Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 30, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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ractflc Ftatea:
( '"'int :n t F-n
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Vnin f'ditor ,
t-urAw. F11t'.r
j."lTir Room ........
I'ilv H'l-f
Fnr-r1r-fn'rt Hut Mir, .
KM tj Offio
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irvti to THKMrn .nth m w r""
( m ma!n; ton :arit
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IA K I.H TH STKR-iTMH between TaTti
hill an4 T Raker Tb'tW orr.pany
m ,1r!'li Hnlm ' Tonight al
flAH THKATKH (Park nd WaaMn.toit)
The Armnr.-ni MnK-l rnm'1y m
Pnv In h.-oi- h HiaM-aM" Tonight at
mat'i. Tuli), Saturday and sun
flay at 2.15 r M
LV K - TH KATKR 'fwfntJi AMt
Tl,. v-n k I'AHipany tn - from F.ra
to Kn TnniKht at KY Matinee Tufi
Thursday, hturdny and Bundly at
'2 10.
Mul'AM 1R AN')-1 Vrrlnn, btrren
h -h ai d 8--r.lh -rantacee continuous
MurtfUiif, 2 .to. 7.3 and ft I- M.
OHAM TH KATKR Washington. vtaen
Tark and heenth Continuous audevUia.
3. ,.'. :i0 and 9 P. M.
ondn'-e M-H'orkle adlrpM-. intril W.
t" T. t'. yesterday afternoon on "The
Young Woman and Her la." Hh tav
a very Inters sting talk on girl in gen
eral. nd their need In this city in pnr-i-mlar.
She spoke of the workers In the
varied Hum. and what being done for
thrm hy several organisation, and Rave
in detail the work of the Y. W. C. A.
Fhe told of the plana In regard to the
raw huHdiiiK now ifnlng up. and the dif
ferent department of work carried on
for the oun(f women. Mrs. Sarah North
rup wm Riven a reception and presented
with a beautiful irante; clock as a token
of the wiorm of her friends. Plana were
rliacuaaed for a float at the Rose Festi
val next June. Refreshments were served
t the rlosF of the exprt'i. AmonR the
jnenilw rs was one w ho wji warmly
gsrerted, having: been ahent ten years in
Aiaeka. Mrs. Mary Meade, associated
formerly with Mra. P. It. R'prs In the
late work. N xt week the subject will
r.e "Anti-Narcotics." In chnrpe of Mrs.
!. I,. Hidden. Mrs. Adn W. L'nruli is
very busy lecturing In the stato, but was
Treaent at. tlie meeting.
Pots Rob Oarai-.r.-With tears and sob
four little boys between the aes S
ajid J J years confessed to Patrolman
Harm yesterday that they were thieves,
mid their parent will be required to take
Virm before the Juvenile Court for trial.
Thev are: George Obdie. 8 years, fA
North Seventh street; Clifford Harris, 9
Hrs. ft:1 North Sixth street; David Scott.
32 years. 4M Flandcra street: Henry Stap
ten. 12 years, southeast corner of Fifth
and Iavia streets. Yesterday afternoon
the boys went to a garage at Sixteenth
and Kverett streets and stripped a big
automobile of two lama and other ac
cessories, valued at more than $"0. The
Iok was discovered Immediately and Pa
trolman Harms In less than an hour had
located the lost articles cached in a va
cant lot. had confronted the boys with the
evidence of their guilt and secured their
con feeston.
Returns to Obfqow. Dr. C. C. Toling.
president of the Western College, of the
Vnitcd KvaneeMca! church, at I-a Mars.
Iowa, who has taken charge of the Second
Church, of Alhina. says he Is glad to get
back to Oregon, and although the "West
cm College has not yet released him. he
exjieit to remain. During his stay at
I-a Mars. Dr. Poting added 176.000 to the
endowment of the college, but the work
was so arduous that he was on the point
of breaking down, and on the advice
of his physician he got an Indefinite va
cation from tha duties of the presidency
of the college. Although he has been
In Oregon but a few days, he already feels
improved. Dr. Poling has been traveling
about Portland since bis return and Is
ui-prlsed at the growth of the city.
