Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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- FlaU. Furnished Hmm. FOR RENT FURNISHED. HoMr to Lou A SANITARIUM for the cure of mental and Leather and Finding.
i A large, new.- modern. European plan nervous disease and narcoshB, or the drug . .
IdODERN flats, all size, for rent. East and GOOD 5 and 7-room cottages, 4-room flats hotel: close to trie business center; com- ' ' M ! I I t I t t M t I and drink habit, has been established In J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Be--Wnt
Eldea Portland Trust Company of and housekeeping rooms, furnished or un- pletely and thoroughly furnished: for $1$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Portland. Or., at 354 Montgomery St., where. tabllshed 1858. Leather and findings: Stock
Oregon. S EL cor. Ad and Oak. Phone furnished, on west side of river; low rentals. lease to responsible party; cash deposit MONEY. MONET. MONET. as has been proven beyond a doubt, many ton sole leather and cut stock; full Una
Exchange 72 Apply room 31, Raleigh bldg. 323H Wash- , required as security on lease; call lor SALARY. LOANS. -of the most totally wrecked subjects have Eastern Jumbo. 1SS Front at.
ington st. CAPITAL SECURED. particulars. TO HONEST EMPLOYES. been thoroughly, painlessly and perma- ",.,,,.. . , -.
MODERN 4-room flat. East 2Sth and Legitimate enterprises financed: dividend- DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. - "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. nently cured during the past two years. -MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather
Burnslde. on car line; $1:1. 50 per month. IRVINGTON. 8-room furnished house, June paying etock. mines, timber and realty for 508-509 Swetland building. "GET" 110 TO 10. Several of the cured live In Portland and or sery aescnptlon. tap mfrs.' findings.
VAN W. ANDERSON, to September; all conveniences, gas, elec- sale; loans secured: corporations organized - . "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Salem, and will gladly meet and talk with
216 Lumber Exchange. trie light, nice lawn, flowers, etc;. cheap and stock marketed. Information fur- ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN. EVERYTHING STRICTLY ny unfortunate ones seeking relief or in- launches and Yachts.
to res&oneible party. Fhone East 5314. nished. The National Financing Co.. 412 14 rooms, housekeeping, near Washington " CONFIDENTIAL. formation as to our method of treatment. rv . 1 1
FIRST floor cottage, well furnished, well Marquam bldg. Phone A 3227. St.: must sell quick. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? Time required for a cure: Ths worst cases "charterand sale: marine hardware, gas
lighted, bath, gas. phone, good yard; ref- FURNISHED house. 8 rooms and bath, small 20 rooms, cheap rent, clears f lf0 per STATE SECURITY COMPANY. are cured In from 48 to 72 hours. In a week oune engines. See Heyes. !! Madison.
eren-es. 26 N- 11th St.. 2 blocks from yard, from May 15 to September 15; rea- tnonth; owner leaving city; will sacrifice. 704 DBKUM BLDG., or ten days the patient la able to resume
Washington. Pacific 1358. sonable to responsible party only. 404 13th. 11 rooms, boarding-house, fine location; HOURS S A. M. TO 6 P. M. the duties of life as free, happy and hope- MuasrsO.
Pac. 857. coat trtoO. 'WEDS. AND SATS. UNTIL 8 P. M. ful ma before contracting the habit. Our snrnpotp ., 7777. :
t-riOOM. steam-heated lower flat, gas range, 243 Stark or Phone Main 1076. t guarantee We do not ask you to pay In studio 23 cimhrldThML -a Z iW"1-
shades- $V also 4 and 6-room upper 8-ROOM furnished flat for Summer, from ' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ advance, but when you are sure you are A Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Mor-
flat nice yard See Janitor, Hat E, 41 June 1 Inquire Mrs. Gilford Nash. 796 LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. cured. We do not have padded cells In our '
loth Irving Phone A 4276; references re- FOR SALE Fine newspaper and Job office The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab- Loans Wantea. sanitarium. Patients go about at will; jrvrr this-i u,m 777. . ; '
I quired. in the metropolis of the richest valley llshed 1895) furnishes free Information oa many sleep lightly throughout the whole -:, 1T (,,.!". l'h"' pupU
VERY desirable 4-room flat, first floor, oen- In Oregon. Equipped with modern ma- - opportunities In mercantile or tnanufao- AN 8 PER CENT INVESTMENT NO treatment, some never miss a mfcal, all re- 1 " P -Ua9.
trally located steam heat. Inquire 325 FURNISHED upper flat, three light rooms. chinery and type Miehle and Gordon turing lines, city or country. SPECULATION. cover rapidly and go home without tonics. n.(i.M. . . '
Abtngton bldg alcove, bath. gas. hot water. Inquire presses. Brown sr Carver power paper THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. If you want to purchase a contract mort- DR. D. F. LANE. H 1 c nusiclans. .
; forenoons, 239 Hall. cutter, 3-horse power electric motor, Ros- 204-200 Abington Bldg. gage, secured on 640 acres of Eastern Ore- Phone A 8629. nR T -
30-sa Desirable flat corner 6th and Mill. hack perforator. Boston stapler, punch- gon wheat lands, for $1100, 8 per cent in- aftiaiT tw. ufH. "
Key 349 6th Phone c : 1678 COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow, lng and stabbing machines, cabinet racks WANTED Man or men with a portable mill teres, payable annually, as safe as a FURS. FURS, FURS. Third end wVLX a..
i , with piano and sewing machine. Inquire and cases, type galore, paper stock cabi- to cut from 6 to 10 million feet of fir and Government bond, as an investment for Now Is the time to attend to your furs. Phone nfnw w uo
Honsekeenlnsr Booms. Woodlawn 5.14. nets, desks, typewriter and all kinds of pln within a reasonable time; 1 8x10 don- trust funds or otherwise, no agents, ad- No charge for storage, when repairs amount SiiknT' r i'
""""r'"s . office furniture. Outfit almOBt new. Sub- key engine furnished to do logging with; dress J 027, Oregonlan. to $5. Goods called for. Remodelling, re- xtesioence. a., lo-a.
enn RPiAVFR APARTMENTS 12th and NINE-ROOM modern house, seven furnished, scrlptlon list of $1000. Does 700 to $800 . lumber can drop from trimmer Into water - pairing and re-dylng skillfully done at Sjm- Paints oils and :!
