16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. MAY 1, 190S. FOR 8ALF. FARMS. 60 ACRES. 30 Improved. 15 acres beaverdam; family orchard, large house, nillkhouse: 1 mile from Aurora Railroad, switch In front of place: crei-k on west aide. Bee J.NO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 122(i 8th BU 813 ACRES of fine river bottom land; 50 acres In cultivation. 40 acres slashed and seeded to mixed grasses, 40 acres of fine timber; the balance of the land to timber and pasture land; also 11 acres of land on higher ground, with a good new 8-room house, large barn and all necessary out buildings; nice family orchard; this prop erty Is 4 miles from a good Yamhill County town. I will sell both tracts to gether for 36 per acre; will give terms if desired. For further Information see Tur ner. 415-16 Rothchlld bWg. A SPLENDID BUY. On the west bank of the Willamette River, 42 acres. 25 acres under culti vation and In crop, which Is included in the sale; has old house, new barn, boat landing on place; only one mile from railway station; price 3250; 1750. bal ance 4 years at i ier cent. It Is the cheapest flece of land on the river. OTTO & HARKSON. First Street. FOR SAi,E 0 acres. lVi miles from Hllls boro, Or., perfr-ctly level, best black loam soil, all ckareil and In crop, electric line survey on adjoining 40; 200 assorted trees 4 years old, berries, shrubs, etc; 6-roora frame houAe. painted white, well on porch. 2 good barns. 2 new chicken-houses; a fine place. For price and terms address J. A. Troeh, Vancouver, "Wash. NO FROST There Is no frost in the "Good noc Hills fruit land." While other sec tions were In the grasp of the Frost King the "Ooodnoe Hills fruit land," home of the apricot. peach. almond and grape, knew nothing but sunshine; no late Spring or early Fall frosts in this favored section. T.et me tell you about It. U C. Stone, 412 Commercial bldg. TWO creek bottom ranches. Improved, good as Tillamook-, beet. 160 and SS0 acrs. 20 head of stock, goes with one, convenient, terms, fine hunting and fishing, good mar kets: one 80 close, no better sold for $2000: price of these. 2250 and 20. O. Mld dlekauff. Yaqulna, Lincoln County. Or. FOR SILB 320 acres, 15 miles from L.yle, all under fence: 100 acres cultivated, bal ance light timber, but good land; 5-room house, bam. well and spring on place; pri. e 25HO; 16ti0 cash, balance terms. G-o. Snider. Lyle. 'Wash., or R. A. Snider. 319 Abington bldg., Portland. J4rW) BUYS one acre, all of which Is set to bearing assorted fruit trees;, also a.l kinds of small fruit; this place has a good H-room house. Just finished. It Is situ ated about two blocks and a half from carllne. near Kenllworth. on the Waverly Woodstock line. Y 847. Oregonlan. ABOUT lOO acres ready for fruit of all kinds: 30 miles out, 14 mile to O. IV. P. station: would like several Join me and buy; cut r- Into 10-acre tracts; big swing in this co-operation; half cash, your own terms on balance. S. 6!6. Oregonlan. 6UNSH1NE. blue skies, orange groves and alfalfa. Orland, Cal., Is booming. Govern ment Irrlgration works and cheap land. Well settled region with modern convenience and fine climate. W. W. PAYNE. Agt., 1210 "William, ave. Both phones. : FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. PERSONS looking for a timber investment, either in a small or large way, can secure the best opportunity that I or any one else has ever had to offer in that line; this may seem like a broad statement, but call and I will verify it. GEO. W. DOUGLASS. 318 Worcester bldg., Portland, Or. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 10 acres on Nestucca Klver in Tillamook County. mile from town of Beaver. 16 miles from Tillamook City; good road; ' part farming land und part second growth timber; S250. Ralph Ackley, 603 Corbett Bldg. Phoue Main 7141. IF vou have a few thousand dollars and wish to Invest It in timber you can Join us in an excellent buy near Columbia River; we have options on large tract and are ready to close deal. See me for particulars. C. C. Shay, 306 Abington bldg. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENT. Ten million feet: good cabin. near county road, postoffico and store; located In best tract of timber on Pacific Coast. Price $1SO0. A. W. Nelson & Co., Lafay ette bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington sts. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. I AM rrepared to locate settlers on railroad claims cruising from 6.000,000 to 12.000.000 feet, with assurance that you will get the land; the rush Is on; see me at once. C. A. Duncan, room 19, 310'a First st. Phone Pacirlu 1250. tWB ar constantly acquiring fine tracts of timber for sale and are headquarters for lumber enterxrlBes of all kinds. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher. . 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 11,000,000 FEET choice yellow fir; 320 acres deeded land; fine mill site or can float lofcs right to Portland; land valuable for farming. For wale by owner, 3otj Abing ton bldg.. Portland. Or. TO TIMBER BUYERS ONLY Have 40 sections finest -cedar in B. C. ideal situ ation, guarantee 50,000 feet per acre. See me today, Portland Hotel. A. T. Framp ton. Victoria, B. C. WE have the best locations for timber re linquishments that can be found in city; claims from 3 million to 10 million, at right prices. Room 511. Corbett. PERSONS Interested In timber Investments read advertisement In this issue. North western Exploration & Development Co., 318 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment. East em Oregon; 8 acres hay, house, barn, run ning water; price $100. J. W. Amund son. Sumpter, Or. OWNER wants partner In mill proposition; right man can secure excellent invest ment. C. C. Shay. 306 Abington bldg. CHOICE homesteads In Oregon: we locate you. Silver Lake Land Co.. 721 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. , FOVR timber claims close to Portland. 7 homesteads left, get busy If you want one. 211 Alisky bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. Government locations. 827 Worcester blk. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5 or 6-room house, full lot. north of East Morrison and west of 2Mh St.; good neighborhood; for cash. F. FUCHS. 