Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 09, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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Furnished Rooms.
THE GLEN DORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch. Washington, hu the best rooms In
the city, $7.30 per month and up. single
or ensuite, with or without board; baths,
stesm heat. elactrlo lights, both phonea,
larva grounds, parlor with piano, billiard
ana pool tables, all free to. guests.
Large, light and neatly furnished
rooms; hot water heat; hot - and cold
water, baths and phone; transient. $1;
special rates by the week. Phone A 1356.
881 Yamhill at. N. W. cor. West Park.
Elegantly furnished single rooms; heat,
hot and cold running water; return call
bell service; free baths; both phones;
strictly modern; rates $12 and up.
20th and Washington.
COOL quiet room in private family, on East
Hide, near 2 carllnes, only 10 minutes'
ride;, will give breakfast If desired; very
reasonable to two young men; all privilege
of home will be extended to right parties;
no children, and in select residence dis
trict. Take U car to .141 Sell wood at.
New house Just opened to the public,
cor. 11th and Washington sts. ; beautifully
furnished, private baths, hot and cold
m-ater. electric lights, steam heat; rates
$1 and upward. Phone Main 7954.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout;
new building; suites with baths, hot ana
cold water In every room. Phone Mala
719.Y Long-dlstanca phonea in all room
THE OGDKN, 88 1st. corner Oak. under
new management; large, neatly furnished
modern outside rooms, new brick build
ing; rates $2 .50 per week and up; tran
sients 50c and up'.
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable, paciao 496.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th.
nrst-class furnished rooms, single or en suite;
every modern convenience, $3 weekly up;
dally 76c up; special monthly rates. Main 6047
PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sta;
steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water
'in all rooms: 50o to $1 day; $2.50 to o
per week. Phone a 1539.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts.,
handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every
modern convenience; terms reasonable; only
6 blocks from Postofftce.
TO RENT Very cheap, 2 rooms, nicely fur
nished, separate or en suite; private fam
ily; no children; block tu car; West Bide.
Phone Paclno 22.
834 YAMHILL, opposite Hotel Portland,
very choice rooms, entirely modern, hand
somely furnished; call bells, both phones;
running water.
LARGE, light outside rooms; hot and cold
cold running water, hot water heat; every
thing new. Main 4100. 201 14th,
cor. Taylor.
THREE completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, nice residence district; piano; $-5.
724 East Burnside. Take East Ankeny car.
THE ESTE8 Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner eth. Mra Maud J. Kates.
TUB CADILLAC, 3d and Columbia; newly
furnished rooma, single or en suite; easy
walking distance from center of city.
THE ALEXANDER. 131 M 10th. newly fur
nished rooms, by the day, week orTnonth;
rent reasonable. Mrs. M. Joyce, prop
THE KINGSTON. 10OH 3d St.. 60c. $1 dally;
$2.50- to $5 weekly; modern conveniences;
open all night; transients solicited.
MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th. newly deco
rated, all outside rooms, hot running water
la every room; S3 up. Main 115a.
THE ALPHA Nicely furnished bay-window'
and back room; bath, electric lights, etc.;
transient. 2til)Vi Washington st.
NICELY furnished rooms: ekictrlo light, heat,
porcelain baths; central location; 2.25 per
week and up. 308 Jefferson st.
NICELY furnished room, close In: bath
and phone. $2 per week; gentlemen pre
ferred. 430 Jefferson at.
NICE front room: strictly modern; rent
reasonable; walking distance. 341 Har
rison. Phone Main 6953.
WELL furnished room, for one or two gentle
men, private home, bath, gas, close In.
673 Main. Pacific 303. '
PLEASANT front room for one. or two; gas,
bath, phone; first-class board next door if
desired. 330 6th at.
NICELY-FURNISHED well-kept rooms, 1.50
up per week; meals u desired. Hotel
Mason, 247 V, 6th.
HOTEL SACRY. 645 First St.; newly fur
nished; new bldg.; free bath and phone;
rates reasonable.
813 1STH Nicely furnished rooms, suitable
for two or more persona; modern conven
iences; reasonable.
ELEGANT rooms, cheap rates, new man
ager, at 1140 Ankeny. Look and you'll
want them.
LARGE front alcove room, new, modern, well
furnished, with board; private family. 2u
North lth.
THORNTON'S HOTEL, 271 3d St.. newly
furnished rooms. $2.50 to $3 per week;
ULEOANTLY furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern: opp. Hotel Portland. 181 6th st.
A 632U.
THE EUREKA, 1st and Market sts., clean,
outside rooms $2.50 wk. ; housekeeping rooms.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; .mod
ern rooms, bath, 60c to $1 day, $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished: $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th at., nice furnished
rooms, $2.50 to $5 week: 50o to $1 night.
NU'ELY furnished rooms, also housekeeping
sath and phones, ya 11th at., corner Stark.
NICELY furnished rooma In private family,
1 block from carllne, 248 N. 20th.
FRONT room, nicely furnished, bath and
phone. Call 450 Washington st.
VERY pleasant large room, choice location,
walking distance. 305 12th st.
NICELY furnished room for a gentleman
In private house. 242 22d st.
NICE, large front room for two. 260 Tth.
corner Madison.
TWO nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences.
345 Harrison st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
MODERN flat of 6 unfurnished rooms, good
location, reasonable rent. 370 7th st.
Rooms With Hoard. 1
THE CLAY Cor. 2d and Clay; nicely fur
nished single and double rooms with
board: $5 per week and up; everything
comfortable and homelike.
FOR RENT A pleasant room, with break
fast, for $10 a month; lady preferred.
Phoae after 4 P. M., B 1621. Vicinity of
East Side High School.
Runny outside rooms; steam heat, hot and
ruld water; first-class table; most reasona
ble rates. 455 Alder.
WANTED Summer boarders at quiet,
pleasant farmhouse, mile from ocean, near
beautiful lake, on railroad. Mrs. C. W.
