TTTE MOUSING OTlT:no'IAN. THURSDAY, Aritl"L 30, 10O8. 17 AMEND 6RA1NRULES Board of Trade Committee Considers the Matter. . ANOTHER MEETING FRIDAY intention 1 to Mttke This Pcptirt iitent the I Vat lire of the F-x-rlianee strong Jeiimiul for Fruits Caused by Weuther. The s rainy' flour and feed dealers of Port land are irMermind to make the grain de rsrtnient of.' the Braird of Trade the feature of the institution. This was the sentiment eiprewed i a special mating f the grain ul comiitt'ee held at the Hoard yesterday ATternonn, A originally planned, the Board or Tiade Vas to take in the Jobbers In dairy i and other jfarm prodme, tut the produce men Jiave flliowjn a lack of I- terest in the move tnMit and their participation, from preent Jndlralkmi will soon be a thins of the past. The ftrfn men, on the other hand, are show ing Tnucjn interest in the exchange, and the jnorninr sessions are well attended regularly. rhe ner 0f Buch an organisation has long CT " tne 'neat an(1 fee. merchants :md now tna the opportunity of having an I exchange 9 offered them, they seem deter mined LQ make the most of It. 70 tlie present time the grain men have hen operating without rule but a com plete 0f rrffuintlons will soon be in force. basis of their wnrk, they have taken 1 it,m rJi!es of the leading Eastern eiohanires. iiles of ( and these are belna ariaDted to fit conditions jhere.f Te.fterdny'a meeting was for the pur pv of discussing and amending the rules as irPJed for the Roarf!- Tno committee was not jfble to complete Its- labors, however, and A(tirned to meet apjnln Friday at 2 P. M. gra n v'f'rK'e ot tne Interest taken by the Tle n men, 11 may ne noiea mat 01 xne eam- tables only three half tables remain un- dlf!. osed of. he attendance at the grain session yeev 1r morning waj good, but only a few te jnfduoe men were on hand at the noon meet-po- ne following offers and sale were 1 rve'r uv pounds choice I ,inery. 21 U. kiU1 n pounds fancy dairy butter, i: R sacks parsnips, $1. 1 ite 50 pounds fancy dairy butter, JflVaC. 1 ft HVKRS FACE RAW Sl'tlAR SCARCITY ,ortage In tlie Prlnrlpiil PnMluclng C'onn i trie- Drouth In Ciibn. Eastern sugnr retlners are facing a severe irelty- of raw sugar. As a result of the ,routh, It Is now estimated that the Cuban mpar production this season will not exceed '0i1.00u tons, a deficit of about r.iKJ.000 tons rnm the previous crop. The statistical po Itlnn of sugar is, therefore, a particularly t rong one and refiners are making active ;urchnxes in all the large sugar producing countries of the world for their future sup plies. They have already purchased, it Is estimated, l.ii. oih tons of European beet ygars. and will probably take i(0,KM) tons trt addition, besides making large purchases l of Prltlh "West India sugars, which usually t Rii tt r.uEinrm, ana entering tne Java ana idpetltive buyers with iThina and India. The purchases alrendy made by Eastern refiners are SO.OitO tons Philippine sugars 1 out of a total Philippine crop of lr.0.0KI i tons, the remainder of the latter crop going j to China. India, etc. The British "West India 4 sugars will, it Is expected, come very large lly intd the hands of American retiners. as I Russian sugars will take their place in Eng land. The Java crop Is estimated at I.IHKVOOO tons, of whieh, it is expected, one- auarter. or LW0.000 tons, will come, arrivals A W ' ... ' . ... . j:'eginning in me miier part 01 August ana continuing until well into November. So far as European beet sugar is con cerned it is estimated that the American refiners have already purchased upward of !.-(. w0 tons and will require 200.000 tons additional belore the year's campaign Is NATVRAL CCU'RSE OF HOP MARKET Mr. 1JU en trial's Opinion of F.iport Con ftlgnnients. NBW YORK. April 23. (To the Editor ) It Is some time since I have allowed my flf this prixilego of writing you. but if you will refer back to my communications f a year rro. ou will find that my antlrU pHtlmis of the market were entirely real lEcd. Considering that my advices at the time were discredited and that my competitors attempted to prove an actual shortage of supply. I think, perhaps. 1 am entitled to at least an "hoitraMe mention." I have no new ad vice to offer, and be lieve imw that natural courses will work out their own condition? mercilessly. It remains a matter of astonishment to me that larse experts of l!on and I110T crops were made to l.'nd n tins yejir, and it seems almost silly that rowers shnTild allow themcelves to ha constantly deluded hy the misrepresenta tion "f ery inaccuriit e. If well meaning, so ltiitors of onslntinients do not see that the prices in lndon today will leave anything for the t!uH crop, and more than to 2', cents on !M7s. No combination pmongsi t!ie growers that appeals only to nelrtxh motives, ran be successful, and no combination will e er benedt its participants t hjit do4-s not carry with It a temporary eaTtflce. A. b,Tleve that there are methods of ro operatlVi that can be introduced fur mak ing stat-f." hop prices and markets, but. as 1 have .lulieuted, this