durham Station, $175 per acre; 7 acres adjacent to carline, 10 miles out, $1 50 per acre; 10-acre tracts 2 minutes walk from Tonquin Station, $125 per acre: terms to suit purchaser. J. -Running. 426 Failing bhlg. Main 4481. WHEAT RANCH. We h ave a big wn ea t ranch for sal over in Eastern Oregon. 5 miles from lone, that the owner is willing to sell at & sacrifice, as r.e needs cash. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg. FOR SALE. 160 acres of fine Summer grazing land on easy terms; just the chance for .some Willamette Valley farmer who would like to take his stock off for the Summer; all fenced; price $10 per acre, on easy terms. Frank E. Blair, Fall Creek, Or. FIFTEEN THOUSAND buys 21 acres, five miles out; 16 acres full beartrrg, also young orchard: close to school and church; Willamette Valley farm might be taken In exchange. J. W. WIEDRICK, Hood River, Or. A LF A LFA TLA NC H FOR S A LB. One of the beet alfalfa and stock ranches In the state; 600 acres In alfalfa; an abund ance of water for' Irrigation purposes and plenty of sheep range; 9000 sheep; must be sold at once. Inquire of the owner. James Smith, Burnt Ranch. Wheeler County, Or. I WANT to talk with you before you buy mat iarm: i Know mat i can satisiy you in both size, quality and price; let me ten you aDout tnem. and tnen go wun me and see for yourself ; I can show you Bomo fine places. George Turner, 415-16 Rothchlld bldg., 2S7 Si Washington st. 80 ACRES, 5 In cultivation and fenced, some timber, good wen ana running water; 4- cow. 3 hogs, 13 chickens, tools, household furnishings ; 1 mile to school ; good soli ; $ 13 u. -iv tumDer trxc n aji g Diog. 167 ACRES Clark Co.. Wash.; 12 acres cleared; orchard; buildings; two million feet vailow fir. $3s00 ; terms. MOSSM AN-CH ARLTON REALTY CO., 408 Commercial Club Bldg. 168 ACRrS 4 miles from Buxton. Washington Co.. 2.oO,OoO feet standing timber, mostly cedar: do acres ciearea, z acres neaveraam; sufficient water for mill; no agents. Ad dress L 041, Oregonian. FARM SNAP 150 acres. 2 miles of North Yamhill. 140 acres improved, 100 acres In crop, fenced and crcos-fenced, good house ana nam. ?o per acre; terms. r. iietz mann, 51 3d st. A GENUINE snap; $3u00. quick sale, buys 6 acres 2 miles out; comfortable house, 142 fruit trees, bearing; S40 trees 1 year old; strawberries. J. w. wieancK, iooa Kiver, Or. FINE farms in Yamhill and Washington Coun ties. 20 to 25 miles from Portland; hav some especially good buys. Kinney & Stam pher. 531-32 Lumber Exch. bldg. Main 44K8. GOOD 80-acre dairy farm, with stocky team, implements, etc. In Clark Co.. Wash. $5500. 408 Commercial Club bldg., city. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER fl,0O0.0;0 feet for $2OO0. 6.0OO.000 feet for $2300. 7.00i.fH. feet for $2M0. 8.0O0; 000 feet for $2oOO. 60.000.iXH feet at $1 per M. 100,000.000 feet at 75c ier M Do you want Multnomah County timber at si per m ? Do you want timber at any price? If you do, I have It In pine and flr. large and . small tracts. Particulars furnished to bona fide Investors. C. J. MCCRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 1Ci ACRES logged-off land In English ry grass and cover; living water, fine for dairy, fruit, nuts or mixed farming; some timber: in coal belt, nearby mines, 2.2 per cent ner ton royalty reserved: two mll easterly from the thriving town of Castle Rock, Wash.; price is 1500; would trade and pay cash difference on dwelling or otner rortiana property worm 4DW. B. W. POWE1X. 761 Michigan ave. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 40 miles from -Vancouver, on county road; good stream of water, 400,000 ft. yellow fir; slopes to soutn; make good fruit farm; no improve ments: prtce S2U0. Timber claim. Clatsop Co.; 6 million ft. No. 1 saw timber; price $50u. JUri.N 1 . Li KAn AM, 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1871. timber lands, oregon. washington. california, james d. lacey co- Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle 629 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. TIMBER FOR SALE. SIXTY-FOUR MILLION FEET of yel low flr at a snap; parcy mu?t sell quick. STANDARD TRUST COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres good timber; deeded . land, title clear; will cruise $4.ow,00O feet; threa miles from Chinook. Wash., near North Rank R. R. exten.rion. What am I offered? Terms cash. B 853, Oregonian. WE are constantly acquiring hne tracts of timber for sale and are headauarters for lumber enterprises of all klnda Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher, 631-33 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE have several good buys In timber and mills close to Portland, $20,000 and up, with terms; good yellow flr from $1 per M. up. Kinney & Starnpher, 631-32 Lumber Exch. bldg. Main 44S6. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 160 acre homestead and SO-acre timber claim 15 miles from Vancouver; $600. Moss-man-Chartton Realty Co., 408 Commercial Club, Bldg.. Portland. I AM prepared to locate settlers on railroad lands, with the assurance that they will get the land. C. A. Duncan. 