Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 13, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    THK VlSd O1UT.0MAN. MONDAY, Al'ltU. 13. If0.
n ttvsr.
rtM-ma With tr4.
Fat 3d An. Horn. Id te , new eed eh
p-oi.tte'y fireproof; elegsnfty fornlthH
fnrr" tin I unit at eulte: elevator, not
r1 eoid water, meata heat and tale
ph,r. In .,"h room
HMH In rnnnet1n pc1iU rat r
femtlte. fhonf Sat 171.
hi.akfi.ij hail, -too jerTerenn between
l'h t'd nth. beaut if itllv furnthet room,
lib r( i'Iiim hertfl; hot pod rnirt netrr.
PlrAm, beautiful (rnimil. ronlrr of rlh.
MMt w(ih hoard for Iw.i fnntlPmcn or mn
mp i wfti. phone paet. i tan ;ti. an
L4MOR furnished or wnfw-etPhed room, with
hoArd M; Morrton pt . rr leth
Ft'R SIMI Ft room tth board The oeerk,
MtMoV PARK WAHTH KSIfi, Park and
Madison, h-"-t-oni . prp.i1 hrtr.
.t-i- onni0(.l . four room. rncep ton h II
an.t he th r-ei1eno i'tfBfl! p.-otng
f vrr bii"ti nnrnlfn.', In- -ntd'p elec
tric Aut-vnat'o r'Mdfoi ad tie.h.-n r
. hfnfP . Hi.v.. po-M-p t tt---ughout ; th
mlnuim cf r-'p 'Plmr, rlrgsnce And
r.jiitpmf nt at ftiToilin'y res-Pahie term -
' to N ir in.M-'h l-O'Ull-n Ar 1 er
roundlrga nnwnp.iwr
i I V iOt lit Fthgsnt 4 tqm resl.tep.-
apa-tment heth. steam heat, hot gn .old
er. g" range refi tgrrAtor, tndow
a'-a-l '-. tan t tor som lee tr'aphon; Adults,
A rp!y leu It or. Ith end Coin h st
I-F.ACTTFCL e room dpurln-M With bath;
ti.-tw modern and up to -1st, g-ta rr.
rf-lg"4.t-r, hot and cold water, Atratn
hat, tpirphon. ga an.1 electric light free;
WmI bi,. K T.M . (iTnin,
Fort UFN'f - AM'tmnt. hp location 'n
ft, riiy. 4 room-) and reception hnu. alt
on rom pifjim het "d janitor
'.', Thf Mordaunt. --Srt KvfrfH, our
FR RrTNT - pirimptil, beet location In ti
ntx , 4 room n-1 r'-it hull. All rnt
n"Mni. (MMW b--fit nn.1 Jpnttor rv
Th Mo. taunt. fW rirtt, rr. !hth.
Tflf Wr.STWIVtrirtl. M1ton rtd 1 h .
up to rtat pftrtm'-nl, v(ry mo1rri pn-
ntn-. rpwonfM rt". Clo In. only
M(.-h ftvirn rntotfttp
rpiwitr f urrnphrd rrt wntp Plti gift tr n
iU rwtn; rl"t bth; frnhiti holP
krplnff room.
HAHRISilN (tM'HT, Fifth nnl Hrrtn. n
rninth1 mrtmn of A toom no. I bath.
tih nil mo.trrn conv rnnorp. I'hon Mln
ron vfhv apawtmkth -tith ni o-
onph'P r1"'; sitttP oni. t 4 I tr.
IWr 1AVT(V ftrt' FlnrxWu. boniflfnl i
fonni ron1ttr updttmrnt, moiiprn (fn-v-itnot
; rfnponphi rnt Mtn 1 t?A
(;rn t ArrtTMfivrs. ani 4 iwm. with
itr tr4 hoi ; f to Mwn 2-i
?4th, on Vhitrman unft "thn.
Tlts VAf?T,PMM'OII. F'no.tom, Noh
mil: ti-.ti ifnl ft rom onftirntPhM ttfurt
mnt : nitor, fto.
Itor prvlo. r (, to. Flat Fl 4iI
0i b.
Fn RFt T room finnWip'1 nrfl'tnint: f-i.-t
urroimH)i. rh-H Mnin S-TT,
HF.AM it'l'Ij ft room urinmrnt tor rnt
Arm 1, 2:R ttfth. 'Th HmintrM."
VI VK HI'CM. itatn htpi1 flt. ttth r4
!1Ip."ti t.; nirttlcrn In vrv roopoot, rnt
1 lM Min "J44 A-n MfTonntH
X10IFr?S fhitft, nil t. for rent, FPt nnd
1 ppt !Mpi Fortlpn1 Trntt t'omjipnf of
(ri.n 9 PV cor. Hd and Oak- Phon
hAnir tt
ftftt TVYt.on. n-r uih. ro.Mti flM. b,
r1.-trto Mirht. ino.lrn, vpry dr truhlr. r-'iit
$ o Inqulto Uravf Mite Storo or ft'
llor ft.
r 'f-irir IhjrM ; ntorn ; vf rv dptt nM ; rrn t
$ n Inquire ltTr" Mupic Siotp or t4l
T a lor .-t
ST M ? F TFH arnrtnot
al.ove lt h. t nm. lrt rtlt y
o , iPt Mtul tfhrmAn ptn
9 room pr4
IVttPl UriiR
SI nop Mht rflonii. olortrlr Hrht.
I'Pth t"p',!ntii. ood n'hbof hooil :ltS
I'ollrfp. '.M month
JM:xM rit n-Aimnr dlPn-. rf-nt on'T
fi7..V tmtth H.nlPl Aprcncv, 442 Shor-
ft iiihv fln, Tnth, etc. f And fift2 vr-I'-'tt.
llJV. I,. F, Thomiwn A t'o., SRiS
MlFf!? rlst rotnplf'teS firn!hrrt; b1o m
futniiihr'd oottnr.o: very ofntrAl SI I Mh.
'JW niottern ft-ro,--m fo-nlnhed or nfurnthrfl
rtt, ft mtnutr p.Ptoffto1. Phone Tnhor trt.
f'l AT of ft rooms Pi1 bAth ft Vorthrup,
r.Mit 1 i If Koreil, WAPhinnton
6-liiAM upper Aat ; oolttore, furnace, StW
t.ith. fall 4ftft Market.
llonBekfNefitnK Rnnna.
TV A 7 fTTx t itnf urnuhe.l cvnwnfent houe roon rent rr.nPonahJe; wnJkttipT
rt!tar(-e. T 78. r"Bontan.
ttl r. MORItt, .-or Flalith, newly fur
r. i?ieii h',i'e'pirp; pilte; elooirle il(rht-,
;aTh . roPn A Mo ; a I kin a Hta nre.
HvM SFK FFPIXiV- roomer f.vA location:
Inrom J.'-S rer; 1V. prtoe vi'y fctfs, i'n
a; A'M Krrhy : , or phone Fflt 2l
OVR r.1 !iree vrr r),-e 'a-ae m.-vtern ho-ife-k'TiriE nxiitab e 4 perMn; flrel
f -t : lswn 4(C5 or ft0 2,.
4;n SVtMOV ST . i wel'-finlhrd hone
keepine room; all ronv rnlenoej; central,
; PAor Me : pr 1 v a t A f A nil v
F R R FN T Fur n lehf. h 'unrkr-plr g roomp;
bth. p'-or": a.J.r.". rrferenoo. Main
cr A SwiS an.1 Main ,1M1.
I Mr VC Ah ar.1 ,trffenT : furnthe.1
Hoiwkeetvrc uite.- froe rhrn- bmh and
tiM ; rar rf'nMf
II rNM(N A VF . ror Ah. Nleely fur
nisrie.1 hnui!oVplnir rnoni, very reason
able Phone Fsst tllS:
THF W VTNKWOtM- Newly fu-n'hs1
h.oukeeriPpT r.vTP; RA5 rant, runnlnjc
wa:er. lvt N. lS:h-
ftN in X' ! N' i1oovl ne'chhorhoo,1. jiuite of
th-- nlo'-'y fll-nl''(1 hoiieoKeepjTiB room,
runtrn kitchen, eto
rf'M SPKrr'INM room aultaMc f r a lady;
ym rpnorNe; bath. g3, pi.Mie. 4.,
Wonttnf rj tt.
PFWTin'l. new fu-nlhM itnfi'rrhe 4
100m. r"; .th; ft minutes potofflie.
