12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NICF3 COTTAGE. EAST ANKETNY 8T. 5 large-room cottage. E. Ankeny ft., near 28th, lot 46xlO0, nice lawn, cement base ment, ga. everything nice, very cheap at $2100; $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. BOLLAM, r,RVSSI & HIGLEY, 128 Third 6t. ACRH TRACT, beautifully located, cloee In. only 10 minutes on Salem electric line, cleared. $0H0; cash, balance to suit you. M. B. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Housrs in Holladay Park and Hotladay Add., also vacant lots; will build to suit purchaser. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco t. Both phonea. gFWIALi New swell ft-room modern house, corner lot. Sellwood, $25t0; terms; big bar gain. Angrles, 518 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. ONLY $350 each for two sightly building lots In beautiful Richmond, close to car. eafty term. James C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. CHEAPER to buy a home than pay rent; $2iK down, $15 per month. Haverstlc & Gallagher. 343 Wash, at., room 6. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern; a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co 122 6th at. Main 550. A 2587. FOR SALE 9 well furnished housekeeping rnoms;good location; rent $20; Income $57. Price $275. East 2142. $1550 New cottage, bath, gas. electric lights, sewers In. 708 E. 6th. Owner, 208 4th; Pact Ac 2125 or Main 3V90. $;mi New 6-room modern bungalows; $300, $'20 monthly. East 44th near Hawthorne. 1 rr. Darling. FINE Colonial house, corner, strictly mod em. $41100; $25 monthly. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 1791). KNAP New 80x32 4-room house, lot 6xH0. $1200; terms. Angeles, 518 Commonwealth bMg., 6th at. FRACTIONAL LOT on East Davis t.. near 22d. Owner. H. P. Palmer, 202 Roth chlld bldg. FOR SALE FAX-MS. $100 PER ACRE. BALTOM ELBUTRIC IJNBJ. 2D-ACRE TRACTS. Ffnest black soil ; In cultivation with growing crop thrown in ; one of the finest mall fruit and vegetable sections in the Willamette Valley; new cannery, in wide awake town; electric line mile; 1 mile from each of two S. P. stations; on two ou n t y and t wo other roa d s. An oppor tunity unmatched by anything advertised. Call and see If I am not right. Terms given. EDWARD E. GOUDBT, Corbett Bldg. $150 PER ACRH for a 10-acre fruit tract at "Palouse Orchards." In the Washtucna Valley. You don't have to watt an in definite period for transportation or water. They are there now, and more coming. Thinjrs are doing there. Now Is the time to huy. Call for printed matter, giving particulars. TH K PALOUSE IRRIGATION A POWER COMPANY. 240 Stark St.. Portland, Or. Loral office. Hooper, Whitman County, Washington. WLKNDID investment, nothing better ever offered on the market, also pleasant place to live. 14 acres, 4 blocks from Oregon City carllne, splendid view of river. 8 acres under cult! vatlon, 6 acres in flr park, 0OO grapevines. 40 cherry and 20 peach trees and other small fruit, all tenced, splendidly located to be platted, uould make JK full lots 50x100, on main road to Portland ; lots surrounding this place selling from $10O to $2o0 per lot, price $6230. OTTO A HARKSON, 133 First St. FARM for sale or exchange cheap; 210 acres; 100 acres in cultivation; 1K acres open pasture; all first-claws soil; all kinds of bullilingT; all level prairie land; mile to rait road; on main county road ; good orchard; a No. 1 stock, dairy or grain ranch. 750 acres; 460 level, open land; 160 acres in cultivation; good buildings: 4 acre or chard; 2 miles to town and railroad ; a first-class farm and dairy ranch. Price $25 per acre. We have a choice list of farm, nil sizes,1 any art of Oregon. Garland A Shelter, 101 4th st. (Formerly H. W. Gar land & Co.) ffO-ACRE farm, near Vancouver. 40 acres in healthy and full-bearing fruit and 22 acres ready for cultivation, 8 acres in small trees; brings In an Income of $5000 each year; a splendid bargain. Owner wishes to retire and will sell on easy terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg., 109 4th at., near Wash. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 1400 acres Willamette Valley, 300 in crop. 8 miles of county seat, 2 miles of railroad and p. O. ; 1GO good flr timber, l'H oak, balance open pasture land; this is too good to last; if you are wanting to make some good money see us; price this week only $15 per acre. CAMERON A CABLE, 338 Chamber Commerce. CB O ICE Wi 1 lamette Val ley farm for sale : 27 acres In all, 200 acres under plow, 441 acres open pasture, 30 acres timber, from which all underbrush has been removed ; new 8-room house, 2 barns, plenty fruit of all kind, watered by river, spring and well; the soil is excellent and located mile to school and 2 mile to railroad sta tion; price $50 an acre with terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. $1600. Will buy 8 acres, all cleared, large orchard, in fine condition; spring of water; improvements consist of barn, tool shed, chicken house, potato cellar; it Is about 2 miles from Gladstone, on Oregon City carllne. 3 4 miles to Oregon City; 12 miles to Portland. OTTO A HARKSON. 1331 First St. $aooo 80 acres of fine apple land In the Klickitat country, 6 acres In apples, some come into bearing this season; one acre of fine garden land ; living spring on j.'laceu good barn and two house; other outbuildings; balance of land easily cleared. Can be bought for part cash. MANCHESTER & WILSON, 508 Wells-Fargo Building. SUBURBAN PLACE. 12 acres highly cultivated, very (fine loam soil; perfect slope and running water; 8-room houwe, milkhoune, chicken sheds, barn, etc.; only 0 miles driving distance; no- hills and fine car service. $7500 buys it for a few days, which Is 30 per cent, cheaper than surrounding places. B. L. HAGEMANN. 91 5th St. 80 ACRES; 3 roomed house; barn, other buildings; 20 acres cleared; 4 acres bear ing orchard; acre small fruit; R. F. D. ; four miles from R. R. town and steamboat landing; miles school; If you want this place don't write, but come; price $1500. $'.HM cash, balance 4 years at 7 per cent. A. L Long & Co.. Kalama, Washington. VERY CHEAP. A few 5 atid 10-acre tracts of apple land near Hood River, Improved or unim proved; these are A-l buys at $10 per month; If buying see land at our ex pense. FLETCHER A DUNBAR, 225 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. SUNSHINE, blue' skies, orange groves and alfalfa. Orland, Cal.. Is booming. Govern ment irrigation works and cheap land. Well settled region with modern convenience sn-1 fine climate. W. W. PAYNE. Agt., 1210 William ave. Both phonea. RT5AL BARGAINS. Farms, fruit orchards, timber, home stead relinquishments, acreage, houses, lota. Bee our lists. SWEDISH LAND COMPANY. 