THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1908. 11 "We do not claim to control the re tail meat trade of Portland, but we candidly believe that we are a con siderable factor in making prices on first-class meats. We really be lieve that if, we were not here that the public would not have the splendid opportunity of buying such good meats as we handle at the very low prices we ask for them. Read our prices and com pare them with others. Down Goes Butter Our Best 60c Roll; Good Butter Today 50c Roll VEAL : SAUS- FREE AGE 2 lbs. 25c J With each purchase Saturday we will give you a small package of that fine table salt, I "Shaker Salt." Ask for I it. BACON. J A very choice lot of fine Break- fast Bacon for you at 15 9 Rea-ular prtea Try a pound LARD ( Iha. Pure Lard , SBa 5 lbs. Pura Lard 80 a 10 lbs. Pure Lard, s peel a I 91.15 I PICKLES. "We carry every kind of Pickles J and olives that yon can ask for. I ASK AND SEE. EASTER SUNDAY We have secured a very nice lot of Spring Lamb3 which we will offer you Saturday. Fore-quarter at, lb . 121, Hind-quarter at, lb'. ..1J At these low prices one and all can afford a Lamb for their Sunday dinner. We will furnish the mint free. VEAL. Thl u the tlmr that he Terr rhl-at of .mull milk-fed Veal are at their brat. We hare a aoperb lot for yon todar. Veal Stew and Dnmpllniy, lb...8 Breast Veal, St"fT"d, lb MO Breast of Veal Shoulder, lb. 12 "i Loin or Rib Chops, lb 15 Ia'k of Veal, lb Ifeal Chops, lb la 3 Come early for first choice. . VEAL SAUSAGE. We make a renter amount of Veal Pausaa-e than any shop In Portland. Why? Because we oe f" sell at 2 pounds for.... -enlS 7c lb. Special Cut in Prices of Roasts and Pot Roast of Beef, All Day Today . . . . . . Lard. 3 lbs 35c Lard. 5 lbs. 60c Lard. 10 lbs. $1.15 Remember, this is lard, not a mixture. If you do not like it, we will gladly refund mqney. MUTTON. The flneat Rasters Orraroa Wether Mutton la Portland. Tn do ' aot aeed to take oar word eom. aad are for yourself. Mutton Stew, lb. .-... 6e Mutton Chops, lb 12Vi Mutton Shoulders, lb. ......... 10 Mutton Less, lb. .....154 Mutton Loin Chops. Ib..., 15 Mutton Breast, lb. ...84 PORK. This Is Oresron grain-fed pork. We do not have to have out" pork shipped from Nebraska, as noma of our neighbors do. Orefron pork is (rood enough for us. W know you will like it. Pork Saussze. lb. Pork Shoulder, lb Pork Boast, lb, Choice Cut Shoulder, lb... Flits' Feet, lb PIks' Head, lb Ieff Pork Roast, lb 12 He Hams, lb. f 2Ue Pickled Pork, lb 12tt-lSS ... io Why not enjoy yourself like these Bnnnies on Easter Sunday? We will have everything that you can wish, from Sprint lamb down. MARKET BASKETS FREE. We will sriTo for today oalr with each 91 aorrhase a ajood rtrons; market basket, abaororely freo. Amis. for tbam. EASTERN OREGON'S CHOICEST CATTLE. are aold her. W. will eat yon aay cut from the beef, right before too. W. woi't no lata ur dirty Back room to fcrlna; oat soma old scrap. Poun Meat, lb. . ... 3 Boiling Meat, lb, ......... .K-6e Stew Meat, lb. ............. .5$-6t Pot Roast, lb. 7e-8c Rump Roaat, lb. ..... S-10 Prime Rib, lb. . . . 10-12 H Round Steak, lb.. 104 Sirloin Steak, lb...... 12 Small T-Bone. lb 12' Largs T-Bone, lb.... If Xjiver, id. .......... .. . Hearts, lb. ............. Kidneys, lb Tripe, lb .......1 grains, id X21 A Mistake Spring Lambs have been sold so high the last few years that everyone now believes that they are al most too high to eat. Noth ing is farther from the truth, for this year we find that we can buy Lambs as cheap as Mut ton, so will sell them in proportion; Hindquarters, pound .15 Forequarters, lb. . . 