Marshall sts- Mwli furmshed fully Nob Hill; no objection to children. G 93L per month business. City of 3000 popu- flume. Ashland Mfg. Company. Ashland. WANTED $3000 for four years at 7 per mer prices. Old mink blended to look like "" "" ' -
SoSilSii for nouaVseenins including gas Oregonian. latidn In thickly settled fruit-growing Qr " , cent; country place, on Columbia River. new. Ladies call and see process. A. Reiner. RASMUSSF1N I on ihT,.r ,i.. 7777
ra.e with therVes. oV el" trie lights! valley in coming manufacturing town and ; VAN W. ANDERSON. practical furrier, expert fitter. 563 Wash- glass sash and doors! Si .SV t?i-2
hot water baths "arsereceprom and LOWER floor of furnished house for rent; county seat. Good buy. Address T 920. want ED A first-class Jeweler and party to 216 Lumber Exchange. Ington St. Phone A. 6472. glass, sash and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor.
laundry room from $16 up: also single no children; also housekeeping rooms. Oregonlan. put m stock of notions in town of 5O0 . . ; . ... ' ; I Patent and Pension Attorneva
ioSms with imllsT conveniences. $2.50 per 421 7th. . " ; people; no competition and large territory; WANTED Loan of $500 for 1 year at g MMB. A. A. LUCKEY. attorneys.
week up Therein "hlng In comparison FOR SALE Restaurant: this Is an oppor- Iocatl()n and wlI1 wny per cent: real estate security value $2000. ELIZABETH HOWARD, PROTECT your Idea. We can patent It.
to the citr for the mon'y. This place FOR RENT New house, furnished, from June tunlty for a man to make a fortune- res- w, h smaJ1 cl lta, Address B. J. How- V 43. Oregonian. - Pyscho-magnetlc and suggestive thera- Moulton 4 bcobcy. attorneyaT 5H Colum-
will bear InsnStiorZ Short distance irom to September. 801 Clackamas St. Phone tsurant has the most prominent location an4 Myrtl( CreeK. or. , . peutlcs: a full line of electrical appll- bla bldg.. Portland, (j0""5" " lum
Union , SenoL Take "S" or 16tn-at. ear. C 1143. on main street In large city: it is alsp the WANTEB A loan of 1M0 for 1 years; my ances: newest and most Improved elec- . noj
aonV north, set off at Marshall St. Phones dining-room of flrst-clas h'f' f Bc7 SPLENDID opportunity; photo gallery. security Is Al; will pay 8 per cent. V 947. trie blanket. All diseases successfully R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign oat-
v.? 77l a lIHfl No iog Uowed. ISO Close In, plainly furnished B-room cot- commodating 2o0 guests; hotel la runnin building and ground, equipped to 8x10; will Oregonlan. treated. Room 80. S50J. Morrison . enta: Infringement cases. 801 fifkanT
Mala 6771. A 4560. no oo u nKU aj)a clean Xelephone Sellwood to full capacity all the time; this has pav for lt,eif ln 0Da year; J1800 cash; town ... .. . Z 1 Main 2011. i
THE MERCEDES. never been offered for sale before, present 2500 populaon. BO opposition; will bear WANTBD-eSOflO for 2 yean.; first-class e- . J. J. HIRSHHEaMER, pension and patent at
one newfv and elegantly furnished 2- ownfr h" tne'Jre' refu' is,t; thorough Investigation. Write XXX. care curlty. Inquire of V 902. care Oregonlan. WE want the address of Thomas Hansen, torney. rooms 20-21 Labba bldg.
., .nVnt i'o bIi one magnlfl- NEW modern 6-room house. 772 East Yam- tentlon; price 4O0O; low rent and long Oregonlan. 7 TZi i ZTT ho reside! In Albina In 1S89; he was a
Jenuv burnished .id beSuUlolly arranged hill, near 23d. Phones East 6306. B 1625. will be given to desirable party. , WANTED To borrow $3000; al estate. carpenter Ty trade. Any one reading this PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J.
Soartment $35- heit. hot aid. cold run- -1 tm ''riti, THE COAST REALTY CO. New manage- Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. ad and can give any Information in regard Matter. 618 Commonwealth blU.
Srng TateV- return call be" In rooms; FOR RENT Furnished 4-room cottage. S.a"en- Clro 3"eral Delivery. Seattle, ment an(J new quarter,; aIt business in- , hri t7 ' to the above Thomas Hansen will please
fivZ hafht 1nltoJ service, both phones; electric lights, close In. Inquire 271 7th St. , . trusted to us will receive prompt and WANT to borrow $2500 on $7000 worth of call at our office at once. Photo Engravers.
free baths. Janitor service, oum M careful attention Your business solicited securities. T 931, Oregonlan. THOMPSON & OGDEN .
strictly modern. NICELY furnished house. 253 22d North. E' 2J?iJ?H JV, Vlfnr tii DbY- The ot He1' co- 20 Lumber Ex- Phone Woodlawn 202. 848 Mississippi ave. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatte
loi .Ji i w..Mniu Call mornlnga Phone Main 1698. Washington street; pays $40 o trj change. ' Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder ate.
20th and Washington. ,ldea glve one ,arge- comfortable room; ge- SPECIAL NOTICES. 6WEDISH trained nurse. Helsingfors gradu-
THP HARTFORD NICELY furnished 8-room fiat, with piano: 2 i,. CHANCE OF LIFETIME. te- r1" rheumatism, stomach, troubles DESIGNERS, photo engravers. Nelas Con-
raeeanllv furiishVd 3-room 'suite private deslrsble location. 402H Clay. rJLlS.. complete, steaay a well-equipped doctor s office, doing spe- Proposals Invited. and nervous disorders by hand rubbing, naway. 109 2d at. A 4573. M. 7319.
