TTTR MOnXIXfi OREGOXUN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 15. 1008. 13 F1EHT AST-SIDE SALOONS CAMPAIGN STAItTKn TO MAKE PISTKICT 1KY. luKAl Option for W!iot Territory Arroaa, RHor an in K-ncral Klrx-llon. At a mcHlnB of hi Fast fM 'P tnra and laymrn lioM last nlaM at the Hawthorn Prk 'r-hytrliin I'hlirrh. Kaat Twelfth atro.t. it " rlrt.rt to Inatig-uratr a lo.-al option ram. palajii to Inrlildo avery prrolnrt on the Kaat Side, drv or wet, at the romllKr K''iipra! rlortlon. It will ho the highest and hrlrat-fou(tht lornl option ron teit evrr unrtertaKm In thle) state. A whirlwind rampnlRti will ho rondurted from atari to finish. The meetlntr was called to order by 3. H. Knodell. of the Anti-Saloon Iearue. of Oregon, nnd Hov. E. Nelson Allen was elected chairman and Hev. A. .1. Montgomery aerretary. Mr. Knodell art forth the object of the meeting, whlrli la to sweep away tivrry saloon on the Kaat Side of the Willamette River, whleh was tinanl moualy Indorsed hy the meetln with utmoat onthue:laam. He announced that one layman had offered to ralae H00O toward the expi'nar. and thai tf50 ynunff men would ensaite In the ram palpn. .1. K. Knodell. o. K. Miller. A. .T. Monliromery. K. Nelson Allen and lr. J. K. Ohormly were appointed to pre pares petltlona for all the prerlnrta, whleh are to be presented and rlrru iated at all the Kaat Side rhuirhes nxt Sunday, ao aa to atart the actual work to iret them before the County Court In time for the election. The. ram pfllKn will really be started In the rhurchea next Sunday. It la proposed to announce the local option ramValpn on bill boarde. with bands of music, hlar meetings, and nothing will be spared to keep up the enthusiasm. It was decided to hold a jrrneral mass merttna; next Monday nlgrht. April 0, In llawthornn Park l'rcabyte'rlan Church. East Pine and Ninth atrreta. On that occasion full plana for the campaign will he set forth and a.1 droiwiea will be delivered. Prartlrnlly all the Kast Side churi-hrs repre sented at the meeting last nlsht. both by pastors and laymen, and .Treat en thuslacm prevailed. Kinging? speeches were made by Hev. Allen Monta-omory. Oilman Parker, and others. PASSOVER SERVICES TODAY Frast Will Be Observed In Jewish Homes and Synagogues. Passover services" will be held tonight and tomorrow In the Jewish homes and aynaaoftura of Portland. The feast Is generally observed by the Jewish peojJe throughout the world and la one of the most important of all religious occasions. The services at Temple Beth Israel will brirtn tonlglit at S oVlm-k and tomorrow lnornlnir at 10::X Rabbi Wise will prearh tomorrow morning. The special music for tho holiday la under the direction of Mrs. Rose Rloch Hauer. Services will be held at the Cong. Ahaval Sholom Pynagosrue. Park aid Clay streets, tonight t 6:30 o'clock and tomorrow at : A. M. and :S0 P. M. Rnbbl Abrnhamson will officiate. DAILY MKTKOROLOfilCAL UKI'ORT. PORTUXP. April 14 Maximum Irm Praliira. degrees: minimum. RKr leadlnc at A M . & f.ri ; change in tt hours. Increase. .4 fret. Tisl rain fall it P. M. lo ft M'l. nrtne; total ra'n 'all sliwa September 1, t!07. o 47 inches; normal rainfall t-lnce September 1. 1.07, Ra ;M Inches; deflclencv. 7.77 inches. To tal sunshlna April t;t 11KW. t hours :! min utes: postMe sunshine. April 1H, twos. 13 hours -7 minutes. Hrmflir irrduced to ea levtll at a P. M., i.'SM Inches PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observation, taken at 5 P. M. Pacific time. April 14. l'.ws 91 iJ l 0 si STATIONS. PaVer City Pntse ..... Hrlfna "K am loops ...... .North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Ktehurg. , Ki an e . . , ....... Toccuia , Tatoesh Inland... Walla Walia :4 T ! 4i,.V Kleudy tcioud y (Cloudy !C!rr . ICloudv I ICIeurtj- Cloudy lloudv ICIoudy It'loudv 'Cloudy ICIoudy lPt cloudy Mr xiv lm NW NW .V SB N N NB SW KW 4S rt Ot 3i T-'O.iVJ) 4 Ho' .1 To o tsli s 4 t.M 4 V-0 OO' 4' ftfl(.tiiv 4 4i . V. 1 as 41 WKATHKR POSDITIONS. There has heen a marked fall In pressure over the North Pacific states and nhowers have lailrn In Southam Idaho. No rain has fallen elsewhere, hot cloudiness lias became general throughout the district and showers with lower temperatures will occur Wednesday In Western Washington. West em Oregon, extreme Kastem Oregon, ex treme Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Southern Idaho. - FORECASTS. Portland and icimts- Wednesday, show ers and cooler; southerly winds. Western Oregon Wednesday, showers, cooler, except near the coast: southerly winds Western Washington Wednesday, possi bly showers; southerly winds. Ea.tem Orvgon and Eastern Washington Wednesday. ehoners eastern portion, threatening western portion: cooler. Idaho Wednesday, showers, cooler north ern portion. EDWARD A. BKAIA District Forecaster. Preshytery in Session. ALBANY. Or., April 14. tSpeclal.) The presbytery of the United Prrsby terian Church of Oregon is in session In Albany today. Rev. H. C. Marshall, of Shedils. has been chosen moderator. T'-.e first United Presbyterian and the Avenue United Presbvterian Churches, of Portland, and the churches at Albany, OakvlUe and Shedds comprising- all of the churches of the de l:omlnation in the state, are repre fented by their ministers and other deleir.itcs. JtEETtXG NOTICES. h awthornt: uihiej. na. hi ' A P. AND A. M Stated comrounl- catton th: iWe.'resJayl eenin at clock. Xiss-r.ic tercplt-. West i.n-.nn, STretts. Work the M. M. d-gree. Visiting C. E. JIILL:P, Sec. brtthren welcome. WAfHlNOTOX I'TX-.B. NO 4 A F. XP A. M. Stated con, nunlcatlon this Wettneecia I even rg. s o'clock. East sth arid Rum aide stA F C. d-gree. Visitors wricctiir. ry orce- w J. H. RICHMOND, ' Sec. STl-HEf IjprxTn. NO. 4. O D. H. s V.