means i-oncssdims in the present i t greater advantages in the fut ure . I shall be very glad to receive personal communications from nny of our growers, and. to give them the benefit of such data and Information as f am very careful to collect. Al-BKRT LIUEXTHAU FRI ITS ARE TN' STRONO DEMAND. St rawberrlew the Mt Active Fetnri of the X . larket. The w arm w eat tier made business active In the f1"uit and vegetable line. Strawberries, especially, were In demand and the .Hi-I crates that arrived cleaned up promptly at $2 per crate fherrles were quoted lower at 1 :"M.7S per b"x. but are still too high to mnv. freely. or;uiges were scarce and very firm The car of California Bermuda onions tbut arrived provd, to be of excellent quality and the retail trade was quirk to take hold of them. They od at $11 pef crate, the same prfce as the Texas onions. VegetaMes of all kinds were In god supply and generally steadv In price. Among the receipts was a large shipment of Walla Walla at-pxtragui. BI TTER WEAK ON KRONT STREET. VHy f reamrrie Oenenillr llae Orders for AM The, Mke. The butter market Is In a fairly steady condition, so f;ir hs ni'iM of the city cream eries are conerrr.ed. with thetr supply and demand running ei'Jiii. t n Pront street the supply I inclined to accumulate and in pome quarters the market Is quoted very weak. The egg market maintained Its firmness yesterday. Re'-etpts were moderate and sales were generally made at 17 to 17 4 cents, with little business reported at ls cents. Because of the lightness of arrivals, the opinion prevails that supplies are belug held back in the country. All descriptions of poultry were firm. The deuuand was good and. receipts fair. BOARD OF THAI IB QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour and Keed. IT HE AT Track prices- Club. S3ec per bushel; red Russian. KltMe; bluestem, ST fcSSc; Valley, S.$fPttc. FLrOt'R Patents, $1 5 per barrel: Straights. 1 3 S.1 4 35; exports, M W3 85; Valley, M4.'; i-sak graham, $4.15; whole wheat. $4 40: rve. $5.23. P A RLE V Feed, f 24 per tenj rolled, $L7lj28; brewing, 20. OATF No. 1 white, $26. 50927 per ton; rray. $2 M llLSTCFFS Pran. J2rt per ton; mid dlings. $:i0..-O; shorts, country. $2S 50; city, $27; whrat and barley chop, $27 ". HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $17 pet ton; Willamette Valley., ordinary, $15; Eastern Oregon, $17.5" : mixed. 10; clorer, $14; alfalfa, $12; alfalfa meal, $20. Frnlts and Vegetables. POTATOES Select, selling price. TO prt hundred; Willamette Valley, buying price, 43c per hundred ; East Multnomah, buying price, 55c; Clackamas, buying price. 35c per hundred; new California, 4tf 1 V4c per pound; sweet, 5 c per pound APPLES Select. $2.r0 per box; fancy, $2; choice, $1 50; ordinary, f 1 50. ONIONS Job price, fl 75 4i5 per hundred; buying price. 4. 254 50 per hundred; Texas Bermudas, $276 per crate; garlic, 25c per pound FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $2.308 per box; lemons, $2.73 3.75 ; strawberries, $2 per crate. VEGETABLES Turnips. $t per eack; carrots, $1.5o 1.75; beets. II 25: parsnips, Jl ." ; cabbage, 2.oo per cwt. ; tomatoes, Florida. $3 . 7 0 'it 4 per crate; Mexican, $2; cauliflower, local, 2S 7bc; head lettuce, 40c per doicrt; cucumbers, $1752 doxen; celery, S5c4i1 per dozen; artichokes, ,Wc per tin.; a-paragus, 7 fit Sc pound; beans, 20c per pound; egg plant, 2b 30c per pound ; parsley, 25c per dozen ; peas, 7 4? 80 per pounk peppers, 20c per pound; rad ishes, lftc per dozen; rhubarb, 8 if 4c pef pound; spinach, $5c per crate. Butter, Fag and Poultry. PUTTER Extras, 23c per pound; fancy, 24c; choice, 22c; store, 18c. EGOS Ijo99 and commission off, IT It c per dozen. CHEKSE Fancy cream twins, IBMiC per pound; full cream triplets, lle; full cream Young Americas. 10c; cream brick. 20c; Swls blk.. 20c; llmburger, 22Vc. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 13o per lb.; fancy hens. 14 15c; roosters, old, lh; fry ers, cox., H; broilers, dor. $4-503; dressed poultry, per lb., lc higher. Areata and Provisions. DREPFEU MEATS Hogs, fancy, Tttc per pound; ordinary, 7c; large, 53,0c; veal, extra. SSHc; ordinary, 7gf7Vzc; heavy, Oc; mutton, fancy, 10c. HAMS Ham?. 10-13 lb., 15c per pound; 14-10 lb., HUi'i 1S-20 lb., 14c. BACON Breakfast, 1522c per pound; picnics, 10c; cottage roll, 11c. DRY SALT AND SMOKED Regular short clears, smoked, HHc pe pound; un smoked, loifcc; unsalted bellies. 10-13 lbs., smoked, 10tf l3u; 10-13 lbs., unsmked, 12c; clear bellies, un smoked, 13c ; imol d, 14cj shoulders, 11c; pig tongues, $19.50. LA ill) Kettle leaf, lOs. 12c per piund; 5s. 12"c; 00s. tins, 1214c; S. rendered, 10a, Ufcc; 59. ll,c; compound. 10s, Hc JOBBERS' OUOTATION8. Fruits and Froduce. FRE?H FRUITS Grapefruit. $2.75 8.25; tangerines, $1.50 per box; bananas, SHc per pound; crated. 0c; cherries, $1.50ft 1.75 per box; strawberries. $2 per crate. VEGETABLES Peas. 4 11 7c per pound; benus, ?2e; asparagus. 7 8(-; head lettuce, 35&40c per dczen; peas, i 7c; rhubarb, 3c; eggplant. Eastern, 15 ft: 20c; Coachella, 15c; calirornia onions. $2 70 pr crate. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10e per pound, peaches, 11 l'Jc; prunes, Italian, &8c; prunes, French, 'A 5c; currants, unwashed, cases, 040; currants, washed, cases. 10c; figs, white, fancy, Co-pound boxes, 84a EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, 17& IT per dozen. " POULTRY Fancy hens, 14G 14ic; mixed, 33 j 14c; roosters, OtrlOc; fryers, 25 2tc; broilers, 2!y 25c; ducks, 175iilSc; geese, 9c; turkeys, alive, 14jji5c; dressed, 17 18a Groceries. Nuts, Etc. K1CE Souiiitin jupa.11, ic; bead, 6bs4r 7c; Imperial Jupau, COFFEE Mucha. 24 4P 28c; Java, ordinary, 17 it -0c ; Costa Rica, fancy. 18 & 20c; good 3618c; ordinary, 12 6 16c per pound. Co lumbia roast cases, 100s, $14-50; 50s, $14.73; Arbuckle, $16 50; Lion. $15.75. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails, $2 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.05; 1-pound flats, $2.10; Alaska pluk, 1-pound talis, 95c; red. -1-pound tails, $1.46; soc&eyes, 1 -pound talis. $2. SUGAR Granulated, $0.45; extra C, $5. 95; golden 0, $5.t5; fruit and berry sugar, $6.55 ; plain bag, $0.5 ; cube (barrels), $6 85; powdered (.barrels), $0 70. Terms: O0 remittances wtthtn 13 days deduct per pound; If later than 15 days, and within M days, deduct He per pound; Mapls ' sugar, 30 18c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 18V18c per pound by sack: Brazil nuta, 18c; filberts 16c; pecans, 10c; almonds, 16 gf 18c. cnestnuts. Ohio, 25c; peanuts, raw. SQiSfec per pound; roasted, 10c; plnenuts, 10 12c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoanuis, U0c per dozen. SALT Granulated, $18 per ton; $2.23 per bale; half ground, 100s, $13.50 per ton; 60s, 914 per tun. BEANS Small white. 40; large while, 4 40c ; pink, 3.85c; bayou, 3 80c; Lima, 6c; Mexican reU, 4 Inc. HON El Fancy. $3 50 3. T5 per box. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90 pound sacks, per barrel, $7 ; lower grades, $5 50 0 50; oatmeal, steel-cut, 45-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 9-lb. sacks, $4 23 per bale; spilt peas, per 100 pounds, $4.254.80; pearl barley. $4.506 5 per 100 pounds; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks. $2. 7& per bale; ilake4 wheat. $2 75 per case. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 10U7. prime- and choice, 45e per poutiu; uius, ii;-c per pound. WOOL Eastern, Oregon, average best, II Q 15c per pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 12 a 15c, according to quality. MollAlll Choice, l8y-18Hc per pound. UASCAKA BARK a3c per pound. HIDES Dry, 1212c; dry calf. No. 1. under & lbs.. 14 16c; culls, 2c per lb. less; salted hides, 3c ; suited calf, Dc; greea (unsalted), lc per lb. less; culls, lc per lb. less; sheep skins, shearlings. No. I butchers' stock, each, 25(23Uc: short wool. No 1 butchers' stock, each, 60 60c: me dium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each. 73a C$1. 00; long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock each, $1-251-50; horse hides, salted, each, according to sire, $2.002.5O; dry, accord ing to size, each, $1,004 1-50: colt's hides, each, 25v 50c; goat skins, common, each, 15$i 25c; Angoras, with wool on, each, Suctf $1.50. FURS For No. 1 skins: Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each, S5 00 10.00; cubs, each. $1'3; badger, prime, each. 23950c; cat. wild, with heud perfect, 30 50c; house, 3 20c; fox. common gray. large pitme, each, 40 ia 50c red. each, S3Q3: cross, each, $5 15; silver and blade, each, $100 300; fishers, each, $598; lynx. each. $4,509 8 00; mink, strictly No. 1, each, according to sise, $103; marten, dark northern, ac cording to size and color, each. $109 1A; marten, pale, according to size and color, each. $2 30(f4; muskrat. large, each, 120 15c; skunk, each, 304001 civet or polecat, each. 54? lflc; otter, for targe, prime skin, each. $6uH; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $2 3 raccoon, for prima large, each. 50 75c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3 50 5 00; prairie (coyote), 60c&$ 1 00; wolverine, each, $60 8 00 Coal Oil and Gasoline. REFINED OILS Water white. Iron bar rels, louc;. wocd barrels. 14 He. Pearl oil, cases, ISc; head light, iron barrels, 12Uc; cases. 1H lic; wood barrels. 10 He Eocene, cases. 21 c. Special W. W.. iron barrels, 14c; wood barrels, ISc Elalns. cases. 28c Extra stitr. ca-es, 21c. GASOLINE V. M and P. naphtha, iron barrels. 12Hc; cases. 10 4e. Red Crown gasoline. Iron barrels. lt'ic; cases. JSc; mptor gasUne. iron barrels. 15 4c; cases, v., i.a'fltne. iron barrels, 30c; cases, S'Vjc; No. 1 engine distillate. Iron barrels. e; cases, 16c. Frrsh Msh and Shell Msh. FRESH FISH Halibut. 7 4' per pound: black rd. He; black bass. 2r; striped bas. l.'Jc; herring, fic: flounders, rtc; catfish, lie; shrim p. 10c ; perch. 7'" : st urgeon, 1!Vjc; sea trout, i "lc ; torn cod, 0c ; salmon, silver sides, ;tc: sTe-lheads. 1 lc; Chinook, 7 10c. t'LAMS Little neck, $250 per box; razor clam!. $2 per b'x OYSTERS Sboal water Bay per gallon. $2 25; per sack. $4 M: Tke point, $1.0 per Nmv Qlvmpia 12 pounds! , $6; Olympia, per gallon, $2 25. Bank Clearing. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were an follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $ Kl.ViS.-i $121. S78 Seattle 1.27.:M7 161.134 Tacoms t!t'I2'.tl S5.125 Spokane TT.tS 71,071 Oalry Produce In the Fast. CHICAGO. April 2i. On the produce ex change today the butter market was easy. Creameries l''&21c: dairies, lStr24c. EfCKs Steady; at mark, cases included, 14"-c; tlr-ts, lT.c: prime firsts, 15c. Cheese Steady. 11 y 12c. NEW YORK. April 21 Butter, easy. Process, com mon to special, lfi 23 r. Cheese Easy. Winter made, HfilOUc; skims. lttSc. Ezg Weak. State. Pennsylvania and near by fancy selected white, lStflSc. PRESSURE TO SELL Free Offerings of Stock Check the Advance. CLOSING IS UNSETTLED Operations Shift to -Southern Pa cific, AY h lie Healizlng Is Glng On In Union Pacific Steel ftolds Up Very Well, NEW YORK. April 2f Operations for higher prices of slocks had to contend to day with larger offerings for sale than have been met with hitherto in the various stages of the upward movement. This ob stacle ad its effect in unsettling the market at various periods during the day and told on the speculative temper. On the other hand, efforts to advance prices were fur thered br the urgent demand from the rem nant of the outstanding short Interests, which was an effective feature In some of the sharpest advances In Individual stocks which, were witnessed. The suspension of another stock, exchange firm today, following the suicide yesterday of the junior member, was followed by a large volume of wild transactions in the course of buying !n stocks for the firm's account. These developments have had the effect of arousing timidity among lenders of stocks to procure shares for holding open their committments on th short side. This state of affairs has aMed( the bulls in ex tending the rise In prices and has much re duced the outstanding short Interest. The factors which goverened the trading were nut changed in important particulars from those of the recent past. The coming financing of the Cnlon Pacific Is much dwelt upon, and Its assurances of success are be liered in. Market operations today shifted to Southern Pacific In contrast to the real izing going on In Vnlon Pacific. The ad vantage of position of the Hill railroads and St. Paul by reason of new heavy stock Issues, which were subscribed for before. the financial crisis of last year, is pointed to In connection with the rise In those stocks. The quarterly report of the United States Steel Corporation was much commented upon, and its showing was not helpful to the general"" market, although the prices of the stocks of the corporation were quite generally held. The downward course of iron keeps alive expectations of a cut in the prices of finished products before ad vantage can be felt from the improved financial position of the railroads. Time money rates were notably firmer to day and foreign exchange rates receded In connection with the further engagement of gold for export. The unsettlement of the market grew perceptfbiy as the day pro gressed. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $4.44i8.O0O. L'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing" Sales. High. Low. Rid. Adams Express .( 175 Anial Copper .... 57.20 024, ,n 00 Am Car & Foun. 6,tKK 364 34 H 85 do preferred 100 V4 Am Cotton Oil... 100 27 27f 21 do preferred .' . Hi Am Express ' 11! Am Hd & Lt pf. 2i0 1B IN $ A merican Ice 1 . W 24 2 "-4 23 Am Linseed Oil.. loo V ' 0 do preferred 2- Am Locomotive... 5.300 49 40 47 i do preferred . . . 400 Uwi loo lti Am Smelt & Ref. 34,000 72 71 H 71 H Am Sugar Ref.... 1.10O 127V 12U 12BW, Am Tobacco ctfH Voty Anaconda Alin Co. 3.200 3 SH 3Ki Atchison A, 800 81 W Soli do preferred ... :t'0 854i A 1 1 Coast Line . . . 8. 4 H 84 84 14 Bait & Ohio 4,eU0 87 85 ' 80 do preferred 80 Brook Rap Tran.. S.1O0 47T 40 4iT4 Canadian Pacific. a.8m 1574 155 150 Central of N J... 1n 182 182 385 Ches & Ohio 1.300 34 3.'t Chicago Gt West t0 5 4 4 Chlccgo & N" W.. 3,0 152 15'i 15'iVj C. M St St Paul.. 44.100 12t4 127 127 Chi Ter & Tran 5 do preferred 25 C, C. C A St L... 1.100 f8V4 f7 pr, Colo Fuel & Iron. 7,i"0 28 24 24 Colo & Southern.. 5O0 31 Hi U do 1st preferred. 1ih 5!t 5tt IWJ4 do 2d preferred. 100 4!4 40 48", Consolidated Ga. . 5.100 121 320 12o Corn Products ... 800 15ft 14 14 do preferred ... 300 70- 00 m Del & Hudson . . . , 1. loo 100 1 58 151 Del, Lack & West 4i0 410 475 40 OAR Grande... 20 21 20, 2" do preferred 60 Distillers Securl. . 1.1V S3 32 32U Brie I.40O 18ii, 18 18-i . do lt preferred. 5K 33 33 33 do 2d preferred. 800 23 2-3 23 General Electric. . 3n0 li'4 134 13 Illinois Central .. 5,3im 131 132 135 Int Paper 100 0U do preferred ... 300 54 54 64 Int Pump 1,500 25 24 24 do preferred ... lOO 70 70 70 Iowa Central 15 do preferred ... W 35 84 34 K C Southern ... loo 23 23 23 do preferred ... H 65 5 54 Iouls & Nashville 3.2K) 1(6 lo.4 113 Mexican Central. . 1.4K 15 15 15 Minn & St Louis. SOO 112 111 111 M. St P S S M. 8H 112V 111 111 do preferred 120 Mlneourl Pacific. . . 