Oiarotcd With rrEAi,iNa Skirt. Ac-
t ctL-scd by her former friend and neighbor.
.Mrs. im Aioore, oi stealing a sain, irs.
Harry Thompson, 270 Porter street, was
arrested last night and taken to the po
ll re station, where, after hearing the
other side of the story, the police officials
released the woman on her own recog
nisance. According to Mra. Thompson,
Jicr arrest la Inspired by spite growing
out of a quarrel between the two womem
he asserts that she bought and paid for
the skirt more than a month ago.
Rot Freaks Both Arms. While at
tempting the giant swing on the bar at
the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium Tuesday
afternoon. John McKune. a 16-year-old
bov who live at 324 Fourth street, fell
nd fractured both arm Just above the
wrists. He waa a member of the Junior
class and attempted the swing too soon.
ni he had not enough experience on the
bars. He was taken to the Good Sa
ttiarltan hospital, where his injuries were
Pressed. He will be confined to the hos
pital for several week.
Glut. HrHT bt BirrcLtsT. Karl Wilson
ks IK years. 441 East Davis street, will
e summoned to appear and answer to
charge this morning In the Juvenile
Court. Yesterday afternoon. Karl, who
works In a bicycle shop on Fourth street,
between Yamhill and Taylor, was riding
along the sidewalk on a bicycle, and in
front of the residence at No. 74 Fourth
street he ran Into Flossie Monroe, aged,
4 years. She whs knocked down and
painfully cut about the face.
Mast Realty Transffrs. Realty
transfers jumped up to over ll.500.0tn yes
terday, but the recording of a transfer
from the Spokane. Portland & Seattle
Railroad for that portion of the road from
Vancouver to Portland to the Northern
Pacific Is responsible for the unusual
total. Most of the other transfers were at
nnminnl figures and do not represent the
values of the properties listed.
ftwKnisH Maypay Fkstix-itirs. Vnder
the auspice of the Swedish societies of
Portland, the annual Mayday festival will
be conducted this year with the customary
amusements and entertainment. The
programme to be carried out at Arion
hall will be the principal feature of the
day and 1 to be conducted by the local
orRdnitation of the Swedish-American Na
tional Ieague.
A filer Hki-d to Grand Jirt. Adolph
Adler. the Austrian who attempted to ex
tort $400 from Sig. tSlchel by pretending to
be the agent of nihilists, was held to the
Riand Jury by Municipal Judge inmeron
esteri'ay morning. Being unahle to put
up l10 ball, he waa sent to the County
F.xct-RstoN is Cancki.lfo. The Knights
of Columbus excursion to Vancouver
scheduled for next Sunday, has been can
celled because arrangements could not be
ma do at Vancouver.
Th Vienna Hotel, First and Davis
street, under mew management. Large
poolroom; also bar. restaurant and
barbershop in connection.
Patton Home RraiNKss Meeting. The
Patton Home Association will meet to
day. 2:1 P. M.. at "The Home. ?T5 Michl
iRan avenue. Take car.
IKSi.KY Hall for sale. For further
Information apply to Mrs. L. A. Carlisle,
at Seaside. Or.
For Rent A few nice orfices In Tha
Oregonlan building. See Superintendent,
room S01.
Drt fir cordwood, 4 ft., $5.TO; sawed. $&
Portland Fuel Co. Phones U 26. B lOB.
bL'SiNBSS men's lunch, 11:30 to S. All
bome-cooklng. Woman's Ex., 133 loth at.
Fob Rkxt. Front mom Corbet t bldg.,
with floor covering. Apply Room 17.
Dr. W. B. Holpkn ha moved to
10J8 Corbett building. Same phones.
W. A. Wisb and associates) painless
dentist. Third and Washington.
