THE MOEXIXG OKEGONIAN", SATTTRDAY, MAY 16, 1908. We Are Portland Aerents for Butterick Patterns. "Nemo" Corsets. Columbia Yams. "Vudor" Porch Shades. Ostermoor Mattresses. Etc OpenSaturday UntU9:30P.M. Meier ank -Store's Saturday Shopping Bulletin OpenSaturday UntiI9:30P.M. Men's $ 1 Shirts at 55c 1 000 Women's Gowns Embroid'ed Silk Gloves 18 Men's $1 Underwear 59c MEN'S 50c SUSPENDERS 29c PAIR Great Saturday sale of men's new Golf Shirts, this season's best styles, colorings and pat terns; light and dark effects, also plain tans and blues, all sizes; great assortment ;' the best regular $1.00 values; your choice of the assortment at this low price, ea. Men's lisle thread form-fitting Underwear in pink, blue, ecru and white, all sizes in shirts and drawers; the best regular $1.00 Qf values, on sale at, special, garment. Men's Poros-Knit Underwear, the ideal Sum mer undergarment; all sizes shirts and draw ers; sold everywhere at 50c; your fcflf choice at this low price, the garment. best-made overshirt on the market ; has pearl buttons and button-down collar; CI regular $2.00 values, on sale at.P Men's 50e lisle Web Suspenders, all the best patterns; matchless value; on sale at OQ this low price, pair take advantage."'' Beautiful new fancy Hosiery at, pair.. 250 $1 75 Values 98c In the Muslin Underwear Department to-day ayery unusual offering of 1000 women's cam bric and nainsook nightgowns at a price about one half their real value All new pretty styles trimmed in laces, embroideries, tucks and in sertion All sizes and great assortment Reg ular $1.75 values Buy all you want aq of them at this exceptionally low price fOC Mail and Phone Orders will be carefully filled Muslin Underwear Department on Second Floor Sale Children's Underskirts 75c Values Reduced to 25c Great special lot of children's white Underskirts with fancy hemstitched ruffle; ages 3 to 12 years; the best 75c values, on sale at this special price, each. &J We are Portland agents for Gossard "Lace Front" Cor sets; all the new models. Expert fitters in attendance. 3.50 Vals. $2.69 For to-day in the Big Clove Department a great special offering of 2000 pairs of the new 1 6-button length allover embroidered silk gloves Made of the best quality mil anese silk Black, white, tan, champagne, pongee, brown, gray, pink and light blue Rich and stylish gloves for street and eve- wear All sizes The best $3.50 ning values on sale Saturday only. O Q at this remarkably low price yD Mail and phone orders carefully attended to 25c Handkerchiefs at 14c Great Saturday sale of 5000 women's fine Handker chiefs, in crossbar-effects, Vi-inch hemstitching; a very. neat hand-embroidered colored initial; French novelty Handkerchiefs, and always sold at 25c; jour choice Saturday at this special price, ea. .140 Sale Men's and Women's Sweater Coats 3.50 Values Are Reduced to $2.35 Each Great Saturday sale of 500 Sweater Coats for men and women best weave ; colors, white, red and gray; best make and finish; large pearl buttons; all $0 35 sizes. Best regular $3.50 values, on sale today at, special, each P Buy one for wear at the beach and on your .Sunday outings. Let us show you. Ten Thousand Yards of New Percales Best 15c Values on Sale at 11c the Yard In the Wash Goods Department Saturday, 10,000 yards of handsome new Percales in light and dark colorings; immense variety of neat, desirable patterns; 11 36 inches wide; best regular 15c values, on sale at this low price, the yard. C New Wash materials largest and best display in city. All styles and all grades. 