Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 15, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Muslin wear a t One-Hal f Price
To dea.ii up thajbroken lines jorffrwwjwulting ft'om our gieat
E;vster S.-U, w ar closing out jUl our od lots fiom one to four g-ar
xuwiU of a pat t ern in this grwit &vlCors?U3overs, Chfcmisj Gowns,
Drawers and Ptt.tconta in th lot. Some are slighUy . . O
soiled, but you chooso from the entiilot andjtay just A
Duck Walking Skirts j! 98c
Adean i-up of 200 Wash Duck Skirt in walking length. The colors ar
gray, blue and green. All in fancy andjnijxed effects; no plain colors.
Malta splendid aklrta for house or outing wear and cort but a Arlfl(j
Neat fitting, good patterns, well made. Valuea -to
$1.50: choice todav onlv KCfltS
Mail Order Have. Aoaf Cartful Attention Here
Shop Here Every Wednesday fft
Special Bargains Like These Make
Decidedly to Your Advantage
Garden and Lawn TpplsHere
Kvoryihiutf f.vr th U-w ii tr) CmuM our WiM-FWr Hma
wilit TI 1U mt.l ulatl $.tt(mtt)i now. N(t th t )Hihm:
harden Moos, 2.V and.. 40c
Unrdon RaUes. -.V, :.V
and 40c
T-nvn Rakes. ea. only..50o
Cultivators, e:h only. .Wo
Ticmsf Handle Spndes or
Shovels, oaoii only iKto
("J vast Shears, oa. only .35c
iVunan' Shears, eaoh
onlv 30c
Orass 1 looks, 2.V and.. 50c
Yeedors, seial eaeh.SOc
Harden Trowels, .V,
ItV 25c
Garden ."Vpioee sts,
t.V 95c
l avn Sprinklers.
2. and up
Cemetery Vases, UV,
l.V 20c
1 .-:vh.
For Men. Spe'l
! the Garment .
i SUnls x.t .Itawprs of x-vvl.l villx,l vvn.
rio?U lr, in ttM iM'lVot. nil mo,; U
?Ts''iij .niiv. Sol!
l-y1;. I I J Mn' Outinj FlaMnoI Nili Shirt. ih
sjMMtl vaHlV mrtioxSa), KotitMr pi-io
ouch, swil fr tHay 49 C
. is mry c.MioM iMankois, stw u -l; ciiwr ftrov
nun im- nmp"s; vry losulw tor N-
A Sale of Fancy Ribbons at 15c
$1 Bottle Lister ine for 69c
5cc Display 5th St. Window
Another Ribhon Sal Mat jvill amivry
economical woman in Portland to instant ac
tion. Thm tat ISc Ribbon Sal hrm wa thm
talk of th toinn-' for today' J?M8.jw
have proiiJJvn betterjelmctiona, ana
larger quontiti Ribbons Jtifancy effect
of many torts. Bri&htjcolor, plaids, dotted
effects, stripes, checks, Jloral designs, etc.
Sell regularly ot 35c to 75c the -4 -
yard, your choice today only JL J C
Chiffon Automobile Veils A pwdly ssort
ment in various colors. Regular uo. "Worth
from ijU.-'O to $2.2") each: ehoiee today
Lace Hat Drapes and Face Veils are also spe
cially priced for today. A large lot, worth a
hisih as $2.."0 each; choice today
Women's Spring Neckwear Kmhroideivd stock collars,
linen stocks and fancy silk neck-pieces. Regularly worth to T.V each; 1 Q 0
choice todav ' 117 tfliA
fvrj'hidly. We nmU Kppiilnl nf.
fr tin l Int ji 14-nunit liitllln;
l,.,Uy nuly....... USC
nil n.lui'H, rtmnUHy ISftn rm'Ui(jp,
l..,l.v 17 1
Mimil(tt Rlioll Dark Comix, mry
Aim oif, wnrth Iti 7"iti pm'h, !.