Thk Collegian Maoasikb. . out today.
Grand window display at Gill's.
Dr. McCracken. dentist. Rotb child bldg.
CHftKcm rt District. In a letter r-
ceived by Fred Muller. secretary of he
Board of Trade, from Representative
Hawler. it develops that another change
ha ben added to the bill lntrodu"ed in
Congreiw to have the custom district for
merly known as Wll'amette changed to
Portland. This provision relates to hav
irg the boundaries', of The Oregon district
changed, but In Just what partieulars was
not Indicated In the letter. Mr. Muller
was not Informed concerning this change
In boundaries and sad yesterday that the
Portland district may be enlarged to take
In some of the smaller shipping points
along the river, but of that be is not yet
prepared to say.
New CnrxrrL or Knights of CoLm
bcs. A Council of the Knights of Cohim
but will be Instituted next Sunday, May
3. at Vancouver. Wash. The work will be
in charge of Mr. T. J. Oormsn, the State
leputy of Washington, and it is ex
pecte! that a large delegation will ac
company him from the Puget Sound
cttie. Oregon w ill be represented by
Baker City. Astoria. MarshnVld and mem
ber of Portland Council will leave the
city at an early hour. The knights will
attend mass In a body at 1 o'clock. The
Vancouver kntaht are making great
preparations for the visitors, whieh in
cludes a reception and banquet at the St.
Elmo hotel.
Works For Karlt Clxsi?to. The Con
sumers' l,eague, composed of Portland
women who have organised for the bet
terment of conditions surround in? Rirls
who work for their living, has isued a j
call for a conference. Notices were sent
yesterday to the different mercantile or
ganisations to meet with the league Mon- !
day. May 4. at 2 P. M., at the chapel of
the I'nitarion church. Seventh and Yam
hill streets. The purpose of the confer
ence is to devise some measure to Induce
retail store to close their place of busi
ness at P. M. Saturdays the same as on
other das.
Jnhorses Mayor's Policy. Cnder the
direction of the executive board of the
Portland Municipal Association. J ohn
Bain, secretary of that organisation, yes
terday addressed a lttcr to Mayor Lane
expressing Its appreciation of his decision
not to permit further boxing exhibitions
In this city. The association objects to
such bout, not alone because they are
held for money-making purposes, but for
the further reason, it is charged, that
betting and gambling are fostered thereby.
The Mayor is assured by the organization
mat nis poncy in relation to this rorm
of entertainment will have its support.
Burolars Loot Housks. Three petty
burglaries were reported to . the police
yesterday morning as a reminder that the
city is stl!l well supplied with thieves. J.
P. Ford. &4 North Sixteenth street, lost a
ring with a diamond chip setting worth
$tA and an emerald ring worth $4x E. D.
Mclntyre. 741 Division street, lost two
watches, the burglars ransacking his
home during the absence of the family.
R. K. Armstrong, IOS'4 Fourth street, had
his room entered and nearly all his per
sonal effects taken, including several
suits of clothes, a razor and a fountain
Scatter Oreoon Booklets. Delegates
going to Boston to attend the annual con
vention of the National Retail Grocers'
Association yesterday received from the
Chamber of Commerce 1000 copies of the
pamphlet the Chamber has prepared,
called "Oregon, the Land of Opportuni
ties. ' It is the intention of the delegate
to distribute 600 copies of the booklet on
the way to Boston and the remaining 500
to members and visitors at the conven
tion. These w ill represent every section
of the United States.
Denies it Is Spite Fence. Mrs. J.
Brinkerhoff, who was mentioned as hav
ing erected a twenty-foot fence on her
property, yesterday denied that she had
caused the fence to be built as the result
of a neighborhood dispute. She say she
simply had the fence,, built to insure
privacy in her own home, and further
more that the fence is not twenty feet,
but only twelve feet high.