Carnahan, Clatsop, Or.
BOOM and board In well-furnished home
for young married couple who desire first
class accommodations. Address S 807,
care Oregonian.
WELL-FURNISHED room, with board;
modern conveniences; pleasant surround
ings; walking distance; terma reasonable.
Main S2S0.
TO RENT A nicely furnlehed room, with
good home cooking; suitable for married
couple, two ladles or gentlemen. 671
TWO young men who desire room with
board aad first-class accommodations In
elegant home. Address M 897. Oregonian.
THE WALDORF One suite of rooms and a
few single rooms, with board. 147 13th at.
phone Main 2118. A 2118.
THE Colonial corner 10th and Morrison,
cosy, clean, comfortable, good table; low
rates. Call and sea.
FURNISHED rooms and board In private
family; all conveniences. 412 2d st. Phone
Main 4173.
PLEASANT room for two. with board:
modern, new, 2 doors from carllne. 887
12th St.
83 NORTH 17TH. one block off Washington,
well furnished, light and comfortable rooms;
BEI.BCT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 45a Morrison
Rooma With Board.
ALEXANDRA - COURT 53 Ella at., new
and elegantly furnished single rooms and
suites, with and without bath; hot and
cold water In every room: flrst-claas
table. Take. Washington-street car to
Slla st.
BLAKELY HALL. 300 Jefferson, between
otn ana otn ueautiruiiy furnished rooms,
with flrst-clase board: modern conven
iences, beautiful grounds; five blocks
n,.,K U ..... 1 13 . 1 1
PORTLAND Women'i Union. 16th year; rooms
with board, uee of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllnfts, Supt., 510 Flanders at.
LARGE, pleasant front room with smaller
one adjoining; wish to rent to 2 or 3 who
desire quiet home and good cooking; very
reasonable terms. Pacific 2497.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms, food
board; convenient. 653 Washington mt.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark.
225 lita st.
MODERN new 6-room residence apartments;
walking distance; steam heat, hot water,
janitor service; rent reasonable. 806 1 1th.
between Columbia and Clay. See Donald
Woodward. lo4 2d at. Both prone.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerator, window
ehades janitor service, telephone; adult.
Apply janitor. 18th and Couch sts.
THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room
apartment, with bath; new, modern and
fully equipped for convenience; fine location
saves carfare. Apply to janitor, 7th and
Jefferson sts.
THE 6ANGERT, cor. Washington and Trin
ity, bet. 19th and 2oth; newly furnished;
-modern apartments; complete for house
keeping and also single rooms.
FOR SALE Furniture of very cosy three
room apartment; apartment for rent; bar
gain If taken at once. Suite 3." Columbian
Apartments, 11th and, Columbia.
PARTY leaving city will give use of furni
ture, four-room apartment to tenant who
will pay rent of apartment. Columbian
apartments, llth and Columbia.
THE WESTMINSTER. Madison and 6th sts ,
up-to-date apartments, every modern .con
venience, reasonable rates, close In. only
6 blocks from Postofftce.
FUKNISHED 4-room apartment,, for 8 or 4
months, complete, modern and very con
venient. Apply to Janitor The Sheffield, 7th
and Jefferson sts.
CINCINNATI COURT 3 -room unfurnished
apartment; all modern conveniences; also
4-room apartment. Apply Janitor, Flat
E, 4ol 10th.
THE Cadillac Hotel. 3d and Columbia; fla
newly furnished apartments, single or a
suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house
keeping rooms.
THE CLEOPATRA, 18th and Flanders sts.
Modern 4 rooms, unfurnished: city phones
free In each apartment. Apply to Janitor
MODERN, up-to-date unfurnished 5-room
apartment with bath, gas, electric light,
eta Phone Main 5003, A 1133.
5-ROOM apartment, new, modern In every
respect. The . Marlborough, 21st and
The Dayton, 660 Flanders, fine 6-room apaxt-
mAnra Visaat Knt msiar atn Mnln nw A lOOl
NEWLY furnished 6-room apartment. The
Mordaunt, cor. 18th and Everett eta.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartmeat for rent. 200
12th. "The Brain tree."
FIRST floor cottage. we41 furnished well
lighted; bath, gas, phone, good yard, central-
location ; references. Pacific 1338. 26
North llth at., 2H blks. from Washington.
MODERN 4-room flat, well' located on car
llne, $15 per month. Phone or call
Washington St.
MODERN flats, all size, for rent. East and
West Sldea Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. & E. cor. fid and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
12 CHAPMAN ST., oor. Taylor, 4-room flat,
tile bath, modern, rent $20. Key 49 Tay
lor, inquire Graves Music store. 826 Wash
ington st.
FOR RENT 6-room modern flat. 29H K
8th st.. near Burnside. Keys at D. G
Woodward's office. 104 2d st. Rent $20.
FOR RENT 5-room modern flat, 29 Mi E. 8th
fit., near Burnslde. Keys at D. G. Wood
ward's office. 1(H 2d st. Rent 120.
8-ROOM, modern, central flat, furnished
or unfurnished; reasonable. S85. Inquire
134 6th st.
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room -flat.
Apartment 35, Madison Park Apartment
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, 64 El 10th
st. Inquire W. R. Stokes A Co., 106 Grand
NEAT lower 4-room flat, bath, gas. Mis
sissippi ave., $12. Telephone East 2911.
UPPER 6-room flat, 870H 13th; oook-stove.
furnace; rent. Call 4oo Market st.
biS CORBBTT. 6-room modern fiat. 112. DO.
k L. E. Thompson A Co., 22S 8d.
6-ROOM modern, new corner upper flat. 329
ivnoii. Appty auo iv noil.
THREE and four-room flats for rent, mod
ern, fnona Main 3503.
Housekeeping Rooma.
665 MORRISON, furnished housekeeping
rooms, single or en suite; home comforts;
walking distance; prices reasonable.
THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St., near Yamhill;
furnished suites, hot water, steam heat,
baths; free phonea; no children.
