lo THE MORXIXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. PORTLAND DOGS !E THEIR DAY High-Bred Canines Are Placed on Parade at Kennel Show EXHIBIT LARGER THAN EVER Jttz Attendance Shows Interest of Animal Lorers In Annual Event. List of Awards Made Yesterday. The ninth annual bench show of the Portland" Kennel Club oppned at the i n -Or alH in par h. Fifteenth and YVflsliintrton MreMs. yesterday afternoon, wjth a most flattering- attendance and a la i a r exhibit of well-bred dogs than fv.-r before in the history of the club. fJrimo inconvenience was caused at the plait by the delay of several exhibitors In bavin? ihir entries on hand, but this ns more than offset by the expeditious manni-r in which Juda George 9. 'I hnnia handled the judging of each cin - He mc lee ted the winners and dis ttibutfl tin prizes with rare Judgment, mi 'I so sturdily that a number of the espr-rt dog hrt-fftf-rs were surprised at hi apt i ode and splendid judgment. The keenest mm pet ition was between the entries in t lie setter and pointer dl vifwrns. M.my handsome docs were -In -si th d in these classes and. While maii of the owners were disappointed In faitinir tn secure ribbons or favorable mention, they were satisfied that the awarding judge was equal to his position. Merman M. Papst's handsome point er. Mason Klnir. proved the classy . aniim In that division and was award ed the firsts in eaeh class entered and is therefor the champion pointer dog of the Portland show. .1. K Cnlli.-ons Irish water spaniel Mottle rorraled nil the first prizes In that division. M. V. Il klnson's (lord on setter, Freda T., was declared the best doc in that class and captured enoimh firsts to be heralded as a Him rnpion. T. M. Itf tinett's Kngllsh set t er . Mannzet t. ca ptured the honors in the puppy class. J. Wesley Ladd's cocker spaniel, Red Queen, was a winner In several classes, and may be a prominent contender for honors in th contest for the beat dog or lilti it in the show. The doors of the show will b opened this morning at 10 o'clock, when the .judging will be resumed. The big events scheduled for today will be. competition between the bull terrier and the fox terriers. Yesterday's com plete list of awards Is as follows: rat. flemwrrin. Mr- T H Tape Nero first, J. V. Walk r 1't hit e-t'.n'l. fireat Ihtnea. N'nvlffl-;-ne W. ft rally's Ovid first. I.imll - (!en W. Rrady's Ovid firW. ' ipen i)i.s- l-ne V, lii afiy's viij first, Jh k H.i ly a Hitppr Hmllmtn second. U Inner : Icgj - Gene . Mrndy's Ovid -.rj?t. .la. k Hairy' Mnppy IPmltuHn rsrre. t '. -. r YounK Prlfl'-eS Hsa wn fl'tt hi n-ohr, limit and winners. Great Dane e!nsnes. Newfoundlands. .ne ItH vrn us' (luster. R HMMttin VV ol f honn ds. 'hail et nionl's No flrft. Iirre Fr r' liioTV'fT Maid st'Oiiil. 1'ierre Ferry's ,' xm thlnl. ;reyhnnnds. .1. K Rrm lundi" Fanny wmi In both classes, f oxbntiadH. I - milt inR - A. M. ( ronln's Ijttie first and i"-n ftfl - Mn. A. M. TMiwnlng'ii Bailey I' tDM. pointer. I'-l'i ll-bkrtks Mark Hush first. WMltfr iiaisi.O. Id .ool. v. F. Holdernian'R luhifi-i-1 II thlr.l. i '. K. Mt own s Rip Hhp .- rve. Fred V . W tia-ner's- Chief Him highly . nnonrntU-l 1,1 mil hii(f inuler W puundw- A. C. Pbnte's l-'ti HiimM fl i Kt . Waller ftadihy- T"d ec I'tMt. I- r. ( U nkpi-i k f 'htef Snm t hlr.l. I. hull over ,rHri -u ti-W - J. 1 1. Rut her- f'rde Hiiti It. wTe. 'i t-n - kt iiMi .Vi pouixl' II. M. Caput's M;i"n'H K l n k Itr-l. . f i. V'nn S-hnver"s r-.im -Mid. I'.-ier M-.bkh k' Mrk Ituh thint. 'mn H-loini'i n 's Sptrt n-wi r, W Inneri' - H M. Pupil's Mannn'S KuiK Htt. . . Yhii Schuyver s Sam re s i f. II M f'npsf 'l"K 'e now a fhamplon. 