THE MORM.NG OREUOMAX, THURSDAY, ATRIL 30. 1903. ill Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today Win Go on Your May Account We Are the Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns -I Tomorrow--Meier Frank Store's 953d Friday Surprise Sales IS Silks, $2 Vals. 98cYd. The big Silk Store offers for to morrow's 953d Friday Surprise Sale very unusual bargain in handsome new Dresden and Per sian silk s for costumes, suits, waists, etc. Beautiful styles in Tthe very latest colorings and com binations and a large assortment of attractive designs, light and dark grounds Valuesupto$2 the yard Take your choice to- Q O morrow only, at this price, yard OC A silk bargain you cannot afford to pass by We are also offering extraordinary values in new and elegant foulard silks Wash Goods, 15c Yard The season's greatest sale of new Wash Fabrics is booked for to morrow's 953d Friday Surprise 1 5,000 yards secured from two of the best known mills in America Mills that have a National reputa tion for the style their product The and quality of assortment in cludes printed batistes, dotted and barred Swiss, voiles and plain white checked dimities - Grand variety of styles for Summer dresses The best 25c values Buy all you want tomorrow, yard See the Fifth-Street Window Display of the Above Great Bargains 15c Long Gloves $ 1.1 9 Pr: I For tomorrow's953d Friday Surprise marvelous offering of 1 0,000 pairs women's 16-button length Silk Gloves at an exception ally low price All first-quality Gloves from the leading American manufacturer Silk Gloves thawjiguirantee togiye perfect satisfaction in every particular Color as sortment includesjrtackwbite, navybrown tan, mode, green, red, pink, jresaTjen derand old rose Sixes 5 to 8 Eyerypair ;has double - tipped fingers Our regular W:$1.75 values Other stores Q lQ l Seethe Big FJfth-StreetWindow DJspl iy. jAll Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Filled". C?CW n THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1000 Women's Embr'd Collars 75c-$ 1.50 Values for 27c Each Tlie Women's Neckwear Department offers for tomorrow's great 953d Friday Sur prise Sale a grand special lot of IttlOO women's hand-embroidered Linen Collars and hand-hemstitched and embroidered Turnover Collars, sizes 12 Vi to 1412? a Iarpe assortment of styles, and best regular values ranging from 75c up to $1.50 each. Take your pick of the entire lot in tomorrow's 953d Friday Sur- 07f prise Sale at this unusually low price, each take advantage of the sale.- THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 2000 Yards of Fine Allovers $2.00 Vals. on Sale at 85c Yd. In the Lace Department, for tomorrow's 953d Friday Surprise we place on sale a grand bargain in 2000 yards Allover Swiss and Batiste Embroidery for waist ing; magnificent styles in English eyelet and dainty French patterns; very large assort ment. The best regular values up to $2.00 the yard for Friday's 953d QCf Surprise Sale, take your pick of the assortment at this very low price, yard.C See 5th St. window. No mail orders filled. Sp'l Lace bargains and today tomorrow. THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $2.00 Silk Hosiery $1.09 Pair $4 "Merry Widow" Veils $ 1 .98 J" or tomorrow s i).M friday isurpnse Sale. JOOO pairs women s pure silk Jlose ty an exceptionally low price; full fashioned and perfect m every way; while, black,'' tan, gray, red, piuk, light blue, navy, lavender; sizes 82 to 10; $2 vals., jr. $1.09 Tomorrow, 500 handsome "Merry Widow" Veils at a low price; full 1'4 yards square; made of a good quality silk net, newest designs; black, brown, 1 QQ leather, light blue, navy, Copenhagen; values up to $4.00, on sale at, ca.P iO The Meier & Frank Store's 953d Friday Surprise Sale $50 Dress Waists $1 1.45 Ea. For tomorrow's 953d Friday Surprise we announce our greatest and grandest sale of women's high-grade Dress Waists 100 of them secured by our cloak chief liow in Eastern markets at a price that enables us to offer them at $ "1 1 .45 each Values in the lot up to $50 Exclusive styles French designed, allover real Irish crochets, crepe de chines, Persian chiffons, filet nets and lace Gorgeously trimmed in point de ParisTperman val., Irish crochet, embroidered filet, veniseTGrecian border, satin folds, silk applique, val. rufflesretc-White, cream, pink, Copenhagen, navy, sage, green, brown, tan and black Magnificent dress waistsValnesupto $50.00 Your g 1 1 choice at this exceptionally low price y I S4.00 Sweater Coats for $2.58 Tomorrow another great special sale of women's Knit Coats in white, red or light oxford Made in fancy weave with V shape neck, pockets and pearl buttons Good variety, all sizes Regular $4 val- J ues Your choice while they last at, ea. vwJO See Our Fifth - Street Window Display of the Above Tomorrow One Thousand Pieces of Fine Ha vil and China 75c-$10VaIs. Half Price A sensational Surprise Sale of Havi land China tomorrow all new, beau tiful pieces, including the following articles: Sugar and creamers, plates, tea pots, chocolate pots, salad bowls, chop plates, salad sets, cups and sau cers, bon bon dishes, cake plates, fruit saucers, etc., etc. Values rang ing from 75c to $10.00 each. Your choice Friday only at y2 reg priees Half Price The Meier & Frank Store's 953d Friday Surprise Sale Three Thousand Pieces Men's $1.50 Summer Underwear At 85c a Garment For tomorrow's 953d Friday Surprise Sale we announce our great annual May offering of men's high-grade Summer Underwear at a prfeearjglowjictua Eastern mill cost All new, perfect merchan dise of the best style and quality A great special purchase