"tul l nt
DrtM Rhinldo, 1ih tniintioil, 1W
ivnnint wphi', rHiilnfly UTm pair
"P""! ' fe
Imu, woi'lh :ir( n tt, npi'nml Cut'
lo'ln.y 17
joint yji
V iHOt-f
Comfort Shoes MiK
Ni nIim'U Itttronhtiitln titit wmpm
wtllt till nun (tt (Itn ttllnnlimt pilul
lit flilvttK tlMllltltllt fl, Wl ItrtV
H pwiitl'ltlly Hflnt'loit tirk of t'ntttfitft
linpit I'ltuit llin Iti'Ni ninkorK in llm
t'tntnlry tl fmuint (littvnr Soft
Nhtti, Tliity tt nO'it'tly Immt wmU
on fontl'iift; Irtnltt, mtil iti'n fii'f fully
ftlleil, Wtt ti ftiil Btffiil f.if
I liia umlif, nl cni'rv tltt lui'utt
flock in t lie enllftt Nitflltwutit. V itoKofiliii lirinfly few nf llin nlylti:
StyU Brtll, WiminitV mil'l kil H.V,V Imlloii, iltniiln nui.lo of ourt pircn of
IfHllim', Hum ittitklitu a mooiU lliilii n tut t'tilpi'tiii llin Uiinlmi of iniitl,
Tim pnif ;i.U
Stylt 87. Sofl. kill Utn HIon, nit It vili fotiml ot; tninln willinul, lip
mill llllfil will) low lit'imil rnlihitf Imnln, ioln. Imnil t uitiml t3.04
Styln 5ft' j. W'omnnV noft kid OxfnrilH, ituxln with low liroitil IippI; nn
itlcitl uliox for Itiuixtt wnur. Tltn pit if $2.!0
Styla X2U'. WomnnV tItitUt Otftt'tU, Hiti'k-ltt'nwti kill, ttu'ilium Itwl,
ol'l loo, lliuhi'il with lip, PXltTinnlv I'lfXtl'ln ""If. n"t mill rotti Int't nhlo.
Tit.. pir
SO Olhor Slylen of (tt'ovtf' Cottifofl; Shorn fof ovitv in fool, mtil fur
t'Vfi'y fool trotthln, running: jit pfirn from $1.75 to $1.00
Womon'l JlittU, imtiU in H nlylfit, nil Urn wunlml lmpiM, lliiinliril with
pnliMit IrHlltof, kit! lipx of plnin Ioon; linvtt low Itfoinl linnl itt Ifttiltnf of
iMililii'f; nil xittnit itt I lie lot, ntnl tptnlity itttHtirpnoMrrl ; ri'Kttluf vnltiM In
$'J,00 I ho pit it', t'ltoii'ti today !JI I ,HJ)
Long Silk Gloves
At $1.29
lt !1 tlttifty w.Mn h hotv an, txko ndvstttj, vf
this NpWthlt.i :!. siwiaJ. offor tltrc hon.ltv.t
(Mdt-s of Itvhmton Jttinlt Stik tV.ovos t litllo mor
(Itstt ltJf ttn roittiar valtx of some of th lot. BUok
or w htt i.s!o'..s f lM'on,, .-...Mitt..
