?TIE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, fUESDAT, APRIL 7, 190S. 13 FOR RENT. furnished Room. TH E COMMERCIAL N 1 cely f u rn lsh ed rtxn , b t g !e or fn uttr. $2 5o per wk up: steam heat, ho: and ro!d warr, free baths; transients so licited: rat1 50e, 75c and SI daily; open an night: b-t I oca: ion in the city; office and reading-room ground, floor. 488-4ii2 Washington an. HOTEL BLSJIMAKK. Washington and l7tb Fir?t-clai!s furnished rooms, air.: or ea uite; strem heat. hot. cold water, electric lght, phone in every room; suites with private bath, single, from $3 by week. .5o up by day; reasonable by mo. Mam 6547. ELEGANT furnished room?; very centrat. 1M 6;h st. A 532. NICELY furnWhed room, t., cor. Stark. teem heat. 95 11th Unfurnished Roomi. "Milner Ei.nr,." Morrison st. M O D KH.V, CH.VTRA L. R EASON ABLE. 4 lATL'FlMHHFU hous modern; $15. Apply 431 ?keeping E. A.-h. Rooms With Board. THE HOTEL. HEYSBR. East 3d and Burnside sts.. new and ab solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished! rooms, single and en suite; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat and tele phone In each room. Grill In connection; special rate Is families. Phon East 17 L A GOOD home In private family for man and wife, or two ynung men ; pleasant room, g'-d home cooking, ail convenience, tin-', block from Ankeny car line. JO E lt;-h st. North. NICELY furnished front room with board e:ri't!y home cooking: all modern con ?nioncrs : walking distance; suitable for two gentlemen. 1'lione Main o-lttO. 33 Suth st FIAKKLY If A LI- 300 Jefferson, bet. 5:h and 6t h ; beautifully furnished room with nrt-cla? board; center of city: runnliii water; beautiful grounds; telephone A ELEGANTLY furnished ulte and single room with ht ana cold water and board; strictly tltft-waps; home cooking; beautiful lawn, lfil 11th st., for. Yamhill. A 3580, M. IW30. Portland Women's Union, ISth year: rooms with board, use of sewing-room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mr Ella Rawlings, Supt., 310 Flanders st F KVERAL furnished rooms, with board, suitable f"T couple; gentlemen preferred; modern conveniences; centrally located. Mrs Simon, 22 N. 11th st. THE BARTON. l"th sod Alder, rooms, single or en suite, modern; walking distance; grill in connec tion; monthly rent. NICKI.T furnished room with board, hath attached; suitable foi- 1 m gentlemen ; private family; references. Main 3202. 2S4'- Talk st. FURNItMIED front rov-m. with board, in prl Mite family, for one or two gentlemen; 10 minute' walk; all conveniences. Pacific I'M I. VKRT de-Jrahle fmni suite of rooms, nloel: furnished; will be vacated Aprii 15. i;ith st. Main :ns, A mis. La R(.iE front room and board, suitable for two. 360 Madison, near Park; vacant April 15; references exchanged. LARGE sunny room suits Me for two. In new cottage, on Rast 17th and Stark; best home cooking. -rhone 11 Uil2T. Room with board, modern conveniences; walking distance; $6 per week. The Lin dM, 20 Market st. 3S9 ALDER st. nljhed rooms. Ins- corner 10th., nicely fur wit h board, home cook- THE MARLY N Furnished rooms; good board; convenient. 653 Washington bl FRuNT and side room, with board; home cocking. Phone A .Wit. 32S S. 6th st. ROOM with board for two gentlemen or man and wife. Phone Pacific 14fi. :SH 5th. FI RNISH12D or unturntFhed roorrm board. 515 Morri.tcn t.. cor. 10th. Ft. RNIHI! ED rooms, slug or double ; -diking. 133 West Park St. FURNISHED rooms with board. Tha Ozark, 1:25 ilth st. Apartments. M MIStN-PAIMC A I A It TM K.N TS, Park and Mmtison; handsome 5-story pressed brick, I'omplefd; tour-room, reception hall and ba t h rcflKlenre a part menu?, possessing eiy modern uonvenicnce, including clec trjc aulumatlc elexwtor and telephone ex ih.inge: hardwood floors thmughout; the niHxtnium of con von if nc. eleganc and liiipinent at exceedingly reasonable term J to to $50 per month. Location and sur roundings unsurpassed. THH SHKKl'lK LD Unfurnished H-roora apart ment with bam; new. modern awd fully equipped for convenience; tine locati-.m; saves carfsie; bIfo one 3-room apartment. Apply to Janitor, 7th and Jefft-rson sts. I'.FIAUTIKL'L 5-room apartment with bath: si i ict I v modern and up-to-date: gaa range, refrigerator, hot and cold watr, steam heat, telephone, gno and electric light free; et Side. K 751. Orcgonian. THE CIIETOPA. 1Mb and Flanders. 4-room modern unfurnished ; steam heat, city tele phones In each apartment fie. Apply to CUicma Wheeler, with I Orvurtx & Sons. FOf? HBXT- A part mm t. best location in the Mt . 4 rooms nd reception ball, all out-f-ide robins. Jt.ani hat and janitor serv ice The Mordaunt, 5S0 Everett, cor. 1Mb. THE W KSTM 1NSTKR. Madison and Oth sts., up-to-date apartments, every modern con- eniftnce. reasonable rates, close in. oniy 6 Mocks from Post office. TUB Cadillac Hotel. 3d and Columbia; One newlv furnished anartmoiits. single or en uJte rooms; phone, bath; furnished bouss kepliig roonts. 4 -ROOM lower apartment and large re ception hall : steam heat. ga.s ran pa. t-hadt-s; rent reasonable. Janitor, flat E, 4) 10th st. THE DAYTON, 6tW-6tJ2 Flanders, finest 6 toom residence i part men t in city ; rea sonable rent, modern conveniences. Main GUILD APARTMENTS 3 and 4 rooms with h.at and water. ?2t and Between -Zd and 24th, Thmman and Vaughn. TUt-i mai;lh(H. Htlt; h. pitiful m nt : jmntoi . OVilM. e" I''!anders. Nob 5 mom unfurnished apa:t- BEAUTIFUL April 1, 2 B-room Rpinmcnt for 15 12th. 'The Bralntree.' HU. I' I K- ROOM, steam h--ated flat. 17th and i"i:-in sts; mo'lern !n every respect, rent Sit, call Main 244". Ames Mercantile crn.-v. 20 1 Ahington bUlg. MODERN fists. aM site, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, g E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FOR run r -5-roorri strictly m-wlfm flat. West tide, walking ditfli.ce; reasonjibie rnt; t''- 12th M. M. E. Lee, room 411 Cor- t NEW, n.orieta furnished: 5 Montgomery. furnished or im post off ice. 804 '-4 LOW KT firtt. paMl furnished; children; refrrrfice. Phones Main UKU and A I12. STKh'Tl.Y modem 5 room flat, Iflth and C.tiyan lnguire Ui.1-, N. ltirh. Phone A 50". FOR KENT .'t l..w lent. M. hidS. modem flat. 411. Coroett KI:NT Fie-r.