FLFASWT fo-nlshe-1 front room, with hoi:e
k' p;rg pftv ieiscs. to a lady ; private fam
n .VVS Yanihill. 1
TWO love'y front rooTta and balcony, for
o-ir'e phene. bath. 419 ScllwooJ ?t. F. 4o0
TW auite of hCTeVeep'rg rooms very rea--:.
vl fottap Il.s tning, lt'
North Pth st -
NTTFLY fUTpjbed hour keeping romt; g-vd
re'gh.borpoo-'f. N" JvhrM!on. between N. nth
r,1 l.Vh p-a
TV'O f-.rrnied b-ukrcp rg -p-:-. -r.-'tMlrg
k t-en. a'so s-:rge front po.'m. !Wt fix.-,
nth r.
TH F ROPF. Veat'y furnished and hcue-k-ep'nr
room. 14 Sd st- Jos:e Zwickel.
p-op-tet r
l'l "-'VSA.VT furrasled bousefcrr-'pg rooma?
VM. Mcht. free phone, etc; rent pt aatrtahio.
rr RMSHW r-'-'P for !gvt hu-ekerr 'nf.
a : o a-rs. roon-ax S2 K . loth. rhor
Kasi IAS
rwo husekAepirg rcoja with i:e cf d'n
rc and kitchen. 1V1 trand ave. N. No
Kl RNISHFP housekeeper ro.-n-P. ajao
fe roMr.s; ateam heat. Nrwcgatl. Rn;j
2 I.AR''R rooma. ntcely furn'shci :-"rg:
ga. barh. paniry, frk.
S "nrn.
Nli" KT.T furrl5h".1 rooma for ho-js-'eepT.g;
in. lnq-i:ra at atudio, 1K3 Weat
Fa:k at.
4 ANP i clean. ''gM. furnished b.-usekep-
:ng rccir.a. mrd. $14 gad $12 month. 62
PFMT!n-UT f:rr,'-'.i bc.iekeer;rg ppart
nenta gas bah rhre. 59t e V.1:son Bt.
A r i:h t. .-or Sa-k. frort and ba-k
par op w:?h l:rft he ec!veer:rg pmi!ece.-
F 'ft I.nrf. inirfr-v honkep:r
: 00 m f ?-ee rr- bs. T a n TK; ti
TvWt f-.:rr:hed bot:ekcep:r.g rc-rr.. $;j per
v. ?-T!th ; r? chiicrer. 2M Clay at.
IfrmpettAer rloem.
THK) PF4 VFH IMnmrN-ti itth trl
t II t ; ntrtv ftimtpt'"i. ft til
TiirPi for bon-rrep'PB nfHi,'pf aap
rpero. with thp free vm of ipiriri. Mptht,
h water, bpt ltre rpoppl (on rn'm tn.j
ipitdr-y rnm. from. $1 up : a'"o una'
foomA wtlp pimtlpr ponvwnlpn. $9 ft pr
e np. ThPr p not hip m enpar'--n
In th oty foe th jr. Thit pip.-
wM br fnppei't'on. Phott (1"'pop from
I'nton wprtt. Tnlt or 1tthat. ear
B,,!rB north, Bt eft at Mrtrehail at. P''onr)
Watn H77I A 4fV No 1i- allowed.
lotti tt'nih.1 ei- unfiirnttied botieV -I
tiff pn1 lpdt room. 1 vef Ki "Ht
of t a a. ' nto room, in m. i(nH. '
month. Another. t". (t 1 1 A o t t
ftpt cat) Sfll N'orth "Ah 'j:i-l-mt
rr to 'Ath. turn Aoitth bn'f btooh
THfi ONn7tNTA, 17 17th t . rar TAtnMtl,
rw hojiee. eUpantly furnt"hod, In eultep
f I I and 4 room", hot and e"ld water,
fm ran a eaoh kitchen; tam henl
hAth. frp rHna a--h fleor: n rhHdren
THE f V, vr r A TrVT. 4
Washing-ton. ror foth N lrW fumlehd
houpr-aptp rrm". p ranae. hot
water, frep bAth. frea phonA, both flra;
nl.-A ti1to from Its tip
Tl'F Fli MttVTF Anr Lfth pn1 ah
ts'nti pr w an.1 clraa nt tv furnish.! apt -
m-nte . Hmt, eot r I o 1 i Wt A, b ( h, hot h
phonrA; Very rn tonnH'f,
Fi M U ntoo 1'aht hoti-henpina rooma. pin
npr". tnk. pori-e t rt ha t H. two bl
t'fiM hetwon Irt apd ft; tio ihlhlren.
.tfroraori t
Ft1V1SHKf front hoppekoepina nnA l"p
it1 wm, mod At n a-'nommodntlon. wit It
v?rd. wAipttn ipPtance am t4th at. pop.
Tllr FI - tlouaea atIpb rooma, fom
ptetolv f urnthd 1l 14th at
f fitrpfh'd b.-itiBrkApptnt rooma. Hrpt fl.wr,
t Apply ft4 KaM llh North.
4 (HI ft mmptoteiy fumlphed rooma yard,
mtU. Irvinaton Ft MiSI.
HOI PFK FFt'tVi Pitlte. tuat wo !. th
f.ltll.'. S.1 and Cohimhta.
rrnxiSIIFM hotir.aeopin Ad 8let'ln(f
rooma I N I'nlon are
rt nVlllFIi houekeep1nt fooma. 140 tth,
bt MorrtPon and Aldir.
Ft'VR nt''. oloan poom for tight hourkeop
tnt at Aftfl aahlpaton art,
31. TTM. ror TAviop Two nloeiy furntahod
hoiinkooptna room a
N1FI.V furp'erwd rotiak'
tn ,'Mt4 41 h Pt.
rJ n a room, e ioa
W'HRV VM' VOVR you ftlwayA need 8PM
HI Y AT VP RKNT --lceP: th ear
In re will e'"""t 00 t of moving.
WF. IMVN i'lilt IMVN )M.!H-IMN1; oe
rttpy otie half: roiet rnu on ha'Anoe.
Ornnd ava and R Hiark Phone Knat 2i"'.M.
(loop 4 room pottage, room for gavrien and
phtokon. Fa t Hide aiiburhP. n"!P rare.
J irt month. Five and 7 room oot tap o,
WPt Side river, J1I and $ H Won for
niahed ooitaae, f.'rt llmiAokeeplnv rooma.
anv ntimhor. 1 week Applv ft" North
'Ith. i?:id nt. rara tn yrtth. turn pnuth hnlf
10 Room houte. Noh II 1M dttrlot. ver?
deKlrnMa. to Ihe rfabt pooplo only ?.d
rent Smlt h a lirntal pnr). 4 Sher
lock bid . ;M au.l Pak t
N FW. moitrn. a ft motive, B room !f atory
hono; ploe yard, near ctvrMno. adulta;
Phono Voo(l1an 4.f 70 Willinma ma.
HOI'Sp. ( rooma. modern, basement. In rge
Bt dn. i lilrkoti hoinr, near Mt pS, at t car.
Mr. Mot try. A verv a v e . Tremont
Mi M'Kli f urnlhrd eottnRo. ft rooma. jp.
don. lawn. Si to KaPt USd at. I'hmie Sell
w ood tftft
AftM yl'IMHV. between JMh and ttPt. P large
m.m.. mo1ern, newly (lniahc!; flrx-plfti-e,
gaa alove.
fl HoOM modern honpe fop rent. Jut roni
ptotrd ent reapionable. l'hone Sell wood
1 1 A.
6 R00V8. modern, ntoe yard. $!rt. tluopol
Shaver oar to Mvntn vr, Phone Mntn
.1ft4 7.
FvR RFNT --4 roomP. bath. Inwn and roea,
on Sellwtwd rnrMne 040 FUtn. Midway.
FR RKNT- T room houee. 14th and t'Inv.
Inquire W, H I.esh. ftl.1 lckum bldg.
oottace. ttSlt Helniout,
Tvi;iJ l .Kit. Hhi Sherlock P!dg.
MoI'FjRN ft -room cottage, nearly new. 41
San Kafnrl at. Inquire 4S Tillamook.
6 ROOM hnu'p wth bath 108 Uroer
rent fH Apply 14t 0th at.
T-RtxM hoiia at Mt. Tabor. Main 11W, A
ITiKI 'Jin t of C. bid-.
MPtKR ft room oue. sofl Thurmnn. near
lih pt ; $i-S a month.