ml ii, soil n'i-.tUrly $1.7.'' to M on ll
tho jir. wty stsi fov today
mn a tad Hvv Supprtrs. military stylos, itt yl
low. tvd or ln!c: st!l rclar!v -it Ivy." &
th atr, otr s)MVta) for today iV3C CS'
Misses' Tan Hos. ll rih. awvl .v.i,tv .,..) r
to ! U2 only, thos at prsttto li.vs-,. that sell regularly
at '.Vv tit Mtr. siyoial for O D f j-
tod.y o-tiv.. o fatrs 50c
Women 's
$3.50 Nightgowns
An rxlt'ft soril for today -in tltf Mus
lin WVar Ailo; vry pretty Nijiht tlowtm,
tttndo of fin nainsook or ratiiltfio in a varioty
of stylo; alipover stylo, with low i-onnd nork,
and short sloovos;' V-shapo nork or littrh nook;
tho trimntinir are laoo and otnltroiilory. tlain
tily appltod; tltoso aro sttporltly (rood valnos,
sollittf rejrulHfly at $X'J" and O 7
; onolt, todav only P 1 & 4
Easter Linen Bargains
Special Easter Prices on Famous Richardson Linenjt
Pattsrn Tablncloth of RiflinrdHon'n
lino NHtin iliinuisk, with i)tiikiits to
mum cli. Ono ilo., nitpkittM and lithlo
olotlt in vttrioua aiaoa, a follow :
With ololh 2 ynrtls aipinro, worth
Iho sot, Bpcial I).25
With "it.'l yards, wovllt $1.1.00
tho sot $11.75
With oloth "J'ax:! yds., worth $1 l.'.O
tho sol .' .913.0O
Tahla Napklna, larpra tliitnnr si.n,
i'ob-. iH.."() ipmlily, spo.'l, tlox.93.00
TabU Daman, tinitHttally ftond finnl
it.V and writfht, full blitnohod, 12pul.
Ioviih to anloi't frtmi. Thin (jrado
solla rounliii'ly at !(l1.00 yard, vory
spooial for loday 85
Damaak Townln, larjjn ai.a, all linnn,
with kitoltod friiiRn onds; a hit, of
l.'tO dots., ronlafly sold at. 40o, ooh,
spuoinl for today 2J)
Whita LlnntU, '.'t)i)0 yard for our
spooiitl for today ......20
quality, tlta yard t2'
sun fYnwolw, Mny
rso kosi.k hot srRiw; ,
-Avi M - Aftr rvmnin.n jiioi;y in his
vv f.r .rfrl dy. a tvsult or th
rsMirrvmv of in left knr. Kor
l!Til KvV m-aa U-kon nt tvdy t1
10 hath-hiva It was th
tl-M nni tat h has iffx his rvm '.mv
inM Th!5ay. After lv:nis jIvn a
pNur an J ;tnfTH. h ix lakon
Naok to hi rHn.
Ter a narktni inprovnunt in
h.a aiparano. H:s fo lea drawn
ar;1 !n javo if th ra:ir iher was a
t-vxsj tV.e. tfN-Vr. A -thor.jeh still weak.
It a evidert tat e was Jtror.r than
tv nv 1. SurpxHV P. K. MoDonaM.
w hv is a'mst m on?;ant indnc
v.ron h-.m. artvl lr. 1 K. FhWarva. the
jvhysHian in charge of the sr!n(ss t
r boih. fxprtw'. the'.r crat.oatlon
over h prtrv5 the pt day or two.
Te Ad:n r: remarked uvtay that fvr
ts rtrst time s:me hi arrival here he
was rea'ly feel-.rjt that he was ra.nir
tvjf; nivd wtt well. Admiral
Kva?ia today recelvisS ex-Mayor Jamos
Fholan. cf Franc.svv chairman of
li.e rttet recit on conma:o f that city,
a -vJ Enr;e vrau. the Peruvian Consul
at $n Kr"ielv. who is the sn of the
ite Admiral Grau, of the Peruvian navy.
