f 14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1908. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MODERN HOME. New 6 room house, comer lot 60x100 flowers. fruit and garden, 8 cordu of w ooa, a diocks irom c ax line; nne vmw of river and town; thU is a lovely home; price $1550; terms If desired. 4-room house, 3 lots, garden, fruit, roses, 8 doz. hens, chicken, park, big woodshed, pome wood; on car line, near St. John Price $1250; terms. New, modern 6-room house, lot 60x100. hour Alberta rarline; fine view; pries $20.y; S:l(.H down, $20 per month. Strictly modern 6-room house and two lots, well Improved; set out to shrubbery; cement walk. H block from Alberta car line, near Union ave. ; price $2000; terms. If you want a home, come and see J. M. KERR & CO.. ' 268 Stark st.. room 10. CALL and ret our new booklet, "A Home and Independence." It Is free to you, and will tell about "Palouse Orchards" irrigated land. In the Washtucna Valley. This land Is setting for $150 per acre now, with perpetual water right. It will easily sn for double later on. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION A POWER COMPANY. 246 Stark Rt.. Portland. Local office. Hooper, Whitman County, Washington. FOR SALE At cost to build, a 6-room house, at the northeast corner of East loth and Halsey sts. furnace, complete tiled bathroom, grate, gas and electric combined fixtures, cement cellar floor, woodllft, hard rubbed finish In hall, par lor and dining-room. double boarded, first-class modern house in the best resi dence district of the East Side. Phone the owner. C. L. Boss. East 02 or East 728. At home at 874 Multnomah at. CHOICE lots in Holladay, John Irvine and Irvlngton Addition, cheap; soon be all sold; number very select honus, 0 and 7 rooms and several bungalows at- cost; now Is the time to secure a home In the most fashion able part of Portland. For further particu lars call at office, cor. 16th and Halsey ata., Broadway and Irving ton cars. Phones, of fice C 1W93; res. C 1508. J. E. Dolen. GOOD FOR $20O. 6-room modern house, full lot. full base ment, world of roses and fine garden and fruit, splendid surroundings, east front, good reusons for soiling; $200, $1000 down; between Beech and Fremont on Kerby. CAMERON & CABLE. Room 3.1S Chamber Commerce. 8 WELL home, completely furnished; price $350; must be sold at once; 6 large rooms, oen, reception hall, fireplace, furnace, built in china cloet, window seats, gee, elec tricity, stationary tubs. bath, linen closet, clothes closets, concrete basement ; every thing modern and brand new; East Side; 15o feet from carline; this is a sacrifice; no triflers; owner. H 884, Oregonian. EAST ANKENY HOME. $3750 Located In the most desirable resi dence district on East Side; only ten min utes' from 3d and Morrison sts. ; has 6 rooms; is strictly modern; beautiful lawn, large porch; fronts to the south; best of streetcar service; an Ideal home; this 13 worth the money; see owner's agents. Lucas Hoover. 310 Swetland bldg. A RARE bargain In a fine home; 8-room house with large living-room, beamed celling, fireplace, gas and electric lights, furnace, conservatory filled with plants; house Is completely furnished and will be sold for $2'H)0 less than appraised value; complete abstract and warranty deed furnished. See Mr. Strong, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. SWELL HOME. 8-room modern house, new and up to date In every way, large living-room, paneled dining-room, 3 bedrooms, sewing room, large hi Hard room In attic; on full corner lot, E 18th and Couch; term. 7500. H. P. PALMER, 202 Rothchild Bldg. 3,VM A BARGAIN. Easy terms, lot 107 Hx 203 (more than half an acre); house of 8 rooms, built by day work; all conven iences; fruit and shrubbery In abun dance, currants, strawberries, asparagus and 76 rosebushes; 25 minutes from town, 1 block from car. The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. TWO LOTS FOR SALE. $140 EACH. AT TRBMONT PLACE. On the W.-W. carilne, a 25-mlntu ride from Third and TamhlU sis. Lots 4uxl00, with alleys; beautifully located; easy terms if desired. Address M 880. Oregonian. ARTISTIC homes on installments; we build them to order on payments from $150 up and $15 per month, up. See Eutterworth about it. BLTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO., Inc. 317 Ablngton Bldg. Main 8529. GOOD house, harn, lot 80x129, high and dry, good soil, full bearing healthy trees, apples, cherriesv grass, flowers, shades. Improved streets and electric lighted, near carilne, school, church; $2500; terms. Owner, 206 Mlsner st. Phone Tabor 271. 5 TO 10 acres, near Milwaukle. on Oregon City carilne. tftfc miles' out, for $600 an acre; $200 an acre cheaper than surround ing property. Call before they are all gone if you want something ideal and cheap. U. L. Hagemann, 91 6th st. FNAP8 $750 buys a 6-room house and one lot 60x100 in Portland's best suburb. Also a 6-room house and 2 corner lots 50x1 oO each, for $1300; terms very reasonable. Inquire room 510 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Washington. MUST sell at once, my 18-acre place In Hood River Valley; good house and ether Improvements, near mill, where work may be had the year round; price $1450; $700 down, balance to suit. M 898, Oregonian. $000 WILL buy r 6-room houee In good re- Eilr; lot 40x100; half block of car; out ullrilngs, -city water, fruit on place; year's wood In shed; $00 will handle this. NOW. COBB, 508 Wells-Fargo bldg. FOR SALE At a bargain price, modern 8 rooni house taken back on an installment sale. In Irvlngton and Holladay Addi tions, near both carllnes. House must be sold. Phone East 72S or East 02. 8-room house In fine location; with 100x100 fine corner lot; one block from carline; owner leaving city, must sell; $1200 for quick sale; $500 cash. H. N. Pay sun, 266 Stark st. Phone. Main 1670. NEW 8-room modern cottage, basement, fruit, roses, strawberries, garden; lot lOnxlOO; 2 blocks from Waverleigh-Richmond line; beautiful prespectus. H40 KIlKworth at., cor. K. olst at. Owner leaving city. 7-ROOMEl house, near Piedmont; would take lots or acreage In part payment. 4-roomed house on Ainsworth ave. Cheap lot Union, business location; reasonable. Owner. Term. Phone Woodlawn 1326. CHOICE lota, 60x100, one block from Al-berta-et. car, $250 to $300; 10 per cent cash, balance $5 month. 