5ndhrSi U.rb.U?S5 t-ROOM house, nicely furnished with plane. 3"' l0CtlD'- ' '-W' "ilSSd?0 1.? OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- FlZt XT To??g: Bubher Stnrnp
Bn-ti JILlJ rrot--,5S1l Swetland Bldg. C master Fort, -ff -eny car. Phone. East 200, Home B 1803.
rcasonable rlteT- no drtldrc& . 21st and K5 Furnished house, water, phone. 689 W1H RAIB. ,-.w tor. onB ot best $SO00 Hardware store, thriving town in cate. will be received here until 11 A. M.. 8UITS pressed while you wait. 60o. To visitors P. C. Co.. 2al stark St. Both phone. 1407.
Flanders sts Kearney st. ; references. tL. i K?, SJn doing good Willamette Valley, with more capital and at Office Constructing Quartermaster. of Portland hot. and to public at large:
Handera sts. ."l," 'n Jm .ol? ElSt SvuoS- Suit- eale" could be lar8elr Increased; very Honolulu. H. T.. until 8 A. M.. June 10, fult. pressed at 60o at Gilbert ..the talioi-fc Signs.
THE GLEVDORA HOTEL 19th and Couch FURNISHED cottage for rent- 488 Market bufi n""-. "'7, lirnew ud- 1o ooA, tor energetic 1008. and then onened for the construction. 6th et.. next toth. Oxford I Hotel. Ladle.' :
T.,e..Gwf.lTushHOEew1ou,ek.ePin. st. CaU morning. Jbl. gr UdJ g;"nt man. 110 Second st. H. v. Goddard. Pg and cfean an? cllr! -pssbS. t&J The?argest slgn-makJr!i ' In t no North-
c&ZSilZtt en-Furnlture to, baT" P- J - '" FOR RENT Shoe shop complete with tffi Jciok "mlTere , , A h , . .h Ind EereTt stl Pho e
nhrnei i elMtrin i'lsht rin T lawn ana ver- J,n'0-8 S b "I k ur,S .l care tools; has good trade and In a good lo- and In office ConVtructing Quartermaster. WANTED -Every one afflicted with blood Exchange 55. Home A 1155.
Sndas btll'ard and pool hal t all free. WR SALE The furniture in an exceptionally 1ro" ?. S. B.. 2714 Morrison St.. pare catlon. Uvint room, ln connection If - Honolulu. H. T. - Fur further Information poison to know they can be permanently
anaas. niiiiarq ana pool beautiful upper 8-room fiat; family moving A. A. Charnlg A Co. . desired. Call on or write A- Peterson, and necessary blanks apply Constructing cured by consulting one who suffered EV"tf J- WALLACE, art signs and office
THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. Ml1 awBy and mu' ell "t once. Mrs. M. ' K.,.,. h,, , lion Roseburg, Or. Quartermaster, Honolulu. H. T.. or to the yeara Send tor particulars and treat- lettering. 32i Stark. Pacific 1566.
Washington cor. S)tb-Nely furnlshel Kabot. 547lt Yamhill. . -A CE RA1N business. W hlch b rings in flW . undersl d. 'Envelopes containing pro- ment free 2o4 Washington bids-. Se- '
bo"sekeepln roomV; gas rknges, hot ,"thh 2 i,f Ind- honest- must WE pay especial attention to buslne. open- posals to be Indorsed - ProposaU for publlo attle. Wash. Splrttnallstm.
water free tath free Dbone. both floors; STRICTLY modern 7-room house, nicely fur. 1 Pirt5r. w '? so'"T and hone"- lngs. Before buying, call us up and see Euildlngs. Fort Shatter. H. T.." and ad-
' Sice sultesVom iia lip . reasonable rent, furniture (ill or b ' refe,rence.s;. nJSf "Jt what we can offer yoo. Phone Main 4480. dressed to ConetVucting Quartermaster, LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester, $StS!iV2!';
nice suite, irom ia up cheap. 751 East Ankeny. Call any it away from you; price $1800; part cash. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Ex- Honolulu. H. T.. or Major George McK Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known NOTED ARRIVAL.
WAI KINO DISTANCE!. time. balance pay off as you can; do not answer change bldg. - WMlllamsom Quartermaster U S. A.. Fort as the beet, safest. Reliable. Take no other. ZOLA MILFORD IS HERE BY REQUEST.
Three well furnished housekeeping . unless you have the references and cash. eaang. oi g. wmamson. wuariermaster. u. o. A., fort CMchMm Diamond Brand Pills are sold The people no longer question the strange
rooms- cook with gas or wood, low rent. HOUSE for rent, furnished or unfurnished; O 920. Oregonlan. IF you have $2000 to $2500 to Invest in good ' by druggleto everywhere. and mysterious powers of Zola Milford. the
bath phone. 214 Union and Holladay. good location; East Salmon: furniture for ZZTTZi T" ; 7, T clean stock of groceries ln the best town CHIEF Quartermasters' office, Vancouver . ; ; ; TTTT ,ii."TV,?v!u clairvoyant. The crowds
' P Zll- sale; terms reasonable. B 2267. 3?:000r Snf u tnne" 1,oca"0n' , i w ei" 1" the Valley, with rent only $16 per Barracks. Wash.. May 12, 1908 Sealed DRESS ult. for ; rent ahslsea; 1.50 month which flu t, Parlors every day I. unde-
., t ur c-mt MPnM wshlnirtnn and ' North Sixth St.; good location for a hotel. month and deliverv 1.-i addrew w ftn nrooosala ln triolicate u-ill he received keeps your clothe, cleaned, pressed, buttons niable proof that the people of Portland
TWnltfbrtW.Hr,d 20 " nfilS fur- APARTMENT for rent handsome mahogany a" building. on lot; now rent for $175 mrnKt0,niaann,i deUvery 1j' address W 913' at"' office unfll u'Vetock E'VlTvS "ZPtJ"i. Sola Mn SS f? bCOM.U 5, k" VyCbi0;
nlahed 2 and 8-room apartments with furniture for sale. Tel Main 3215 bet. 1 W mn,,hLb!5t, D"y "1 thf mar? et;T 5 28- then publicly opened, for fur- liveries. Lnlque Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. Zola Milford Is here to help those who need
private bathi oompleTe for housekeeping. and 3 P. M. cash will handle It. Apply to O. J. Owen FOR SALE New and np-to-date cloak and nishlng and laying tt-lnch wooden stave " ,,.PT,,, ,., . ' ' X SiL b lari ' "t.".'7' " " trouble.