V". Fhe'.an told Admiral Kvans that.
wV,V San Frnov hotvsl that he would
h-e alV to brinar the rtvet Thrwuirh the
Golden Oare as a At nr. a Anaie to the
S'-ea: oru:se ard was eAgrer to receive
hmv yet. should he nM he strong; enough
i rev.-re corr.?ftand of h.s fleet by that
t rue v.:i-at darirer of rerardTjc h:s rer
rtianent recovery. San Franeico would
he reaiy to iri-e h:.m a worthy ind vidua!
rtverton whenever he was ready to come
S'.reon McTVna d. m answer to a
Cueston from Mr. Fhean. aa:d he hoped
to have the Admiral so wach better by
: se time ; he fret arrived at M or :erey
that he coy !d resume command there,
hut deotarwl that it dejem5ed solely upon
how rn jvtdly be continued, to ffwtn
No member of the Admiral's fam;:y
wl part ;c( pate In the oeiebraron at San
Trv. Ivtvi Mrs. Kvans and lAienant
Tr-n'n. Admiral K vans' flue ije'
w ii! protal!- Jeax- fcera Sunday c;gac
for la nvlea to iarUiMalo in tho fes
tivities there.
Stovo A.tant' Motion 1 Argued Br
fooo lrat. evnrt.
tSl'NNISttX. Ool.v. Atu-il .-Jl
S'ls.-krlforxt. itt ohatnlwrs It.-ro tivtay,
k.T1 arttuntrnts ott application of Slow
A,tnt. chr.t wult ttt.. mrVr of Ar
thur OVvlims, at TolIttrMo. for oltaniM"
of wui fr.ttt Atl Mtoit t"Mtnty. O.
X. Httton. oimsol for tit.- Wojtorn Fott
oration of Minrr. JILvt affidavit from
S rsi.tttta of in auport of th
contention that A.latos cttl.t not Itave
a fair trial tn that city on amount of th
pTv.im1ioo attatnst him tltrro.
Tti of Gmt Fknr-fillor.
HvXVrKONV. April 14. A sonsnllon
haa Inn oivafM hor bv tit itoath of
Mr. Knnif. a Oana.lian Hour miliar, wlio
CH.mmttNi by jumping oNrboarJ
front a laun.-h. carrying a dtauatt'h tvx.
A. H. Rcnnte was iwneral mnw and
prinvivvnl owiw of th RHini Klottrinit
Mill, near HonRkona. tit rratst plant
of thi !Krt in the Kar Kmt. lrs than
IS month o h atarte.1 his mill, which
ha a daily capacity of lxi barrels.
Prior to that th twiiVt of th flour con
sumed over there cam from the Fa
cine Ooast. But after the new mill jrvM
to runninir to capacity, shipments from
Portland an,l Puset 5ound were ttreatly
curtailed. Rennte was rapklly cutting into
the American traffic and niptl-ln: the
rtour demand In China and Japan with
the output of his mill.
River Boat Strikes Sna.
r.ARPlXKK Or.. April 14. tSpecjal.l
"While maicms; her regular run between
the mouth of UrrHMjua River and Scotts
burjt. to connect w'.rS the Drain-Coos Bay
jtAe. carr-ina' mail and paiweiKcrs. the
steamer Eva struck a submerged snaa
and was beached. All mail and passen were transferred without difficulty.
The steamer will be raised and brought to
Gardiner for repairs.
Giv Wyoming 1. 000.00 Acrs.
WASHINGTON, April 14. A resolution
iriviny to the Srate of Wyominj a million
acres of additional land for reclamation
purposes under the Carey act was adopted
by th House.
14 x i rOT.KiSfnf A!l w. . r.l.un.
Has steadily lined up with Roose
velt a anti-trust policies at Washing
ton. Vote to keep him there.
KOr.Flt B. StNNOTT S4.
'or nlsrrtet Atroeaey.
ldict by Grand Jury."
l l UK MOKT(i.(iF, KKl.KASFS.
.overnor lVrs Not Troptwe; in Have
l,iilthtt Kttstto Bevan Tliort
I toott nn Tlilo.
SAUKM. Or.. April 14.- tSpwial. Be
cause the IVsohutos lrrlstatiott . Power
Company has three mortaaaes upon its
property, the State Itnd Board has re
fused to make deeds to settlers unless the
company procures from the holders of the
morifcaftes an exprei release of their Hon
so far as the particular tracts deeded are
concerned. Recently a number of settlers
filed applications for deeds and also filed
reoeipts showing that they have, paid their
obligations to the lrrisation company.