31014 1st St.. room 19. Phone Pacific 1250. CASH customers for timber, 6.000.000 to 16. OvHMH'O, fillets Reservation. The Coast Realty Co.. 220 Lumber Exchange. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon; we locate you. Silver Lake Land Co., 721 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations, 827 Worcester blk. 320 ACRES, good timber land, $3600 price. Adaia Lewis, Eileen, CaL TO EXCHANGE. V. B. NEXT. Rooming house, 10 rooms, 4 lots. $600. Rooming house, best in city for home, $2750. Grocery, for acreage must b cleared. $2000. Fruit and notions for vacant lots, $300 up. Farm, 160 acres, .all dsBr tor home, $2500. 238 acres good land, all level, at $6. 16 acres, well ' located for home, at $3500. These and many others that would be to your Interest to see the list of. STEVEXSOX TAYLOR, 286 & Washington st. - IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS FOR PORT LAND PROPERTY. Have 30 acres fruit land under Umatilla project; over $1,000,000 already spent by the United States Government; owner go ing to Portland account business; will sell for $2000; 10-year payments at 6 per cent Interest or exchange for Portland property. Addrees A. C. Crawford, East 2d st., Her xnteton. Or. NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery goods, machinery, tools, fixtures, shop, store build ing and lot; will trade for small ranch and some cash or will take other small profits and some cash, or will sell half cash, balance on time to suit; in one of best farming sections in Willamette Valley; . reason for selling, my eyes are failing me. F 883, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, for Portland prot- erty. a small stocK or jewetry toois an-i a large stock of material for repairs. Addrets 1-ofciGffice box l&T, Prinevllle, Or. EXCHANGE OR SALE Paying general store; best coast resort in Oregon; lu.ow visitors last year; $3000. P. O. Box 182, Newport, Or. GOOD 50-acre farm In Clark Co., Wash., to trade for Eastern Oregon property. 408 Commercial Club bldg., city. IF you want to buy, sell or trade house, lot. business1 or iarm, see wnai we can oner. 325 Lumber Exchange. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots. Li. Ainswortn amun, tn .tmcaanan bldg., 286 Washington st. FOR BALE Or trade, grocery stock; in voice anoui o.vv, "not uvo j ui t au dress W 914. Oregonian. IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade, see Stevenson & 'iayior. ail iiucnanan, zsofe Washington. BUY, sell, exchange. Swank A Co., room 8, a a. facinc noo. 66-ROOM apartment-house to exchange for farm. Phone Main ii. TO exchange, seashore lots for 5-seated auto mobile. Tel. &4io Main. WILL trade for what you have. Qus Smith, 41 1 Buchanan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. INCOME PROPERTY. We have an inquiry from a n cm-resident for a piece of income property on either Front or First st., not over $20,00. H P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bid. WANTED To buy modern house of about 8 rooms,- West Hide preferred; state price and location when answering. A. 053, Oregonian. WANTED Business and residence property tor rent and sate from owners oniy. Arcni bald, 220 Abington. WANTED To buy for cash, vacant lot; give price and location first letter, u za. oregonian. FOR SATE. Horses. Vehicle and Harness. THOROUGHBRED dark bay Morgan road horse. 7 years old; nne traveler, very stylish, responsible; guarantee as to be ing sound and gentle. Call at Anderson ros. staoie. FOR SALE 22 head of sound, well broke horses from 900 to 1200 pounds; also some good saddlers. xaz uast 34 th. Phone Tabor 1112. FOR SALE 1 set double harness. 1 delivery wagon covered, and 1 horse, weight about 900 lbs. Call 361 East 7th st. South, or Phone East 768. WANTED Younic. sound and fast roadster. weight about 1100; well broken. D 94. oregonian. BLACK team, weight about 250, Jso gray ream, about zk; good ior au purposes. Can be seen at Anderson's stable. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. Z94 Montgomery. HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly, Overland Stables, 5th ana Gilsan. HORSE3S for sale. Nobby Stables, 12th and landers. Automobiles. HIGH-SPEED roadster automobile for eal. $1250 cash; owner leaving city and must sell; casn oniy. rj uio, care uergonian. AUTOMOBILE, 12 horsepower, holding 6 people. trice low ; casn or real estate. o 9o. unegonian. 6-PASSNGER. 4-cylinder automobile, up- to-date; sell cheap or exchange. Hall, 266 4th. FOR RENT Piano. Haltet & Davis, !n good condition, -ids Mcrrieon. cor. utn. SQUARE piano in good condition for sale or rent, tan mornings. is. .faric. SQUARE piano In good condition for sale or rent, call mornings, 33 JN. .rarjc Miscellaneous. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. See us for your pipe wants. We can furaiim pipe to you in any quantity; us for prices on It before buying else where. We also carry a complete line of machinery', pulleys, etc. and buy, sell or trade anytmng. M. BARDB A SONS, Eighth and Glisan Sts. IT WILL PAY YOU To visit our place before you order your stoves, furniture, carpets, because we carry a ruii line of new and as good as new stoves, carnets and all sorts of furniture. of which we can satisfy the taste of every one. The People's Auction House, .167 rront st., near .Morrison, leiepnone jaain OOiO. FOR SALE 6 cows. mixe,d breed, all fresh this Spring and good milkers, age from 2 years up; 4 miles west of Cedar Mills on Cornell road, at me stoner piace. in quire at U. S. Laundry, 21 4 Grand ave. MY business calls me away from city, must sell my fully equipped office; high-class furniture, eood location; will sacrince loi quick sale. Particulars at 206 Rothchlld bldg. A CHANCE to buy room furniture cheap 2 chamber sets, extension table, sideboard, couch. 18x40 Monroe cook stove, some car pets, 2 rockers, refrigerator. 106 Union ave FOR SALE Dentist business In first-class town, paying $150 to $225 monthly; busl: ness Increasing: good reason for selling, Address Box 3, Ashland, ur. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 16 H. P. 4-cyJinder engine. Drass nntsnings. quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with boathouse. w 7i3. uregonian. EXHIBITION moving picture machine. 2000 feet film, sell or exchange. Hall, 266 4th st. FOUR fine butter cows. Jerseys; 3 fresh. 95 East 30th; Sunnyside car. Phone East 6505. FOR SALE One good glass wall case, also showcase to match. People's Auction House. it front st. fnone Main 5670. TYPEWRITER, perfect condition. worth $50; will sacrince tor $ao. ieaving city. Call iiu-t ADingion omg. OLD VIOLINS and etrleged Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters. 31$ Tllfcrd bldg.. lutn ana mornson sts. FOR SALE Stock In established m-fg. com pany; will pay 26 per cent and over; invest! gate. a aoo, uregonian. HOUSEBOAT For sale. new. 2 rooms and small back room, partly furnished. Chas. Busse, Riverdale Depot. MOTION PICTURES, machine song slides, supp! les, rented, lowest prices. Newman. 203 Burnsioe. UNITED Wireless Preferred stock; will trad Moving-picture exchange Machines. sup plies, slides, nims ior rem. iv in sx. GOOD second-hand Hall safe at bargain. Ad dress Y 9u6. Oregoirtan. WALL map of City Portland for sale cheap, fflB Cham, or com. r-ac. FOR SALE 'Ra Uroad ticket, stopover, to Chscago, cneap. Address x aoo. iregonian. FOR SALE. Bllscelhuieotn. $0 QUARTERED oak lesser. $19.50: $35 cninonier to matcn, l; good- hardwood dresser, $9: $45 drop-head New Home eew ing machine, good as new, $25; other sew ing machines as low as $2.50; new pine needle mattresses, the $15 kind, for $6.5t; three-piece black walnut parlor suite, new upholstering, $15; rooking chairs from $1 up to $7.5v; Reliable gas range, $8.50; No. Kfil Challenge Eclipse cook stove, with high shelf, $13.50; No. 7-15 Mabel Saint Clair cook stove. $6: fine pedestal, weathered oak extension table, $15: eo weathered oak buffet wlih leaded glass front. $27.50; 6 weathered dining chairs, upholstered seats. $10.5u; pollsned oak hallrack, round plate mirror, $9; weathered oak library table, $5.50; iron beds. $2: fine laree wardrobe. .five feet wide, seven feet high. $15, We uuy, swri or exonange ana we carry every thing in new and second-hand household goods. Western Salvage Co.. 2orh and Washington. Main lluS or A 3703. Call us up. GENUINE blrdeeye maple ladles dresslng- iame. iy.ou; nard wood dresser, o; manog anlsed chiffonier, $8; Princes dresser, with 18x4iMnch French mirror, $15; mantel fold ing bed. $5; cabinet folding bed. $0; white maple dresser, $lo; black walnut dresser, $10: kitchen treasure. $1.50; Cooker Chief gas range. $6; $46 Meeaba steel range, good condition, $22.50; No. 8 Jersey Lily cook stove. $9: hardwood extension table, $4; $50 roll-top desk, $26; $25 fiat-top desk. $12.60; revolving office ohair. $3.60. If you want bargains, see us; we will give you any kind of a trade you want. MoGrath Fur niture Co., 66 North 3d st. Main 207. BATH TUBS WATER AND SOIL PIPES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received Two carloads brand-new cast Iron and steel, white enameled bath tubs; all kinds of plumbing supplies, etc., which we are selling away below whole sale prices. We also carry a complete line of pipe, for both water and sewerage, on which we can save you from 25 to 50 per cent. Mail inquiries promptly answered. M. BARDE & SONS. 347-353 Gilsan St., corner Eighth. FOR GALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balk e-Col lender. 49 Third st. HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO We have work for several experienced sash and door factory men at good wages. We also have a large list of other work. Including carpenters, mill Hands, loggers, teamsters, farm hands, milkers, etc. Large list of new work even" day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d st. Both Phones. YOUR WINTER'S COAL ABSOLUTELY FREE! For particulars -see classified ad, business chances. CARDIFF COAL & COKS COMPANY, 94 H Sixth St. Phones A 3513, Main 8548. OFFICE man and bookkeeper, first-class one accustomed to handling correspond ence and looking after salesmen preferred. In own handwriting state age, experience and salary wanted. Address "Manufac turer," care Oregonian. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; mei and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; -expert instructor, tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. KEEP your Job, donble your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies; on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co.. Epler Block, Seattle. District agents wanted. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as partner to show land, etc.; can make i.u to $200; no experience necessary; very little cash required, particulars Multno mah Investment & Realty Co., v 386 14 Washington st.. room 11. MA K B MONEY Why go to work when I canguarantee you $ift0 to $200 doing noth ing. Call today; no experience required and very little cash. Multnomah ( Invest ment & Realty Co., 8864 Washington St., room 11. WANTED An experienced mineral water salesman; give experience and references; man acquainted with liquor and restau rant trade In Portland and Oregon pre ferred. 402 American Bank bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit f urn ished free ; a good opening. For particulars address with reference Ore gon Nursery Company, Ea.em, Or. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing ana DncKiaying; aay ana nignt; no books ; posl tions secured ; free catalogue. Coyne National Trada School, 230-240 8th at., &an Francisco, RESPONSIBLE SALESMAN Real estate in vestment carrying 15 per cent Interest; principal and 6 per cent guaranteed. Splendid opportunitw, city work. X 02 L uregoman. THE 'PARK barber shop will be open for Dimness may aw; nrm-ciass naircut, 25c, shaving 15c.- 212 4th St., near Sal mon. olio & Priem, Props. WANTED French cook, experienced, for nrst-ciass restaurant; and experienced dishwasher. Call Little Hungary Restau rant, cor. 7tn ana Ankeny. WANTED A middle-aged man to work around In an apartment house: room. board and salary. Madison Court, Park and Madison sts. LEARN watch ma King, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned wniie learning. watcnmaKing. iun- graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Beatti. HONEST, sober, registered druggist ; splen- did Judge of salable goods; successful piano salesman; references of successful business history. At u. oregonian. DENTISTS wanted; all-around men to take charge of high-class office In or out of the city ; big salary and commission. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Morrison. WANTED Hustling salesman to take $1000 stock in a corporation having established trade ; salaried position goes with stock. L v27. oregonian. WANTED Man to work on gold dredger; must have $200 to 4uo to loan or invest wages $3 to $4 per day. J 953, Oregon ian. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5604. WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and sales men, ail lines, commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. MARRIED man as bread counter; good wages, night worn; best of references re quired. Koyal iiaKery. 11th and Everett, DRY GOODS and furniture salesman: book keeper and stenographer. 323 Wash. P. A. & C. Co. WANTED A good all-round planing mill man; a good- steaay jod ior a good many Address Albany Planing Milk Albany, Or. BOYS WANTED 3 boys over 16, with wheels, good wages. Apply Hasty Mes senger co., iz t ilth st. YOUNG- man about 17 years, must be pro- ncient stenographer, o v-o, uregoman. PLUM B ER Jobber wanted ; state wages and experience. Address a. oregonian. WANTED Upholsterer and couch maker. J H.. woilring. 348 1st st. WE SECURE positions for our members; spe cial membership. Y. M. C. A. PLATEN pressfeeder. Apply Oregon City Enterprise Monday morning. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 3000 MEN. women and children wanted to pick strawberries In Hood River Valley. The season will begin about the ISth of May. Pickers and packers will be required to furnish their own camp outfit. Growers will hSul them to and from the depot. Wood furnished and plenty of good water. Also gcjd camping grounds. Your letter will be" handed to a grower to answer, thus enabling you to matte direct arrangements and be met at the train or ooat- Be sure and get a round-trip ticket. It Is cheaper. For further particulars address the Hood River Fruit Growers Union. E H. Shep ard, manager, Hood River, Or. STENOGRAPH ER S to take our night school course in bookkeeping for positions at $50 to $60. Business University, Worcester block. $3, $10 commission earned dally soliciting subscribers, German and Catholic papers; references. S 968. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL to assist with housework. 269 14th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 16 years and over, to work in fac tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harris-Neville Co., 5th and Davis su. WANTED Chambermaids. housekeepers, waitresses, girls for general housework, etc. We have a large list of new work every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Department. 