Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Have A Royal Fitted This Week Expert Attention
We are sole Portland agents for the fa
mous Royal Worcester Corsets, they are
the only make we carry, and we have them
in ISO models a model for every figure
and a price to suit every purse.
Special attention to fitting this week. In addition to our own permanently employed skilled
fitters, we have with us Miss Milne, a corsetiere with a national reputation. We are giving all
our attention to one corset, the only one good enough for us to handle. Come in and let the
best trained fitters possible to secure assist you in finding the model best adapted to.your figure.
You need not fear being persuaded from
one make to another, we sell but one, the
Royal Worcesterinthe Sapphire, Bon
Ton or Royal Worcester grades. Don't
put it off come now.
Men's Underwear All Grades
Spring and Summer garments; combination or two-piece Suits in all styles, qualities and
finishes. This store is a strong attraction for the fellow of saving habits, who is par
ticular about the make and quality of his underwear. We carry the standard grades in
lightweight wool, in balbriggan, mercerized silk or in the famous Deimel linen mesh. We
seek the patronage of men who prefer standard qualities at less than usual prices.
Men's Golf Shirts Neat patterns, standard
materials and patterns, in $1.00 yft.
grades; Wednesday only
Men's Hose Odd, lines in regular 35e
grades. These are serviceable and
durable; special Wednesday .......
Smallwares: Skirtmarkers for the home
dressmaker. Thev mark the skirts correct
ly. Worth 75c each.
Special, each only , . . . .
Castile Soap of the finest' quality. White
or green. Imported from Italy and Crt
selling regularly at 75c bar; special. . Vt
Dress Shields and Corset Protec- QQ,
tors Regularly 75c pair, special. . C
Hair Brushes with solid backs of foxwood
or real ebony. Excellent brushes QQ
that sell reg'ly $1.25 ea., special. 07C
Swastika Writing Paper, each OQ
sheet embossed; worth 60c lb.; spl.-
Miss Milne, Expert Corsetiere
Is here demonstrating the advantages of the Royal Worcester, Bonton and
Sapphire Corsets. Her motto is, "The right corset at the right price, for
every figure." Women of full figure should be fitted with the Adjusto
Dowager model.
Dress Goods and SilksSale Prices
VOILES, in the proper weights and colors for evening wear. The largest stock of these
goods in the Northwest to choose from, and all are reduced. This includes plain or fancy
weaves, striped effects, chiffon or regular finish and all wool, silk, and wool or silk voiles.
Regular $1.00 quality; per yard 69
Regular $1.25 quality, at, per yard..83
The $1.50 quality, the yard $1.09
The $1.75 quality, the yard $1.29
The $2.00 quality, the yard $1.39
The $2.50 quality, the yard ... 1.69
The $3.75 grade, the yard ...$2.63
The $5.00 grade, the yard $3.29
Wash Taffeta for 69c a Yard
The famous Royal Wash Taffeta Silk, the
best grade made. Special this week ZQ
in our silk shops at, the yard vJ7C
Peau de Cygne for 89c a Yard
Every wanted shade in the fabric, one of
the most popular of the season, and one
that gives perfect service. A reg- QQ
ular $1.25 grade; special, the yard. .OSC
Some Colored Mohair Savings
The $1.00 grade 71
The $1.25 grade 89
The $1.50 grade . .$1.19
The $1.75 grade $1.38
Oxfords Now at $3.50 and $4
and in the selection of styles
an unequaled group of values.
Shoes that are made to fit and
salesmen who know how to fit
them. On these claims we
achieve and hold our immense shoe business. Despite
the tremendous selling of the Spring season, we are well
supplied with all wanted styles in tans and white shoes.
Summer footwear comfort is impossible without low
shoes. Ask to see our tans and white canvas models:
Style X12712 "Women's three
eyelet blucher, of dark tan Rus
sia calf, on a new short vamp
last. These are fitted with a very
pre-tty Cuban heel ; handsome
and good values at $4.00
Style XBlOlij Women's, but
ton Oxfords in dark tan Russia
calf, made on the new trump
last. Medium short vamp, mili
tary heel; exceptionally good
stock; price $3.50
Style X156 Women's tan Rus
sia calf, blucher cut Shoe, short
vamp style made on a new
straight foxed blucher pattern.
The leather is darker than that
usually shown as tan Russia,
making this shoe a pronounced
innovation. It is a comfortable
style and, indeed, modestly
priced at only S4.00
Valenciennes Laces- A Sale
5000 and more night gowns in this lot that are placed on sale at special prices.