-r.bers are reepectfully reQueste.1 to alter! The funeral of ottr deceased h-other. rsxvi " st Fln'ey's chapel today iWeditfs dsxt April le, at 2 P. M. ftv order of th p-es'Jent. F. X KIPCU F. Sec. PORTI-sVn CHAfTES, VO 3, ROYAA. ARCH MASONS-Stated corvo catten this ttA'ednesdaj"! e-enlng at 7:So o'doct Viattutg companjcHss welcome. A. - M. K.NAPP. Sec. SAM.OUTAV lOty.B. NO. I. 1 O O. F. Rrg,itr treetirg 1MS rWednrsdayl -errg. a a o'clo.-k. 8ccnd degree Vteitore we', conve. M. C!VOt,p Sec. .HTfCVst TFrfTR vo. IMrPROX-FD OR. . T c.;p HETT M -TN . rceeta es-er Thuratay aleep t JCS Tlrd street. A-l-lltorlum Hall. A. J. OriBLRN. C. cf . AMVSEMrVTH. Ur If II THEATER nClLlU 14th and Washington Phones xtsin 1 and A 1 1 23 3 NIOIITS PBOINTNIMJ TOMORROW Speclal-Prlca Mattnea Saturday FtRr:NC'K IlIMt In the Muslral tNilleae Play ri'inn at vajwar" Fvenlnga. Jll ,so to 2.V-: Matinee, ft oo to MARQUAM GRAND iPcrtland's j-'amaus Theater, rhone Main 6 Tonight and Remainder of Week Matinee Satitrdav Rrlltlant nea.utltul "FIAROIKRA" The Greatest Musical Comedy Success Ever Written Evenings. J.xc, ,-,oc. 7'-c, t 0O; Matinee. S.V-, hoc, 7.-.C BAKERTHEATERPRm Tonlirhr. n th rn. rrtntinrt Ktitnly. Hll Cailne benmtful nnd THK trtKKNAb 'ITY.' A ptrtrv of Rnmf In ih future. 44a.4jT.if. cnt renfry nd ptfprt,, FvfjmnR- -.V 3;r. V; mutiny. Ir. 2. cek "Tli Mmnrf Advcotorrts of Mln llromi." .LYRIC THEATER Both llionw: Mln 4X5; Horn-, A lAffl. VTrrW cominfhvJnit M'm1ny. April 1. P. R. AHfn prprnts Mii-n Vrn Fflton and the Atln ttork Conipanr in .xr'' Hrnt1on" rrnt nurrim. "I.A HK1 IK HAK1K. first time at populnr prict-i. aVolUvpy th best comtty dram ever written. Matlnfcs Tnitt.iy, Thurmlay. Aturdr.)r and (iin'tay, i'rtt-rn toe ant '.NV. Every eve rtnir at S:IS. Pric- HV. :Vnd ,S(r. Koxes 60c. lflflre open 10 A. M. to 10 1. M. THK STAR. lhoea M MM, A 14M. Week Hea-lnntnir Siindny MnMn, April 1J, THK It. FHKNCH STiH'K CO. IS "A H(H1SIKK IAIHY.W A comply drama in four aei. Time prire-t remain the name. Nr week Tii French Oonnmny offers for tta lac protie t !on In this houe the t-elbratft corrttly drtima, '"llow llnxter Putlrd In." Henln ntnip l-aiinilnv evenin. April 2rt. the Arm--irunR MiiIch1 t'omedy tmptmy will opn an imwnnlte entHgemeiit. Wntrh pei-era tvr first prod, ir (ion Mlul Cle of prlrpa. pant ages .urrkhe:r The l.eaillag Vattileyllle House. For the Wo-K Commenclr.s" Today, tON I'l l.ANO. the hlack heauty of vauda- vlllt nnl the smartest horse on earth MOMiKKH I, O I1KIKN TKOI I'K. Acro batic specialists. Inlroducltig Naomi, the Human Cannon Hall. Prices Cnstnlrs. Ino: downatalra, 2oc; bones. OOc. Week day matinees. if.c to any seat. Performances S 7 8" and t P. M. dally. The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe Week Beginning Monday. Ar-rll 13. IA1.TA. asslste.1 l.y J .ouls Mints, lyrle tf-Tior, "Tli Artist's Iream. OKIA OI'KK runt High-class operatic RI IHIK vocalists. OLAIIYS VAN. formerly with Murray ft Mack V. K. MONTKKtWA. the t. A. T s exi.ert. eahlkitlng The oleeptng Heauty.-' Wrestling Match - beilig"iheater Wedneadwjr Kvrnlnn. April 15, at StSO DR. B. F. ROLLER, of Seattle VICTOR McLAGLEN, of Tacoma BKST TWO IN THHEK FAULS. A Hlgh-l lnsa Kntertntnment for Ladies and (Ipntlrmrn, (reneral Admission. Toe; Reserved Peats 1. $; Hog Scats, AUCTION SALES TOUAT. At Wllson'e Auction a Commission House. 17S-17S ad. cor. Yamhill, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wllaou. auctioneer. ( At 10 . m. the Portland Ahctlon Co. will sell furniture on the disrk, cor. Front and Salmon sus. rr'EBAT, ypTlCB. RITFXKR In this city, April la. Mary Ilsta Huffner. aged ao years, months, bfloved wife of Italph Huffner.- KYIenda are respectfully Invited to attenvl the funeral services, which win be held at the famliy :tlM) Kaat loth St. North, oa Friday, April IT, at i P. M. Interment River View Cemetery. PADPOCK At the family residence on the Cully road. April 14. Oliver How ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Paddock, aged 2 months. Puncral will take place today. April lfi. at ;l P. M. from the residence. Friends Invited. In terment In Hose City Cemetery. t. r. FTNUCY a BON. Pnaeral Director. Third and Madison. 1'tioo Main a, a ItaBninr. MrKntee m Gllhangh. Funeral Di rectors. ;th a rlne. Phone 31. 4S4). Ladr ass. SJKICHO.V rVDFRTAKIXO CO.. 409 AldaC s- Lady assistant, phona Main llll. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Direct arm, i: yd St. Lsdr aaalstaat. Fhoaw M. so 7, tH I.FR BVUNES CO . Funeral Direct. ra. fit Bnaaeli. gaat lOaa. Lady asslstajt. F. B. M'SXIXd. rndertaker. 414 Enss Alder. Ladr assistant. 1'huoa East IS. Grand Central SlaHon rime Card SOCTIIERN PACIFIC. levliia Portlniid I Ro-sehtirn Paeaenjrer . . ... . 8:11. a m. t"Sitta(re Grove Passenger . j 4:16 p.m. ra.llfornta Kxpress .........j 7:45p.m. dan Francico Express. ... ..j,. . 12:00 p-m. West Side j Sheridan passenger ...... I 4:10 a.m. Korest Orov passenger .... ..... - ill :O0 4v. m. Forest Orove Pawnref I 5:40 p. m. ArrlTlnx Fort land Orvgon ICxprfss .....J 7:55 arm. Cottage throve Passenger. ....... il 1 :;X a.m. Roseburg Passenger M 9:30p.m. Port land Express ..- .(11:16 p m. Wrt-t Slda I CnrvalHs Paseenger ............ I 6:W p. m, .Sheridan Passe-njter ... 10:0 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger. ........ j &:00am. Forest Grove pagsvr.ger .j 2:50 p. m. 'OKTHKRX PACIFIC. ljeavlnar Portland I Tacoma and iieattia Express. . . .( 8:30 a, m. North Coast & Chicago Jwimited. . 2: 00 p. m. uvrriana i-ixpress ill :o Arri-lng Portland- North Coast Limited. . Portland Express . . Overland Express . j I 7:00 a m. 4: 15 p.m. 8:5 p.m. OREGON RAILROAD t NAVIGATION CO. Ieavtnc Portland Pendlett-'ii pASf?nger ........... Chicago-Portland Special ....... Spokane Flyer K.anss City A rhicago xpr29s. Arrtviiig Portlaad Spokane Flet Chi., Kan. City & Portland Ex. . Chicafro-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger 7:15 . ra. 8:30 a. m. 8:15 p- m. 6:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. l:-.5 a- m. :50 p. m. 5:15 p. no. ASTORIA COH'MRIA RIVER. Is-tns: Pon.anai Astoria A Feaslde Expres 8:00 a. m. Astoria A Seaside Express...... 6:00 p.m. Arriving Portlund Astoria 4 Portland Passenger. . T2:15p. m. portlard Express 10:00 p.m. CAX-AHIAN FACinC RAXLWAY CO. IsruA lnr ptrtliind C p. R. Short LJne, via. Spokane Beanie .. Arriving Portland C. P. R Short Line, rla SpoUrvne Via SeatUe 8:15 p. m. 11:45 p. m. Jefferson-Street Station feOt THERX PACIFIC. Leavlna: Portland Dallas Passenger .... T.4 4:X5 Pa iiaa Passenger ArrfTlna- Portia rallas Passenger Dallas Paissenxer 10:10 5:50 OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. LfsvlDf PortUad---- PaifTi i-ocal Salem Local Balem Limited Salem Local .................. Salem Local ................... Saiem Limited ........ Salem Local Arriving Portland Portland Loc-al Portiand Local Portland Limited Portland Local ................ Portland Local . Portland Limited .............. Portlaad Local 4. .s.. ! :15i , 8 25 i 03 11:05 2:30 i 3:35 i 5:30 J 8 S5 i 10:21 J 11:36 l 1:25 j 4 50 p 6:10 i 7.52 J MEDICAL BUILDING! Park and Alder Streets tJrm.iJ J ."S-irT5a!saa fi.'.. ,-s- ..inn rre-- ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Isatnf. A. Y., ihytrfaJi .a4 sorrrsm 9ulta It.v.n. Main 14t. A f 4H0. ' Barb-, Ir. a. j., drnlls4 Vrmrly Mao- l.ray hU,. J'hons Main He. A 10 City and Countr MrtllrsU Sorinry. Fisher, Ir. if. H-. drnl 14 formsrlr Oolunv- tla bids'. Phones 11 sin 4(111. A 1340. Frrnrh, r. C. OertniHa, ihyalrts BVrm- rl Dskum bldg. Main T14. A 4B1I. llaTrkf. fr, C R.. physlchsn and aura'ssm - FormsTly Orecon. IiWr. Main 111, A MM. Illratal. 1st. Krtw., drnl 1st Main 140. A 1409 Unstnsr. nr. C. rarasr. nr. H. 6 Suit HHi-lO Main iu, A 1W1J. Hrd Ir. eon YVIII.4, ptirsftrlast avast anr- arn Pra(-Hrs HmllM to gentlo-urlnary dtsrasas Korln.rly Flrldnar bids;. Main 26 A as, Iavfcln. Ir. Aim., dm (1st Wrmsrle Ablnr- lon bids. Phones Main 67H, A 2744. 1wiiil", lr. .-lloon K.. denrlat rormsrly Ores-onlao bids. Phone A Nelson. Ir. n., physletan sad snrressa For merly Klledner bide. Main 4H11 ; A 140. lVrklna, r. T. I,., dentist rVrmerlv Hns- set bids, utte 4VI7-S. Main l&IU. A 54H. Klara, lr. J. o.. dentist Main 1409, A 140 IX Hoaendorf, nr. Max, physletan and satn sjvr- rlallat, formarlv Herlln. Oermany cf- flrea 3I6-31U. Phone Main tKMO. Timms. lr. Kdna O., physletsn formerly MHrquam hldg. Phonea Main 714. A 4R1T. ll'slgrsmot, Ir. K. If,, dentist Formerly Hamilton bids Phona Main 2l0. Vlm. Dr. Alfred 1'.. dentist Formerly Al.lnston bids. 1'hones Main f.7. A 2744. Venney, e. K- (.. phrsdeian and mrrenn Formerly Miiniusm blda. Main t(7N, A 4K7S Toiinr, nr. i. ).. dentist Sulta 418-17 l'lione Main 81. 7,terler, Amelia and Fred .1., physlelaaa and surasNnns Phones Main rtS2, A 4I4H. CORBETT BUILDING 5TH AND MORRISON STS 4aej sjjj- ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY kin, Otia F., and Mabel, oMeopaths, forina-ljf Maclt-ay bide. Fliun A eTi. Main Cavauaicb. Win., rr., dwitlat, formerly Co lumbia & liuchanan.bldgs. Main A M.'