r THE 3IORXTXG OKEGOXTAX, SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1SJUS. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. ONE AND OXE-HALF ACRES. On the Powell alley mart, all under cultivation, and lay beautifully. Inside cltV limits. A great bargain. Ony $2000. PORTER & FRENCH, 6t7 Commercial Bldg. fiEAVIBW. $750 Good house, & rooms, fully furnished; will trade for acreage near city. H Suu, Oregonian. MODERN ft-room house; restricted district; CJtv View Park; bargain at $2650. Par ticulars 193 4th. Warehouse lot on railroad. North Portland, with two houses. Owner, V (35, Oregon! an. BA RGAIN in acreage, 4 j blocks from car Ilr.e; 3o minutes' ride from city. Cummins, Si Rothchild. $24ri New 6-room modern bungalows, $300 $2o monthly. East 44th, near Hawthorne. Dr. Darling. TO EXCHANGE. IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS FOR PORT LAND PROPERTY. Have 30 acres fruit land under Umatilla project ; over $1,0u0. '. already spent by the United States Government; owner go ing to Portland account business; will sell for $2XH; 10-year payments at 6 per cent Interest or exchange for Portland property. 'Ad drees A. C. Crawford, East 21 St., Her mit ton. Or. NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery goods, machinery, tools, fixtures, chop, store build ing and lot; will trade for small ranch and some cash or will take other small profits and some cash, or will sell half cash, balance on time to suit; in one of best, farming, sections in Willamette Valley; reason for sell ing, my eyes are failing me. F 883, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, dairy and milk route 2 miles out from growing town of 14, 0w population. Large dairy barn and milk boirae, . 7-room furnished house, 8-"i cows, 4 horsfs, 6 sets harness, wagons, 3200 bottles, separator, bottling machine, etc, Price $XW. Address F 613, Oregonlan. EIGHT rooms lot 100x100; fruit trees, roses, etc.. to trade for farm with 30 to 40 acres clear; value about $3000 to ?4000. PORTLAND INVESTORS' CO., UtiS Stark, Room 12. Foil BALE or exchange, for Portland prot erty. a small stock of jewelry tools an-i a large stock- f material for repairs. Addreta pusiofTire box IMS". Prinevllle, Or. A GOOD 5-room house, lot 100x140. In Colo rado In a good town of 10.OO0 people, to exchange fur Oregon property. Lassen & Co., 214 3d St., Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE Weli-established general store In one of the best towns In Oregon; worth about $16,ouo. What have you? Ad drees R 796, Oregonlan. GOOD rooming house; '1 corner Jots in good oration, etc.. for small farm, ranch, etc. What have you? 510 Buchanan bldg., L'6S Washington st. EXCHANGE OR SALE Paying general store; best coast rflrt In Oregon; 10,k visitors last year; 3000. P. O. Box 182, Newport, Of. EXCHANGE Tw equities. ?W0 and $1800, both A-l, for lots; A-l horse and rig for smaller. Phone Main or A ,197ft. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots. L. Ainsworth Smith. 411 Buchanan bldg., 286 Vj Washington at. FOR SALE Or trade." grocery stock; In voice about $300; what have you? Ad dress W t14. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Olds runabout with rumble seat in rear for equity in house and lot. D . 028. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to buy. H or trade, see Stevenson & Taylor, 311 Buchanan, 2S6ft Washington. S-ROOM house in Highland for vacant lots. State Land Co., 133 ( lt St. BUY, sell, exchange. Fwank & Co., room 8, 88& 3d. Pacific 1756. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith. 411 Buchanan bldg. FOR KALE TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 40 miles from Vancouver, on county road; good stream f water, 4no.nflo ft. yellow fir; slopes to south ; make good fruit farm; no improve ments: price $200. Timber claim. Clatsop Co.; 6 million ft. No. 1 saw timber; price $500. JOHN T. GRAHAM. 1(VG Williams ave. Phone Woudlawn 1871. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACE 7 CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 820 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. TWENTY THOUSAND sawmill, complete; planers, etc.- about 1.1 ,oH feet yellow fir. plenty more adjoining. Will take part pay in slabs and lumber; price $40od terms. Allen afc Buoy. 338 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 100 acres good timber; deeded land, title clear. Will cruise 4.000.000 feet; three miles from Chinook. Wash., near North Bank R. R. extension. What am I offered?. Terms cash. B 853. Oregonlan. TIMBER FOR SALE. SIXTY-FOUR MILLION FEET of yel low fir at a soup; party must sell quick. STANDARD TRUST COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sabs and are headquarters for lumber enterprises 01 all kinds. Phone Main 4480. Kinney St ami) her. 031 J Lumber Exchange bldg. I AM prepared to locate settlers on railroad lands, with the assurance that they will got the land. C. A. Duncan. 3103 1st St., room U. Phone Pacific 1250. I HAVE a homestead In the Sltsts, T. 7. S. H. U W.. containing o.OOn.oou feet, mostly cedar; will relinquish for $600. Call at 4r Chamber of Commerce. SIX timber claims 3 to 8 million feet, few good homesteads left; don't answer unless ou rot an business and ready to act. 211 Allsky block. TIMBER relinquishment in Stletz: good cabin, tools, furniture, etc.; 7 million timber; price reasonable. Go" Chamber Commerce. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon ; we locate you. Silver Luke Land Co., 7-1 Marquain bldg., Portland. Or. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 3-t' Worcester blk- 6EVEKAI. good yellow pine timber, claims for location. I. A. & C. Co.. 323 Wash. 32o ACRES good timber land, $35o0 price. Adam Lewis-. Eileen. Cal. WANTED REAL EST AT K. WANTED Information regarding a good house and lot for sale, in or within 25 miles of Portland. Prefer dealing with , owner milv; statu price, location and give full description. Address L. Darby shire. Box ti.tSl. Rochester. 'N. Y. WANTED From owner only. 5-room mod ern cottage in South Portland; price must be reasonable: ha ve $ WOO cash. Phone Wood law n 1-72, or address R 9 53, Ore gotnan. WANTED Modern 6 to 8 -room house, rea sonably close m; will exchange 6 per cent bonds;" price not to exceed $0000. V y4S, One Ionian. HAVE a customer for 5 or ti-room modern bouse in vicinity of East Ankeny car barns. