Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1908, Page 18, Image 18

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Agents for Butterick Patterns; Nemo, Gossard, Estelle, La Grecque Corsets; Vudor Porch ShadesBest Lawn Mowers at Lowest Prices
The Meier (S Frank Store5 s Sat ory Sliopping Bulletin
Until 9:30
Until 9:30
Or- Sale Children's
Wash Dresses
In Our ChfldreiTs Section for Saturday
$1.50 Vals. 98c
The assortment is complete This sale
includes Children's Wash Dresses
made of percale and gingham in colors
of blue and white check, black and
white check and plain blue, in jumpers.
Buster Brown or sailor suit style;
Daintily trimmed with braid Short
sleeye, low neck and full pleated
skirts Ages 2 to 14 years Q Q
$ 1 .50 values are reduced to7 OC
Sale of Women's Hosiery
Values to 40c at Special Sale Price of 19c
Women's Hose, including embroidered lace, gauze, lisle and
JUUU I rSt drop-stitch effects; colors, black, tan, gray of white; all fast
colors; seamless or full-fashioned, in all sizes; one of the best values we have
offered this season; an opportunity to effect a great saving.' For Satur- 1
day only, regular 'values to 40c, on sale at this special low price, the pair.
1000 Yards of 22c Lace at 8c Per Yard
For Saturday our lace section offers an exceptional bargain in Plat VaL and Point
de Paris Vals., Edgings and Insertings; 1 to 4 inches wide, suitable for
trimmed Summer dresses or undennuslins ; values up t6 22c, on. sale at, yard. Cw
Boys' Good Shoes
j jgT at Only $ 1.78 Pair
00J' -m 500 pairs boys good quality Shoes in
casco, velour, kangaroo calf andvici
& kid i
kid Lace shoes for school, also for
outing purposes -Sizes from 1 to 5 1-2
and an exceptional value fl 1 f O
at this low price, the pair p 1 O
Boys' Baseball Suit Specials
Boys' 4-piece Baseball Suits, colors blue and gray; regular $2 values, sp1..$1.69
Boys' four-piece suits, in gray flannel; regular $1.50 values, special, suit. .Sj$ 1.23
Baseballs, regular 25c value, special, 19 Baseballs, reg. $1.00 value, special, 69
Baseballs, regular 50c value, special, 39 Baseballs, reg.-$1.25 value, special, 95
Boys' Baseball Mitts, the best regular 25c value, on sale at this special price.. 19
Boys Baseball Gloves, regular 25c value, on sale at this special low price.. 19
Boys' Baseball Gloves, regular 50c value, on sale at this special low price.. 39
5 Oc and 75c Pennants 39c
For Saturday only, a record sale on Pennants All our 24-inch
length Pennants with three letters or the name spelled out Made
of best quality felt, bound with silk ribbons An ebonized JQ
staff and gilt spear with each pennant 50c and 75c values OyC
Women's Knit Underwear Spec'Is
35c Vests 23c Each 50c Vests 34c Each
Women's Swiss-ribbed Vests, low neck, Women's "Swan Brand" Swiss-ribbed
sleeveless, ' fancy lace yoke, front and Lace Vests, low neck and sleeveless style,
back; all sizes; regular 35c values. 23 all sizes, regular 50c quality, at, ea.34t
$1 Union Suits 67c $2 Union Suits $1.34
Women's low-neck, sleeveless Union Women's .Harvard Mills Union Suits, 2
Suite, pure lisle, in, two styles; lace- styles; , low neck sleeveless, and high
trimmed and fitted' knee;' excellent qual- neck, long sleeves, ankle length and knee
ity; the usual $1.00 kind, at, suit.. 67 length; silk: mixed; $2 quality. .$1.34
75c Quality in Sleeveless Vests at 50c Ea.
Women's fine quality low-neck, sleeveless Vests, hand-crocheted yoke, in colors,
pink, blue or white, in all regular sizes; the regular 75c values, Saturday at.. 50
Women's Petticoats $ 2.9 8
Saturday's sale in our Petticoat Section should prove of great interest. Excep
tional value in henrietta taffeta Petticoats in fancy stripes, tans, browns, Copen
hagen; made with deep flare, double flounce, trimmed with pin tucks and ruffle.