"Sekino Portland" Trips. Beginning
Monday, May 4. the electric observation
cars of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company, will resume daily
service, "Seeing Portland" car start
from Second and Washington streets
every day at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Fare
50 cent, time, two and one-half hours.
If you are a stranger In Portland don't
miss this trip. If you live here, see and
know your own city.
Slabwood. The North Pacific Lumber
Company 1 making the following prices
on short hauls on green abort wood: Slab,
$2.60; inside. $3; block, $3; green. 4-foot
slab. $2.76 per cord; dry wood, $1 more per
cord or 'load.
Will Welcome Electric Road, Hon
ever, to a District of Great '
Whn E. E. Lytic, president of the
Pacific Railway & Navigation Company,
was asked yesterday If the proposed
building of an electric line from Hilts
boro to Tillamook m-ould have any effect
on the plana of his company, he replied
he could not conceive of any reason why
It should. He said he Is always jtlad
to hear of extensions of electric lines in
this state, but that, so far. he had
learned of no work done by surveyors
In the territory through which the P. R.
A N. Is to pass. Employes of his com
pany are scattered along the line of its
road, and the only thing which they re
port Is a "blazed" survey made some
time ago. done by young men who were
evidently students. No regular corps of
engineers has started a survey for the
electric line, but Mr. Lytle said he hoped
the line would be built, as the Tillamook
country would welcome Increased facili
ties In the way of transportation, which
has so long been denied them.
"That is a great- country." said he.
and is destined to be one of the most
prosperous sections of the state. The
finest kind of farming lands are to be
had just now at prices that will advance
rapidly when our railroad is completed
Beside the farming and dairying inter-
ests. there is a wealth of timber to be
cut and made Into lumber, and that in
dustry In th'e district is practically in
Its Infancy.
"I am unable to say definitely when
work will be resumed on our line. We
have bridge material piled up on the
Kast Side which we shall move down to
Tillamook between now and September
on scows. This material came in from
the East some time ago. On September
15 the underwriters always put up their
rates on Insurance for material sent by
sea and we shall have our stuff trans
ported before that time.
"I hear very little about the troubles
concerning water transportation to
Tillamook, but until better provision ts
made for entering the harbor In the way
of straightening and deepening the
slough. I do not look for much improve
ment In present conditions, or one thing.
however, there can be no doubt: That
section has come to be of so much lm
portance that good facilities must be
provided before a great wnue.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for ladiea. 305 Wash., near 5th.
Awnings, Porch Curtains.
We oolicit your patronage and guar
antee satisfaction. Agencies In every
town In the Northwest. Willamette
Ten A Awning Co. Main
Snccrrd Bury 1. lnMnt. Mho 1
About to Kemovf From Port
land to Albany.
Ir. Emmet Lrake. as a result of whose
ff orts the rose-planting day exercises
on Washington's hlrthdny were so suc
cessful, was yesterday chosen secretary
of the Portland Rose FestHa! Associa
tion, to succeed Sct rotary Bury I. Dasent.
publicity man for the Portland Railway.
Light A Power Company, and treasurer
of the Pacific ast Advertising Men's As
sociation. Lasnt has accepted the po
sition of publicity man for the City of Al
bany and will take charge of the new
work forthwith. In resigning, he sent
the following letter to President C. A.
Whitemore. of the festival:
Portland. Or. Aprtl 'JrV liMifi
Mr. Ohter A WMtrmore. Pr-Ment Port-
Is nd Rnte Festival Aociatlu.
Dear Sir: Htiu of mv chance of rert-
denew from Portland to Albany. Or.. 1 And
tt ne-eiry to rc?lg the nf secret nry
of ihf S5rlation. It ts a matter of ulncer
rgrf t to me to relinquish not only this
P"ptlin in which I have striven to work
Dr. Km met Drake. New Secre
tary Portland Roue Festival
for the hiirh Interest of the city, hut also
my peasant associations in thio work with
yourself and my other associates of the
Rose Festival Association. In leaving "Port
land 1 ho to assure you of my continued
intercut tn the success of the worthy under
taking you have o auspiciously launched
and to remind you that I am always at
your service In anv way in which my efforts
may be utilized for the good of the cause.