PTPRF! and rooma. $13. Inqulra 24i) Sheri
dan at.
Furnl pried Hon
10-ROOM furnlpbed house tn Fouth Porr
land for the Sumtuet ; p sightly plare an.1
nloeiy fuintahod; nominal rent to reppou
IMe part lea. Phon a A i0 :!..
bH Fl FIN T - Ftirnlaed pottage of rt rooma
with modern o.mvenlen.-re; will lraa f-r
yrnr. iV4 ?4th st. N , bt. Krrny and
Ijiveloy ; prior $40.
FOR TIFNT OompN-te y furnished ft room
wparfment at The Mordaunt. ISth and Kver
e:t at. Apply Janitor. Apartment H.
4 KtHMS of ft-room pottaRP, furnished; pi
ano; Abundance of all kind of trull.
Uirt'n. suburb. PaclOe S007.
(I - liiVM eomplete'v furnished cottage, w a ik
ing dlManre, rent $tft. Smith a Rental
Agency. 44J Sherlock bldg
F! V K-IiO M cottage, fnrntuhed complete. 4 4)
Strk et. lnqiiire W Mlern SaUage Or,
Wth and Washington arex
FOR REST Nicely furnished Nob HIM
home S.rooma. very desirable; careful
Parties 705 Everett.
FXF.t; ANTT.Y furnihed 6-room modorn
hotisp; furnace R. Aah and 1 2th at a.
Phon Est 4-T.
Kr.fN n.Y furnished 7 -room houae. John
son. SSd ; May 1, S months; no children.
R "04 Orrgonian.
FP li R F N T For the Summer, f u 1 1 y f r
nished 7-rootn house. fita Northrnp si
ft- Ri -"M pew ho'tsf, completely furnished,
mtsleni. ard. t'ai! at ft K,tM Pine st-
j FOR RKNT Vroom furnlhel rtnt; elcclr
Honori for Rent Far nit a re for Smle.
NFW ft-roiim hijyc. fiirntrttre for sale; re-it
very reasonable: good nr phborhood : close
tn : f urn It urv pract lea My now, In gooi con
i:tfop. fall between 10 and 4, 412 Fnn
Rafael st
7-H-a"M house, complete, ready to move in.
vv t of house rents for ?." blocks
from P. o. ? rent $-V. Price $VHV Smith
Rents! Agency. 442 b!dg.
OWNKK goinr away, wants to aeM (food
f irn! t :ire of 11'- room Mat. long lease, no
rensonaMe offer refused. Rent $40. Call
at room ft. o4 W.iahincton t.
!-d impelled to lfve city: everything
nw ; S b-dtvxm: w?!l tri at sacrifice. Call
210 Abircton b'.rtc. M. ar A S12tv
Fl'RNlTI'RE of seven-room houae In mo?t
excellent location. $(.; very reasonable
rent; Illness forces Immediate a.le. SIS
Main at.
9-KPOM house, won furn!hf(L fil!nR to
close estate: lawn. rot-s and ah rubbery ;
$ot0 Hathcld A Smith. lrWT 4:h at."
TARTY leaving city will o- furniture of ft
rooms very reasonah'e: hupe cr rent. Ad
dress J T5. Or g r.ian.
S-R"OM houw for r-ri. f?Trrt!ture or swie
cheap: rent S. Si"? WaFhinBton at. onpo
s:ta City Park.
9 ROOM? corner, in rem $75, rent $t.v
sunny living rx-ms: central, owner, 14 Pu
cha-an bUig.
CASH li rooms furnished for hiro
ke"p:nr; always occupied. 2: lf.h, corner
Main. -
FoR RENT Five-room ooVpe. modem. JK3
Ber.ton. cor. Cherry; . car. Furniture for
FL'RNITl "RE of xncArrn S-ppfq cottape,
walking distance Northrup. cor. ldt.n.
Fl RMTl'KF of a 5-room cottage: coxy home
In fir.e location: V0. T 717, tregonian.
FlTNm'RR of P-rocm flat for sale: teason
aMt : nm? always fuil. c! 14tb st.
T-ROOM furr.ishei hou.e. af:r 10 A. M., ftcrf
T,...cjoy m., !fith-5t. car. Ma:n ft7t
,r7 7TH i-rocm modern flat. 6 fura tailed;
$260. rem reaj-jnab e. .
rtiH HFHT.
f lea an for g term nt y n
. a ft ptorr and
ieaiA t'eat 'rtnt
baar inapt jtftp. goo.1
ptem h'-flt. ra"Vtrr.
mod rat a rent. A p-
ply V lrr.gonian
FOR RUNT -Two Ptnrea.
building, fouth 1t pr :
Nip. 4 no ftwtinnd bldg
fai4, m b"
low rent, long
MT.U'R FO H I F Ftp; Ptora. fhl ft rlrep.
In ei rltrnt oi at lnt V 70S. Oregon Ian.
I.AHdH at ore fop ipt. l nmn:4 t.
C'FFtt'F lo rp( in th WoreAPtaf ad
Hnmllton buildings at nidrata rat Ap
r'y to Robert Strong. TlO Corbati bldg
t'OIRTT Ht 1H Or-ai, room. InettrdlPg
phfne and attendant InnnirA Paiph
Ack loy. It 00m fliil t (ft hot t bldg.
FIN PI off h-p and doek r-wni ; bt lo-ntton.
Moom 'M bW' tlsnd b' Tg , ftth and Waplt
rn ton. I f us ahoW you.
Ftti; iiknt I v.- room, with an entivapirnrA
pf.t r-rvlop.. tolephoPA u". m ntis of the boat
nfn.-f. ,'l?ti foThott bldg
MOI'KRK nfflrea In the beat location 1n the
r'lv; V"tr rea"onab)p OeOln A Ktrehaitgh,
;.o .MHi Kwetiand bldg
R t KHIM IH,l(l . 0th gnd Wftl'lngtnn ;
f mrtt a prt mm very ra ana hl;
. bot lo-a 1 1nn in el t v
Tt RFr tArge, light, airy poom, Id Moor,
$ prr month, lnittra Suit a S, 4, a,
Rnlelgh bldg.
Foil UK NT pari ,t offiea l fommarolal
flith b'.lg Addteaw (4 70J. Oregmiian
Oftsk and phono for renl. tn. in good light
of fie. aii at i'Tit Ahlngton bldg
FOR RKNT -A f"W offleea In Couch bldg.
App'y room AoA
fl'ITVI prrpperf whtlA you wait. ftOr. Tn visitor
of Portland hofela and to puhlle at large
fuita proppd pt ftuo at iitibcrt. tha latlora.
Art Ath art., nnt to th Oxford Moal. I.adtea'
phr-t preased, ftOc. Keathmp an 1 boag
clranpil and curled. I'b"n Mala 4A4.
Tp aanln bach in her biLnp offlcA, Rftot
V orrlson at . . W hepe Aha will be pleased to
av- hvr palletttp, both old and new. Room
10. Fhona Main 4ftiM, A 1044. Reaidenca
Phcna 7;2tt.
tfAtlF Ak your flrwggtat foe 'hleheatera
tnnmnnd I'rgnd ring. For ft yaara known
nm the bPt, an frat ItettaM. Take a
other. ChiehePter'a Olatnond HranU PUIp
hold t drugglstp verirwhere.
ItRKMS nulla ror rent, all $1 ho month
keipa your Clothe oloand, pi oaapd, button
p"d on, ripa aawrd. Prompt caUa and ie
lirerlew. 1 nlque Tailoring t'o.. " Btark
IH SAN'OFRHONH ft Kavin And Vltnn
Knot pins, aura remedy for delayed
ferlodp, $2 per boi or a bnx"" Ir.
lerce. IS1 W (at at. Phone Mnln IWrtS.
FKItSi NH of marriageable aae. either aer,
d est ring noriualn t a pea or companion aand
1 00 for circular. Portland introducing
Human, f t H lf l Main tOHS.
OFRMAN, French. Ppanlah and othAr Fop.
eign LMctlonartea. Teat Hooka and lJtt
tur ftlerman booka a apAclalty). A. W.
Schmala CO. K'Jll First at.