50x11)0 Rodney ave.. Piedmont. $tC; terms. S. C. Priestley, 4iO Dekum bldg. FRUIT LANDS, neap Hood River, BO acres or any part of it to trade for city prop erty, 20 acres 'in good cultivation, balance ' uncleared; price for all, $3000. Owner, Main 7130, A 2353. WALKING DISTANCE: FLNB LOT. This lot must be sold; owner wants money to carry out contract ; full lot, best locality; all fine homes surrounding. Phone Main or A 3126. FOR SALE $105o; nice suburban home. 4t acres, on carline; 4-room house, unex celled for raising chickens. Haveratic & Gallagher, 343 Wash. St.. rooms 5 and 6. HOUSES for sale In all part of the city; acreage close In. and farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher, 031-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. BT the owner, $4600; sightly tract. 70xl2it. Mellnrla ave.. King.- Heights; fashionable neighborhood; splendid unobstructed view. Inquire 84 Dekum bldg. NEW, modern 7-room residence, attractively arranged, tastily finished ; Wasco, near Eat 10th st.. Holladay Park Addition. C 801, Oregonian. FOR SALE A good 8-room house with lot. mo feet front and fine fruit trees and Bprlug on the place. P. J. Henneman. Mil waukle, Or. OREGON CITY carline acreage In cultiva tion; best of land; 2 acre or more. C. W. Rlsley, owner, Risley's station, P. O. Milwaukle. BUY FROM OWNER. Bargain, $:t00; 6-room modern house, 2Tth and Broadway; terms. L 821, Orego nian. MODERN 8-room house on Willamette Heights; must be sold; make your own terms. Inquire room 40, Washington bldg. VERY choice acre at end of Waverly-Rleh-mond line, fine view, good soil; price (1500. Call for McGrath. Main 3177. MODERN eix-room house, fireplace, furnace; large llv'ng-ronm: fruit trees, garden; one block East Ankeny car. East 2028. DON'T pay rent. $6 per month for a large Int. convenient to car. Ft art today. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commeroe. M 7309. CHOICE lot. Irvlngton. bet. 28th and 2tth, on Broadway; owner needs money. 584 E Ash. Phone East 6C51. BAR'S ATX ft-room modern house, desirable neighborhood, clnee in; terms; owner leav ing. M 800, Oregonian. 6 IOTS on West sve., $1800 O. W. Ed mond, owner, 66 Church t.t Mt. Tabor. 8NAP Modern 6-room house, nice lawn. Beat car; $1600, I 738, care Oregonian FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HALF ACRE TRACTS. We are offering the best thing In acre or half acre tracts In Portland: water mains laid and terms of only $10 cash and $10 per month. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. 110 2d St. J SPECIAL, BARGAINS. (1700 Fine home, full cement base ment, full lot, etc; $260 cash, balance same as rent. 7-room new, strictly modem home, full lot. wtih bearing fruit; elegant location. This Is a $45tK home, but owner com pelled to go east, and $3560 will take It; '$1250 cash, balance eay terms. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO. The Homesellers. lit 3 Morrison st. BRAND new 6-room bangalow on choice corner lot, 2 blocks from carline; in good residence district; good stairway to large attic; fine plumbing; modern In every way; price $23iK; terms; Property Is easily worth $20O0. H. N. Payson. 266 Stark st. Phone, Main 1670. LOT. 5xl00. East 7th. near Broadway; suitable home site; walking distance to West Side by Steel bridge; $1200. Culver, H23 Chamber of Commerce. . $5o CERTIFICATE- on Waverlelgh, for sale at a discount. 8H2 East Stark. TO EXCHANGE. NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery goods, machinery, tools, fixtures, shop, store build ing and lot; will trade for small ranch and some caKh or will take other email profits and some cash, or will sell half cash, balance on time to suit; In one of best farming sections In Willamette Valley; reason , for selling, my eyes are failing me. F 8S5, Oregonian. $1200. 160 acres, unimpro-ed wheatland, 1 mile from railroad station. 150 acres ready for the plow; will trade for lots or house and lots and pay some bash differ ence. HEXKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR BALE or exchange, dairy and milk route v 2 miles out from growing town of H.ooO population. Large dairy barn and milk hou.-e, 7-room furnished house, 83 cows, 4 horses, 6 sets harness, wagons, 3200 bottles, seiarator, bottling machine, etc. Price $8000. Address F 813, Oregonian. HiAVB 7i0-acre wheat ranch, all good plow land. 5-rooin house and barn, two wells water. miles to R. R. station; will ex change for Home Telephone bonds or income Portland property to value of $2U.000. It 817. Oregon lan. WE have 100x150 feet on corner, with mod ern 8-room house, large living-room, fire place, electric lights, hot water furnace, fruit trees, berries and garden; at end of carline; want to exchange for West Side unimproved residence property. R 812, Oregonian. $4000 TO $7000. partly Improved business prop erty to exchange for acreage, or suburban home, near Oakland or Alameda. Cal. ; must be handy to carline. For further partic ulars call on or address Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Rothchlld bldg., Portland. Or. EXCHANGE $1500 account In Title Bank and $2000 equity In new modem bungalow, a beauty, for well-located acreage on 6c carline. Butterworth Stephenson Co., 317 Ablngton bldg. Main 8629. ROOMING-HOUSE. 34 rooms, part house keeping, well furnished, two blocks from Portland Hotel, exchange for city prop erty or smaller house; $2000. R 893, Orego nian. TO EXCHANGE- Well-established general store In one of the best towns in Oregon ; worth about $16,000. What have you? Ad dress R 706, Oregonian. $730 EQUITY In two choicest lots In Waver lelgh. west slope, car one bioctc. to exenange for equity In small house and lot. K SI'S, Oregonian. WILL,' exchange & good Investment, first mortgage, 6 per cent, goia ponas ror rruit farm or city vacant land. Call 320 Cor bett bldg. TOWN SITE 120 acres on new railway, in operation; sale or trade for city or country property or grocery, by owner. B 883, Ore gonian. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots. L. Ainsworth Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. 9 IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade, ' see 6tevenson 4b Taylor. 311 Buchanan, 286 ft Washington. $4O0 Furniture small rooming-house close in; will exchange for lot. Room 20, Ham ilton bldg. AUTOMOBILE, exchange for real estate or farm land. 169 11th st. Phone Main 1578. BUY, sell, exchsnge. Swank A Co., room 8, 88 3d. Pacific 1756. WILL trade for what 70a have. Qua Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ONE timber relinquishment. 