1'ttppv Intchf -( harles II. Campion's t.et- I on) y ii .mi w . in. N'.'v i.-p. Mt-lM-s Mrs K W. Thompsnn'a lies Hi rl , M i . t j k llnnner's estei la m-, mivI. i'lcii!f R 'HTnnl"H' Leltrutn yutcn thlfl. c. Cfh N.lllc ifscrve l. eill I. lo tiii'lci 7x imiintlfi-C. n Vnw- 1 f t li.iiltii fli.-t. W. V. Wllev's !ni.-l;.ns M ft n.l. t;.-,., n..lp..'i V-ti-rla thiol. 1. 1 m 1 1 hit.h.M hit M pounds An (rust Ktii-Ki'i'c K;tr!'M K-Ot in. t 'pi n tihctii-s u to !-t To pounds ' fl :ieuvi Mulls Walla ltuh llrnl. C. R Pnw- U' i"Mfiittn p-I, V V. U lli v'j Tnichn II l H lul, i ie- i e H- miin ' w Vett la reerv e. rnall-h fHler. 1n pi o iIosr J It. I in Iter' si Hh first, I r. .M:in VXi'iih Sndllt'fi H-mu tlrutnnu1 sniti'!, U (t. Van Si huwer s 1hii thlnl. W. 1 I '('' ll'll t.-.-r N.mI. , te- - I ten MncHrf' Klna Tsntnner l flin, S T. - Mrlttnln Crlne Cole se-cnl. v". !; M:iri in lulu thlnl . .1. It. I laker's t , I, ve. t.llMM . .p- - M I. Cllinore's Htiitdsiime ln fi-fi. I" Alan V.-lih Sinilh'e Mandime Mm npil, . T Hrlt I a In's lrlne '! third x t't t :. Mir It ft n Hi Hi rwrv. ' !n tl-K V. A Kuahn s (Sun Krannlscnt M,illw,. uni met. M. P Ultmote's Haii.l "ine I Min si'ciiihI. I r. Alan w eh h Smith's Miom!m.n. .liiii Ihtid, S. T. Mrltttm's Prince c.-h- W ho., n.' '!! -V K mi tin' Mnll w vnd e llnndsiima ian M P lllin' t'Mpin t'ltrh'SK T M H.ioo-tt Mfina Zett. ti -ii. I-:. A rtmii KimmiK. ticotul; H. 1. I'imHI Ln.lv liiirlc Uhltentone, third, fto'ahea Mrgfirld Matte It. h e N'H1 Htehf T M. Mt-nn.tt-s Mima Ttett, f "t . .1. K M'd'harf lS:iltlr UPa Harktd, - .-.-nrl . ilhoir K. Orimth's oi if.n llty) !' iuh I'-.t , llitT.t : H il. Fanep s Iady M tlrl.f Whit i slniir, riff" rve. Mind t-Mchn i'nlkn I'oi, -cnfid. ipen bitehe.-.l K Hubert's (Seattle) first ; Mrs. 10. A. Parsons' ..nd i httrh. 1 - .1 II V. Huhtifrt's Queon llrnnrtt's Miinft Zett, ttordon Srtter. W V WI1"V (MMIsboi-ol Jnen took first In novice, sx-i "ml in limit lilt dies, wennd hi np-n iot fi'ii'l tn winner llt h. M . W. IM.ktn-oti KrwMa T wins Hift in limit bit' h-s. tlrft tn op. n Mtctira, and nrst In win ner bltrhis. Irish HHtem. Puppv itnm atl M ten -florge p. ivher iv Habb . fit st : P V Vsn N t'-e's Pn'bly liljrnltv. jcn-l; Hnty KI1bnw' T-int!. third. Siobe tins V Anil-b s Imk-. nrst; P. It. Vsn Met im1iIv I Hsnit . s'('on1 ; Hf-nry KMImn i Tit. Ibtnl Mpn d'.Rs Atthur B. VelRuth's How, flmt; tl. It KJUa's i Victoria. H ') Ptlnce. sennd. Winpor lies - Arthur K Wlgulh s Bow, ftrt: F. Antb b I'uks. reserve Novice bit. hen- M. nrv Ktltotw's Toots, fitst. pn bitches Art hur Iv t-'guth s T-en Tine U Inror bll' ti'- Arthur F. Vlotha T-i-n Tine. firit; tieurs P. liberty's Habby, re t r e. hesMiieake Bay. Otd t w dint! wtf.wn L tt. Hubbard's fT won flrsl tn novli f, and nm In winner. N no..tch' Jnkt-r wmi llrit In o-n tloas Hii'l irirrvr in winn-rs. Irish Water Spasd). Thre.' dcffS ffhnwn .1 H rullln Rnttles won tit st In novice, fir-! In limit, fii at In op' n aed fii t In w lnn..rs. Mrs. Pr Alan u i b h Smith m Por rt f.w-ii'k mnthm In ti,, b e. T 11. Tsvlor's t Vancouver, B. C ) Murrsi d Pat . ecii1 in open d and re-f-M in wlnnre T H Tvlor s Mumad lid' . firt in op n htb'hi-e, fltt In winners tMchts. iM-ker HpnnleU. ruppy dogs god bllchea Ktfland U. Ciam well B!Mnvham. Wash. Kulsham Collar. first !n puppy d"fr- Novfre dogs Mrs. W E. Prudhomme's Captain, flr-t: R G. Gam well's Kulsham Ellltott. second. Limit, dogs black Mrs. jC. R. Campions A U: tor. first; Mrs. W. E. Prudhomme's Cap tain. rond: J. Fred Rn nick's Heiney, third: Mrs. Marram Boots' Flush, h. c. Open doss mi a. C. R. Campion's Victor, first and also first in the winners; Mrs. W. E. Prudhomme's