6.600 47 40 40 Mo. Kan & Texas 8,100 26 20 20 do preferred U'O 58 58 5S National Lead . . . 8.200 60 58 59 Mex Nat R R pf 40 N Y Central .... 4,200 lol 101 lol N T. Ont A West. 20 34 .W S4 Norfolk 4 Western 1.K0 60 65 VS do preferred 84 North American.. 900 57" 56 55 Pacific Mail .... 10O 27 27 27 Pennsylvania 21.20 121 120 12 People's Gas 2.0OO 02 91 90 P, CCA St Louis 75 Pressed Steel Car. 2.5O0 SO- 29 2ii do preferred . . . 2i't 86 85 85 Pullman Pal Car 40rt 11 li 1! Reading 201.800 112 109 J"9 do 1st preferred 82 do 2d preferred. 400 80 sn So Republic Steel ... 2.4'0 17 17 17: d-i preferred ... 1.5oO 69 67 fi Rock Island Co.. 2 7") 16 15 15 do prefererd :.. 16.tHMt 34 31 32 St. 1 & 8 F 2 pf 700 20 28 28 St L Southwest 13 do preferred ... l.K 34 32 32 Southern Pacific. C5.900 81 79 7! do preferred 114 Southern Railway. T0 154 15 15 do preferred ... 1.30O 4i 4t 40 Texas Pacific. T'i 19 18 18 Tol. St L & West 2s 17 17 IS do preferred ... 3 no 40 40 404 Union Pacilic ...201,500 138 l:t5 !: do preferred ... K) 81 81 8i U S Express 85 U S Realty 41 U S Rubber 100 2r 2" . 2o do preferred ... 10 83 83 83 U S Steel 109. no am 3 do preferred ... 14.0 4 10! loo loi Va-Caro Chemical. 5"0 21 2M. 20 do preferred ... 2" 93 93" 93 Wabash :.. 4- 10 10 10 do preferred ... 5K 19 19 19 Wells-Eargo Ex 300 Westinghoui-e Eliec 7H 56 55 55 Western Union ... 300 51 51 51 Wheel & L Erie. loo 7 7 7 Wisconsin Central. lito 16 10 16 do preferred . . . loo 40 40 40 Northern Pacific. 45.1"0 133 131 132 Central leather .. 3.5o 24 24 24 do preferred .... 3o0 91 ' 91 9) Sloss-Sheff teid 44 Gt Northern pf . . . 23. (tm 12S 126 127 Inter Met 3.1 00 1" 9 9 dn preferred ... 5.9O0 2S 27 27 Vt s h Copper 1 . 4O0 30 29 29 Total sales for th day, 1.078.800 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. April 29. Closing quota tions: U. S. ref. 2 reg.103 ,N Y C G 3s. . . 89 do coupon. ... 104 North Pacific 8. 72 V- S. 3s reg 1 no North Pacific 4s. im do coupon. ... 101 4South Pacific 4s. 50 V. S. new 4s reg. 119 Union Pacific 4s.loO do -coupon . . . .122 ' Wlscon Cent 4s. 82 Atchison adj 4a. 87 .Japanese 4s 76 D. A R. G. 4s.. 94 1 Stocks at London. LONDON. April 29 Consols for money. 8 ; do for account, 81 9-16. Anaconda. ... 7 87 N. T. Centra. 1M 00 Atchison ..... 82 87;Norflk Sc Wes 67 75 do nref . ... 91 50 do oref 8:t 00 Bait A Ohio. 88 25 lOnt A West. . 14 87 (Pennsylvania. 62.50 Rand Mines.. 5 37 Reading .... 50 87 Southern Ry.. 15 50 J do pref 41 50 ISouth Pacific. 81 75 i f nion Pacific 140 87 Can Pacific. .100.75 t'hes A Ohio. 2500 Chi Grt West 5 75 C. M. A S. P. 132.00 De Bers 10 75 D A R G 2175 do pref . 56.50 Erie 19.00 1 do ref 83.00 1 un prer. . . do lt pf.. 35 30 If S Steel... 37 12' do 2d of . . 23 00 I do nref lrti .-; Grand Trunk 15. 37 I Wabash . 11.00 in t'entrai ' do pref 20 00 L A N 10S.00 'Spanish 4 92.75 Money, Rx change. Etc NEW YORK. April . Money on call. easy, lea per cent; ruling rate, !Hr2 per cent; chtstng bid, 1 per cent; offered at 3 per rent. Time loans, firmer; 60 days. per cent; 90 days, 3 per cent; six months, 3 43 per cent. prime mercantile; ps-per, 4fM per cent. Sterling excltange easier, with actual bus iness in bankers' bills at $4 .RTOSfs 4.R710 for demand and at $4 84-50?' 4. 84.V for 64-day bills, f-nmmerrlal bills, $4.S44- Par silver. 5-3 c. Mexican dollars. 47e. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. SAN FRANCISCO. April 29. Silver bars, 53 c Mexican dollars. 30c. Drafts, sight. 2c; telegraph. 5c. Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.84 , sight, $4.87. LONDON. April 29. Bar silver, steady, 24 11-lrtd per ounce. Money. 26 2 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. Gold Ex porta $14,000,000. NEW YORK, April 29.- Further engage ments of gold for export were announced todav. Lasard Freres took $1,000,000, the National t'ity Pank $1,000,000 and the Na tional Bank of Commerce $500,000. This makes the total engagements to date In the present movement $14,000,000. Onlly Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 29. Today's Treas ury statement shows: Available cash balance $2V.02.717 Gold coin and bullion 14.729.904 Gold certificates 25,458,900 PORTLAND LIVESTOC K MARKET. Price Quoted Ideally on Cuttle, Hheep and Hogs. The livestock markets were In very good shape yesterday. Cattle and hogs continued strong under moderate receipts, while the sheep market was fairly steady. Receipts of the day were 100 sheep, 00 cattle and 60 hogs. The following quotations were current on livestock on the local market yesterday: CATTLE Best steers, $5; medium. $4.50 74-75; common, $3.6094; cows, best, $4; common, $3 503.75; calves. 44..W SHEEP Best wethers, $6; ewes, $5 5.50; Spring- lambs. $6fi?-50. HOGS Best, $U6.25; medium, $3.75&0; feeders, $5 205..'0. Eastern UvestOck Markets. OMAHA. April 29 Cattle Receipts. 270O; market, steady. Native steers. $iie.70; na tive crws and helferS. $3.50 6; Western steers. $5.15&5.50; stockers and feeders, $3 gJ5.30; calves. $36; bulls, $35. Hogs Receipts. 