Governor Chamberlain believed that the
mortgages Riven by the company consti
tuted a eJotid upon the title and might be
the source of much Iteration tn the future
if settler should be given deeds without
the mortgages beinar aatistied. In this
view he was Horted by Attorney-General
Crawford.- This' afternoon Jesse
Steams, attorney for the company, ap
peared before the Board and argued that
the settlers would secure title free from
the inert frames an asked the Board to re
cede from its position. The Board gave
no decision, but Governor Chamberlain
said after the meeting that he Is firm in
his attitude and that no deed will be
signed by' him unless the holders of the
mortgages" execute releases.
The Deschutes Irrigation A Power Com
pany has recently changed management,
Roeeoe Howard succeeding P. S. Stanley
as manager. -
Lewteton Krnitxrower in Court on a
Serioos Charge.
SPOKANE. Wash.. April 14. tSpecial.V
Weldon Wilson, a prominent Snake River
fruitgrower of Lw;ton. Idaho, who was
arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn
out by his l-year-o!d daughter Lottie,
charging him with a criminal offense, en
tered a plea of not guilty and wa re
leased on bond for hi appearance at Aeo
tin June 1. The girl charges her own
father with sustaining Immoral relations
with her. It is said Lottie has attempted
to elope with James Fyfe and her fath
er's determination to break off the en
gagement caused the girl to make com
plaint. Neighbors claim to have Inter
cepted a letter written by Fyfe to the
girt- in which he planned to have Wilson
arrested on a criminal charge, but this is
not believed by many eltlaeiia of lxwls
ton and tlarkston.
little recently wrote a leller In which
she told of her relations with her falher,
winch jibe declared had been carrlnd on
for some time, ami Hint she fenred she
would soon become a mother. The trlnl
pronil to be extremely sensattomtl, as
the girl and Fyfe. who stayed the Infor
mation, expect to furnish evidence against
the well-known fruitgrower.
(.latop C'ollrvilon Unto noon ol,
According to Sheriff.
ASTORIA. Or., April 14, (Special.)
Sheriff romeroy has completed hla report
of the collections on the 1W taxroll up to
April . when all taxes, on which at
least one-half had not been paid, became
delinquent. The full roll amounted to
1X5. U 2. $9 and was placed In the hands of
the Sheriff March 1. During the rebate
period expiring on March 15. the col
lections were Rlo.M'J:" and since that
time the were making a total
of Ji.T.!oS.. Tho rebates allowed
amounted to fc4,S.tiK, giving a total of
34.St&4? that the original roll has been
reduced and leaving" a balance of fo.
WtX22 still to ie collected. Of this latter
amount, over J10.000 is the second half
of taxes on which the first half has been
paid, so that but slightly over J1O.O0O can
be considered delinquent under the law.
Sailing; for .Alaska Canneries.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 14. (Special.) The
American ship Henry Villard cleared at
the Custom-House today with a cargo of
supplies for the Alaska Fishermen's Pack
ing Company's cannery at Nushagak
River. Bristol Bay. Alaska, and will prob
ably sail tomorrow. The ahip St. Nicholas,
with supplies for the Columbia River
Packers' Association's cannery, is ex
pected to sail tomorrow and the Berlin,
with supplies for the Portland-Alaska
Packers' Association's plant, went to eea
today. The steamers North Star and
North King, which will act as tenders for
the northern canneries, will sail within a
few days.
State Pilot Board Meets.
ASTORIA, Or., April 14. (Special.) The
regular monthly ' meeting of the State
Board of Pilot Commissioners waa held
here this afternoon with all the members
present. There were no ew applications
for pilot branches and .the only busi
ness transacted was the payment of the
current claims and bills for painting the
hull and repairing the rigging on the
state pilot schooner San Jose. Mr. Pendle
ton will remain in the city for a few days,
placing the schooner in condition to go
to sea, when her services are required.