Caatatn. second ; R. 13. Gam well's Kulsham Collar, reserve. Corkers Other Than Black. R. G. Gamweil's Kulsham Cardidan. first; Charles Kleins (Hpokane) Rd Buft. second. Novice dogs R.. G. Gamweil's Kulsham Cardidan. first: Charles Cleins Red Buff, second; Mn, C Barker's Baby Duke, third; Charles W. Jones' Kulsham A rare gam. re serve. I,imit dies nartf cnlftr Mr I" Rnrtror' ) Baby Duke, first: T. W. -B. London's Ctd. second- Charles W. Jon Kulsham Arge I ftam. third; Frank Bollam's Portland Tip. , reserve. l Open d"g-s. parti color R. O. Gamweil's i Portland Kid., first: Charles W. Jones' Kul , sham ArRepam. second. Onen dots, anv solid color other than black .1. Wesley Ladd's Red Kin, firet and also first in winners doa-s R. W. Gam well's Portland Kid. reserve. Cockers, black, novice, limit and - winner" bitches Won by Mrs. W. Drewery's Lady Betty tt. Novice hitches other than black A. C Kleins (Spokane) Twilight, first; Mrs. C. Barker's Queen, second. Limit, open and winners bitches, of any solid color other than black J. Wesley Ladd'a tted Queen, wins first In limit and reserve; K. M. Stevens (.Pasadena. Cal.j fiiat In open and first in winner. Beagles. O. B Cyrus. fPciot Woodlark, first In novice and first in winners. His Fleetwood was second in novice ami reserve. Iarhund. Novice degs and blt-'hes Charles J. Fch tin bet's Dt lia. first : Mj s. Charles J. Schnabel's Othello, second. Same dogs won In limit and winners classes. Y. M. C. A. TO MEET CHEMAWA Portland Iads Will Run Kelay Kace Fom Salem. Intei est is high at the Y. M. C. A. over the endurance contest with the Chemawa Indians, scheduled lor Satur day. Physical Director Grilley, of the Y. Hi. C. A., went up to Salem yesterday to arrange for the starter and other officials to supervise the lona; run from the capital. He purposes ridlna; over the course today, when he will ettle on the exact locations of the mile-posts at which the relay changes will be made. As far as possible, the follow ing places will be chosen as changing posts: Oervals, "Woodburn. xubbard. Barlow, New Era, Oregon City, Oswego and Klvervlew. From Rtverview, John Hesemer will carry the Association colors rljrht up to the building at fourth and Yamhill, where Mayor Lane will wait to receive the winner and to accept from his hands the dispatch en trusted by Governor Chamberlain to the runners for safe conduct. The start will be made at 8:30 A. M., from the Salem Y. M. C A., Cprtozlen, a Turk from Constantinople, being the Y. M. C A. man to be started by the Governor. Cortozien, while not one of the well-known runners for the Y. M. C. A., Is yet a man who will make his mark, and Mr. Grilley believes that in entrusting the start to him he i doing a wise thin it. Cortozien has the frame for an endurance contest, and the only question is whether he Is too heavy a man to make good on the start. Hackus, the star runner of the Asso ciation, will handle the stretch from N Era to Oregon City, probably the only level stretch on the route, and the Y. M. C. A. men say that Rackue can be relied on to pull up back time on the level, although he would not shine in the climbing work. STEELINDIGTMENTDELATED MANNING PROBES IT'IITHER IN TO TITLE BANK. Expert to Re Able to Prove Com plicity of State Treasurer and Rosa. A side from a conference lie t ween District-Attorney Manning ami J. W. Fergu son, one of the experts employed by the stain to examine tlf books of the Titln Guarantee & Trust Company, there were no developments yesterday In the threat ened Indictment of State Treasurer Steel for his alleged complicity in the con version by the bank of the educational funds of the state. It Is Inferred