25c Dresden Ribbon on Sale at 17c Yard Elegant 35c Neckwear Reduced to 18cEa. 10,000 yards fancy Dresden Ribbon for hair bows and sashes; beautiful 1 fff Dresden and warp print designs; all colors, 4 inches wide; 25c values, yd. It v Special lot Silk Windsor and College Ties for women and children; plain 1 Q- colors and plaids, full sizes, best quality; 25c-35c values, Saturday only, ea. 1 0,000 Copies at 2 for 25c Select one from each lot All new, popular pieces Reg. 25c each B;5rlEET Mus'lCf Lot 1 Red Wing, School Days. Honey Boy, Love Me and the World Is Mine, The Merry Widow Songs, I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark, Poor John, Dreaming, Good-Bye, Sweetheart, Good- 140 Bye; Polkadot Rag, On the TRM Banks of Stein With Rhein, LI I Budweiser Is a friend or Mine, JJiIl "ickles, and many other late popular songs. Lot 2 Can You Keep a Se cret, Little Cozy Flat, Merry Widow Waltz, La Sorella, Dying Poet, Rose Festival March, Moonbeams and Dreams of You, Stung. For est King, St. Louis Tickle, Tropical Moon, Awakening of the Birds, Carnival of Roses Waltz, and many oth er popular and classical se lections from which to choose. Carnival of Roses," a new waltz that every lover of music will appreciate. Composed for the Rose Festival by 1 IT. two Portland boys; special introductory price, copy. J Sale of Children's Boxcoats $4.50 Values $2.98 Each Great Saturday Sale of Children's Boxcoats 200 garments secured from a well known New York manufacturer at a price far be low value 'Three quarter length styles in fancy plaids, greens, grays and tans Vel vet collar Ages 2 to 8 years All are handsomely tailored throughout Well- made and finished Every coat in the lot regular $4.50 values Your J) OA choice while they last, each p4ty-rO Peter Thompson Suits in blue and white linen, trimmed in chevrons and braid to match, Full pleated skirts. This year's novelty; ages 14 to 18. $6.50 to $15 Great special values in Children's Wash Dresses Children's Department, 2d Floor Five Hundred Boys' Suits $8.50-$ 1 2.50 Vals. 2 Price Great Half-Price Sale of boys' apparel Our entire stock of Spring Suits with straight-cut pants 500 garments in the lot Fancy checked worsteds, brown mixed tweeds, light gray homespuns Tans, browns and grays, all new, up-to-date apparel Double-breasted coats and straight-cut pants School and dress suits for boys 7 to 16 years of age Values ranging from $8.50 to $ 1 2.50 a suit Take your pick from our entire -stock at one-half regular prices It's the grandest saving opportunity in boys suits the season has ever offered See Fifth- street window display Mail 1L T)y r0 orders filled Special, each suit a JTICC Boys'-Men's Clothing Department 2d Floor The Meier-, Frank Store's Great 6 to 9:30 Specials for Tonight Sale of Curtain Swiss Curtain Swiss at very low prices fojto-night from 6 to 9:30 only Economists will take advantage 35c Swiss, 36 inches wide, all size dots and figures; best quality Eng lish Swiss; great value, at, yard. 40c Swiss, 45 inches wide, in dots, fig ures and stripes; best quality, ZQc great value, on sale at, the yard. 50c Swiss, 45-inch, small and large fig ures and colored stripes; great TQ value, yd. Curtain Dept., 3d fl. Tumblers at 4c Ea. In the Basement Store, 6 to 9:30 P. M. 100,000 thin Blown Tumblers, each.. 40 5000 16-inch Glass Vases, best 1 A 20c values, 6 to 9:30 only, each. Boys' Shoes $1.68 Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, 500 pairs of boys Shoes, in velour calf, box calf and vici kid; lace and blunchers; all sizes, 1 to 512 ; best regular $2.50 P 1 fLO values, on sale at, the pair.S Jt 50c Hosiery 29c Pr. On sale tonight, from 6 to 9:30, 5000 pairs of women's very fine qualityvblack gauze lisle Hose, garter tops, high spliced heel, double sole; fast OQ color, all sizes; best 50c val., pr. -'C Shop'ng Baskets 15c On sale tonight, from 6 to 9:30, 1000 Rush Shopping Baskets, best style and size; regular 25c values, on sale 1 C at this marvelously low price, ea. aV Basket Department, on the Fourth Floor. Corset Covers at 39c On sale tonight, 6 to 9 :30, great special lot of nainsook and cambric Corset Covers, trimmed in lace and embroidery; all neat, pretty styles; the best regular 65o tQ and 75c values, on sale for, each. 20c Hosiery, 9c Pair Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, 3000 pairs of women's, misses' and children's fast black Cotton Hose, seamless leg and foot; come in all sizes; the best regular 20c