321 Tilorrison St. TO EXCHANGE As first payment on subur ban home, team fob rosses, weight 1200 each, wagon and harness. Evans & Evane, 253 '-i Wach. St. WANTED Ons or two choice corner lots on West Side or within five blocks of Steel bridge, on . East Side, at once. G SS0, Oregonlan. BUSINESS location wanted by local mnfr., bet. Burnside and Yamhill, east of 10th; slate price and location. XN. Oregonlan. 5 TO fl-room modern house, bungalow pr fetred: name lowest for cash. K 806; Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. I WANT several good H. E. and T. E. re linquishments; customers waiting; will pay cash. John T. Graham, 1016 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1S71. WANTED Bargain in timber lands, single quarters up to 10OO arres. O 788. Oregonlan. WANTED to buy or rent circular sawmill and timber. P 882. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS wanted, a J. McCracken, 804 McKay bldg. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining practice. D. N. Clark, Any.. Washington. D. C. TO EXCHANGE. OWNER will trade gilt-edged 6 per cent $6000 mortgage for income bearing city property, also $25O0 city home for im proved acreage on new West Side car lines. L 8V0. Oregonlan. IF you want to exchange a house, lot, farm or business for anything efase. sea ua 325 Lumber Exchange. IF YOU want to buy, sell or trade. Be Stevenson Taylor. 311 Buchanan, 2S0H Washington. 20 ACRES good apple land, 3 mile fronv Jlosler; will sell or trade. 31S Alisky bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 7-ROOM house, modern, lot 80 by 118. good barn, shade trees, near school, in Baker City; will sell or trade for property in Portland: value $5000. Surety Investment Co.. 627 Corbett block, 5th and Morrison. $1000 NOTE, payable $100 per year; $S00 note, payable $20 monthly; $500 note, payable . $15 monthly. For city or suburban prop erty; give full descriptioD of your prop erty. S 860. Oregonian. WELL Improved 40-acre farm adjoining goodt R. R. town In Clark Co., Wash.; $150H worth of personal property Included; trade $4000 equity for residence property. Brace.1 268 Stark St.. room 32. TO EXCHANGE Well-established general store in one of the best towns In Oregon; worth about $16,000. What have you? Ad dress R 7l6, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE As first payment on subur ban home, team of horses, weight VJOO each, wagon and harness. Evans & Evans, 253 "j Wash. at. I WILL exchange oome unimproved apple land in the Hood River Valley for part cash snd a residence on the East Side. Y 842, Oregonlan. WILL exchange a good investment, first mortgage, 6 per cent, gold bonds for fruit farm or city vacant land. Call 320 Cor bett bldg. A MODERN 6-room cottage at St. John. 3 blocks P. O. ; $300 cash, balance easy terms, or will trade. N 862, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to. exchange In acreage or suburban lots for ftno complete movlng plcture outfit. T X 84. Oregonjan. MODERN house to exchange for vacant lots. L. Ainsworth Smith. 411 Buchanan, bldg., 286 y, Washington st. 8-ROOM house, new; full lot, for small farm. 630 Lumber Exchange. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg. . FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE Several good, cheap horses, from $75 to $125, all good workers; .also bakery, delivery, furniture and farm wagons. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 72. FOR SALE Four-spring hack, $30: a light berry wagon, $25. good as new. Call Nickum Station, opposite Wlllsburg School. 85 HORSES, farm and grocery wagota, ho tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to clow out. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th St. STANDARD and registered road horse, by MeKlnney: city broke, stylish and speedy. Phone East 446. FOR SALE One new Studebaker 2-yard dump wagon. Apply 310 Davis St. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 2U4 Montgomery. BAY mare, trotter, by Reeller; $200 cash. 488 Columbia et. Phone Main 1050. HORSES bought and sold at the Nobby Stabl.ee. 12th and Flanders. HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly, Overland Stables. 5th and Gltsan. FOR SALE Team black horses, weight about 1800. Apply 310 Davis. HORSES, mares, rigs, harness of all kinds for sale. 26 N. 15th st. HORSES broke to ride at the Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. HORSES clipped at the Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. Automobiles). WANTED A second-hand, two-seated auto mobile; must be In first-class condition; give full particulars; lowest cash price, etc. Y 830, Oregonlan. Piano. $1500 STE1NWAY concert grand piano. $050! take upright part payment. 017 Tourney bldg. Pacific 244. WANTED To rent grand piano; give It best of care. 625 Marshall. PHone A 4030. FOR RENT Piano, Hallett & Davis, In good condition. 402 Morrison, cor. 13th. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. BEST dry 4-foot fir wood, cut out of large green timber, over one year -sow since cut, delivered to your residence for $5.25 per trord and over 4 cords at $5 per cord. This wood must be sold at once, as It Is on the Jefferson-st. dock and the water will be over the dock by June 1. There is only 250 cords and first come, first served. Kirk Hoover. Phone Pacific 2506, Home phone A 12S4. GENUINE GENUINE GENUINE GK.NUiNR GENUINE GENUINE COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL TAR. TAR. TAR. TA It, TAR. TAR. BARRET BARREL. BARRET BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. St. GENUINE CO A I TAR. J. SIMON & BRO.. 244, 240, 250 Front FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prlcea Brunswlck-alke-sYllender. 