311 Worcester Bldg. ALBERTA LANDS. Alberta wheat lands on crop payment . plan. For particulars address J. h. Wheeler, traveling agent, care Perkins Hotel, Portland, Oregon. SNAP 160 acres 1 miles of North Yam hill, all in cultivation and 100 acres in crop; all fVnced; good house and barn; $60 per acre. F. Dletzman, 6J. 8d at. 170 ACRES, plowed, fenced, unimproved prairie near Independence; also 420 hay land near Sumpter. Eastern Oregon. Viola Lucas. Independence, Or. $;3oo BUYS 16 acres fine fruit land near Tigardvllle, Salem, carllne; adjoining land selling for $200 per acre. Snap. Box 4, Portland. 18" ACRES of land to plat. In acreage tract, fine fruit land; must sell Interest on ac count of leaving city; terms. R 856, Ore gon ian. WILL take $2000 for 80 acres of fine land near Vancouver. Wash. Th is Is cheap at must have money. D 859, Oregon ian. MULTNOMAH LAND CO. Your choice of 200 farms; come, see us. 291 Morrison st. H1LLSBORO acreage. $250 to $325 per acre buys fine Improved land, close in. F 851. Oregonian. 350 acres 5 miles from Salem, the best buy in the state: must be sold in 10 days. Yerex Bro. Company, Salem, Or. TWO acres. Palem line. , close in; price will please. A bb4, Oregonian. FOR SAXE FARMS. FARMS FOR SALE. 26 acres, 14 miles from small town, on milk route, all cleared. $2600. Terms. 40 acres, 10 mile from Portland, on milk route; price 70 per acre; terms. 10 acres, family orchard, 4-room house, barn and outbuildings; price $1800. 120 acre. 4 mile from town, 3 ' horses, 11 cows, 25 hogs. 50 chicken, all farming Implements, household goods, crop; price $8000. Terms. 16 acres. 6 acres walnuts, 4 seres cher ries; 6-room house ; good condition ; price $3250; half cash, bal. 6 per cent. 12 acres. 12 good bearing trees, 4 doz. chickens. 1 cow, 1 horse, 1 buggy and har ness, all farming- tools and Implements; price $2000. Term. These properties must be seen to be ap preciated. THE CROS8LEY CO., 708 and 709 Corbett bldg. FARMS AND ACREAGE. $20 per acre for 80 acres, improved, near Scappoose. $30 per acre for 160 acres, improved, near Sherwood. $60 per acre for 120 acres, improved, near Vancouver. $75 per acre, for 120 acres, improved, near Oregon City. , $300 per acre for 107 acres, near Oak Grove. Also tracts from 1 acre up, Improved and unimproved, at Oak Grove. Mllwaukie Heights and Lents. If you want a snap come and see us. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. A VERY CHOICE PIECE OF LAND WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE. 74 acres, ail level, 61 acres under culti vation, 13 acres of light timber for fire wood, running water, 3 acres In orchard, good 10-room house, large barn, the very best oil; It is 1 miles from Tigardvllle on new Salem car line, about 8 miles from Portland; price $14,000; half cash, balance 3 years, 6 jper cent. OTTO & HARK SON, 133 First St. TO EXCHANGE. 673 ACRES of good land, all In cultivation; 250 acres in crop; all stock and machinery to run the place with ; good buildings, plenty of good water; wind mill and reser voir; water piped to house and barn ; 4 mile to market; want to trade this farm for a good tract of land in Washington, Yamhill or Polk counties; will give value for value received; will deal with owner or agent. Call or address Geo. W. Turner, 415-10 Rothehild bidg., Portland, Or. NO 1 stock of harness and saddlery good, machinery, tools, fixture, shop, store build ing and lot; will trade for small ranch and some cash or will take other small profits and some cash, or will sell half 'cah, balance on time to suit; In one of bfst farming sections in Willamette Valley; reason for selling, my eye are failing me. F 885, Oregonian. 4 FOR SALE or exchange, dairy and milk route 2 mile out from growing town of 14.000 population. Large dairy barn and milk house, 7-room furnished house, 83 cows. 4 horses, 6 sets harness, wagons, 3200 bottles, separator, bottling machine, etc. Price $8000. Address F S13, Oregonian. " WE have 100x150 feet on corner, with mod ern 8-room house, large living-room, fire place, electric lights, hot water furnace, fruit trees, berries and garden; at end of carllne; want to exchange for West Side unimproved residence property. R 892, Oregonian. EXCHANGE $1600 account .In Title Bank and $2000 equity In new modem bungalow, a beauty, for well-located 'acreage on 5c carllne. Butterworth Stephenson Co., 817 Abington bldg. Main M529. OWNER will trade gilt-edged 6 per cent $6000 mortgage for Income bearing city property, also $2.O0 city home for im proved acreage on ne w West Side car line. L 850, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Well-established general store In one of the best towns In Oregon ; worth about $16.uOO. What have you? Ad dres R 796, Oregonian. WILL ex-change a good Investment, first mortgage, 6 per cent, gold bonds for fruit farm or city vacant land. Call 320 Cor bett bldg. TOWNSITE 120 acres on new railway, in operation; sale or trade for city or country property or grocery, by owner. B 883, Ore gonian. WHAT have you to exchange In acreage or suburban lot, etc., for fine complete moving-picture outfit? N 864, Oregonian. MODERN house to exchange fee vacant lots. L. Alnsworth Smith. 411 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. IF YOU want to buy. sell or trade, see Stevenson A Taylor, 311 Buchanan, 286 Washington. $400 Furniture small rooming -bouee, close In; will exchange for lot. Room 26, Ham ilton bldg. AUTOMOBILE, exchange for real estate or farm land. 109 11th st. Phone Main 1578. 8-ROOM house In Highland; what have you got? State Land Co., 133 First st. AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade 5-seat, 20-horse-power car. D 803. Oregonian. BUY, sell, exchange. Swank A Co., room 8, 88 3d. Pacific 1756. WILL trade for what you have. Gas Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. FOR SAXE TIMBER LANDS. ONE timber relinquishment. 