THE WAYNE WOOD, 109 North 18th. fur
n lshed housekeeping rooms, gaa ranges,
running water. v walking distance.
461 EAST MORRISON, comer East Eighth,
newly furnished housekeeping suites; rates
reasonable; walking distance.
FOR RBNTt-3 or 3 well furnished outside
rooms for housekeeping; steam heat, light
and phone. 75 N. 14th st.
DESIRABLE connecting housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, gas, bath; no children; walk
ing distance. 347 Market.
4 CLEAN, light, large rooms, completely
furnished housekeeping; bath, sink, yard;
reasonable. 692 Front.
2 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
Toomn; everything modern. 140 North 16th.
Phone Main tfOOT.
THE NEWCASTLE. 402 H 3d St., furnished
housekeeping euites, also single room; rea
sonable. Main 8UX.
BUITE of four large, light, clean house
keeping rooms in private family; refer
ences. 327 7th st.
THREE finely furnished housekeeping
apartments, inquire o7 X. 14th, bet. Davis
and Everett.
PLEASANT furnished room for housekeep
ing; heat, light, gaa and bath; $12 month.
656 6th st.
1874, 4TH ST. Furnished room, housekeep
ing or sleeping; gas and electric light. Call
at market.
S UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
light eacd &Uy; gas and bath. 854 Col
lege it.
213 18TH Nicely furnished rooms for two
or mere persons; modern conveniences; rea
sonable. FOR RENT 3 connecting housekeeping
rooms, modern conveniences. 141ft llth st
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
good location. 392 Jefferson st., cor. 10th.
2 PLEASANT front rooms, furnished for
housekeeping; no children. 262 14th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $9 per
month. 6S8 Pettygrove st. Main 3423.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and some
basement rooms. 08 7th St. South,
THREE nicely funlshed front rooms, bath,
gas and phone. 667 Everett st,
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
with alcove. 553 Everett et.
FURNISHED ground floor housekeeping
rooms. 195 14th, oor. Taylor.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2-room ruitea, very
f uttauiuvuie. io v n.f u. si.
NICELY furnished flat for rent. 698 Gllaan
St., bet. 21st and 22d st.
TWO or three- nicely furnished rooms. Tele
phone Wood! awn 1738.
NICELY furntobjed housekeeping rooms, close
In. 300 H 4th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neatly furnished,
at 314 6th st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, very
central, bath,, gas and phone. 103 10th as.
Housekeeping Booms.
Marshall sts.; newly furnished. fully
equipped for housekeeping, including gas
range, with the free use of electric lights,
hot water, baths, large reception room and
laundry room, from 916 up; also single
rooms with similar conveniences, $2.60 per
week up. There Is nothing la comparisom
In the city for tha money. This place
will bear Inspection. - Short distance from
Union Depot. Take "6" or lGth-st. car
going north, get off aft Marshall st. Phonea
Main 6771. A 4600. No dogs allowed.
One newly and elegantly furnished 2
room apartment, $20; also one magnifi
cently furnished and beautifully arranged
apartmept, $35; heat, hot and cold run
ning water; return call bells in rooms;
free baths, janior service, both phones;
strictly modern.
20th and Washington.
Elegantly furnished 3 -room suite, private
bath and reception hall, hot water, day
and night, free phone, call bells, janitor
service;, the most complete and the best
furnish d apartment-ho uee In the city; at
reasonable rates; no children. 21st and
Flanders sts.
THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch
sts.. will furnish a few housekeeping
rooms to suit tenants: the cheapest in the
city; $12 and up; baths, steam heat, both
phones, electric light, fine lawn and ver
andas, billiard and pool halls, all free.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, bo Lb floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
FOR RENT To middle-aged couple, or two
ladles, a comfortably furnished room, with
prlvilegee of home and housekeeping. , Owner
leaving for Summer. 16(4 1.7th st. South;
walking distance.
THE SANGERT, cor. Washington and Trin
ity, bet. 10th and 20th; newly furnished;
modern apartments; complete for house
keeping and also single rooms.
&' OR 4 good, clean outside furnished house
keeping rooms; bath, gasv phone and lawn;
rent reasonable. 721 First st. Phone Main
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent.
229 H 1st st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 292 y
First st.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME
BUY AT NO-RENT, prices; the ht
lnjrs will exceed cost of moving.
- cupy one-half; collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929.
FOR RENT Modern six-room- rot tape, 45Q
Montgomery, between 12th and 13th sts.
Call between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phone
East 1559.
FOR RENT Beautifully finished new modern
6-room cottage;. $15. Inquire I. O. Royce,
1158 Prince st., Woodstock.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat, 16th
and Everett ta. Hu mason A Jeffrey, 26
Stark. Phone Main 1189.
FOR RENT Modern S-room houee. 389 Har
rison, near Park; $40. Falrchild. Tele
phone East 2154.
BEVEN rooms. 128 13th st., near Washing
ton. Sheeny Bros.. 282 Yamhill. Main
HOUSES and flats, all sizes. Haverstlc A
Gallagher. 843 Wash. St.. Rooms 5 A 6.
6-ROOM cottage; modern; on Marehall, near
18th; walking distance. 575 Marshall at.
NICE 6-room cottage, choice location. West
Side, close in; reaaonablle. Key 328 Park st.
$12-$ 16 5-room cottages, close In; gas, no
bath. Oeder. Grand ave. East Ankeny.
8-ROOM modern house, corner lot. Call after
3:30 P. M-, 694 East Ankeny.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, corner
82d and E. Taylor; fireplace.
5-ROA.M house. 652 E. Morrison St. Call at
corner grocery store for key.
5-ROOM house, 852) Morrison at. Call at
corner grocery store for key.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 973 East
Stark, near 32d; $16.
FOR RENT 7 -room house, 427 Harrison at.
Phone Main 2556.
furnished House.
FURNISHED house, 8 rooms, June, July,
August, on North 2 2d st., to responsible
party. Address H 873, Oregonian.
FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cottage, from
June to September. Sol Clackamas at.,
near E. 24th. Phone C 1143.
WELL-FURNISHED 6-room cottage ; gas
range, bath; walking -distance. Call after
4 o'clock, 430 Montgomery st.
MODERN, newly furnished 6-mom flat; all
conveniences; 7th et., bet. Madison and Jef
ferson. Phone Main 7836.
FURNISHED four-room apartment; gas,
electric, bath, etc.; no children; references
required. 04 Everett at. .
6-ROOM modern nicely furnished house;
beautiful lawn. Room o and , a9
Wash. st. Main 4529.
FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms, bath, gas stove;
no children.- 514 East 21st at.; Richmond
or Woodstock car.
NICELY furnished 6-room house, gas, elec
tric; all modern; on two carllnes. Phone
East 4994.
HOUSE for rent, with carpets and furniture.
Call between 2 and 6, 855 East Gllsan st.
NICELY furnished house. 253 22d North.
Call morninga Phone Main 1698.
Mouses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
FOR SALE Furniture of modern seven
room house on 17th. near Irving; cheap
rent: sacrifice for cash; owner leaves for
-Chicago: key and particulars at room;
436 Chamber of Commerce.
11-ROOM transient house, beautifully fur
' nlshed; heart of city, always full; cheap
rent ; price $1300, terms. Leaving city.
Phone A 2116.
FOR BALE All or part furniture of 7-roorn
houi-e ; nothing cheap but price; rent $25 ;
strictly modern; on carllne. . 751 East
Ankeny. '
ELEGANTLY furnished flat for rent and
furniture for sale. Inquire at Covell'a fur
niture store, 184-186 1st.
FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room house,
party leaving town. 282 Crosby st.. Steel
FURNITURE of 6-room cottage, house for
rent, reasonable. Main 7046. 329 Main st.
TWO large new stores, good location. West
Side; can have living rooms In rear. Rent
$30. 409 Bwetland bldg.
NICE store suitable for halrdressing and
manicuring parlors. Apply Norton la Hotel.
1EASE for sale, on store room, prominent
corner. Box S -887, Oregonian.
Offices. "
Elegantly furnished, both phones,
waiting room, finest location In city. 402
405 Swetland bldg.
OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and
Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap
ply to Robert Strong, 710 Corbett bldg.
LARGE room for manufacturing or sample
room ; 2d, near Wash. st. Howe, Davis
A Kilhara, 111 2d st.
DESK ROOM for rent In one of the best
offices, including phones and attendant. 320
to 327 Corbett bids:.
RALEIGH BUILDING, Oth and Washington;
outside offices $18 up; Inside offices $10 up;
best location.
COURT rooms $12.50 up; outside rooms on
Washington or Fifth $30 up. 315 Swet
land bldg. ' f
DESK and phone, fine light office, for rent,
$10 a month. Call at 220 Abington.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg.
Asply room 808.
WAREHOUSE, 268 N. 13th; terminal facili
ties. Phone East 563.
Arnold Co.. Main 7311. 351 Morrison at.
Devlin A Flrebaugh. 506-9 fewetland bide
Ellis, York A Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg.
jtr Toole. Cnaa. J 713 Chamber of Commarea.
FOR SALE Restaurant; this Is an oppor
tunity for a man to make a fortune; res
taurant has the most prominent location
on main street in large city; It Is also the
only dining-room of first-class hotel ac
commodating 2.'0 guests; hotel is running
to full capacity all the time; this has
never been offered for sale before; present
owner has other interests requiring his at
tention; price $4O0O; low rent and long
lease will be given to desirable party,
also some terms If desired. Address M. P.
Warren, care General Delivery, Seattle,
ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms, price $450;
all first-class furniture, being v Iron and
braes bed? maple and golden oak furni
ture; plenty of dishes; range, etc.; every
thing clean, nothing reserved; house by
ltoelf, on West Side close In. . This place
is modern, having furnace heat, fireplace,
gas. full concrete basement, bath, etc.
Will stand close inspection. We have
H. W. GARLANT & CO., 101 4th at.
A large, new, modern, European plan
hotel; close to the business center; com
pletely and thoroughly furnished; for
lease to responsible party; cash deposit
required as security on lease; call for
608-509 Swetland building.
ONE of the best equipped confectionery
and bakery businesses In Portland and
one of the best corners, for sale at in
voice. I will make a sacrifice on my stock
and fixtures to any one wishing a grocery
business; location hard to beat; good busi
ness already established; I have something
better In view. 627 Corbett bldg.
PA RTNER wanted In an established real
estate and fruit lands business; we hold
under option great bargains on which 100
per cent profit can be made; the Interest
will Include complete office, stocks and
bonds on hltnd. Answer, stating amount
on hand to Invest; terms can be arranged.
N 896, Oregonian.
25 ROOMS A swell place, reasonable rent,
lease, $2100, terms; 25 rooms, not a va
cant room, rent $S0. long lease, $1250;
' 9 rooms, house furnished all complete,
close in, good steady roomers, nice income,
with your own comfortable rooms. $375.
511 Swetland Bldg.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
lished 1895) furnishes free information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufac
turing Jlnes. city or country.
204-205 Abington Bldg.
SaON SHOP for sale, been in operation for
ten years, doing $1000 worth of business a
month; can be bought at a very low price
and will turn over enough work to pay
for It; am closing it out as my Irrigated
land enterprises demand all my attention.
F. B. Wright, Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Partner to take branch dfflce in
Portland in legitimate business, where the
profits assured in next six months are more
than $4000; .previous experience unnecessary;
unless you have $300 In cash don't answer;
beet references given. Address A. G. Pot
ter, The Dalles, Or.
Jewelry and souvenir business for sale;
plenty of repair work: clean stock, fine lo
cation and no competition ; only "$500 cash
required; must sell by June 1, as I have
other business. A 852 Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good-paying barber business In
a live town; no opposition; will sell or rent
shop, containing two first-class chairs and
other fixtures; also will ell or rent living
apartments. For particulars write E. W.