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. HOUSE of 7 or 8 rooms, on West Side. In Nort h Port 1 nd : will pay f5ooo or $ikX0. X 001. Otvgonian. WANTED Business and residence property for rent ami sale fruiu owners only. Archi bald. 220 Abington. WANTED To buy for cash, vacant lot; give price and location first letter. D 929. Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LAND. WANTED A relinquishment In Silets Reser vation; deal direct with purchaser, who wants it for himself. O 888. Oregonian. WANTED Bargain fn timber lands, single quarters up to 10OO acre. O 788, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS wanted, 804 McKay bldg. C. J. Mccracken. W A XTED FA RM S. WANTED To rent, with option to buy later, by reliable German from Rhine, with family: Fully equipped fruit, grapes, poultry farm, enlargeable. on running wa ter, near railroad; must be good income. Albert Angermayer. Alameda, Cal. tOTt RENT FARMS. EXCELLENT dairy rancn for rent; short i'.:st:n-'e from Portland; would carry fto or more head ; suitable build inge; fronts on river; daily boat to and from city; Z 4rlnm. Addreu Box 24, Huibnoalv Qr FOR SALE FARMS. FRUIT LAND FOR SALE BY THE OWNER. BOO acree, $12.5K; your own terras on payments; high-grade peach, cherry and apple land; also" for, raspberries and black berries and a portion fine for strawberries aud truck gardening; fine for subdividing; . water on "every subdivision; situated at the timber line, where fruit, soli and easy clearlng combine. 200 acres already cleared and in fire condition for tree plant ing ; balance can be cleared at $10 per acre. Located at the outskirts of the planted area; large orchard already plant ed in near vicinity and rapidly spreading towards this tract: eight miles from The Dalles, six from Dufur; daily rural mail delivery; jihone connections easily made; fine proposition for colony or company; good Income from grain, gardening and dairying until fruit trees come into bear ing; good income this year; when land al ready cleared is set to trees it will be worth easily double the price asked, and will, increase in value many fold before trees begin to bear; owner cannot handle It; you take it, p?ant treees, subdivide it and reap the profits; a sure enough snap. Address Farmer, Box 367, The Dalles. : OREGON CENTRAL ROAD GRANT, : : OPENING. : : The plan for the opening up of the : : great Oregon Central grant has been ap- : : proved. As the applications for theee de- : : sirable lands, (for half a century with- : : held from settlement) have been enor- : : moualy large, owing to the liberal induce- : : ments offered, immediate application : : should be made for full information. : which will be furnished free of charge. : ,: Any sized farm desired from 10 acres to : : loc-0 acres. The price is the same, $200 : : each, easy terms; titles guaranteed. : : Write today. : OREGON VALLEY LAND CO.. : : 830 Chamber oZ Commerce, Portland, Or. : 520OO.OO. Will buy 35 acres. 10 ander cultivation; good orchard, fenced, good spring of wa ter, on good road, about 1 Vz miles from carline,- Gladstone, and about 3i miles from Oregon City; 11 miles from Port land; terms. cash, balance reasonable time. 93250.00 -Will buy 42 acres, situated on east bank of the Willamette River; 25 acres under cultivation and In crops, which are In cluded in the sale; has old house, new barn, boat landing on filace; 1 mile from railway station; $1750 cash, balance 4 years at 0 per cent. OTTO & HARKSON. . 133 First St. IN A FEW DAYS Water will be turned onto the' land at P ALDUS B ORCHARDS." You can go r!fcht on the land now and make your improvements. $15o PER ACRH IS THE PRESENT ?RICE. On terms that will help you buy! Call for our beau tiful booklet. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION" & POWER COMPANY, Portland . office 248 Stark St.. down on ground flocr. Locai office at Hooper, Whit man County, Wash. GREAT FARM BARGAIN. $4300 for a beautiful 4it-acre place. 0 miles from Fortland city limits, very best of soil, fine orchard, near prosperous vil lage, telephone, R. F. D.. all the etock. ma chinery and furniture; eevry thing goes. $1W00 for the lMt 100-a ere place inside 14 miles of Portland: $40"O cash will han dle it; nothing equal around Portland for the price. Farms all over Oregon. Investi gate if you want to buy right. F. FUCHS. 2214 Morrison at. W1LLSEL.L my Lewis & Clark farm, sit uated six miles from Astoria, on Lewis and Clark River, on plank and graveled ,road, between Astoria and Seaside, con sisting of 153 acres, mostly tide and bot tom land; fine orchard; nn cows, 1 bull, 4 horses, all farming implements. Includ ing mower, rake, seeder, has' press, wod sawing -machine, separator, milk route, all equipped, etc. Apply to W. J. Ingals, Astoria, Or. FOR saje or exchange, farm 454 acres ; 200 in crop; oaiance nuy ana pasture ; s-room house; stock barn 4 fix DO ! four hay barns ; water piped to house and barn; running stream: 1 mile from R. R. station; fam ily orchard; soil the very best; will tako house in Portland for part; some cash and terms on balance; price, including stock, crops and machinery, $16,000. Address V 943, Oregonian. FOR SAUE 57 Mj acres adjoining Clacka- buildings. mineral water springs, land un der cultivation.' hay bailer and all farm Implements; 1 - miles from Portland. '1 miles from Gladstone on O- W. P. tin?: 4 miles from Oregon City. For sale for buildings' worth alone. Address R. F. D. Box 5, No. 2. A. Erickson, Oregon Cliy. Or. OREGON Electric Railway 10 acres 4O0 ft. from Multnomah Station ; SS-Vi jer acre; 23 acres CCt ft. from Durham Station. $175, per acre; 73-i acres adjacent to carline, 10 mile out- $150 jnr acre; 10-acre tracts 2 minutes' walk from Tonquln Station, $125 per acre; terms to suit purchaser. ,J. Run ning. 42tt Failing bldg. Main 44S1. . FOR SALE. 10O acres of fine Summer grazing land on eisy terms; Jurt the chance for some Willamette Valley farmer who would like to take his stock off for the Summer; all fenced; price $10 per aero, on eaiy terms. Frank E. Blair. Fall Creek. Or- FIFTEEN THOUSAND buys 21 acres, five miles out; Itt acres full bearing, also young orchard: close to school and church; W ill;! mett e Valley farm m i$ht be taken in exchange. J. W. WIBDRTCK, Hood River, Or. ALFALFA RANCH FOR SALES. One of the best alfalfa and stock ranches In the "state; 000 acres in alfalfa; an abund ance of water for irrigation purposes and plenty of sheep range; 9000 Bheep; muet be sold at once. Inquire of the owner, James Smith, Burnt Ranch, Whfeler County, Or. I WANT to talk with you before you buy that fa rm ; I know that I can sa t isf y you in both size, quality and price; let me tell you about them, and then go with me and see for yourself: I can show you soma tine places. George Turner, 4l-16 Rothchild bids.. 2S7 S Washington st. FINE Fit U IT LAND. Acreage to suit farmer, on Mt. Scott, South Base Line and Macadam road, mostly In high state of cultivation, bal ance tine timber, running water. Inquire 405 Abington bldg.. or owner. F. Sech tam. Cth and Stark. So ACRES, 8 miles out; 24 acres In young orchard; Mt. Hood Railroad i un across corner; owner will take part trade; price $10.uo0. J. W. WIEDRICK, Hood. River. Or. 125 ACRES on the White Salmon River, near town and sloping to the south; all good for apple land; $25 an acre; owner must sell. Com. look, see. Manchester & Wil son. SoS Wells Fargo bldg. FARM SNAP loO acres, 2 miles of North Yamhill. 