They are made of nainsook, cambric or muslin. These come in an endless variety of
designs; with high neck, low round or square neck or V-shaped style. Sleeves are
long, short or elbow length or in kimono or butterfly styles. The assortment is
excellent, a style and grade to suit every taste. They are all well made, and cut
generously full. Made under sanitary conditions by skilled workmen. Trimmed
with tucks, headings, draw ribbons, laces and embroideries. Note the reductions:
90c to $1.00 grades for. . .69
$2.25 to $2.50 grades.. $1.48
$3.75 to $4.00 grades. .$2.75
$5.25 to' $5.75 grades. .$3.58
$8.00 to $8.50 grades.. $5.39
$12.00 to $13 qualities $7.13
$4.25 to
$6.00 to
$9.00 to
$1.50 grades.. 98
$3.00 grades.. $1.97
$4.50 grades.. $3.13
$6.50 grades., $3.87
$9.50 grades.. $5.93
$13.50 to $14 qualities $8.89
$1.75 to $2.00 grades.. $1.29
$3.25 to $3.50 grades.. $2.36
$4.75 to $5.00 grades... $3.34
$7.00 to $7.50 grades... $4.48
$10 to $11 qualities $6.25
$15.50 to $16 qualities $9.95
Widths from 2 to ll2 inches and as
good an. assortment of patterns as you
would wish to see. Edges and inser
tions to match; delightfully dainty and
decidedly new. Come in bolts, 12 yards
each and regularly worth to 85c the
bolt. This sale is by the dozen
yards only. Your choice at
Chiffon Veiling A superb qual
ity in plain effects, with satin
border or in velvet dotted de
signs. " Colors are light blue, tan,
navy or pink. Regularly 65c
and 75c, special "Wednesday 39
Women's Lace Hose Allover or
bootlace designs. Hose imported
direct by us. The best 50c and
65c values to be found on the
Coast. Various patterns in lace
effects; absolutely fast black.
Made from good quality lisle
yarn. Special Wednesday 39c
Waist Patterns
terial enough for the entire waist,
to $5.00 each, Wednesday
Infants' and Children's Socks
For Summer wear. Come in plain
lisle or plain silk, in all colors.
We- also have them in plain col
ors with plaid tops and in allover
lace designs. The assortment is
remarkably complete. Prices,
25t 35 and 50
Women's Underwear In Spring
weight. High or low neck vests,
sleeveless or long sleeve styles.
Pants to match in either style.
Special, each garment 35
Fine quality batiste or lawn, with em
broidered fronts, collars and cuffs; ma-
Regularly worth $3.50
Belts Worth to $1. 00 Each
Sell at 48c
A stirring bargain in women 's
plain or fancy leather Belts, as
sorted colors; finished with hand
some buckles. The wanted sizes
are here in plenty, and the styles
are indeed attractive. No woman
of taste can afford "to miss this
sale." The regular values are 65c,
75c and $1.00; special Wednes
day at low price of, each..48J
Women's Neckwear Linen Col
lars, in striped and dotted de
signs. A quality that sells regu
larly for 25c each. Special Wed
nesday at 2 for 25
Women's Gloves Silk and lisle; one and two-clasp models. Black, and white,
in all sizes. Handwear regularly worth 50c, 60c, 65c and 75c the pair. OQ
Wednesday at the exceedingly low price of only, per pair yiC
Silk TL Waists Half Price
The silk bodices featured
in this special come in
handsome plaid designs, in
plain colors, with lace in
sertion, in pompadour silks
and in dainty striped pat
terns. They are extremely
dressy models, and the acme
of good style and quality.
The lace waists are con
structed of filet mesh, baby
Irish, Valenciennes and
other laces, or some are of
net, with hand embroidered
designs. Very dressy
models, worth $12.50 to
$55.00 each, your choice
Half Price
CO A TS, in all colors, made
in many styles. There are
deep flounces trimmed with
accordion pleating, with
clusters of tucks, or with
single narrow tucks. Other
flounces are made in the
circular style. These under
skirts are made of a prime
quality fast color taffeta,
good full size, and values
to $10.00 each. All colors
for street or evening wear,
a superb assortment. One
of the greatest petticoat
bargains ever offered,
values to $10.00 choice
Wednesday QO
for only, each tpT fO
Outing and Ready-to- Wear
Hats lk Less
Supply millinery needs now for
school wear; for outing or beach;
for vacation and for smart street
use. Choose from a grand
assortment of natty and tasteful
styles. Smart tailored models,
'trimmed with ribbons, quills,
silk, etc. The colors are burnt,
white, navy, brown and black.
The original prices are indeed
small but these are still further
reduced for Wednesday. Phe
nomenal bargains ensue. Your s
choice of a lot of over 300 ready to wear IA 1
hats for women, misses and children C5o
Better Basis Than Love, Says
Professor Bowden.