Scott, Stevenson, Wash.
CORNER cash e4ore; owner can't depend
on hired help and wants a steady, sober
partner; previous experience not necessary;
owner will give you a written guarantee
of $100 a month : $650 required, secured.
Call 248H Stark st.
OCEAN BEACH resort for sale, whole block
with buildings, dining-room and hotel bar;
a; place Is booming; opportunity to
double money in 2 years; price $10.0O0.
For particulars, address E. Hanneman,
Long Beach, Wash. t
OCEAN BEACH resort for sale, whole block
with building, dining-room and hotel bar;
a snap; place Is booming; opportunity to
double money In 2 years. For particulars,
address E. Hanneman, Long Beach-, Wash.
70 ROOMS, furnished. In elegant shape; the
best location; always full; good lease at
a reasonable rent; to responsible parties
we will entertain a proposition that will
be satisfactory. 511 Swetland bldg.
WANTED Man; real estate business, as part
ner; can make $150 to $200; no experience
necessary; very little money required. Par
ticulars Multnomah Investment & Realty
Co., Sbii Washington St., room 14.
I HAVE good locations, also good business
men who have money and want partners
for motion-picture theater business; If
you have money and mean business glad
to see you. Newman, 293 Burnside.
DEPARTMENT STORE, country town, doing
business of $3000 mo. ; long established;
business last year better than ever before;
will be cold at once; price Invoice about
$20,000. 627 Corbetf bldg.
FOR . RENT Shoe shop complete with
tools: has good trade and in a good lo
cation ; living rooms In connection If an
desired. Call on or write A. Peterson,
Roseburg, Or.
"E pax especial attention to business open
ings. N Before buying, call us up and see
what we can offer you. Phone Main 4480.
Kinney A 6 tamp her. 631-82 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
FOR SALE New up-to-date cloak and suit
more; stock new and clean; located In
heart of city; rent reasonable; will sell
stock and fixtures at cost. Answer C 876,
FOR SALE Cigar store and bootblack
stand; a good proposition for the right
man; lease guaranteed; central location.
Apply Star Barber Shop, Vancouver,
PARTNER with $2000 to take-half interest
in job office now netting $450 per month;
either Inside or outside man. Answer S
890. care Oregonian, or phone Main 6558.
PARTNER with $500 to $1000 wanted In
established manufacture agency; rep
. resenting well known Eastern firms; must
be a salesman. Address C 880, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good foundry In near-by town,
doing good business; good opening for
machine shop; have good reasons for sell
ing. Addre&d Foundry, N 889, Oregonian.
FOR SALE A well-paying department store
In a live town in Oregon; will invoice about
$20,000; will bear closest Investigation; good
re aeon for selling. S 796, Oregonian.
THE best paying and best located fish mar
ket in Portland for sale very cheap If
taken at once. Particulars 610 Buchanan
bldg., 286H Washington st.
We can give you a special price on any
mining stock or bondT F. J. Catterlln A
Co.. 126 Abington bldg.
PARTNER wanted, a good reliable man, 25
85 years of age. to take place of retiring
partner, a few hundred will be sufficient.
511 Swetland bldg.
GROCERY STORE and confectionery for sale
cheap; will invoice about $800; good loca
tion; 8-year lease. Call 634 Commercial
st., cor. Morris.
PARTNER wanted to take interest In profit
able business; $4 per day to the right man;
little money required. Bee E. H. Demert,
242 Madison,
PARTNER wanted for a business requiring
no previous experience to clear $18 to $25
every week; $300 required, secured. Call
248 Stark et.
YOU are invited to Inspect two articles of
value; each pays 100 per $ent new business ;
small capital. See models, room 238, St.
Charles Hotel.
FOR SALE Nice clean stock of groceries
In valley town, from $2000 to $3000 at
invoice. If Interested, write A 799. Ore
gonian. WANTED Location first-class drugstore,
Portland or suburbs; state size, kind, loca
tion and rent of building. Post oft ice box
PARTNER wanted to show land, etc. ; will
pay active man $150 a month; little money
required. Particulars 2484 Stark st.
THE best paying coffee house in town, must
be sold at once; particulars room 510 Bu
chanan bldg., 2S6- Washington st.
WAN TED r-Part y with money to engage In
manufacture or vaiuame invention ; rortune
for right party.
C 889. Oregonian.
30-ROOM house, good furniture, three blocks
from postofftce ; closing mortgage; must sell,
$1200; parftj time. R 894, Oregonian.
ON SALE Paying general store; best coast
resort in Oregon; 10,000 visitors last year;
$3000. C 865. Oregonian,
IDEAL place for emergency hospital or sani
tarium; large building, trees nd shruhc
bery. C 884, Oregonian.
FUR'NISHED restaurant. 64 H North Sd st.
Inquire next door at McGrath Furniture
Co. for particulars.
$4000 BUYS cash business that pays $500 per
month; terms if Atfldreea M 655,
26-ROOM housekeeping apartment, on llth,
near Alder; good furniture, long lease,
cheap rent; only $1500; has to be sold in
five days. 2094 4th st. Main 2039. A 2824.
69 ROOMS on Alder, near Tth; take In $t73
per month: cheap rent; 4-year lease; only
, $0700, $200 handles it. 209H 4th st.
Main 2039. A 2824.
A MAN wanting to get Into the contracting
business with email capital and & good
proposition, answer thia ad. F 881, Ore
gonian. BARBER SHOP for sale; doing good busi
ness; owner leaving town. 260 let St.,
corner Madison.
FOR SALE By owner, bargain, forced sale,
fine apartment-house, best Jocation. 404 14,
E. Burnside.
ROOMING-HOUSE 17 rooms: cloe in : renl
$65. See it and make cash offer. F 877,
SALOON Good location, reasonable; good rea-
son for selling; no agents. R 895, Orego
nian. BAKWRY fnr sale In good location, and will
sell for reasonable price. Y 873. Oregonian.