-.! nkjheL 4:: i Art t, Pin. furnished :., cor. 7th i .M iiiojern flat, eloe In. 1TO ICast 2d Noi:h. Telephone Woodlawn 32. fl.it. hath, steam heated, light. 15 Call morning. 40"i Kih. flat C. -t:oOM flat for 5:;i Fast Ankt . laundry, bath. I'hone 47 MoRP.ISoX COURT n- . modern upp 15th and Kavt Morrison; ftft ; adults only. h'iM urer flat; cck utove, furt:ace. St?S 1 :;h. Call 455 Market. 252 7T H 7-room flat, gas, electricity; cen tiai'y locAtil. for rem Housekeeping Koosns. ONK and three rwl fui ni.h-?d modem roons, ir.k. large lawn, laundry. 4o."l or 5.u 2d. TWO furtilshed livus.kecp!ng rooma, $12 per munt h ; no ci id: en. 24 Clay st. ! H F! KIVS-r-'etely furni' ck" ptt'g nems. P.M lth st. 'V!!A'Vi: I-tLIUL" r.VH. MKRsiV ST .MCI'KRV. U:NTRL. REASON A RLE. V v n' p N ISM KD rocn- K-usektei. v e.ectrto light, Uphuae. 24 34 FOR RE XT. Housekeeping; Rooms. THE BEAVER APARTMENTS. 12th and Marshall its. : newly furnished, f uliy equipped for housekeeping. Including gas range, with the free use of electric lights, hot water, bat ha. large reception room and laundry room, from SIS up; also single roorrs with similar conveniences, $2.50 per week up. Thers is nothing In comparison In the city for the money. This place will bear Inspection. Short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-at. car going north, get off at Marshall st. Phones Main 6771. A 4540. No dogs allowed. WELLINGTON OOt-RT, 33th and Everett, handsomely furnished 4-room residence apartment, also 2-room unrurntshed; oak fl-Hjrs, mantel wall beds; posses-ting every modern convenience; excellent location and surroundings; reasonable prices. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17tn St.. near Tamhlll. new house, elegantly furnished, in suites of Z. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. THE HO W LAND APARTMENTS. 631 4 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping- rooms ; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floors; ui co suites from six np. TWO nicely furnished front connecting housekeeping room, cooking gas and bath. $18 month. 1ST Chapman St., near Yamhill. 84-i HALIj Very desirable rooms, coropleteiy rurnisnea' lor housekeeping; modern con veniancee; pleasant location; reasonable. 461 E APT MORRISON, cor 8th. newly fur nished housekeeping suites, electric lights, oarns. reasonable; walking distance. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent: bath, gas an-i teienrione. Kn GXW. 3:i East Tain hill. Call forenoons until 12 M. 410 SALMON ST. Two nicety furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, pri vate family, central, reasonable. 11.50 WEEK up, large clean furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Kherman at.. South Portland. THE NEWCASTLE. 402" 3d St., furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms, raaspnaDie. saain ow. DJl'k GLTSAN. swell corner housekeeping suite, an sunny, modern conveniences. oatn. pnone. close in. rsiet-Lr furnished housr keeping wultes: no children; steam hat. The Erdmann, East Hurnsidc , Cirand are. TWO clean. light, furnished housekeeping room?", ga. tatn. sink, nice yard, rea- snaitje. Mont. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; bay window: ligjit. bath, phone. Call after noon, oio xamniii. 1( N. ISTH Newly furnished houeekeepfng r(tnis; gas range, running water, every - inmg convenient. THFI LUXOR, i.ith and Clay sts., furnished and unfurnished housekeeping roome; new and up-to-date. THE ROSE Neatlv furnished and house keeping rooms, 1S9 3d st. Josie Zwickei, proprietress. $ 15 -K NICE nnfnrnished housekeeping rooms: pain anu ga; ugnt and airy. 354 College st. NICK.LY furniehed housekeeping rooms; good neighborhood. 5O0 Johnson, bet. N. 14th and 1 5th sts. NICELY furnished room for housekeeping; cKve fn. Inquire at studio, 163 West Park at. ENTIRE floor. 3 roorrs and bath, nicely fur nished : strictly pflvate; reasonable. 22fl Orant. FURNISHED rooms, also housekeeping suite, close in, 1st boiwe off "Washington. 26 N. 17th. PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping, heat. light, bath ana gas; rent reasonable. oC3 6th st. THE NICKUM. SW Gth Furnished house keeping appartments; also single sleeping rooms. FRONT 2 and 3-room suites; tight, phone, porcelain bath; walking distance. 117 N. 18th. COMB see rooms at "The Fir," neat, handy, cheap, central. 32 N. 11th. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and housekeep ing rooms, close in. 271 7th. . Sit) 2 well furnished housekeeping room, to I or 2 ladies. Main 44(10. HOUSEKEEPING suites. Juwt two left. The (Sfidll'.ac, 3d and Columbia. TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 420 Salmon. FRONT suites, brick ave., cor.. Wash, building. 92 H Grand TW iKts housekeeping rooms, one modern. 2.fH 4th m. HOUSE of fl rooms, bath and gas. Apply 425 7fh st. fkonse. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the sav ings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balance. M ORG A N-ATCH LK Y. FU RNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2t2'. NEW. modern, attractive, 6-room two-story house; nlr-e yard, near carline; adults: $2il Phone Woodlawn 42t: 70 Williams ave. MODERN 2-etory 6-room house at Walnut Park. East Side., one block front carline. 2KS Stark st . room 32. M S407. HOUSE." 5 rooms, basement, chlckenhouae, two lot. near Mount Scott car. Mrs. Mox ley, Avery ave., Tremont. GOOD 8-rom house on Kearney st.. bath. toilet, etc., $25. Apply to room 325, Lumber Exchange. GOOD 8-ROOM house. 8 blocks from Steel bridge, between Broadway and Dixoa, 1 Phcae East 3268. APS QUIMHY. between 20th and 2lst, large rooms, modern, vewly flniahed; fireplace, gas stove. FOR RENT Modern 9 -room house 14th and Clay. Inquire W. H. Leah. MS lekum bid. 6-ROOM hcure. modern. $22. 