160 acres. Jo sephine County, 3.800,000 feet. No. 1 saw timber, guaranteed, cruise, 1 mile from county road, on good stream of water; good location; price $500. One homestead relinquishment, 60 acres, In Siletz; 3.500.000 feet No. 1 saw tim ber. t mile from Siletz River; price $300. One timber relinquishment, 160 acres, Josephine County. 3.60.O0O feet No. 1 saw timber, cruise guaranteed; good lo cation; plenty of water; price $5U0. - One timber relinquishment, Shasta County, California, 2.000.000 feet white and sugar pine; cruise guaranteed; good location; price $200. I have some good timber claims open for filing; also several large bodies of timber for sale. JOHN T. GRAHAM. 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1871. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle. 820 Chamber of Commerce Portland, WHAT am I offered for 100 acres of good timber, 3 miles back of Chinook. Wauh., cruising 4.000,000 feet? Near North Bank R. R. extension; excellent transportation fa cilities; terms cash. B 863, Oregonian. WE are constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phone Main 4486. K limey A Stamp her, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 1 TO TIMBER BUYERS. For your own satisfaction see me before Investing. C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon ; we locate you. Silver Lake Land Co., 721 Marquara bldg., Portland, Or. TEN relinquishments In the Siletz, contain ing from 4 to 10 million ft. each; terma. 611 Corbet t bide. TIM BER claim, west of Eugene; yellow fir; owner leaving country; will sell cheap. L 92. Oregonian. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. . Government locations. 327 Worcester blk. 320 ACRES good timber land, $3500 price. Adam Lewis, Eileen, Cal. WANTED TUHBfc.lt JUAN1. WANTED Relinquishment In Siletz Reser vation; must be well situated and good timber; will pay good price for good claim; give full description and price. Box 858, Centralis Wash. I WANT several good H. E. and T. E. re linquishments; customers waiting; will pay cash. John T. Graham, 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1871. WANTED A relinquishment In Siletz Reser vation; deal direct with purchaser, who wants it for himself. C 888, Oregonian. WANTED Bargain in timber lands, single quarters up to 1000 acres. O 788, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. McCracken. 804 McKay bldg. WANT ED REAL ESTATE. ONE. two. possibly three, lots In Irvlngton. Holladay Addition, or Holladay Park, to build houses on: must be dirt cheap or I'll not entertain them ; no brokers. R 888, Oregonian. WE have clients willing to Invest $2000 to $3000 in income renting property. THE SPANTON CO.r 270 Stark st. WANTED Lot on Improved street In Irvlng ton, Piedmont or near Hawthorne ave. ; must be cheap. H 875, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for a comer lot. East Jde, near Steel or Burnside bridges. E. J. (Jelser .221 4 Morrison st. WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND 6CKXP. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practloa. D. N. Clark, Atty Washington. FOR SALE FAJXMS. FARM SNAP. 120 ACRES. All level, good land, all fenced and cross-fenced; 110 acres cultivated, lj) acres In pasture; no waste land: about 83 acres now in crop; 5-room house, good large frame barn, alt outbuildings. -2 good wells of water; 1 good team, 6 cows, 2 dozen chickens. 9 hogs, 4 turkeys. 1 set harness, 1 wagon, 1 mower, 1 binder. 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 fanmill, 1 covered hack with 2 seats, 1 buggy, 1 hay fork, rope and pulleys, all small tools, hay and grain In the barn. This farm Is pleasantly lo cated, wtih splendid roads on two sides, within li miles of 3 railroad stations, schools, churches, stores, etc.; easy drive to the county seat town on the river. This is a bargain and for a short time only can offer it as enumerated above for 4o00. HENKLE A HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. One of the best farms in Clark co. This I a bargain; 105-acre farm. J3 mile from Vancouver and 1 miles from railroad; 50 acres In cultivation, 25 acres in beaver dam land; running creek through farm; good 7-room painted house, barn, chicken -house and good outbuildings; crops nearly all in; family orchard, some young trees, selected varieties: snme chickens. 21 fine hogs, it cows, 9 yearlings. 2 calves. 7 eheep and 8 lambs, 3 horses, wagons and harness, 1 large Incubator. 1- cream separator, 1 mow ing machine, harrows, tools and cultivators included; some hay and- grain and pota toes; a fine dairy or onion farm; price $5000, $1500 cash, balance easy, or will take up' to $270t cash basis in Improved Portland property. ROSE CITY KBALTT & INVESTMENT COMPANY. Merchants Trust bld..; 6th and Wash. NO. 176. 77-acre farm, fine soil, 30 acres In cultiva tion, 45 acres !n pasture, 10 acree in or chard, ail kinds of fruit; rinning water; extra good tt-room house, splendid barn end good outbuildings; good fruit-dryer, phone in house and t. F. D. ; mile to railroad ; 30 good young milch cows, 2 good horses, 1 mule, some hogs, 60 chick ens, new milk separator, 2 buggies, hack, mowing machine, rakes, plows, cultivators and all farming Implements and mot, all household furniture. Price $7225. terms, $:ouu cash, balance $500 per year till paid. KCSB CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash. FARMS AND ACREAGE. $20 per acre for 80 acres, improved, near Scappoose. $K0 per acre for 160 acres, improved, near Sherwood. $00 per acre for 120 acres. Improved, near Vancouver. $75 per acre for 120 acres, improved, near Oregon City. $300 per acre for 107 acres, near Oak Grove. Also tracts from 1 acre up, improved and unimproved, at Oak Grove, Milwaukle Heights and Lents. If you want a snap come and see us. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. NO. 177. 40 acres, 2 miles from R. R., 30 acres In cultivation; old orchard, also young orchard, selected varieties of fruit; crops all in; good farmhouse, fine barn, some timber and spring; 7 fine milch cows, 3 yearlings, 2 fine horses. 40 chickens, some hogs, cream separator, wagons, harness, cul tivator and all farminc implements go with farm. There are $8 worth of tools and implement Included. price, $4000. ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY, Rooms 308-0 Merchants Trust bldg., Sixth and Washington sts. $100 PER ACRE. SALEM ELDCTRIC LINB. 20-ACRE TRACTS. Finest black soil ; in cultivation with growing crop thrown in; one of the finest small fruit and vegetable sections in the Willamette Valley; new cannery. In wide awake town; electric line mile; 1 mile from each of two S. P. stations; on two county and wo other roads. An oppor tunity unmatched by anything advertised. Call and see If I am not right. Terms given. EDWARD H. GOTJDET, Corbett Bldg. A REAL SNAP. 4 acres, all in fruit and berries, 5-room bungalow. 2 henhouses. 16x100 each; barn 16x24; good cow, 40 pairs of pigeons, 20 colonies of bees, some chickens, etc ; mile of Lents, on good road; the whole thing for only $3500. cash, balance $4O0 per year. Interest at 6 per cent. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 1400 acres Willamette Valley, 300 In crop, 8 miles of county seat 2 miles of railroad and P. O. ; 160 good fir timber, 160 oak, balance open pasture land; this Is too good to last; if you are wanting to make some good money see us; price this week only $15 per acre. CAMERON & CABLE, . 3o8 Chamber Commerce. SUBURBAN PLACE. 12 acres highly cultivated, very (fine loam soil; perfect slope and running water; 8-room house, milkhouse, chicken sheds, barn, etc.; only Gb miles driving distance; no hills and fine car service. $7500 buys it for a few days, which le 30 per cent, cheaper than surrounding places. B. L. HAGEMANN. 91 6th St. ACREAGE. Fine, fertile five and ten-acre farms. Come up to the Couch bldg. (room 616) and let us take you out to the Tualatin Valley and show you the beet small tracts, H mile from new carline, 8 milea from Portland, at the lowest prices; $100 per acre; easy terms. Riggs Land Co.. 616 Couch bldg. I HAVE a few: very nice farms, 'from 40 acres up, that I will be pleased to show prospective buyers; I. personally examine all my property, and can give you a fal r description of same; am well acquainted in the farming districts of Western Oregon, as well as the Inland Empire. Come In and we will talk It over. Geo. W. Turner, 415-16 Rothchild Bldg. 80 ACRES; 3 roomed house; barn, other buildinRs; 20 acres cleared; 4 acres bear ing orchard; acre small fruit; R F. D. ; four miles from R. R. town and steamboat landing; miles school; if you want this place don't write, but come; price $1500. $000 cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent. A. I. Long & Co., Kalama, Washington. 80 ACRES All nice land, 20 acres cultivated; good house, barn, all outbuildings; orchard; living water, stock, implements, crop, good location, near Hillsboro; a desirable little farm. $3650. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. VERY CHEAP. A few 5 and 10-acre tracts of apple land near Hood River, Improved pr unim proved; these are A-l buys at $10 per month; if buying see land at our ex pense. FLETCHER & DUNBAR. 22- Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SUNSHINE, blue skies, orange groves and alfalfa. Orland, Cal., Is booming. Govern ment Irrigratlon worka and cheap land. Well settled regioH with modern convenience an J fine climate. W. W. PAYNE, Agt., 1210 W illiams ave. Both phones. 10 ACRES 24 miles S. E. of Milwaukle, on good road; the best of soil; all in pota toes and fruit ; house and barn ; good water: price $4000. Call on premises. E. Coleman. Ft. F. D. No. 1, Miiwaukte. $250 HOMESTEADS $250. In the White Salmon fruit belt, direct Government filing on your claim. Come in and talk It over. THE VETERAN' LAND CO?, 822 Chamber of Commerce. RE3AL BARGAINS. Farms, fruit orchards, timber, borne stead relinquishments, acreage, houses, lots. See our lists. SWEDISH LAND COMPANY. 811 Worcester Blda. ALBERTA LANDS. Alberta wheat lands on crop payment plan. For particulars address J. h. Wheeler, traveling agent, care Perkins Hotel, Portland, Oregon. 170 ACRES, plowed, fenced, unimproved prairie near Independence; also 420 hay land near Sumpter, Eastern Oregon. Viola Lucas, Independence. Or. 4 ACRES on O. W. P. line at Jenny sta tion ; small house on property ; for sale cheap to quick buyer; principals only. F 891. Oregonian. t 180 ACRES of land to plat, in acreage tracts? fine fruit land; muft sell Interest on ac count of leaving city; terms. R 886, Ore gonian. WILL tske $2000 for 80 acres of fine land nenr Vancouver, Wash. Thif is cheap at $2500; must have money. D 859, Oregonian. MULTNOMAH LAND CO. Tour choice of 200 farms; come, see us. 291 H Morrison st. HILLSBORO acreage. $-50 to $325 per acre buys nne. improved lano, ctose in. w 851, Oregonian. 850 acres 5 miles from Salem, the best buy 111 tne state; must ce som in 10 days. Ytrex Bros1. Company, Salem, Or. 65 ACRES. 45 acres orchards and crops; god 1'uiiuiiie.a, cTuii, tctivs, iiiuilx. x-none 1 aoor 290. TWO acres, Salem line, close in; price will please. A 884, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. SPLENDID farm bargains, all situated along the banks of the Willamette River. 42Vi acres, 25 .acres under cultivation and in crop, which is included In the sale; house, barn, nice lot of fruit, very best of soil. 1 mile from good town; price $3250; $1750 canh , bai an ce 4 years at 6 per cent; this is a very good bargain. 40 acre all under cultivation, all fenced, 8-room plastered house and store room, new warehouse, where neighbors load their produce, for which charges are made, good family orchard, and the very choicest of soil. Personal property : Span of horses, 2 seta of work harness, 2 cows. 2 heifers, new wagon, buggy, single harness, all farm ing tools and new heating stove; price $5500; $2000 cash, balance 0 pr cent, v OTTO & HARKSON 1H3 First St. FOR RENT FARMS. TO LEASTS A choice stock ranch controlling the best and safest range: will sell 1000 cows and heifers and equipment for run ning ranch for a term of years; located in Crook County; owner in the city for a few days. Buchtel & Kerns. 360 E. Morrison. A SMALL dairy farm for rent; cows for rent or sale, on easy terms. F 897. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicle and Harness. 40 HCTRSES 40. Our next auction sale of horses will be at the Union Stock Yards. Portland. Or., on Monday. May 11. at 1 P. M. sharp. In this lot you will find good, sound young express, delivery and milk wagou norses. horses, ready to go into harness as drivers, A few I and 2-year-olds; some that will make grand saddlers. Be on time. TWADDLE A RICHARDS. A LARGE lot or wagons left on storage, consisting of gooseneck trucks, bakery, butcher and grocery wagons; also bug gies and surrey. 