TI'E MORNING OREGON I AX, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 10OS. 11 rog RENT. Purs Used Room. THE VF.V,rnKS. K.egant ly furr -snM roim ; heat. h and n-M r unntr m w aTer, return call -b: i tn a '1 rooms, f baths r.d both r' on em: h fl.-kr ; w -t i- mo-Jrrn larougbouL. rates very rmrar'e THK VKP-fTDW. 3Xh aa1 W uiiinit'm. HfTEL Bl'SHJI AHK. Wubinitoo and lTlh, nrst-class furnished room. single or en suite; xery fi(-4m or.nvenlen s. $-i J up: dally T&c up, special moctnlr rates. Ukin 5A47 TWO fumWM rooir reasonable, modern. SV4 Ilamaon st. THE HOTEL HETSBR. Emt 8d and Burnsld at., saw and ab solutely fireproof; ;gantly furnished reoms. alngie and en suite; elevator, not and coid w Mar. at Mm hM and tele phone tn each room. Grill in connection: apse! ratee te families. Phon. East 17 L THR HAZEL A home for young men: the hr r.-lu! ve mn a b-'arri in a houe In the city. Nke )!rrtt ror.-r.s witn running water. Good tabic. R n n M e rates. Phone Main 74 A 4107 3- :td at. KLEG A NTI. V furnished nvm Uh board, in Noli H l r-i.n- -, fire vifn. all ni -drn mnvnin, . K'ltiat '- f"t ln oung ni?n or young n:i-rl d oup.e. Addrtas G 87 4, car t'tfniiian. Portland WomeeVe Union, 19th year; room a with board, um of Mwlnt-room. uaa of library; Woman a Exchange. Address Mr. Ella Kiwllnyt, Supt . aiO Tlandara at. LARGE, nicely furnished rwm with board, suitshte fo- two; home choking: rieiral:e location, beautiful ft ruur da. 1M Jlth St.. comer Yaminii. Main 5;i10. A o50 A LA P.GK. pieasant from room f'-r 1 or 2: ft .-... h me cmHln(t ; prKuse, very resacn iib. fine. Wv-atl-m. 2.2 N. 19t tx at., near Marshall. Pacific 2467. THK RARTi N. Punny rooms; steam heat, hot and ro.1 air; fltM-claa table; nwtt rcssocable raie. 4AA Alder. LA RGB outside room. plcn11d view, newly and e'fgantly furnished; every convenience; fami'r board; reasonable. 178 Ella, south of aahinnion. THK WALD" RF One lane front suit of p-cms with iv-Hnrl; a Iw a few f Ingle rooms, sul table f. 't sen; lemcti. 147 l.'fth at. Muin 21 IN. A illh- ri'RVlSHKD or unfurnished rooms, for 2; modern conveniences; with Rood !Kard reasonable; jrlate family; very central. Pl(!lflO J17. irKl.y furnished room, all modern ron fnieiv. prtvtite latntly, pJe.aunt sur roundiiiaa. nmd rate, terms. tVti ."ni t. ROOM and board, private family, 127 HaM 17th at., near Morrison; waiklnff dtatanca. Phone Mast enw. 33 NORTH 17TH st . off Washington; well furnished, large front room and other rooms; modern. THF) Colonial, corner loth and Morrison, cosy, clean, comfortable, good table; low rates. Call and see. ROOMS with board. nfo day board $4 50 per week: home - cfoking-. Tha Chr-aler, Taylor, - VFRY desirable fnrnlhed room and board for one or two; home cooklnft. 470 Main BEI-ECT prlrata boardlnft-houae; modern con venlences; board optUmal. 4A2 Morrison. 1HE MARLTN Furnished rooms; good board: convenient. 5dd Wash In g ton at. LARtiK wU-furnthed front alcove suite, rea sonable, wllh U-ard. North 16th st. IKSlRABt,E room and board; nice yard. 201 J6th. cor. Taylor. Main 22S4. NIE1-Y furnished rooms, with nrat-olass b'lard- The Mining, Couth. ROOMS with board at 105 North 23d. Phone I'Mcinc VJ2. riRNlKHKD rooms with board. Tha Osartt. 22S 11th at Apart mrnts. MAOISON PARK APAUTMKNT3, Park and Madison, li and some t-story pleased brick, J ust complet ed ; four-room, reception hall and bath, residence apartments, possess ing every modern convenience, including electric automatic elevator and tele- iihnni oinhanrA: Imrdamul f Inrtra 1 hrniK-h. out ; the maiiinum of convenience, tle ftance and equijuiiciit at exceedingly rea sonable terms; location and surroundings unsumaased. ELEtiAXT apartmente contalnmg every known tonvt-ntt-nce; beautifully situate!, commanding a view of all the mountain and the otty; httlf block from Wahington st. car; 171 King st. For reservations see Donald G. Woodward, a (rent, 104 ad St., bet. Washington and ttai k. TUP nOUAVnt,' VI a v 1 mt (.mnm n ..i vl - ment Mluipiea for ail modern conven iences, large, light rooms, spacious en trance and reception hall; best arrange - ment and most desirable apartments In tha city. Nob Hill residence district; jani tor, 6"6-&.S Flanders, phone M. S251. IONIAN COl'KT Klegant 4 -room residence apartment, bath, steam heat, hot and cold wuler, gas range, refrigerator, window shades. Janitor service, telephone; adults. Apply janitor, lstli and Couch ais. BI.AKDliT HA1.U UuO Jefferson, bet. 5th and Hth. beautifully furnished rooms, with tirst-claaa boaiM; hot and cold water; good light ; tteautttul grounds; center of city. Telephone A i!4j. MAY 1 Modern unfurnished ft-room apart ment, with bath, gas range, refrigerator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone, s and e.ecirlc light without extra charge. H MS, Oregutiian. TUB PHRI-TIFTn Unfurnished 4 -room apartment, with bath; new, mtnlern and fully equipped for convenience: fine location sa ves car f a re. Appl y to joe 1 tor, 7t h and Jefferson sts. THE CHETOPA. l.S-Flanders .-n., modern 4 mom apartment. unfiirmhcd ; city phones In each apartment irve. Apply to C. I. Wheeler, with I. Gevurt it Son. THK WESTMINSTER. Madison and 0th sts. up-to-data apartments, every modera con venience, reasonable rates, close In, only 6 blocks from Postofflce. THE! Cadillac Hotel. Sd and Columbia; fine newly furnished apartments, single or en putte rooms; phone, oath; furnished house keeping rooms. HARRISON coi'RT, th and Harrison, tin furntehord apartment of 3 rooms and bath, with all modern conveniences. Phone Main M4K. COl.l VBI.VN APARTMKNTS. 11th and Co luml'ia: four-room apartnirtiits; all modern conveniences; excellent location; reason able rnt. ETKAM-HKATEP apartments. and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Mod ern. Cottel lrug Co.. 1st and Sherman sts. THF- DAYTOX. trt Flanrters, beautiful d room residence apartment; modern con venience; reasonable rent. Main 121. ft-lttmM apartment, new, every modern con venience. The Marttwtroitgh, 21et and Flan ders. NEWI.Y furnished apartments; rates rea sonable. ;t,M i, Stark at. Phone A ;&S. BEAUTIFUL B-rom anartment for rent April 1. 295 12th. "The Braintraa. NK.WT.Y furnished S-roont apartment. Tha Mo-daunt. cor. ISth and Exerett wis. Mats. .MOPKKX upper U rooni llat. lireplace. bath and gat rot. walking distam,. 