3 blocks from Steel bridge. Inquire 30O Lara bee st. 2 MODERN house; pice yard, fruit; $16 and $2 !Ufseli-SV.aver car to Montana ave. 4-Hi c i i.: house at 33S East 44th et. ; rent Call phone Tabor 3T at 5 P. M. HOUSE for rent. rooms, $12 per month. 294 Stanton, near Williams. FOR RENT House, 771 Hoyt St., Apply hi 77 Hoyt st. 6-ROOM house for rent al. N. Apply 106 14th Furnished House. BEAUTIFUL furnished 3-room flat; strictly modern: marquette. rugs and mahogany furniture: yard and basement; references exchanged 9 Mh. FOR RENT Punished cottage of 6 rooms with modern conveniences. 204 24th st bet. Kearney and Lovejov; price $40. ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house. John son. 2Sd : May I 3 months; no children. R 704. Or. gor.lan. MODERN 5-room furnished fla fu tture oa easy terms. A $:;r Furnished house. 7 rooms. East Bum side, near amh. phone Bast 562, $2fi Furnished Vroom cottage, close in. ply 47 East Couch. Ap- H oases for Rent Furniture for 8a1 NEW" furniture of 4-room apartment, cheap, with pri v lege of renting apart tnent. In quire Columbia Apartments, 11th and Colombia sts. LEAVING city, must sell furniture of splen did 14-room house, cheap rent, n rea sonable r.ger refused; terms if desired. M4 Overton. 6.v 15 rooms in housekeeping, rent $40 nicely furnished; all full. Satisfactory reaons for senins. 652 A Thurman st. FURNITURE of I(Wroom houae a owners going Ba?t; must sell. Giles. 4 Or gonlan Wdg. a bargain. See E. L. 12 ROOMS, furniture for a!e; rent J40 a month, long lease. Call at room 5, 6Mvj W ashlngton st. FURNITURE of S-room flat for sale, rea sonable ; excellent location; alwa s full. 202 14fh st 6-ROOM lower flat for rent, or part of furniture. S-"-0 ' A 4 492. would sell at? d. Pacific 34S. B A1H3 A IN--? 4-room roomfng-hous. m-ist s.ll quick. 243 Stark. Phone Main ?97rt EI-Uf'ANT furniture of 3 price; leaving cit. -room flai for le. Phone Main 7. FOB RENT. Hooses 'for Rent Furniture) for Sale. MODERN 5-room flat for rent and furniture for sale; 2 rooms rented, clearing ex penses; this Is a snap if taken at once; 3 minutes walk from Posr.office. Phono A 2418. FURNITURES 9 rooms, close !n, lease, rent $30;- price $450. STATE LAND CO.. 1st St. ROOMING-HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: $3O0. 1!5 X. 15th. corner Kearney. T ROOM furnished house for sale, cheap: . making $1S over rent. 208 Market st. Store. TO leae for a term of years, a S-story and basement store, good wholesale location. stam heat, elevator, moderate rent. Ap ply V 773. Oregon! an. NEW, modrn 3-story brick, one floor or whole, heart new wholesale district, long leasA; responsible tenant. L 775, Orego nlan. LA RGB store suitable for restaurant or club, stationery fixtures for sale. Cart. or time, T 77. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Two stores. 23x94. In building, South 1st st. ; low rent. . lease. 409 Swetland bldg. FOR RENT Good but. in mis corner Es T hill and 31.st st., Sunnystde. liiQutre at 932 Offices. FRONT nfBice rooms. . suitable for doc tors, dentists. mil liners, dressmakers. nrsc noor earn bridge biag.. 3d and Mor nson; very reasonable. Apply room 36. OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and mammon Duiiaings at moderate rate. Ap my to naoeri oirong, uu ioroett Diag, CORBETT BLDG. Desk room. InoJudln phone . and attendant. Inquire Ralph 1csk ROOM in furnished office, ground ti'jor, main entrance. jia tj, mailing Dldg, ou itu tidNliinxiUD Bin. TWO fine front office In Raleigh bldg., eth and Washington; best location. Apply ruum di. FINE office, for rent S.20 oer mnnth. nil fur. nlohed, ready for business-. 220 Ablngton MILNER RLIXJ," 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. SFECLAX KOTICEi. Proposal Invited. OFFIcTB Chief Quartermaster. Department or tne Loiumuia, ancouver .Barracks, Washington. Marcrf. 2S, lws. Sealed oro posale in triplicate, will be received, at thia office until II o'clock A. M.."ADrlI 8. 1!(S, and then opened In tha presence of Dinners, ror iurnismng an taoor ana ma terlalst and constructing a light draft rtvei steamboat for Alaska service. Executlv order of September 19. 1006. limltln th hours of laborers and mechanics to not over eignt hours m any on calendar dav will not apply on this work. Bidders will eta to pric for construction complete and delivery of boat ready for service at St. Michael, Alaska; also alternate price for ut-njry i. u. o. or ooar complete at place of construction knocked down and ready for shipment and setting up at St. Michael m specmeo. j ne Lnnea states reserves tne right to accept any one. or reieet al proposals. Plans can be examined and specifications, instructions to bidder and oiank forms for proposal obtained on ao- . plication at this office, or to Iepot Quar termaster. Portland. Or.: or Seattle. "Wash. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for steamboat," and aciaressea to John E. Baxter, Quarter master. U. S. Army. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Seattle, wash.. March 11. 3908. SEALED PRO POSAI.S. in triplicate, will be received here until 11:00 A. M.. Friday. Aoril to. 1D08. and then opened, for transportation of Government passengers and supplies between Prattle and Taeoma, Washington ana Ketchikan. Fort wm. H. Seward. Ska? way. Juneau. Sitka. Valdez. Fort J.iscum. Seward. St. Michael. Fort Davis and points on the Yukon River, in Alaska, In both directions, between points on the Yukon and Tanana Rivers and between Nome and St. Michael, Alaska, both directions; also for lighterage at St. Michael and Fort Davis. Alaska Right Is reserved to reject or accept any or an proposals or parts thereof. De tailed information as to service reauired. with necessary blanks, will be furnished upon application. Knvelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Alaska Transportation" and addressed to Major . a. 'Wood, Quartermaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Washington. PROPOSALS FOR COAL Office of General superintendent. Army Transport Service, San Francisco, Cal., April 6. .1908. sealed proposals, in triplicate, win he received at this office until 31 A. M-. May , 100S, ana then openea, for furnishing and de livering on board army transport 3 and ot her Quartermaster's vessels at San Francisco, average steam coal during the flpal year ending June 30. 