P P Co" 303 Lumber Exchange. Phone A suit house; stock new and clean; will sell pipe it Fort Casey. Wash. Specifications PACIFIC INTRODUCING CLUB A boon ha luck bad health or misfortune,
DBSIRABLQ furnished or unfurnished rooms, FURNITURE and carpete of 7-room house 3463. cheap; lease for Ave years. Store In may be obtained at this offce and at the , for lonely people; come and get acquaint- cau thhj gifted noman at once. She
C.hT-r r CBlog?.n" f' West MOTION PICTURE THEATER. center of city. Address J 918, Oregonlan. offices o, : the ru,. Og-j. l'&sT VH T"Z
M NICELY furnished 10-room nouW in good X?n tnebue.nhave SoTInTor 2. VJt. v.Io OR. SANDERSONS CO. Savin and Cotton B PF'
SSfHSff wl" 'e".rp- 83 "tl-Burn.d.. rmttr saga rlr,?S feS"S21SS
ifl5: 'gFgfl rarjais HaHSliS
jssst'js ss&j - a , .... --r F&snn. m &zjsz-. BE,..m ? vsr saa aww.a-jrj't
everything new. E. Burn.ide. 3d a T - . SMWift of -rrUgeab,. age WlO. OR KO .C-
running water, walking distance. 2-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture foV REAL ESTATE man war-,, bright man gg g- J-.jhc..- StVf als-inlh pTpeani Ef Hf .H lul" IolT mTS?,SS V&m&JF&
461 EAST MORRISON, comer East 8th. Inquire Wellington Court, apartment Partner 'S DON'T YOB KNOW nSo'tl, ?1 fio oTsiAn n'lnd'We'el " ' nSIGS?' nTm SooS.
newly furnished housekeeping suites; ; . ; little cash required. Particular. Multnomah We can w TroJ a TOclS nrlca o. anT " 48-lnch continuous wood Stave pipe in GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For- PHONE MAIN 3544.
rate, reasonable; walking distance. FURNITURE of B-room cottage for sale; Investment Realty Co., 388 Washing- m lTmg "orT or bond T F. J.P cTttln I the vicinity of Sunnyride. Wash. Plans elgn Dictionaries Text Book. 4 Lltera- ,
house for rent. S29 Main .t. ton .t.. room 14. Co. 126 Ablngton bldi. and specifications are on ale at the office ture (German book, a specialty). A. W. FREE!
THE ONEONTA, 187 171h .. near Yamhill; . vo.. J A'"" '- of Oja Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Schmale Co., 229 First st. FOR ONE WEEK MORE.
furnished suites, hot water, steam heat, HOUSE- for rent, furniture for sale. 879 East WILL sell one-half Interest ln one of the CONFECTIONERY Ice cream and poets! Or. For further Information address " BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVH
baths; free phones; ao children. Davis st. Phone B 1637. "' pavlng and equipped real estate and shOD for si? 109 N Jersey st St n United States Reclamation Service, Sunny- DESIRABLE furnished or unfurnished rooms, ABSOLUTELY FREE
brokerage offices ln the city. if you or bert tocatlon- car. wait in" front -this . Wash., and Portland. Or. single or en suite, with modem eonven- One of my.
NEWLY flirnlBhed connecting suite house- FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale; rent have some capital and mean business In- JJ" SalS' lences: reasonable rental. "Mllner BWg.," CONSULTATION READINGS.
keeping rooms; gas. bath, reasonable. 187 $12. 7 East 13th. vestlgate this; It will pay you. J 930, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at 850 Morrison st. t Always Consult the Best
Chapman, near Yamhill. - . Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE 25 rooms; new furniture 'he office of the Light-House Engineer, ; TT . ' . v ... r- . . PROFESSOR KHIMO.
. : Summer Resorts. r : : : TTTZ tew JoaolTlM i for ta cheap or exThajufe Portland. Oregon, until 12 o'clock M.. LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens' Nerve Greatest living astral dead-trance clalr-
HOURFKFFPIVO rooms chean- new build- FOR SALE A business that Is clearing $400 fa, dliDrenerlv AiirtSQ August 14, 1908. and then opened, for Tonic Tablets. 2oc box. Eyssell's Phar- voyant of the age; adviser on business and
H?niS fl She?m st. PaX' E IS- FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage at Sea- to $600 per month In a town of 8000; egoXn ' Immediately. G furi8nlng ' roatertal and laborp narVry may, 227 Morrison St., bet. 1st and 2d. all affair, of life; tell, your full name and
tricity ias phone free. side, facing ocean and boulevard: electric business has been established 4o years " , (or the erection and construction - of what you called for. whom you will marry.
triclty, gas, pnone iree. . p wth terms Investigate this charge of large orchard Hlnchlnbrook Entrance Light-Station rou'twI'h1t- ku,J P.ttmenu; how to control the one you love, even
v ,rntBh.d mom, K. bath and sink and lavatory; $175. Apply 441 Wash- and see for yourself. D 816. Oregonlan. V,B ff'"? Alaska. In accordance with specifications. JSC1', ?eormUles corrected; plastic surgery. though miles away; reunites the separated;
fS:1;? perthweenkd FOR SALE-R.staur.nt. clearing $140 per S JtOoTTo lUTt'S? JSzUiS. -Plea of .cjwjtt i blank proposal. a.d 225 FLedner bid.. - J J- S-tooS:a ,
S2h Hawthorne ave. month; grand opportunity for man and HO'20. .t, catfon to th TlJghmHouse Englnee? Port- MP-8. O-BROCKMa.eeu... baths, .alt glow. Grand Theater bldg., 852V, Wash. st. M.
Btorea. , cooks; rent free; good reason TVITTOrv , , .,k M Ot. usiuoor, -urt alcolffll rub, cream massage; references. 1267.