I.OST rowera restored by tha great Or. Inr
ena Narvo Tonlo 1 ablets, llfto a bog, Writ a
or call at F.ypael'a Pharmacy. 31 J f Morrl
eon at., bet. lat and Sd.
t)H. T. J. PIPiHCB eurea all nervoua and
prliata o m ease a of men quicker and
chraper than oihera. Call or write. uf
ftoe IMS Fliat rt.
tlt M T FH RWf. noted r? chtdoglat and
pa 'inlet Consultation a Mnnjuam Hous,
HW ln at. Hours H A,. M o 10 P M.
Mmr. Conrtwtigtit. akta an scalp treatments;
facial (jefurmltlep corrected ; pi a at to etirgnry.
2Vft Fi'.edner bldg. M. MMS. A StUlB.
MARRIFO l.AIHFi ThA Perfection Safety
HI Hi ace U hat vou wnt. M tp. K. M.
Merrill. Htbee. Aria Hoi 101(1.
MRS ORROCK MMPaeusA, bathg, eat glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; raferancaa
ism Patk Main 240:1, AJI.'U.
LIQUOR, drug and tobacco addlctlona rurd
by reputnhle phytic! an for Appointinant
addreaa M OOf), oregunlan.
Yt 1 'N(l woman desires cnrretuu1eiiep with
grutl.'tnan ft"m litern Oregon; object rnnt
rlmony. R 701, tugonlan.
t- A Ol Whatever jour ailment, rnll on
Or Ketchutu. giaduaie; advice free. 170'fc
;td et Mnln ilol.
M OAM Rttn'R, elerttlrnt masnage and
scalp trPM Intent. ifrk' 7th At. Fihr A
Mt 1,KS. w rink lea, ttperfliAUis hair removed,
Mrs. M. l. lllll. ft.HO FUtalner bldg. Pan. 1.1ft.
JCST opened, dermatology parlors; asbert
chiropodist. Room 1, SOI Aider at. VashtU
DHS ATWiyiD: private hospital: Maternity
caaea; good cara; rmi right. Ad. A 1 laky b.
1,IY"S barber shop, hair cutting 2ftc, man'
tcurlug and face ma stage. Slit Hurn.(,(p.
FU KS ri'ftKP without oi.eratlon by a wall
stahilshrd physician Hog J70, city
BAI.M (K FIHS for all female diseases. A4
Fast IRth at. North. Phon K 40.14.
V A NT K.l Had ens of rjes that Hemlock
ShH r cannot cure ; nil druggists.
PACK mnsage, etc., at rraldence. rtione,
Knat ftU2.
l.tWJT From Willamette Heights, Sat Ur
du v afternoon, all w hlto male bull terrier
Mhout year old, cars clipped; wearing
narrow bras attidded leather collar. Suit
able reward for return to 841 North 3 2d
sr. Phone Mnln 14S:l.
JjONT tlold watch Sunday morning some
where betw-en Huh and Morrison and
2"th and Wasblnaton; llhernl tewgrd to
tlndor. Or. Austin, 221 H Morrison at.
IOSr -Pet ween Fremont and K llllngsworth,
on MaHory or Hodnev aves., IU:ht gray
box Jacket. Kinder plenss roturn to T;:3
W 1 1 1 1 n m a a v , Phone Fast SOI t .
FOC.N D Where nair matrrrewea ara reno
vMcd, returned same day. SVft Front.
Main 474, A 1374 Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metnger.
1AST Ijtdy's gold watch, WcdnesVlay nr
tertioon. bet. 1 TUi and Main and .".iti and
Washington. Reward. Phono Main 27:i.i.
Addresa 22, I Ith el.
IsT on 10th st. or 1.1th x. car a pearl
pin. with diamond in renter. Finder
pica pa return to ,vNt Johnson or phone
Pacific 2';i
LtST He: ween 2d end Morrison and the
Armor bldg , gold watch Tin. Phone
Wood law-n luao. OSS Williams ave. ; re
ward. IAST Between Rnker's and Powell Valley
or rcsham. a black beaver overcoat, silk
lining. Kinder call A 2iw2.
I.OST A iirse w ith mnc gold and boot
black ticket. Liberal reward offered. Call
."23 Chamber ot Commerce.
l.OPT Saturday eve. garnet and pearl s--arf
pin: reward. SO th. phone Pacific 3"7.
Arnold Co.. Main 7S11. SftlMi Morrlaoa at.
Crown Buair.esp Exchange, Baletarh bldg.
Devlin Ftrebaugh. fioS. bwetlaad bide
Dietz-Mueller Co.. 417-lb Coroett bldg.
E!Hs. York A Co., 201 Merchanta Trust blrtg.
O' Tools, Chas. J., T1S Chamber of Comnirc.
Phoenix Investment Co.. rm. l. 142H 2d at.
WirUD like to buy business in the citv;
:vp a few thousand dollara. x Stift.
i t egonian.
I HAVE $.Uo to $2VX and service to Invest
in some legitimate business. J 702, Jre-a-onian.
lK'V.'-TOWN ground -floor real estate of
fice for small sum of $1S0. T 701. Ore
gonian. FOR SAL-iOFtrst-clasv lodging and boarding
house : a snap; Investigate. E 773, Ore
gonian. CI0AR nfi ennfoctionery for sal. fMO; rent
$15. with liwng rooms. 36zS Bast Bupb
sdde st.
MODERN hotel, strictly- transient; a'wav
full: a bargain If taken at cace. Phone
A lSft6.
11-ROOM elegant furnished transient house
with piano. $2'-O0 caah. Phone A 2116: nc
BAKERY Wanted to buy a bakery in coun
try, or location for one. 707. Orc-gon;an.
DRVt.STORB tor aa!e or Tea: rood loca
tion for doctor. A. M. Forrer. Gaston. Or.
ILMfl'A Consolidated stock bought and aoid.
"ft . J. Curtis, 2:5 CcmmerciaJ block.
mnuwra"! ritAjirFn.
I'ONTW-MTt'l will lake partner to tah
tMrge of orfe god eoleotirns; 1M guar
antet pmar of aitit mottthiv.
Mnnfpi lorv. doing ne bu1neps of g4Hm
-rv, no romptUioni place for two act-
n tnen
tlest a it' ant. Anetv eftulppd. serving tnft
flaiiv; MpttfltH icatd aH and gt
' trugstore of Ift year' standing; owner
sh k ami mttpt aeit; will Invoice
f gb k.tsltie clearing $'H-fi mntbtv;
will (! AV Invnlee and trade for city
Contractor and bunder WpntP first -olfis
carpenter as foreman; will pay top wage
Partner fr pAokiptf f lattt ; p?pprlnnr
man; III Invent emtn i amount of money
and give AArvlrea and. best oT reforehce.
Rnilable experienced man waii pari -Pt
in mi rtufaotnrltig bnltte""; will how
fa'tat mopthlv clrtr; mopny fully aecuted.
PmaH rah bu'n; hwer responsible
and will guarantor n ah iy must bA
poiiop and rriiahie; hmi required
Saloon, first e la In vrv peppool ; net
lit g H"" m.mthU; wilt show you; $'taat
peqiiti ei(
Room H-7 t'orbolt bide, ftt h and Morrison
I'M AC, .! o-TttM5J a
Tl f'bamber of Commerce. PnclOo 2Tft
a have brwlpe'-s of all kinda for na'i
Irt Portland and through th eountfv : v
have g igr ge list of hid el, genet a I atnrop
grnceHnp, meat markets, dtugptore, better
plgar and oonfeetionery ertore. hsr-.
vara. tisstntpantA. pewen'Apera, etc, K00M
1N"1 IhM I'S, we hsvr thn large-d lt tl
the rllr; It ! open for vmir lnei'ctlon.
OHfJ. J O TtolffJ ".
A rare chance tn get 22 -room flat, ar
rr nged m iiltea; 4 batb. One loon 1 1 on ;
Hih pt; furniture tl rooma for sale; leaaA.
lwner cm lied away, will sarrtfle 3f roominghoue, aWPlleat and be
location In cllv; money maker; irlra
I1M) Sen M F Trtt, 34.1 Ntark.
17 room re4t.iepi-or I block from Portland
Hotel, must he sold at once At A varv low
pHre; 1cknea romp'!" owner to lava elly;
thtw house rlonr-a nearly I Mk pet month
phovA all rupepsPA: If you want a good
home and Income for a small amount of
cash, gee hi.
w. a M'nnvni,
ISt Pbnmhr of fVmmeree, M IH77-
For a ladv, Peat, rln manttfaetnrlng
business, article of woman a apparel In gen
Aral re; proflta 4(t er cent; btistnesa well
eetnhlishe.t and paying $HK to $lfto a ntottth;
o-ii bttsin of its kind in Portland; price,
food; owner must go F-n-t.
l Merchants Trust Hldg .
aiftifc Wahington at., W. cor. rtih at.