1908. Prefer ence will be given to articles of domestic production, condition of price and quality (including duty on foreign articles) be ing equal, and such preference will be given to article produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public service there. En velopes containing proposals should he Indorsed "Proposals for Coal," and ad- aressea to oenerai superintendent. Army transport service, .iut ortn j-'oint street. UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERV ICE, North Yakima. Wash.. March 27. IMS. Seated proposals will be received at the office of the Engineer, United States iteclamation Service. North Yakima. Washington, until 2 o'clock P. M-, April j ivi 111c s ttMins ui auuui lour 1 1 ' miles or open canal in the Tieton Canyon, nr North Yakima. Washington, involv ing aoout wv.Kitf yards of excavation. Particulars may be. obtainedat the of fice of the United States Reclamation service, .North 1 aklma, w ashlngtcn. CHAS. Tf. SWIG ART. Project Engineer. Miscellaneous. NOTICE to creditors and to all persons. nrms ana corporations interested in the Title Guarantee A Trust Company In pursuance of an order made by the Hon orable the Circuit Court the United States for the District of Oregon in th suit of N. Coy. plaintiff, against the Title guarantee & 1 rust company, a corpor ation, and others, notice 1 hereby given to the creditors, as well as all persons, firms and corporations having any claim or demand against the said Title Guar antee A Trust Company, a corporation, of I'oruana, Oregon, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, fully verified, to the undersigned receiver of said Title Guarantee &. Trust Company at his office In the city of Portland. Oregon, on or before three months from the date hereof. Portland. Or.. Dec. 16. 1907. Time extended to May 6. 1908. R. S. HOWARD. JR., Receiver of the Title Guarantee St Trust Company. EXECUTORS NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed as executor ot tne esLate 01 ciwara iomrop uoiaweu. deceased, by the: County Court of the State of Oregon for Multninah County, and has duly qualified. Alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of W. A. Clelacd 534 Chamber of Com merce ibuileUng, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published March 31. 1908 Oil IN B. COLDWELL. Executor. W A. CLELAND, Attorney. NOTICE Is hereby given that ths annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ore gon and California Railroad Company, lor. the election of a board of directors and the transaction of such other busi ness 'as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the office of the company, Wells-Fargo building. Portland. Oregon, Tuesday, April 14. lyoS, at the hour of H o'clock A, M. W. W. Cotton, eec.-etary IOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where balr mattreees are reno vated, returned same dav. 228 Front Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Halr Faetory. H. Metzger. LOST Small gold watch, gold fob attached set with amethyst and '"H. W." on watch. Reward. Return to Holmeef Business Col lege. LOST Gold-headed umbrella, Kaae Line road, near Rockwood. Return to Merrill, 108 7th st.; reward. FOUND On Washington st.. a poeketbook. containing money. Call at Oregonlan of fice and identify- LOST In O. W. P. waiting-room, girl s coat in bcx. from Acheaon's store; return 9," Clay st.; reward. LOST Rtack purse containing $lo.96. near 1st r.a jHorriin. newara. t;eturn to Ore , g"ii'.an office. MONDAY A. M.. tan be-lt purse containing about $3. Please return to Oregonian. R ward. LOST--Saturday, lady's open-face plain gold atch. Reftaxdv Phone A 1371. Xain 1371. IXST AND FOTJNDL LOST Large envelope containing rote In favor of F. K. Lovell and memoranda re laifnff thereto; flnder. wlii be suitably re warded upon leaving the same with E. C. Giltner. Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce blda. LOST Thursriav night or Friday morning, purse containing 4: Mi currency. J.tO gold; Clossett t Devera ad on purse; flnder return to Oregonlan office; reward. LOST Plain Edst 5K72. dull gold cuff link. Phone PFRSONAL. MAKE.9 most wrinkles dtsappear in a n'ght No faee massage, no etamlng. no creams or 's-calid" skin foods, no masks or rollers, nothing to Inject, but a maxvtlou, simple discovery that drives most deip sated wrinkles' away. I fooled them all and took my own wrtnki out by my dls covery after massage and beauty doctors had roiled. I will ten you my secret give you full information if you mean business and send me your addrees chon number. I rout take tMs nrcau tion to keep curious people away. N T73, Oregonlan. SUITS pressed while you wait. 60c. To visitor of Portland hotel and to public at larce Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor. W etn at., next to tne oxtora riotei. Ladies skirts pressed, 60c. Feathers and boas cleaned and curiea. Phone Main 4964. DR. ISABELLA MACKIB Is again back In her business office. 300U Morrison et., where dte will be pleased to ee hr patients, both old and amm. Room 10. Phone Mala 4621, A 1644. Realdenos phone 732U. PARTNER Lady of good appearance and ome capital to learn higrwilass beauty culture and dermatoloci' : one who can lee ture and give class' demonstrations; $2JjO to $:K0 clear each month. O 0. Ore gonlan. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills. or so years Knows as the best, safest. Reliable. Take n other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pllla. Eoid br druggists everywhere. rR?Qsa milts for rent, all stse: SI. AO moot keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. Tips eewea. rroropi ch.ii ann ue llverle. Unique Tailoring Co., 300 Stark. DIt. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotto Root Pllla. sure remedy for delays periods, $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr, pierce. 