1211, CRANIl PFf Ifll 7:30 t0 Pot Roat 6c Boil Beel 5c; PorI( Shoulder 9c; Pork Sausage 8c; Pig Head 4c; Ulliinu Jl LjitLJ 9;3o pm Round Steak 3 lbs. 25c; Prunes 4c; Ranch Eggs 20c MS sasssj aab. aaaaa.. MARRY WOOD MARKET CO On the Corner lZiTi To Shippers and Fanners of Oregon: We take pleasure in quot ing you prices on veal, pork, etc., for the ensuring week. These are the prices we will pay for these products in Portland: Pork welsklna- 140-180 lbs.7H-S Pork wel:hlnr 1R0-2S0 lbs.7-7Hf Veal, choice. 80 to 110 lbs.8 Veal, coarse 8 Veal, heavy TC-T4C Chickens. live hens 15-lft Kresh egg 15M Mutton, prime, 40 to 5) lbs 104 Your Money Is Better Here Than Anywhere Else. WHY? Because It Will Buy More. B A c o N 15c lb. Che&p POULTRY AND EGGS. We hsre a very eholee lot of dry vleked t'blc-krns. They are high, out yon are sure of prettlns; your money's worth irhei yon buy a nice fa hen here. Chickens, lh. 16 18-20r Strictly fresh Oregon Ranch Ksgs at dosen 20 PISH DURING LENT. Jinn tnrsiie4 onr trad la onr fifth department tremfartonul, and w well mt prire that are rla;bti Salmon, lb . .15 Cholr Halibut, 2 lbs Bhrlmps. lb. 15 Clams, (.oxen , 1 Little Neck Clams, lb 6 Try a Roant of Ifnllbnt or lilinoa for chaaaje. FT L.II.IA-N TINOl.B. CHtrMBlA RIVHR shad, at 16 cents a pound, and shad-roe at 40 to 60 centa a. pouiwl. are to he had this week ' both very aood. There was no smelt to he seen yesterday, hut a uood supply of other kinds of fish, the prices of which tend to be slightly lower. Salmon cost from 124 to 20 cents a pound. There was plenty of sea trout at 20 to 25 cents and Rood striped bass and a smsll quantity of black bass at 25 to SO centa & pound. irnJlluit, catfish, crop pies, herrinff, sole, flounder and perch were all ahotit the same prte as last week. Froir-U'aa are plentiful again, cost Ins 2 to 3S cents a dnsen vary allurlno; to chaflnic-rtlah artists. Crawfish, ready rooked, cost 40 to FO centa a dosen. Crabs are 10 to 20 centa each. , One market makes a feature of gold dsn Just now, hut they are to please the eye, not the palate. I judge, though some of them may appear on Master luncheon tnhlea. Another market had a large devil fish on exhibition, and was taking orders 'or others. I can't quote prices, but two nere already sold, one for cooking and the other for museum purposes. In 'hina I have tasted something closely resemb ling devil fish and found it not nearly sn unattractive as you might Imagine, hut I ran t give any recipe lor cooking It. Rtramberrlea are both better in quality and lower in price than they were last week. There are very nice looking ones at 2i and 2S cents a box. I saw a few Ppanish grapes, as well as the usual sppies, oranges, grapefruit and bananas. i tiers were allgator pears at 35 cents each, and very good rhubarb, three pounds for 3R cents. Oregon asparagus is quite plentiful at 10 and 30 eents a bunch, and California asparagus at three pounds for 2R cents. There were some very good Oregon cauli flowers and excellent celery and celery hearts. New potatoes were three pounds for 2fi cents and hothouse cucumbers 1R to Sf. rents each. Wax heans at 26 cents a pound sre new in this week. Oreen peas are good st 10 cents a pound. Toma toes cost 30 cents a ponnd; peppers are i a noren: nannellnn 10 cents a pound and spinach R rents. There is plenty of soon neao leiiuce and otner salad things, including chives and green onions. i an- hooiii ine as ihj-i week turkeys. 