Asked to Kcsign. but Still Conducts
Classes Believes In Kreedom of
Association r Sexes and Sub
sidy of Maternity by State.
CINCINNATI, May 12. rrofessor H.
Heath Bawden, whose resignation as pro
fessor of philosophy at the University of
Cincinnati has been demanded by Presi
dent Dabney because of his private views
on marriage and, sociology, conducted his
classes as usual today. President Dabney
stated that in his opinion it would do no
harm for Professor Bawden to continue
his classes temporarily. He was disposed
to give him a fair hearing.
Professor Bawden today gavo out a
statement of his case."
"I believe," said he, "in freedom of as
sociation of the sexes and in marriage
based on comradeship. The only limit I
would impose on sexual promiscuity would
be the aesthetic Ideal of comradeship, on
the moral side, and the necessary restric
tions of stirpiculture on the physical
He approves of marriages but insists
that comradeship rather than love Is the
essential. He "derogates the finality of
marriage and social stigma which at
taches to divorce," and believes with
Plato that the state should subsidize maternity.
Popular With Vassar Students.
The news that an effort was being1
made to force Professor Bawden out of
the University of Cincinnati faculty
was a surprise at Vassar College. A
very limited circle Here was aware that
the Professor's departure from Vassar
was due to his views on marriage and
sociology. Professor Bawden was very
popular with the Vassar students.
lix-Kesldent of Portland Iveaves
Many Friends.
SPOKANE, Wash., May 12. Theodore
Galliwid, president of the Northwest Loan
& Trust Company, died suddenly this
morning from paralysis, following
stomach trouble. He was a brother of
Julius Galland, head of the Spokane
Brewing Company, and was a stockholder
in that corporation.
Henry C. Wortman said last night that
the news of Mr. Galland's death came to
him as a great surprise, as he had met
him in New Tork about two months ago
and at that time he was in excellent
health. He said that he and Mr. Galland
had been associated in business for about
four years and their relations were very
close and agreeable. Mr. Galland was a
bachelor but his friends were numerous
and of the highest character. He was
born in Butteville, Or., about 45 years
ago. When he resigned as manager of
the Gambrinus Brewing Company, of
this city, 18 months ago, he made a trip
abroad; and upon his return became pres
ident of the bank In which his family is
largely interested, the Northwest Loan &
Trust Company. When a resident of
Portland Mr. Galland was recognized as
one of the most charitable and public
spirited citizens of the city. -
How to Pacify the Moros.
WASHINGTON, May 12. General T. H.
Bliss, of the Army, in his capacity as
Governor-of the Moro province. Island of
Mindanao, in the Philippines, in a report
to the War Department, declares that the
effort to establish an American judicial
system in that province has been a fail
ure. He proposes vesting by law in the
headmen the power to try certain cases,
the establishment of native courts or
boards of arbitration, and the legalizing
of Mohammedan marriages. General
Bliss points out that punishment should
be prescribed by law in reasonable ac
cord with native customs, but involving
no degrading or Inhuman condition.
Swell tan shoes at Rosenthal's.
CTjASII between acting gov
eiixors op arkansas.
While One Is Away Another Calls
Legislature Together Too Much
Expense Is the Reason.
WASHINGTON, May 12. "I will is
sue an appeal next Monday to the con
servative members of the Arkansas
Legislature not to assemble in extra
session," said X. O. Pindall, president
of the Arkansas State oenate, who has
been serving as acting Governor of
that state, and who arrived here last
He made this statement today when
shown a dispatch from Little Rock,
stating that Allen H. Hamiler, acting
as Governor in the absence of Mr. Pin
dall, had issued a proclamation calling
an extra session of the State Legisla
ture. Mr. Pindall declared that his
reason for opposing an extra session
was because the state could not afford
the expense incident thereto. He will
return to Little Rock Saturday night.
Three Men to Take Hand In Fight
Over Special Session.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 12. Al
though Mr. Hamiler still denies he will
try to hold the office of Governor after
the return of Governor Pindall, he is
holding consultations hourly with
prominent attorneys who are opposed
to Governor Pindall.
Lawyers here say Governor Pindall,
even though he succeeds in getting the
office, cannot revoke the call of the
special session. The Democratic nomi
nee for Governor, George A. Donaghy.
said' to be on his way home also, will
be a prominent factor in the special
session. The citizens of Morreltown
held a mass-meeting today condemning
the action of Governor Hamiler in call
ing a special session of the Legislature.