.tt. Christ er.srn, O., optu-iaa and jeweler, formerly with Hultt-rftrnd Broa. Oftlce 413. Main blt. Cliance. Artnur W., Dr.. denttet, Xormtrljr lkum bids. Office blO-llt. Main HK. Coftey. R. C, Dr., physician and surgeon, office 1017. Phone Main 44. Conroy. R. J., Dr., phyivU-ian and urron, of-iK-rs eot-tf. Main A Corbet. lstat of H. W., Robert H. Stronf, manager. Phon Main 815. A 3261. CiXrBSley Co., The, real estiite. for;nr!y Mo Kay bKlg. Otflcea ZnS-tf. Main 78MS. A CTv:2. Dlvt-k. Kubt. G., civil en-ln-M-, Xoruiarly Mo hawk bMg-. Phone A 3tt&. Dufur Sk Dufur, public atenofirapberfli Pbooa Main 30L4 A 6330. Fall Clly Lumber Co.. formerly Mohawk bklff., F. S. Belcher. Main o67b A lVItt, - Gates, Gertrude lord. Dr., oneopan. former ly Macleuy bld. Main ltv3 A 4T(6. Go u dey & W ood , bo nds . formerly B ucbanan bldg. Main 3472. A ;Ta. HefeTie, u. V., Dr., pnyKlan and urffen, formerly Macleay bids. Main 4014. A Offices JOu-Mii. Jefferda, Ht-nry C. Dr., phy trie lan and tur geoD, formerly Dekum bldj;. Main 4S3 A 14t3 Kne9 Trcve, Dr., dentiM, formerly Buchanan bids. Offices 1011-12. Main 4ol4, A Keltey. Frank C, civil euKlneer, formerly Co lumbia bid. Main 5H& King, J. c. iOlltott, Dr., phyalolan, ,form-y Muhawk. bid. Main 2260. Kyne, B. F., Mra.. tormcrly RuaaeJ bids. A 7. Kefidenc C 1WT7. aLabbe, Edmund J., Dr.. physician an3 mir geon, formerly Labbe bldg. Main 40, A 14O0 Ient, Geo. P.. attorney, formerly 1XM Mor rison at. Office 41tf. Main 483. A lti83. 2,Kke jfc Gullete. Dra , ofZLcea 6ie-bA)-821. Phonea Main 741, A 2741. Mackenzie, K. A. J.. Dr., physician and ur seon, formerly Dekum. Main 267, A 1267. Manlon, Katiherlne C, Dr.. formerly Hamil ton bids. Phone Main 2811. Mataon. Ralph 0. and Ray W., Dra., former ly Marquam bids. Main 76T. Metavhan. Dr., dentist, formerly; Mar- Quani bids- Phone Main 746. .NICHOLAS. A. S., C. U. & H- S.. physlciariai, vurseona, formerly Dekum. Main 00, A 1200. Or i'SO n Life 1 neuran.s. C om pan y , L.. Sam uel General Mgr. Phone Main 03SA, A 06O3. Ort'son Railway & NavUratioa Co., surseon'a office. iX-6-10. Main 2J7, A 127. Ot 1 s Kle va t or Com pan y , f orme rl y Feoton bids. Office 001-3. Phone Main 6340. Peters, Geo. D., Dr., dentiM, formerly Co lumbia bldrr. Office 1021, Phone Main T67. Petzel, A. V., Dr., dentist, tocmerly Dekum bids. Main 463 1463. , Pierve. EL A. Dr.. physician, offices 1007-1008. Phones Main 2&44. A 30. Pollvka & Co.. la lions, formerly 349 Morrt eon. Phone Main 73 U Taylor, Frank M-, Dr., physician anl mir Son. formerly Dekum bio. Main 267. A126T Vpton, Jay H. lAtourette, H. T., attomeya, former.y Shetland bids. Offices 5267. Main 6t9 A 1&6&. Veaiie & Vearie, attorsteys. formerly Cliazn ber of Commerce b'.dg. Main. 11. A M42. TVillianutoc 4 Mc.Vary, ph-slclans, formerly Marquam bids. Main 449. . Taqulna Ray Co., The, fprmerly Mohawlt bids-. W. F. Stine. Main 6578, A 1&T8. Zan. Jas. C. Dr.. physician and surreott, formerly Marquara bids. Main 660. WHERE TO DINE The Virinint "Seat aerrlee oa Coast." llie OWgeni say connoisseurs. Tabls d'hote dir. SOc. Sun. 1 5c Graa4 4s Hasrthoraa, Cottage Waffle lWa? uSS merit. Beasonabls prioaa. nnnsmnrA'R 434 Washlnrton st jjee XrUDSniUre 8 chants- lunch. ll:o-l SSe; din-. 3 to S P.M., 2e at SSe. Spa. Sua. din. Ans tro - Hnn garian Restaurant 347 Taylor, between 3d and Sd- Best place In town to eat at a normal piiea. Try us today. Pmnlrn 191 Third sC Recular dinner, empire Special dinner a-rery fiun day. ThA Vienna 251 Morrtaon s., trader new s ltrilUct m.nss'in'L afexebant's luacS 1J-S. IGc. a la osna ii. X. uli.lL IranueS OriU prenehehef can prepars such dinners as ar. served at Brandos' Grill. son and restaurant, comer Pico snd Flosrer sts. w. T. Watson. Prop., formerly of Watson's 4tii-st. reetaursnt. Portland. Ypo-ptarianCafft 1a 6th- near Wash- f otriariailVllIO gton A good dinner 2ac. Meals sert'ed a la carte d A- M. to S P. M. ThaI)ril7An 149 nb- aferchants" lunch ineurapn asc special eun. dm. turkey or chicken, chop suey 4k noodles, AOa, t , - : lf s. Vv Jf. I -s - ?r"- - HOUSEHOLD" NEEDS . . iit am? Oeniiln. aeamles. iron HAUUHAUCi .namelware. H.J5 valu at t v.Iumbla Hardwara Cu.. 6cond and Morrison. Franklin-Hamea Market Prlsdmaa rarklns Company, Inn. Meats, ronltry. Fish. Vefslabl.s. 10-T Third lrst. foth phonea ss a ..... 1 no laeto Mantle, ase. tha U88 zaantlPS ual ot the best SAO mantl. on th mark.4. Baxratta. 410 Mor rison. olh phonea. sr . luvai oorda flra ft 00(1 wood, SS per roril delivered, rhona Main 4439. Kasls Creek Fuel Com pany. 44a Coebett Pldf. Ul.llnnsn uld ynu k"ow thsra waS SIHllOklPrj . atatlonery slor. at 4 Morrison street, near Third Rtatlon.ry and lilank Hooka. Pavla 4 Kllbum. -A Hit. 1 'Ins-let t" Floasrs always fresh from lUrlttl pr own conservatories. Martin A Forbes. 847 Washington St. Both phonea C'nal Roek "Prints Coal. Independent OBI a Ire i-ompany, oppoalta City Library. Hoth phonaa ; ynnja Plant yonr siweet peas and early i5tt?U!4 nien seeds now. our lBO an nual and deed llanterV Ould. free. Port land Heed Company. IHO-1BH Front itrssl. nncilfl Hsvs you planted thoaa rose IVUnt a bushea yet t Viet busy now. Thou sands of bnshes, 1O0 to sec: valaloavs tells. Portland Seed, Co.. 180-1K Front strseL Elpctrlc Fixtures a-'f - prlees are rlrht. All work suaranteed. Western Klertrle Wnrka 61 Slath street. 