211 Washington st. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold . and rented. FOR SALE A good double express rig com plete, horses, wagon, harness and a busi ness worth $5 a day. This is a great snap. One 2800 team and seven other horses. 3 farm wagons. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flaadera. FOR SALE A thoroughbred Clyde stallion weighing about 1800 lhs. ; will sell very cheap. Addre&s Ch eh alls River Lumber Co., Cen trail a, W aeh. STENOGRAPHER, railroad experience, thor oughly competent and reliable; age 23, de sires position; reference. B 823, Orego- TEAM, well matched, bay 5 and 7 years old, weight 2O0O pounds, with good set harness, $105. 294 Montgomery. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th st. FOR SALE Young driving horee and rig; a bargain. 115 Willamette boulevard, next Denver ave. FOR SALE Good delivery wagon. Inquire at iiurrougn c uauit, sa and Clay sts. HORSES, mares, rlca and harness os all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland Stables, 5th and Gllsan. HORSES, maretf. rigs, harness of all kinds for sale. 26 N. 15th st. HORSES clipped at the Nobby Stables, 12th and Flan dei a. , PEERLESS electric piano, used 6 months, good repair, $600; terms; cost $750. H 808. Oregonian. FOR RENT Piano, Hallet A Davis, .in good condition. 452 Morriaon, cor. 13th. JACOB DOLL piano, almost new, $176. H 870, Oregonian. Automobiles. FORD 4-cylinder runabout, slightly used ; a bargain if taken at once. Garage, 493 Alder. Miscellaneous. 200 TONS steel I beams; practically new, all sizes and lengths. 100 tons galv. hop wire, all sizes. 100 tons sheet iron, corrugated or flat, practically new. 50 tons cable, all sizes and length. 150 tons bolts, all sizes and lengths. 1000 tons machinery, including pulleys, gears, boxes, hangers, sheaves, etc. , all in No. 1 shape and at very low prices. 150 tons shafting In any length; sizes from H-Inch to 8-inch. 500 tons pipe for water, steam, etc. In any size or amount, complete with threads and couplings, at very low prices. 100 tons pipe fittings, all sizes, at about one-half regular price. 10 tons brass fittings. Including valves and cocks of all kinds, lubricators, whis tles, etc., at about Vi price. Miscellaneous lot of vises, anvils, jacks, picks, crowbars, rods, etc., at very rea sonable prices. It will pay you to Investigate if you need anything In our line. Mail lnqurles promptly answered. Call or write for prices on anything. M. BARDE A SONS. 847-353 GHsan St. FOR SALE New and second-band billiard and pool tablet; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand single comb unbeaten color champion "Rex Glory," mated to 10 daughters and slaters. $2.50 for 14; other pens $1.70 up. Rex Kcds Ranch, Ballard, Wash. SEWING MACHINES I Special sale this week splendid values. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washing ton, corner of 11th. H. D. Jones, Prop. GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top. 15 H. P. 4-cylinder engine, brass finishiags. quarter-sawed oak docks, complete, with boathouse. W 753, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand stationary ' gasoline engine. 4 or 5 horse power; must be in good condition. Answer, stating price, J. M. Brown, 604 Goodnough bldg. FOR SALE CH EA P Your choice of any scholarship in International Correspondence Schools. Call at Thornton Hotel, 3d and Jefferson (Ross). OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 31$ Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. 9x10 TACOMA logging engine, good as new; bargain. Railway Equipment Co., 324 Chamber of Commerce. BUN BOON HUIE, matting. China ware, silks, tea, rattan chair Bale; prices low. 171-169 2d at. Japanese goods. MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slides, supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman, 203 Burnelde. PIANO in oak case, taken under mortgage, will sell for amount of claim. 10 Wash ington bldg- FOR SALE Good nicely furnished house boat, close in, free anchorage. L 000, Oregonian. FOl'R water Ppaniel puro. 10 weeks rid. Call 540 Delay St.. Lower Alblna. Take L car. Moving-picture Exchange Machines, sup plies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th at. FOR SALE A scholarship in Behkne-Walker Business College, C 814. Oregonian. BARGAIN 80-h. p. automatic high-speed steam engine. Call at 184 Morrison st. I HAVE on sale 20.000 ft. fine feature film, 4c ft. Newman. 203 Burnsld. BICYCLES A few good second-hand ones, also repairing. 189 Morrison st. GAS range ss good as new for sale cheap at 127 E. 15th st. NEW National cash register, late style, $250. H 869, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. STENOGRAPHER Address In own hand writing, stating experience and salary ex pected. M 804, Oregonian. WANTED Party to take contract to clear 10 acres land. Address or call D. McLaren. R. 1. Milwaukle. WANTED Salesman of good address to sell shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co., 39 Hamilton bldg. AN experienced clothing man. steady po sition Apply at once, Boston Store, 1st and Salmon. WANTED Newspaper subscription solicitor, gooft field ; salary guaranteed. The Post, Camas. Wash. GAJ'G edgerman, night watch. In 10 days, for coast mill; state experience. M 805. Oregonian. WANTED Motion-picture machine; also films, gas outfit, song slides, etc. ; C 817, Oregonian. WANTED A strong youth for delivery wagon. Apply 0T5 Williams ave. Ward. HELP WANTED HALE. WANTED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER. P561 Wants man of good appearance who 'has had experience in these lines; only $70 to $N) to eta rt; splendid chance for ad vancement. MANAGER. F563 With knowledge of telephone busi ness, young man about 25 to 30. hustler, and who Is up in all branches of work. SASH AND DOOR SALESMAN. P5t4 Man who has thorough knowledge of this line; salary depends on man. COURTNBYS. 402, 403, 404. 4t5 Swetland Bldg. 