Monuments for Oregon Trail.
ington, May 12. A favorable report was
made to the House today on Representa
tive Humphreys' bill appropriating
$50,000 for the erection of monuments
along the old Oregon trail. The bill au
thorizes the employment of a commission
to erect the monuments at an annual
salary of not over $2500.
Only Feudal . State In Germany
Changes Government. '
12. The Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg
Schwerin ceased today to be the only
state in Germany without a constitu
tional government. This morning
Grand Duke Frederick gave up his
feudal privileges and granted a consti
tution similar to that enjoyed by some
of the other German states. The suf
frage is to be according to property
classifications, and the members of the
Legislature are to be elected by a sys
tem of indirect voting. By means of
special arrangement the Duchies of
Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklen-burg-Strelitz
will have each a general
Landtag, as well as their own Legis
latures, to act on local questions.
Tonopah Rapidly Recovering From
Effect of Flames.
TONOPAH, Nev., May 12. The fire
which broke out in this city last night,
raged for fully two hours before the
flames were checked. One entire block
of business houses, with exception of
the Butler theater, were burned to the
ground. The fire department was slow
getting to the fire, but the volunteer
department and the citizens did good
work. Twenty-eight business houses
and six residences were burned. Con
siderable stock was saved by citizens
packing: the goods to places of safety.
The Are could be seen at Goldfleld, 35
miles away, and telephone communica
tion brought over 2000 feet of hose in
45 minutes, in an automobile.
At a meeting of prominent citizens,
held at 4 o'clock this morning in the
Nevada Club, $1000 was raised to cart
away the debris, and at 7 o'clock 50
teams and 150 men were at. work re
moving the rubbish. At this hour. 2
P. M., one building already has been
constructed and will be tenanted by a
firm in the morning. The loss will
reach fully $150,000.
Troops to Leave Crete.
CANE A, Island of Crete. May 12.
After nearly 11 years of occupation, the
four powers that have nad In hand the
protection of Crete Great Britain.
Russia. France and Italy have decided
that the people of the island under the
able administration of the Grecian
High Commissioner, Alexander T. A.
TCaimls, have settled down sufficiently
to justify the withdrawal of the inter
national troops.
Observe Davis' Birthday.
RICHMOND, Va., May 12. Governor
Swanson today issued a proclamation
requesting the people of Virginia to
observe June 3, the centennial of Jef
ferson Davis' birthday, as a holiday.
On that day a Davis monument erected
here by the Jefferson Davis Monument
Association, will be turned over to the
Hunting for Modernism.
BRESLAU. May 12. Cardinal Kopp
has instructed a committee to supervise
the teaching of Catholic theology in
the University of Breslau. This com
mittee will report to the Cardinal
every two months regarding evidences
of modernism in the lectures delivered.
Mwk PE23M
The New and Marvelous
The New and Marvelous
Seventy-five per cent of our ninety millions of poulation suffer from catarrh. A common cold is the "entering wedge," which prepares the system
for the introduction of this disease, and unless promptly cured its tenacious grip is quickly fastened upon the mucous membrane, and the disease
travels along the air passages and through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear, into the broncliial tubes and air cells of the lungs, preparing the
way for consumption. In attacking the nose and head the air passages become clogged with the catarrhal deposit, and the action of the vibratory
bones ceases. Until these deposits are stopped relief is impossible. While we KNOW that catarrh is not specifically a blood disease, we now
KNOW that it is frequently complicated with a specific blood poison, due to infection of the mucous lining of the stomach from unconsciously
swallowing poisonous catarrhal mucous ; hence, the frequency of failure to cure catarrh in the past has been largely due to incomplete and faulty
diagonsis. We are, however, living in the twentieth century, and "the world DO move." DOUBT AND GUESS-WORK have given place to
ASSURANCE. Catarrh is' CURABLE. It would, indeed, be most pitiable if in His laboratory the great Creator had not provided a remedy for an
affliction so common to mankind. Scientific research has unfolded Nature's wonders and adapted them to our use and benefit, and we offer you
now a sure and permanent cure for catarrh through the efficacy of
which is the only treatment that can possibly reach the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, remove the catarrhal obstructions, loosen up the bones
and cause them to respond to the vibrations of sound.
- Come to us, all you who are afflicted with catarrh in any form. We shall cure you, and cheaply. We shall cause again the red corpuscles of rich
and healthy blood to revitalize your being, build you into energetic and ex uberant health and make you radiate that magnetic personality which com
mands SUCCESS!
508-9-10-11-12 Merchants Trust Building, Sixth and Washington Street3, Portland, Cr.
Hours 10 A. M.-5 P. M.; 7-8 P. M.; Sunday, 10-12 M.
Phones, Main 7743; A 5755.