FOR NAI.M oheap, new foda factory gl Hote,
Idaho, Including two eitnry brh-k bultdlng,
machlnei v and lot ; good bu1neaa eatait-)l-ho1.
but can bo anally cwlep.led over n
inter urban line wne has good reajn
for eelllng.
J. Fl fcPMOOI.RR' AtlWNf'T,
Falk Hldg,, Molso. Iilaho.
FIRST located saloon In th rlly fining an
average hunc nf $Vi In p a day; nvar
four years' lepan; corner, within 2 blocks of
Third and Morrison; net rent only $'.': If you
want a an loon this cannot be beat and miu
go this Wek. as tVe owner Ia retiring from
bustnnsa. 210 Lumber Flschange bldg.
Wild, exchange cornr I'd and 7 room bunga
low. pr.rner K. th and Patk ave., bripRlng
tncnme of $ 10 per moot h, allied at $'20O,
for ptiwk of Matiunotb Hit ver. ead, M. 4V
H Co. or MotMing Mining Co.
.1.17-.1.W Phatttber of Commerce.
ThA A tne M"n-nlt Agency (eplab
llahed Ifio.H futnlshra free information n
ttppori unities In met can tile or inanufao
turing lines, pit v or country,
2tU -2u Ahlngton Hldg.
Hl'SINRHfl CHANCE If you tiav $o0.nu0
apnt eaah and w ant to get your money
bark and $10,000 profit Inside of alx
ntonf h. answer.' It 770. Oregon I an.
illlKAT MKItlT. A HI H KHrJ U 77ft. liRlfl
KoR PAI.F:- Ory grirtda atoek and flx'urea;
new Ptock. Invid.-lng a hon t $Komi. g,i. loca
tion; 4 yeatef leae ; rent $:;r ter nmnth;
good op port unity to engage In business In
the brat (own In Oregon outside nt Port
land Address Itni f;i, Knaene, ( tr.
OltifFJftV store for i-nle; bnrgam; good "trade
eMahllahed; nil clean, new atock; will In
voice about $N.wi; 0 living rooma over store;
low r.-nt; must sell at pnee; good reason
for selling. U Tlift, Oregonlnn.
WKId. -KNOWN real ealrtte man will take
honest man as partner In oid-eMfihIlshd estate btteiitiess and guarantee hi in
$lft0 per month; vers- little money reijtitrod.
Call room l'2. No. I02S 2d at.
WB pay eperlnl attention to husineas nrn
Ings. Tefcrn buying, call us u;t and see
what wc can offer you. Phone Main 4 -ISO.
K inney A- Stampher, f3l-32 Lumber Kx
change bldg.
OltiAR and fruit stand, best location In tha
city, d.drg a, dally bteinsa of 4; 011 ac
count of sick news will sell at one -ha If It,
value; three years' b-ase. 210 Lumber Kx
change bldg.
W A NTFP A man with $.vn to tnke a half
Interest In a bulnrsa that will pnjr $A0
per week or better; goo security for money.
Call at K North fitli st., between 10 and 2.
FOlt PA I'F Nice, clean stock of grocer lea
In choice location; this must bo gold
quick; a bargain for cash. fall or ad
dress R. Tt. Randolph. 2'"S Fast 87th st.
Rl'SINFSS CHANPPSt Ivon't let your money
be idle; make It work while you alee p. Pe
Chamber 'ommerce bldg.
W A NTFD Man with aervlcea and $t0,00 to
$S0.0'0 to Invest, to ke Interest, np to
rne-half. In established bualnesa; refer
ence exchanged. C Oregonlan.
YV A NT several responsible parties to take
shares in b!g Hoo.t River orchard proposi
tion. This In a chance to operate your
am.nll capital. T 77K. Oregonlan.
We can give you a special price on any
mlnlrg stork op bond 7 F. J. Catterltn A
Co.. 123 Ahlngton bldg.
PRRSPMAKIN'l and shirtwaist hustneas;
snare for millinery : good location nnd
trade. Write at once, owner leaving. J
770, oregonlan-
FOR PA LB Wilt sell at a bargain. Hne
property, suitable for hotel; splendid open
ing, good business opportunity. Address
K 77fi. Oregonlan.
A PARI A IN If taken tB!s week, confec
tionery, ice cream and cigar store, siuoo
takes it. G.)od business. Fhone Main
IN VRSTHIATro t atores paying $.1ty per
year rent; $lMi0; terms. Owner. H. R.
Walter, Iatirelwccd. Phone Tnbor 7.12.
PARTNER wanted to take half Interest In
coffee houfe; No. 1 location; If taken In 3
day will ae!l for 1225. 91 Allsky bids;.
ROoMINJ-HtVSK for sale. 25 rooms, modern,
new furniture; three-yea' I"ae: three
block from P. O. S 701. Oregonlan.
MAKE me a bid on American Wheel Ve
hicle Co.. 200 shares of stock; must have
money by lfith. P. O. bog 111. city.
BAP.BBR shop for sale, or will sell station
ary fixtures ; large store st:1 table for any
kind of buine. ,ilO Rurntdde st.
W-ROOM rooming-house. $l(Mi; good location;
low rent; owner leaving city. Particulars
402 Lumber Kxchange, HiCU 2d St.
FOR SALE California grocery and crockery
arore; must leave city; will eetl cheap; saies
daily about $40. 651 1st a.
FOR 8 ALE Small hospital In Washington,
rare chance for physlclens; good practice.
Address O "56. Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted to take half interest in
upholstering business: snap for right party.
$250. SIS Altsky bldg.
CIGAR and confectionery store, clearing $lf0
per month; go today for $35. Se this.
Rocm 42, 102 V, 2d aC
Room 40. Hamilton bidg. Phone Main
404.1; A 2.".45
HAVE acme very good bargains in telephone
bonds; call before buj ir.g. 320 Corbett
SALOON for sale; good lease; can be bought
for less than Invo'.ce. E 70'-'. Oregop.;an.
BARBER aiop at a real bargain: must b
old before May 1. JX 7S7, Orrgonlaa.
ii'gtKrwi MANrfc.
fvi urAt, orroRTfNiTt- In trdr to a
tend a wait ab!thAd unit pfofltahl
raeh mefi-ba rtdl bilneA hi Ppe of t h
bet etes In the Nf'hi, an Inteteef
-wtn t-e oid to a b(eh gra.lo man or men
wh $ jn.non ti (Him to invest No
ether neod apply. Adrlrraa V too. ( tragi,
lg HCOM H"tls. fp f.rptr, 4 rV
fo. 1 tom houe. part p'Otarpeepti.p- fTfvO,
rooms, on 0o,f. fnt !!:.
UT r-strrp. eentrwl. trnnslrnt, $itMwi
11 room bouse, very ennlrn'. $ott, '
7 bovf. utile's: sele.
tl 4 TFI F I l XMiril, 1.-,t 4th pt
gn reoma, wen ftirnished, a team heat.
pr. e it MMi
I7 room. In b'leV building, clarg $11.1
per month : ". part down
Room It' 1424 preond Mtreet,
ptoioltont units or gtissi eaep; wui
if IIIMK eaeb; wilt pay
money pirn a no z rFr i,,i j
t 'ham her ( 'ommer-e hldg
HPlt.t AHt.n real estata firm muPt have hrlghf
man vho pan aho real Bsta'A and hul
pnop (o In as pa r titer ; a tn a lone, must
a;et some one at tm- ef experience n't ttec
rflry; ran make $M) t I "m per month.
;iirt'i WastHnglon t . room 14.
A'"NTKI- A good buprtneaa men with fi-r-m
$MMV te Ifl.ts-ji rash In manufeeturtng
proposition that will pay 11 per p"nt : noth
ing hut principal and puecefit) hupinv
ttion need applr. Addrona wllh full par
Heniarpx X 0"l, Oregonlan.
g (txw inns, a pPttlon wlh eaeh
one. Will cost you $H0, $5(0 rA-
apecf Iveljf
(TvY A NK,
Room . AH Third Paolfle 17a. 4 ft.
rmw'WHY HTortW Wilt give bla diapontit
and make terms fr quick anle; cash
trade, no delivery : living rooms con
necting; have buina In other rity. en n't
attend both loA' North (H H
RPiAL RHT 4 Tl dealer haa mora work than
be ran attend tn nlone; will tsk psrtnet 1o
show land, etc.. and guarantee hltn $lal
per mop tit! PpHenee t ncglppry. (nit
nym 4tt. toat M at.