2o.-tfe Morrison t. MIDDLE-AGED lady, unincumbered, for general housework and help with chil dren; fine home, easy work, steady em ployment, and if you treat u right w will treat you like a sister. Give phone , number. S 956. Oregonian. SALESWOMAN must be experienced in buying and selling gloves, corsets and underwear; state experience, salary ex pected and phone number. A 962, Orego nian. , . COMPETENT girl for general houeework ; small town near Portland: family of two: hot and coldf water, electric lights; besti wages. Phone Main 1552. Call 426 5th st. WAITRESSES, city; pantry, chamber, cook ing, family, disher. help; farm hands milk. Telephone "Drake's, 203 Wash ington. , HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 & Wash. St.. cor. 7th. u pet airs. Phones Main and A 260& Help Supplied Free to Employers. STENOGRAPHERS should take our special onus, night school, for better salaries. Business University, Worcester block. WANTED Refined, capable woman, for re- punsioie position. viavi (jo., w xioia child bldg., 4th and Washington. COMPETENT woman to cook and do gen eral nouaeworK ; small ramuy; .rortiana Heights. A 961, Oregonian.- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies' Department. 206 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062 A 1400. WANTED Neat, experienced waitresses for nrst-ciass restaurant, can Tattle Hungary Restaurant, cor. 7th and Ankeny sts. WANTED A girl to do cooking and washing in a private ramiiy; second girl kept, 381 12th st., cor. Montgomery. WANTED A girl to work in private fam ily, inquire at 13 (Jiark St., ut. xaoor. Phone Tabor 222. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S43& Washington st., comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2682. CUTTER for dressmaking: nothing but expe rienced persons need apply. (Jail 414 balm on st. WANTED At once, experienced skirt and? waist finishers. Mme. summers, 126 r. 23d. COMPETENT girl wanted for general house work ; comrortaDie nome. 400 lutn si., near Jackson. WANTED Girl for cigar and fruit store. 1 32 Grand ave., between Morrison and Alder. GIRLS to address envelopes. Call promptly 8 o clock Monday morning, jverr Glass Mfg. Co.. 4th and Hoyt. GIRL for general housework and cooking-; must be good plain cook; wages $30. Phone Main 1309. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 71 o w eidier, cor. .East 2 1st st. Home phono C 1209. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit salesladies; Btate experience and salary wanted. T 92U, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, 2 in family. can Monday morning, du tutn st. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; 6 adults in family; $25. Main 4152. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons, $4 per month, f hones Pacific U4S, a 4i48. WANTED-Dining-room girl; experience not necessary. Appiy m i. tn st. WANTED Competent woman to cook; with references. Apply 653 Johnson st. WANTED A competent nurseglrl; must have references; wages $30. ISO Hoyt. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 133fc oth, cor. Aider. rnone a Mu. DISHWASHER wanted at Adams Restau rant, 23d and Savler. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 000 jvcjwy bi. GIRL to do cooking and general housework. 648 Lpvejoy st. A GOOD reliable girl for housework. Phone tjast idii. GIRL for general housework. 146 N. 17th, oetween noyt ana irving. GOOD woman cook In private boarding-house; good piace ior rigm party, juau iii txti. NEAT girl for second work. 6O6 Davis, be tween 21st and 22d. BEST wag for first-class waist drapers. 44d r neoner Diog., iotn and vv asnington, YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the barbers trade. iz . 4tn st. WANTED Girl to help with general house work. Main 2416 or call 8 N. 7th st. GIRL for housework; family of two; must be good cook. 1? lat 1, om EJverett st. WANTED Good nurse girl. Apply 740 Flan ders st., near Z3d. . WANTED Girl for general housework. 702 Marshal st. A NURSE girl to assist In second work. Ap ply 65 North 21st st. WANTED Restaurant cook. 33 Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers nasi Clerks. MAN 0 middle age, single, thoroughly ex perienced in dry goods, furnishing goods and gents' merchandise, seeks a position in the country, v. uoz, oregonian. HONEST, sober, registered druggist; splen did judge of salable goods ; successful piano salesman; references of successful business history. M s&o, oregonian. POSITION wanted by bookkeeper,- experienced and cajable of taking entire charge of small office; no objection to leaving city. X uo, oregonian. WANTED Situation by expert bookkeeper auditing and systematizing accounts a spe cialty. Phone Pacific 74. Miscellaneous. CHAUFFEUR, competent, desires -position; will change location or travel; can make ail ordinary repairs; expect gooa salary; references as to character, reliability and experience furnished upon request. A 4rao, Oregonian. MARRIED man. trained fruit grower, wants to tend orchard on division of profits or salary basis ; references, and sober. L 929. Oregonian. LET us do your estimating for you, also make your material bills, figure your fire losses; references furnished. Phone East 4103. COOK, hotel, reeoaurant, boartWng'-house, camp, first, second, third-class; $00 up. F McC, Rhelnpfalz Hotel, room 97. FIRST-CLASS all-around general jobbing blacksmith. 