1ln4lsin Knlees. F'rks and all Sllver X IHlllli; Ware replat'S) aa a-ood ss new. Oregon platlnc Works, lis Losrnadala. Main SM17S. A 57o. IVIna CVMalley Neuberr, ST Waah " ,uo Ins-ton street, l'hone Main Free delivery. A gallon of 10-year-old Ilifls nook Port. S1.60. WnrtH Tha Portlsnd Fuel Co. Seasoned " u"u Mr cordwood. 4 ft., ti-SO: aawed. 16.00. Hard wood and ooal. Yard 1!87 K. Morrison at. Phonea B M. B 1026. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES iVOU CAHll AnVKKTlfilNO., Fnwtns nfttM will b slven only whea advert IaItis la orderel to rttst oonentlv9 dnyo. IHUly astd NandMy I item. The Or, sostlan crtArieea fln-tJme nttt eaeh lnartlosi for Hw(ted skdvertialnts that la not run oa MniMoitlva days. The flrt-.lm rwte la rbarsed for cafefe inarrtlon in TUe Weekly Orea'Rlaa. Hooaw," Rotns anal Board," 'Ilow. kewplns Hoonw," "Sit nations Wanted." 15 word a or leas, 15 centaf JS to 2 words, 30 enitsi SI ta 5 words, 25 ca-nts, etc. Nt dirmnt for avddltlonnl Insertions. Mattimontal and clalrroj-tms ad a, one-ttma rate eaeh liirterUon. iNlKK ALI OTHER UK ADS, except nxr Today." 59 cents for 15 worda or lesat 16 to etO word. 49 ocnta; II to S5 word-, &0 eenta. etc. rlr4 Insertion. Kach additlonwl tnnertlon, one-halfj no further dlacuunt ua der one montli. A bore mtes apply to advertlalnf paid hi advanoe only. All book entries will bo ehanred In lines 14e per lino for flrst 1m oertlon and le per Hno for each oonMsrutlvo Insertion. -perltU rates em oontnscts giva on application. "NKW TODAY. (aae measnro asite), 14 rente per line, flrtt Insertion j 7 cents per line for eneh additional Insertion. ANHWKHH TO ADVKKTISKMEVTS, ad dressed care Ttio Ores;onuui. and left nt this off Ire, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. 'o stamp la reqitii-ed on sncfa letters. NEW T0D.V. HERE IT S! The home you have been look ing for. In Hawthorne Park Modern and first class. Two blocks from car. Easy Walking Distance. Just $5250 Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 2T Lata-AFtrst Elnctrle Addition at $ino each. .3 Peninsula No. 1 at 173 each. 4 Lots Peninsula No. 4 at T17n each. All near Swift properties and the proposed electric line. Can divide. No better buyB on Peninsula or elsewhere. Give us a call. - Jackson 6 Deering Phone Mala 346. 344 Stark at. 17 LOTS Adjoining Irvington $7750 - . Good 7-room house, electricity. Bull Run water, sno feet cement sidewalk and newly jrraveled street. Included In price: 60 fruit trees, In bloom; srar den. "All the deligrhts of the counsry coupled with the advantages of the olty." E. J. DALY 222-223-234 fall I UK BldaT. Look Here! l,ono for one of the finest 165-arre farms, 10 miles fjrom Portland, on easv terms. You have to see this beautiful place to appreciate it. Over $4003 worth of produce sold on" the plHce for the last years. Will take a residence of not more than 1600 as first pay ment. F. FUCHS 321 H Morrison street. ARE YOU BALD? PEAK'S HAIR GROWER will start your HAIR to GROW in one week or stop your HAIR from FALLING OUT. and Is the flrst preparation In the WORLD that ever did this. A 50-cent trial sixe will convince the most SKEPTICAL. Dr. S. A. Townsend, ona of our noted SPECIALISTS, has the exclusive sale in PORTLAND and la located permanently at 17 DEKUM BLDG. Call and see hlra today. Ex amination and advice free. Address mail orders and inquiries to Peak Mfg-. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (No free samples.) Phone Main 31SS. A 3319. BIG SNAP S500 Only for property close in; monthly Income J100; terms. Dubois & Crockett Wishlartss Bids:- Room 3. Mortgage Loan, Lowest Rates RssaU Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRRELL. M McKay BMf, M Stack. tUYE alar A CAUU. NKW TODAY. SEE H0NTAV1LU- FOR ACRES AND HALF ACRES Terms to Suit Buyer . Take. Montnvilla ear to Ilibhard si. snrl Villa ove. Rrmirh office, 107 Villa gvo. Or call at 2.11 Worcester Buil.linfr, C. V. WKl.LS, Main 3UT.3. $7000-10 43x73 feet, comer of with well-built 10-room Nartilla and West Main, house, arranged fpr two tenants. Rented for $70 monthly. Good bargain. H. W. LEMCKE 211 Corbett Block. Double Your Money Hood River Orchard 20 acres, finest klntl of soil, lays w-ir on main county roml, only 3 ml Ins from limn; 14 acres In orclmr!. fol lows : 746 N;wtown and Spit kti bcrRM, 50 ,lnut)iRn?4. .ArkHtiFtttH lilacka, NO chcrrU'r. riO jfnr and 20 prm-hoa- -too of thcBf bejarin hcnrinn, this year, hinnll hour, barn , nhpda A!id piol rold sttirajco cellar with cement floor. Well fenced aiid. bent of all, tliere la a Jar pro pprfriR- which tflvrm plent y of frte wn(rr fr li-rlKHlltiir Hie entire 34). Villi.-. proved land l! and i nillcn farther out hHIh for $300 pr ucre. and you have to buy your water. Tlila can bo hud for J'JO.'VO ?tOft per itere. Von rnu doable your money on thin In 'J yenrs. It Bfunds Rood, but looks better. DEVLIN fiTlREBAUGH noK-non swrtlMd Hlls:. HOOD RIVER HIGH CLASS INCOME ORCHARD Seldom one of these choice properties on h market" 77 flcrfn. 