160 acres, Jo sephine County, 3,8o0.0iH feet. No. 1 saw timber, guaranteed cruise, 1 mile from county road, on good stream of water; good location; price $500. One homestead relinquishment, 60 acres, in Siletz; 3.54)0.000 feet No. 1 saw tim ber. mile from Siletx River; price $300. One timber relinquishment, 360 acres, Josephine County, 3.600. 000 feet No. 1 saw timber, cruise guaranteed ; good lo cation; plenty of water; price $500. One timber relinquishment. Shasta County. California. 2.000.000 feet white and sugar pine; cruise guaranteed; good location; price $200. I have some good timber claims open for filing; also several large bodies of timber for ,sale. JOHN T. GRAHAM. 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1871. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON, WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. I AM prepared to locate settlers on railroad claim cruising from 6,000,000 to 12.oo0.ouo feet, with assurance that you will gel the land; the rush Is on; see me at once. C. A. Duncan, room 19, 810 First st. Phone Pacific 1250. WHAT am I offered for 160 acres of good timber, 3 miles back of Chinook, Wash., crulelng 4.000,000 feet? Near North Bank R. K. .extension; excellent transportation fa cilities; terms cash. B 853, Oregonian. WE are constantly acquiring nne tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for, lumber enterprises of all kinds. Phona Main 4486. Kinney 4 St amp her, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. TO TIMBER BUYERS. For your own satisfaction see me before investing. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon; we locate you. Silver Lake Land Co.. 721 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Timber to cruise; am reliable and experienced; references furnished. A 896, Oregonian. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 327 Worcester blU. 320 ACRES good timber land, $3500 price. Adam Lewis, Eileen, Cal. WANTED TIMBER LAUDS. WANTED Relinquishment In Siletz Reser vation; must be well situated and good timber; will pay good price for good claim; give full description and price. Box 858, Central la. Wash. 1 WANT several good H. E. and T. E. re linquishments; customers waiting; will pay cash. John T. Graham, 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1871. WANTED Bargain in timber lands, single quarters up to loOO acre. O 788, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS wanted. C J. McCracken. S04 McKay bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. TO LEASE A choice stock ranch controlling the' best and afest range; will sell lOoo cows and heifers and equipment for run ning ranch for a term of years; located in Crook County; owner in the city for a few days. Buchtel A Kerns, 360 B. Morrison. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practice. D. N. Clark. Atty.. Washington. D. C. W45TU REAL E8TATK. WANTED Cottage, Main 8213. close in on East Side. WANTED REAL ESTATE, WANTED One lot, 50x100 or lOOxlOO, In Walnut Park, Piedmont. Irvington or Hawthorne ave., from 18th st. to 28th st. What have you to offer. State your lowest cash price. K 802. Oregonian. ONE. two. possibly three, lots In Irvington, Holladay (Addition, or Holladay Park, to build houses on; must be dirt cheap or I'll not entertain them; no brokers. R 88$, Oregonian. WANTED To buy for cash. 5 or 6-room house and lot; must be bargain: near carllne; not over $1500; no agents; full particulars in first letter. C 881, Oregon ian. WANTED 5 or 6-room house, full lot, north of East Morrison and west of 28th st.; good neighborhood ; for cash. F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. NON-RESIDENTS, leave your property with us to sell or rent; we will give It special at tention. Cobb Bros,, 417-18, Swetland bldg.-, Portland, Or. WANTED Home in good neighborhood, fron $3000 to $5000; must be bargain; only own ers answer, giving particulars. B 871 Ore gonian. WILL buy . equity in house and corner lot value up to $4000. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. Main 7646. IF YOU want to sell or rent your property pee Cobb Bros., 417-18 Swetland bldg. Main 8213. 50x100 IN Holladay Addition. State location, price and terms. B 881, Oregonian. FOR SALE IRRIGATED LANDS. YOU Can go righ t on a 1 o-acre irrl gat ed fruit tract at Palouse Orchards, in the Wasfitucna Valley, and make your home. There Is abundance of excellent water end railroad facilities now. Our start ing price for this land Is $150 per acre, on 4-year-purchase plan. Call for our descriptive booklet; if Is free. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION ft POWER COMPANY, 24 Stark St.. Portland. Or. Local office at Hooper. "Whitman County. Washington. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. A LARGE lot of wagons left on storage, consisting of gooseneck trucks, bakery, butcher and grocery wagons; also bug gies and surrey. 211 Washington at. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and rented. FOR SALE A good double express rig com plete, horses, wagon, harness and a busi ness worth $5 a day. This Is a great snap. One 28j0 team and seven other horses. 3 farm wajrons. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. FOR SALE A thoroughbred Clyde stallion weighing about 1800 lbs. ; will sell very cheap. Address Che halls River Lumber Co., Central la. Wash. 25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close out. Hubert A Hall. 266 4th at. WANTED A good, sound, young horse; must weigh 1200 or 1250 pounds. Phone East 5667. WANTED Horse that will weigh 1500 lbs. or over. J. Simon & Bro., 244-246-250 Front. STYLISH 1100-lb.. 7-yr.-old mare; city broke. 241 N. 17th st. Pacific 2134. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale, 294 Montgomery. HORSES for sale w. J. Kelly, Overland Stables, 6th and GUsan. HORSES, mares, rigs, harness of all kinds for sale. 26 N. 15th st. FOR SALE Fine driving; team; can be seen at 25 North 2d st. HORSES clipped at the Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE Big White steamer, fine con dition, for sale cheap, or will trade for small car; can .Se een at Rose City Motor Car Co.. Chapman St., or Expo. Rink. AUTOMOBI LH wanted ; choice yellow pine timber and coal land to trade for 7-pas-senger car. Box 214 Prineville, Or. FORD 4-cy Under runabout, slight v used; . a bargain If taken at once. Garage. 