181 H l"t t- Phone Main ions. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex, desiring acquaintance or companion, send 10c for circular. Portland Introducing Bureau, 1814 lrt st. Main iw. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For eien Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera ture (German books a specialty). A. W. Bchmale Co.. Z2U First at. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Writ) or call at Eyasel's Pharmacy. 227 Morri son st., bet. 1st ana ?a. AHLWS Fumigating Compound ; no smoke. no lingering odors left; enough for a year at your dealer's, or addres Chaa. H. Ahle Co., Sil Harrison a. DR. T. J. PIERCB cures all nervous and private disease of men quicker and cheaper than others. tail or write. Of fice 1814 First . Kmc. Court wright, skia and scalp treatments; facial deformities corrected; pi&stic surgery, 226 Fliedner Dldg. M. 0042, A zutw. AHLE'8 Fumigating ' Compound, ready for use, in 1-1 b. Bcrew-top cans, &o eta.; tor sale at Skldmore Drug Co.' s atore. MARRIED LADIES The Perfection Safety Bl-Brace is what you want. Mr. F. M. Merrill, Btsbee, Aris. Box J921. MP.S. OB ROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow. aicoooi ruo, cream massage: references. Park. Main 244)3, A27S4. MISS ZOGG. masseuse graduate of Dr. Maki s system, ladles only, phone Tabor 433. Address 1429 East Star. a UQUOR, drug and tobacco addictions cured py reputable pnysician. tor appointment aaaress m qws, Oregon ian. MADAM BRUCE, electrical massage and scalp treatment. 260 7th st. Phone A 3604. IF you ae looking for nice clean room, hunt up tne ftarjv ex., corner rayior, MOLES, wrigkles, cuperflujous hair removed. Airs. AS. L. hiu. 330 J 1 leaner Ding, f ac. 133. JUST opened, dermatology parlors; expert cmropoaisi. itoom 1, Aiatr i. vuau. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity cases; good care; terms rig he. a a. AiiSKy o. LADY'S barber shop, hair cutting 25c, man icuring and face massage. Jiv Burnide st, PILES CURED without operation by a wall established physician, tiox !fYO. city. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 54 East 13th st. North. Phone E 4034. WANTED Bad case of piles that Hemlock Salve cannot euro; all druggists. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold A Co.. Main 7311. 851 Morrison st. Crown Business Exchange, S8 Raleigh bldg. Devlin A- Flrebauah. 508-9 bweUand bide. Dtetz-Mueller Co.. 417-18 Corbett bid. Ellis. York Sc. 00.. ZOl Mercnants Trust hide O'Toele. Ch&s. J., T1S Chamber of Commeroe. Phoenix Investment Co., rm. 10. 142 2d st. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Cash grocery, good business. best location in city, good reasons for sell' Ing. Snap. Investigate. Address Y 78S, Oregonlan. WANTED Bright, loves t, sobr young man, with small capital, as partner In good pay ing real estate office. Room 18, 313i-a Wash ington St. HOTEL netting $250 ta $100 monthly, will- sell on terms or trade for city property. Room - U27 corDett Diag.. otn ana Morn son sts. SALOON Partner wanted: can't depend on hired help; experience not necessary; $.Of required; pay you iov a montn. eau 24bv stai-K si. WANTED From owr-er, rooming-house. 30 to 50 rooms, west Side; etate location- and terms of lease; cash sale. M 732, Orego nlan. FOR SALE Boarding-house; a nice private hoarding-house of 21 rooms- will sell cheap if sold tnis weeK. can at wes jark st RESTAUR A NT Good going biifiinews: price ri0: no cash rent; must be sold this week: owner leaving country. O 774, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for strictly cash business; experience unneceflFary; pay you 2r a week; $2tK required. Call 24A Stark at. NVRSTIGAT3 2 stores paying $300 year rent; aisow; terms. owner, 11. "aker, Lnurelwcod. Phone Tab'.r 7.2. OIGAR and fruit store, corner, central loca tion; low rent, lease, very lit Me money required. Room 627 Corbett bldg. $5000 CASH will handle a hardware busi ness that will pay a pront or per montn. it. ri. uix. otei ienoi. FOR SALE Small hospital In Washington. rare chance for pTiyslcian-s; good practice. Addrees O 756, Oregonlan. PART NOR wanted for a wood business; lit tle monev required: will pay you $loO a month. Call 248U Stark st." MAN with $5000 to $10,000 and ser'lces would like to buy into nour ana ieea dusi nesw. A 770, Oregonian. WANTED Partner at once in established real estate office to show land, etc 5-W Lumber Exchange blda. DO you want to buy or sell your business or rooming-house ee 1 ne t. ontinemai Agency. K43 Stark. CAN show party with $2SoO where they can matte aiz,txi tn monms. tan at once. 4i0 Couch bldg. 550 1 2-room rooming-house; 2-year lease; rent S4; cloee in; an run. two Lumber Exchange bldg. HALF or whole interest in coffee-house for sale. Call between 12 ana 1 o ciock, Z2 Burnside St.. 2-ROOM HOUSB Modern, net income $59; cost $950 recently; $400. Inquire 169 Went Park. 22 ROOMS, newly furnished: rent $i0; walk ing distance; si 100. natneia A smith, lt 4th st. RELI.VBLra real emate man wants honest partner; little money required. SJ8 Altsky bldg. DRUGSTORE for sale or lease; good loca tion for doctor. A. M- Porter, Gaston, Or. FOR SALF, General store, small town, profits ALMBDA Corsolldated stock bought ar.d aold. w. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. THREPJ-CHATR barber shop f or Unae. M 77t, Orgoalan. BUSINESS CHANCES. CHAS. J. O TOOLE "0.. THH RTTS1NRSS RliOK PRS. 738 Chamber of Ommerce. Pacific 275 Rooming-houses We havs the larges llrt In the city. It is open for your In speetion. We have businesses of all kinds for sale throughout Oregon and Washing. un. CHAS. J. CTOOLB CO. BEST IN CITY FOR PRICE. 31 rocm, fine comer near th! office wmi furnished; lease 2 years: cheap ren pa ys 2tX a mon t h clear; one of t he b-st irans-ient house In the city; for quick sale, price reoucei lo ?2.."i(i. ELLIS. YORK A CO.. 201 Merchants Trust bldg.. S2ti Waahington st., S. W. cor. ftth at. GlOD. CLEAN.. PROFITABLE. 