1--S N. l'tth st., near tinman at. Ioo!,ev & Co., s v3 ;;,t m.. room a ; both phones. 8TEAM-U K A T k-'.li modern flat of ft r.vnu ta rent. App y to the Ames Mercantile Agncy, Abington bltig. FOl'R-RCOM n"!em lower flat, with awn ings and hs men-ten t. t7J Mississippi ae.. l. Key K;js. SIX liht noni5. gas. ri,'trlc lirhts, bath. M.e:nent. go--d nHihborh... SI'S College; per month. FIVE-ROtM flat; wortern; Archer place; $VA month. Phone Tabor 644; Mt. Scott UPPER 6-room fiat. 370-, i;ith- cook stove, furnace; rent 132 00. Call 4T.5 Mar ket st. "-ROOM lower flat, comer, modern, fum nace. easy walking distance. Key at 573 .Mh st. 4-ROOM flat; gas range and linoleum. Ap ply ti 6th. morninps. Phone Main 2,"i0i. MODERN 5 -room lower flat, varant May 1 ZS0 Jackson st. Inquire 46ft Park st. 3-ROOM upper furnished flat with alcove piano to rent If desired 1J4 N. l!th 64 H CORF ETT. 5-rwm modern flat. $12 50 . I.. E. Thompson A Co.. 2l"S 3d. JUNK J. modern fi-room flat, larw yard, ft . biocli frcru P. O. Main 4S73. rOR RETT. riata. UPPER flat of B rotita. botm-nL bath and garrT; b'M water; very eonnteni. No. 47 W. Pans si Inquire 3'.6i lat t. or rhone Mala iin HOPERN flats, all atsea, for rent. Baat aaal West ldea Portland Trust Company f (Veg'ta s S. cor. Sd and Oak, Phone Exchange Tl T LARGE rooms. f87 5A, Nob HML. hrand-n-w . nrth porch, separate basement, at t:c Inquire next door, 7t Johnsoa. Msin 17i FOR RENT 6 -room m'dem flat. 24 E M h t.. near BurniMe. Keys at D. x. Woodward s office. 104 2d at- Rent 4H Modem a-room flat: bath. h--t and cm wairr stesm heat. rint location. "5 11th. See janitor Columbian Apartments. FI.AT of three furnished nvwnf, batb. gis. phone; w ell lighted ; good ard. location central; reference. Phone Pacific 13."S STRIt'TI-Y modem 6-room upper flat. Nob Hill IMstrict. 37.;.a. Vanduyn 4k Walton. &1& I'hamber of Commerce. FOR RENT fl room upper flat. IMh and laxls us ; $ all modern conveniences. Phrne East 47fi4. R to 12. FURNISHED flat for rent; electric lights; nose In, Inquire 271 7;h st. SIGHTLY mMm R-room flat, close in. Call room 44 . Waj-ntnaton bid a. , DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED 1-room flat. Call forenoons, 1Z Hall st. Housekeeping Boons, THB REAVER APARTMENTS. 12th and Marshall sts.; newly furnished, tuny equipped for housekeeping. Including gas range, with the free uaa of electric lights, hot water, bath, large reception room and laundry room, from $1 up; also single rooms with similar conveniences, S2.A0 per wee k up. There is not h inc In com pari son In the city for the money. Thia place will bear Inspection. Fhort distance from Union Lepot. Take "&" or 16th-et. car going north, get off at Marshall at. Phones Main 6771. A. 4660. No dogs allowed. THE MRRCEDFJS. Elegantly furntehed apartments; hat, hot and cold running water, return call-bells- In all rooms, free baths, janitor serv ice and Dot h phones an each floor; strictly modern throughout ; rate very reasonable. THE MERCEDES. ZOth and Washington. THE ONEONTA, 1ST 17th st.. near Yamhill, new house, elegantly furnished. In suites of S and 4 rooms, hot and cold water. as range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children- THB HOW LAND APARTMENTS. 3t A Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; nice suite from $12 up CLEAN furnished and unfurnished house keeping rooms, flats and cottages; low rent; West Sldo river. Apply 'MM North 2dth. 2Md-street cars to th. turn south half block. $22 .50 Bright, newly furnished housekeep ing suite; gas range; fine porcelain bath, heat and licht; no children. 323 12th sU Phones Pacluc 2102. A 3702. ONE light furnlhed housekeeping-room; modern accommodations; walking dis tance; with yard. 3irt 14th. cor. Clay. TWO f urn i shed housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, no children; call before 11:50 A. M. or 2:30 P. M. SW2 J4th. 4-ROOM apartment, furnished housekeep ing, two beds, piano; modern residence; reasonable; adulta. 203 loth. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites; no children; brick building. The Erdman. East Hurnal'le and Grand ave. FOUR large furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences ; no children. Rent lfi. Phone Pacific ttod. THB JEFFERSON I AN. 514 Jefferson; 2 room suite, all modern conveniences; gas, bath, phone. Main o432. HOUSEKEEPING rooma on ground floor, bath, phone, large grounds, walking dis tance. Main Sold. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, phone, gas. private family. 590 E. Madison. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. either housekeeping or single. 607 Everett at. Phone Main 8122. LOWER floor, furnished complete for house keeping, at 149 13th st., between Morrison and Aider. TWO front turnished housekeeping rooms for rent. $12; no children. 474 East Wash ington st. WS N. 1RTH ST. Two connecting rooms for housekeeping; bath, gas, phone; walking distance. TWO well-furnished rooms, gas range, bath, phone; no children. 453 Hall st. Pacific 301 YAMHILL Furnished rooms and house keeping rooms; nice location and central. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, with gas and bath. E. Yamhill. E. 5."74 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 or 3 en suite; also slnsle rooma 4MMa Washington at. VERY nicely furnished housekeeping room; also suites; close In. Main 3tf44. A 2S2. VERY nicely furnished, housekeeping rooms; al-so tsiiltos; close in. Main :ittl4. A 2(20. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms; V P?r month. 1ft St. 1-ouis st., Montax'illa. TH E N EWCASTLE housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. Third and Harrison. 21R 1TH, corner galmon. three nicely fur nished rooms for housekeeping; two beds. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. electlc light, gas and phune. ;.'( 11th st. IRVINGTON 4 large well-furnished house keeping rooms, yard, attic. East 3ifil. PLEASANT, clean housekeeping rooms, pho gas, bath, 41ft Taylor, cor. 11th st. ONE sleeping-room and 2 nicely-furnished housekeeping rooms. 630 Couch. "THE OOZY." 14. 7th. two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms very cheap. TH E ELM S H ousekeeplng rooms, com pletely furnished. 