I am. vours verv truly.
B. I. OA SENT. Secretary.
When it became known that Secretary
Dasent was about to retire, a meeting
of the executive committee of the fes
tival was called for noon yesterday and
iDr. Drake was unanimously selected to
take Dasent' s post.
Dr. Drnke was one of the most loyal,
enthusiastic and efficient workers last
year, and he assisted materially In the
work of arranging for the many details
of the first annual rose carnival. For
this reason his selection Is regarded as
a full recognition of his services In the
interests of the great civic celebration
which will be held the first week of June.
Cuptain Hohsoii Speaks at Hcilig on
National Defense.
Tomorrow evening at the Heilig The
ater. Fourteenth and Washington streets.
Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson,
Congressman from Alabama, will deliver
a lecture on Natlonal Defense." This
brilliant young statesman and naval ex
pert is without a doubt one of the best
authorities on naval construction in the
United States. He gives to his talk the
true ring that only actual experience,
coupled with the gift of oratory, is able
to impart to an audience. .
A peculiar - circumstance of Captain
Hobson's talk tomorrow night Is the fact
that it occurs on the anniversary of Ad
miral Dewey's glorious victory In Ma
nila Bay. This being the first patriotic
talk Portland has had for some time, a
large audience will undoubtedly greet
What the Press Agents Say.
See "Sherlock Holmes."
"Sherlock Holmes." at the Baker this
week, is one of the olays everyone wants
to see. It is filled with interesting charac
ters. Scenes magnetic in their power to
thrill and completely earn an audience
away with suppressed excitement and
withal a pretty love story.
A Scotch High Ball."
"A Scotch Highball" is given three times
a day at the .Star Theater. Remember that
there are two shows each night, the first
at 7:30 and the second at i:K. There is a
dally matinee. "A Scotch High Ball is a
merry hotige oodga of fun and nonsense.
There are songs and dances and vaudeville
specialties by the Armstrong Company. It
Is a warm weather entertainment, light and
"From Sire to Son" Mattne.
The public will have an opportunity to
witness a matinee performance of Milton
Noble's great play at the I,yrlc today. The
Allen Company has made one of its most
favorable impressions in this bill and is
delighting thousands.of theater-goers. Mov
ing pictures, too-
Wilton Iackaye Coming.
Th attraction st The Heilig Theater.
Fourteenth and Washington streets', nxt
Thursday. Friday and Saturday night. May
T-S-9. with a special matinee Saturday, wt!!
be the distinguished American actor. Mr.
Wilton I-ackaye, in Hall Caine's play, "The
MUs Jewel and "The Climbers,
The mo.t gorgeous display of gowns ever
seen on the Baker stage will be a feature
of the company's production or ( "1yd e
Fitch's beautiful society play. '"The Climb
er." which will oien Sunday matinee and
run all n-xt week. This also marks the
return of Izetta Jewel as leading woman
with the company.
"I nder the Magnolias" Monday.
A brand new play will be presented at the
I.yric next week ty the Allen Company and
it promises to create a sensation. "Cnder
the Magnolias" Is a splendidly w ritten
comedy-drama of the Southland. which
teems with vigorous action and heart in
terest. You 111 enjoy it. Monday night
for the first time.
-The Bathing Girls."
Commencing Sunday the next musical
comedy at the Star Theater will be "The
Bathing Girls." The entertainment will be
as attractive as the title. Extra vaudeville
specialties will be Introduced. an added
number being the Musical Bennetts.
"The Marco Twins."