9600; market. Gc higher. Heavy, $5.35&5.45; mixed, 5.30fi5.35; light, $5.2515.40; pigs. $4 4.40; bulk of sales, 95.20$ 5.35. Sheep Receipts. 15,600; market, active, steady to 10c lower. Yearlings, $56.15; wethers. $5j5.S5; ewes, $4.505.50; lambs, $7gT.50. KANSAS CITY, April 20. Cattle Re ceipts. 50H); market, steady. Native steers, $5.25Sl0.9O; native cows and heifers. $3.50f 6 50- stockers and feeders, $3. 505. 75; calves. $3.750; Western steers. $5 6.75; Western cows. $3.25ii 5.25. - Hoga Receipts, 10.000; market. 5)10c hlfther. Bulk of sales, $5.445.55; heavy and packers. $5.40(5.60; light. $5.305.4d; pigs, $3.75fi'4.25. Sheep Receipts. 8000; market, 6910-a lower. Muttons, $5 ft 6.25; lambs. $6 7.20; tange wethers, $4.73 6.00; fed ewes, $4.50 (5.60. CHICAGO, April 29. Cattle Receipts, about 15,000; market for good steady, others weak. Beeves, $4.50 7.20; Texans, $4.40Si 5 50; Westerns, $4.60ft7.9O; stockers and feeders. $3.50 f(i 5.5 : calves, $4.50 8.25. Hogs Receipts, about 21.000; market, 53 lOc higher. Light, $5.20 5.60; mixed and beavv. $5.20t5.70; rough. $5.15ft5.35; pigs, $4.2ott5.10; bulk of sales, $5 505.60. Sheep Receipts, about 20.000; market, weak to 10c lower. Natives. $4.755.25; Westerns. $4. 75ft 6.30: yearlings. $6256.90; lamts, $5.757.50; Westerns. $3.70ftj7.00. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO- Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Vegetables Garlic, 18 25c; green peas, $1(5 1.50; string beans. 8ft l2c; asparagus, 80c; tomatoes, $1.50Q2.50: egg plant. 12c. Poultry Roosters, old. $4ft-4.50; roosters, young. $7.50MO; broilers, small, $2.303.3O; broilers, large, $45; fryers, $7-8; hens, $4 50ft) 9; ducks, old, $4 5; young. 15 'a' 7. Butter Fancy creamery, 21 c; creamery seconds. 21c; fancy dalrs. 21c. Eggs Store, 19c; fancy ranch, 21c. Cheese New, ll12c; Young America, 12ft 13 c. Mlilstufffl Bran, $31032.50; middlings, $33 30. Wool Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino, 30c; South Plain and San Joaquin, 57c; lambs. 6ft 10c. Hops New and old crops, 17c; con tracts. 912c. Hay Wh-at, $16ft20; wheat and oats, $16ftl9; alfalfa. $9&14; stock, $3gl0; straw, per,bale, 5590c. Fruits Apples, choice, $1.75; common. 60c; bananas, $1 33.50; Mexican limes, $5.50 43:6: California lemons, choice. $2.50: common, 75c; oranges, navels, $1.852.7u; pineapples, $i.sora3.o0. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.3501.50; "weeta, $23; Oregon Burbanks. Sfc(fi$l.0. Receipts Flour, 4530 quarter sacks; wheat. 1845 centals: barley, 1030 centals; oats, :i5 centals; beans. 620 sacks; corn, 730 centals; potatoes, 4O30 sacks; bran, 4WJ sacks; middlings, 650 sacks; hay, 350 tons; wool, 204 bales; hides, ivt4. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. April 29. Closing quotations: Adventure . .$ 1-75 jParrot Allouez 25.50 Qulncr 19.30 82.50 Amalgamated 60. 87 Shannon Atlantio ! Tamarack: ... 00.00 Bingham . . . .25 Cat A Hecla.6S5.00 Centennial .. 23 00 Copper Range 68.00 Daly West. . . 8. 50 Franklin 7.50 Granby 90.00 isle Royale.. 19.00 Mass Mining. 28 00 Michigan ... 10.50 Mohawk .... 47.75 Mont. C. A C. 0 Old Dominion 35.00 Osoeola 857 00 Trinity 1350 'United Conner 6.3 U. S. Mining. . 88.50 U. S. Oil 2250 Utah 39.12 Victoria 25.00 Winona 4 87 Wolverine . . .123.00 'North Butte.. 58.37 iHutte uoai. . . 22. w INevada 1187 ICal A Aria... 102. 00 Urljs Com 1S.S7 'Greene Cananea 8.25 NEW YORK; April 29. Closing quota' tlons: Adams Con 5 Alice 200 Breece 11 B runs w Ick fon . 1 0 Comstock Tun.. 37 C. C. & Va 40 Iron Silver 100 Leadvllle Con. . 5 Little Chief 5 Ontario 400 Ophlr iM Potost 10 Savage 25 Sierra Nevada... 37 Small Hopes 18 (Standard 160 Metal Markets. NRW YORK, April 29. The London tin market had quite a sharp advance, spot clos ing at 144 Dc.' and futures at 143. Locally the market was firm, with quotations from 32.25c to 32.30c. Copper was higher In London, spot clos ing at 57 17s 6d and futures at 5S lOc. Locally the market nan dull and unchanged, notwithstanding the advance abroad. Lake 12 62ri2.67c; electrolytic, 12.5112.76; casting, 2.25ft'12.50c. Lead was unchanged at 13 In th English market, but was a shade higher and firm locally at 4.05i4.10c. Spelter was unchanged at 21 In the London market. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged at 4.60ft4.65c. Iron was lower In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 49s d and Cleveland warrants at 50s 6d. Locally the market was rather unsettled, but no quotable change In prices was reported. ' Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 29. The market for evaporated apples is quiet, but holders as a rule are not offering concessions. Fancy, 10c; choice. 7 ft"9c ; prime, 7tJ 7 c ; common to fair. 5'&c Prunes are unchanged. with quotations ranging from 4ftM4c for California and from 54floc for Oregon fruit. Apricots are unsettled, with choice quoted at 10ft 16c, extra choice 1617c and fancy 2024r. Peaches are easy; choice. 9f 10c; extra choice. HVW10c; fancy. 10$ 11c; extra fancy. 11 12c. Raisins are dull and nominal; loose musca tel, 56 c : iweded raisins, 5(i Sc ; London layers. S1.2561.3S. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 29. Cotton futureg closed steady. Closing bids: April, 8.23c; May. 826c; June. S30c; July, 835c: August, 8.34c; September. 8.28c; October, 8-32c: No vember. 8 34c; December. 8.36c; January, 8.36c; March, 8 42c Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. April 29. Wool Steady; territory and Western mediums, 18lgl9c; fine mediums, 15ft 17c; fine, 12 15c Portland Railway, Light and Power Company ONE YEAR, SIX PER CENT, GOLD NOTES Dated May 1, 1908 Due May 1, 1909 Interest payable November 1, 1908, and May 1, 1909, at the office of SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST COM PANY, PORTLAND, OREGON. COUPON NOTES OF $1000 EACH Both Principal and Interest Payable in Gold Coin. TOTAL AUTHORIZED ISSUE $250,000 Secured by deposit with the Security Savings & Trust Company, Trustee, of $375,000. Portland Railway, Light v Power Co. sinking fund mortgage, 5 par' cent bonds. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company has provided over one million dollars to be expended in improvements and extensions during the calendnr year, appropriating about five hundred thousand dollars already in the treasury, and an equal amount out of earnings, together with proceeds of this note issue, whieh expenditureis found necessary in order to properly handle the rapid growth in the company's business, occasioned by continued increase in population and development of territory served. Having already placed a substantial part of this issue of noles, we offer the balance, subject to prior sale, at PAR AND INTEREST, and UNHESITAT ING! RECOMMEND THE SAME AS A VERY SAFE AND EXCEPTION ALLY ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT. The notes will be ready for delivery to purchasers at our office on and after May 1. Full particulars upon application. MORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Commerce ADVANCE IS HELD Wheat Closes Strong in the Chicago Pit. FIRM AT THE OPENING Active Demand for Cash Grain From Minneapolis Millers Low Tem peratures and Bugs in the Southwest. CHICAGO. April 29. The wheat market opened firm because of the steady tone at I-iverfool In the face of a severe break here yesterday. Prices eased off in the first 30 minutes, because of liquidating sales, but soon rallied and held the advance until the close. Commission houses and local shorts were the chief buyers. 1-ow tempera tures in Kansas and Nebraska, reports of damage by Hessian files and bugs in the Southwest and' an active demand from millers at Minneapolis for cash wheat were the bullish features. The market closed strontr. July wheat opened ?4c to He higher at 87H to 87 He. soid off to 8?,c and then advanced to 88c The close was at 87 c Corn was firm for the greater part of the day. July closed at 63c. A break of lo in May was a feature in oats. The market closed firm, July at 45c, the hish point. Provisions were strong because of a 5 to 3c advance tn live hogs. July pork closed 2i:221yic higher; lard was 27Vc30c higher and ribs were up 7 He. Leading futures raneed as follows: WHEAT. May I .OT .08 H .PT July Heptember .84 .84 .83 .84 K CORN. May 06 .6714 .65?i July 2 54 .B.'M4 .63 September ... .Ill -Bl:s -''l f''n OATS. Mav. old 52i .53 H 62i .Mi-l May, new ... .02!i .5?-, .B2i, .r.24 July, old 45 . .459, .45 .46 July, new ... .44 .44 .44 .44 September ... .3C, .37 .3j .30 MESS PORK. May'i 13.12t4 12.74 .13 12 July 13.32' 13.47(4 13.38 H 13 4714 September ...18.05 13.80 1362!, 13.80 LARD. May 8.12'4 8.374 8 10 8 3714 July 8.124 8 57'i S 3n 8 37ij September ... 8.fin 8.77H 8.50 8.77!, SHORT RIBS. May 6.8214 7.00 8 S24 7 July 7.H) 7.271J 7.1,1 7.2714 Eeptember ... 7.25 7.524 7.85 1.62 t "ash Quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. W heat No. 3 Spring-, 97rfi$1.06; No. 2 red, Corn No. 2, 67007(4; No. 2 yellow, 673 74o. Oats No. 2. o2c: No. 2 white. 53"455c; No. 3 white. 60(4e.Vlc. Barley Fair to choice malting, 71tf78c. Flaxseed No. 1 Northwestern. $1.21ji, Timothy seed Prime. 4.2S. Short ribs Plde (loow), .7O7.10. Mes pork Per barrel. $13. 1215 13.29. l.ard Per 10O pounds. $8.8714. Sides Short clear (boxed). S7.259T 0. Receipts. Shipments. Flour barrels 47.1DO 19.000 Wheat, bushels 12,41-0 3."0 Corn, bushels 1S1.P0 1M.W) Oats, bushels 837.3"0 182,7"0 Barley, bushels 45.100 12.000 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 29. Wheat and barley firm. rlpot quotations: W heat Shtpplni. $t.62(j e 1.65; milling. fl.tMtt 1 70. BarleyFeed. Sl.S891.42Yi: brewing, SI. 45 9 1.1214. Oats Red, $1.42(4 9 1.55; white, $1,524 1.55; white, $1.524 8105; grays. $1,659 1.0B4- Call-board sales: "Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.351i QX.XH. Corn Lrge, yellow, $1.051.70. Grain and Prodnca at Sew York. NEW TORK, April 29. Flour Receipts. 12 . Exports. 