14 room, a flat. excellent location housekeeping: full of good paying roojners mt- ana nw; nne lease; rent pay w ctear ana no work; prico jasn. ELLIS. YORK CO.. 201 Merchants Trurt Bldg.. 33414 Washington at.. S. W. cor. 6th st SNAPS. Tobacco and cigar store, $3O0. Confectionery store, $450. Ice cream mfg. plant. SI 000. Iellcatessen store. 10tK. Fish market. S500. Saloon. $.S,P)0. Room 402. No. 1024 2d at. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab iisned isys) furnishes free information o opportunities In mercantile or manufac turing lines, city or country. THK AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. BIG SNAP SEE IT TODAY 1 rooms, best furnished email place In the city; cost $35oo to f u m f sh ; good ai new ana a paying proposition; lease; you can Duy it today for ioo. ELLIS. YORK CO.. 201 Merchants Tain Bldg.. 32614 Washing-ton St., S. W. cor. 6th mt. BUSINESS CHANCE If you have $50,000 spot cash and want to get your money back and $10,000 profit Inside of six months, answer, R 779, Oregonian. BRIGHT man to show land and business opportunities can make $1M) to $2SO per month; experience not necessary; will teach you; very little money required of ine ngnt party ror halt interest. lartlcu tar room o. Chamber or Commerce bldg 3d and Stark sts. ROOMING-HOUSES. ST rooms, rent SfA nnce ilOOO: 16 rooms. in center of city, rent 40, price $800; 34 roonts, close m, jitvo. PHOENIX INV. CO.. Main 6056. Room 10, 142 4 2d. PRINCE RUPEfRT Etxceptlonal opportunity to join sy naicate securing vaiuanie tract or land for subdivision, near Prince ku pert, terminal of Grand Trunk Pacific highest bank references. Address P. O. box lflO, Vancouver. B. C. WELL-KNOWN real estate man will tak honect man as partner In old-established real estate business and guarantee him $150 per month; very little money r quired. Call room 402. No. 102H 2d st. SPECIAL Partner wanted by a man who wilt take you to the bank to satisfy you he, is reliable and he will show $2O0 a month clear to you; $8u0 required and duties easily learned. Particulars 2484 Stark at. RESTAURANT SNAP. $450 buys a reataurant clearing over $0O a month; very ciojwt investigation invited no fake, but straight truth: inquire 221 H Morrison, room 10. MACHINE SHOP, fully equipped. In town of 1400, no competition; legitimate reason for selling. Will bear closest investiga tion. Call or write, room 627 Corbet1 bldg., 5th and Morrison sts. RELIABLE) real estate man wants a sober. energetic partner to show land, etc.; he will teach you the buslnesw nnd guarantee you $l;iO ft month; little money required. Par tlculars 2484 Stark st. IF you have $500 you can make $lO0 to $250 weekly in, the motion picture theater Dull ness: exoertence not necessary. Particulars, call Newman's Motion Picture Co., 2C3 Burnside. near 5th. PARTNER for restaurant; new place, long lease, low rent, owner is cook ana wants honest partner to look after cash and buying. Call room 627 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison sts. FOR SALE At a bargain, the Michigan Hotel, cor. 2th and Sandy Road; oo down. sru montn: must sen: 10 ok mis up, Mra K. M. Smith, 882 Sandy Road. Phone East 10K5. GROCERY store; best location in. city; will clear iibo per month; all caen trade. delivery; discount for quick sale; will make terms; living rooms; investigate today. 1UD4 .Norm tn. LONG established, well paying meat market, excellent fixtures, positively must be sold inside of two days. it is an opportun ity for you. Call 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Man with services and $10,000 to 930.000 to invest, to take interest, up to one-half, in established business; refer ence exchanged, c oregonian. INVEST In stocks; the Columbia Oil & Gas xseveioping tn. aaance certain, quick re turns. Addrees lock box 2220. Spokane, Wash. Office 404 .Nichols block. AN old-stabllshed wholesale house; present owner must retire; advantageously lo cated; new warehouse; rare opportunity. Address Ztfo worth isth st. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stnex or oona t jr. j. catternn A Co., 125 Ablngton bldg. $2fno FineM roomirg-houBe In city; 22 rooms; very central: an outside rooms, with hot and tsId water; terms. 530 Lunf- wer Exchange bldg. FOR SALE WUI sell t a bargain. fine property, suitable for hotel; splendid open lng, good business opportunity. Addreas K 7TH, Oregonlan. STEADY honest partner wanted to work In polld -business: mum be willing to start at $25 a week; $350 required; secured. Call 24S;4 Stark at. REAL estate broker will take reliable man as Dartiiftr. will give and reaulte first class references. Room 627 Corbett bldg. 7-ROOM rooming-house, tine furniture, low rent; owner leaving; only $250. Cau to day. Room 402, No. 102 2d st. FOR SA LW Swell located meat market and rubher.llre panel top delivery wagon; cheap at once. j3 starK. Main T4j. WILL ee.ll my 'right to homesread, 30 miles from Portland, 1H mile from rail road. 318 Alisky bldg. I WILL buy 2r.0 shares of American Wheel ft vehicle Co. s stooK. 0. n. t'eterson, 221 Failing bldg. BA KEKY and confertlonery for sale, good location. Phore Kichmona 7i. BARBERS, here's a snap; my two-chair shop for 11. V. 1M Morrison sr. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. MONEY to loan for building purpose; can be repaid in monthly installments. ca;i for particulars, Columbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. WE buy Oregon Trust & Savings, Title Guarantee and aiercnants accounts ror cash: also bonds, stocks. Room 511, Cor bett bldg. 100.000 to loan tn sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C LARGE and small amounts on good security at low rate of interest, c. b . Pfluger at Co., 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. PRIVATE party wants to' buy Title Guar antee. Oregon savings, Aiercnants Na tional accounts. G 770. Oregonian. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all securities. K." L Eckerson A Co.. room 5 Wsshlngton bldg. Phone Main 4655. MONEY to loan on real estate, anj-where and any sum, siOO and up; see us. aughn 1 Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. LOANS on real estate, chattel or personal security. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washing ton bldg. Pacific 1832. MORTGAGES, 1st and 2d liens, and other real estate securities discounted, a- B. Noble, Commercial block. LOANS cn real, personal, chattel or collateral security, c w. pallet t, B04 Fenton bid,. MORTGAGE loans, $200 up; moderate oost. no aeiay. w. o. vva, A.ity., Aiisny Diag. State funds loaned, A perct, W. E. Thomas, ate agt.. juuitnoman to. euu c of com. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts, w. m. runn, 05 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates of Interest. Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st- near 2d. 0in or less fi pr cent; real estate. Far gins ton, 4ao commercial -Cluh Jaldg FINANCIAL. Money ta Loaa. un ait 111 mi tin SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10, $20. $30. $40. $50. $0. $70. $100. Cheapest and best place to BORROW MONEY. Lowest raus. Eas.rst pay meat a IF YOU WORK. WB WILL LOAN YOU MONEY, y OPEN S A. M. TO P. M. WW a a nd bat, until 8 P. M. 6TATB SECURITY CO.. 704 Dekum Bldg. $$$$$t$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE CRESCENT lOAN AGWNCT. 4i2 KothvhUd bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognized bank of the wage-earner. A clerk, bookkeejier, machinist, engineer , or employe can obtain money of u on hi. note without security. $15 Return to us $4. no a M Return to us &S.OO a M $5 Return to us $13.35 a Mo. onndentlal; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. STAR TOAN AGENCY. 3o9 McKay Rids:.. Cor. Third and Stark. Are you earning a salary? You can get money from us on your note. Business confidential ha nnnf.-nir inoulrles. $75 Return to us. ..$20.00 $10 00 BO Return to us... 13 35 6 65 $5 00 a 00 2.00 1.00 no lie turn 15--Tteturn 8.00 4-OU 4.O0 1.00 Office open S A. M. to 6 P. M. SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried employes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware house Receipts. Horses. Insurance Policies. ana ail Kinds or securities. NEW KRA LOAN & MORTGAGE! CO. 206 Abington bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and ethers upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; office in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 233 Ablngton bldg.. 1064 3d. Hnnv Inanrt An anlaria- Tin other security my system is !est for railroad men. clerks, bookke&nern atrMitcar cmDlovei and Others; buslnes confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanar. bldg., 256 Washlnrton st. GV1P 10. OOO PnrHiind HnmK Teleohone bond with 1O0 ner cent stock bonus, also 2500 Portland Home Telephone stock. Room 511 Corbett bldg. WE positively pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust, nt 10 ana Mercnn. accounts. We also pay cash for bonds. Conn Bros.. 180 1st st. Main 4. 3. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. xne Loan co.. 410 uettum Diag. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate. Apply to box 372 Oregon City. Loans Wanted. WANTED Loan of $1200 for one year at per cent; improved business property val ued at $6000 as security. Y 7b5, Orego nian. WANTED Loan of $400 for one year. Real estate security, valued at 200o; will pay per cent, a i4. oregonian. WANTED Loan of $20O for 8 months; good security. will pay 12 per cent. Y 7u oregonlan. WANTED $5ft( for three months; first-class. security. Apply at 43 Chamber of Coin me roe. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plait ins;. MISS O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ao- coraioa ana unite plaiting and pinking. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS. 824 Worcester block, public accountant ana estate agent. Auditing, In vestigating, systematizing. Permanent Keeping or dooks ana records a specialty. THE GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 318 v,iiu.iji lwi ui wiiLUJtsrce, 01 nee systematizing and arenaraJ ftixountlnr. P.wah! lih.H icon Architects. Claussea & Claussen. architects. 0I3 and 014 cucnanau oiue., zy vvasuington st. Art. LESSONS In oil. wt:er color, china, tapestry, Mtlk CAlntlnar. leather ear-win- n..i.nu - order work, china firing. Markley A Sul lander, room 64, 350 Morrison. Main 7647 Affrayers and Analysts. Weill & Proebstel. mining engineers, metal- iurgisLj mu "BBtjci - v asnington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE-Laboratory and 01 e-vcxiniie iog Muniaoa st. PAUL BAUMEiU assayer and analyst. Gold Barbers. VISIT THE MIRROR BARBER SHOP For a first-class shave or hair cut; new Baths. BATHS TurkU and Russian, $1. 207 3d St., Between i&yior una aaimon. jaain 484. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW A MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine ana eiectricai repairing. 32a stark st. Carpenters and Builder. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general jODDing, wuvratuni. oov aaain OosL Chiropody. WM. D EVENT, and Estelle Deveny. the only bldg., loz xa t. i-none juain isoi. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. tf. D. Hill, room 34U jfiieoner oiug. -none racido 135. Commission Merchants. HERMAN M-ETZGER, purchasing of hides. pens, iur, wuui, iiiuuji.il, imiow ana ruDDer enH Aid metal and Keneral commininn rhnnt. Front St.. near Main. Portland Or TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO., ship brokers, com mission merwiauit, ouartutk uiug., fortianO. D. C. BURNS ft CO., grocers and commission merchants, ajv m Cleaning and Pressing. Ideal Custom Tailoring Co.. renal Tin work caiiea lor anu oei. main m-it. mrj Stark. Danclsg. WALTZ, "two-step. "three-step," and stage aanciiiK, icbjtuiio fcrv., tctciics ana geotle- inen teachers. Prof. Wal. WiJeon's school, orflce and hall 12, Selllng-Hlrach bldg.. B&iH Wash, st., bet. W. Tark and 10th sta.; also dancing taught by mail. PROF. RINGLER'S academy; correct dancing. Electric hlgns. ETLBCTR1C SIGNS Sold and rented. Port land Electric sign co., a st. AtaJn 8479. Feed B tores. IB. L. COOPER ft CO.. hay. grain, feed. umon ave. iasx 1011, iiioiz. Gasoline Bngrines. Stationary, marine, electriu equipments launch- cs, otvjui ito, " ict.Mii, cncuie re pairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mor Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle ana harness amirs., so-ott 1st. Main 326. Machinery, . TR EN KM AN ft CO.. mining sawmill, log ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, casting, all kind repaired. 