1U1 14th st. FURNISHBD hovspskeeping and sleeping rooms. l u Union ave. North. HOUSE K EE PING suites. Just two left. Tha Cadillac, 3d and Columbia. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, reason able. 63 North 10th st AIa)VH room furnished light housekeep ing. leV Chapman st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 500 4th st. TWO unfurnishel housekeeping rooms. 221 Larrabee Bt. N E W 6-room modern house. 348 S haver st . , near Union; reasonable rent. Sid Com mercial bldg. 6- ROOM cottage, bath, etc.; Everett, be tween 6th and 7th, Rodgera-Hart-dlbson Co., 146 2d st. 7- ROOM house for rent. $20. 13th and Ea-t Stark. Inquire 667 East Staxk. opposite High School. 7-ROOM modem house. East An ken v. near l.th. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 10-RtKiM huse, Irving at., near 22d; rent $50. Smith' Ueatal Aency. 442 Sherlock bldg. Miun 241R. FOR REN 15, 7-room modem house, 673 Belmont. Phone East nearly new. MODERN 6-room house on East 10th st. In quire room 14 Mulkey bMg. Phone Vac 1541. COTTAGE. 106 11th si., bet. Wash, and Ftark. Apply at Reliable Loan Office, til 3d St. 6-ROOM cottage, ttt Belmont. $16. K. W. TORGLER, 106 . Sherlock Bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house. 34th and Clay. Inquire W. H. Iesh. 513 Dekum bldg. SMALL house. 102$ .'toth near Wygant. Big lawn, rent reasonable. Ixtok this up". 7-ROOM house at Mt. Tabor. $25, or partly furnished. Thone Main 1203. FOR RENT K-room modern house. Inquire mornings 572 E. 6th st. 8. N EW. modern 6-room hou, sightly. East Morrison and 27th St.; $20. MODERN 5-room cottage. $18, to adults. r;n Marshall at., near i.th. FOR RENT 7-room house. $15. Inquire 246 Sheridan st. A 7-room house. 526 East Oak; $18. Key next door- FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 15 N. 21aU FOR RENT. WHEN YOU MOVK you always need BOMB furnirur. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the savr Inys wt'.l exceed cost of m-Ttng WB OttN OCR OWN BUILDING; oc rnpv one-ha'f: collect reni on balance. MORGAN-A TCH LEY. FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E- Stark. Phone East 29 ?J. GO D cottage, baxn. chicken-house, room fr eow, garden, chicken. Kest Side. $ u r-.onth; !Rp. Two cottages. Wet Side. $15 ard Furtiehed cottage, $J0 Ap ply 3t4 North 26th; 23d-at. cars to 26th, turn south half block. -R'rt"iM mdem house, with full 1M. tn Sunnjstde; close to carline; rent reason able Vanduyn at Walton. 61& Charnbwr of Commerce TO I-EASE Tiro-etnry bursa tow: two batB, hardwood floors. Call af ; moons or ex-en-Ings. 271 North 22i st. Phones Main 32.M or A ft4t&. FOR R KNT 'ottatre. 5"1 GI!n. bet. 16th and 17th sts North. Inq. Max Smith. ! North P'.th st. No phone. 8 ROOMS, modem house. 15th and Kmey sts ; rnt $;i7 -Vl. H- Trenkman, 46H Clay at. Phone Main 240. $1 THREE-ROCM house, partly fnrnlehed: g-od pard?n. Cur. loth and Skidir.ore. Take Alberta car. HAVE clients waiting f-r houses. H ax-erst ic it Galtagher. 34:t Wash. at., room A. 17s N. I2TH rooms. Phons East B8. Furnished Houses. MODERN furnished ft-room cottage until September 15. to responsible Tarty; $i5 per month. Inquire 0-5 K Stark st. ft-Ri"MM furntsted cottage; piano, bath, gns, rosea; no children ; reasonable. 31 Haw thorne. Phone Tabor 34. FURNISHED flat, 4 rooms, bath, gas stove; no children. 514 East 2 let st.; Richmond or Woodstock car. CLOPEt in. Eae-t Side, plainly furnished n-room house, newly papered. Phone Sell wood 2M. TWO attractive modern 5-room furnished flats, 3 minutes from P. O. 311 Fifth st. IRVINGTON Well-rurnlshed H-roont house. June 12 to September 6. Phone East 3512. FOR RENT A nicely furnished 6-room house. Sftfl E. Ash. Call between 2 and ft. Houses for Rent Furniture) for Sale). FOR S A LE Crea p. furnitti re for 6-roora house; high-grade antique oak and mahog any; neariy new. Y S22. Oregonian. FURNITURE of 4 -room apartment for sale, apartment for rent. Columbian Apart menus. Inquire of Janitor. $17fS Private boardtng-house. furnished, part furniture for sale; modern and close In. K 8tt2. Oregonlan. 647 EAST ANKENY; furniture for rale; nice lawn and flowers; 6-room cottage; rea sonable rent. t . . . . . . ., . FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for tale, very reasonable; rent $20. 231 Clay Stores. COTTAGE, 1A llth M., near Wash., opposite Nortoni Hotel, suitable for tailoring shop and living rooms. Apply at Reliable Loan Office. 61 3d st. FIRST and second floors. 50OO square feet, tliFee-story new brick, wholesale district: five-year lease to responsible tenant. E 811, Oregonian. TWO large new stores, good location. West Side; can have living: rooms in rear. Rent $30. 400 S wetland bldg. FOR RENT Third floor. 50x100. In brick building, for wtorage only. 241 Front. Phone Main 2MU. 180 13TH. small store, near Washington. Sheeny Bros., 2S2& Yamhill. Main 3072. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap ply to Robert Strong. 710 Corbett bldg. CORBETT BLDG. Desk room. Including phone and attendant. Inquire Ralph Ackley, Room 603 Corbett bldg. RALEIGH BUILDING. 6th and Washing ton; several fine offices at very reason able rates. Apply room 32. FINE offices apd desk room; best location. Room 315 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash ington. It us show yout DESIRABLE office or desk room, newly car peted: front of elevator; janitor service. 420 Commercial bldg. LARGE room for manufacturing or sample room; d. near Wash. st. Howe, Davis & Kilham. Ill 2d st. FOR RENT Office room, facing Wash, at.: modern; second floor. Inquire Chicago Den tists, 323 U, Wash. St. TWO connecting rooms, over Plummer's drug store. ;;d and Madison, sts. ; graduate den list preferred. COR RETT BLDG. For rent, an office or desk room. Inquire 410 Corbett bldg. OFFICE and d esk room , use bot h phones. Call 5:14 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg. Atply room" 808. , A FEW inside offices very cheap, 31ft Swet land bldg. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On N. P. train at Vancouver, Pun day evening, lady's black handbag, con taining personal articles and about $H in cash. Finder please leave with Chief of police Sechrfpt. Vancouver, or notify Mrs. M. Viola Crawford, Lents. Or. Suitable reward. LOST About last Friday, automatic Win chester. .22 rifle. No. 3154. and case. Finder kindly return to Oregonian busi ness office and received reward. No ques tions asked LxsT A lady's gold watch, monogram A. W. R. on outside, inside, Nov. lit. 1101. A libera! reward if returned to room 1 and 2, Raleigh bidg. Phone Main 801 ft. FOUND Where hair mattrefiees are reno vated, returned same daj' 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Uetzgcr. LOST l,aiy'9 gold belt buckle, set with brilliants, between head of Wood st. and Marquam Hill road, Sunday. Reward. Phone Pacific 2115. LOST Geld bracelet. Sunday afternoon; sot with jade, fcearl inside. Return to Ac commodation Desk. Meier & Frank's and receive reward. LOST Lady's gun metal watch with fob, nugget charm and class pin. Reward. A. & M. Uelovage. 200 Washington st. LOST Fox terrier puppy. 4 months NoId; black ears. Reward if returned to 574 :id st. LOST April 19. smalt gold and coral pin; reward. Phone Woodlawn 1552. BOOMXNG-HOUSK OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold Co.. Main 7311. S51H Morrison at. Devlin ft Flrebsufth. 508-9 bwetland bids. Dlets-Mueiler Co., 417-18 Corbett bids;. Ellis. York & Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg. O' TooJs, Chas. J.. 716 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES. ARE you looking for an opportunity to in vest 'a certain amount of capital In a bona fide business Investment? If you are, and would be satisfied xvlth a profit of dollar for dollar annually, I have this opening for you and for each dollar you mwst there stands as security and for your pro tection $r.0rt worth of merchantable com modity, used in every factory, homestead and business house in the world. To the man or woman that this adver tisement appeals to, don't pass it by. It stands a thorough inspection for every thing It signifies. I don't expect you to come to my office and place your money until you are convinced that it means a steady Income to you and without you devoting any of your time to it. Cn and thoroughly Invest I gate, but come right away or you may be too late, GEO. W. DOUGLASS. 31S 'Worcester bldg.. Portland, Or. " WILL sell half interest in Portland dyeing and cleaning works; an entire plant. 211 4th. DRUGSTORE for sale or lease; good loca tion for doctor. A. M. Porter, Gaston. Or. MEAT market. good location, first-class trade terms. 016 Commercial bldg. ALMEDA Consolidated stock bougnt and sold. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial block. WANTED Practical shoemaker to take in terest in shop. 5;2- Wash. 34 ROOMS for sale: a bargain IT sold this week. Phone A 1356, BUSINESS CHANCES. SMALL CAPITAL, LITTLE WORK. LARGE DIVIDENDS, I a business that will In one year net more Than the capital Invested. Worth lnvestiKSTmsT If it is. read careful :y this Sdx-ertlsement : The owner, wishing to lsve tha cty. Is offering s r.imng-hone we I worth $15AO f .i- only $HHt. It bes 34 rooms all perma nent !y nrvupd and the location guar antees a fuil house fhe year round. It is e-vhtiy and popular and for years baa paid well For one of small means, here is a chance worth Invetleatlng at once. Would exchange for ranch near Portland. THE CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. Room 3. Ralfhch Bidg. WILL, RENT FURNISHED. Modem -room house, complete!? fur ntshed and arranged In apartments so ou can have an income of $7 per month snd free rent of 3 rooms; furnace heat, porceisln bath, nice yard; splendid liga tion; rent, including water and care of yard, only tb per month. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH, ftoS-SOf Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE cheap, new swts factory at Boise, Idaho. Including two-story brick building, machinery snd lot; good business estsb-lUr-ed. but csn he eesiiy extended over bew Ir.terurban lines. Owner bss good reason for ceiling. J. B. SCHOOLER'S AORNCT, Falk Bids.. Boisa, Idaho. ONE twenty-room lodging-house, centrally located, with good lease; rent $80. Thfs is a bsrsain for 1760. One eight-room lodging-house for 1850; rent 40. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abington blug. PARTNER wanted for light mr. bustnea clearing $.0 per month; must be honest and willing to work; duties easly learned; small amount of money required for half Interest. Call room 4o2 Lumber Exchange, 102, 2d st. WANTED Bright man at ones to show land snd business opportunities; can make $7. to $uvo; no experience required and very little money. Multnomah Investment Realty Co :t64 Wash. et.. room 14. W ETJj-KNOW'N real estate man will take boneet man as partner In old-established real estate business snd guarantee him $150 per month; very little money required. - Call room 40 No. 102, 2d st. PARTNER wanted to help manage estab lished business : must be sober and ambi tious; Investigation thoroughly solicited; it's a man I want, not his money. Austin, 2214 Morrison, 2d floor. REAL ESTATE dealer has more work than he can attend to alone; will take partner to show land, etc., and guarantee hlra $lft0 per month; experience not necesasry. Call room 402, 102 4 2d st. $twn WILL huy an established business, clearing $.100 a month and over; owner leaving city. Will stand the closest in vest igat ion. 718 Chamber of Commerce. Open ex-en tngs. FOR RENT A new SO-room house in Kelso, Washington; will be finished May 1. Inquire of Mike Jacobs, cor. Pine and 5th st.. Portland, or J. H. S wager. Kelso, Washington. WE pay especial attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and sea W hat we can offer you. Phone Main 4481 Kinney Jk tit amp her, 531-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. WE have for sale one of the beet transfer and storage businesses in city; established trade; first-class equipment; you can't beat this for the money. Address S 813. Ore gonian. fiM A LL grocery store, good local Ion ; no wagon; must sell at once on account of wife's health; Invoice. Including fixtures, about $1xm; 6 living rooms. K 85U, Ore gonian. $220i 40-room hotel: all outside rooms, aleo tric lights and bath; large dining-room; half of ofTlce can be rented for other pur postje; $tw rent; In city. R g;(7, Ore gonian. $7oo CASH will buy building, lease stock and fixtures of grocery and confectionery store, this city ; good location. West Side, close In. Address F 822, care Oregoniurv. ROOMING-HOUSE two blocks from Post office; all rooms rented permanently; best location; beautiful condition ; bargain if taken Immediately. Phone Main 0217. FOR SALE A well-paying department store in a live town In Oregon; will Invoice about $20,000; will bear closest Investigation; good reason for selling. S 6. Oregonian. CITY BUtilNBKfi EXCHANGE We buy, sell and trade In everything 'from a dia mond to a brick block; list with us. Main b3M, A. 23S4. 