Saleat. Or. Charles Wright, who has al
ready served tm-o terms in pnison, was found
guilty of stealing a horse from a farmer
near Salem. This Is his third conviction
and he is known as a desperate man.
Tliawa tn Mountain Iioscn Snow,
AVItlch smrt Pnwn Slope, Car
rying Kvrryilitns; Before It.
VANVOnVMlt, B. C. April 14. (Spaclal.)
Knur Jiipimese railway workmen were
killed and a doxen badly Injured by an
avalanche which swept them down tha
mountain side of Albert Canyon very
early this morning. Two days ago a thaw
started In the mountains and many slides
occurred. Forty Japanese were asleep in
two boardtng-hoitse cars on a siding when
they were overwhelmed. The slide picked
them up. and, carrying them over a cliff,
rolled them away Into the valley below:
Relief rrewa were quickly on the scene,
and with the aid of the uninjured men
the bodies of the dead and injured were
secured. Many men came near being suf
focated, for they were carried down un
der a mass of ice and snow and rocks and
timber. Those who were killed were
crushed with the weight of the snow when
It first struck the cars, ajid they proba
bly never awakened from their sleep. The
tracks were cleared in a few hours and
traffio resumed.
Increase In Tax Collectlona.
EUGENE. Or.. April 14. (Special.)
The first half of the taxes from the
roll of 1907 became delinquent Mon
day, April . Up to this time $302,554.12
has been collected of the total roll of
33.S74.S6. The amount collected for
the first half of the year exceeded by
some $7000 the total collection for the
year 190. and there still remains for
the October collection $34,420.15. This
is the largest collection of taxes ever
made in Lane County, and is due to the
raise in assessment on railroad and
timber lands and from public service
corporations. Of this amount over
$53,000 was paid by the Southern Pa
cific Company. ,
Late In Delivering Boxes.
CORVA1X.IS. Or., April 14. (Special.)
Politicians here are discussing the
effect of a late delivery of the ballot
boxes to the Sheriff from the Clerk'a
office, and wondering if it will have
any effect on the legality of the pri
mary election. The boxes were not
placed in the hands of the Sheriff un
til 10 o'clock today, whereas. .according
to the law, they should have been de
livered last Saturday, or. as the law
says, "not less than five days before
the primary election." The Sheriffs
office will proceed to deliver the boxes
In the varlntia precincts Just a though
they had been delivered to III m accord
ing to law.
' First Oklahoma Hcniilaitlon,
OI,YMI'IA, WiihM.. April M.-(Hieclal )
-tlovernor Mead yesterday honored tho
first requisition to be received from the.
now Htate nf Oklahoma. it waa for Jot.
Kttrdy, now In custody at Mt. Vernon,
and wanted In Pottawatomie County for
assault with a deadly weapon. Purdy,
who I a memlter of ono of I ha Influen
tial families of tho state, soma time ago
shot and killed a negro. He was arrested,
tried and acquitted of tho charge and
since thrtt time has been considered a
"had man." I(n aflorwarda tried to
curve up a white man with a knlfo and
will he'tnken hnrk to answer for inn
crime. K. A. IMerce, the agent for the
Mute, arrived today and rerelvol his
pa pers.
Vote for
No. 23.
Tor Railroad Commissioner.
About one hundred boxes of Hood River Bon
Davis Apples, all good, sound fruit, on sale while
they last at $1.75 a box.
We expect that this will be . about the last
apple bargain of the year.
F. DRESSER & CO., 5th and Stark
Are Ideal Life Insurance Contracts Issued by a Home Company
Superior inducements offered to reliable active Agents
. Apply to JESSE R. SHARP, Manager of Agents
214 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
W. M. LADD, President THEO. B. WILCOX, Vice-Prea