from the fact of the Intru'lew that a further Investigation will Uf made Into the af fairs tif the defunct institution. State Treasurer Steel is confined to his home, 242 East Twentieth street, by a slight illness, from which he expects, to recover sufficiently In a few days to resume his official duties at Salem. The unexpected Illness of Mr. Steel and the absence of Secretary of State Benson In California has caused Governor ham berlaln to defer his departure for Mastern (in'Kiin on his Senatorial campaign until Sunday. ' He left for Salem yesterday to look after the duties of the State Board and on Saturday will assist In the official canvass of the primary election returns. I weaving Portland Sunday, be expects to reach Malheur 4ounty in time to open his campaign In Enstern f reon with meetings at Vale end Ontario Monday afternoon and night, respectively. District Attorney Manning maintains that lils promised indictment of State Treasurer Steel la warranted under the Instructions of Judge Burnett to the Jury in the Boss trial aside from any other consideration or evidence of Steel's com plicity 1 Tt the Illegal conversion of the state's funds. According to the Interpre tation of the statutes, as presented to the Jury In the Boss rase, Judge Burnett held substantially that if Steel loaned the educational funds to Rnss, the State Treasurer Is equally guilty with Ross for their conversion by the bank. This view Is accepted by th District Attorney on the theory that the State Treasurer could not delegate authority to the bank which he himself did not possess. It. VA St MlYVKR-S MAH," KIHIIOK FOR JKCOn BFT J I f V - t " v : "' N ,;.;- i - f: e-K. I j r r ' f- i i !:;j;:sasi::::::i;; I t 1 HKMAI M. PAPST AXD HIS Crf AMPIOX POINTER "MASOS'S ' KUK WHICH WOJ THE CHAMPIONSHIP IS HIS CLASS AT THE I'OHTIASD KESMCL, CLIB'9 SHOW. MUST USE ENTIRE FISH ALASKA C.VXXERS WARNED BY BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Preserving of Salmon Bellies Or dered Stopped on Ground That Practice InvolveWaPte. Alaskan canners have been notified that after January 1, 1909. the practice of preserving salmon bellies must be stopped. The Bureau of Fisheries at Washington has taken the matter up and hin Issued an order on the subject. The position is taken that this practice re sults in a big waste of fish, since the bellies only are used by the plcklers who make this business a specialty, the remainder of the salmon being thrown away. C A. Burkhardt, proprietor of the Yes Bay Cannery, Yes, Bay, Alaska, believes the order is a Just one and says that the waste of fish because of the methods of the plcklers Is large and should be stopped. He says that the bellies are the juiciest and fattest parts of the fish and while certain packers maha it their work to cure all parts of the fish, some camiers. during rush reasons, when fish are plentiful, take only the bellies, throwing the rest of the fish away. The following notice has been 'sent to Alaskan packers: It is desired to call the nt tent Ion of all no ii a mn. n, rmK uimor, II, OUNKI) It V W. II. WVI.IK, ii vni,i-:ii. pHrker of enlmon In Alnnka to we-t n B of th act for the protect Inn (if the tlheilf of AlaHci. approved June 'M, lOotf, which reads an f'lllowa: Fectlnn 8 That it when unlawful for any pcrwnn. crtmimrtr or corporation w atttonty to wajiie or tltnty lalmon or othr fooi flu hp takrn or caught In any of the waters of Alaska. The prcjr-nt methods of proparlnir bl lleti of miliiion for the mnrkcl Involve th waste of a lan?e part of the edlhl pirHnn of the titli. It in boltcvd that thtn wiu0 in rontrii ry to thr uplrlt nd ttr of th; bnvft provision. The SrrrrtHry