4 Third at. GENUINE COAL TAR, GENUINE (X3AL TAR. GENUINE COAL TAR, GENUINE COAL TAR, GENUINE COAL TAR. GENUINE COAL TAR, GENUINE COAL TAR. 11 $4 $4 $4 $4 BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. BARREL. St. J. SIMON & BRO., 244, 240, 250 Front GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15 H. P. 4-cy Under engine, brass finishings, quartersawed oak decks, complete, with boathouse. W. 703. Oregonlan. GENTINB (tKN'TINB GBSriXB GENUINE, HKNUINB (ilC.N'I'INR GENUINE COAL TAR. $4 COAL TAR, $4 COAL TAR. $4 COAL TAR. $4 COAL TAR. $4 COAL TAR. $4 COAL TAR. $4 BARRETL. BARREL, BAR RBI BARREL. rtARRETL. BARRK1 BAJ1RKL. St. J. SIMON & BRO., 244, 241, 250 Front CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically new, $1 per roll. J.SIMON & BRO.. 244-243-250 Front St. SPECIAL sale of all kinds of second-hand sewing machines this week; splendid values; White Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washing ton, cor. 11th. H. D. Jones, Prop. GKNUINB COAL TAR. $4 BARREH GENUINE! COAL TAR, $4 BARREL. GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL. . GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL. GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL. GENUINE COAL TAR, 44 BARREL. GENUINE COAL TAR, $4 BARREL. J. SIMON &. BRO., 444, 240. 200 Front. St. Main 6874 Stove doctor Wo make A 2327 sick stove well, do expert stove repairing, stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt ps-per, practically new, $1 per roll. J.SIMON & BRO., 244-246-250 Front St. OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 313 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically new, $1 per roll. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-246-250 Front St. WHAT have you to exchange in acreage or suburban lots for fine- compete moving picture outfit ? N 804. Oregonlan. CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION. 1000 rolls deadening felt paper, practically new, $1 per roll. J.SIMON A BRO., 244-246-250 Front St. YAMATO WOOD YARD. We have- the most reasonable wood for you. Phone Bast 818. B 1867. E. 6th and Main. BUN BOON HUIE. matting. Chlnawaro. silks, tea, rattan chair sale; prices low. 171-168 2d st. Japanese Roods. $750 Peerless piano; $225 Jacob Doll piano; sacrifice for cash; easy terms. F 844, Ore gonlan. ROLL-TOP office desk and chair, good as new; price $30. Address S 867, Orego nlan. FOR SALE? New $375 Nationai Cash Reg ister; will take $275 on terms. F 845. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE At a bargain, typewriter, in first-class condition. . Call 320 Corbett bldg. TWO well built boats. 14 and 16 feet; suit able for small engines, y 852. Oregonlan. Moving-picture Exchange Machine, sup plies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st. FURNITURE or upholstering In exchange for tailor-made suit. Call up Main 8106. FOR SALE A scholarship in Behkne-Walker Business College. C 814. Oregonla. FOR SALE Oood second-band apple boxes. Grocery, Hassalo st. and Grand ave. FOR SALE! 20 h. p. gas engine; can be seen by applying at 10 Davis at. rOB 6 AUK. HI TWO office rooms in Swetland bldg., with first-clace furnishings, for sale. Long A Chamberlain, 611-12 Swetland bids. FOR SALE Nice gentle family milch cow. OA South ave-, Sellwood line. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED COURTNEY'S. Cloak and suit .salesman, $80. Cracker ealesman. $100. Shoe salesman, $75. Paper salesman, $1800. Paper salesman, city, $1200. Office manager, executive, $2000. i And many other positions. We find we are unable to fill more than 50 per cent of the openings listed with us. Ttwing to the lack of competent men. If you are looking for a position, call. COURTNEY'S. 402, 403, 404, 405 Swetland bldg. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber rade in eight weeks; help to .secure positions; graduates earn from $16 to $25 weekly; expert instructor, tools free; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portland, Or. LAUNDRY help wanted; experienced washer, . capable of handling boiler and three washers In plant running $250 to $300 per week. For further Information address the un dersigned, giving experience and sending references; steady work and good pay. Trosser Steam Laundry, Proseer, Wash. REAL ESTATE man wants partner to show land and business opportunities; am alone; must have somebody at once; can make $175 to $250; no experience required, and very little cash. Particulars Multnomah Investment &. Realty Co., 3o6& Washing ton st.. room 14. WANTED Two graders behind planers; one wood turner and band sawyer; one ma chine man, sash door department; one cutoff man sash door department; one bench band sash door department. Piitock A Leadbeiter Lumber Co., Van couver, Wash. ; NOTICK. "We want a large number of mlllhands, loggers, farmhands, teamsters, boys, etc.; going Kafm paid. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. ' 12 North 3d St. Both Phones. KEEP your Job, double your wages; sell our monthly payment sickness and acci dent policies on the side; experience un necessary; others do this; you can; write. North American Accident Co.. Epler Block, Seattle.. District agents wanted. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department. . 26 North Second St. Phones. Main and A 1526. Help Free to Employers. PHYSICIAN WANTED. Capable registered man as assistant In advertising practice; permanent position at fair salary open for right man. For Interview address Box B 844, Oregonlan. WANTED Tea and coffee agent; must have experience and be adapted to the business; splendid premium Inducements ; good pay to right party; reference required. Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st. WANTED Wide-awake and reliable sales men; liberal terms; excellent territory; out fit furnished free; a good opening-. For par ticulars address with references, Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. WANTED 20 first-class tinners and) cornice makers at once; $4.50 for 8 hours; open shop. Address F. J. Love, secretary Mas ter Sheet Metal Workers' Association, S. 171 Monroe st., Spokane, Wash. WANTED An architectural draftsman. Make application In writing, stating ex perience, references, salary expected and phone or address. Address Y 857. care Oregonlan. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing and bricklaying; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School. 230-240 8th st., San Francisco. WANTED Two real estate salesmen, famil iar with the sale of farms; must be hust lers in real estate: salary and commission; references required. Call 320-327 Corbett bldg. LEARN watchmaking, engraving; and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. FLOORM AN. Wanted A thoroughly reliable, expe rienced and competent man. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. ADVERTISING representatives everywhere; secure advertising; three publications; cash commissions. Address Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg., Portland. I WANT 5 a first-class young business man to take Int. in established brokerage busd ne.ra; must come well recommended; little money required. E 869, Orgouian. WANTED An expert ditcher, familiar with tile draining of springy and wet lands. Apply, giving experience and terms, to L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Or. MAN to work In private family, take care of lawn and make himself generally useful ; m up t understand care of horses. Apply northeast cor. 1st and Ankeny. WANTED Honest partner who has $500, as cashier for motion picture theater; fine proK6itfon ; no curiosity-seekers wanted. Call 293 Burnslde. Newman. WANTED High-grade grocery solicitor, one with established Albina route preferred; state experience and salary expected. K 870, Oregonian. MEN wanted to put money in gilt-edge, legitimate business, just starting In city; substantial income guaranteed. B 835, Oitegonian. WANTED A live, wide-awake Western rep resentative by Eastern manufacturing com pany; must have A-l credentials. B 846, Oregonian. WANTED Window-dreer, card-writer, $1200; general merchandise salesman, $1200. 'ommercial Abstract Co., 4oS Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Salesman with, experience. D. M. AVERILL COMPANY,. 102 North 5th St., Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED meat cutter, understands wai t in g upon trade. F. P. Shaughnessy, Archer Place. Mt. Scott car. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. For Men 2-50 Burnsid'e Street. Phone Main 5694. WANTED Teams to haul wood. For par ticulars Inquire of Randies & Kinsey, Sylvan. Or. Phone Pacific 3024. FURNITURE. Queenfiware and crockery salesman ; dry goods salefnnan ; country. P. A. & C. Co., 323 Wash. st. WANTED First-class vestmaker at J. Pollv ka & Co., 206 Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor rison sts. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL, 630 Wcester block. Is In session all the year. Enter at any time. CLOTHING SALESMAN Thoroughly ex perienced. Lion Clothing Co., 166-163 Third st. WANTED Boy with some experience In bakeshop. Apply Sunnyside Bakery, 1004 Belmont. EXPERIENCED sporting goods man want ed. Apply 246 Washington st., after 10 A. M. FIR&T-CLASS hameesmaker for country shop. Address H. S. Fender, Preeoott Wash. WANTED Good house carpenter. Call 9 to 11 A. M., Nortonia Hotel, 11th and Stark. 80BQR cabinetmaker and upholsterer; all around man, with tools. 127 11th st. GOOD coat maker wanted at once; steady work. R, J. Brickman, Olympia, Wash. WA NTED Experienced porter ; reference. Nortonia Hotel, 11th and Washington. BOY 16 or 18, work in grocery store; must come with parents. 608 Union ave. A DENTIST to go In with doctor, on East Side. Inquire Phone East 4113. FIRST-CLASS carpenters - wanted. Ross and Broadway sts. Green, W A NTED-tA boy to wash dishes and help in kitchen. 225 1Kb st. FI RST -CIASS vest m ak ers wan ted. K. 8. Ervln & Co., Ltd., city. FIRST-CLASS coatmakers wanted. K. S. Ervln & Co., Ltd., city. COAT MAKER wanted $9.50 up. Andrews & Berry. La Grande, Or. WANTED An allround laundryman. 387 East Davis. BA RBER First-class, wanted; steady job. 260 1M st. WANTED A presser. Call at once. 231 Alder st. WANTED A bushelman. Unique ' Tailoring Co. BARBER -wanted Saturday. 250 1st st HELP WANTED MALE. STOCK SALESMEN If $100 weekly commis sion is any Inducement to you, see us at once. Cardiff Coal & Coke Co., 04 Sixth street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require saleswomen for lining . and glove depart ments. Apply to Mr. Moyer. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. Thoroughly experienced and competent, wanted at once. Apply to OLDS, WORTMAN" & KING. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Wash. st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones. Main and A 2W2. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED In small family, a thoroughly good general housework girl; must be good cook; good pay to mich a one. Answer with references, M 857, Oregonian. MILLINERY TRIMMER; thoroughly ex perienced with high-class trade; good sal ary; permanent position if competent. Fraley's, 214 3d. WANTED Experienced fitter on suits and Jackets; a permanency tor good hand. Lit tle Kost Cloak & Suit House, 290 Morrison RESTAURANT cook; short order cook; chambermaid, housekeeper; , woman, -washing, cleaning; waitress. Main 5413. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. FINE opportunity for young lady to learn beauty parlor work in the best parlors in the city. Frakes, 400 Wash. st. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies' Department. 205 '-j Morrison St. Phones Main 1062 A 1406. WANTED Conscientious, energetic woman for responsible position; chance for ad vancement. P 869. Oregonian. ST. LOUIS AGENCY, 230 Yamhill; general workers, cooks, housekeepers, waitresses, chambermaids. Main 5413. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington st.. comer 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED A middle aged lady for light housekeeping; good home, good wages. Apply 628 4th. cor. Sheridan. GIRLS 36 years and over, to work In fac tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harris-NevIUe Co., 5th and Davis sts. WANTED Ebrperienced girl for 2d work; small family. 1085 Thurman St., cor. 32. Call bet. 1 and 2 P. M. WANTED Experienced girl for general . housework; no children. 260 Grand ave., cor. Multnomah. GIRL During daytime, light housework; family 3; sleep home; good wages. Call lower flat, 125 17th North. NEAT, reliable girL general housework, small family. Call 607 E. Taylor. Phona E 1028. WANTED Experienced millinery saleslady; nothing but the beet. Frakes, 400 Wash. st. GIRL for general housework in small family. Call between 10 and 3, 107 North 16th st. GIRL General housework; good plain cook for two; 6-room flat: $25. 