THE ELM S Two and three-room suites, for gelling; price $750 cash. Call and "M?. k i8'6. a ,few Oregon. sg2 park. Main 2403, A2734. ,
completely furnished; phone. heat and TWO large new stores, good location. West investigate. 190 Madison. SaTof' l to tim- lSkhi. n nl?.' SEALED BIDS will be received for the . J . .. 7 JOHN SLATER will hold a grand test se-
bath. 191 14th t. Side; can have living rooms ln rear. Rent H000, look this up. J 915, ""erection of annex to Maukle School DIVORCES quietly secured; detective work ance Sunday evening. 8:15 "harp. Women
' S0 400 Swetland bldg. FURNITURE 11-room house, a swell place. Oregonlan. Slckama? Countjf Oregon up done by reliable parties at reasonable of Woodcraft Hall. Taylor, corner 10th;
THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 Jefferson. 2 or r hot and cold water In every room This unnpRK tore eorner 17th ,nH TteTont ot Monday. May 25, 1908. at the office of prices. E 809. Oregonlan. tests, messages and (sealed) written ques-
3-rnom suites, all modern conveniencea HALF new brick store ln wholesale district; Is a snap; $800. Furniture 8-room house. "Ysannvslde? fofnf Irood ocalitv for p- Chappell Browne, architect, 406 Mar- ., p.,.,. T .m. kw.". v..i. tions nwered; readings dally 10 to i.
irhone Main 5432. , long lease at low rent. X 904. Oregonlan. close in. rent $25; rooms all full; $250. unnysi de), fw reni f0, J,.i'ty ff ,Uam bldg., Portland. Or. JSJ,. iPlUZZlg ',S rbf' ELj1 f 195 7th.
. 511 Swetland bldg. fhi-Tn -eneral nirchanaJSe. Look a certltiea check for 10 per cent must ac- J""!"?' J' shavlng. ISc. no grafting. 12 ,
8 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping FOR RENT A new store room, prominent : . company each bid. The right is reserved U1 at- PROF. NIBLO.
rooms; everything modern. 140 North lUth. corner. 917 Williams ave. FOR SALE A fine drugstore ln one of -the BARBERS .Whole or half of mv ahnn for to reject any or all bids. R. SCOTT. ,,- . . ClalrvoyantBring this advertisement for
Phone Main 6Q07. : once 'olT accent fownerTneal'tS "f you 1"" lITZr! st''' " Cha'a- "K.Snt bfd'g. Pacf tree ,e.t. 3Q3V, Wa.h.ngton .c
frnih,A mnm for iieht hmiRPkorn- , want ft snap, do not overlook thla. H 897, " " 1 ' MjlaMlistiMooa. . Mm. Sophia Seip. reliable splrlt'l r'dlnca. 302
-.J-SS- SeT-S JfL , "NANCIAL. !N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED eslShe physician? Bx jO. cItT. bidg. PubHc circle. Tuea-Freve.
TVo or three' rooms furn.shed or unfur- BKft A?5" -ffiSr Money to Loan. Jf' sUt" fnuVyLSy. BALM femai. diseases. ',.1
r,Sh.- 1 vluTame kve Phone Wood- whole. Will consider lady partner who ' ra ..-. plalnant. vs. The Title Guarantee & Trust East 13th st. North. Phone E 4084. .
r tLJ T w'Ulam" ae. pnone wood , attend office. Call 821 jnoTS?,hSS T iP.KST' u Company and Others, defendants In the , , MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 825 Mala,
lawn 1.3J. DESK ROOM for rent and very fine front Williams ave. Th? r5S5ini.l ? r .V" a Wash- matter of the Insolvency and receivership DR. M. G. M'CORKLE.haa moved to 927- 250. Phone Main 7548.
-... . .,.v.j . 771 office room, carpeted: telephone and at- . Ie recognized bank of the wage-earner. of the T1Ue Guarantee & Trust Company. 928 Corbett bldg. . .
P w.Ao1T.lectrtJ T tith Sn. tendant; rent reasonable. 320-327 Corbett S36O0 CLEAR profit is what my hardware rS"P"i,ma;hi?1;,t: h1?! OiSerS"ed of tnV 12th daV if Safe
keeping, electric llgnts. ga3. cam. pnone. bltlg. . business paid last year; this business can "J to can obtain money of us on bis note May 19u& FOR services of. public stenographer call -
555 5tn st. bought now for $5500; I have a larger liiT.,.!?1'' ,.m . On this day R. 8. Howard, Jr., receiver. Main 4486. DIBBOLD SAFT3 at LOCK CO. John B. Davis,
1' Nicely furnl.hed suite of housekeeping OFFICES to rent ln the Worcester and proposition and cannot attend to both. 627 I. BetiSrn to .800 t Mo P"x his petition and application to 60 3d st Bargains ln second-hand safes.
$l oopr'rno?' 'b'atn. 'phhone. 163P N? ta-UtM Cort b.dg. JS personTmte'rfsted shw SSS t"h. BPSINKSS PIBECTOBY. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., ,08 2d . Safea
'h ' FOR SALE or exchange, furniture store In stsf'S,1,",'.' "."E'"? f,? S?c r" ot his petition on the proposals ; at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
"""j . , . . . h LARGE room for manufacturing or lively town In Eastern Oregon, doing good special rates on pianos, rumlture, etc. therein nominated, to wit, that lands in Accountants.
T keening ngle ".naW Main W rS Wstllffi Lusiness; will seU at bgiln ownlr ha, STAR LOAN AGEC7 Oregon held In .trtlet or o'therwlse by the Showcase. Bank and Store FIxtuw.
keeping, single rooms, reasonahle. Main two. Kilham. Ill Id gone blind. For particulars call at 969 K 5, mh? r', Thlrfl and Btsrk TlUe Guarantee & Trust Company should g. H. C0LL1S, 834 Worcester block, public - T p ,
A VERY nicely furnished housekeeping suite; - Wliiiams ave. Treunlng a0 ou'e'get pone "pa!- ZSgSS '&2S&ZrU& "SJET. tore'fEitSei STSHA
gas, bath and phone. 590 Eat Madison. TXftiCar8U,, DO you want definite and reHable Informa- ?,lea' t'nerefor TunPaid heck.0 'orlngKn! TTS&t; SSSSSy. Pnc 2181. &
s waik''dJf-v"1- iam.-5 rnTTB?TO aijisSBc . aEo:T. MCTTO, audit -cznr8 1.
lawn, talking qu-tance. having. Call and see our list. 627 Corbett. , 60 Retura to ri ? ... 13 36 6 65 8 35 or ,a, part ' the purchase price of such Chamber of Commerce, ofnee systematizing Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 653.