of 3000 garments from the largest and best manufacturer in the country The lot includes plain and fancy weaves in lisles, mercerized lisles, open work meshes and ribbed underwear in white, pink, salmon, blues, tans, greens, fancy woven figures and stripes, plain lisles and cross stripes Every garment beautifully made and finished Silk fronts, satin faced drawers, strap back All sizes in shirts and drawers The most desirable Summer Underwear money can buytw Values up to $ 1 .50 a garment Your choice tomoirowl""g only at this remarkably low price, each, while they last O jC See Our Big Fifth-Street Window Display of This Fine Underwear Economical Men Will Anticipate Their Summer Needs in Buying Now THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 5000 Pieces Sheet Music 2 for 25c Choose One Copy From Each Column Lot 1 Tropical Moon, Night and Day, Moonbeams and Dreams of You, I've Been Looking for a Girl Like You, St. Louis Tickle, Forest King March. Stung, Song My Sweetheart Sang, While You Are Mine, A Little Cozy Flat, My Mar guerita. Sweet Pickles, Tattle Tales, etc. Lot 2 Red Wing, Honey Boy, Good-Bye, Sweetheart, Good-Bye, Dreaming, School Days, Poor John, Somewhere, Marintch. Love Me and the World Is Mine, Come to the Land of Bohemia, Dolly Dear, She Was a Grand Old Lady, I'jn Afraid to Come Home in the Dark, and many others. THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 500 New Collapsible Go -Carts Regular $7.50 Values at $4.95" Tomorrow, a great Friday Surprise Sale of Collapsible Go-Carts the famous tubu lar steel model; folds into the smallest possible space; rubber-tired wheels, reclin ing bact and adjustable dash; fine steel pushers with nickel trimmings; every cart guaranteed thoroughly satisfactory or your money refunded; 500 of them in the sale. The best regular $7.50 value, for tomorrow's 953d Friday Sur- Q v prise Sale, your choice at this special low price, each take advantage.? r J Mail orders will receive prompt and careful attention; order today. Third Floor. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 45c Ribbons on Sale at 23c Yd. 50c-75c Handkerchiefs 27c Ea. 5000 yards of heavy all-silk Taffeta Ribbon, suitable for hair bows, sash, millinery purposes and Summer dress trimmings; full six inches wide; black, white, navy, brown, leather, tan. old rose, nile, mais, green ajid Copenhagen. Bows and sashes tied free. The best regular 4oc value, on sale at, special, the yard.C Tomorrow, a great Surprise Sale of women's all-linen Handkerchiefs, scalloped, hemstitched and lace edges, beautiful allover designs; for the Surprise Sale, regular 30c and 75c values, on sale tomorrow only at this low price, yard.'C Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, "La Grecque" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets, " Vudor" Porch Shades THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 500 Men's Fine Suits BROS. Jsl Regular $ 1 5 and $18 Values $9.65 a Suit Tomorrow a great May sale of Men's Spring Suits 500 to be distributed at a price never before quoted on garments of equal style and quality High grade ready-to-wear ap parel from makers of recognized ability Every garment new this season Velours, cassimeres, fancy worsteds, in browns, tans and grays, plain colors, checks, stripes, plaids Best linings and findings Single and double-breasted coats in sizes 32 to 44 All are handsomely tailored throughout and a perfect fit guaranteed Suits the exclusive clothier asks you $18 and $20 for -Take your pick of this great lot of 500 tomorrow only at suit See the Big Morrison-Street Window Display Mail Orders Will Receive Our Prompt and $9.65 Careful Attention Send Your Order Today THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 000 Pairs Fine Lace Curtains at 79c a Pair 2000 pairs of white and Arabian Not tingham Lace Curtains at a wonderfully low price tomorrow Just the curtains you want for the Summer home and ser vants' rooms Plain or figured or Point de Esprit centers with narrow scroll borders, or heavy patterns of floral de signs 12 styles to select from All are 50 inches wide and 3 yards long The very best $1.25 values Buy all you want of them tomorrow at 79c this very low price per pair Se the Big Fifth-Street Window Display. All Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention Order Early. 1 ftftft UammrtrlrC 00 Hammocks at a low price tonxrrrow size JJJ 1 lailUUULIia 80x36-in., with upholstered throw-back pillow, curved spreaders at the head, dividing spreader 75 X 1 23 a foot; handsome weave and colorings; wide J V valance; $2.75 value, Friday only, ea..$1.23 THE MEIER &. FRANK STORE'S 953D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE j 3000 Pieces Women's Underwear One-Third Off 3000 samplegarments of Women's Knit Underwear to be sold tomorrow at Vz off the regular selling prices-;-All styles and grades are included and the values range from 35c to $jjv50 a garment., All summer weights in low neck and sleeveless underyests. high neck long sleeve underyests. high neck half sleeve underyests Lace trimmed knee length pants, fitted knee pants, ankle length pants and union suits Cotton, lisle, silk plaited and silk and lisle underwear All sizes Values ranging from35cto $4.50 a garment Your choice for tomorrow only at Vz j N rr jU off the regular prices 3 XII Pftir0t J ft Special lot of women's high-grade white Petticoats, rCHIWUHi made with wide fiounces of embroidery and laces, clusters of insertions and tucks, beading and ribbon. VallieS S 7 1 5 The best reSuIar 910.00 values, on sale Cf 1 C . at this low price, ea. take advantage. P J i i 1 V