FtH HA LW--4reeery atock and fix t urea do
ing a good bualnea. owr wants t g"t
bak on ranch All new. flv living room,
throe yegrp osp fl 772. Oregonlan
FOR K A 1 .11 - Hrnepry In jfond loeallnn.
rlean "tuck, doltig good bllslneaa; Investi
gate If you watt 1 potrml hing flrat-eiaa.
Address ,f 7"t. Oregonlan
!tnn CAHH fakes e gar, enndy and ehot
supply stole in flunnyside; rent of atr
and n living rooma. $jft; large barn In
ard, K T(. Oregonlan.
F1NFLY located butcher shop can bA bad
at low rent ; ton la foe anie tv owner,
who will show the buatneaa dope Addrea
O 70f. orrtgonian.
HALF interest tn ladles' tailoring buaineaa;
big proftta gunrnnteed la A good practical
man op woman for ahop or road, Addresa
H. 821. 4th. elty
FOR HAt.FJ-tthoA ahop. up to data meebln
erv ; good local Ion. cheap rent; loiPlnasa
pb'ejitt $2. for Ifoo rash Hog 2Ht (n
tralia. Wash.
Fl.fI;Rt.T wotnan. owing to til health, will
sell good bushiest snitahla for middle aged
woman Room II, 4Jt(i $d at. touih. 8 car,
near Harrison.
OH H MIRY at ore, centra Mr located ; also ault
ahle for meat tnarket; 6 living rtvuna;
cheap rnt; long lease. F 772, I 'reg(
nlan. PARTNFR wanted t take tnteeest In weJ
e"tnh1shed re a I estate hnwlnepwi ; will stand
rioaest Invest Igatlon. Parttculnrs fllN Allsky
OLO established grocet y atnre doing a monthly
huslneem of $ln""; pentrally located; will
el at Invoice, 210 Lumber Pjg' hattge bldg.
fW HkiM hotel on Washington at . p'enrlng
$4(" n'onthty owner muet ae on account
of sickness. 810 Lumber rMchange bidg,
FOR HA LtC Fruit, eandv and cigar store; a
bargain. Call lodey. IV2t, Wasldngtnn at.
nf-0 HM Ann of Or-gon Flake Food Co. stock
for sale Apply at factory.
lot fllARl-m or mining atork for aele cheap.
H 72, Oregonlan.
Money to "Loan.
$10, $20, .t0, $4(i. $50. io. $70, $100.
Chrai' st and bst place to
Lowrpt retrs. Fnsh st payment
OPHN S A. M. TO $ P. M.
Weds, and Hats, until 8 P. at.
PTATO l? Kf I 'R ( r Y CO..
704 Orkum Hldg.
$$!$$$$$$$$ $ 1$ JJ $ $ t
402 Roth--h1ld bldg.. cor. 4tli and U n"h.
The rocoKnl.ed hank of th- wage eatner.
A clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer
or employe can ohiatn money of ibx on hi
note without security.
$lf Return to us $4.00 a Mo.
$:ni Return to up IK tat a Mo.
$;.f Return tn us $IH.Kfi a Uu.
Confidential; no tin plea rant Inquiries.
Fpednl rates on pianos, furniture, etc.
2 McKay Hl.ig.. Cor. Third an4 ark.
Are you earnlrig a salary? You can get
money from us on your note. Hualncas
confidential; no unneccaflary Inquiries.
. Mo. Brml-Mu. TVgly.
17ft Return in tig...$2(MM $10 f0 $6-00
Ml Return to ua... 1HH.1 -Hft 8 3
80 Return to ua. t OU 4 tiu 2 00
IB Return to us... 4.IW 2 00 1-0Q
Office open 0 A. M. to P. M.
SALARY and Mortgage loans to galaried
employes nnd on Piano, Furniture. Ware
house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies
and all kind of securities.
6 Abingtuii bldg.
Honey loaned on salaries; ro other aecurlty;
my system 1 best for railroad men, clerka,
bookkecfci , streetcar employe and otnera;
buaineaa confidential. F. A. Newton, 611
Bychanaji bldg., 28fiVi WaahlngUn at.
MONKY to loan for building purposes; can
be repaid in monthly installment. Call
for particulars. Columbia Life & Trust
Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
$10.000 to loan In euma of $1000 or more to
suit, 8 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty.
M. C3. drift in. 268 Btark. opp. Chans, of C
LA ROE end small amounts on good security
at low rate of Interest. C. Y. Pfluger )
Ccr.. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison.
PRIVATE party wants to buy Title Guar
antee, Oregon tin vines. Merchatita Na
tional accounts. Q 70, Oregonlan.
CASH for Oregon Trust, Title Ouarantee and
Merchants. Money to loan on real estate
mortgagee. 11. W. Qoddard, ! IO 2a.
IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on ail
securities. R. 1. Eckerson A Co., room A
Washington bldg. Phone Main 40S5.
WILL buy Oregon Trust and Title (iuaranteo
accounts; highest tash price paid; also tele
phone bondn. 320 Corbett bidg.
CASH paid for Title and Oregon account;
Merchants time cert.. aLuo Tel. bonds. Conn
twos.. ISO 1st. Main 47TR.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere anil
any sum. $l0 and up; see ua. Vaughn s&
Burt, 4o2 Corbett bldg.
LOANS on real estate, ehattei or personal
eeourity. W. A. Hathaway. 10 Washing
ton bidg. Pacific 1832.
MORTGAGES, lat and 2d liens, and other
real estate securities discounted. H. &
Noble. Commercial block.
LO AN WANTED $.15. 0'M) on Improved In
. side business property; no agente. Address
H 7sd, Oregonian.
MONEY to loen on good aecurlty at 7 per
c-nt. Oabney Dabney. 412 Commer
cial oldg.
MONEY to loan on timber claims on easy
terms; correspondence anewered. A 714, Ore
g'tnian. LOANS cn real, personal, chattel or collateral
aecurlty. C. W. Pallett, 804 Fenton bldg.
MORTGAGE loans, $200 up; moderate coat,
no delay. W. S. Ward. Atty., Allsky bide.
State funds loaned. 0 per ct. W. B. Thoma.
state a at.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgage or
contract. W. H. Nunn, 658 Sherlock bldg.
$"000 or less 0 per cent; real estate. Far-ring-ton,
4 1 Commercial Club bldg.
Wra buy Oregon Truet & Savings accounts for
caeh. Room 611, Corbett bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co-. 410 Dekuro bldgr.
MORTGAOF5 loans $2f and up. Addreaa
K 7M. care Oregonlan.
Newey fw teaa.
MONKY Adraneed ngtarted people pad ertneea
upon their own nsme without intiifi
rhcspt rate, eaalfpt reifmeniA; pffl-e IA
A prleolpal eOia; pave yeurlf money by
gettlpg nur fsrmA flrst.
ToLMAN. MA Ah'pgton Mdg,, I'hi Id.
t,eMne Waeted
1 1 At but ptoftt ht fnotor v, with tnepea
ng fbtrmpd for output, d Vires Wpsi oan
tr Install g't't'llonal mAr-hinerri god In
tor!. Address T 7f. Otegoniau
WAVTRO - I oan of $ivm foe ope rst- at
per cnt Irn pro red bul neS pro tier t v v Al
d at gfliHMi ua eoiirltr tt t. Orego
nlan W A n r tl - Loan of $m fr one ymt; raa'
astatn ee(.ty tnhi"'! at "SHi; wilt pny
per e-nt. R to. regrtnian.
t it A V W A NTMi Otwi oh iniprovpd In
able buslttesa pr-poptv; nt Agents. Aditres
It 7 AA, OiPgonlati
W A NT Fit t nan of $'jtto fop H mnntgtP; go- d
seutitv; will pay tJ per pant. R 2(,
t treannlaft.
F"R A lKi HmaM Aeeoimt with Title ll-iar-lil4
Trnt ' 'o. M V' Megtinlpfl.
$lrt"t trt'W wanted op my home, worth $Wt;
prtneipals rtttly. A 7 Hi, t n-egr.nian
FraosMla Invited.
F 'Pt '"A I for td, roal, fuel nil. tnln
eral oil, fo? ago and traw, And h"tahe.