8;rlng chickens and geese all about 2R cents: ducks, which seem rathe scarce, SO cents, and hens on the 42nd parallel over which an ex isting railroad or any freighter could con vey Its cars in the same way that any ve hicle, on the payment of tolls and com pliance with regulations, would be per mitted to pass through the Panama Canal when it is finished, ftuch a plan would be an wutomntic regulator of Interstate commerce by preventing the absorbtlnn of the smaller roads by the large eystems." Special Sslon of Court. OATHLAMKT. Wash., April 17. (Spe cial.) Judge A. R. Rice has called a spe clnl session of the Superior Court for Wahkiakum County for April 2ft to hear some urjent cases on the docket, the disbarment proceedings of B. S. Snelllng among them. Judge Clifford will sit, as It Is Impossible for Judge Rice to be pre Ren t. Easter footwear at Rosenthal's. Hot Cross! Hot Cross! Hot Cross Buns The people said that DRESSER'S were the best Hot Cross Bung in Portland last year, and they're going to say the same thing this Easter. "The way" we have of making them is the secret, but we're going to let the secret out: we put the best creamery butter, the choicest currants and the best flour in the world in them. The real old-fashioned buns, browned and flavored to irre sistibility. But you better order early. Fifteen cents a dozen. OlRESSEIR9S superior Meats 20 cents. FOR NATIONAL HIGHWAY Coombs Favors Coast-to-Coast Rail and Auto Road. NEW YORK. April 17.-Kx-Congressman William J. Coombs, president of the Municipal Art Society, of New York, and of the South Brooklyn Savings Institu tion, paid yesterday that he recognized Representative Ronrke Corkran's hill pro viding for a Xatlonal automobile hlgh- way from ocean to ocean as a part of his siiSKcstlon for a National railroad from o--ean to ocean. Regarding the practica bility of an interoccanic automobile road. In connection with the interoccanic rail road. Mr. Coombs said: "I don't think It possible that such a measure would go through Congress fav oring any particular class of people un less it was coupled with the broad plan of a railroad running from ocean to ocean SAVE YOUR MONEY Call for Good Creamery Butter, per u 50 Eggs, 2 dozen 35 Ranch Eggs, strictly fresh, dos. 20 Best Creamery Butter. . .55, GO Dairy Butter 45 and 50 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs 35 Best Sugar-Cured Hams, lb 14j Remember, Saturday is Chicken day. La Grande Creamery 264 YamhilL FOR A FIRST-CLASS SUNDAY DINNER Call on G. G0VAGH S CO. : They handle the best Poultry, Z Fish, Crabs and Oysters in the market. Always reliable. Phone or call at 2 275 First. Phones A S535, Main 635. DRESSER'S Bockwurst Sau- SBffP. potltul 15 DRESSER'S Spring Lamb, hind quarters, lb IM) "Front, quarters, lb... ZOtp DRESSER'S Sirloin Steaks, ponnd 18 DRESSER'S Veal Roasts, tbe pound 12'2 DRESSER'S Tot Roasts of Heef. pound 10y DRESSER'S Select Veal Break fact Sansaee. 15; 2 lbs., 25 DRESSER'S Roller! Roasts of Beef, pound X5 DRESSER'S Best Lard, home rendered, pound 15 DRESSER'S Pickled Pork (home cured), pound 15 OLIVES Queen Olives, regu lar 3."c size bottle, 25. Ripe Olives in tins. 35, 50S 70; in glasses 30$, 55, an'l 65 FIGS Packed in plass jars se cure from dust and always moist a breakfast delicacy l ib. jars 40; 2-lb jars. .75 PEAS "A. & L." Canned Peas, these are excellent, dozen," $1.40; 2 cans 25 PINEAPPLE Singapore sliced Pineapple at S?1.50 a dozen; 2 cans 250 APPLES If ood River "Ben Davis," all sound and clean; a few boxes of these left, the last of the season at box... $1. 75 SALMON TIPS Did you ever try these for breakfast 7 Doz en 20$ VEGETABLES We hare all the new California Vegetables; also all the preserved vegetable delicacies of the world in tin and glass; dozens of varieties and brands. WINES Some special values for Easter time. Superior Cali fornia Satiterne, doz. ..