721 Kearney. A GIRL wanted for general housework. In quire 641 6th from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; no .children; call at once. 250 N. 19th. GIRL for light housework, good home. $15 per month. Inquire 178 East 14th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, family of 3; wages $25. 723 Kearney. WANTED First-class ladles tailor or tailor ess; aiso errand girl. 606 Marquam. WANTED Woman to do repair work in tailor shop. Unique Tailoring Co. WANTED Experienced alteration hands. Apply at the Annex, 5th and Alder. OPERATORS and finishers on pants; steady work; good pay. 88 3d, room lO. PRIVATE lessons in bookkeeping; terms $4 per month. Pacific 948 and A 4048. WANTED A girl for housework; small fam ily; good home. 570 East Madison. WANTED Experienced 'girl to run body ironer. Apply Star Laundry Co. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 734 Main st., between King and Ford. WEST SIDE EMPJOYMENT OFFICE, 133 5th. cor. Alder.. Phone Main 2104. GIRL for general housework; family of three. Apply morning, 734) Overton st. WANTED Experienced waitress. Call 427 Washington. C. F. Girard. WANTED Experienced talloress. the tailor, 008 Third st. Nicoll, WOMAN for general housework, family of three. Phone Main 3982. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of 3. 275 6th st. , GIRL for general housework in family of two. 712 East Taylor. GIRL for general housework, 692 Schuyler st. Phone East 3445. GIRL for general housework. 398 San Rafael fit. Phone East 1103. WANTED A competent nurse girl. 6S7 Davis, near 21st. GIRLS wanted.- Aj-ply 246 Washington st., after 10 A. M. WANTED Girl to do lig"nt housework. Call 294 Caruthers. EXPERIENCED girl wrapper at Rosenthal's Shoe Store. GIRL wanted, novelty work. 107 6th, room 3. TWO lady barbers wanted at once. 12 N. 4th st. WANTED Allround laundress. 3S7 East Davis. GIRL for general housework. 496 Albina ave. SKIRT help wanted. 415 Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WE can use experienced real estate sales man, man or woman; prefer one acquainted with subdivision work. Rolling & Co.. real estate agents, end Montavilla carl in e. UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND writes letters the flnst week ; In three moniB we place you in position. Eclectic Business Uni versity, Worcester block. WOODCHOPPERS. $1.25 fcity), women cooks, waitresses, chamber, family help, city, springs. "Drake's," 205 Wash ington. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man of good habits, general knowl edge of office work, desires position with wholesale firm; moderate salary. H 839, Oregonian. YOUNG man experienced in office work de sires position as shipping clerk; moderate salary to start. Address A 848, Orego nian. YOUNG man experienced in office work de sires position as shipping clerk; moderate salary to start. Address A 84S. Orego nlan. WANTED Situation by a man competent to systematize accounts and take full charge of office force; married. Phone Pacific 744. WANTED Temporary or permanently, po sition by competent accountant, first-class references; married. E 868, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and general of fice man desires position. Would go out of town ; references. N 859, Oregonian. BOOKS kept, systems introduced, account ing in all branches. Reasonable charges. William Stirling. 407 McKay bldg. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer, bookkeeper, best rferfnces. desires position, city country. Y 844, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 20 years of age. would like position in office; can furnish references. P 833. Oregonian. YOUNG German wants position as assistant bookkeeper: references and experience. G 881. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced book- I keeper; married. Phone Pacino 744 SITUATION WASTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. I WANT a-position; am 30, have business experience, real estate, fire insurance, bookkeeping, office work, operate type writer: executive ability; Integrity; will leave Portland. S 856. Oregonian. STRICTLY lst-class office man, thoroughly familiar with all office work, very ener getic, rapid and accurate, desires position; salary moderate. Address Y 839, Orego nlan. POSITION as clerk in mine or ranch com missary or general store; able-bodied, re liable and good at figures; experienced; ref- " exencesL H 845. Oregonian. COMPETENT accountant, with good ref erences, would like several small sets of books to keep. Address Accountant, 1244 EL Madison st. POSITION as bookkeeper, in or out of city; quick, accurate, reliable; lo years' . New York experience; flrst-class references. H 846. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. railroad experience, thoroughly competent and reliable; age 23, desires position; references. B Si.3, Oregonian. BOOKS opened and closed ; terms reason able.. Address care P. O. Box 53. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT gardener. 28 years experi ence, understands budding, grafting trees, landscape, flower and vegetables; private place preferred. Best references. 330 Davis st.. room 4. Portland, Or. GOOD Japanese couple wish position, man for cooking and wife for second girl; both speak English.- Phone Pacific 2148. 121 Japanese Mission, North 15th et. YOUNG man 30 years of age. painter by trade, handy with tools, wants position ' where attention to duty will insure steady work. N S5S. Oregonian. JAPANESE wishes lo secure a position w here he can learn cook i n g : boa rd i n g house or bakery preferred; wages reason able. M 856. Oregonian. JAPANESE couple want position as first class cook and good second work in pri vate family or hotel, city or country. S 854. Oregonian. MAN wants management of ranch or care of country home; wife cook for help; good with stock and fruit; highest reference. Q 870, Oregonian. ( WANTED, SITUATION Man wants to take cars of yard, horse and work around house; references. Y 858, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy of 21 years wants position to get experience in agriculture or cattle breeding. K 865. Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman by man of experience; best of references. Phone Woodlawn 1228. A FIRST-CLASS barber wants a good job In city or country. Address N. P. Linzza, A 851, Oregonian. BOY, IS years, just cut of business college, wants work, city or country. Answer A 844, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night watchman by married man; steady and sober. B 847, Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants situation: experienced pantry, bakery, cooking. 444 Wash. at. Pa cific 2452. NICE Japanese boy wants position at house work in private family. N 863, Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Office, male and female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521. HON EST Japanese boy wants position, cook or housework. Phone Pacific 1 1S2. JAPANESE Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A JAPANESE boy wants a position as a schoolboy. S 835, Oregonlan. TWO. Japanese, honest boys, want work as farmers. K 872, Oregonlan. EAST SIDE people desiring their lawns, cut phone East 1992. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenographer, 2 years' ex perience, desires position ; moderate salary ; best references. Main 505. before 4. FOR a good stenographer, experienced or be ginner, phone Clerical Office, Main 4504. Tested and certified. EXPERT woman bookkeeper desires position. Y 846, Oregonian. Dressmakers. ART LA MODE. Street suits, riding habits, novelty skirts, traveling and opera cloaks, gowns. Phones A 5326. Main 3378. 181 6th, opposite Hotel Portland. MME. TUTTLE, modiste; tailored suits, evening gowns a specialty. 489 Wash ington st A 3S97. PHONE MAIN S277 for dressmaker. Resi dence 402 Clay. UP-TO-DATE, dressmaking at 255 6th St. ; prices reasonable. U ouse Keepers. LADY would like position as bousekeepeer for widower; no objection to one or two children. M 858, Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse would like to care for elderly lady or semi invalid; prices rea- sonable. Address S 858, Oregonian. Domestics. WANTED General housework In small fam ily; plain cooking only; wages $25. S 8tl, Oregonian. GIRL would like to do housework. Call at 365 2l3t st. N. Miscellaneous. LA DY wants work from 9 to 4 ; chamber work or to take care of children or in valids; go home nights. N 861, Ore gonlan. TWO college girls wish to work for room and board in one home. Call or address at the Y. W. C. A., 312 Oak st. HOME LAUNDERED lace curtains, done by experienced hand. Phone Tabor 834. Mrs. S. M. - Scott. CAMP cook; two waitresses, camp or hotel; capable woman, general work; old couple. Main 5413. WANTED A place for girl 14 years old; object good home. S 847, care Oregonian. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 73 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694. EXPERIENCED colored woman wishes work by the day. Phone Main 2616. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If so, we nesd you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. "Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. SALESMEN Can give a few good salesmen a contract whereby you can make from $100 to $200 per week; exclusive territory; no competition. 410 Corbett bldg. AGENTS to sell a good line of skirts, waists, underskirts, on easy payments; good money for a hustler. J. D. Sherman, 262 3d. AGENTS make 200 per cent selling household article; low introductory price; quick sales. 600 Dekum. r WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Immediately, by gentleman and. wife, nicely furnished 7 or 8-rooin modern houe for six months or longer. In Irving ton or Holladay. Phone Pacific 114. LADY wants a furnished room In Sunny side, near 34th and Belmont. Inquire 1U13 Belmont or phone East 4420. WANTED To rent, house with not less than 6 bedrooms; Holladay or Irvlngton Addi tion preferred. Phone East 76. WANTED Room and board for married couple, with infant child; private family preferred. S 848, Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, or furnished cottage, East Side. G 883. Oregonian. 4 OR 5-room cottage or bungalow, new, per manent, young couple, $20. S 852, Ore gonlan. . COUPLE want room and board; will pay for flrst-olaes; good references. G S-84, Ore gonian. CHICKEN ranch, 5 acres, near good town. S. Prevost, general delivery, Portland, Or. WANTED To rent house or Oat. Y 5 ( 45, r 6-room furnished Oregonlan, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Stylish, gentle driving horse, un der S years; must be sound and city broke; weight 1100 to 1250 lbs; also good canopy top rubber-tire surrey and harness; state prices. S 871, Oregonian. WB FAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main 6655. A 412L WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and hoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal.' 62 N. Sd at. phone pacific 1722. FARMER, aged 45. would like to handle team on farm this year to get acquainted with Oregon farming methods. Address M 862, Oregonian. WANTED Timber for cordwood, near Oregon water power line. Address Geo. K. Kunltake, R. F. D. No. 6, Box 28, Gresham, Or. WE buy your household goods of every de scription The Dollar. 232 1st st.; we want your trade. Main 6374. A 2327. READY money paid for furniture: better prices than a dealer, phone East 5888. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Pbone East 1067. X PAY cash for household goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co., 045 1st. Pbone 3GO. WANTED Dressmaker to take room for plain sewing. Call 351 Morrison. WANTED Second-hand runabout, $300. Y S56. Oregonian. WANTED Second electric desk fan. 6111 Main. TOR RENT. Rooms. FURNISHED apartments, single or en suite, with heat, light, hot water, bath, both phones, and electric elevator service; de sirable; down-town location; reasonable; monthly rental. "M ILNER BLDG.." 350 Morrison St. DELIGHTFULLY bright room (with bay window), in modern flat, 8 blocks from Postofflce. 349 6th st. Furnished Rooms. ' THE MERCEDES. Elegantly furnished rooms ; heat, hot and cold running water, return call-bells in all rooms, free baths and both phones on each floor; strictly modern throughout; rates very reajonable. t THE MERCEDES, 1 20th and Washington. ONE outside elegantly furnished room, only $14; also front rooms, single or en suite, with hot and cold running water, heat, electric light, gas, return call bells, bath, both phones, free for all rooms, easy walking distance, convenient to Washing ton st. carllne. The Del Monte. 