.-ROOM flat, elegantly furnished; .,k. SSSb,"' S to"":: 8.W . S them '.n 'LLotX, d general accounting. Eatabilshad 1899. CHICagO FIXTURE CO.. .howess... office
porch, yard; no children. 4-9 3d st. ePECIAL-3500 will buy a cash business " oX. oi" lfc to 6 P. Jt ' of the Title Guarantee a Trust Company Advance Building Information. Cxturea. 181 Madison. Phone Main 5237.
" FOR RENT First -clase office or desk room; clearinit250 a month after paying all ex- p o the balance. If any. to be paid ln cash c, . "
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, use both phones. 534. Worcester bldg. penaea- exMrfencenot Mceesary and trial '. 'or any moiety of said lands so applied for, ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Storage and Transfesi
bath. In private family. 030 5th St. , , cll starK hlghert and the whole of . said Purchase price com- copy PaclUc Builder and Engineer. 1 ' A ,- 0 7777
' OFFICES Corbett bldg.; large, roomy office - cash nrlee (or Till, On TrSt ar. taed of or Including said check or savings Chamber Commerce. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. office
FLAT cf four large, light, clean rooms, WU Call 410 Corbett bldg ' X-l ROOMliJG-HOUSB and saloon can be countj r we also buy Md seU Horn T-S account balances so applied to be credited TL . nd .conodlous four-story brick warehouM.
furnl.hed; references. 327 7th. bhT H "St In both or U interest phe 'bond. Aot?v aonceto Cohn BrosH and applied to the Indebtedness owing from Architect.. St fcrPtSuabl N W com.r ?'1;P
' - Hlmlluaw 550-One of the best meat, poultry and fish B ploye.and on KaSoV. Furniture. Warehouse f"d .n()u?a,ea lDhla0 reon Ind that not"e Main 5607, A 4321. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close markets on Bast Side; horses, wagons and Receipts. Horses, Insurance Policies and all thfre0f should be Dublished ?n The Morning . AmJ,. Bob Ashby and Judd Flah.
in. 8O0 4th st, WAREHOUSE. 208 N. 13th; terminal facill- aU Axtures; must sell at once. Room 16 kinds of securities. Oregonlan daily fo? the soace of two week! Assayers and Analysts. Furniture and piano moving, baggage.
ties. Phone'East 663. rm nal facill Washington bldg. Main 6741. NEW ERA LOAN MORTGAGE- CO.. lak day rom'the gfvfn'g' ot this order! W.U. Proebstel. mining engineers, metal- freight and general hauling. Offio.' 103
C8teikMrWl.l. PARTNER WANTED Must be sober and 206 Ablngton Bid.. l0oiVSO!n ' Front at. Phones Main 62. A 1162.
" 1 uost AMI Fonvn honest; owner will teach you the trade and . "".T? Pf " ,hw, time and he Fed- .gaa- r.FFtftnri ..a OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO.
LOST-Pom dog Tye?r. color ver SST SB lUarV jSrSA 5! SSVSR SSSSS "S. MT" ,00 .JM
BUY AT NO-RENT price.; the'sav- st. or Merchants National Bank. Phone ?!ean,"y fu A.. .?JiS2 ZlzS, TO? vfi IhTSt'on bid lOBU. Rd It is therefore considered and ordered t ,
insrs will exceed cost of moving. B 2066. Main 364. Reward. first-class restaurant; reasonable price, good TOLMAN. 223 Ahmgton bldg., lCOft 8d. tht n perBons ,helr ,nterMt may appear Blcycie ana Electrical Repairing. Street Paving.
WE OWN OL'R OWN BUILDING: oc- terms. Calf 24. Taylor st. Money loaned on salaries- no other security ha there and then be and show cause, 1 . w . Construction Co street navlnr
eupy one-hsif: collect rent on balance. LOST Gray mare, 6 years old; had blanket ; " vsfem bef for "iVuroad mra cle kV If any they have, why the prayer of said 6HAW A MITCH ELL Bicycle, gasoline, en- fJL?,?. S cTosaines 314 LLr'Tvch'
MORGAN-ATCHLEY. FURNITURE CO. on and hitch strap. Phone Woodlawn M WANTED Clean rooming-house of from 12 LJJ". .5,', emulates and he?? petition should not be granted and the and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st. sidewalks and croeslngs. 314 Lumber Exch.
rand ave. and B. Stark. Phone East 2929. or deliver to 805 Marylsnd ave.. receive to 14 rooms In good residence location on wfness confldtlal F A Ne wton2 611 ' Proposal, therein presented allowed, and -Z. . harbfir A'HPHALT PAVING CO at
WOULD Ilk. deslrabi. tenant for two '"'table reward. F. Ramsey, owner. 1 5lreffn',an. ' " Sucb noVT' o tMser due publication shall be mad. Chiropody. THTrb"
?&ru,rtoWLrr2?Z ;;aL22r Fnt POOL ana billiard parlor.: one of the beet 0rbrgnht?rs,t"otcklltbonS,d dne 12th " ' 'rll Typewriters.
J..y st.; rent about 70. X 926. Orego- Main ,474. A 1874 Portland Curted Hair , city, clearing 300 month; must sell on berranf.MbougM and Hi Cuntmini A (Signed) CHARLES E. WOLVERTON j "tnoneMaln iSoL NEW and second-hand typewriters, all
1 : Factory. Metzger. 1' egVt "bYdg. " D 507-8 Rothchlld bid.. Pursuant to abov. order thu, SST i. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. p. makes, repaired soid and rented; al,
K1NB 7-room house. East Ankeny. near nth; LOST-On Ankeny car. May 1. umbrella. . T MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be elven d pubUcation thereof made room o30 Flledner bldg. Phone Paclfld 136. ITielanM Si 3d M Ja 60
full lot. lawn, roses; $37.50. Vanduyn & burnt ivory handle, gold mounted, initials pjne location for butcher shop; rent Tea- repaid ln monthly lnstalimentsTCall for K- 8- HOWARD JR.. . . writer Exchange. 84 3d t. Main 606.