Itig PreMht .if Han Frsnel-a-o, Cel. Mrrh
IT, tka. Healed ppopospip. In tilylleate,
WIM he re.atven hfte, nt.-l at office of
g,tNrtrmsptet. until II A M . April HI.
Jim nnd thsn niwnril. for f it ti lbl ng, dur
ing the flal rBsi cummencipg July 1. 1t"A.
w....ii. iobI, fuel nil. minetpi oil, sod go
ir, ffe Fort R'ieetBMw and Piefdo ef
M'pterev, fa I ; pi for fin forg
and ptrnw for tha sd two postp ouri"g (t
period beginning July 1 . lima, and eliding
bptmor . n"g A' at swms time at
Hue office -iptv, for wood, nwl, fuel All,
hilnePa n1 ntt gnsntln for I- r t a Hskr.
Parry, Mnsos, MIxwm1, MIIt, Preshlln
of Hftn Frsp.deo, Hfitt FlPP"tsro teiMit of
peef tilla and ( asle. and I tenet tment Rlfte
It sna (Point Munimi; and for forng" And
etta w for said postp for pt i'd b-'gipMng
July I, lltoa, and ending rieptMnibxr lin. gog
A 10 at same lime nt thia tiff ice. for oat a
ami bay In Han Ft a tit 1 for phlpmrit to
Monoiuhi H. T. ; and In Honolulu, to be
"pened there nt 0 A. M ., April HI. 11mA.
for as Id oa re and hy. Also at earn lima
at IM office only, fnr hors-hocing for
Fort Maker, fa 1 t during flaca I fur brgln
a'pg July t. If"' Preference given t ar
tlelna of Arpnrl'-an ptodu' Hon, copdtHotie f
I'ia ity and pries tip' ludlftg In th price
of foreign ptodttettonM the duly thereon)
being equal, and au-'h pieferrn-e glvn to
artl'-lep (.r American pfodu-tloa pr.wluced
on Ihe Paeiflo ("oast to egteat of cptimp
t Ion eeulred by t b pnhllo par v lee t here.
Information furnished nn AppilcstM-.n to
Ifun r ter ma ler at Fort Itoea.-rnnA And Pre
sidio of Monterey, and Depot tjtiBt 'ertnaa
ter, ttonohihi. or to underplgnel, J NO. U
CLFM, t hief Quaf lermiia'er.
W A NTWt 1 - Party to onntraot for floetltig
steal ship, or breaking It up for scrap
on posen. For full particulars apply,
tnllway Fqitlpment Co., 8i4 Chamber of
PI ttfl wll be reoaivpd by the undersigned up
lo A prll 2i. for me' ni ml eat Inn or nine
blocks Itt ihe City of I 's I las Fr par tie u
late addreaai L. M. Ilrown, Audllur, 1'allaa
i trrgnn.
IN ths DUirlct Court of the Called fttatea
for the lUstrlct of Oregon: In the nrntter of
tha estate of Hsrr a Hoggntt. bankrupt -Tha
tiTulerslgned will rlvn e-a1"d bids for
the asset of this ewtale, consisting of a
Atock nf merchandise, clothing, shoe, halg
and fitrntehlng gods of the Invob-e price
of $reil ii . wlih flat urea atnontiilttg to
$4fll wt. M-nted At 2tw Morrison slre t. Port
land, or., up to 12 o'clock pom f Wedn-e-dPV.
April 22, tin Certified check for l
pei pent of amount bid must nopnmpany
each offer ; aa le puhlert to appro rat by t he
court; Inventory may he seen at rm offi"A
and the stock may be ItiATpeeled during buel
IK hours.
Dated at Portland. rr.. April II, it.
H. L. 8 A Ml N, Tru-rtee
No. 7 First at.
NOTH'W la hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholder of the Ore-
fon and California Kallrnad Company,
rr the el act on of a board of director
and the transact ion of such other busi
ness h a may pmperl y come before the
meeting, will be held at the office nf th
company. Wells-Fargo building. Portland,
Oregon, Tuesday. April 14, 100. at the
hour of 11 o'clock A. M W. W. Cotton,
NOT icn. A leak a OH Ouano Co The
annual meeting of the stockholders of the
Alaska oil A Ouano t o. will be held In
the office of Ihe company, room 4.'i. Con
cord bltlg., Portland. Or., on Wednoaday,
April IX at 11. HV A. M. ftrydufi 11.
Nluoll. secretary.
Aecotinlunt a.
B. II. Col.LIH, 824 Worceater bb-ck. public
accountant and estate agent. Auditing. lu-ve-tlga
t lug, s st i tit a 1 1 King. Permanent
keeping ol booka and rvcotoa a avotimty.
TH K t'Ki . T. M 1RTON A 1 1 1 IT CO., .'III!
f handier of Commctce, of lice syjtteinntlr,1iig
and general accouutltig. IDs! ahiuhed lWrtJ.
Advnme Building Informllon.
A IK'H 1TKC TP. contractors, ennlne.-r, g-t
rojiy Pa.'llle Ruihler and Knglnecr. I5
CliHtnbcr Comtnerce.
PKAtHDK hiingalow; hoiwn designed, built,
rot h I ted foe Jobrnon, '4 Mohawk bldg.
Main MW7. A 4:t2l.
Clrtutssen A ciausaen, architects, ftl.t and 014
HiK-liatian bidg-, 28'W Washington at.
LHHSONH In oil, water color, china, tape! ry,
Allk painting, leather enrvdng. Designing,
or'lor work, china firing. Marktey Ac. Mul
lander. room H4, .t-Vi Morrison. Main 7H47.
Aseayera and Analyst.
Well I 'roe bp tel. mining engin'-ers. metal
lurgists end SKHayers. i4S Waaihlngton.
MONTANA ASSAY OFFICIO laboratory and wuik. lbB Morrlpton at.
PACT MAl'MBL, afsoysr and analyat. Gold
duM. bought. 2"7 Alder St.
For a rlrst-class ehavc or hair cut; new
mnnngetnent. 24-'-3 Washington st.
Hicc1e and Klectrlcal Repairing.
SHAW MITCHF)1.f Rlcycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. ;;2d Ktark at.
Carpenters and Builders.
W. f. Rueknr, offtce, store flxturea, general
Jobbing, contracting. JWO Ktark. Main Mfcl.
Commission Merchant a.
HERMAN M FTZ'JBR. purchasing of hldea,
peits. furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
fd old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front at., near Main, Portland. Or.
TAYTX"H, YOl'Nt; ft CO.. ship broker, com
mission merohanta. Sherlock hldg., Portland.
D. C. BCRN3 A CO.. grocer) and commission
merchants. 210 3d st.
Cleaning- and Freeslng;.
Ideal Oietom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Main 784.1. 393 Stark.
WAM7,. two-tep.-- "three-step,- and stage
dancing: lejrson 2.V; seven ladles and gentle-m-n
teachers. Prof. Wei. V'Ilon'a school,
office and haU 12, Selling Htntrh bldg..
nKd' Watsh. st., bet. W. Park and 10th
sta. also dancing taught by mail.
PROF. P.TNOLFR'S academy: correct dancing.
Cor. fSrand ave. and E. Morrison. Phr-nes.
ARITHMETIC. writing. grammar book
keptng, etc.. day, evening. Individual In
struction. 225 Fifth.
Electric Slg-nfl.
ECTRTTRIC FIONS Sold and rented. Port
land EJlectric Sign Co., 44 2d st. Main 8479.
Feed Store.
E. L. COOPER CO.. hay, grain, feed. 128
Union ave. Eat 1517. B 1517.
Hair Rnll.
J. J. BORG. Inventor and manufacturer
of a wireless, strinsless and netlesa hair
roll. 42H E. 0th st. East 2211.
Harness and Saddlery.
THFJ GKrg Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle
and harneeer manfra.. 80-SI 1st. Main 22fl.
Junk, Hldew and Pelts.
L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides. oelteL
wool. furs, taily.-, old rubberg. metals and
gacka. oLi: iJToni x.
IM ejltfr-MI (OMH fOItt
WH I'FiVFNY, And feiAll l-evny, h .ie
Sctetilin- chir-r-d(-'A, ppiuoa ift't I'teW
bidg . IH tfd st. ( hon Mxln l.'l"l
htmrsly and PeHrurlng Vrs M l f fill,
toom am FMedpr h'og phone pari ft I A
H TWWNHMAN A c. i ' hlng. a w m tllTTog
glng maehinerr, hydr "till pipes, raHngs,
all hi h-la tepa trad. C N. 4i h st.