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help toecure positions; graduates earn from f1. to $23 weekly; expert instructor, tools tree; writs for catalogue, lloler System of Colleges., 35 N. 4th St., Portland. Or. WANTED For U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and Z6. citizens of United State, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who cam speak, read and write English. Apply to recruit ing offices. Ainsworth block. Third and Oak eta. , Portland, Or. WANTED Bright and energetic young man as assistant to credit man and bookkeeper In wholesale house; one familiar with Ore gon and Portland localities preferred; sal ary $75 per month; reply In own writing, stating age and experience. R 880, Ore gonian. KEEP your Job. double your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co.. ' Epler Block, Seattle. District agents wanted. EASTERN manufacturers want salesman acquainted with the drug trade on the Pacific Coast to represent them on a commission basis; state experience and present connections; communications con fidential. Address C 878. Oregonian. WANTED Man; real estate business, as part ner; can make $150 to $200; no experience necessary ; very little money required ; par ticulars Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 386 Washington at., room 14. WANTED Amateur clarinet player who is first-class all-around watchmaker; give re ferences and state Just what you can do in first letter; good place for the right man. Address Klamath Falls Military Ba n d , K lam a t h Fa 1 1 s. Or. WANTED Strictly reliable traveling sales man now covering Southern Oregon to handle our specialties as a side line; high-grade goods and liberal commission. The W. H. Coffin Fish Co.. Seattle. WANTED Energetlo young man (single) to travel and learn business with good oppor tunities; one who can leave town imme diately. Call 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1, The MeTeedes. 20th and Wash. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 8th sc. San Francisco. CABINETMAKER wanted, capable of doing detail fixture work ; must have reference from former employers. Address cor respondence to Silverton Sah & Dood Fac tory, Sllverton, Or. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit furnished free ; a good opening. For particulars address with references', Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. LEARN watenmaatng. engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. th and Pike, Seattle. SALARY from $25 to $50 weekly operating motion pictures ; short hours; easy work ; learn the business; terms reasonable. New man Motion Picture Co., 203 Burneride. WANTED Man to take all the timber (piling, ties, wood) on 30 acres, 10 miles from Portland on O. W, P. for clearing the land. Roberts Bros, (office). DRUG CLERK A young man of neat ap pearance with 2 or 3 years experience as clerk; also messenger boy. with, wheel, wanted. Inquire Powers & Estes. DRUG salesman wanted acquainted with Pacific Coast trade to represent Eastern manufacturers on a commission basis. Address C 879, Oregonian BEST 1 -chair barber shop In the city for eale; averages from $35 to $45 per week: fine location, lease; must sell by May 12. Owner. A 8U2, Oregonian. WANTED Reliable man for position as partner; owner shows you $4 a day; $150 required; experience not necessary. Call 248 , Stark st. IF you have $100, Investigate best Investment in Oregon. Send posiul card for full infor mation. Industrial Company, .631 Worces ter bldg. BOY about 17, for permanent position as stork and shipping clerk; good pay when business is learned. Address G 900, Ore gonian. CARPENTER able to furnish bond or hav . ing good references, to build cottage, owner furnishes material. 422 Abington bldg. CAPABLE local manager to represent man ufacturing corporation; exclusive contract. W. F. A, Co., 1605 Gough su. San Fran cisco. LUMBER talesman and collector wanted ; state experience, salary expected and references. F 880, Oregonian. WANTED Executive, technical, clerical and sales men, all lines. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 250 Burnside Street. Phone Main &6U4. PHYSICIAN wanted for office work In Port land; must be under 30 years; good salary to right man. C. 818, Oregonian. WANTED Coat maker at once; steady work. M. Johnson, McMlnnvllle, Or. BOOK-KEEPER and stenographer. 323 Washington st. P. A. & C. Co. WANTED A - carriage-painter at 211 Wash ington. Tomlinson & Caasldy. WANTED Experienced clothing salesman. Apply at the Annex. WANTED Mill blacksmith. Inquire 12 North 2d ctt. BARBER wanted. Portland Hotel Barber Shop. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman can get liberal "layout" at Spanton Co.'s real estate office, 270 Stark street. Ask for Mr. Thomlinson, city department, forenoons. SOLICITORS Ladies and gentlemen; good proposition to hustlers. Apply Great Am. Imp. Tea Co., 400 Washington St., 223 Fiit St., 452', East Burnside. PEOPLE for Summer stock, seashore, per centage; fine healthy location; give tele phone. Y 879, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A young girl to work In family. Apply 122 E- View St., Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 222. WELL-'HDUOATBD girl about 17 years of age, wanted for work in an office. M 886, Oregonian. NEAT, reliable girl, general housework; small family. Call 607 B- Taylor. Phone E 1028. COOK, $40; waitress, out town. $25; general girl, $30; cook, $25. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. A FIRST-CLASS buttonholemaker; good op portunity to earn high wages. F 886, Ore gonian. TWO girls to learn millinery; small pay at first; good opportunity to advance. Fraley's, 214 3d. GIRL for general housework in small family. Call between IO and S, 107 North 16th at. WANTED Girl to assist with and care for child; no cooking. 570 East Madison st. GIRL, or woman for peneral housework. Ap ply 404 Harrison, bet. I4th and 15th. A GIRL wanted for general housework. In quire 641 6th from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons, $4 per month. Phones Pacific 048, A 4948. WANTED Good strong girl for general housework; good home. 628 4th st. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 1334 5th, cor. Alder. - I'lione a oasu. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of three. 2T5 Sixth st. GIRL to assist with, housework. 269 14th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS 16 yearn or over to work in factory. Apply at once. Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED A middle-aged woman of gen ial disposition and good character to keep house and care for an invalid widow, who lives alone in Hood River. Address Mrs. Anna Can tie Id. Hood River. Or. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework; one who wants a steady posi tion and a home desired. Apply at 41 Union ave. N. or Home phone B 2108. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. &43fe Wash, st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones, Main and a 2002. Help Supplied Free to Em ploy era 1 JACKET AND SKIRT ALTERATIONS. Thoroughly experienced and competent wanted at once. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED A first-class woman for general housework: must be good cook; good pay to a competent woman or girl. Call at 793 Clackamas at., Holladay Addition. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework; one who wants a steady position and a home desired. Apply at 41 Union-ave N. or Home phone B 2108. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housekeeping and companion to old lady; comfortable home and reasonable pay. Call 346 Harrison street. YOUNG lady pianist, singer preferred, for music department in store; good wages and permanent position. Apply Young Women's Christian Association. WANTED Good girl for general housework in the country; references required. Apply at 795 Park ave., bet. 5 and 6. Phone Main 166. WANTED For country. 2 mangle girls. $0; 1 shirt machine operator. $15; 2 A-l lady clothes ironers. $2.25. Address M 745, Ore gonian. WANTED Young girl or middle-aged woman to help In light housekfeptrg and assist with baby; good home; steady work. 628 4th at. GIRL to work In picture store; $3 first week; good chance for advancement; also solici tors; can make $25 per week. 60 3d st. COLORED woman wanted for housework and cooking; must be thoroughly competent. Call at 793 Clackamas St., Holladay Addition. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. GIRL wanted for general housework; pleas ant Summer home. Mrs. O, W. Taylor, Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 025. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department. 20514 Morrison St, Phonos Main 1062 A 1406. STENOGRAPH BRS requiring more experi ence can exchange their services for same; office work. I 887, Oregonian. WANTED Conscientious, energetlo woman for responsible position ; chance for ad vancement. P 868, Oregonian. WANTED By May 14th. a capable young woman as children's nurse, experienced, references. X 203, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S43 Washington St.. comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2C92. ST. IJOI'IS ACENCY, 2.30H Yamhill General workers, cooks, housekeepers, waitresses, cham bermalds. M a in 5413. WANTED First-class cloak and suit fitter; none other need apply. J. S- Graham, .box 223, Seattle, Wash. WANTED A good girl for general house work, German girl preferred. Inquire 595 Glisan, mornings. WANTED Apprentices, also errand girl, for private millinery. Room 207 Tilford bldg., Madame Brodlc. EXPERIENCED Swedish or Norwegian ewc ond girt; good wages. Apply 215 Ford st. Phone Main 759. CASHIER girl wanted In a moving-picture show. Inquire 60 N. 3d St., between 1:30 and 6 o'clock. WANTED Girl for general housework. 554 Broadway. Phone East 60. GIRL wanted for general housework; must be good cook. Main 4152. WANTED Housekeeper, country, room 1, 205 H Morrison st. Inquire MAN and wife to manage farm. Inquire 133 5th, room 6. FIRST-CLASS vestmaker. lor, 108 3d st. TWO lady barbers wanted at once. 4th st. A RELIABLE) nurseglrl. 21st et. Apply 65 North SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, WANT position as bookkeeper; middle-aged married man ; 12 y gars' experience book keeping, business correspondence, general office work; A-l references; no objection to leaving city. C 883, Oregonian. A COMPETENT general dry goods man wants position as department or store manager; can do interior and window decorating; also sign writing and adver tising. N 886. Oregonian. HONEST, sober, registered druggist ; splen did judge of salable goods; successful piano salesman ; references of successful business history. M 896, Oregonian. WANT position as bookkeeper or cashier; experienced ; references and bond if re quired: 1 am no transient man; I own my home here. E. 875, Oregonian. YOUNG man of good habits wants position as assistant on books or general office work; beat, of references furntehed. Ap ply H 863, Oregonian. AS salesman In men's furnishing goods store; several years' experience in East; best ref erences furnished. Phone Calumet Hotel, room 410. YOUNG man with experience desires posi tion as salesman In store or office work ; salary small to start. S 889. Oregonian. BOOKS kept, systems Introduced, account ing In all branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling. 407 McKay bldg. SITUATION by experienced accountant; able to take charge or straighten out accounts. Phone Pacific 744. WANTED Position as collector, can fur nish A-l references. H 882. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN. middle-age. looking for work, is will ing to do any kind of work; speaks Eng lish and German. G 007, Oregonian. POSITION as sawfller or foreman in shingle mlll; have had several years' experience. Phone Main 7.300. C. L. Bullard. SORER, Industrious married man would like work; good rough carpenter and , general good hand. D 895, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS colored chef would like a position as cook; 10 yeans' experience; best references. Call Main 6140. EDUCATED, experienced young man, must have position immediately ; can do any thing. C 800. Oregonian. COOK, thoroughly competent, economical, hotel, boarritng-house, restaurant. In or near city. F 850, Oregonian. WANTED Work by all-round baker. Ad dress George Stelnhauser, 215 Howard St.. Walla WaJla, Wash. WANTED First-class male cook wishes place, hotel or restaurant. 'Address N 807. Oregonian. WANTED Work as night watchman or some light work; can give reefrences. S 804. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position to do housework In, private house. R 896, Oregonian. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants situa tion In private family. Pacific 2148. 