200 Petticoats in the Sale Special sale price for Saturday, the garment. .$2.98
Specials in Men's Furnishings
This section is always providing men's needs at saving prices New
and up-to-date merchandise at remarkable prices Savings can be
made here that are not accomplished elsewhere Take advantage
Men's $ 1 .50 Shirts 95c Each
$1.50 pleated Shirts, fancy embroidered silk polka Q g
dots, also fancy stitched; on sale at, special, each. JC
4-in-Hands 25c--Kerchfs 10c
Foulard Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, in navy blue and white
polka dots, checks and figures; the best regular
50c values, on sale at this special low price, each.wC
Men's white pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 4 and 1
2-inch hems; regular '20c values, special, each.
$ 1 Negligee Shirts for ?3c
Men's fancy Madras Negligee Shirts, soft attached collar,
in tan, blue and gray-colors, latest check and stripe ef
fects, well made; best regular $1.00 values, sp'l., ea.73
Men's Imp, Hose 25c
Men's .fancy Half -Hose, great assort
ment of imported novelties, embroidered
and woven stripe, check, figured and dot
ted effects, all the newest col- OCf
orsj 'on sale this low price, pair.
Men's Underw'r 89c
Men's "Cooper's" Form-Fitting Ribbed
Underwear in blue, salmon, pink and
ecru colors ; all sizes in shirts and draw
ers; on sale at this special, low OQ
price, garment take advantage. O-rC
Boys' Wash Suit Sale lii
Saturday's specials in our Boys sec
tion of unusual interest Boys wash
suits in sailor or Russian blouse style
Made of fast color blue and white
stripes, chambrays, cheviots and light
and medium light percales Neatly
trimmed sailor collars Sizes 2 to 12
years $ 1 .50 and $ 1 .75 1 1
values at special price y 1 1 U
Boys' $7.50-$8 Suits at $4:83
Boys' two-piece suits, with knee pants of high grade and workmanship, all new
Spring styles and colorings, of wool fabrics, in gray and brown plaids and check
cheviots, brown and fancy worsteds and neat striped tweeds; sizes fl .4
7 to 16 years-, the regular ?7.50 and $8.00 values, special at, suit.? tOJ
Monster Saturday Sale of
Men's and Youths'
$22.50 and $25
Suits Qt$ 16.35
Men's and Young Men's Suit Specials for
Saturday $22.50 and $25 values, special
at $16.35 A grand value of handsome
hand-tailored suits for men and youths of
the finest material of fancy worstedTunfin
ished worsteds and velours in new shad es of
brown, tans, light and dark grays of neat
stripes, checks and plaids, hand-made b utton
holes, hand-felled collars, hand-padded shoul
ders All cut in latest styles V t?
$22.50 and $25 values for $lOiJj
Men and Boys Clothing Dept. Second Floor
Women's Neckwear, Ribbons, Etc
The special bargains for Saturday in women's needs represent a
splendid saving All new and seasonable merchandise in the sale
Women's Neckwear Handkerchief Sale
All our real Irish Crochet Cluny, Duch- 5000 Initial Handkerchiefs for ladies and
ess, Antique and Hand-Embroidered Col- children, Vi-inch hemstitching; all lot-
lars, in stocks, chemisettes, yokes, cape ters. reguiar 12V2c values, at, each. 7e
collars, sets and coat collars, at less than ,
half price on sale at following prices: Mocc ilino D 5
Regular $2.00 values, on sale at. . ..98 TlCS5dlUie IVlAJPOIlS
Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. $1.98 6-inch all-silk changeable Messaline Rib-
Regular $6.50 and $7.50 values. S3.98 bon for trimming, all col- 1 C
2 ors; reg. 35c value, special, yard.
$12.50 to $27.50 vals. .ONE-HALF OFF Hat Bows tied free.