M ' 'MM ' HToRF Meed I1.-.1 umrutp L -.
berllpg, p4 Teurney hi ig , a-1 and "I a ..r.
FM 1 1, TIHHU.H-iHN. violin taobrr, rnpll of
Hertrk, A 4IO". Pin- ;t.i4 Is i!s
MASIH.UN guitar. 1
Miiner hiug , ,i,vii,t M
.lea Parkr4
n st
Rubber nt amp.
also tra'ia titm ntid a
D. C. Co . 2.11 man- at.
office g kIs p.
Nil li phones I t' 1
PnltHs, Oils and Ola-p
mUMI'HMN ) ft ,
gins, ppah and dontV
fohheiM psltit. oils,
'or V I and I nyim
Lent her nnd findings.
J. A AT-UMuVMfUtMl-e Ot t
f k:,m LraHi.r srnl fiiMhna. Ht---'""
lexifier ntif ( tit rttt-k, fiid Una
fcti stern Jutnl.of mw Front ni
CHAM, f. MAHTIi' A 111, Front and Oak
pts. lenUir-r end klhs of P it d"'-rlpt -n
for m purpoM4Si sole and tap cutler Oed
Inga i hitAopRthle Pitt alcf-Mis,
Dlt. R. r NOHTOH'P,
4t5 IA 17 1 eUoin III Ig .
Thir-I and iiwpmii top hp,
phon. ofO'-e. Main )40
Itesl )eii'-' . H. M'l'H
M L, H KMITII t.l .neer t
gon, giA'lupie Klitrvlllc,
nlnn bldg. Main r-
l'l e.,pnl I) f ( tt e
Mo loll t.r'gti
Msln 'JTf.i
Patent and petiplnn Aii'.rrir .
PRTFlt'T your I'te. We can patent It.
Moiiii.m g H'-ot-jr, aft-itne-,, f,t4 Colutii
bla bllg , Portland, Or,
R '. IVHIdH T, rtnmati'! anil foreign pat
ent; Itlfrfttgotfietit (.pses 1)1 14 llekurtt
J. .? IIIHNIIMKIMWI pension and patent at-
lortiey, romn 2 21 Lai-hs hhig.
1'ATFNTM. Had mat Its. cop wight a, A. J,
Mailer, fl la t ommop wealth tddw
I hetni Kngrnrrerp.
pFRFfM-T printing plate Hb-k rba tt n
Fngiavlng Co. e-irner td and Alder At
I'eNIHNini'fl, ph'd- rnrtiv"'1
nawev. i'ft ad st. A 4M,'I
Nelaa V Con-
Align Pntntlng.
t ha arget t-f rt tPii kers In the North
West ntn not Fiereit Phone Prlvaln
F-g'-hanre f.ft lbnn A 1 Ifift.
"1 H 1 N ft C Thef Attract ')
Portland ign cn , yrr Htark pe. I.ton
MA ( t irti
A Pi: I M. $r, MEADINd FOR $1)
PHoF h. K HIM'"
This la gtrlrtly a mutter of business On
jour pert to call at my office, and be-on,-
familiar with my spirit ua I end a-nt.lfj-j
wot. A hint to the wie In eurtlctont.
Oreatest living aetrnl dead trsnea cfalr
voiant of Ihe age; ADVIfFM n" ftt'SI
N AND A l.f, A FF A I I'.rf OF Ll IK;
whom yraj will marry, h'tw to control tho
una you love, even though mllejs awa ;
reunites th separated; gives sr -. tMWt S
In oontrol others; no dlff-teri'-e bow cloa-
or how fnr awpy, you can aiwavs obtiiln
your desired resulti. Tel Is you just hntt,
where anil when to Invcwt voitr money to
otitptln Ihe h"Et poselltl" roan I (n If jmi
mi elek, meinneholy, dlsheittt '-netl or d i"--purag-J,
come and reradvs Hplritunl ad I- n
that will help yoti to tec.Vn If K A LT H,
I will do all ol here advertise tn do arid
a great deal m'-re. Hours lu to dillv
Of ft. e Nos. H nnd 4, Ot'ind Theater bldg.
n:2 Wahttigton pt. Phone M K'OT.
WANDA, occult wondrr; ro fllft'tent rrom Ihe
rest ; none can eufi I liei trl' i ir wot k i
Mitlsfncllun gunnintied. 'J,tJ Mil st.
PR'K N I H Lo,
Clairvoyant. Hi lug this art vei tlseni"nt
for fren te-t. Hu;i Wsehlti m si.
Mw. Sophia Kelp, reliable srdrifl rdlnga, :Tta
Allsky bids- Put'llc circles Tues.-Krl. eve.
MARIAN "fiRFLLI - PslmlNf and IrMnm m'
dluin. TiX,1, ashiriKli.n at , b"t. 1st and 2d.
MAY ANDREWS, cer'1 reading at WSTt Mu,
25c Phone Mnln 7MH.
D1I0H"I,D SAFW A Look fft. John E. Davlg,
tut 3d at Hat git In In second band sale
THE MOSLEM HAFHJ CO, P'H 2d st. Hftfepi
at fa'-t mi y prh-es. H-cortd hand an fee.
HhowenpH, nnk and Htore f-lstnrew.
THE James I. Marshal! Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabitiets. store nnd office llxtuie. 2H C'jucii
at. Paclllc 2181.
H. H. HIRUHALU derlgnet ; agent M. Wlntor
Lumber Co, 7 ilauiiHon In ig. Main 6.v;h.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., ror. nth and
Hoyt. Phouw Main 140S
Storage and Trnnsfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer A Htornge Co., nf fc
end ofimmodloiiPt liMir-r-tory bi i-k warehouse,
with sopat i te lion rooms end fire prof
lault for valuable. N. W. corner of 2d and
Pine sta. piano and lurnltut mw'-l and
tia-ked for shipping. Phon-.- Main frt'l.
Home A IHlMI.
Fbdi Ash by and Judd Fieh.
Furnltutn and jiiano moving, brig Raft",
freight and gonernl hauling. Oribe lu"?
Front at. Phones Main A 1112.
OLSKN-Roh r f: A NSKEFt '
Oeneral 1 1 anftferrltig and s'orpge. saf
piano nnd furniture moved and fa'-k--1 f-r
eftipment. 2tKt Oak st.. rw-t. Front and 1M.
Telephone Main 547 or A 227.
St reert I'avlng.
W A R R EN Construction Co.. street paving,
sldcwnlks and rr-elngs. 314 Lumber Egch.
Portland office, 4(rj.;t-4 Worcester block.
NRJW and aecr-nd-bsnd tyf-ewrpers. all makx
ret-alred. sold and rented; ul-n Atafe agenta
the Visible Fot. The Typewriter Extihang'!,
f)4 3d at. Main ifl.
8PET L nrirea, all makes rentej, sold, re
paired. P. D. C. Co, 211 Stark, Main H'7.
Wholesale ,lohiera.
WAI)HAMS A CO.. whole-sale grocer-,
manufacturers,, commission merchants.
4th and Oak.
E 2. B l2fl. 27 E. Morrison wt.
(Eatahllahed in in..)
Oen. Mgr. of Branches. . . W. MACKINTOSH
Caoital paid up $l.ooVM'
Surplus and undivided profits. .. .$HJ.l.":-l.k7
A General Banking arid Exchange Busings
Letters of cr-dit Issued, available In aU
partj-i of the world. Interest paid on timo
Aocounta opened for rum of $10 and tip
ward. WM. A. MA'.'RA E Manai?-r
J. T. BURT "HA ELL Assistant Manager
W. M. Ladi. O. PJ. dd. J. W. LaId.
Hetah'iFhfed 1
Transact a s-n?ial barking b'JTrei?.
Savings Book.- Issued cn Savtrgg Deposit.
Interest Paid on Tim IetKjsits.
J. FRANK WATSON Presi'ip.t
R. U Dl'RHAM Vice-Preei-ieni
R. W. HOYT Cachler
GEORGE W. HOYT Asal-ctAnt Cashier
S. E. CATCHING 2! Asf.etar.t Cashier
United State, Depository.
Drafts anil letters of credit issued, avail
able in all rarta of the world.
Col lect Ion s a tpecialty.
Portland. Oregon.
No in te rest raid on a ccounu.