val ues, on sale at this special price, pair. w 25c Pictures, 10c Ea. For tonight, from 6 to 9 :30, 5000 handsome Colored Pictures, mounted on dark mats; large variety of subjects; size 7x14 inches; best regular 25c values, buy all you 1 ff want of them- at this low price, ea. v $ 1 .75 Corsets 69c Pr. Tonight, from" 6 to 9 :30, great special lot of Corsets, black and drab; all good models; long hips, and hose supporters attached; come in all sizes; regular $1.75 CQm values, on sale at, special, the pair."''' $3.00 Pictures, $ 1 .23 Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, a special lot of beau tiful Oil Paintings, framed in handsome six-inch gilt ornamented frames; size 25x34 inches ; the best regular $3.00 D 1 O It values, on sale at, special, ea.H " Boys' 75c Pants, 52c On sale tonight, 6 J930, special lot boys' Knee Pants dark grr mixtures and fancy checks; double seat and ages 5 to 16 years; regular 75c values, s?le vJf at this special low price,, per p." Boys' Waists at 19c Tonight, from 6 to 9 :30, a great special lot boys' plain white laundered Waists, pleated effects with Byron collar; ages 3 to 14 years; best regular 50c values, on sale at, special, each. Ruching at 7c a Box On sale tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 boxes Tourist Wash Ruching, 3 yards in a box, white and colored; greatest value ever offered at this special low price, 7 g the' box take advantage of sale.. 25c Ribbons at 15c Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, 5000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, 4 inches wide, in black, white and all the leading shades, for hair ribbon, dress trimming, 1 fancy work, etc.; 25c value, yd. 75c Brushes at 39c On sale tonight, 6 to 9:30, 1000 solid wood back Hair Brushes in different" fin ishes; best grade of bristles, every one warranted; the best regular 75c 7Q values, on sale at, special, each. a'V Nail Brushes at 18c Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, a great sale of 2000 solid -wood back Hand Scrub and Nail Brushes; very stiff bristles, with or without handles; the best regu- 1 Q lar 35c values, on sale at, each. " 1 5c Handkerch'fs 7c On sale tonight, 6 to 9:30, 3000 women's mercerized Handkerchiefs, 4-inch hem stitching; plain white and new colored effects, in stripes and checks; best f 15c values, on sale at, special, ea..' C SERMON ON ARMORY BILL Dr. Clarence True Wilson Will Dis cuss Measure From Pulpit. Dr. Clarence True Wilson will de vote 'part or his sermon tomorrow night at tho " Centenary Methodist Church to the armory bill, taking up. that measure and dealing: with it from its patriotic and moral aspects. - Mem bers of the National Guard have been especially Invited to the service by Dr. AVilson and will attend In large num bers. Dr. Wilson is one of the active be lievers In the armory bill and other legislation tending to put the Nation on a sounder military basis. Not a believer in war, he takes the stand that the surest way to prevent war is to be prepared for it. The armory bill being a part of the National scheme of training American young men to pro tect the Nation's honor, should th-e oc casion arise, is deserving of general support at the June election. Dr. Wil son says. In his sermon he will deal with the possibilities of war with a great Ori ental power in the event the Nation continues to grow rich but weak, and raise a hue and cry every time a few dollars are asked for military purposes. He will also deal with the moral benefits of military train ing for young men. Dr. Wilson's sermon along these lines promises to be Intensely Interesting, as he will have many new things to say and. a , attendance. Is, assured. On Saturdays we are open from 6 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock in the evening; but try to come to us in the morning if you possibly can. BEEF Smith's Meats taste entirely differ ent from all other meats in the city. They are absolutely fresh and sweet. Leg of Beef for Soup 30 Rump Sonp Bones 30 Plates of Beef 50 Brisket of Beef 50 Liver . . . . : 50 Oxtails 50 Kecks of Beef 50 Plates of Beef, best cuts 60 Brisket Beef, best cuts....