215 Commercial block. GROCERY STORE at invoice, less 5 per cent; invoice about J2100; fine stand; god trade; selling on account of sickness. See store and owner, 479 Williams ave. FOR SALE Restaurant and ice cream par lor, very attractive and in good location; no cash rent, very cheap; must sell at once. Phone Main 5376. BUSINESS openings all over the city and state: good openings in- outside towns. Kinney & Stampher, S3 1-532 Lumber Ex change bldg. Main 4486. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. j. Catterlla A Co.. 12ft Abington bldg. FOR RENT Hotel, completely furnished, tn new and rapidly growing town, to responsi ble party. For particulars address E 848, care Oregonian. FOR SALE Good paying transfer business, established trade, first-class equipment- It will pay you to investigate this. 318 Alisky bldg. . OWING to Ill-health 1 will sell the largest and best paying general mdee. store In Washougal, Wash. Inquire Postmaster, same place. PARTNER wanted in old-established real estate business; price right; part cash, bal ance out of the business. O Ml, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Nice clean stock of groceries in valley town, from $2000 to $3000 at invoice. If interested, write A 79U. Ore gonian. FOR SALE: Cash grocery store and living rooms, or trade for real estate; sickness cause selling;. Investigate; snap. Pacific 1027. FOR SALE Well established con feet ionerx-. Ice cream and light lunch parlors. 4S0 Wash., cor. 14th; for cash, $170; good buy. HAVING DIFFERENT BUSINESS, will sell at sacrifice lease and furniture of small hoiel If sold at once. B 826, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale very cheap, with lease; good chance for restaurant man; come and see the place. 433 Wash. st. ROOMING-HOUSE, swell loeatloa, clearing $700 monthly: worth $16,000; will sacrifice to responsible parties. 243 Stark st. WANTED rartner In a good enwmlll, al! in good condition; machinery new ; Wil lamette Valley. R i3., Oregonian. MONEY wanted for glt-edge legitimate busi ness, just starting in city; substantial In come guaranteed, C fiJvl, Ortgonlan. BAKERY for sale; only bakery In country town of 2oof; no competition; price $500. Adtireas Y 829. care The Oregonian, WANTED Good reliable man to take charge of real estate and rental business. Cali Room 3, o43 'a Wash at., Monday. BEST realty investment In the Northwest for an Intelligent man with from $luo0- to $2000 spot cash. B K42. Oregonian. BLACKSMITH SHOP, stock and tools, cen trally located. East Side, doing good busi ness, for sale. Call 364 E" Aah st. SALOON Desirable location: owner obliged to leave city on other business; terms to suit. Address L 833. Oregonian. B&-ROOM rooming-house, $1000; good location; low rent : owner leaving city. Particulars 402 Lumber Exchange, I02H 2d st. WANTED A -partner with $200, for a good paying busdnes ; good security. Address W. G. Meyer, general delivery. ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 rooms. East Side, close in. good furniture; owner sick, must sell; $400. 318 Alisky bldg. BOARDING-HOUSE. 20 rooms. modern; handsomely furnished, fine location; good lease. H 836, Oregonian. ENGRAVING PAYS; want to meet some pa rty. with object of starting up-to-date plant. K 861, OregoBlan. RESTAURANT on Washington St.; good lo cation; low rent; doing good business. Ad dress R 827. Oregonian. CIGAR and confectionery store, clearing $100 per month; goes today for $350. See this. Room 402, 102 S 2d st. BARBER- SHOP for sale; doing good- busi ness ; owner must leave town. 260 First, cor. Madison. HAVE some very good bargains in telephone bonds; call before buying. 320-527 Cor bett bid. RESTAURANT for sale. In goud location. Burnside St. BUSINESS ' CHANCES. WILL PI T PT5T.L OR TRADE in I. American Tf '.ecraphone. l' lx United Wlre:ri ;vw Rrit;sh OvlumMs Amal. OaX Fm i(tr GoM ar-5 tVppsr M. Co, .:as.ka Frt. A Coat. 2T tj.Troan American Coffee. 50rt i'omstock Golri- n Gals. T'lepor.- bon-.l ard stocks. treson Tr'it sceouute ROBERTS CO . 134 Sixth St. ROOMING-HOUSE 44 T'-ymK. nil hous k"" p'ng. rent $5; $. 54 r'wims. a snap: !!'" 5 rooma. rent 75. $1.V rooms, steam heat, rent $50; $;Mo 16 rooms, rent $4; fvO. 7t Domi; $!. PHENIX INV. CO. 142H Second St. Msin 655 1 BUT PEOPLE'S SAFE IFIOSIT 3T;K; guarantee or S p-r cent: bonus or c.Mr.mon eto-h. which drawn balan.-e net esrntng": companies In New York Stste pay from 22 tx 141 per cent; PtvCar.d Institution psld 6A per cent net last year: limited amount of stock for sale. Ses secretary, 3U De kum bldg. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS Ths Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished lSftt furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE Dairy and milk rout 2 miles out from growing town of 14.Oi0 popula tion. Large dairy barn and milkhouse. 7 rom furnished huse, 63 rows. 4 horses. sets harness, wagon. S2t bottles. sp aratr. bottling machine, etc Price $StH. Address F 813. Oregonian. FOR SALE General merchandise store, welt established sad In choice location, city of about Ftock and fixtures for sale at a bargain; tow rate of rent; owner's health requires change of oneupatlon. For par ticular address "Merchant," box fo2. Cen tral la. Wash. WANTED A live young timber and sawmill Arm to take an Interest In a new planing mill company In Northern California, where there will be an Immense amount of buldlng during the next few years. Ad dress P. O. Sacramento, Csl. RELIABLE real estate man will take hon est. Indusrlous man as partner, experience unnecessary, as owner will teach him the business; $401 SIS Alisky bldg. PERSONAL. SUITS presses! while you wait. 60c. To visitors of Portland hotels and to public at largo: Suits pressed at ftOc at Gilbert, ths tailor a, 66 6th at, next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Mala 4164. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills. For 2ft years known as tha best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills Bold by druggists everywhere. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.00 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed oa. rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Lnlque Tailoring Co., Stark. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxe $-V Dr. Pierce, 161 1st st. Phone Main l&tift. DR. ISABELLA MACKIE. Women and children's specialist, room 10 Mtlner bldg , JtoO H Morrison. Phone Main 4521. A 1044. Residence phone 7:120. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex, desiring acquaintance or companion, send lOo for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau. 181 W 1st St. Main 1965. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera ture (German books a spedalty. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 First bl LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c a box. Writ or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy. 227 Morri son at., bet. 1st and 2d. DK. MATTHEWS, noted psychologist and palmist. Consultation at ilarquam Houao, - 145 Si 0th st. Hours 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. It me. Courtwright, akin ami scalp treat menu; facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 22ft Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. A 2009. MME. VASHTI Removed to 149 Park St.. between Morrison and Alder; will be 'pleased to see old and new patients. MONEY wanted for llt-edge legitimate business just starting In city; substantial inconio guaranteed. C 832. Oregonian. MARRIED LADIES The Perfection Safety Bt-Brace Is what you want Mrs. F. M. . Merrill, Blsbee. Aiix. Box 1921. MRS. OBKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 H Park. Main 403, A2734. LIQUOR, drug and tobaoco addictions cured by reputable physician. For appointment address M 60S, Oregonian. LADIES Whatever your airmen t. call on Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170 3d st. Main 7154. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fliedner bldg. Pac. 13ft. DRS. ATWOOD: private hospital; maternity cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b. PILES CURED without operation by a well established physician. Box 270, city. WANTED Bad case of plies that Hemlock Salve cannot cure; all druggists. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034, MME. VASHTl, massage and baths; ladles only. 14 Park t. JUST OPENED. Ladles barber shop. 12 N. 4th. near Burnside. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. liiiitiHIHi! SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10. $20, $30. 40, $50. $00. $70. $100. Cheapest and bejjt place to BORROW MONEY. Lowest rates Easiest payments. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Weds, and Sats. until 8 P. M. STATE; SECURITY CO, 7o4 Dekum Bldg. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without securitv. $15 Return to us $4 00 a Mo. $:10 Return to us $8.00 a Mo. $5o Return to us $13.36 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. 209 McKay Bldg., Cor. Third and Stark. Are you earning a salary? You can get money from us on your note. Business con fidential; no unnecessary inquiries. Mo. Semi-Mo. Wkly. $75 Return to us ....$2it.o0 $10.t?0 $5.00 ftO Return to t-s 13.35 ti.05 3 35 HO Return to us 8. 00 4.00 2.U0 15 Return to us 4.00 2.u0 1-00 Office open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried em ployes and on Planus. Furniture, Warehouse Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO., 20ft Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own nanus without security; cheapost rates, easitst payments; offices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 22J Abington bldg.. 164 3d. Money loaned on salaries: no other security; my system Is best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg:, 2a6H Washington st. Oregon Trust. Title and Merchants accounts bought, slocks, bonds, real estate and tim ber lands bought and sold. Cummins & Donahue, 507-8 Rothchild bldg. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid in monthly installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Life & Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bidg. W ILL buy Oregon Trust and Title Guaran tee accounts; highest cash price p&ld; also telephone bonds. 320 to 327 Corbett bldg. $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty. L. G. Griffin, 2ti Stark, opp. Cham, of C. IMMEDIATE loans from $6 to $5vOO on all se curities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., Room ft Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655. CASH for Oregon Trust. Title Guarantee and Merchants. Money to loan on real estate mortgages. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d. LARGE and small amounts on good security at low rate of interest. C. F. Pnuger 4c Co.. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or col lateral security. C. W. PalieU, 3o4 Fenton bldg. YTN ANCLAL CASH raid for Title and Oreron accounts, M ro h.r : 8 time cert., aiso Tel. bonds Cofca Bros . ISO 1st Ma'n 4774. MoVEY to lean on real estate, anywhere and any sum. $l-0 and up; see us. Vsviigna A Burt, U Corbett bids:. LOANS on real estate, chattels or prweal security, w. a. Hechewey, id Wasninatosi bid. Pacific 1H32. MORTGAGES. 1st and Sd liens, and ether real etata . securities discounted. H. K. Nobis, Ommerc tal b loc k. WE pay almost si time certificates, Oresronisn. r for Merchants Bank any amount. O 976. MONEY to loan on good security at 7 per cent. Debosy Dabney, 412 Commercial bldg. MORTGAGE! loans. $20 up; moderate cot, delay. W S. Ward. Ativ.. Alleky blag. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or on tracts. W. H. Nunn. o5e Sherlock bidg. $6no or less. 6 pet' rent; real es'sts. Far ringtos, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY LOAN on timber claims, school lands on easy terms. & KU, irgonlan. WK buy Oregon Trust Ss vines accounts for cash. Room Ml Corbett bMg. WILL loan from $.wo to $10,000 oa city property. 