14o acres improved, luo acres In crop, fenced and cross-fenced, good house a nd barn. $t;o per acre ; terms. F. Diet Jf niann, 5lH3d st. - ' A GENUINE snap; $3it. quick sale, buys fi acres 2 miles out; comfortable house, 142 fruit trees, bearing; 340 trees 1 yer old; s'trawberriee. i. W. Wiedrick, Hood River, Or. FOUR HUNDRED acres finest quality apple land, running water, near Hood River. Washington side. $30 per acre; 10-acre tracts up. Owners. 001 Fen ton bldg. BETTER than Hod River, closer to Por tland; Washington County fruit lands. $20 per acre; easy cleared. Hoban & Taggart, Allsky bldg. Si ACRES, Clark County, Washington, near Vancouver, on county road; must sell. X U17, Oregonlan. FOR HALE IRRIGATED LANDS. PALOUSE ORCHARDS Irrigated fruit tracts in the Washtucna Valley; elevation between 800 and lUX feet; just right for apples; soil rich and deep; subsoil porousi, allow ing perfect drainage; water supply abund- , ant, by gravity system; ready to we now; transportation, one railroad in operation and two more rushing to get in; new town site jurt across the river; price today, $150 per acre, on terms that make it pos sible for you to own an orchard. Call and ge: illustrated booklet and full particulars. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION & POWER COMPANY. Portland office 24i Stark s., on ground floor. Local office at Hooper, Whitman County Wash. WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND fjCHU. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practloa. IX N. Clark. Aity.. Washington. D. C, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle and Harnci 25 HOUSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to Pilose out Hubert & Hall. 2tlti 4h st. STl'DEBAKER lumber wagon, rearly new, broad iruage. Inquire Section F, .Irvington ( racetrack. Harry Squires. ' WANTED Young, sound and fast roadster, weight about lion; well broken. D 124, Oregonlan. 'DENMARK'" stallion, saddler, 115 R a or axchaoge. Maia-lTti. uuV FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle and Ham ens. $325 BUYS country bay team. 8 and years, weight 2iM lbs., and harness. ' 9275 buys chupky team, and 7 years, w:ejght 2400 lbs., and harness. 135 buys chunky bay team, weight 2300 lbs., and harness; also double truck and double express wagon, cheap. Can be seen at Dexter Stables. 45 4th st. 0 HORSES 50 At auction without fail at X'nlon Stock yards. Monday. May 18, 1 P. M.; a good lot of unbroken horses. Including mares and colts, 1 and 2-year-olds; don't fail to attend ; coine early. Twaddle & Richards. WANTED Single road horse. two-seated surrey, platform spring cutunder wagon, good for 5000 or more; give phone num ber. E 92 1, Oregonlan. I FOR SALE 1 set double harness. 1 delivery 1 wagon ' covered, and 1 horse, weight about I floO lbs. -.Call 361 East 7th st. South, or I Phone East 768. FOR SALE 12 head of young heavy draft norses; one very nne single mare, cuy broke. E. R. Frank, north of Union Stockyards. ONE fine driving mare, 6 years old. , gentle for lady to drive; owner .leaving city; will sell at a sacrifice. Phone East 4804. HORSES, mares, rlss and harness at all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland Stables. 5th and Glisan. HORSES, mares, rigs, 'harness of all kinds for sale. 26 N. 15th st. HORSES for sale. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. Antomobllea. TWO-CYLINDER. 5-seated Oldsmobile tour . ing car for sale, cheap. Call room 9, Wash ington bldg. OLDSMOBILE. two seats, in fine condition. Price low for cash. X 406, Oregonian. SQUARE ptaio in good condition for sale or rent. Call mornings, 33 N. Park. Miscellaneous. BATH TUBS WATER AND "SOIL PIPES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just "received Two carloads brand-new cast Iron and steel, white enameled bath tubs: all kinds of plumbing supplies, etc., which we are selMng away below whole sale prices. We also carry a complete line of pipe, for both water and sewerage, on which we can save you from 25 to aO er cent. Mail inquiries promptlv answered. M. BARDB & SONS. 347-353 Glisan St., corner Eighth. PIPE. PIPE. PIPB. See us for your pipe wants. We can furnish pipe to you in any quantity; eee us for - prices on it before buying else where. We also carry a complete line of machinery, pulleys, etc. and buy. Bell or trade anything. , . M. BARDS & SONS. Eighth and Glisan Sis. PATENT FOR SALE Automatic music leaf turner for pianos, organs and orchestra; simple, reliable and cheap; having just been granted a patent on the above music turner, I offer the same for sale, or will exchange for wild or improved land's. J. H. Collier. 34 E. 11th Bt.. Eugene, Or.. SINGLE blue iron bed complete, like new, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, hall tree gas oven, meat safe, wicker rocker, opera ' glasses, fine place, set andirons, etc. Ap ply be-1 ween 10 and 12 Saturday or Sun day mornings, 1145 Thurman st. $30 Combination bookcase and desk. $15; fine oak hall tree, $H.5n; gas water-heater, $7.50; No. 165 Jewel gas range, $10. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 2t.tli and Washington Sts. FOR SALE: New and second-hand bllllsrd and pool tables: easy payments; we rest . tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Co Bender. 49 Third at. A PRIZE -WINNING float for Rose Show for sale; will luild two more according to plans or will furnish designs to respon sible firms. Years of experience, A-l references. G 128, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Four fine thoroughbred Berk shire boar pigs, bred from fine stock, at a reasonable price. Shipped from' Van couver, . Wash., F. O. B. Address F. G. Zi.2gler. Port Blakely. Wash. BlRDSEYE dresser and desk, brass bed. hair mattresses, fine ruga, leather couch and chairs, ail furniture of 7-rooni house cheap. Call any time. 751 East Ankeny. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top. 15 H. P. 4-cy Under engine, brass tinlshings. quarter-sawed enk decks, complete, with boathouse. W 753. Oregonian. FINE violin 81 years old to owner's knowl edge. Apply between 10 and 12 Satur day or Sunday, mornings, 1145 Thurman. OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments bought, cold ana exchanged. L. Winters. 313 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sta.v SCHOLARSHIP in International Corre spondence schools of Scranton. pa., cheap for cash. L 908, Oregonian. BUN SOON HUIE, matting, Chlaaware, silks, tea. rattan chair sale; prices low. 171-169 2d st. Japeneae goods. FOli SALE, cheap, scholarship International Correspondence School. Pup' Saloon. Call a 275 3d st. Rose. MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slides, supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman, 293 Burnelde. UNITED Wireless Preferred stock; will trade for property, cheap for caeh. Box 4, Portland. FOUR fine butter cow. Jerseys: 3 fresh. 15 East 30th ; Sunnyside car. Phone East 5505. Moving-picture exchange Machines. sup plies, slides, films for rent. 105 4th st. GOOD SECOND-HAND hall safe at bar gain Address Y 908. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class lunch waiter at the Portland Commercial Club. Apply head waiter 10:30 A. M., fith and Alder. WANTED Experienced motion picture ope rator; big salary. Newman's Motion Pic ture Co., 293 Burnslde, near 5th. WANTED At once. wood turner; good wages by piece work. National Lumber & Box Company. Hoquiam; Wash. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main 5094. WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and eales men. all lines. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. ORGANIZERS, grand .fraternity, old organ ization, new proposition; big pay to right - parties. 522 Worcester bid. HARNESfMAKER to work on - lhffht work; onlv first-class mechanic need apply, P. J. Cronin Co., 129 1st St. STOCK KEEPER, $100 per month; book keeper and stenographer. 323 V Washing ton. P. A. & C. Co. W. N T E D Large, bright boy to 1 ea rn the trade. Apply Oregon Plating Works, cor ner 10th and Alder sts. EXPERIENCED surety bond solicitor ; fine proposition for a rustler ; state experience. Box J 934, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, lumber ex perience, dry goods salesman. 323 H Wash, st. P. A. A C. Co. HAVE you $400 to invest with services in excellent business opportunity? Address V 930, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class metal polishers. Ap ply Oregon Plating . Works, corner 16th and Alder sts. WANTED Salesman of good address to sell shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co 39 Hamilton bldg. WANTED Errand boy. Address L 940, care Oregonian office. State phone num ber. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted at Sample Shoe Co.. cor. 1st and Madison sts. WANTED All-around printer who can op erate a Simplex. Glacier, Hood River, Or. PLUMBER Jobber wanted; state wages and experit-nce. Address X 919. Oreeonian. WANTED An upholsterer and mattrese maker. Edwards Co., 191 1st st. WANTED Two collectors for city. Purity Liquor Co., 303 East Morrison. CARPENTERS, call today between 10 and 12. Room 42 Washington bldg. AN' experienced butcher wanted at Franklin Banws Market. li5 3d st. A MAN with experience for Turkish bath In Corbett bldg. WANTTTfci iWaitaiy-P-un. Saloon 27a. 3dV C HELP WANTED MALE. YOUR WINTSR'S COAL ABSOLUTELY TREE! ' For particulars see classified ad, business chances. CARDIFF COAL & COKE COMPANY. MH Sixth St. Phones A 3513. Main 8648. 1O.0OO POSITIOSa. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure post t tone: graduates earn from f1 x $23 weekly; expert Instructor.- too!s free; writs for catalogue. Moler System ft Colleges, 35 N. tb St.. Portland. Or. WANTED For U. S. Arm?, able-bodied un - married men. between ages of IS and 33, citizens of United Stated, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English:. Apply to recruit ing offices. Alnsworth block. Third and Oak exa., Portland. Or. KEEP yonr Job, double your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co., Eler Block, Seattle. District agents wanted. WANTED BOOKKEEPER. Preferably with creamery experience; single. 22 to 2rt years of age; $900 to start and advancement. COURTNEY'S. 402, 403, 404. 405 -Swetland bldg. WANTED An experienced mineral water salesman; give experience and references; man acquainted with liquor and restau Vant trade in Portland and Oregon pre ferred. 402 American Bank bldg., Seattle. Wash. REAL ESTATE man wants bright man as -partner to show land, etc.; can make $150 to $200; no experience necessary and very little cash required. Particulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 3teH Washing ton st., room 14. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with references, v Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department 28 North Second St. Phones, Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. MAN, With references, to solieit and collect; experienced man to go with you and teach . you the business; opportunity for promo tion to good salary position soon. 409 Macleay bldg., 2Stl Washington st. ATTORNEY wanted to take charge of R. R. company's work ; must invest $5000 and part of his time; must be first-class man and attorney; can make $10,000 in the next year. D 920, Oregonian. WANTED Man to care for country place, near town; must thoroughly understand gardening, care of stock, vehicles, etc.; no application considered unless city references are given. X 903. Oregonian. SALESMAN, who is covering Valley towns, to take fruit and produce line on com mission; answer with full particulars of territory covered and houses now repre senting. E 920, Oregonian. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying; day and nl(iht: no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School, 230-240 Sto at., San Francisco. RESPONSIBLE SALESMAN Dal estate in vestment carrying 15 jer cent interest; principal and 6 per cent guaranteed. . Splendid opportunitw, city work. X 921, Oregonian. SALESMAN wanted for Portland to sell di rect frons factory to contractors and build ers; only experienced men with reference ned apply. , Address lock box 9, Toledo, Wash. LEARN watcnmaKlng. engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. HONEST, sober, registered druggist ; splen did Judge of salable" goods; successful piano salesman; references of successful business, history. M fclt, Oregonian. DENTISTS' wanted; all-around men to take charge of hih-class office in or out of the city; big salary and commission. Chicago Dentists, 6th and Morrison. WANTED Hustling salesman to take $10;M) stock in a corporation having established trade; salaried position goes with stock. L 927. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class male stenographer and shipping clerk familiar with lumber bufi nes and billing; state salary. Address box 374, Dallae. Or.. WANTED Single young man to travel and learn go:d paying business. Call 10 A. M. to 12 Mj . room 1 The Merced --s, 20t h and Washington. MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekl ; easy work, short hours; learn business in short time ; terms reasonable. Newman, 293 Burnslde. 1 YOUNG man who has some knowledge surety and liability business. Reply in own handwriting. Address T 930, Orego nlan. CUTTER for saddlery department In whole sale saddlery .house. Chas. L. Mastick ' & Co., wholesale leather. Front and Oak. WANTED 3 barbers at 205 1st st. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly competent and r wanted in several departments. OLDS, WORTMAN Sc. KING. WANTED, in private family, competent girl for, general housework; must be a. good cook: good wages and a good home. 533 Broadway. GIRL to aesist with housework. Apply morn ings, 2o0 Nartilla et.. corner West Madi son (Take Jefferson-st. 'car). Phone Main 3785. . WAITRESS, chambermaid, $25; second girl, $25; cook, $:!5, $40; nurse girl, $25; cook, out town. i!30 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED Attractive blonde, for new posing act. 5 ft. 4 in. ; $25 weekly and expenses. . Call A. M. only. 407 Montgomery st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vtavi Co., C09 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison St, Phones Main 1062 A 140& HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 8436 Wasbinpton st.. corner 7th, u pat a Ira Phone Main 2092. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 715 Weidler, cor. East 21st st. Home phone C 120a. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; small family 215 X. 25th st. Call mornings. GIRLS wanted to make berry boxes. In qui re at Oregon Box Manufacturing Co., 1326 Macadam road. WANTED In small private family, competent girl for general housework. Apply Satur day, 904 Corbett st, ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY, 21', Yam hill; good help and situations or, all kinds. Main 5413. 1 WANTED Steady, Active woman to as sist in nursing In small hospital. R. 952, , Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit salesladies; state experience and salary wanted. T 929, Oregonian. WANTED Waitress, experienced, first-class restaurant. Call after 9 A. M., 335 Ankeny, cor. iiih. GIRL for general housework: must be good cook; 5 adults In family; $25. Main 4152. WAIST, eklrt and tailor finishers. 4o5 Flied ner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. WANTED First-clajPB presser: the best only need apply. Dye Works, 445 Glisan st. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons. $4 per month. Phones Pacific 948, A 4943. WANTED Competent woman to cook; with references.. Apply 653 Johnson st. WANTED A competent nursegirl; must have references; wages $3o. 73o Hcyt. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 1334 5th. cor. Alder. Phone A 33S0. CASHIER and wrapper. Apply at Sample Shoe Co.. cor. 1st and Madison. GIRL for general housework in small -family. Appi 72i4 Johnson at. YOUNG lady wanted at once to learn the bar ber's trade. 12 N. -4th st. V DISHWASHER wanted at Adams Restau rant, 23d and Savler. WANT 3D Young girl, to assist with house work. - 656 Gtisan St. WANTED Girl for general housework. Aj ply 6S6 Lovejoy st. GIRL to do cooking and general housework. 4S Lovejoy st. G4RL or woman wanted for light housework. 453 4th st. J GIRL to assist with- housework,. 208 4.4th U HELP W ANTED FEMALE. GIRLS, 1G. years and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harris-Nevi lie Co., 5th and Davis cts. i WANTED Girl to go camping with small family during the Summer months and afterward to do general housework. Ad dress Mrs. Truman Butler, Hood River, Or. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 4 Wash. cor. 7th. upstairs. , Phones. Main and A 2092. Help Supplied vFre to Employers. GIRLS. Wanted Girls 10 years' of age, bright and of good character. , " OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. . A GOOD -reliable girl -for housework. Phone East 1511. - 41 ELI WANTED MALE OR FEMALB. 3000 MEN. women and children wanted to pick strawberries in Hood River Valley. The season will begin wbout the ISth of May. Pickers and packers will be required to furnish their own camp outfit. Growers will haul them to and from the depot. Wood furnished and plenty of good water. Also good camping grositds. Your letter will be handed to a grower to answer, thus enabling you to make direct arrangements and be met at the train or coat. Be sure and get a round-trip ticket. It Is cheaper. For further particulars address the Hood River Fruit Growers Union. E H. Shep aid, manager. Hood River, Or. YOUNG lady or gentleman who can play- and sing in theater. V 944, Orpgonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. . Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man, 7. years business and office ex perience,' energetic, systematic, quick, steady, college graduate, married, wants position with Portland firm with chance to rise. W. H.. Box 6, Oregon City. WANTED A position as bookkeeper and stenographer; . exierienced -In commission, brokerage and mining; can furnish all re quirements for a first-class position. V 929. Oregonlan. HONEST, sober, registered druggist;' splen did Judge of salable goods; successful ptano salesman) ' references of successful 1 business historyJA 89 d, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN would like position as eales man in gent's furnishing or shoe store; has had experience in these lines; furnish A-l references. Call Main 6820. LAWYERS Experienced, systematic acci dent investigator; .10 years with New York .City Railroad Co.; 23 years' experience. E 910, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by bookkeeper, experienced and capable of taking entire charge of small