6:00 to 9:30 Specials For This Evening at The Meier Frank Store
Women'sHats$4.95 $1.50 Gloves at 73c Extra Special, $4.50 Shirtwaist Suits at 98 c 20c Vests 12c Each 11 15c HosieryTc Pair
A line of ladies' Tailored and Dress 3000 pairs ladies' two-clasp Kid Gloves, Ladies' white lawn and Batiste Shirtwaist Suits waists are tucked, also lace and Women's fancy lace-trimmed Vests, in .300 pairs boys 'girls' and women's Hose,
Hats, trimmed'in silk ribbon, flowers, in black, " white, " red,' brown, tan, gray embroidery-trimmed styles; skirts are full plaited; trimmed with bias folds. QO low-nqck, sleeveless style; -all sizes; the seamless leg and foot; plain and ribbed;
wings; special good values, fl A Q and mode; regular $1.50 value, 9 Values up to $4.50, on sale from 6 to 9:30 P. M. at this special price, each. -'OC regular 20c value, on sale from 1 regular 15c value, on sale from 6 Q-
Saturday evening only, ea.P' from 6 to 9:30, special, the pair. Economical women will take advantage of this special sale. On sale on 2d Floor.1 6 to 9:30 P. M. at, special, ea. to 9:30 at this special price, pair..'C
Childs' Rompers 20c Boys' Waists for 33c Handkerchiefs for 5c Women's Neckwear 20c Ribbon 1 2c Yard 35c Shears for 1 9c
Boys' and girls' Rompers, 1 to 6 years, Boys' regular 50c Waists, in blues, tan Ladies' or children's colored Crossbar Embroidered Turnover Collars, Embroi- 3V2 and 4-inch all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, Good quality steel-laid Scissors and
made of fast color light and dark, blue and gray chambray; sizes 5 to 13 years; and Figured Handkerchiefs, in all colors, dered Stock ' Collars; the best regular in black, white and. all colors; the best Shears in all sizes, including pocket; on
and slate chambrays; good Summer gar- full sizes ; on sale from 6 to 9 :30 The best regular 12c values, on Cr 25c values, on sale from 6 to 1 )r regular 20c value, on sale at 1- sale from 6 to 9:30; the best 1Q.
ments for the little folks; at, each. 20 P. M. at this special price, each. wC sale from 6 to 9:30 P. M., special. 9;30 P. M., at this low price, ea. . C this unusually, low price, yard. tV. . regular 35c values, special, pair.
$1.25 Gowns at 69c $2.25 Corsets at 79c Books 50c and 10c 35cStationeryatl9c T Kettles; Hot Plates Groceries 6 to 9:30
Ladies' fine cambric and nainsook Gowns Special lot of Corsets in white, drab and SPECIAL, 50! The Spoilers, Port of Ideal Art Stationery, finest quality linen 200 Nickel Tea Kettles, 7-quart size; 2 2-lb. cans Palm Brand Sliced C
trim'd in embroidery and laces, tucks black. The best regular $1.75 and $2.25 Missing Men, and many others, at 50c. paper, one-quire boxes, with envelopes regular value $1.40; special, ea.Sj51.07 Pineapple . on . sale at, special. .
and insertions; slightly, soiled; CJCrs values, on sale from 6 to 9:30 Q Paper Books for Summer Reading, 1000 to match; regular 35c values, 1 Qf 10 two-burner nickel-trimmed Gas Hot 1 14-oz. bottle Queen Olives for..20
$1 and $1.25 values, special at. V P. M. at this special low price. irC . titles, on sale at this low price, ea. .10 on sale, special, 6 to 9:30, box. Plates; on sale at, special, each. .$2.19 1 -pint bottle Welch's Grape Juice. .20
Supervisors in Eastern Multnomah
Will Use" Material " Furnished
by Sew Rock-Crusher. . .
GRESHAM, Or., May 1. (Special.)
Authority has been given the various road
supervisors of Eastern Multnomah for a
vast amount of new road work during
the coming Summer. The County Court
has authorized an expenditure of $15,000
In the districts . including Powell "Valley
and Orient under charge of Supervisor J.
M. Hillyard.
A new rock-crusher has been ordered
and will be Installed at a gravel pit near
LJnneman Junction from which crushed
rock, will be shipped over the O. V. P.
to Anderson station, from whence it will
be hauled on wagons to the roads that
ere to be Improved.
smnnr the roads to be covered - with
crushed rock will be the Powell Valley
road from Orient westward a distance of
four miles; also about three miles of the
Section Line road through the Beaver
Creek canyon and beyond. ' The ' Lusted
road and several other thoroughfares
will be graveled, covering a distance of
about three 'miles more. The Powell
Valley road, which is to be improved with
crushed rock, is now planked, but the
plank will be taken up and the best of
it will ,be used to repair those portions
which will not be fully Improved .this
The Gresham and Troutdale road dis
tricts are in good condition and do not
need so much Improvement, but they will
be given some attention, nevertheless.