Walton. 615 Chamber Commerce. t. R. ; liberal reward. 009 Swetland sonable: one month's rent free; delUer particulars. Columbia Life A True Co.. 21 Kecelver. cleaning and Pressing. cc-t.t ri. all rr,.lf. ,.ti ,m
UPSTA.KS of comer ot East Water : a JJJ - two months. Ap- Lumber Exchange bldg. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE- Idrol Cu,tom Tailoring Co repairing work FX'&i' iZn
and Washington; 12 nice rooms; rent 130. LOST May 14. on 1st between Jeffer- Ply to 334 was wil ,oan on alamond. and lrT Admiralty seureitatlon-Unlted States " led for and dX Win ' 787sP. los' sfark: wholele Jobber.
F. O. Northrup. 315 Couch bldg. f2-1d ?,Bmhi!1'. plalde,b1lt. "h Clols- SALOON. old-established business. good at reasonable Interest tor long or abort America, District of Oregon, ss: Where- ca"' Wholesale Jobbers.
"ule. Return 281 1st St. Reward. "Sfi,,n,- and logging town, ln Washington. time. A. A M. Delovage. Jewelara, 209 " haaIIbf,n, fhe, ls. Ctakela. MerdunU. WADHAMS 1 GO wholesale grocers!
STORE with 7 rooms and bath over 128 13th -, will handle- Particulars, address Waahinson at. Court of the United States for the Dis- WADHAMS JU.. wnoieaaje grocers,
n "vlinS Shelby Bro.:, 2S3t, LOST-Dlamond stud on .road between Van- B4 Oregonlan. trict of Oregon, on the 8th day of May BAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com- T,' mmls"m merchants.
Yamhill. Main 3072. , "uver and Portland; finder return to An- WB BUY Oregon Trust A Savings, Merchants 1908 hy James Gleason proctor behalf TAn? chanuT Sherlock W, PortSST 4th and Oak.
dereon Bros. Stable. Portland. Or.; reward. ,p u haT() S50 and want a first-class National. Title Guarantee A Trust accounts ft Robert N. Allen et al. as llbellants missio. m m. xvanA
B-ROOM modem house. $18 per month. 212 Tvsr.... , , . 7777 business, call and see me; a monopoly; will for cash; also tocka and bonds. 6J1 Cor- m a case , of subtraction of wwtea. civil Dmocing. w
neVU'm"mercJe J" R1Ch8rdSn- 640 Cham- cal?mnofe.,'caPf0 A'tklnslaW ad invtlgation. Hurlbert. 409 Couch belt bidg. oTio? lrt WALTZ "two-step" "throe-step- and ste SHANKS A RAYNE-Dead 4-ft flr. ,4;
m.ern. rart turned. J ,. town, TrU tSSS1 LftS 'SJT
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, 3S9 Har- Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 351 Mom. tt. 721' Oreeon ' avtag? Merc!. Proceedings being had that the said ves- a!so dancing taught, by mail. 8508. A 3030. East 8th and Main.
rlson. nar Park. $40. Fairchlld. Tele- Devlin A Flrebaugh 608-9 Swetland bid A SPLENDID Investment for a party with tional accounts. S 8b2, Oregonian. I'L-il fhereof distributed according to PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing. .-,. '
phone East 2154. Ellla. Tork A Co.. 201 Merchants Trust bldg. tjjoo and services In a gilt-edge advertis- proceeds thereof distributed according to Cof Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones. BANKS.
O'Toole, Chas. J.. T18 Chamber of Commerce. in, business. Particular. 627 Corbe-tt-bMg. MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere la!J- , ... ,-m-
MODERN 5-room cottage, walking distance lng oueiness. rn u . anl any sum. $100 and up; see us. he",.,re' ln, " ?i S S m?5ltlSS Detective Agencies. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK
to wholesale and retail district; adults. 609 PARTNER warned to show land, etc.: pay Vaughn A Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. under the seal of the said court, to me PORTLAND. OR.
Marshall t ' RIIHINEKa niAWRH .J JT giso month and little montv directed and delivered, on the 8th day of BRUIN DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. J. FRANK WATSON President
BUMfrgS8 CHANCES. oulred Patlla. 248 &tark 84O0O AND $2000 to ioan for three years on . May 1908. I do hereby give notice gen- 37.3, Hamilton bldg. Phone. Main R. L. DURHAM Vlc.-Pr-lde-.
MODERN -roora house on East 10th st. THE CORNELIUS corner Park and Alder W Particular. 48 Btark st. St.cla real estate security. Vanduyn A Iara"T' T'l.vJ rtchr HH, ' A .2545. R. W. HOYT..... ..........Cashier
Wo'loTr MU'key D'dS- Phn WSF'SSyt!t S,mhl5tilS Wa"' " Chamber ?,4SiaSE Klectrt.StW SST-lSoTV.V.VM-ASi
lacllio 1541. Portland for first-class barber shop. fectlonery store. 504 Washington st. Good amounts on good seourltv her tackle, apparel, machinery and furnl- ; tt' TRANSACT GENERAL BANKIN3
FOR HKD,.n,r l"VSXr- TrTTo-lolnr lease, cheap rent; no agents. LAR SfZFJTSZ ,0 appebefore , esai dcourt. R.Olo .nted Port- ,12,.
for rent : well located. Inquire 323 Ablng- tate business; references given. Ire the GROCERY, clean stock, good business, fine 14 Mulkey Diag- -t ano omson, JJJ a&y ot JurM; 1908. next (if It be land moctric eign DrafU and letters of credit Issued, avall-
,on . man 1 want. J 928. Oregonlan. locality less than Invoice; owner must loans on real estate, cbatuls or personal a court day. or else on next court day Hair Rolta. able In all parte of the world.