$4.50 ; quart bottle 50 Dewar's "Extra Special Scotch Whisky," reg. $135 bottle, $1.25. Dewar's "Special." regularly $1.2f., for $1.10 Bock: Beer. Bock Beer. Bock Beer. Easter Goodies DRESSER'S Hot Cross Buns, of course, dozen ...15 DRESSER'S Sunshine Cakes, regular 25c, each 20$ DRESSER'S Chocolate Cream Layer Cakes, reg. 25c ea. .20 DRESSER'S German Kmit Loaf, rcg. 25c each 20 DRESSER'S Assorted Pies, smaller size each 10; 25c size 20 DRESSER'S Home-made Chew ing Chocolates, reg. 30c. 25 DRESSER'S Home-made Jap Caramels, reg. 25c lb 15 DRESSER'S Assorted CTiewn, regularly 30c lb 20 SALADS Dresser's Potato, Chicken and Shrimp salads are superb. You'll admit they're better than any salads you ever bought. EASTER EGGS Fresh Oregon Eggs, 20$ doz; Dresser's stamped guaranteed Eggs, 2 dozen 45$ Bockwurst and Bock Beer Bockwurst and Bock Beer FIFTH AND STARK ! v,m Food for thought Food for work Food for brain Uneeda Biscuit Tbe most .nourishing of all Vtreat foods. Jn Just tight. gr Hsvp w r gf w J-lTf T1TJ 1 lit Natter told. in Suik. NATIONAL BISCUIT' COMPANY LOTS OF NICE SPRING LAMB FOR EASTER DINNER Don't Overlook the Very Low Prices We Are Making on LARD, HAMS AND BACON You Very Probably Will Be Unable to Buy Them Again at Such Prices The Best Sugar-cured Ham, lb. .lCi Bacon, pound 15 Mutton Stew, pound..., ,. 6 Shoulder of Mutton, pound. ...... ,S$ Leg of Mutton, pound. 12 Shoulder Roast of Pork, pound 10 Loin of Pork, pound. 1214 Five pounds Lard..,,.. ....60 Extra choice Sirloin Steak .....12y2$ Extra choice Porterhouse . : . .15 Extra choice Boiling Beef . . to 6f Extra choice Round Steak 10 Extra choice Hamburger, 2 lbs...l5 Extra choice Leg of Lamb ....... 15 We guarantee our Lard to be pure kettle-rendered Leaf Lard. At the prices we quote hams today they are the very cheapest meats in the market. Buy one and seo THE BOSTON PACKING CO. CORNER THIRD AND NKENT STS. Branch Market: FIRST AND BURNSIDE STS FRESH DUCK FOR EASTER For twenty years M. C'Mace has always made it a point to have Genuine Spring Duck for the Easter Trade. Today at the Mace Market Will be sold genuine Spring Duck, hatched and raised by the Mace Market especially for tha Easter Trade. Just Received by Direct Steamer from Japan A Large Supply of Goldfish. iWe have as usual a big supply of Fresh Poultry, Fish, Fruits and .Vegetables of every description. Don't forget the number, 151 4th MACE MARKET Don't forget the number, 151 4th . Phone A 1258 Both Phones Phone Ex. 58. Branch Wholesale and Retail House, 48 East' Water, Comer East Oak St. Phone B 2170. Pure Spices are of various degrees of excel lence. (Spices may be pure, yet of very poor quality.) The highest degree of excellence in milling and quality . is reached in HISLOP'S PURE SPICES A comparison with other Spices will con vince you. Insist and your grocer will supply you. BUTTER 55c Pure Gold Brand 55c A new brand of butter that beats them all, because it is as good as the best and sells for less. Cheese, Eggs, Honey, Tea, Coffee. Henion- Henley Co. 267 Yamhill St. Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkeys BUTTER, roll 55$ and 60 RANCH EGOS, dozen .20 Chinook Salmon, lb..... .10 Halibut, 3 pounds 25$ MUeliner Herrings, keg $1.00 Deliveries for East Side daily north to Fremont St., east to 20th st. Columbia Fish Co. THIRD AND ANKENY. Phones Main 5, A 5556. New York Cleopatra, the European bfnon on the Bronx, had wire nafl re moved from her hoof after she had broken the ropes which bound her and driven the doctor and keepers from har corral half s dosen timea.