of Cnmmfrrn and iJitwir. who n charevd with the enf'irr? mMit of th Aiftnka tlnheria act. ban notified, thin Pnr'aii that th practice of cur I nit and. prervlng the e-'-called hlly of the KHltntm, Willi H WAS A W A R DRD TMR BKI OPES DlHl OVEH 50 POINDS. wunminM.iwiHjiiinijiuD.iJiii i i in -t'- f if m.iiMiiii i im irir T" t T - " F"WWSP"- Wwm : -V ' . - I ; f If If m I I ""St ' - ' 1 1 ' I ' f ' " v 1 f SH I V VP&ir i ! if - x t sfsT rr 5 ! which result tn the waste of a large propor tion or the edible portion of the rWh. is a wanton waste within the meaning- of section a above, and that after January J, 1119, those who engage in this practice will be reported for prosecution as provided for in the act. KORiB M. BOWERS. I Commissioner Pureau of Fisheries. . CHILDREN , PLAN CHURCH Little People In Chicago Will Buy Building. CHICAGO, April 29. Children of Chicago are to have a church entirely their ownv to be known as the First Children's Church. It Is at 910 North Fairfield avenue, and tomorrow night 150 boys and girls will march In and dedicate It. William FHllne will be the superin tendent of the juvenile church. He Is a printer, and three years ngo he was graduated from the Moody Bible Insti tute. "I have been thinking of this for years," said Mr. Filline. "You see. the children don't like to go to a regular church, where there Is nothing but grown-up people. "There wflr be clubs for the boys and clubs for the girls, with especial at tention to baseball and other outdoor games in the Summer, and checkers and authors and dominoes and similar games inside for bad weather. We will have also a cooking school. "Ther! we are going to have an em ployment bureau for the boys and girls, for this is a poor neighborhood." So far as possible the children will carry out themselves all the functions of a church. They have . arranged to nwNr.i) ry a. c. mu'TM. of ihi.lsworo. on tub i.kft. ai nrciiKSM OP llll,l,IIOHO, ON TIIK HM-II'I'. F. HOWK, OF II I I.LSUO BO, If TIIKIK pay for the bulMlnp In monthly In stallments. It will be undenomina tional. HEAVY VOTE WAS POLLED Two-Thirds of Tliose llrglsU'red Kx- rrelscd Klglils. - 1 Although primary elertlon day was a tormy one. figures compiled hy Deputy County Clerk hViinelder sliow that about two-lhlrds of the registered clllitens voted. The registrations were 31.4:11. and the vote east 2II.1M. Republicans east lT.fiWl bal hts and Democrats -.47:1. The vote was as follows: rtp. tni. Tolnl. Koi SM d.4"s l.jinn n.T7:i Went SMf T.1!7K - Ml" Cbuntry 1.!'4. -'f'fl a.af.l Totals U.lim 2.4--I Tlilrty-one voters resistered 2". 1114 at the today. rourthouse yesterday. Including there are just 14 days more during which the books will be kept open. EASTERN EXCURSIONS On May 4th, lRlh, and on authorised dstea during the Summer, the Canadian Pacific will sell rniinci trip excursion tickets to St. Paul, Chicago and Enstern points at very low rates. Tickets will ha good for stopovers with long time limit. For full particulars call on or address F. II. Johnson. G. A. P. !., 112 Third street, Portland. Or. . DID Y0USAY HAT? If hat ar what you want ntll nt Ij Palais Royal. There you will flnrt them, both largr and small , at prlr-rn to milt you all. 76 Washington street. Sends nval IU11 to on Terence. WASHINGTON. April 2fl. By a vote of 1R7 to 42. the Houe today refused to aceept tlie Pcuate amrndments to the naval appropriation bill and !ent It to coalereace. GOOD PRICES Pi Horses Bring an Average of $230 Each MUCH INTEREST IN SALE Fifty-seven Animals Are Sold, tlie Highest-Priced Horse Being Mary Minis, YVlio Is Bought for $1400. Fifty-seven horses. sell!ng at an aver age of $230 