. . . . leave city. G 927. Oregonlan. li,,?itv TV A Hathaway 10 WajihimM, thereafter) at 10 o'clock forenoon of said Collections a specialty
NICE 6-room cottage, choice location. West FOR SALE Blacksmith, hoi shoeing and 1 liii ' Washington tnereai 1 aswer the said . t ORn inventor and manufacturer 1
Side, close In;. reasonjle. Key 328 Park carriage shop, with took, and machinery. FOR SALE Millinery store: good central lo- bldg. Paclflc 1B32. llbei. and tS make known their allegations irsTess. striMlesJ TVnd neUef SaiJ LADD A TILTON BANK
'reel. lu2 Russel St.. Albina. cation: money-maker: $500; Investigation Tnrt to i, on real estate securltv R.ih In that behalf. Slti i E ath t 2211 PORTLAND. OR.
. . . Invited. V 928. Oregonian. 700 to lean on r'"' utl"I,tJ,-rf Dated at Portland, In said district,, Inks rolL 428 E. Mtb st. East ml. Established 18r,
531 MBADH. near 2d. 6 rooms, newly pa- FOR SALE IS rooms nicely furnished: I rrnl Jg X' attorney' Lmler 01 Com 14th day of May. A. D.. I60S. Housecleanln Incorporated 1908.
pered. T14. Key next door. Owner. Main years' lease; no agents. Phone East 6344. WILL place yon on a homestead within 20 nierce piog. CHARLES J. REED, capital fully paid 11,000,000.00
"la- Mi, Union ave. miles of Portland cheap. Coast Realty Co.. gtate funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. B. Thomas, United States Marshal for the District of JAPANESE house-cleaning Co. ' and Burn- Burplug arid undivided proflts. .. . 400.000.00
ATB .near 2d. 4-rcom cottage. ., ,4000 BUYS cash business that pay. ,5O0 " at..t-. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com. 0VmES GLBABOV. ' ishng Brass Work. 2 N. 4th . A 6008. OFFICERS:
Key next door. Owner. I'hone Main 1013. p,r month: term, if desired. Address J BAKERY wanted In country town; state uongt loaned on real estate mortgagee or Proctor for : , .edwaRD COOKINGHAM Vice-President
ROOM house H71 Cable- rent wi. 925. Oregonlan price and particular- Robert Crease. Port- con tracts. W. H. Nunn. 658 Sherlck bldg. ROBERT N. ALLEN. CT AL. Junk. Hide, and Pelts. W.H. DUNCKLEY Cashier
8-ROOM house. SJl table, rent $.2. Wake- land. Or., gen. del. - - Llbellants.' - , r e HOWARD, JR Assistant Cashier
field. Fries & Co.. .- Stark. COUNTY rights tor sale In Oregon for Whirl- - OANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral . I SHANK A CO., purchasers of hides, pelts. J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier
" .. , , , ; lng Wind Sign. Call 66 4th su. cor.-pjne. J-CHAIR barber shop In clty-e best suburb; ecUrlty. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. ARCHITECTS ln the State of Oregon desiring , furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier
8-ROOM modern house, comer lot. Call after phor.e A 3163. doing good business; cheap rent; sell cheap. Z to compete for plans for High. School build- sacki. 312 Front st. - INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS
3 30 P. M . 6114 Last Ankeny. X 622. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE loan.. $200 up: moderate cost, no lng ln the City of Portland will send ln " AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.
- T . - . , SALOON Doing good business; terme; sick- ' . : delay. W. Ward. Atty.. Allsky bldg. their names, on or before May 20, to Feed Stores. Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and
W B rent houses and flats. Haverstlc A Gal- n-as reason for selling; bl. bargln. Call 414 RESTAURANT map on Washington St. a . . School Clerk. City Hall building, and re- individuals solicited. We are prepared to
lagher, 843S "aahington st, j Morrison. - dandy, $450; Ion. lease, cheap rent. 511 13500 OR less, 6 per. cent, real estate. Far- celve programme for competition with full j COOPER A CO., hay, grain, feed. 128 furnish depositors every facility consistent
, 7 Swetland bldg. rlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. explanation. By request of School Board. Union ave. East 1MT, B 161T. with good banking.
8-ROOM house, near Union ave. 394 Mildred BARBER SHOP. S chairs, for sale; doing City of Portland.
st.; (Woodlawn car); 116. good business. Apply SOS E. Morrison st. GROCERY for sale or exchange for rooming- MONEY to loan on real estate security. 1 Gasoline Engines. FIRST NATIONAL BANK,
... ., house; no agents. Phone Main 6516. 651 Whalley. 613 McKay bldg.
FOR RENT 9-room house. 7.1 Hoyt st. Ap- ROOMING-HOUSE, lo rooms, line furniture, Morrison. ' FEBSOSAL. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch
ply at 6K2 Johnson. good location, rent $40. 318 Alisky bldg. J A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re- Portland, Oregon.
FOR SALE: Flrst-clas. saloon, centrally lo- Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on - pairing. Relersoo Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mor H .
FOR RENT A 7-room house, 12. Inquire WANTEO 000 to 800 sheep to keep on ehares. - cated. Apply Blumauer A Hoch; 108-110 . Dr Ketchum. graduate: advice free. 1704 J
at 246 Sheridan St. C. C. Anderson, Washougal. Wash. 4th st. $20,000 PRIVATE fund, on A-l city realty. 3d t. Main 7154. Harness and Saddlery. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, (1,600,000
AROOli house. $25; furniture for sale, FOR SALE 18 rooms; good furniture; mil MUST raise money on fW0O Portland) bond. : ' DBS. AT WOOD; private hospital: maternity THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle ' ' 1
hea o9 Ith I -lied, 0. 2U9 Cjn 1 aad atock. LiH-i, Oregunian. MONEY to loan. 430 Commercial bldg. cases; aod cars; terms PfMi. Ad. AliskT b. i -d rr-nfrs,. 80-88 1st. Xia iJA. J No Interest paid on accounts.