- 60 Necks of Beef, good cuts 60 Plate Corned Beef 60 Brisket Corned Beef . .60 Necks of Beef, very little bone... 70 Beef Kidneys 70 Beef Suet ....80 Shoulder Roast Beef 80 Chuck Roast Beef 80 Shoulder Beefsteak 80 Lean Corned Beef 80 Rnmp Roast Beef, end cut 80 Rump Roast Beef, better cuts. . . .90 Rump Roast Beef, choice 100 Prime Rib Roast Beef, sixth, seventh and eighth rib..v.., Prime Rib Roast Beef, ninth cut, choice ....100 Round Roast Beef 100 Round Steak .100 Chuck Steak . .1O0 Chuck Steak, 3 lbs. for 250 Hamburg Steak 100 Beef Brains 100 Beef Tongues, rough trimmed.. 100 Small Porterhouse Steak 12y20 Flank Steak 12V20 Prime Rib Roast, first 5 ribs..l2y20 Sirloin Roast Beef 12V20 Sirloin Roast Beef, heavy 12y20 "T"-Bone Roast, small cut..l2y20 T"-Bone Steak, small cnt..l2V20 Loin Steak 12y20 Sirloin Steak 12V20 Rib Steak, usual cut 12V20 Prime Rib Roast Beef, rolled. .150 "T"-Bone Roast Beef, best cut. 150 'T"-Bone Steak, best cut 150 Rib Steak, short cut 150 Porterhouse Steak, the best.... 150 SPRING LAMB The genuine article; the real thing. Spring Lamb Hindquarters 200 Spring Lamb Loin Chopa.. . . .200 FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. 226 ALDER STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" Pork Sausage ......... .12y20 Thrae are oar price nil the time from MoidiT Saturday nlBht. You can -me to u, any L ?I k and buy your meat at thear Drier.. Be butt s,?,!,!,'! name la over the door and then come In. There are other kets awfully clone to us but they are not our.. mar- Spring Lamb Rib Chops 2O0 Spring Lamb Frontquarters. .12y20 Spring Lamb Frontquarters, extra choice 150 Spring Lamb Shoulder Chops... 150 Spring Lamb Stew. . 100 ..YOUNG MUTTON As tender as Lamb. Shoulder of Mutton 100 Shoulder Mutton Chops...... 12y20 Knuckle of Mutton 12y20 Legs of Mutton, large... 12V20 Frontquarters of Mutton 12V20 Legs of Mutton, small 150 Loin Mutton Chops.. 150 Rib Mutton Chops 150 Tongues, per dozen. ..... .300-350 OREGON PORK Not an ounce of Eastern cold-storage Fork at Smith's. Pig's Heads 50 Pig's Feet 50 Pig '8 Tails 50 Pig's -iiocks -.80 Shoulder Roast Pork 100 Whole Shoulder Pork-.. 110 Center Cuts Shoulder Roast Pork . . . , 12y20 Legs of Pork 12y20 Roasts of Leg Pork 12y20 Shoulder Pork Chops .12V20 Fresh Side Pork 12y20 Corned Side Pork 12y0 Dry Salt Pork 12V0 Spare Ribs 12y20 Leaf Lard, fresh 12V20 Leg of Pork, fancy cut 150 Loin Roast Pork 150 Loin Pork Chops .'. 150 Rib Pork Chops 150 Smith's Pure Lard in 5-lb. pails. 6O0 VEAL , You don't want Veal unless it's fresh. Smith's Veal is absolutely fresh. . Veal Shanks ...i 60 Veal Bones 1O0 Necks of Veal .. 1O0 Breasts of Veal 100 Legs of Veal 12y20 Leg Roast of Veal, small cnt.l2y0 Shoulder Roast Veal. 12y20 Shoulder Veal Cutlets .....IZVzt Rump Roast Veal.. 150 Loin Veal Cutlets 150 Rib Veal Cutlets 150 HAMS AND BACON Hams, whole 150 Half a Ham, either end 150 Sliced Ham, first cut 200 Sliced Ham, from the center 250 Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon 17y20 Sliced Breakfast Bacon 200 DELICACIES Cooked and ready for the table." Boiled Ham, whole 250 Boiled Ham, sliced. 300 Pressed Corned Beef .150 Beef Tongues, boiled.. 250 Dried Beef by the piece 150 Liver Sausage 100 Head Cheese 100 Bologna Sausage 100 Frankfurt Sausage 1O0 CHICKENS At Smith's you can pick your choice from 1000 fancy dry-picked, milk fed Oregon Chickens, 180 and 200 FISH Smith is an independent fish dealer; he buys direct from the fisheries. No second fiddle for Smith. Shad 5i Red Snapper ......100 Steel Head Salmon..... -.100 Perch 100 Herring 100 Flounder , 100 Sole 100 Halibut. 100 Halibut, 3 lbs. for 250 Black Cod . 1 2V Chinook Salmon 12l20 Croppies. . , 12l20 Catfish- 12'20 Razor Clams 12V20 Sturgeon 150 Shad Roe 15 Crabs, each 15i Shrimps . . ., 150 Salmon Trout :.2O0 Black Bass 250 Hardshell Clams ' 50" Oysters, pint 300