each, was the record estab lished at the second day s sale of the Portland Horse Sale Compa-ny, held at the Exposition grounds. Men who have attended horee sales all over the coun try were surprised at the way. the sale went on the opening day, but it was noth ing compared with that of yesterday. The feature of the sale, of course, was Mary Mims, 2:30. TTris mare, like a num ber of other speed marvels that will be sold today, has attracted widespread at tention because she is every inch a horse. She was knocked down '.o W. R. Clemans, of Moscow, Idaho, for J1400. but tioi be fore a number of prominent Portland business men, who waa f.1 the handsome mare as a roadster, had bid as high as J1350 for her. T. Scott Brooke. Sam Kl more. H. C. Campbell and a host of other well-known men kept the bidding on the mare very lively. Mr. Clemans. of the firm of ciemans Llody. finally bid J1400 and got the mare. The next horse to bring a fancy price was General Jones, a black McKlnney stallion, who was knocked down to Mc Danlels & Ferguson, of Newberg. for $7.ri0. Alia Jones, out of the well-known race mare, Alta Norte, went to S. E. Klmore. of Astoria, for $435. He also bought Jean Jacques, a 2-year-old stallion by King-red-Julletta. for $.TW). Still another fancy price was paid by J. D. Gordan, of Dun dee, for Sovran, which was knocked down to him for $150. Among the horses sold during the sale were a number Of high-class horses raised in and near Port land. Splendid Animals Yet to Be Sold. Some of the best stuff yet remains to be sold, and the sales today in many ways will be the cream of the three-dny sale. Among the lot there will be a num ber of clever light harness performers, and the chances are that still another reord is to be cracked in the sale of Henry Gary, 2:18. A number of light harneps men have been waiting for a. chance to bid on this horse, because he has the making of a tine racir tool. He would also make a speedy roadster. There will also be a number of sons and daugh ters by Zoinbro sold during the day. Rnmo people have an idea because it is Mia last day of the sale thnt only the culls are left, hut a glance at the cata logue will disprove this. Kuicknack, 2:llVi. who is owned by Robert Brady, of Portland. Is one of the lot. A. V. podson, who was judge of the Hunt t'luh hnrpe show, will send Into the sales rltiK a fast preen 1rol tor In Mark Ar-Riin, and also a f;im-y hiKh-ftep-pinp earrinsfi team. Ie Pointer, a fHHt pacor, will po under the hammer. Tn addition to the harness horsey t hat will be wold, there tr several line tliorouKh brd hnrniw on t he llt. The salen of yesterday and the nnirs of the peopto to whom the horst'8 wero sohl follow: Sales for the Dny. Mary Mlmn, 'J::io, hrown marc, 3, hy Ttio Hnnritnan-H-.rini; W. II. Clemens, Mnwow, Idnho 9I.40Q i 1ff"ll"l"'""iiiiiiaiiini 1 in. 1 r-nmuuL vt 1 jj -'" 7 j 1 H J ,., ., , . u in " '""" -"' l""1?1 ' "" I 1 J . ' " " " ... :f - ' V f " ' f i '' , ' : !. k I -r-Vw ,. l.m.-r , I & . .--,- ffvti j 1 1 f : . - ; I - $ ' k m i , j -1 , j it'll 4 K K. W4TKIW -y II.I.AMKTI'K ST H l,l; HT," PORMlnAni.K t 0Tl:T.'VT Knit Till'! HOIVOIIS I THIS HI IX TEKHIKK ri rPY I Creole, bay uridine. , Burton- Cree; William Fraier. Portland. ... 00 Erasmo, bay uridine, 4, by Nocturon K!sie Venner; R. N. Young, Hood River BuRleweed. brown mare. 4. by Jublle de Jarnette-Belt; Albert Gautier. Tortland 260 Pchnorrer. bay t ail ion,, t. by Jnbtle de Jamette-Ine; m. H. Petersen. Portland 195 Kohi Nur and Kopek, bmv (telding. 4. by Keeler: Lestem Pearne. Fort tmcoc. Wah. . . . T StfK Willy Mufty. brown utalllon 2. bv Juhile de Jarnette-Jet Wible; palo Alto Farm, Boise , S00 Maidenhair, bay mare. 4. bv Keeler- trn: Dr. A. C. Froom, Portland . 