3 ml. en nut. in heart of the kaat Bide orchard dlHtrict; 22 acres of bearing SpHzcnberjrn and New town!"; modern 10-room bonne; barn and outbntldhijfB very commodioua. A fine country .home combined with an invest ment which will nav FIFTY PER OKNT, The first payment will he the only cash mvesimry. aa th crops will pay for the property. PRICE J52 1,000 Mac Rae & Angus 4SJ Chamber of Commerce. 12V2NET On an Investment of $14,000 Quarter block, close In, on Bast Slds. DEVLIN &7lREBAUGH IsORKKt gwrtland Bids;. ' One Acre Within the City on the Willamette 76 feet of river frontage, with South ern Pacific track through the land nnd station 25 feet from the property. $2no, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. Owner wants to leave at once for higher altltudo, therefore thin sacrifice. If you want to double your money within bIx months, buy this acre. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, Inc. 7S and 700 Corbett BI.Ik- I have for sale 8 acres in the center of the choicest residence district oil the Peninsula, and bnt a few blocks distant from the Swift townsite, where brick blocks are to be erected. This tract will easily sell for double its present cost when platted. ' Gr. H. VAN H0UTEN, 438 Worcester Block. COOK 6 TRUBY Real estate, timber lands, s general brokerage business. Phone A 2184. Boom 511, Corbett Building. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on Improved city property. ISAAC L. WHITE 331 Sherlock Building. Fire Insurance. Rentals. OFFICES For Rent in Couch Eldg. 109 FOURTH ST. Apply Room 808. FOR SALE OR TRADE 15UO-ACRE STOCK RANCH. $10 PER ACRE. All fenced: all tillable; substantial Improvements; In Douglas County, or will eichana-e for Portland property or close-in arrp.c. paying difference. JACKSON" A DEERIXi. Phone Main 345. 246 Stark st 8-ROOM HOUSE Party fing away, will electric, gs, furnar: finished ineide; lawn, shrubbery; for $3800. half cash, balance per cent. This price is less than can build for. Must be seen to appreciate same. X 781. Orego- SMITH'S ADDITION KEW TODAY. IF YOU DESIRE a site for a home come out and see Loninton and we believe you will see that which you have been look ing for. Lots 50x100 are selling at from $225 up and on our usual easy terms. Take W W car at Third & Yam hill ; get off at Woodstock Station ; four blocks east; the sign points the way. ' Moore Investment Co. 313 y9 Washington Street. Phone at office Sellwood 1234. ACREAGE V havft JuVt A.-irc1 somo nrldltlonul rrofljco on ,l!t tin on nk. O. V. I. rnr linn. KXKJ I K NT SO IK, N CiUAVKI. niwl ro prpar"i1 to Kll in tritcti to nuU inirchpr, from or to ttn 8(ri-(i, h t very ri!fftnnlil prtr nnd vhrv trinn. (1. T. Parry, niront on iho jv'i uutid. ThUo KMftrfldu car and tsvt oft at Wlohha Htiitton, or tall on Hnapp tS Mackey 4 hnntbrr of Commerce. Abstracts L. a w yern AbHtrmct hiiI Trust Co. Sultw S, over Portland T runt C. Hank. M. 6 60. - - A 42M &KAL BHTATB 1IICALKUM. Abraham A White, SH7 WaahlnKton at. Andrew, F. V. A Co. M. 334U. S3 liauillton M. Baker, Alfred A., 215 Ablnctoo bTdc. Chapln A Ilerlow, 3.12 Chamber of Commerea. Commarclal Invtrt. Co., 210 Lumber Exchange. Compton, J. K. J'acA 1X Ablnton bl. Cook, li. S. A Co., Corbett bide Croaaiey Co., 70o-t Ojrbatt bld. il. .HAS. X Burgh, C R., Taa. 7 73. 230 Abing-ton bldf. Ooddard. II. W., Main and A 1743. 110 ftd aC Hotchklaa, C. R. A Co., M. 1060. 303 C. of C Jennlnga Co., Mala lh8. 20 Oroconlaa. Kinney A Htamphar, Lbt. Ux. M. 4&& Laa, M. B., room 411 Corbatt building. Mall A Von Bo ratal 104 2d at., S92 B. Bura1da. 0'DonnU. J,' F., M. 4561 A A 2661. 2S0 Stark. Palmar, H. P., 202 Rothchlld bMg. Main 5661. Parrista. Watktna A Co., 260 Aldor at. Porter A t'rtuch, 007 Commercial bldg. Reed. Fialda A Tnan. M. 7004. Aft6Al. 102 24. Koae City ltt-alty inv. Co., Mrrcfianta Truat bl. Perm Ik. Oo. D., 204 Stark at. Main 392. AAOfl. Surety Inveatmnt Company, room 626-ITT -28 t'orljett bldg., opp. i'oatofttc. (Hobrt B. Muy and V. Ureivre). Sharkey, J. P. A Co.. 122H Sixth mC Bwcnnoo, A. P. A Co., "Jbi W avhlDStoa at. Tha Orrpron Real Ratata Co., 88 H Third at tUolladay AUditlon. Thompson A Oedrn. 848 Mlaa Woodlawn 202. Vetera Land Co., &22 Chamber of Commerce. WaddU, W. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bldg-. Woodburn Oregon Immigration Bureau. FOR SAUK KKAL KMTATK. I1U.JVK) Wnrrhou ultp; quarier block, on IMth nt. ; prtwent lnittmp amall. hut with further Invrtitmfnt of f2&04 wuuld brlna; fllW per month. P. S. AKIN. 23 Chbmber of Com mere. X AM offering 0-acra tracts on tha Oregoa Electric carllne at reduced prices for a abort time; fine fruit and berry land, oa your own terms. W. H3. BUHKB, 020 C. of C. bMg. CKK-1X FRACTIONAL. IXT. lOO fcot from Washington, on hard-wur-facd nlreet; newer and water; $4m0; an uniuually jrood buy. Apply to Vanrtuyn A Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. lKVlNtiTON $I'V. Right on 22d. close to Thompson, on the new jr tenet on of tlw Broadway carltne; thta will double - In value In two yean. 331 Chamber of Commerce. M H17T. IAT ;i."t l-:fxrti. o!t houfe of no value, except to brin rent, hot. West park and. Tenth, not fur snuih, of Hall; splendid change to Hpcure home site, walking distance. Culve-r, 'Chamber Commerce. 