121 N. 15th st. YOUNG man. 21, desires position ; 2 yeans experience m R. R. office. M 880, Ore gonian. A. O. CUTLER, painting, papnrhanglng and tinting. Phone Pacific 1H2 evenings. JAPANESE Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A-NO. 1 cook, can do baking, wants place at once. Phone Woodlawn 1174. POSITION as assistant In blacksmith and wagon shop. H 8S3, Oregon lan. STUDENT wants work evenings for board only. M 882, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. ftUsctlmttema, YOUNG man with six yeans experience re inforced concrete construction wishes posi tion as inspector, foreman or timekeeper; last eight months employed as superin tendent construction In San Francisco. R 1 899. Oregonian. YOUNG man of 30 wants position as book keeper, timekeeper or delivery clerk; 10 years' experience In office work, also ex perienced in dry goods, clothing and furnish ings; good reference front lafit employer. R 890. Oregonian. STRONG, neat-appearing young man, wei! educated, quick at figures, handy with tools, desires position in or out of city ; care of gentleman's country place preferred. L 9(3. Oregonian. RELIABLE, energetic, sober house man wants situation; private place preferred, but have hotel experience. Will leave city; city reference. C 809. Oregonian. YOUNG man. well acquainted with city, wishes to show real estate for good firm, and take real estate for services. M 9, Oregonian. JAPANESE, flrrt-clasa cook, wishes position In private family or public place: has 13 years' experience. Address F 887, Ore gonian. STRONG and neat appearing young mar desires position; quick at ngures, handy with tools; wages no object. N 873. Ore gonian. WATCHMAKER wishes position i Jewelry etore at mce; wm work on commission; can give best of references. F 900. Ore gonian. SITUATION wanted by German, taking care gentleman's country home; good, all around hand. Can milk. F 0L Orego nian. SITUATION WANTED German wishes management of ranch or care of country home; wife cook for help. G Ool, Orego nian. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 24U Couch st. Phone Main 652L NEW lawns graded and seeded, fences built. Fhnne Tabor 1175. SITUATION WANTED FE?4ALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT woman bookkeeper and cash ier deshes responsible position; 15 years' experience. H 880, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desire position as private secretary; thoroughly experienced; would leave city. A 8S.'i. Oregon i an . FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. TretFd and certified. WANTED Position as stenographer; two years experience. References. K 80I Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper jiwtt from business college, desires situation. Main 1177. Press makers. ART LA MODE. Street stilts, riding habits, novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloaks, gownsu Phones A 5.120. Main 378. 161 6th, opposite Hotel Portland. MME. TUTTLE. modiste; tailored suits, evening gowns a specialty. 480 Wash ington st. A 3H07. DRESSMAKER and alterations, in families. Phone Tabor 228. GOOD seamstress wants sewing by the day, $1.50. Main 1905. Hon (te keepers. LADY of 40 wants to keep house for a widower with a comfortable home, wit a one or two children. M 809, Oregonian. A YOUNG woman wishes situation as house keeper where girl 24 years old could be kept. F 804. Oregonian. So LADY 3H, capable and refined, offers light services to invalid or family at the beach or country for the Summer; hospital ex perience ; references. G 4US Clay st . , city. GRADUATE nurse, having pleasant home, with beautiful lawn and first-class accom modations, would take Invalid to care for. 821 Corbett. Domestics. LADY, first-class cook, wants position a first cook In country hotel or Summer re sort; has a daughter 22; can fill any po sition. H 881, Oregonian. JA PANES E girl wants situation to do gen eral housework la small family, K 895, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WOMAN wants few hours" work afternoons or evenings; care of children or other work. 220 Park. Phone Main 4738. HOUSEKEEPER, widower's family, chamber maid, dayworker. waitress, camp cook. 2303 Yamhill. Main 5413. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 73 H N. 3d. Phons Pacific 1604. WANTED Washing' and houcleanlng by day all next week. A 4619. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted for sale of "Looters of the Public Domain." by S. A. D. Puter, king of the Oregon land fraud ring, in collaboration with Horace Stevens, the greatest work on the subject ever pub lished, embracing a complete exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United State. Contains 500 pages. Including nearly 200 fine Illustrations of prominent actors and events In the- great land fraud drama Liberal commission allowed active agents with good references. Applications for territory should be addressed to Puter & Stevens. Hotel Lenox. Portland. Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit f urnlshed free ; com mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash, weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT. W A NTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores; offices, rooming-nouses, etc. Land lords will do well to call an Portland Trust Co m pan y of Ore gon , 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED To rent for 3- months, cottage, 3 . or 4 rooms, furnished or partly furnished, at Gear hart or Ocean Park; reference). Ad dress Y 875, Oregonian. WANTED Two furnished rooms, 1 block of car, west of EaM 20th, or east of 17th, West Side. A 4321. 204 Mohawk bldg. Johnson. GENTLEMAN wants room. Including break fast. In private family, near East .17 th and Belmont; references. G 002, Oregonian. THE bent small house and lot that fsso to $1000 c-u-h will buy; owners only. Phone East 12:i or K. W.. 349 Ivy st. WANTED Furnlehrd 4 to 6-room house; best references. Austin. Phone A 2132. SIXGIK gentleman wants mom with board. West Side. F 805. Oregonian. WANTED Comfortable home for elderly lady. F 8fi2. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6Q55. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone, Pacific 1722. READY money paid for furniture; better prices than a dealer. Phone East 588S. 6POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1047. X PAY cash for household goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co.. S43 1st. Phone S60- FOB BENT. Rooms. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. "MILNER BLDG.." 350, MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. S10 NICE, pleasant, clean furnished room; phone, gas and bath. 415 Taylor, corner 11th. NICE, Haht airy rooms, one front parlor, with piano, for rent. 15 North loth sc. 392 COLUMBIA, 3d-floor room, alcove, $7 for one. $H.50 for two, $10 for three. FOB RENT Rooms In private family; Union ave; every convenience. East 6222