230 Peppermint, biack mare, S, bv Lam bert Boy-Bird Pepper; A. K. St ran a han. Hood River uft Brl. bay mare. T. by Mflrosa Colt Ruby; j w. Brown. AlrMe, Or ... 375 Red Phantom, bav stallion, I. by The Kin Red-Cousin; W. Brunxel. Con don Or 235 Jean Jacque?, brfy stallion, . br The Kin Red-Jutietta. 2:21 H ; Samuel Elmor. APtoria 30(1 Ehen. bay gelding. 4. by Trombone Rex-Eden Girl; F. G. Toella. Hal brook. Or Ji? Flower Queen, ch. mare. 4. br Vtca Rcnent-Flower Qlrl; H. B. Sill. Portland ISO Glister, bay mare, 4, bv Vice Rgent- . Flit Dust; J. W. Rrowrf, Alrlte, Or. 130 Jayhawker. ch. reldinff. 4. bv Vire Reent-Jay Bird; S. T. Smith. Roee-bura-. Or J? Radium, bay gelding-. R. by Vice Re-pcnt-Almaa-ra; A. N. Court nev, We natche, wash 2,5 Reeve, ch. mare, 4, by Vice Regent- RitfT; S. T. Smith. RoseburR. Or... 175 RoRiie, ch. iteldtnjf. 4. by Vice Reicent- Wlle; J. It, Marsh. Vancouver. Waah 120 Sister, bay icelditiR. 4. by Vic Reent Misy; J. M. Murchie, North Yakima. Vah ... 120 Sovran, bay1 stallion, 3. hv Tha Kin Red-Cousin; J. D. Gordon, Dundee, Or 450 Suitar Candy, bay mare, 4. by Vice Recent-Brow-n Sugar; N. M Mc Daniel. Portland 110 Whirlwind, ch. gel din . 4. bv Vice Repent-A fer; F. E. Moore, Turner, Or iwt Bricadn, bay mare. 4, by Nocturne- Krownle; C. "W. Embcdv, Portland.. 25 Miser, bay gelding:. 4, by Billy- MiO- neola ; Paul Brusel, Condon, Or. . . . 100 Rose Knot, bay mare. r. bv Almne Tea Rose; A. N. Courtney, Wen atchee. Wash 300 Zircon, ch. mare. 5. by Vice Regent- Sard; J. W. Brown. Alrlte, Or 2O0 Oh! Glory.- bay stallion. 2; W. J. Ball. Salem, Or 175 Hatc.on. ch, mare. 9. bv Alfonso-Sun Gem; J. W. Brown, Airlie, Or 150 Pahl Hal, brown stallion. 1. bv Hal B. (2:04H -Greetlng; U W Watts. Portland 175 Altarego, black stallion. 10. by AltaRo- Rockwood: J. M. Murchle. North Yakima. Wash 175 Dontlnus, brown ireldtnir. . by Vice Itepent-Dolly ; J. B. Slump, Mon mouth, Or 303 Pair black" peldlngs; J. M. Murchle, North Yakima, Wash 870 lassle Tanpent. bay man, 8. by Bonnie Tang-ent-Holmdel ; C. I. Ran son. Turner, Or 2WS General Jones, black stallion. 8. bv Captain McKlnney-Daisy Q. HIM I McDantels and Fer(ruon, Newbers;. . 735 Daisy McKlnrTey. black mare. 2, bv Captain McKinney-Paisy Q. Hill; A. W". Vernon. Salem. Or 800 Alia Jones, black mare, 8. bv Cap tain McKinney-Alta Norte, 2:104; S. K. Elmore, Astoria 4-70 Judson. bay eeldlng, 4. by Satin Roal- Rpfs ; Dr. a. C. Slorum. Portland . . 175 Mnbel and Maud, bay mares; S. T. Smith, RoseburR. Or 875 Bennie Bun ton, brown veldinp. 0. by Cautlon-GleneM; A. N. Courtney, Wenatchee. Wairh 210 Brlpham, bay peldtnp, 5, bv Cautlon tilenell; A. N. Courtney, Wenatchee, Wash. ....... 143 Billy Burk and Madre. bay mare and pe.idlnp; R. M. Young. Hood River, Or 8-iO Winnie West, brown mare, 7. by West-tleld-Achieve: J. T. Robertson. The Dalles. Or 143 Edwin R.. bay petdinp, 7. by Caution; a. 1. Bree-d. Portland 130 Tnt. brown mare. Kt. by IJttl Tortd- BprIc: a. j. Johnson. Corvalhs. or. 170 Black mare, 2. by McAlropa-Tat; M. Mowrnvf, Milton. Or !0 Bob White, hrown peldlnp; F. W. Wagner, Portland 230 Pair bay mares; M. Mosgrove, Milton. Or 410 Zambo. hay pelding; F. E- Catlerlln. Portland 13fl Tempest, brown mare; t. I. Thomas, Stayton. Or , 115 Chit-Chat of Sporting World BY WIL.L, G. MAO RAH. Til ERR Is trouble and plenty of it In stnre for the McCredles, and It will not take any InnRer than the open Iuk dny to slmw that their new gata system Is a farre and a producer of pmfantty. In the first place, the nates are too narrow and there are no fdfrna to guide the sun goda or the ftrand