493 Alder. Mlscella neons. 200 TONS steel I beam, practically new, all sizes and lengths. lo tons galv. hop wire, all sizes. 100 tons sheet iron, corrugated or flat, practically new. 5r tons cable, all sizes and lengths. 150 tons bolt, all sizes and lengths. 1000 tons . machinery. Including pulleys, gears, boxes, hangers, sheaves, etc. , all In No. 1 shape and at very low prices. 150 tons shafting In any length ; sizes from -lnch to 8-Inch. 500 tons pipe for water, steam, etc.. In any size or amount, complete with threads and couplings, at very low prices. 100 tons pipe fittings, all sizes, at about one-half regular price. 10 tons brass fittings. Including valves and cocks of all kinds, lubricators, whis tles, etc., at about la price. Miscellaneous lot of vises, anvils, jacks, picks, crowbars, rods, etc., at very rea sonable prices. It will pay you to investigate If you need anything In our line. Mail lnqurles promptly answered. . Call or write for prices on anything. M. BARDE & SON. FOR SALE! New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we reat tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures ; cheap prices. B runs wick -Balke-Collender. 49 Third st. CORDWOOD for sale on the ground, near O. W. P. carline, 1600 cords, $1 a cord to responsible buyer who will move before October 1. Smaller quantity if desired. Address R 882, Oregonian. I GOT to dispose of 3 chamber suits, springs and mattresses, extension table, chairs, range, carpets, 40-lnch plate mirror, wasn lng machine, gas range, 2 iron beds, 2 dressers. 106 Union ave. SEWING MACHINES! Special sale this week splendid values. White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washing ton, corner of 11th. H. D. Jones, Prop. OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters. 313 Til ford bldg., 10th and Morrison st. YAMATO WOOD YARD. We have the most reasonable wood for you. Phone East 818. B 1867. E. 6th and Main. SUN SOON HUIE. matting. China ware, silks, tea. rattan chair sale; prices low. 171169 2d st. Japanese goods. MOTION PICTURES, machines, song slides, supplies, rented, lowest prices. Newman, 293 Burnside. TRUSCOTT launch, used but little; will hold 8 people; compelled to sell. R 885, Oregonian- Moving-picture Exchange Machines, sup plies, slides, films for rent. 165 V 4th st. FOR SALE; A scholarship in Behkne-Walker Business College. C 814. Oregonlaa. BARGAIN 80-h. p. automatic high-speed steam engine. Call at 184 Morrison st. I HAVE on sale 20,000 ft. fine feature film, 4c ft. Newman. 293 Burnslda. BICYCLES A few good second-hand v ones, also repairing. 189 Morrison st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A good all-around dentist. Apply to Electro-Dental Parlors, cor. 5th and Washington. WANTED Flrst-clacss experienced Job pol inher and plater. Oregon Brass Works, 69 N. 2d st. GOOD Anst-clnee general jobbing blacksmith. 371 North 17th st., bet. Savier and Thur man. WANTED Young man to work In grocery store; must give reference. 27 Union ave. WANTED A strong youth for delivery wagon. Apply 675 Williams ave. Ward. WANTED A competent architectural drafts man. W. L. Morgan, 213 Abington bldg:. EXPERIENCED Janitor, married, give refer ence in answering. H 867. Oregonian. ORGANIZERS. Grand Fraternity. 522 Worcester bldg; big pay, easy work. WANTED Two competent brakemen for logging road. K 89U. Oregonian. WANTED Two live, young hustling sales men. Call 310& Burnside st. WANTED A carriage-painter at 211 Wash ington. Tomlinson &. Cassidy. FI RST-CL A SS vest and pantsmaker needed at 315 Flanders St., city. . WANTE D A good f oreman un d a second handbaker. 651 Second st. TEACHER wanted; 2 hours daily after 6 . p. M. S S92, Oresonian. HELP WANTED MALE. COURTNEY S. The reason the high-grade employers of Portland are more than satifled with the COURTNEYS SYSTEM IS COURTNEYS save them all the time, trouble, expense thev have had recourse to In securing the right man for the right place. We owe our success to the thorough system we use and our long experience In placing high-grade men. If you are a high-grade, competent man in your par ticular line and are looking- for a change to better opportunities, or are temporarily unemployed, call and talk over our system. COURTNEYS, 402-403-404-405 Swetland Bld. " 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men aad women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor, tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. KEEP your Job, double your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co., Epler Block, Seattle. District agents wanted. EXPERIENCED specialty salesman to rep resent old-establiehed Eastern manufac turing concern; traveling; salary, com mission and expenses; permanent ; surety bond required; mate age. experience and reference. C 882, Oregonian. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United Stat!, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to recruit ing ofTices. Alnsworth block. Third and Oak eta., Portland. Or. EASTERN manufacturers want salesman acquainted with the drug trade on the Pacific Coast to represent them on a commission basis; state experience and present connections; communications con fidential. Address C 878, Oregonian. WANTED Amateur clarinet player who Is first-class all-around watchmaker; give re ference and state Just what you can do in first letter; good place for the right man. Address Klamath Falls Military Band. Klamath Falls. Or. WANTED Man to show land. etc.; can make $175 to $200; no experience necess sary; will teach you and very little money required. Particulars C. R. B. A Tr"Bi Co.. 533 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. REQUIRED A second mate, holding mate or master's certificate, for steamer Aga- - panthus; wages 8-10. Apply, stating age and references, to Captain Da v lee, care E. B. Marvin ft Co., Victoria. B. C. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing end bricklaying; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 8th St., San Francisco. CABINETMAKER wanted, capable of doing detail fixture work; must have reference from- former employers. ' Address cor respondence to Silverton Sash A Dood Fac tory, Silverton, Or. BUTCHER WANTED One who understands meat cutting and slaughterhouse work; must come recommenled ; 'wages $40, board and lodging. Stella Fish Co., Stella, Wash. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit furnished free; a good opening. For particulars address with reference, Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. WANTED 20 first-class tinners and cornice makers at once; $4.50 for 8 hours; open shop. Address F. J. Love, secretary Mas ter Sheet Metal Workers' Association, S. 171 Monroe st., Spokane. Wash. WANTED A bookkeeper; handwriting must be small and neat: would prefer one whe can, in case of necessity, operate a typ writer. Address in handwriting, S 895, Oregonian. WANTED Young man of good appearance and address to drive laundry wagon ; one thoroughly acquainted with the city pre ferred; references required. Address R 887, Oregonian. WANTED Two real estate salesmen, famil iar with the sale of farms; must be hust lers In real estate; salary and commission; references required. Call 320-327 Corbett bldg. LEARN watcnmaKkig. engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking, En craving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. SALARY from $25 to $50 weekly operating motion pictures; short hours; easy work; learn the business; terms reasonable. New man Motion Picture Co., 293 Bumetde. WANTED An expert ditcher, familiar with tile draining of springy and wet lands. Apply, giving experience and terms, to L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Or. WANTED A first-class subscription solicitor; country; salary $2.50 a day and expenses; or will pay commission. George W. Dixon, Can by. Or. DRUG salesman wanted acquainted with Pacific Coast trade; to represent Eastern manufacturers on a commission basis. Address C 879, Oregonian. IF you have $100. investigate best investment in Oregon. Send postal card for full Infor mation. Industrial Company. 631 Worces ter bldg. WANTED A doctor, registered in Washing ton or Montana, to travel with medicine company. Address Beeeon Bros., Albion, Wash. CAPABLE local manager to represent man ufacturing corporation; exclusive contract. W. F. A. Co., 1605 Gough St.. San Fran cisco. WANTED Executive, technical, clerloal and salesmen ; all lines. Commercial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Immediately, first-class motion picture machine operators. Newman Mo tion Picture Co., 293 Burnside. LUMBER salesman and collector wanted ; state experience, salary expected and references. F 880, Oregonian. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. .For Men 250 Burnsid Street. Phone Main 5694. PHYSICIAN wanted for office work in Port land; must be under 39 years; good salary to right man. C 818, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman of good address to sell shoes. Comfort Style Shoe Co., 39 Hamilton bldg. WANTED Two men wRh $500 cash for responsible positions. Address. F 875, Oregonian. WANTED Motion-picture machine; also films, gas outfit, song slide, etc.; C 867, Oregonian. WANTED Boy to learn trade. 55 Front, cor. Davis. WANTED Couchmaker. 55 Front, cor. Davis. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman can get liberal "layout" at Spanton Cos real estate ofTice, 270 Stark street. Ask for Mr. Thomlinson, city department, forenoons. SOLICITORS Ladles and gentlemen; good proposition to hustler. Apply Great Am. Imp. Tea Co., 406 Washington St., 223 First st., 4624 East Burnside. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A thoroughly competent girl or middle-aged woman for general houftework: must be a good cook; good pay to capable person. Call Mondav after 2 o'clock at 70S Clackamas t.. Holladay Addition. WELL-EDUCATED girl about 17 years of age. wanted for work In an office. M 886, Oregonian. GIRL or woman to do general housework. Apply 494 Harrison St., bet. 14th and 15th. WANTED A good girl to assist In kitchen; wages $25. 79 West Park. GIRL for general housework; small family. Call 662 Halsey. GIRL for general housework. 572 44 5th st., near Grant. WANTED Girl to do light housework. Phone East 1728. WANTED Girl for general housework. 777 Everett st. TWO lady barbers wanted at once. 12 N. 4th st. A RELIABLE nursegirl. Apply 65 North 21st Ft. GIRL wanted to assist with housework 194 North 17th st WANTED Girl to sew mattress ticks. 65 Front- cor. Davis. HELP W ANTE D FEMALE. COOK, boarding-house. $40 to S50. Cook, small restaurant, $40. 3 waitresses, city. $35, board. 2 pantry girls, $23. 1 chambermaid, country, $25. Saleslady, country. $30. Housekeeper, cook and second girls. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington St. Main 2t02. WANTED By May 12, a first-class general housework woman, white or colored; must be a thoroughly good cook ; good pay to such a person. Call or write, with refer ences, 793 Clackamas St., ' Holladay Addi tion. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Wash. St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.. Phones. Main and A 20O2. Help Supplied Free to Employers, WANTED Lady partner to open up first class hotel brokerage and employment office with a thorough experienced party; references exchanged. F 873. Oregonian. - JACKET AND SKIRT ALTERATIONS. Thoroughly experienced and competent wanted at once. OLDS.. WORTMAN ft KING. WANTED Good girl for general housework in the country; references required. Apply at 795 Park ave., bet. 5 and 6. Phone Main 166. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housekeeping; good home and reasonable pay to right party. Answer D 897, Ore gonian. WANTED For country. 1 mangle girls, $9; 1 shirt machine operator, $15; 2 A-l lady clothes ironers. $2,25. Address M 745, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT cook woman) $10; wait resses city, Heppner. Family, day, cham ber, other help. "Drake's," 205 Wash ington. ST. LOUIS LAXIES AGENCY. 234) Yam hill General workers, cooks, housekeep ers, waitresses, chambermaids. Main 5413. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. GIRL wanted for general housework ; pleas ant Summer home. Mrs. O. W. Taylor, Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 925. SOBER. Industrious married man would like work; good rough carpenter and gen eral good hand. O 895, Oregonian. WANTED Experiences housekeeper for beach hotel; 4 months' position; with references. Address Room 402 Hotel Lenox, city. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles' Department. 205! Morrison St. Phonea Main 1062 A 1406. WOMAN for alteration room" on suits, coats, skirts; also one that can fit and finish garments- Apply 171 Third st. WANTED Young girl to learn second work; wages according to ability. Apply 255 King st. Telephone Main 9265. STENOGRAPHERS requiring more experi ence can exchange their services for same; office work. D 887, Oregonian. WANTED Conscientious, energetic woman for responsible position; chance for ad vancement. P 869, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington st., comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. A COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework ; comfortable home. 466 10th fct., near Jackson. WANT a girl to help with housework and help care for child. Phone Main 8220. Ad dress 776 Hoyt St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house; good wages. N. W. cor. East 14th and Schuyler. -Phone East 927. EXPERIENCED Swedish or Norwegian sec ond girl; good wages. Apply 215 Ford st. Phone Main 759. A GIRL for general housework; family of three. 66. East Yamhill, cor. 13th st. Phone East 4843. WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 adults In family; call mornings. 581 East Taylor st. COOK, $40; waitress, out of town, $25; gen eral girl. $30; cook, $25. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED First-claM colored woman for housework and cooking; good pay. D 894, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; one sleeping at home preferred. Apply 686 Love joy st. . NEAT, reliable girl, general housework; small family. Call 607 . Taylor. Phone E 1028. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking; small family; good wages. 670 Hoyt st. A FIRST-CLASS buttonholemaker; good op portunity to earn high wages. F SS6, Ore gonian. WANTED Young lady, housework- family of 2; use of piano; wages. 288 Broadway street. WANTED A girl to care for two children and assist with housework. ' 670 East Madi son st. GIRL for general housework In small family. Call between 10 and 3, 107 North 16th st. YOUNG girl to assist in general housework, good home. Apply 5oA 4th. cor. Lincoln. WANTED 2 girls to learn special work; steady work, good pay. 28 Front st. BOOKKEEPING Private lessons, $4 per month. Phones Pacific 948, A 494S. WANTED Girl, general housework. Apply D. Chambers & Son. 321 Morrison st. WEST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 1334 5th, cor. Alder. Phone A 3380. YOUNG girl to assist in general housework. 260 Nartllla st. Call mornings. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small family. Phone East 6389. WANTED Girl for general housework. 654 Broadway, phone East 60. GIRL wanted to work in store, 694 North 3d st. Call after 9 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 3. 275 6th st. GIRL for general housework. 398 San Rafael st. Phone East 1103.. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GENTS' furnishing goods, first-class sales man and window trimmer, thoroughly ex perienced In buying and selling; A-l refer ences from leading stores of New York and San Fra ncisco ; desires poMtlon in above depts. 28 years. A 876. Oregonian. WA NTED By energetic young man. who has had experience In general office work, a position as assistant to advertising man. wlth firm In city; have had experience; ver y small salary to start. Address E 894. Oregonian. A COM PETENT general dry goods man wants position a department or store manager; cam do- Interior and window decorating; also sign writing and adver tising. N 886, Oregonian. WANT position, as bookkeeper or cashier; experienced ; references and bond If re quired; 1 am no transient man; I own my home here. E. 875, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Railroad clerk, thoroughly experienced In local freight of fices, wishes position at once; salary mod erate. E 877. Oregonian. CAPABLE salesman, college education, 3 years' road experience, desires interview with party wanting business getter. M 8SS. Oregonian. BOOKS kept, systems Introduced, account ing in all branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling, 407 McKay bide. WANTED Clerical position or any kind light work; accept small wages to get start. S 896, Oregonian. WANTED Small sets of books to keep. Svstems introduced; all kinds of account ing. Phone Pacific 744. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted a assistant shipping clerk, 1 year's experience. B 878, Orego nian. , JAPANESE young boy wants to do house work in family. A 875, Oregonian. JAPANESE waiter wants situation In hotel or restaurant. F 876, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese, good boy, want position at housework. B 874, Oregonian. STUDENT wants work evenings for board only. M 882, Oregonian. BUTCHER, all-around, needs employment. Phone Woodlawn 200. JAPANESE, good boy, wants farm work. B 879. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants day work. F SS2, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. GENERAL dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, hats and shoes; A-l ealesman and window trimmer; thoroughly experienced in above departments; open for engage ment. A 877, Oregonian. YOUNG men who understands electricity and- has worked at stationary engineering in small mills would like position as as sistant in Portland. C 876, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wants position ; salary or commission ; ac quainted with grocery and general store ail over Oregon. D 898, Oregonian. RELI A BLE, energetic. sober house man wants situation; ' private place preferred, but have hotel experience. Will leave city; city references, C 869, Oregonian. YOUNG man 30 years of age, painter ty trade, handy with tools, wants position where attention to duty will insure steady work. N 858. Oregonian. STRONG and neat appearing1 young man desire position; quick at figures, handy with tools; wages no object. N 678, Ore- . gonlan. WINDOWS, housec leaning, furniture var nished, polished; rugs, carpet cleaned. Alain 6673, evenings after 7. Thos. Green. COOK, thoroughly competent, economical, hotel, boarding-house, rest.. In or near city. F 850, Oregonian. WANTED Work by all-round baker. Ad dress George Steinhauser, 215 Howard St., Walla Wall. Wash. COM PETTENT chauffeur wants position; can keep car In repair; references; wages $75. A 879, Oregonian. FAITHFUL Japanese boy wants bakery work, dishwasher, housework, help of cook. M 883, Oregonian. WANTED Work as night watchman or some light work; can give reefrences. S 804, Oregonian. YOUNG man from East wishes work; handy with horses; good milker. R. EX, 127 N. 16th st. COMPETENT Japanese boy wants posit Idn, cook or housework. Phone C 1830, East 2247. SOBER man of 45, understands steam boilers; wants job as watchman. A S85, Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 652L JAPANESE Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4669. SITUATION WANTED FEMAIJ5. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER deaires position a private secretary; thoroughly experienced; would leave city. A 883, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion; moderate salary. R 884. Oregonian. D ressmak era. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, fine designer, wishes few engagements only on account of changing residence. 471 Morrison st. Phone Main 6681. ART LA MODE. Street suits, rid In habits, novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloaks, gown. Phones A 6326. Main 8378. 181 6th, opposite Hotel Portland. MME. TUTTLB, modiste; tailored suits, evening gowns a specialty. 4894 Wash ington st. A 3897. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and talloress will make engagements by the day. Phone Woodlawn 176. AN experienced dressmaker wants a few more customers at once; good references. Phone E 1413. GOOD seamstress wants sewing by th day, $1.60. Main 1905. Hor GRADUATE nurse, having pleasant home, with beautiful lawn and first-class accom modations, would take Invalid to care for. 821 Corbett. NURSE, experienced in all kinds nursing, solicits employment In city or country. Pacific 1611. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT, first-class colored cook, can give references. Answer, give phone num ber. M 887, Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID. waitress. housekeeper, widower's family; camp cook; day -worker. 2'(0 Yamhill. Main 6413. HOME-LAUNDERED lace curtains done by experienced hand. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. LACE curtains and shirtwaists beautifully laundered, called for and delivered. Phone Main 5898. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 73 4 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694. YOUNG lady wishes to help grammAr grade pupils by hour. Phone E 6063. WANTED Day work by competent woman, 231 6th. Phone M 4926. room 2. GOOD colored girl wants evening Job taking care of child. Phone Tabor 494. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted for sale of "Looters of the Public Domain." by S. A. D. Puter, king of the Oregon land' fraud ring, in collaboration with Horace Stevens, the greatest work on the subject ever pub lished, embracing & complete exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States. Contains 500 pages. Including nearly 2O0 fine Illustrations of prominent actors and events in the great land fraud drama. Liberal commission allowed active agent with good references. Applications for territory should be addressed to Puter ft Stevens. Hotel Lenox. Portland. Or. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Writs for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. SALESMEN Can give a few good salesmen a contract whereby you can make from $100 to $200 per week; exclusive territory; no competition. 410 Corbett bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Oompany of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. - Phone Exchange 72. WANTED 3 or 4 rooms, furnished for house keeping, on East Side, bet. 27th and 45th. near Belmont. M 889. Oregonian. COUPLE wants two pleasant rooms, with private family, for light housekeeping. R 891, oregonian. ROOM and board by gentleman, private home, no other boarders; modern. S. 803, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Wfi PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. " PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6656. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N.. 8d st. Phone Paclflo 1722- READY money caid tor furniture, better prices than a dealer. Phone East 588. SPOT cash paid for. your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067- X PAY cash for bousenold goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co.. 545 1st. Phone 360. WANTED To rent, wheel chair for short time. Call Main 1245, Mrs. Scott. WrE will rent your property for you. Call ue up. Cobb Bros., Main 8213. FOR RENT. Room. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. t'MILNER BLDG.," 3504 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. 91 YAMHILL ST. Nice, clean furnished rooms, reasonable, central. NEATLY furnished front room, private fam ily, central. 211 11th st. A CONVENIENT room in modern fiat, suit able for 1 or 2. 394 5th st. NICE, large front room for two. 260 7th, corner Madison. NICE, furnished room, electric light and bath. 60 N. 9th st. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE GLEN DOR A HOTEL, 19th and Couch, near Washington, has the best rooms In the city, $7.&o per month and up, single . or enisulte. with or without board; baths, steam heat. electric lights, both phones, large grounds, parlor with piano, billiard and pool tables, all free to guests. THE YAMHILL. Large, light and neatly furnished rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week. Phone A 136. 881 Yamhill st, N. W. cor. West Park. THE MERCEDES. Elegantly furnished single rooms; heat, hot and cold running water; return call bell service; free baths; both phones strictly modern; rates $12 and up. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington. HOTEL BRKSLIN. New house Just opened to the public, cor. 11th and Washington sts.; beautifully furnished, private baths, hot and cold water, electric lights, steam heat; rates $1 and upward. Phone Main 7054. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts Newly furnished throughout; new building: suites with baths, hot ana cold water In every room. Phone Mala 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. THE OGDEN. 834 1st. corner Oak. under new management; large, neatly furnished modern outside rooms, new brick build ing; rates $2.50 per week and up; tran sients 50c and up. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern room, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable, paclflo 90. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up; daily 76c up; special monthly rates. Main 6647 PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sta; steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water In all rooms; 60c to SI day; $2.50 to $3 per week. Phone a 1539. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison ts.. handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every modern convenience; terms reasonable; only 6 blocks from Postoltlce. LARGE, light outside rooms; hot and cold cold running water, hot water heat; every thing new. Phone Main 4100. 201 14th. cor. Taylor. $15 Beautifully furnished large parlor, suitable for 2, strictly modern; use of kitchen; employed people preferred. Phone A 4970. MAXWELL HALL, 201 14th.; beautiful light newly decorated rooms; hot water, all rooms; rates $2.50 up. Phone Main 1153. NK7BLY furnished front suite, also front rooms reasonable; free bath and phone, 4o9H Washington St., bet. loth and 11th. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 W Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estsa. THE) CADILLAC, 3d and Columbia; newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy walking distance from center of city. "YOU WILL BE PLEASED." "MILNER BLDG.," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. THE ALEXANDER. 131 H lHh, newly fur nished rooms, by the day, week or month; rent reasonable. Mrs. M. Joyce, prop. THE ANGELUS, 272 6th, cor. Jefferson, front , suite elegantly furnished rooms $30; single room at $10; bath, both phones. NICE front room; strictly modern; rent reasonable; walking distance. 341 Har rison. Phone Main 6953. VERY large, splendidly furnished room in quiet house; modern; easy walking; price moderate. 215 13th. NICELY-FURNISHED well-kept rooms, $1.50 up per week ; meals If desired. Hotel Mason, 247 5th. HOTEL SACRY. 645 First St.; newly fur nished; new bldg.; free bath and phone; rates reasonable. ELEGANT rooms, cheap rates, new man ager, at 340 Ankeny. Look and you'll want them. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms; strictly mod ern; opp'. Hotel Portland. 181 6th st. A 5326. PLEASANT, nicely furnished corner room, reasonable. Pacific 3067, A 5317. 542 Mor rison. NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep ing; bath and phones. 95 Alt h st.w corner Stark. r THORNTON'S HOTEL, 271 3d St., newly furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week; transient. NICE, light airy rooms, one front parlor, with piano, for rent. 15 North loth su THE EUREKA. 1st and Market sts., clean, outside rooms $2.50 wk.; housekeeping rooms. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 wk. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk.; also transient rooms. 843 Morrison. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th St., nice furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 week; 60c to $1 night. 2 W ELL 1 1 g h t ed, al ry rooms in private family; cheap to couple. 635 Johnson st. NICELY furnished rooms In private family, 1 block from carline, 248 N. 20th. FRONT room, nicely furnished, bath and phone. Call 450 Washington st. NEW and nicely furnished room, with bath, gas and phone, at 169 i'ark st. NICELY furnished room for a gentleman In private house. 242 22d st. TWO nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences, 345 Harrison St. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Ella st.. new and elegantly furnished single rooms and suites, with and without bath; hot and cold water in every room; first-class table. Take Washington-street car to Ella st. IN refined home; some well furnished and exceptionally neat rooms; with Or without board; pleasant surroundings; walking distance. 653 Washington. THE CLAY Cor. 2d and Clay; nicely fur nished single and double rooms with board; $5 per week and up; everything comfortable and homelike. WANTED Summer boarders at quiet, pleasant farmhouse, mile from ocean, near beautiful lake, on railroad. Mrs. C. W. Carnahan, Clatsop, Or. LARGE front- room, furnished for one or two gentlemen; board If desired: private fam ily; near Steel bridge. 2o2 Occldest st. Phone East 6310. LARGE, sunny room in new corner cottage. East Side, close In; all the comforts of a cozy, attractive home; good home cooking. Phone B 2;J27. WELL-FURNISHED room, with board; modern conveniences; pleasant surround ings; walking distance; terms reasonable. Main 32SO. LARGE, pleasant front room, modern, with board, if desired; private family; choice location. Phone E. 2013. 407 Holladay ave. LARE plea.ant front room for one or two; private; tine location ; reasonable ; with or without board. 252 N. 19th st. Pac. 2497. 41 ELLA ST.; room with board; room suit able for two. and one singlo room, and home cooking; terms reasonable. FIRST-CLASS room and board $5.50 per week; all conveniences; nice yard and porch. After House, 7th and Madison. THE WALDORF One suite of rooms and few single rooms, with board. 147 13th et. Phone Main 2118. A 2119. NICE front rooms, with breakfast and din ner, $5 per week ; bath and phone. 535 Johnson st. FURNISHED room and board in private family; all conveniences. 412 2d st. Phone Main 4173. ROOM, with board, one or two young men, private family, 10 minutes' walk. Pa cific 2831. PLEASANT room for two, with board; modern, new, 2 doors from carllne. 387 12th st. 33 NORTH 17TH. one block off Washington, well furnished, light and comfortable rooms; modern. FIRST-CLASS table board $4 per week; good home cooking. Aster House, 7th and Mad ison. SELECT private boarding-house, modern conveniences; board optional. 453 Morrison ROOM for rent, with or without board, in private family. 495 Jefferson st. ROOMS with board, steam heat, gentlemen preferred. 649 A Washington. FURNISHED rooms with board. The Osark. 25 11th st.