20th, near Washington st. FURNISHED apartments, single or en suite, with heat, light, hot water, bath, both phones, and electric elevator service; de sirable; down-town location; reasonable monthly rental. "M ILNER BLDG.' , 35o Morrison St. THE YAMHILL. Large. light and neatly furnished . rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold water, baths and phone; transient. $1; special rates by the week. Phone A 1356. 381 Yamhill St.. N. W. cor. West Park. GATOSO Grand ave.. East 8tark; new brick, thoroughly modern, every con venience, well furnished rooms, electric elevator, hot water baths; extremely rea sonable; also housekeeping suite. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash . In g ion sts Newly furnished throughout: new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water In every room. phone Main 7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms. HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en Buite; every modern convenience, $3 weekly up; dally 75c up; special monthly rates. Main 5647 THE WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark, S. W. cor. 6th et. Well furnished rooms, large and light, single or en suite; transient, 60c to $1: by week. $2 to $5. Pacific 1296. PACIFIC HOTEL. 1st and Columbia sts.; steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water in all rooms; 00c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 per week, phone A 1539. THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison sts., handsomely furnished bachelor rooms; every modern convenience; terms reasonable; only 6 blocks from Postofflce. MEMBERS of private home on 10th St., ab sent for the Summer, would rent furnished rooms; could arrange for housekeeping. Call 6vS Corbett bldg. FURNISHED rooms with private family; no children; large yard, within easy walk ing distance; board if wanted. 420 E. Davis st. 3 ROOMS in modern home for gentlemen who want cozy quarters close In. half block from Multnomah Club. 547 Yamhill. MAXWELL HA LL, 207 14th. ; beautiful light newly decorated rooms; hot water, all rooms; rates $2.50 up. Phone Main 1153. THE ANKENY, new management; rooms $2 week and up; newly remodeled ; transients 50c to $1. 319 Ankeny and 7th. A 1147. WEJL-FURN1SHED rooms in choice loca tion, beautiful surroundings. piazzas, walking distance: 655 Washington st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. TH B CADILLAC, 3d and Columbia ; newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy walking distance from center of city. LARGE furnished front romn : bath, gas and phone; alo one unfurnished room ; would board ladies. 14 Grand ave. N. F1Y h) rooms, ground floor. Jn cottage, com pletely furnished, close in ; lawn, flowers, fruit. Main 3255. 213 13TH, 2 nicely furnished rooms suitable . for 2 or more persons; modern convenience; reasonable. THORNTON'S HOTEL. 271 3d St.. newly furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week; transient. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board. 381) 19th st. North er Home Phone A 41 j6. NICELY furnished rooms, also housekeep ing; phone and bath. 95 11th st., corner Stark. NICELY furnished large front rooms; beauti ' ful grounds. 266 6th st., 4 blocks from post office. $10 QUIET room ; bright, clean : nse of piano: modern; private home. Main 7101. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; mod ern rooms, bath, 50c to $1 day, $2 to $4 wk. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison. HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th st., nice furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5 week; 50c to $1 night. ROOM, suitable for two; bath, gas and phone; $3 per week. 66 N. 14th st. 3 FURNISHED rooms; modern conven iences; close in. 143 11th. MODERN furnished rooms, with bath. 181 6th st. A 5326. ROOMS at 475 and 631 Morrison st. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED apartments, single or en suite, with heat. light, hot water, bath, both phones, and electric elevator service; dt-sirable, down-town location; reasonable monthly rental. "MILNBR BLDG." 35o Morrison St. Rooms With Board. THE SANTA CLARA Conveniently located,, large pleasant rooms, single or en suite; flrst-clabs table board; strictly home cook Ins: modernate rates. 25 10th. Main 386 2. NICELY furnished front rooms, with board; strictly home cooking; modern conveniences; walking distance; $tf per week. The Lindell, 209 Market. i VERY desirable furnished room, with board for one or two; home cooking. 470 Main street. LADY can have good borne for getting the meals for young lady. D 801 Oregonian. THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good board ; convenient. 553 Washington st. NICELY furnished rooms, with first-class board. The Stirling, 535 Couch. PLEASANT room for 2; seleet; private boarding-house; also board. 387 12th. FURNISHED rooms with, board. The Ozark, 236 11th sC FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. THE HOTEL HEYSER, East 3d and Burnslde sts., new and ab solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished rooms, single and en suite; elevator, hoi and cold water, steam beat and tele phone in each room. Grill in connection; special rates ta families. Phone East 17 1. ALEXANDRA COURT 53 Ella t., new and elegantly furnished single rooms and suites, with and without bath; hot and cold water in every room; first-class table. Take Washington-street car to Ella st. YOUNG man. If you want flrst-class room and board. $5.5 per week, all conven iences, nice yard and porch, also table board, $4 ier week, good home cooking, call at Aster House, 7th and Madison. THE HAZEL A home for young men; th best exclusive men's boarding-house in the city. Nice light rooms with ruunlng water. Good table. Reasonable rates. Phone Main 7O04. A 4157- 385 3d St. ELEGANTLY furnished room with board, in Nob II ill residence; fine view, all modern conveniences; suitable for two young men or young married couple. Address G 874, ca re Oregon ian. 333 12TH, cor. Market, room suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking distance; private residence; bath, gas. furnace, breakfasts and dinners served. Phone Main 3755. LARGE front room, private family, fireplace, two Built-in wardrobe. good location, brrakfast and dinner, suitable for two gentlemen, references. O So8, Oregonian. Portland Women's Union, 18th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mr. Ella Rawlings, Supt.. 510 Flanders at. A LA RG E, pleasant front room for 1 or 2; good home cooking; private; very reason able; -fine location. 