80MHITH1N tiOOD Stx-room modern rejfl-d-nce Inside of Kawt lhth and between Mor rison and Salmon atJ. ; $iiWo; terms. West ern Oron Trust Co., 14 dhamber of Commerce. A 1SNAP Tvfo lots In Albina, close to R. A S. carllne; cheap tioue an-d plenty fruit; forced to sell; only ( (?h to handle. Vanduyn A Walton, M Chamber of Com merce. IRV1NOTON ?900. TjOt finxl'M), on 23d, 200 ft. from Thomp son; remember the Broadway car will run out "22d. 331 Chamber ot Commerce. M. 3177. IRCINGTON $1 MtO. Ijot flAxl 0, lMth, bet. Thompeon and T11 1 r mook ; all improvemen t m paid ; worth lo.0. 331 Cbamber of Commerce. M. 3177. ' IRVINGTON. $116o. Beautiful lot on 14tb, between Tillamook and Thompson, k'xlO0. all Improvements la and paid. 331 Chamber of. Commerce. M. 8177. t HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close in, ana larms m Oregon ana Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher, 531-32 dumber KxehanKe- bldg. WHY pay rent when you can get a 1 etory house for $15. Call and se plans; will ao ngni oy you. 0.15 wwningion st. Pacific ic I'-:-. W. B. Swearingen. $2700 BEST, cheapest berry farm. Base Line road; good house and barn; 10 acres, 7 In best otate cultivation. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Cham, of Com. WEST PIEDMONT. A fine, sightly lot. HoxlOO. considerably below the market; terms. Clarke-Clemaon Co.. 714 Chamber of Commerce. YOUR opportunity will soon be- gone; miles from. Portland, new Salem line. acrettraul $-WO; IO per cent cash, balance monthly. P- 795, Oregonia'n. FOR SALE Houses m Holladay Park and Holladay Add., also vacant lots; will build to suit purchaser. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco st. Both phones. OREGON CITY CARLINE, Risley acreage. 2. 61 acres. 200 grapes, all in cultivation. C. W. Kialey. owner, Risley Station. SIOPERX lO-room house, large lot, one block from 3d-st. car, in South Portland; overlooks the river; fine view and a nice place. Phone owner. A 5t'35. ELEGANT new 7-room residence in Ir vington for J42r0: can't be led for the price. Call 3J5 Lumber Exchange. iJroOO Nearly r)rw, strictly modern 7-room house; excel 1 en t location on carllne; m urt sell. Main 6741. EX5UTTT 1n 2 choice lotr Rnae rty Park on ."iandv road and Alameda st. Owner. H 708, Oreonian. NKW modern 5-room cottage; Flrland. Mount S-Mt t carline ; terms ; owner. H 7i7, Ore gtnlan. LOTS on West ave., $J0. G. W. K4 monds. 5S Church at,. Mt. Tabor. CORNER lot lonxlOA, Piedmont, for saie cheap Uoraoe H. Fisher, 170 .Front at. FOR AI.fe-MKAL ESTATtta FIN'W new mHiern a- rvm Ml"1lrr1 ave . tl'Trx iwe, lo AO 100. r:na tiw iiwVm i rKnt hu, wen local-.. S'aiMt; $;h canh.' pina imw a rini I . at Me. 1 aer land, on cartlna. .just oulM ilty Umits. f.'iO; .V VB-h. i acres tin land, new rvvm hmiae, ij aria rtari and In ftott, $tt, $Iim rajtlt IO acrra kmm land. go.rt h-room houa. .n. en r in, gemd Itarn and wal 1, only laSso , Ko caah. A acri's, well ared. 1 mile from carlln, some cleared, $ftU; $l.'tO t ash, balance In afwiimentat. I I no i on K. 2th. neaf Jim l,tna t4. tfcit; easy trm. ;-ront house, lot ICt Imtl, flAOO; Nt cmkJi, bHUt 1ntsilrnn. niAKUi-WiN at CO.. 411 ononrclal Bldg. MII.WAl'KIH Ai'HKAllK t"Aon huva 1 a'ies. wlttila .tn mt't rldn if t he ct v and 7 - tent .at fare. prt.pTty H blAt-kn from cartli.a ami rlera1; arre botlom land right on the crk. and the other tf acres flit fruit land, with a northeast slope This It a bargain worthy of ynur tnim'dlata in 'vestigatk n. JAM 10H J. KT.YN'N. M3 t'hatnt'ar of "nimrr. Wl fl MAVK I AMI At UI 2 beaiitllful renldartca lota. ! lant Height. 7."0; worth $WW 'JK I 'JO ,,n Coiin.'tl t'l -eat, X MVHT HAVK CAHII AT UN'T.. .ast i"ori- PO.RTI.ANI) URIUHTH unglnw of h room and bah. thor oughly modern, lor a 1 nil in choice district among good improvement a, m t Community Park. ThU is view prop erty ; full 1t, Ilea level, nicely flnlHtfit interior. in make very attractive terms and Die price i $4.Vs JNi. i hHAHKKY CO.. Hth St. Al.MtuST given away In tha vholcaat reatdenca part of 1'ortlnnd, a numter of 0n homo and lieautif ully locatet lota, cheap. in Jtvinglon. Can at office. In the midst of all (he bargains. Now tha time. Uita are going tip, Take Holladay and nr. no way . Cor. IMh and Hal ay sts. Phone C 1IH. J, l:. iM'en. WU I, SKI.,. 10 or ilO aeraa of my plac to l.nrty who would Ilka a toeatlon nur city, where a little money ran maka an Ideal suburban home; running witter, with thn for making llsh pnd nn1 perk ; lionft flflv piinhH-"'! n-ed Apply. Addrasa W. A. Garner, MU waukle, Or. I'loSH IN 7-room b-gant h"me; fireplace. lmrdwiH. fkatrs. furnH.f, sleeping prrh, attic, omfiblnntlt flu tun ; ny nne jaid, with ovrr Hm i-hciic ros'-e. HKll.M AN A LATH FlOP. SIO Abtngton bldg. Main r A :tt'J ! YotI wtah to buy a nice home on my terms wlwr" ym can keep horMe. cow and chickens. 