iManders. "Hoc Anderson bought tha flrat prntidflnnd bnaeball ticket of tho ea pon. They were placed on sale yeater ilny. And here's another MrCredle Inno vation they only sell grandstand seats down town, which will also produce soma cuss words. If any one has an Idea that there Is m dp show in tnwn"jut lot him pass Fifteenth and Wnshlnptnu streets. Tho kl-yl chorus will convince him of his mistake. The Government experts will spend lots of money trying- to discover tha orlpln of the horse. Why g;o any further thim Oakland. There's lots of old skates racltiK there. The; mrry widow hasn't nearly s much trouble with her lid as Mayor bane does with the boxing; ltd. A Cincinnati Judge has just decided that a bnaeball fan must tako hla wife,' to the game with him. If she wants to go. Judge McCredle needn't fear, for few of the Portland fans will tell their wives when they gn to the games. Pclepnte Are Invited. President V. E. lie Tlmouoff, of th International Congress of Navigation, has sent an Invitation to the Board of Trade to send delegates to St. Peters burg. Ruasia. to tho next meeting of the congress, which Is to be held May .Tt to June 7. Accompanying the letter Is a pamphlet printed In Kngllsh and freely Illustrated with views of Import ant Irrigation work In Russia and of hat-bnrn and streams made navigable through great engineering; feats. Secre tary Mullor said yestertTay that he would Light Suits and dark Suits, all washable and wearable for every day, holidays and dog-days. Warranted to suit both mother and the boys. Russian and Sailor styles. Sizes 3 to 10 years 50 up to ?3. CLOTH NGC0 CuS KuhnProp' 166-168 Third Street. jCentum's Glove Sale Today THURSDAY WOMEN'S STREET GLOVES Values up to $1.75. $1.00 INCLUDING SPECIAL PER PAIR 6-button lenpth ppnuins Cape Gloves. 6-button length genuine French wash able chamois. Genuine Velvet Moelin. Fownes Pique Kid Gloves. All values up to $1.75; pnir. .S551.0O jCeti Buttons 300 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffir. ask for a conference of the presidents of the several commercial organizations with a view of having Oregon repre sented at the congress, explaining- that personal examination of the work in that country would furnish valuable Informa tion In prosecuting similar projects in this state. WILL FIX RESPONSIBILITY Council Committee to Probe Pur chase of Cable. Mayor bane, the members of the fire committee of the executive board, and others will be called upon to give testi mony tomorrow night, when the second session of the committee on Judiciary of the Council will occur at the City Hall. The subject under investigation Is tht recent purchase of $20,700 worth of cables and conductors for the Ftre De partment, which should have been sup plied free of cost by the I Tome Tele phone Company. The purpose of the probing la to fix responsibility for the needless expenditure. City Attorney Kavanatigh yesterday ruled on a point of law, upon which in formation was sought by the Investigat ing committee, by holding that the Pa cific Telephone Telegraph Company is not obliged to furnish any supplies for the city, under the trms of lis fran -chlse. until official notification Is given by the Council. Thus, it could not be sued for the sum spent for the caMrs and conductors already purchased by the city. Olympla Malt Extract, good for grand ma or baby. Only 16-MO of 1 per cent alcohol. Phones: Main 7l. A 14457. We Want a Building Erected 'Suitable for Our Business Northwest Portion of City Preferred 20-Ycar Lease THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. Blank Book Makers Printers lithographers Stationer! 214 FIRST ST. PortUnd, Or.