252 N. 19th St., near Marshall. Pacific 2497. THE BARTON. Sunny outside rooms; steam beat, hot arri cold water; flrst-ciass table; most reasonable rates. 455 Alder. BLA K ELY II ALL, 300 Jefferson, between 5th and Otli, lovely roonif, Inrge. airy, with . first-class b'ard; running water, beautiful . grounds; center of city. A 5345. LARGE outside room, splendid view, newly anu elegantly furnished ; every convenience; family board; reasonable. 178 Ella, south of Washington. THE WALDORF One large front suite of rooms with board; also a few single rooms, suitable for gentlemen. 147 13lh tot. Main 2118, A 2118. NICELY furnished room, with board, in pri vate boarding-house, for I gentleman; strictly central. 2-5 West Park. Pac. 2Uii. FOR RENT Nicely furnished frrt room suitable for 2 men or man and wR; good board; phone and bath. 81 North 14th st. PLEASANT room with board in private house ; home privileges; reasonable. 6U0 E. Burnide. References required. WELL furnished room, with board; good hqme cooking, reasonable rates; employed people preferred. 442 Jefferson. PLEASANT room with board in private houee; homt privileges: reasonable. 690 E. Burnslde ; references required. 41 ELLA st. Room, with board, suitable for 2; one single room, home cooking; terms reasonable. ELEGANT front room, large, also nice small room, stylish, new house, walking dis tance. Main 2219. FRONT room, with board for two. walking distance ; reasonable. Phone Pacific 1460. 388 5th st. THE Colonial, corner 10th and Morrison, cosy, clean, comfortable, good table; low rates. Call and see. FRONT room with board; one or two gen tlemen: 10 minutes walk; like home. Pa cific 2831. 1 " T ' "' ' SELECT private boarding-house; modern con veniences; board optional. 452 Morrison. Apartments. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison, handsome 6-story pressed brick. Just completed ; four-room, reception hall and bath, residence apartments, possess ing every modern convenience. Including electric automatic elevator and tele phone exchange; hardwood floors through out; the maximum of convenience, ele gance and equipment at exceedingly rea sonable terms; location and surroundings unsurpassed. FURNITURE of cozy 3-room apartment iot sale, apartment for rent; party leaving city. Suite 3. Columbian Apartments, 11th and Columbia sts. THE SHEFFIELD Unfurnished 4-room apartment, with bath; new, modem and fully equipped for convenience; fine location saves carfare. Apply to janitor, 7th and Jefferson sts. THE CHETOPA. 18-Flanders at., modern 4 room apartment, unfurnished; city phones in each apartment free. Apply to C. I. Wheeler, with I. Gevurtz A. Son. THE WESTMINSTER, Madison and 6th sts , . up-to-date apartments, every modern con venience, reasonable rates, close in, only 6 blocks from Postofflce. THE Cadillac Hotel. 3d and Columbia; fine newly furnished apartments, single or en suite rooms ; phone, bath; furnished house keeping rooms. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS. 11th and Co lumbia; four-room apartments; all mod ern conveniences; excellent location; rea sonable rent. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, furntfure of four room apartment, or will rent furnished. See janitor Columbian Apartments, 11th and Columbia. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harriwn, un furnished apartment of 3 roomn and bath, with hII modern conveniences. Phone Main 5148. STEAM-HEATED apartments, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Mod ern. Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman sts. THE DAYTON. 000 Flanders, beautiful ti ro om residence apartment; modern con veniences; reasonable rent. Main 1221. MODERN, up-to-date unfurnished 5-room aivartmnt with' bath. gaR, electric light, etc. Phone Main 5603, A 1133. 8 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; all light. Apartment 35, Madison Park Apart ment House. NEWLY furnished apartments; rates rea sonable. 351 Stark st. Phone A S5S9. NEWLY furnished 5-room apartment. The Mordaunt, cor. 18th and Everett sts. BEAUTIFUL 5-room apartment for rent. 2o5 12th. "The Bralntree." jflats. FOR RENT 5-room modern fiat. 29 K. 8th st., near Burnslde. Keys at D. G. Woodward's office, 104 2d st. Rent $20. FOR RENT Upper flat, five rooms, bath, hot and cold water, cook stove; near car. 301 Fremont. I'hone Woodlawn 1502. STEAM-HEATED modern flat of 6 rooms to rent. Apply to the Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. NEAT lower 4-room flat, with awnings and basement; 672 Mississippi ave. ; $12; bath, gas. A HANDSOMELY furnished apartment for rent; lurniture for sale. Phone Main 3215. MODERN furnished and unfurniehed 4 and 5-room flats m Williams ave. Phone East 1719. 7-ROOM modern flat for rent; new furniture for sale; 4 rooms rented; rent $35. 351 6th. ONE flat, cor. 3oth and Belmont, $15 P'-r month. Inquire 747 Belmont, after 6 P. M. FOR RENT Modern. 4-room fiat, $16. I'hone C 1607. Inquire 2S Williams ave. 3-ROOM upper furnished flat with alcove; piano to rent if desired. 124 N. 19th. MODERN 6-room flat for rent; a snap; carpet for sale. Inquire 325 13th st. MODERN 5-room lower flat, vacant May 1. 35( Jackson st. Inquire 46 Park st. UPPER 0-room flat. 370 13th; cook-stove, furnace; rent. Call 455 Market st. 848 CORBETT. 5-room modern flat, $12.50. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d. TWO olrgant 6-room flats, steam-heated; Jani tor service. 305 llth-Columbla. FURNISHED flat for rent; electric lighta; close in. Inquire 271 7th st. A NEW modern 6-room fiat, $22. Inquire 300 Larrabee, cor. Halaej . 6-ROOM lower flat, residence section, parts blocks. Phone Pacific 1270. SIGHTLY modern 8-room fiat, close In. Call room 40, Washington bldg. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED' X-room Call forenoons, 2Z9 Hall st. flat.