371 N. 17th st., bet. Savler and Thurman. WANTED Position as engineer In laundry or sawmill; first-class reference. X 924, Oregonian. ENGINEER wants a position tn machine shop as hfii-er; good reference. X 923, Ore gonietn. WE do all kinds of housework. Pacific 731. Jake Williams Co.. 335 Couch st. A JAPANESE boy wants Job In store, work ing as messenger. H 9&4. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants poFitJon to do house work in any place. A 4577. Pacific 988. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 662L A YOUNG Japanese wants position of any kind of work. X 952. Oregonian. WANTED Position by first-class machin ist. J 14. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and BtenograpoersL WANTED Typewriting; to do at home. P. 0. Box 397. OUNti laoy wisnee position as casmer; 4 years' experience. Phone Main 2981. 6ITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and btenoantpners. YOUNG lady, experienced bill clerk and add ing maenme operator, aesires wor. xiiw James, 917 Mississippi ave. STENOGRAPHER desires position, willing to take moderate salary. V Ore gonian. FOR A good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Tested and certified. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position, law office work preferred. Phone Pacific 739. . DreMmsRers. ART LA MODE. 181 6th st.. opposite the Portland. Main 3378. A 6326. High-class ladies tailoring department, gowns and wedding trousseaus; special prices this week for commencement dresses. PLAIN and children's sewing, neat work, low est prices. Infants' outfits a specialty. 1209 Eu Yamhill. Phone B 23S5. LADY -wants sewing at home, machine or hand work. Apply Mrs. Novas. 5454 Washington st. DRESSMAKING in families; alterations no objection. Phone Tabor S2.S. Housek eeperm. MIDDLE-AGED lady with son 14. wishes position as housekeeper for widower; no objection to children; good home con sidered rather than w&fes. Address B 95. Oregonian. CAPABLE woman, good cook, wants position as working housekeeper, outside Portland preferred. 671 Kearney st. Miscellaneous. HOME LAUNDERED lace curtains done by experienced hand. Phone, Tabor 3 4. Mrs. s. M. Scott. WOMAN wants few hours' work afternoons or evening; care of children or other work. 226 Park. Phone Main 4788. WANTED By the day, washing ant sweep ing, .-wonoay and Wednesday, .rnone Pa cific 2&T2. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 739 .N. ad. pnone Pacino io4. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted for sale of "Looters of the Public Domain"- by S. A. D. Puter. king of the Oregon land fraud ring, in collaboration with Horace Stevens, the greatest work on the subject ever pub lished, embracing a complete exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States. Contains 500 pages. Including nearly 200 fine illustrations of prominent, actors and events in the great land fraud drama. Liberal commission allowed active agents with good references. Applications for territory should be addressed to Puter & Stevens. Hotel Lenox, Portland. Or. WANTED House-to-house canvassers In every town in the Willamette Valley and as far east as The Dalles, including Port land, to sell coal and coal stock. For par ticuars see classified ad under business chances. Good solicitors can make from $50 to $100 per week. CARDIFF COAL & COKE CO.. 64 Sixth St. Phones A 3513, Main 8648. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees. mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can yon sell goods? If u, w ubbu you; complete outni tree; casn weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. SALESMEN Can give a few good salesmen a contract whereby you can make Trom $100 to $200 per week; exclusive territory; no competition. 410 Corbett bldg. WANTED Reliable man to represent Texas reai estate organization; fiw per month, 230 Moore bldg.. San Antonio, Tex. WANTED TO RENT, WANTED To rent a clean, fully furnished nouse or from 5 to 8 rooms, wifh yard, for 3 months, from May 23, w.lthln walking distance; ,3 in family; best references Rent not Xo exceed $40. D 923, Orego nian. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Pitland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED TO LEASE. Large stock ranch in Suuthern Ore gon, for term of 3 years, with view of buying; win pay cash rent in advance. Address H. F. Mersdorf, 280 Pearl St., Eu gene, Or. WANTED Small furnished cottage, flat or housekeeping rooms; East Side, between Washington, Tillamook and 10th. G 935, Oregonian. THREE or 4 unfurnished rooms, on or near Hawthorne avenue or Jefferson st. ; must be reasonable and clean. Phone Room 120. Hotel Lenox. W ANTED By two gentlemen, one or two furnished rooms, with piano; close in. Ad dress B 961, Oregonian. BOARD wanted In country for Summer, by tti gin yJL o ywara. Address J VW, Oregonian. BUSINESS young woman wants room and board, private family, in exchange for cumpiuiy evenings. x. W. O. A. WANTED For the Summer, modern fur nished cottage at the beach; give location and full particulars. P. O. Box 137, city WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOE FURNITURE. ' And any thing else you have to seU. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6656. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 8d st. phone Pacific 1723. WANT to buy cheap for cash, second-hand tern, size aoout ux4o; side walls, poles, stakes; black or white top. De Koven, 467 State st., Salem. Oregon. PRACTICAL Instruction by an expert in tempering and forging steel, w 950, Ore- gouiun. READY money paid for furniture; better prices tnan a aeaier. pnone East 68SS. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. I PAY casb for household goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co., $46 1st. Phone 860. WANTED Second-hand counter about 10 ft. long. Phone Main 1662. WANTED 25 or 50 pairs skates; must be good and cheap. G 951 Oregonian. FOB RENT. Famished Rooms. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th. newly deco rated, all outside rooms, hot running w&ter in every room; $3 up. Main 1153. HOTEL AJjETXAiNDER Newly furnished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water prices reasonable. 131 10th st. THE CADILLAC, ftd and Columbia; newly furnished rooms, single or en , suite; easy walking distance from center of city. i THE KINGSTON, 190 3d sL, 60c, $1 dally; i n muuem convenience; open all night; transients solicited. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, very central. $2; bath, phone and lights. 171 West Park. THORNTON'S HOTEL, 271 3d st., newly furnished rooms, $2.60 to $6 per week; LARGE, bright, newly furnished room; run ning water, gas, bath, phone. Main 3312 361 10th. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod ern rooms, bath. 60c to $1 a day, $2 to $4 wk 672 Belmont, 1 block south of East Morris ou st, carline; bath and light; furniture new. THE EUREKA, 1st and Market sts., clean, outside rooms $2.60 wk.; housekeeping rooms. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. THE AH TON LA Rooms, hot and cold water; fine location. 128 W. Park st. BRIGHT, clean rooms for quiet people, $1 and up. 209 Clay st. $9 Nicely furnished room, gas and bath. 141 13th st.. cor. Alder. TWO furnished front rooms, close in. 345 Harrison. FOR RENT Nicely furnished alcove room for 3 gentleman or ladies. 632 Couch st. TWO rooms for gentlemen, in private home; modern, close In. 547 Yamhill. TWO nice furnished rooms. 694 Gilsan st. FOB BENT. Famished Booms. THE GLENDORA HOTEL. 19th and Couch, near Washington, has the best rooms In the city. $7.60 per month and op, single or enautte, with or without board; bat lis, steam heat, electric lights, both phones, large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard and pool tables, all free to guests. THE YAMHILL. Large, light and neatly furnished rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week. Phone A 13 . Si Yamhill sc. N. W. cor. West Park- HOTEL BRESLIN New house just opened to the public, cor. llth and Washington sts.; beautifully furnished, private baths, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat; rates $1 and upward. Phone Main 7954. JUST OPENED New apartment, beautifully furnished rooms, mission and mahogany furniture. steam heat, all modern conven iences, different from the ordinary: don't miss seeing them. Phone 2009. 409 Jef ferson St. THE GAYOSO Corner Grand avenue and Stark; thoroughly modern, well furnished rooms, steam heated, hot water, baths, elevators; price very reasonable ; this is new brick building, every modern con venience. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts Newly furnished throughout new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7106. Long-distance phones In all rooms. A FRONT bay-window room with modern conveniences, in private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen.- Call after 6 P. M. 284 llolladay ave. THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay window rooms, suitable for doctor's office, art rooms on dressmaking. i6Kt4 Washing ton St. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up daily 76c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647 HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable, paclfio 490. HOTEL PALMER. S50U, Alder, cor. PFJ-k: new management; furnished rooms, steam heat, electric light. fre bath; moderate prices. Mrs. E. J. Howell. , THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts.. nauasonieiy lumisnea oacneior rooms; every modern convenience; terms reasonable; oniy 6 blocks from Postofflce. TWO rooms, newly furnished. In beautiful moacrn nai ; rent reasoname; gentlemen preferred. 404 Jefferson st. Phone Main 8',2K. LARGE light outside rooms; hot and cold running water, hot water heat; everything new. Main 4100. 201 14lh, cor. Taylor. 