office; no objection to leaving city. X 925, Oregonian. BOOKS kept, systems' introduced, account ing in ail branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling, .407 McKay bldg. BOOKS kept, systems introduced account ing In all branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling, 407 McKay bldg. POSITION in general merchandise store; 12 years' experience; best references. N. S. Berg, General Delivery. M lscellaneoos. WANTED A position by first-class prac tical engineer ; mechanical or hydraulic; A-l references; capable -ot superintend ing large projects. J 910, Oregooian. MARRIED man. trained fruit grower, wants to tend orchard oh division of profits or salary bat-is; references, and sober. L 92!), Oregonian. MARRIED man wishes position as manager ranch; good all-around hand, especially fruit, and stock; A-l references. -. L 948, Oregonlan. WANTED By a middle-aged man. light work on a gentleman's suburban homo; milk, gardener, groom, etc B 913, Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted as janitor at hotel by an honest Japanese-; has good experience; speaks English well. D 021. Oregonian. A YOUNG man wants a place to work .mornings and evenings for his board and room ; reference. G 92V. Oregonian. IF YOU want a ranch foreman, one who knows hie business from IS years' -expe-. rience. write to J 917, Oregonian. WANTED By. young man of 23, experienced in grocery and confectionery store, position in city. X tt27, Orejtonian. ALL-AROUND country printer wants steady position. Address, stating wages, G. B. -Boyle, Monmouth, Or. SHORTORDER cook wants a position or as waiter. Peter Kikes, 29 North 6th st. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521. A YOUNG Japanese wants position of. any kind of work. X 952, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenocraphers. SMITH & CROWE, public stenographers, 319 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Work neatly and accurately done. Phone A 277. LADY bookkeeper and stenographer, 10 years' experience, wants position; $2 per day; beet of references. X 907. Oregon Ian. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or beginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Tested and certified. POSITION as stenographer; can furnish ma chine if desired; salary moderate. X 915. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desires, position, willing to take moderate salary. V 945, Orego nian. . YOUNG lady stenographer desires position, law office work preferred. Phone Pacific 739. Dressmakers. ART LA MODE. Street suits, riding habits, novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloake. gowns. Phones A 532ft, Main 3378. 181 6tb opposite Hotel Portland. PLAIN and children's sewing, neat work. lowest prices. Infants' outfits a specialty. 1209 E. Yamhill. Phone B 2385. ALL kinds of Summer dresses made, from $3.50 up; aJso children's and infants'. 725 Hawthorne ave. Phne B 2207. MME. TUTTLE, modiste; tailored suits, evening gowns a specialty. 4S9H Wash ington st. A 8897. Housekeepers. WORKING assistant to housekeeper by , middle-aged person, hotel or resort; dis tance no objection. E. W., room 8, Beaver Apartment-house, 12th sL lltscel laneona. WOMAN wants few hours work afternoons or evenings; care of children or other work. 226 Park, Phone -Main 47fcS. COOK, boarding-house, hotel; kitchen as sistant, chambermaid, housekeeper, nurse, 2302 Yamhill. - Main 5413. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work for Mondays and Thursdays. East 1947. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 73i4 N. 3d. Phon Pacific 1694. 25 CENTS .for 1-hour piano lessons; 15 schol ars wanted. H 899. Oregonian. - ILLUSTRATED song singer wants engage menu V 950, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED House-to-house canvassers in every town in the Willamette Valley and a far east as The Da ilea-, including port land, to sell coal and coal stock. For par ticuars see classified ad under business cnances. Good solicitors can make from $50 to $100 per week. CARDIFF COAL A COKE CO., 64 H Sixth St. 1 Phones A 3513. Main 8648. AGENTS WANTED New. fast sellers ar riving daily; no old, worn-out schemes; good money to workers; do not apply unless you mean business; too busy to waste time on dreamers. Apply 8:30 to ll-A-M., 225 Marquam bldg. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com . mission advanced each week ; good terri - tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany. Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsT If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. SALESMEN Can give a few good salesmen a contract whereby you can make from $100 to $2'0 per week; exclusive territory: L 110 competltlcm. 4d,o Corbett ildg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted for sale of "Looters of the Public Domain." by S. A. D. Puter. king of the Oregon land fraud ring, in collaboration with Horace Stevens, the greatest work on the subject ever pub lished, embracing a complete 'exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States. J nne illustrations of prominent actors and events in the great land fraud drama. Liberal commission allowed active agents w-ith good references. Applications for territory should be addressed to Puter & Stevens. Hotel Lenox. Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. W ANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Land lords will do well to call on P-H tland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak; Phone Exchange .72. WANTED TO LEASE. Large stock ranch In Suuthern Ore gon, for term of 3 years, with view of buying will pay cash rent in advance. Address H. F. Mersdorf, 2irt Pearl St., Eu gene, Or. REGISTER your rooms with the Information Bureau, Portland Rose Festival; t thousands of people will be here during the week June 1 to 6. Apply headquarters, room 514 516 Swetland bldg. WANTED To rent a clean, fully fvrniahed . house of from 5 to, S rooms, with yard, for 3 months, from May 23. wrthln walking distance; 3 In family; best references. D 923, Oregonian. FURNISHED house or flat. 12 to 15 rooms, with privilege of purchasing; muctt be modern. Answer explicitly. R 950, Ore ' gonian. - ' , ROOM and board. West Side, by young man; must be modern; tate location and terms. L 945, Oregonian. , MODERN 5-room cottage within two miles postofflce; gas, yard, long lease. G 932. Oregonian. 