Vaudeville has no funnier team than the
Marco Twins, one nearly ten feet tall and
the other .a dwarf. This noted headline act
to Success
The First I a Savings Ac-'
count With
Open One Today
Call tr our book of
Trust Company
S. E. Cor. Third and Oal Sts.
BKNJ. I. fOHKN President
H. I- riTTOI K Vlee-rretdent
B. I.KK PAtifcT Seret.ry
J. O. dOl.TIU. .. Assist. Dt Krrrrtary
W. J. til IX AnlMuil 8rrrrtry
comes to the Grand next week surrounded
by other fine acts.
Best at Pant age".
Again last night great crowds poured in
at the Marquam Grand Theater, attracted
by the Pantagos attraction?. Willie Zim
merman, the great impersonator of famous
orchestra leaders, eont inues to be t tie
prime favorite. His work Is artistic and
The Great Henri French.
The Great Henri French, the headliner at
the Grand this week, ts noted the -country
over for M Impersonations of the best
known music masters. Thuse sre not carica
t urea, but legitimate portrays !s, each com
poser being shown In face, form and man
nerism. Each act is a headliner on Its own
account. They do not make much belter
vaudevllte than that now m the Grand.
' Great H-day sale of our entire stock of
women's and misses' tailored suits, coats,
w aists and skirts at greatly reduced
prices. Take advantage of this great op
portunity. No charge for al t era t ions.
McAllcn & McDonnell. Third and Morri
Of waists at Ie Palais Royal will surely
surprise you. it Is loaded down with the
most wonderful values ever seen In Port
land. 373 Washington street.
Lents Asks for Vole.
The question of whether stock shall
be permitted to run at large will be
submitted to the voters in precincts 97
and 98 ( Lents at the coming general
election in June. County Clerk Fields
has received two petitions, each
sigried by 20 voters, asking; that this
question be submitted.
Swell tan shoes at Rosenthal's.
F.W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
Main 165
Home A1165
First and Oak
Imperial Hair Regenerator
. The Standard Hair Coloring
Y i durable and barmle Hair Color-
in8riwn applied la unaffected by
..j.j Mii-as, ana permits curtinfir. Any
...... ... .'..I. iiuuuivu, ottuipia
of hair colored free. Prlvacr aa-
nureu vurresponaence.
atoa lrllB. us Waaalnctom Stnat.
Opposite Cltr Library. Botb Phonta
512.00 Full Sft
Teeth. $6.00
Crown and Bridse-
tcork. 3.00.
Room 405. neknm.
Opn Evenings Till T
of 7Kmt
are of the highest grades known
to the jewelry trade with every
possibility of cheapness elimi
nated. We can insure absolute
satisfaction and invite a com
parison of prices.
Sole Agents for
Patek Phillipe Watches
Diamond Importers - - Opticians - - Manufacturing Jewelers
Corner Third and Washington Streets
The Store
2 Silk Hosiery $1.18
A notable n.a of pure Silk Hosiery for today. Friday mid Satur
day. Come in plain rotors and black and a standard .f.2.0 qual
ity. .Owing to the extremely low prire these are to sell at, we
72 By 9Q Sheets
72xO(T" Sheets, extra heavy,
with reinforced center; fine
soft finish, the usual ti.jc grade.
On sale Friday and Saturdav.
Long Lisle Gloves
Klbow length French Lisle
Gloves in all colors, black and
white; the very best regular
.$1.20 grade. A great bargain.
45c Union Suits
Women's Swiss ribbed Union
Suits, knee length and lace
trimmed; taped neck and arm
holes; best regular 4."c grade.
Opening, Hotel Savoy
Additional four stories, containing
78 rooms, each with bath.
Twelve rooms with bath, specially
constructed for commercial dis
play, size 16x28.
A greater part of all these rooms have
an unobstructed marine view.
The entire maneuvers of . Atlantic
fleet can be seen in any part of
harbor at once glance.
Just a reminder that we have a few
rooms left in our "12 Stories of
Solid Comfort."