FOR S A LE 40-room hotel, well furnished ;
price $3000. Address Box 111. St. John.
IF you have a good laundry route and want
to sell answer tlibs. M 004, Oregonian.
STOCK notions and groceries for sale cheap;
good location. M 903, Oregonian.
DO you patronize "Ladies Tonsorlal Parlors?
If not. call at 12 !C. 4th st.
18 ROOMS, good furniture, well filled, only
$450. 2o9 Clay.
FOR R ArJLE Barbe r shop,
F 890, Ore-
A SANITARHTM for the cure of mental and
nervous diseases and narcosis, or the drug
and drink habit, has been established in
Portland, Or., at 354 Montgomery st., where,
as has been proven beyond a , doubt, many
of the most totally wrecked subjects have
been thoroughly, painlessly and perma
nently cured- during the past two years.
Several of the cured live In Portland and
Salem, and will gladly meet and talk with
any unfortunate ones seeking re 11 or in
formation as to our method of treatment.
Time required for a'cure: The worst cases
. are cured In from 48 to 72 hours. In a week
or ten days the patient Is able to resume
the duties of life a free, happy and hope
ful as before contracting the habit. Our
guarantee. . We do not ask you to pay In
advance, but when you are sure you are
cured. We do not have padded cells in our
Banltarlum. Patients go about at will;
many sleep lightly throughout the whole
treatment, pome never miss a meal, all re
cover rapidly and go home without tonics.
Phone A ,5029.
Pyscho-magnetl and suggestive thera
peutics; a full line of electrical appli
ances: newest and most improved elec
tric blanket. All diseases successfully
treated. Room 30.. 350! .Morrison at.
Main 2011.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To visitors
of Portland hotels and to publio afc large:
Suits pressed at 50o .at Gilbert, the tailor's,
66 Oth St., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles'
skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Pbons Mala 4964.
ARCHITECT In order to get acquainted
will make plans, specifications and blue
prints at the regular price; my work is
first-class. W. Fritsche, northwest cor
ner 39th and Belmont; take Sunnyslde car.
Phone Tabor 865.
WANTED Active working partner, lady with
few hundred cash and good stock of ambi
tion; fine opportunity; need help imme
diately; no triflers or agents wanted. Ad
dress at once, F 898. Oregonian.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's
Diamond Brand PI 11a For 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.50 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailor In Co., 309 Stark.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed
periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr.
Pierce, 181tt 1st st. Phone Main 19',5.
Women and children's special lHt, room 10
Mllner bldg., 350 Morrison.-Phone Main
4521, A 1644. Residence phone 7320,
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex
desiring acquaintance or companion, send
10c for circular. Portland Introducing
Bureau. 181 1st st. Main 1965.
GERMAN, French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty. A. W.
Bchmale Co.. 229 First at.
MRS. OBKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; references.
282 Park. Main 2403. A2734.
DR. MATTHEWS, noted psychologist and
palmist. Consultation at Marquam House,
145 6th st. Hours 8 A, M. to 10 P. M.
Mme. Courtwrlght, skim ana scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
225 Filed ner bldg. M. 5042. A 2069.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. K. etc hum, graduate; advice free. 170
3d st. Main 7154.
WANDA, the palmist, 256 Oth, wants 100
students this month; every phase of se
diumshlp taught.
DIVORCES quietly secured; detective work
done by reliable parties at reasonable prices.
E 899, Oregoniajn.
DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Aliaky b.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill, S3o FUedner bldg. Pac 135.
PILES CURED without operation by a well
established physician. i3ox 270. city.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54
East 18th st. North. Phone E 4034.
JUST OPENED, ladles barber shop. 12 N.
4th, near Burnside.
Proposals Invited.
THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for
a stock of merchandise, constat In prin
cipally of staple groceries of the Invoice
price of $3211.58, together with fixtures,
amounting to $1274.25, located at 281 3d
st., Portland, Or., up to 12 o'olock noon
of Tuesday, May 12, 1908.
A cash deposit of 10 per cent of the
amount bid must accompany each offer.
The right Is reserved to reject any and all
Invoice may be seen at my office and
stock may be inspected during business
Dated; at Portland, Or., May 2, 190S.
7 First st.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned sapie day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1874. Portland Curled Ualr
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Sorrel mafe; brand "21;" star In fore
head; return to L. Flowers, Lents, Or.,
and receive reward.
FOUND April 27, lady's watch; owner, by
proving and paying for this ad, can have
it. 60O E. Oak.
LOST or stolen, Scotch Collie, female. Re
turn to 787 Hawthorne ave. . Pacific 2357,
DOST A reddish-brown water spanll dog
male); return to 663 Northrup St.; reward.
Money to Loan.
PRIVATE party wants to buy Title Guar
antee Oregon . Savings, Merchants Na
tional accounts. S 882. Oregonian.
LOANS on real estate, chattels or personal
security. W. A. Hathaway, 10- Washington
bldg. Pacific 1832. ?
MONEY to loan on good security at T per
cent. Dabney A Dabney, 412 Commercial
bldg. ,
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
$6500 TO loan on Inside West Side prcp'erty,
7 per cent, no bonus. S 699, Oregonian.
$3500 TO loan on Inside West Side property,
7 per cent, no bonus. S 899, Oregonian.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 658 Sherlock bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg.
MORTGAGE) loans, $200 up; moderate cost.- no
delay. W. &. Ward, AUy.. Ailsky bldg.
Money to Loan.
$10, $20, $30. W. $S0. $60, $70. $100.
Cheaoest and best plac. to
Lowest rate. EasleM paymasta
OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
Weds, and Sata. until IP. M,
209 McKay Bid,., Cor. Third and Stark.
Ars you earning; a salary? You can ret
money from us on your note. Buodnsas con
fidential; no unneoMaary Inquiries.
Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 Return to us ....$2o.0O $10.00 $3 00
60 Return to vs 13.33 6.63 8 S3
80 Return to us 8.00 4.00 S.00
13 Return to us 4.00 3.00 1.00
OfElc. open A- It. to 8 P. M.
SALARY and Mortffar. loans to salaried em
ployes aad on Flanoa. Furniture, Warahouse
Receipts, Horses, Insurancs Policies and all
kinds of securities.
203 Abington Bids.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest ratea, easiest payments; oKloea In
61 principal cities; sar. youiWf money by
Setting my t.rms first.
TOLMAN, 223 Abington bids.. 106H 34.
Money loaned on salaries; no other security;
my system Is best for railroad men, cierks,
bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others;
business confidential. F. A. Newton, 311
Buchanan bids., 260ft "Washington st.
Oregon Trust, Title and Merchant, accounts
bought, stocks, bonds, real estate and tim
ber lands bought and sold. Cummins A
Ionahue. 607 -H Rotuchild bldg.
FOR a few daya we offer special high
prices for Title and Oregon accounts and
Tel. bonds; also Merchants' time certifi
cates. Cohn Bros., ISO 1st st.
MONSY to loan for building purpoaes; can be
repaid in monthly installments. Call for
particulars. Columbia Llf. & Trust Co., 214
Lumber 2tchange ' bldg.
WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry
at reasonable interest for long or short
time. A. & M. Delovage. Jewelers, 26!)
Washington st.
W E) BUY Oregon Trust Savings. Merchants'
National, Title Guarantee & Truet accounts
for cash; .aibo stocks and bonds. 61 Cor
bett bldg.
$10,000, $5IJ00, $1000, $300, $100, Portland
and Omaha bonds, with 50 per cent or
loo uer cent stock. Huberts st Co., 134
oth su
WILL buy Oregon Trust and Title Guaran
tee accounts; highest cash price paid; also
telephone bonds. 320 to $27 Corbett bldg.
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or more to
suit, 6 to 7 !r cent on improved realty. M.
G. Griffin, 2ot Stark, opp. Cham, of C
IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $3000 on all se
curities. R. 1. Eckerson & Co.. Room ft
Washington bldg. Phone Main 4035.
CASH for Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee and
Merchants. Money to loan on real watt
mortgages. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere
and any sum, $100 and up; sea us.
Vaughn & Burt, 4U2 Corbett bldg.
LARGE, and small amounts on good security
at low rate of interest, C. F. Pnuger 4k Co.,
14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. J
$3300 OR - lesa, 6 per cent, real estate. Far
rington, 410 Commercial Club bldg.
A LOAN for the aklng, salary or chattel. The
Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg.
Loans Wanted.
$1000 TO $."000 Omaha Telephone bonds, 30
per cent tock, at 77 H; $420 Portland
Telephone bonds, 100 per cent stock, 90.
F bilti. Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $1MX. 5 years, at 7
per cent; residence property security, value
$2300. B bill. Oregonian.
WANTED $2000 for term two to thre.
years. A-l security. 8" 891 Oregonian.
WANTBD To borrow S.'t'tOO; real estate.
Farrlngton, 410 Commercial Club bldg.
$1000 AT 7 per cent for three years; real
estate security. H 878, Oregonian.
E. H. COLLIS, S24 Worcoster block, publio
accountant and e.tate agent. Auditing, In
vestigating, systematizing ; permanent peep
ing of books ana recoras a specialty.
Chamber of Comnwrti, ofnee systematlxlns
and geueral acuountlng. hlut a hliihed letfw.
Advance Building Information.
ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, ' get
copy Pacific Builder and Engineer.
Chamber Commerce.
SEASIDE- bungalow ; houses designed, built,
repaired, bee Johnson, 2o4 Mohawk blag.
Main 3007, A 432L
LESSONS In oil, water tolor, china, tapestry,
silk painting, leather carving. Designing,
.order work, china nring. Markley sc bul
lander, room 04, 830Va Morrison. Mala 7o47.
A tuyere and Analysts,
Wells as Proebstel. mining engineers, motal
lurglsta and asaayers. 2o4ft Washington.
ora-tesling work. loo Morrison st.
PAUL BAUMKIh assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder St.
Bicycle and KlectrlcaJ Repairing.
SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 320 Stark at.
WM. D EVENT, and Estell. Deveny, the only
scientific obiropodlsta, parlors 203 Drew
bldg.. 102 2d at. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 330 FUedner bldg. Phone Paclno 133.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called . for and del. Main 7843. 303 Stark.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
WALTZ, two-step," three-step" and stage
dancing; lessons 25c; seven ladles and gentle
men teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson's school;
office and hall 12 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., 36
Wash. St., bet. W. Park and loth sts.;
also dancing taught by mall.
PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones.
Detective Agencies.
Room 40. Hamilton bids. Phones Main
4943; A 2343.
Klectrio Signs.
ELECTRIC SIGNS Solo and rented. Port
land Electric Sign Co., -44 2d su Main 8479.
Feed Stores.
B. L. COOPER A CO., hay. grain, feed. 128
Union ave. East 1317. B 1317.
OasoUne Engine..
Stationary, marine, electrio equipments launch
es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re
pairing. Reterson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mor
Hair Bolls.
J. J. BORG. Inventor and manufacturer
of a wireless, strlngless and netless hair
roll. 428 E. 0th st. ' East 2211.
- Harness and Saddlery.
THTO George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle
and harnees manfrs.. 80-86 1st. Main 226.
Junk, Hide, and Felts.
I SHANK A CO., purchasers of bides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbera, metals and
sacks. 312 Front St.
Launches and Yachts.
FOR chartpr and sale: marine hardware, gas
oline engines. See Heyes, 171 Madison.
Leather and Flndlnss.
tablished 1858. Leather and nndinss; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front et.
CHAS. L. MAS TICK A CO., 74 Front, leather
of every description, tap mfrs.' findings.