60s McKay bid. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tal. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bklg. Loans Wasted. WANTED $150. good collateral or realty security. Ce,n at 41 Chamber of Com merce. Wa can give you the best security for your money. THE E. I. FRALET OO.. Portland, Real Estate Loans. RESPONSIBLE young business man wants to get loan to build home; will pay g.xd Interest; large monthly return. Address Y ftJR Orecontan. WANTED TO BORROW 100, on good se curity from private party; no agents H 829. Oregonian. WI f .L pay 8 psr cent for sums of SftO to $V; brokers and private parties answer. M 34. Oregonian. $6000 WANTED on good real estate se curity st 6 per cent. E 85 2, Oregoulan. WANT To borrow $0t collateral security. Y 838. Oregonian. SPECIAL NOT! CXS. tropossls Is vit4. NOTICE OF SALE OF PATENTED SWAMP LANDS. Notice Is hereby Hlven that the Stats I.snd Board will receive sealM bids until 2 o'clock P. M.. May 2tt. Ha., for the fol lowing described patented swamp lands, to-wlt; The W. 14 of S. E. 14 of Section 21. the TV. 1 of N. B. J-i and S. W. 1 of P. E. of Section 28 and the N. B. of N. E. U tT Section 2. T. 8 N.. R. 4 W. of W. M., being in Columbia County, Oregon. All bids must be accompanied bv a regu larly executed appl Icat ion to purchase and by cash or postal money order for at least Oiie-flfth of the amount offered. No bid for leas than $8 per acre will be considered. , . The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be addressed . to G. G. Brow n. Clerk State Iand Board. Salem. Or., snd marked "Application and bid to purchase Swamp Lands." w. G. BROWN. Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 21 st day of April. 1908. QUARTERMASTER'S office, 323 Arcade An nex. Seattle. Wash., April 27. lfMkS. Sealed proposals. In triplicate. Indorsed on cover "Proposals for Lumber" and addressed to the undersigned, will be received here un til 11 o'clock A. M.. May 7. 198. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at Seattle or Tacoma. Wash., or other ports on puget Sound acceseible to vessels of deep draft, 1.610.000 feet B. M. fir lum ber, for shipment to Manila. P. I. Guar anty of IS per cent of amount of bid must accompany proposals. For further Infor mation address Major W. S. wood. Quar termaster U. S. Army U. S. ENGINEER'S OFFICE, Honolulu, T. H.. April 1. Iftos. Sealed proposals for fur nishing cement will be received here and at U. S. Engineer's Office, 1S40 Polk St., San Francisco, Cal., until 12 noon. April 30, KM18, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. C. W. Otwell, Capt. Eingrs. WE WANT bids on clearing 40 and 8i scree of land, work to commence Immediately. The Jacobs-Stlne Co.. 148 5th st. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM it may concern: My wife hav ing left my bed and board. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted bv her. FRED S1EDOW. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Account nuts. B. H. COLLI S. 824 Worcester block, public accountant and estate agent. Auditing. In veiiiigatiDg, systematizing. Periuanent keeping of books and records a specialty. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO., 818 Chamber of Commerce, oftlce systemathtlng and general accounting. Established lbWK Advance Building Information. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, gut copy Pacific Builder and Engineer. . 15 Chamber Commerce. Architects. SEASIDE bungalow; houses designed, built, repaired. See Johnson, 2o4 Mohawk bldg. Main 5007. A 4321. Clauesen & Clausaen, architects. 613 and 614 Buchanan bldg., 28t Wasfilngton st. Art. LESSONS in oil, water color, china, tapestry, silk painting, leather carving. Destgniug, order work, china tiring. Markley at is in lander, room 64, 350 1 Morrison. Main 7o4i. Assayers and Analysts. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, metal lurgists and assayers. 24 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ord-testing work. 186 Morrison st. PAUL B AC MEL. assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 2U7 Alder sl Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark at. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 688L Chiropody. WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew bldg.. 165 2d st. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room &t0 Fliedner bldg. phone pacific 135- Clean Ins; and Pressing. Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work called for and del. MaJn 7843. 303 Stark. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGKR, purchasing of hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tailow and rubber and old metal and general commission mer- TAYLOR, YOUNG sc CO., ship brokers, com mission mcrcuw oiibijw. utu., rwiiua D. C. BURNS A CO., grocers and commission merchants. 210 3d st. Dancing. WALTZ, "two-step," "three-step" and stage dancing: lessons 25c; seven ladies and gentle men teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson's school; office and hall 12 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., 386',$ Wash, at., bet. W. Park and loth sts. ; also dancing taught by mall. PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones. Detective Agencies. BRUIN DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. Room 40, Hamilton bldg. Phones Main 4943; A 2545- Educational. ARITHMETIC. writing. grammar book keplng, etc, day, evening. Individual in struction. 225 Fifth. Hair Bolls. J. J. BORG. Inventor and manufacturer of a wireless, atrlngleaa and netleas hair rolL 42& E. th st. East 2211. Machinery. B- TRENKMAN 4k CO . mining, sawmill, log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4tb st. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK as CO., purchasers of bides, palts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, pt'qit and sacks. 312 Front st. BIMNLS DIRECTORY. Hare nasi Saddlery. THB Georgs Lawrence Co.. wholesale sadJ.e asd brn manfrs.. 