2.IO0. Quiet but steady. Wheat Receipts, 11,000: exports, 1500. Spot steady: No. 2 red $1.05 elevator and E E TO SAN FRANCISCO Including Meals and Berth S. S. SENATOR SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, 9A.M, MAY 2 M J. ROCHE, City Ticket Agent J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent 142 Third Street Phones; M. 402; A 1402. Ain.worth Dock $1.08 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern ruluth. $1.15t$ f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.12T f. o. b. afloat. Responding to un favorable weather and crop repocts, together with very light Northweat receipts, wheat ruled firm all day and eloped i1rlc net higher. May closed $1.06; July clewed 9c; September closed 93Hc. Hops and hldea Quiet. Wool and petroleum Steady. Northwestern! Wheat Markets. DULUTH, April 29. Wheat No. 1 North ern. fl.Otm: No. 2 Northern. $1.02; May, $1.03 Mr; July. $1.04; September. 91c. MINNEAPOLIS. April 20. Wheat May, $1.0516; July, $1.041.04: September, JtOie; No. I hard, l.08l.ta; No. 1 Northern, $1.00$ LOT? ; No. 2 Northern, $1.0431.05. European Grain Markets. LONDON. April 20. CarKoes, steady but Inactive. Walla Walia, prompt shipment. 3d lower, at 30s 6d; California, prompt shipment, 3d lower, at 37s. LIVERPOOL Wheat, May, 7s 2d; July, 7s 4id; September, 7s !ii. Whrat at Tamma. T A COMA. April 29. Wheat, unchanged. Bluestem. 80c; club. 84c: red. 82c. CotTe and ftus;ar. NEW YORK. April 21'. The market for coffee futures closed steady, unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales. 48,m bags. Including: May, 5.20c; Juiy. 5.J0c; September. B.ttfV&rtc; December, 6.if54irt.l0c; March. 6. 10$ 9. 15c. Spot closed steady. No. 7 Rio. c; No. 4 Santos, 88VjC. Mild coffee quiet; Cordova, Sugar Raw steady; fair refining, 3.ftc; centrifugal, .M test, 4.40c; molaewes sugar, 3.75c. Refined, steady; crushed, 6.20c; pow dered, ft.Wc; granulated, B.Wic. Bond Issues of established mercantile, gen eral business or publie-serviee corporations, and state, city or local bonds and warrants, amounts $100,000 up handled. Large Loans Made to Estab lished Going Concerns. LEWIS N. ROSENBAUM INVESTMENTS, ' 506-7 Melhorn Block, Seattle, Wash. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. forth German JZloyd. Fast Express Service PLTMOUTH-CHERBOVRO-BREMEN, 10 AM. CeclMe (new).. May 12' Kaiser Wm II, May 20 Kronprlns V.'m.May 19 Kalsar d. Gr June 2 Twin-Screw Passenger Service PLTMOrTH-CHERBOURO-BRBMB.V.10 A.M. Kurfuerst ....May T' D.I ITlinaer ...May 28 Barbarosa ..May 21L.uetsow ......June 4 Mediterranean Service GIBRALTAR-NAPLES-UENOA. at 11 A. M. P. Irene May 9 K. Lulse May 8 Friedrlch May W K. Albert June 6 North German IJoyd Travellers Checks. Oelrlchs Co., Arients, B Broadway, N. T. Robrt CapeJle, Gen'l Pacific Coast Asent. San Francisco. Cal. ? THE FLEET $5.00 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. PORTLAND RT., LIGHT POWER CO. CARS LEAVE. Ticket OfTlee and Walllnir-Room, First and Alder Streets FOR Oregon City 4. 8:80 A. M-, and sv.ry 80 minutes to and Including P. M., then 10. 11 P. M. : last car 12 midnight. Greshnm, Borinr. Eaale Creek, Est eada. Cazadero. Jr'alrvletr and Trout dale 7:15. 9:15. 11:15 A. M., 1:15, a.4i, 8:15. 7:1!5 P. M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington streets. A. M. 0:15. 6:5U. T:25. 8:00. 8:3Sw :10. 9:50. 10:30, 11:10, 11:60. P. M 12:30. l:lo, 1:50. 2:30. 8:10, 8:50. 4:30. 5:10. B:50. 8:30, T:05, 7:40. 8:15. 9:25. 10:35fc 11:451. On Third Monday In Erery 3fonth the Last Car Leaves at 7:05 F. M. tally except Sunday. IDally except Monday. Eastern Excursion Rates May 4, 18; June 5, 6, 19, 20; Julv (i, 7, 22, 2;i ; August 6, 7, 21, 22. Chicago and return $72.50 St. Louis and return $67.50 St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior, Winnipeg, Port Ar thur and Sioux City and re turn $60.00 Ninety-Day Limit Stopovers Allowed. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 THE ORIENTAL LIMITED THE FAST MAIL For tickets and sleepincr-ofir reser vations call on or address H. Dickson, C. 1. and T. A., 122 Third St., Port land. Or. Tel. Main 680. A 228ti. Jfamburg -American, WEEKLT SKRVH-E TO LONDON I A RIS HAHBVRO ; 1 B RALTA R N APLK S li F. N OA by Iarire, Luxurious Twin Screw Steamers; all modern appointments. 908 Market St.. Pan Francisco, and R. R. lffirrfi In Fortlund, Agents. North Pacific S. S. Co's. Steamship Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. II. Young, Agent. BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only Direct steamers and IayliRht Sailings. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. S. 8. Senator. May e. 8. 8. Hose City, May 9, t3, June 8. Krom Spear St.. San Frauclpco, 11 A. M 8. 8. Rose City, May i. 18. 30. 8. 8. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. May 9, S3, Jane 8. ' J. V. RANSOM. Hock Arnt. Mnin 2'tS Alnsworth Ioi-k. M. J. ROCHE, Ticket Agent. 142 3d Bt Phones Main 402. A 14)2. COOS BAY LINE Ths steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every WednettdHr at S P. M. from Oak ureet dock, for orth Bend, Mars hit rid and Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 p. M. on day of sailing. Passenger far first class, $10; acond-class, JT, Including berta and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third aftd Washington streets, or Oak-street dock.