Machinery a
B. TRENKMAN A CO.. mining. sawmlM. log
Sins machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings.
ut JO&da xanalred. XOi N, 4th St.
FREDERIC CRE1TZ Violin Instruction.
Studio 23 Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Mor
rison. EM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher,' pupil of
bavclk. A 4100. - Pine 344. Pac. 2uew.
Osteopatnio Physicians.
413-16-17 Dekum Bids..
Third and Washington Sta.
Phone, office, Main- 34s.
Residence, K. 1028.
Paints. Oils and (ilass.
RASMUSSfclN A CO.. Joboer. paints, oils.
glass, sash and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
PROTECT your Idea. We can patent It.
Moulton A bcobey, attorneys, 604 Colum
bia bldg., Portland, Or.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents; Infringement caaea 604 Dekum.
i. J. H1RSHHE1MEK, pension and pateat at
torney, rooms 20-21 Lanb. bldg.
PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. V
Matter, 318 Commonwealth bldg.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing platea Hlcks-Chattsa)
Kngravlng Co., corner 2d and Alder sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, n.Im a Coa
naway. lop 2d st. A 4378. M. 131.
Rubber .Stamps.
ALSO trad, checks and all offlc goods. P.
D. C. Co.. 231 Stark St. Both phones 1401.
Sign Painting.
The largest lgn-maltera In the North
west. 6th and Everett sts. Phon. Private
Exchange 33. Home A 1165.
ELMER J. WALLACE, art signs and' oflle
lettering. 82 Stark. Paclflo 1566.
The people no longer queftion the strange
and mysterious powers of Zola Milford, the ,
world-renowned clairvoyant. The crowds
which till her pariora every day Is unde
niable proof that the people of Portland
are anxious to consult a genuine psychic
Zola Milford Is here to help "those who need
help. If your heart is heavy. If In trouble,
have ill tuck, bad health or misfortune,
call on this gifted woman at once. tihe
Is a -clairvoyant by nature, a medium by
divine gift. No matter what your trouble,
she will help you.. She tells your name,
whom and when you wlil marry, with name
and date; glvea reliable advice on business,
deeds, patents, wills, friendship, love, mar
riage, divorce, chances, travels, sales, and
In fact every question vof importance to the
human race. She reunites friends In bonds
of love and affection and causes Quick and
happy marriage with the one of your choice.
Hours 9 to U. Special rates today and to
CEPTED. Do not forget the name and address.
One of my. .
Always Consult the Rest
' Greatest living astral dead-trance clair
voyant of the age; adviser on business and
all affairs of life; tells your full name and
what you called for. whom you will marry,
how to control the one you love, even
though miles away; reunites the separated;
gives secret powers to control; does all
others advertise to do. Office, No. 8 and 4
Grand Theater bldg.. 3o2Va Wash. st. M.
Readings clear, concwe and to the point.
Offices and reception rooma arranged so
you meet no strangers; only occupant In
building. Hours 9 to 9.
144 Sixth St. 144 M
Bet. Morrison and Alaer Sts.
JOHN SLATER, the marvelous platform test
medium, will hold a grand teat seance
. Sunday , evening, 8:13 sharp. Women of
"Woodcraft Hall, loth and Taylor; tests,
meseages and sealed written at home) ques
tions answered; all sceptics, investigators,
bldrltuaiiata and others cordially welcomes
to attend1 any or all of Mr. Slater's meet
ings. Mrs. Sophia Selp. reliable splrlt'l rdlngs. 3U2
Alisky bldg. Public circles Tues.-Frl. sve.
known spiritual medium, 48V Wash. at.
Mrs. C. Cornelius, spiritual medium. Selllng
Hlrsch bldg.. 10th and Wash. A 802a
DR. MATTHEWS, psychologist, palmist and
seer. Readings at 143 ft Oth su
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 823 Main.
2&0. Phon. Mam 7348. .
60 3d st Bargains in second-hand safes.
THE MOSLEK SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
(showcase. Hunk and btor. fixtures.
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,
cabinets, store aud office nxtures. 28 Coucn
St. Pacifto 21(41.
R. H. B1KDSALL, deslgnsr; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 3336.
CHICAGO FIXTURE CO.. showcases, offloa
fixtures. 1811 Madison. Phone Main 6237.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. Am
Hoyt. Phon. Main 14U8.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., offlos
and commodious four-story brick warehouse,
with separate Iron rooms and firs-proof
vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d and
Pine sts. Piano, and furniture moved and
packed for shipping. Main 3U6, A 106.
Bob Ashby and Judd Fish.
Furniture and piano moving, baggage,
freight and general hauling. Office 103
Front st. Phones Main 02, A 1162.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 209 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st.
Telephone Main 647 or A 2247.
Street Paving.
WARREN Construction Co.. street pavln?,
sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber Excn.
Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block.
NSW and second-haad typewriters, all make.
repalrecL sold and rented; also state agents
the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchaase.
84 3d St. Mala 606.
SPECIAL prlcea, all makes rented, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co., Ill Stark. Ms. In 1407.
Wholesale Jobbers.
WADHAM3 A CO., wholeaal. srocsrs.
manufacturers. commission merchant.
4th and Oak.
WOOD Great Northern Wood Co. Dry, 4-foot,
fir cordwood, $4.30; sawed $5. Main 8308.
A 8030.
R. L, DURHAM Vice-President
R. W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
6. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail
able In all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Established 1X.9
Incorporated 1908.
Capital fully paid $1,000,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits.... 400.000.00
W. M. LADD.... President
EDWARD COOKINOHAM. . . .Vice-President
W. H. DUNCKLEY Cashier
R. 8. HOWARD. JR '.Assistant Cashier
J. W. LADD Assistant Cashier
WALTER M. COOK Assistant Cashier
Accounts of banks, firms, corporations and
Individuals solicited. We are prepared to
furnish depositors every facility consistent
with good banking.
Portland, Oregon.
No Interest paid on accounts .