6 OR 7-room strictly modern house. East Side, family two. T 925, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you haTe to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6655. A 4121. WANTED Men'e cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Pbone Pacific 1722. WANTED Second-hand cobblers' outfit, consisting of bench, tools and wood lasts; please list the articles and name lowest cash price. V 927. Oregonian. WANT to buy cheap for cash, second-hand tent, - size about 20x40; side walls, poles, stakes; black or white top. De Koven, 4ti7 State st.. Salem. Oregon. STYLISH roadster, 6 to 10 years old, 1150 to 1250 lbs., for family use; also 2-seated eurry. J 931, Oregonlan. WANTED Baby carriage in good condition. Phone A 3885 or address G 934, Ore gonian. WANTED An alligator suitcase or English bag. Address, with price, V 934, Ore gonlan. READY money paid for furniture: better prices than a dealer. Phone East 5888. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. X PAY cash for household goods. Savage Pennell Fur. Co.. S45 1st. Phone 860. WANTED Good second-hand counter and small tables, etc. Phone Main 8458. WANTED Second-hand counter about 10 ft. long. Phone Main 12. FOB RENT. Koomt, DESIRABLE furnished or unfurnished rooms, single or en suite, with modern conven . iences; reasonable rental. "Mllner Bldg.," 350 Morrison st. Fnrnislied Rooms. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free-baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 490. THE ALPHA. Mrs. B. A. Melbourne, Mgr. Nicely furnished bay-window and back room; hath, electric lights. et.; tran sient. 2094 Washington st. SHERMAN HOUSE Newly renovated rooms. . rates $2.50 per week and up. Including bath, hot and cold water, electric li grits. 123 12th St., cor. Washington. HOTEL PALMER, 350 H Alder, cor. Park; new management; furnished rooms, steam heat, electric light, free bath; moderate prices. Mrs. E. J. Howell. THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts., handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every modern convenience; terms reasonable; only 6 blocks from Postofflce. "THE KING,' ' 309 Jefferson, half block City Hall; first-class furnished rooms, $2 25 per week and up; both phones. 5th st. cars from Union Depot. HOTEL MASON; most reasonable, first-class hotel in city; rooms, with or without board; 3 blocks from P. O.; cars direct from de pot. 247 H 5t DESIRABLE furnished or unfurnished rooms, J single or en suite, with modern conven iences: reasonable rental. "Milner Bldg.," 350 Morrison st. FURNISHED rooms One suite and one front parlor, suitable for business rooms; rates reasonable. Hotel Empress, 6th and Stark. ON large front room, ground floor; also one small room, furnished; walking dis tance; cheap. 395 , 3d at., corner Harri son, LARGE front bedroom,' use of bath, half block from 2 carllnes, 10 minutes' walk to heart of city. f04 3d st. Phone Main 2406. MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th.; beautiful light, newly decorated rooms; hot 4ater, all rooms, rates $2.50 up. Phone Main 1153. LARGE light outside rooms; hot and cold running-water, hot water heat; everything new. Main -aiuw. soi itn, cor. layior. TH7 ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE CADILLAC, d and Columbia; newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy walking distance from center of city. THE KINGSTON, 190& 3d st 50c, $1 dally; $2.50 to $5 weekly; modern .conveniences; open aril night; transients solicited. 26 N. 17TH. single room, running water, $1.50 week; large front room $3, or -.suite $15; first house off Washington. COMFORTABLY furnished large front room with alcove; private home, near carline; reasonable. 80 Ross st. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two or more persons ; modern conveniences, private family. 213 13th. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern, $2.50 a week and up; opp. Hotel Portland. 181 6th st. A 5326. TWO fine furnished front rooms, single or en. suite; piano, bath,' phone. 450 Wash ington; reasonable. m 1 NEWLY furnished front room modern ; every convenience; very reasonable. 180 17th st.. cor." Yamhill. , NICB front room, strictly modern, rent rea sonable; walking distance. 341 Harrison. Phone Main 6953. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, very central, $2; bath, phone and lights. 171 West Park. THORNTON'S HOTEL, 271 3d st.. newly furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week ; transient. LARGE, bright, newly furnished room; run ning water, gas, bath, phone. Main 3312. 301 loth. MODERN convenient room, private family, home privileges; suitable for one or two. 34i4 th. THE DURBKA, 1st and- Market sts., clean, outside rooms $2.50 wk. ; housekeeping rooms. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod ern rooms. Dam. ouc 10 i aay, z to $4 wk. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished ; $2 to $5 wk. ; aiso transient, twuu. oft Morrison. NICELY furnished rooms," also housekeeping; bath and phones. 95 11th St., cor. Stark. FOR. RENT Furnished rooms; nice private place; free phone. 471 Morrison u NICELY furnished room. modern con veniences; gentleman. 195 13th. FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms, cen trally located. 247 Taylor st. THE ARTONIA Rooms, hot and cold water; fine location. 12S W. Park st. FURNISHED rooms cheap; new building. 207 Sherman st. Pacific 4E5. IWQ .nice furnished rooms. 694 GliBan it. rOR RENT. Forolsheil Booms. THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and "ouch. rttr Washington, hae the best rooms in tne city. $7.50 per month and up, nnx'.e or ensuite, with cr without board; bat ha steam heat, electric lights, both phones, large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard and pooi tables, all free to guests. THE YAMHILL. Large. light an J neatly furnished rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week- Phone A 13tt. 381 Yamhill st. N. W. cor. West Park. HOTEL BRESLIN New house Just opentd to the public, cor. 11th and Washington sts.; beautifully furnished, private . baths, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat; rates $1 and upward. Phone Main 7954- HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th end Wash ington sts Newly furnished throughout; new building; suites with baths, hot and , cold water in every room Phone Main T19V Long-distance phones In all rocms. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th, first -class furnished rooms, single or en suite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up; dally 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647 LARGE, front, alcove room; good location; private family; very reasonable. Muln 71ol. C'ufumishctf Rooms. DESIRABLE furnished or unfurnished rooms, single or en suite, with nj-d rn conven iences; reasonable rental. "Milner Bldg.." 3oi-( Morrison st. !4 Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; water and light included. 351 College st. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Elia St.. new and elegantly furnished single rooms and suites, with and without bath; hot and cold water la every room; flrst-c,laa table. Take Washington-street car to Elia st. YOl NG men. if you want '-nrst-d'ass room and board. $5.5o per week, all conven iences, nice yard and porch, and good borne cooking, call at the Aster House. Seventh and Madison. BLAKELY HALL. 3C0 J?fferson, M?:pon 5th and 6th; becutlfully furnLshed r.ms, with first-claw board ; modern conveniences; beautiful grounds; hne location for busi ness people. HOTEL LENOX. 1717 Belmont ave.. Seattle. Wash.; elf gam quntrers for the tleft; roima 75 cents up, meals 50 and 35 cents. Reached by Broadway-Pike and Capital Hill tar lines. PORTLAND Women's Union, 18th year; rooms with board, usa of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Adlrfvs Mrs. Ella KawHngs, Supt., 510 Flanders st. ELEGANTLY furnished room with board, hot and cold water, bath; suitable for 2 young men or marrted' couple; references exchanged. O 916. Oregonian. LARGE east front room, bay window, nicely furnished all modern conveniences, walk ing distance, with or without board. 395 6th st. Phone Main 5490. THE BARTON. Sunny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; first-class k table; most reasona- . ble rates. 455 Alder. YOUNG LADY wanted to share expenses of nicely furnished front parlor; alt modern conveniences; home cooking. 340 Jeffer- . son st. Main 5820. THE CLAY. cor. 2d and Clay, nicely fur nished single and double rooms, with board,' $5 and $5.50 per week; everything com fortable and homelike. A LARGE front parlor, suitable for two young men. with first-class bomi ; very reasonable: all conveniences; nic-ard and. porch. 251 7th st. 33 N. 17TH ST., 1 block off Washington, very prettily furnished front room-, suitable for one or two persons; also single rooms; first-class table. N ICELY f urn ished front rooms, with boa rd ; . strictly home cooking; modern conveniences; , walking distance; $t pet week. The Lindell. 29 Market. 258 THIRTEENTH Nicely furnished rooms In private family, house new, every convenience; gentlemen only; moderate. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th. well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or transient. TWO large rooms, suitable for couple; also large room for two young men. The Gladstone, 174 13th st. LARGE front room for 2, also single rooms; home cooking; private; very reasonable. 2"2 N. lftth st. Pac. 2497. ROOM and board, private home, modern con veniences, walking distance, pleawant sur roundings. Main 328 THE Colonial, corner 10th and Morrison; cosy, clean, comfortable, good table; losf rates. Call and see. WANTED Room-mate for a young -man in a private family; good cooking. Phone A 3622. 328 0th St. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, modern conveniences, rates reasonable. 349 Jeftor son st. Main 5826. LARGE pleasant front room; modern home; board if desired. Phone E 2013. 407 Hol laday ave. SELECT private boarding-house, modern conveniences; board optional. 4o2 Morrison, LARGE front room and board for J; mod ern; 2 doors from carline. 387 12th st. NICELY furnished rooms in private family, 1 block from carline, 248 N. 2uth. OLYMPUS Rooms and board, $5 week and up. 141 Lownsdale, cor. Alder. FURNISHED rooms with, board. The Ox&rk. 233 11th st. Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished, 5-room apart ment, with private bath and every known convenience, including the free use of tele phone,, gas and electric light. Special Summer rates to desirable tenant. X 910, Oregonian. IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence . apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, window ehades. Janitor service, telephone; adults. Apply janitor, 18th and Couch sts. THB SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room apartment, with bath; new, modern and. fully equipped for convenience; tine location saves carfare. Apply to Janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. WE stll have a few apartments for rent in the elegant King's Hill apartments, at . very attractive rental. Inquire at prem ises or Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st. THB CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders sts.: 4 reom unfurnished apartments; steam heat, elevator, city phones. Apply to U R. Griffith, East C24, B 1845, or to Janitor. IRIS AP A RTM ENTS 3d and M ill sts. ; 4 room unfurnished: steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range; adults only. Inquire at 248 Mill st.. Hat 22. Rent $:'.3- THE WESTMINSTER. Madison and 6th sts, up-to-date apartments, every modern con venience, reasonable rates, clcute In. omy 6 blocks from Postofflce. FU RNISHED 4- roo m a pa rt men t . for 3 or 4 months, complete, modern dnd very con venient. Appiy to janitor" The Sheffield, 7th and Jefferson sts. THB Cadillac Hotel, 3d and Columbia; fine newly furnished apartments, single or n suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house keeplsg n oma. STEAM-HEATED apartments, S and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished ; mod ern. Cottel Drug Co.. 1st and Sherman sts. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, beautiful 5-room apartment, new. mod ern in every respect. THE COLUMBIAN has one 4-room modern apartment for rent; reasonable, ,11th and Columbia. Adults. The Dayton, 060 F'anders, fine 6-roora apart ments, heat, hot water, etc; reduced rent. BEAUTIFUL 5-rocm apartment for rent. 293 12th. "The Braintree." NEW, modern 4-room lower flat, electricity, gas, furnace, near 23d and 'Washington. Pacific 1245. - NEW 5-room lower corner flat. Inquire on premises. 529 Everett or phone Main 433". 2S61j 16TH Nearly new modern 5-room flat, $18, Inquire W. L. Morgan, 213 Abington. UPPER 0-room flat, 370 13th; cook-stove, furnace; rent. Call 455 Market st. 848 CORBETT. 5-room mocern flat, $12.50. L. E. Thompson Co., 228 3d. NEW five-room flat: modern; gas and electricity. 182 East loth. MODERN and 5-room flats on Williamr ave. phone East IT 1 U 4-ROOM flat4lo. 243 Stark, . 4, : - 1