7-rotni mNlern bmiite, taka Mt. Hutt car, get ff at Ciark atit gu wt lo second holt ne tpMlnted rMli; would trade for farm. Owner Uvea at place. SI Pine faefory site, leaaed for 10 years; net t Ing over V per cent on this amount ; terms half cah. balance ft per cent. K. S. AKIN. tWA Chamber of Commerce. IIOI'HH IN SOUTH I'OUTLANU, $7M-. 4 -room cotlkge on hi., a few day only at this price; $;ux cash, balance $U' pir month. . HOLLA, GKPSSI A 11IGLKV, 12 Tlilr Ht. - 1 j AN AtllM AT THW PKK M Oh A U 'T The Ihtninn acres nn the Halern electric have Juat been put on alc; get flrst choice; easy payment. TUM tl'ItTIKS CO., 34t Abii.gtnn HMg. FINEST improved IO arrea we know of In clly of port latul ; gnort 0-rom houn. good orchard. kx blocks carllne; prl-a ai'.'.onit. partlcularK, Northwatern In v(Ntment Co., 1P3 Pourttt. Mnln 7-14. PJtH AND 10 per month will buy a H rM"m modern house, partly furnished, evi-rytlilng in Hnest condition; lncatd ifur W.-W. cur in Wflnd-trk; lot Mtftx UMl. John P. Sbarkey Co., rjy Atli at. A SNA P Thrwe-room house gnd lot. on Tenib st, near ICverott; pood hiisln.eis lo cation. Se or ltd dream nwrwr, ifi. T. l'Wri-e, It oft nelvrrtrre, 1'ortland, bet, I'S'and 6 o'clock P. M. CHOICK INCOM W PTtoHKTV Netting 10 ier tent m Investment of 1N.rnro; aollrl Kast Side bmslncss pmpeHy; brick building; term. Apply Vanduvn A "Hlton, bib Chamber of Commerce. Paclllc lwa. tf-ltooM modern hotiwe, near 34th and Har rison ; must It aold at onve; ownec ic -ing city; $:i(M; amall payment down, bal ance $i!0 per year. Horace 11. Fisher, 170 Front st. jt0o Six-room modem residence, Holladay Addition, one block from car, on Grand ave. ; no better location in cltx. Western Oregon Truat Co.. 14 Chamber of Com merce. ' lOOXl no ROSSMEUE. Phone offer Tabor 34 mirn (rigs or e-tn-inga; must sM todays nar car, gradeA vtruets, cone rt-to walks, city water. .i400 NEW modern bungalow, $300 dowiC monthly; three blocks south Haw thorne, on East Forty -fourth at.; very desirable. Dr. Oarllng. IiiBT YOUR KKAL KSTATJ3 for quick revuKs with HORACE H. FISHER, 170 Front st. 1 K V IN GTO N lu0. Beautiful lot on iSt h and Bra-se; just right for a bungalow. 331 Chamber of Commerce. M. 3177. A BARGAIN Fine 5-room bungalow on K. 34th t.; lot noxlOO; new. 'modern in evry way; only $."WK cash. Conklin Bros., Kutbcliild bids. IRVINOTON. COR. 66xlOO, $1860. 6. K. corner 14th and Thompson, blg est snap in city. 331 Chamber of Com merce. M 3177. . -a ... a.,, - 4 lOTS and small house. McKenna ave., near St. John car; Bull Run water; $l.ri.r.ij-t-An give good terms on part. Owner, li 71W, Oregonlan. $1HH.V Fine 4 -room bungalow near Haw thorne ave.; modern, improve! street; VJtC earth, balance like rent. Conklin Bros., 3m Rothchlld bldg. $4000 BUYS 100 oq West Side, walking distance; this i choice property. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Com merce. ELEGANT 7-room residence near Hawthorne ave., bargain at X3.'if0; fl-nom residence. Kant Davis, only $100. Particulars 183 PENINSULAR lots, choice locatioH? ad Join ing Swift's townsite; price $175 each. See R, B. Carey, office lo89 Peninsular ave. 92400 BUYS from owner a 6-room modern cottage; $20t cash, bal. $20 mo. 1 lo j. Taylor. Tabor 030. F 773, Oregonlan. $300 WILL handle the best trade (n Vernon in a new ri-room modern cottaKe on a Adxlisj corner. fio.'t Lumber Exchange bldg. CHOICE comer, WixlOt. on E. 41st and Tay lor; simply a bargain, at $ltiro. iM cash. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchlld bldg. 7-ROOM house. Highland. New, modern; a big snap. $3250. John P. Sharkey Co.. 122 6th st. Main 550. A 2637. $800 WILL buy good 7-room cottage, one block from carline. Inquire 3S7 North 24th st. Phone Main 2faS0. ( $22W A strictly modm 5-room cottage, just completed, bath, atattonary wash tubs, etc.; terms. 215 Oregon ian bldg. IRVINGTON -Pull lot 33th. between Tilia mook and Thompson; $1050 cash. Owner, O 801. Oregonian. LOTS Kant 63 St., all in cultivation, hfsrh and level ; streets, water; terms; $-.. Phone East B 1-4-5- LAROB new modern tt-room house, corner, also 5-room cottage; terms to suit. Phone Wood lawn 17U9. 2 LOTS, as 110. with fruit trees andr small house. $K. 87J Depauw st., Ports mouth, Or. FOR SALE 6-room house and lot, Piedmont, c hea p ; owner lea vi n g cl ty . G SI 6, Oi er gon tan. NEW modern H-roora house, good location ; $4u0 down, baJance monthly. G 7'J6. Ore gonlan. SNAP Modern a-room house, nice lawn, near car. $1600. D 73. car Oregon tan. 1400; cash iirfli 11HlH. lot p. v, nlttfiuia AiWlltlon No J. MM. wiirth 7f.; hae dmibled In value In past year; will tlr-uhle again in 12 months. No agents. AtMrcss a 10, Of KonUn. , 22 ACRES, in cultivation, 9 miles out. So far Horace H. Fisher. 170 Front st. GOOD building lots. $10 caph, $5 per month. Purse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. ONE of the bt lo'.s in V-rnon for only $320. worth $42ft. Main 4flS WWT SI DPJ. iWnxl0. close in. only $2250; quick. Walling. 243 Stark. 16 LOTS, cloe- In. worth. $5SOft; only $4250; look. Walling, 243 Stark. yOR SALE Home on Bast Taylor, .wast o. .loC 4EWSAT fast