The road leading south from Troutdale
will be graveled In places and other roads
in that district will be improved.
A new road is being opened for a
distance of about three miles from the
Clackamas County line northward a mile
east of Orient. It will not. be fully im
proved this year.
In Supervisor Kenney's districts, which
includes Gresham, the roads are being
put in thorough repair and some new
ones opened.
After the rock-crusher is done at Linne
man Junction it will probably be moved
to the gravel pit at Sycamore and the
work continued on other roads.
Mount Scott Club Plans Series of
Public Meetings.
The Mount Scott Annexation Club has
prepared a programme for the month
before June election, when the question
whether that district will be annexed to
Portland will be settled at the polls. On
the following dates and places public
meetings will be held in the interest of
annexation: Tuesday night. May 6. in
Woodmere hall; Wednesday night. May.
13, at Arleta in Arleta Pharmacy hall;
Tuesday night. May 19, at Woodstock in
Woodstock hall: Wednesday, May 27. in
Arleta hall; Saturday night. May 30, at
Nashville, in the Nashville hall.
At all these meetings speakers will be
present to address the people and set
forth the advantages of annexation. They
will be prepared to answer questions. The
Mount Scott Annexation Club "will also
issue annexation literature for the in
formation of voters. There are four sec
tions in the territory it is proposed to an
nex and the population, is estimated at ' '
Olympla Malt Extract, good for grand
ma or baby. Only 15-100 of 1 per cent
alcohol. Phones: Main 71, A 2487.
Try to come to- ns during the early hours of the day. We know just as well as you do that it is impossible to wait
on everybody promptly during the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. In justice to yourself and to us, try.
to come at an earlier hour.
We bare nothing; whatever to do with that market on the corner whose door is very close to our door. See that Smith's
name Is over the door and then c-ome tn.
Fancy Spring Lamb Hindquar
ters ... .20
Fancy. Spring Lamb Frontquar
ters ...... .12y2 and 15
Veal Sausage, Smith's extra
choice, 2 lbs .25
Hanfburg Steak, fresh every
hour 10
Shoulder Beefsteak, tender. .... .8
Sirloin Steak, best In town. .ISVj-?
Beef for .boiling, braising, stew
ing and cooking en casserole,
the most nutritions and satisfy
ing and at the same time the
cheapest meat to be found, per
lb .5 and 6
Pot Roasts of Beef.- 7 and 8t
' v .'....( .... . .
Bound Beefsteaf 10
Smith's Fork Sausage, made
fresh every hour and guaran
teed to be free of cereals, flour,
or any other foreign substance ;
per lb. 12y2
Shoulder Roast Pork..lOS 12y2t
Shoulder Fork Chops ...12Va
Loin Pork Chops 15
Pickled Pork 12y2
Fresh Side Pork... . 12V2
Roasts of Veal 10t and 12V2
Breasts of Veal .10
Veal Stew.. ...:.8 and 10
Veal Stew is a penuine delicacy in
the hands of a good cook.
Shoulder Veal Cutlets 12V2
Loin Veal Cutlets They taste
like Chicken 15
Legs of Young Mutton 15
Loin Mutton Chops 15
Shoulder Roast Mutton 10 S 12Vz
Smith's Lard has been tested by
Portland chemists and found to
be superior to any other lard
put up in this city and far
. ahead of any Eastern Lard.
Smith's Lard, 5-lb. paU 60
Smith's Own Breakfast Bacon,
per lb 17Vit
Hams or one-half ham .15
Fine fancy, fresh Oregon Chick
ens 20d
Chinook Salmon 15
Steelhead Salmon 10
Salmon TrouV 20
Sturgeon 15d
Halibut .V........ lOd
Striped Bass .... 15
Shad C
Herring 8
(Perch .... 8
Sole lOd
Flounder 8
Red Snapper ; 10
Black Cod 12V2
Cat Fish 15
Black Bass ,25
Croppies . . . ; ; 15
Crabs, 2 for 25
Razor Clams, 2 dozen ...25
Hard Shell Clams, 6 lbs for 25
Shrimps :...15
Oysters, pint 30 $