258 THIRTEENTH Nicely furnished ruums m private ramuy, house new, every convenience; gentlemen only; moderate. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new tuiuikutv, icicynoua ana Dams tree. a2Tm Stark, corner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Eatea FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In modern flat, within walking distance, pri vate family. 551 Taylor st. Main 8627. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Ella St.. new and elegantly furnished single rooms and suites, with and without bath; hot and cold water In every room; first-class table. Take Washington -street car to Ella st. FIRST-CLASS board and rooms in modern suburban home; can accommodate 6 to 8 persons; rates very reasonable. Inquire 37 Lyon Bt . Arleta. Mt, Scott line. Phone Tabor 1023. H9JEt LENOX. 1717 Belmont ave.. Seattle. V.ash.; elegant quatrera for the fleet; rooms 5 cents up. mealu 60 and 35 cents. Reached by Broadway-Pike and Capital Hill car lines. YOUNG men, if you want nrat-class room and .board. $5.50 per week, all conven iences, nice yard and porch, and good home cooking, call at the Aster House. Seventh and Madison. BLAKE LY HALL. 300 Jefferson, bet 5th and ith, pleasant rooms, with first-class board; fine location for business people or tourists; direct car service with Union depot. THE BERNARD Beautifully furnished rooms; hut and cold water, with board-: stri.Hly flrst-claKs; desirable location; beau-VfuJ-cIawn- llth and Yamhill. Main 5330, PORTLAND Women's Union, 18th year; rooms with board, un of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs Ella Rawllngs, Supt.. 610 Flanders st. THE BARTON. Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; first-class table; most reasona ble rates. 465 Alder. THE CLAY. cor. . 2d and Clay, nicely fur nished single and double rooms, with board, $5 and $..50 per week; everything com fortable and homelike. NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; strictly home cooking; modern conveni ences; walking distance; $6 per week. The Lindell. 261) Market. LARGE airy rooms, hot and cold water, ex cellent board, extensive grounds, walk ing distance. 617 Kearney st. Pacific 314. A 2618. COSY furnished room, with good home board; modern; furnace heat, - home privileges. 600 E. Burnside. NICELY furnished rooms, with board; very reasonable. 178 Ella, south of Washing ton. WANTED 2 gentlemen, board and lodging, in private family, 20 minutes walk from 3d and Washington. F 958, Oregonian. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent ur transient. LARGE front room for 2, also single rooms; home cooking; private; very reasonable. 252 ' N. 19th st. Pac. 2407. THE Colonial, corner 10th and Morrison, cosy, clean, comfortable, good table; low rates. Call and see. LARGE front room and board for 2; mud , ern; 2 doors from carline. 387 12th st. NICELY furnished rooms in private family, 1 block from carline, 248 N. 20th. NICE front room for two with first-class board; $56 per month. 187 6th st. . OLYMPUS Rooms and board, $5 week and up. 141 Lownsdale, cor. Alder. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark. 225 llth st. SELECT private boarding-house, modern conveniences; board optional. 452 Morrison. FOR RENT Full furnished dining-room 286 N. 17th at. Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with private bath and every known convenience, including the free use of tele phone, gas and electric light. Special Summer rates to desirable tenant. X 910, Oregqnlan. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, window . shades. Janitor service, telephone; adults. Apply janitor, 18th and Couch sts. MODERN new 6-room residence apartments; walking distance; steam neat, hot water. Janitor service; rent reasonable. 305 llth between Columbia and Clay. See Donald "Woodward, 104 2d st. Both phones. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room apartment, with bath; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; fine location saves carfare. Apply to janitor, 7th and Jefferson utB. WE stil have a few apartments for rent In the elegant King's Hill apartments, at , very attractive rental. Inquire at prem ises or Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders ets.; 4 room unfurnished apartments; steam heat, elevator, city phones. A pply to U. R. Griffith, East 524, B 1845, or to janitor. THE WESTMINSTER. Madison and 6th sts, up-to-date apartments, every modern con venlence, reasonable rates, close In. fraly ft blocks from Postofflce. FURNISHED 4-room apartment, for 3 or 4 months, complete, modern and very con venient. Apply to Janitor The Sheffield, 7th and Jefferson sts. THE Cadillac Hotel, 3d and Columbia; fine newly furnished apartments, single or en suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house keeping rooms. COLUMBIAN apartments. llth and Co lumbia, one four and one five-room apart ment for rent; adults The Dayton. 660 Flanders, fine 6-room apart ments, heat, hot water, etc; reduced rent: BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rent. 205 12th. "The Braintree."