80-86 Wt. Una 2J level stores. . L. COOPER CO . hay. grain, feed- 138 t Dion ev East lftl7. B 1517. Leather and Flndlnc. J. A 0TRO W R HI rx; E UATHKH CO. K labllshvd left Lesthcr sua fl::JUig. Stock ton sol ieather and cut suk k. iuU line Eastern Jumbos. is Front St. CHAS. L. MASTIC CtX Front, snd OaJa eta. Leatnr at;4 akma h exwry ueecrtpuon for all purposes, soie and lap cutters' find-lnga- . t.lertrle Signs. ELECTRIC SIGNS Sola and rented. Port land Kctric in Co.. 44 d (. Main FREDERIC CREITZ Violin Instruct 10. Studio 23 Cambridge bid , 3d and Mor rison. SJatlL TH1KLHORN. vloiin teacher. pupU of Srrlck. A 4lrt. Pins 04. Pso. 2jn. aA.NlxiLlN, gutter, banjo. J Mtlner bldg.. .5o Morrison at. Osteopathic PhyatclMna. DR. K. B. NxKTHKUP. 416-10-17 U-kam itiug., Th-rd and tv aami.gtan Sta Phone, office. Mam 34W. Residence. E, lois. DR L. B KMITH, plotiesr Osteopath ef Ore gon, g rau ua is klxkvilie, Ma 4. O man bdg. .Main ;24J, res. Main 27bx Paint a, oils and lilasa. RASMUSttEN A CO . Joborr paints, oils, glass, sish snd doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Palest and Prnptnn Attorneys. PROTECT your tdsa. Wa can patent It. Moultnn co atturneja. !k4 Colum bia bldg.. Portland. Or. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; Infringement cases. to4 Dekum. J. J. HIRMHHE1MER. pension snd pstsV. at torney, rownis 2o-21 Laobe b.dg. PATENTS, trade marks, copyrights. A. J. Matter, file Commonwealth bids. 1 Ihoto Lng rarer. PERFECT printing plates Hlrks-Chattaa Engraxing Co.. corner d, and Atuer sts DESIGNERS, photo erigravers. Neies A Con nsway. LP 2d st. A 4573. M. 731i. Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 mark at. Both phonea 1407. Mgn Painting. FOSTER A KLH1SKU, SIGN'S. Ths largest slgn-ma iters In the North west. 5ib and Everett sts. Phone Private Kxohsnge 56. Home A 1155. SIGNS That A rtract. ' ' ) Portland lgn Co., 277 Stark. Pac. 1.16. nplrUaaliats. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL SAVE $4.00. FOR A FEW DAVs ONLY. A SPECIAL .V READING FOR $1.) ALWAYS CONSULT THE BET. PROF. E. KH1MO. This Is strictly a matttr of business on your part to call at my office and become familiar with my spiritual and scienilUa work. A hint to tha wise Is sufficient. PROF. KH1MO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clatr vojant of the age; ADV1SKR OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the aeparated; glvus sucrel powers to control others ; no di iterance how close or bow tar away, you can always obtuln your desired results. Tells you Just how, where and when to Invsst your money to .obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis couraged. DO NOT GIVE UP IN DE SPAIR; come and receivu Spiritual advice that will help ou to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. 1 will do all otliars advents to do snd a great deal more. Hours lo to 8 daily. Office Nos. 3 and 4, Grand Theater btdg., 352 Washington at. Phone M. 1267. TRY Wanda, queen of occultism; she guar antees to tell you more truth than any other clairvoyant or refund your money ; nd 25c and birth date for trial reading. 255 5th. " PROF. NIBLO. Clairvoyant. Bring this advertisement for free test. 3031,! Washlntfton st. Mrs. Sophia Selp. reliable spirit ! r' dings. 3"2 MARIAN COR ELL I Palmist and trance me dium. 228 H Washington ft., bet. 1st and 2d Mrs. C. Cornelius, spiritual medium. Selllng Hlrsch bldg., 10th and Waah. A 3620. DR. MATTHEWS, psychologist, palmist and seer. Readings at 145 tHa iu MAY ANDREW'S, card reading at 325 Main, 2ftC Phone Main 7548. DIE BOLD SAFE A LOCK CO. John E. Davis. 60 3d st. Bargains in second-hand satas. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., lt8 2d St. Safes) at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase. Bunk and store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, cabinets, store and office fixture. 28 Coucn st. Pacific 2181. R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton blug. Main 600 tk THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. 5th and H'jyt. Phone Main 14o8. etoruge and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office and commodious four-story bnk warehouse, with, separate iron rooms and fire-proof vault for valuablt. N. W. corner of 2d and. Pine sts pianos and turnlture moved sad packed tor shipping. Phonea Mun ttHi, Home A 1996. CITY TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Bob Ashuy and Judd Fish. Furniture and p'.ano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office loJ Front st. Phones Main i2. A 1162. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furnitura moved and uacked fur shipment. 2uU Oak st., bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Street Pavbig. WARREN Construction Co., atreet pavins, sidewalks and crteelngs. 314 Lumber Exch. THB BARBER AeHPHALT PACING CO.. at Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes repaired, sold and rented; also state agents the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchange, .84 3d st. Main 606. SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark, Main I40T. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS A m an uf act u rers. 4th and Oak. CO., wholesale grocers, commission merchants. BANKS. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Establlnhfrd tn 1804.) HEAD Of'FiCB, SAN FRANCISCO, CAT. PRESIDENT - HOMER S. KINO Gen. Mgr. of Branches. . .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,0ou,oi0 Surplu and undivided profits. . . .$10. 153.874 A General Banking and Exchange BuslnetiS Transacted. Letters of credit h-sued, available In all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. -SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sunt of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manas"?r W. M. Ladd. C. B. Ladd J. W. Ladd. LADD A TILTON Bankers. PORT! -AN D. OR F5GON. Established 1S59. Transact a gencial baiiKing business. SAVINGS PA NK DEPARTMENT. Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits, Interest Paid on Tims Deposits. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, oa J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant CashlT 8. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier TRANSACT GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parte of the world. Collections a specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,500,000 No interest paid on accounts.