Rates S1.00 Up
Mra Frederick Hall, of Wanda. 111., who
ln.t her voice three month ago on account
of an eiplonion. euddenly recovered tne
power ef fpeech In a eevere coughing fit
Noted for Best Good at Lowest Price
3 - Day Specials
must limit the number of
pairs tn each customer to
two. Vo mail orders can
be tilled for this special.
Tan Hosiery
f00 pairs women's fine tan
and brown Hosiery in all
popular shades: lace boot,
allover lace and fancy em
broidered designs; best reg
ular ."0c values; on special
sale tor three days i
at this low price.. atC
White Hosiery
Women's fine lace boot, all
over lace and fancy embroi
dered white Hosiery, a
great variety of new de
signs; come in light and me
lium weights; best, regular.
bVtc and up to- 7"e 47n
values, special, p'r,.'
Men's 25c Hose
Men's real Lisle Hose in fancy
lace designs, in jrray, tan and
black, also fancy embroidered,
in the same colors; 2oc value.
Men's $ 1.25 Shirts
Alt. Hood brand; come in soft
front styles, in light and dark
colors; detachable cuffs; good
assortment; best $1.2.) grade.
$ 1 .5 O Underwear
"Newsilk" Underwear for
men; sold at clothing stores
for $1..)0 a garment ; in pink
only ; a complete line of sizes.
JO and 110 Fourth Street.
Sol Dititributora for Oregon and Washing-Ion
security. It inspires confidence and gives j;oo(l credit. Your account,
subject to your check, is cordially invited upon the most liberal basis
consistent with prudent banking.
Corbett Ruildinp, Portland. Oregon.
CAPITAL, ?500,000. SURPLUS, $250,000.
Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates.
A Skin of Beamy is a Joy Forever
RemovM Tan. Plmpl,
Fraeklet, Moth Ptcb,
Rm. m4 Ski DIMM
uw triTj Dtcmica
on baavuty. tud tl
flea detctloT. It
hu ttood tJi teat
of M THn, and
Is so bamaleai w
taateit tobaaurcil
.1 properly mad.
Accapt aocoanier
fK of alalia
am. Dr. L. A.
Sire al4 to
lady of tha haut
torn (a patient c
" A yoa tadiaa
will naa them.
I recommend;
nairaiBia1B Cretin aa tae least harvxifal of all tha
akin preparations. Tot aale hy all draff at and Faacy
Goods Iaira la tha United Statae, Oauoa ao4 Xurops.
(EBaLttOTOS, faN 37 End Jura StrJi.Tori
chwab Printing Co.
Long Silk Gloves
New r n e t and tan shades
only. ;i'l pairs of long Silk
(iloves. all sie. on ;alo today,
Friday and Saturday at above
price. No mail orders filled.
Sleeveless Vests
Women "s. Sleeveless K i b b e d
Vests, taped neck and anus
on sale today, Friday and Sat
urday at above price. Very
serviceable as corset rovers.
White Net Corsets
White Cable Net Cm-cts,
trimmed with bow of satin rib
bon ; our best regular 7."c
grade; come in sizes IS to M0.
On sale for three days only
Curtain Swisses
40-inch Curtain Scrims and
Swisses, colored stries, fig
ures, etc.; also in pbiiy white.
Our entire "2"c line is included.
White Lawn Waists
Lace and embroidery-trimmed
styles; open front or back;
long or short sleeves; best reg
ular ,$2-$2..")0 vals. See window.
$2.5Q Wash Skirts
Wash Dress Skirts in light, and
dark colors, checks, plaids, ete.
Made in good full styles; reg
ular .$2.."0 grade. Suit. Dept.
Without a Rival
The silent partner in many a business is a
Bank Account. A ;ood balance to viuir credit ill
is a partner that can be denended uihui for
W0k BREAD 15c J
foj'ili'ili auri Itariam ,
312 Pine Street.
Phones : Main 1662, A 3136.
Barbers' Supply Co.
Morrison nnd 10tb fctreeta.
Fine Cutlery and Toilet Artie Ira.. Repair
ing of all kind of feharp
edged Tools.