104 N. 4th sL MUSIC STORE Bana instruments. I. Sel- oerimg. 204 xourney bkig., 2d and Taylor. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of sevicit. a -iiou. I'ine a., fac. 29. MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Jeasa Parker. i uner Diag., sou 4 Morrison st. Ed ucational. ARITHMETIC. writing. grammar, book- Keeping. etc.. aay. evening, individual in etructlon. 225 Fifth. Junk, Hides and Pelt. L. SHANK ft CO., purchasers of hides, pelt. wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and six roni u Leather and Findings. A. 6TR0WBR1DGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 159 Front st. CHAS. L. MA STICK ft CO., Front and Oak st. Leather and skin or every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. C. B. Brow n, D. . S. D. C. M- Dog. &onse uosmtai. w a. etn st. lbioo Trans Co. BCS1NES3 DlHECtOBX. Rubber Stamps. ALEO trade checks and all offlce goods, p P. C. Co.. 31 Stark st. Both phor.es 1407. Qtopithio rhydclana DR. R. B. NORTHRL'p. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.. "Third and Washington sta. Phone office. Main 349. Residence. E. 1023. DR, L B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore gon, graduate Klrkviiie, Mo. 409 Oreg niaj bldg. Main 1242: res. Main 2752. Patent and Pension Attorney. PROTECT your Idea. We can oatent tt. Moulton ft Scobey. attorneys. 5u4 Colum bia bldg.. Port Und. Or. J. J. KIRSHHCIMBR, pen.lon and patent at torney. rooina 2t-21 Lab be bldg. iif5rW.Rltili'r aom"0 nd foreign patent; uifrlngerngpt caas. 604 Dekum: FMTSi7Sslfitrd mrk. copyrights. A. natter. 518 Commonwealth bldg. Paints, oils and Glass. RXaN.. D-s paints, oils. w vor. 2d ana Taykir. IP. K haa,-h a. ... ... . n-, . ine 1'ioneer r'alnt Co. Window g.asa and giazlng. 135 1st. M. 13J4. Photo Kng ravers. ivi ana Aiaer at. DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neiss ft Coa Ofcway. 109 2d et. A4573, M. 7319. Siga Palntlnc FOSTER ft KLE1SER, SIGNS. -J?6 -.V" ;n-roakera in the North west, flth and Everett sts. Thone Private Exchange 66. Home A11&6. v luiti Attract."! PorUand blgn Co., 287 Stark, Pao, 13M. npiritaaUst. IllVU . . T- L. . ... . ... ARRIV WD! ARRIVED! OR. i. MONTAGUE, wonderful palmist, givatcM df.id tran--e irTT;" r',ritual t-r; o'dcl-? mo reliable spiritualist, business and v A FiJLJI?'' 1fep l'--v-"ho-palmo reading of tne hlgheart ordr; grange m-wer to help you. Tells just what uu want to know; now many in family, with names. dAt. facts AIon: wliere to Iocate whea'to go. About jour farm, ranch, claim, rooming -bouse buslDfts-.. Kah hope, trouble, fear wifh in love, marriage, buslnes. su-knes? change, journey, friend, enemv, investment; cause speedy marriage, unites those sep tated: advinej and aisin ou to gond con ditions. Spiritual treatment for develop ment and wealth. Cures lost memory, lark of ambition, all weaknesses, lenews vital ity, removee evil influences, makes you well and strong again in thought, purpose, feeling, energy. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. IXW FE Price within the rea:h of all. He Is not here for money, but to do good. NOTICE. If you do not find Dr. Montague superior to any clairvoyant now practicing in the city, his advice will be absolutely free. $500 for any mistake made through fol lowing his advice. Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. DR. U. MONTAGUE, THE UOS5Y, 105 7th St., cor. Taylor, room B. "WITH THIS PAJ'ER AD YOU WILL SAVE $4.00. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $5 READING FOR $1). ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. . PROF. K. KHIMO. This la strictly a matter of business oa your part to call at my office and become familiar with my spiritual and sclent Wo work. A hint to the wise la sufficient. PROF. KHIMO. Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; AD V IbiiK OF BUS I . NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you will marry, how to control tfc one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control others; no difference how cIoms or how far away, you can always obtain your deairc-d result. Tells you Just now. where and when to Invert your money to Obtain the beet possible resu.ts. if you ai sick, melancholy, dlsheartned or dis couraged. DO NOT GIVE UP IN DE frPAilt; come and receive Spiritual advice that will b6ip you to receivw HEALltL WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all other ad ei tie to do na a great deal more. Hours lo to 6 daily. Office Not, S and 4, Grand Theater bldg.. 352 Washington St. Pri.e M. 12U7. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, spiritual med'um-Setling-Hlrsch bldg., 16th and VYafih. A 3C2V. Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable spirit' 1 r'dingj. Alisky bldg. Publio circlet Tues. Frl. MARIAN CORELLI Palmlft and trance me dium. 22ta Washington St., bet. 11 aud 2d. PUBLIC test circle tonight. 25c. 302 Alisky bldg. Mrs. Sophia Si ip. Pacific 2s:;5. MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 32o Main. 25c. Phone Main 7548. DIEBOLD SAFE ft LOCK CO. John S. Davis, 66 3d et. Bargains in eecoad-hand safes. THS MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at. Safes at iactory prices, ontuuu-imuu ames. Showcase, Bank and Store Fixture. THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcased, cabinets, store and attic fixture. 26 Couch st. Paclfls 2181. R. h. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 1 Hamilton blag. Main o5d. THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. cor. 6 in aad Storags and Transfer. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offif- and commodious four-story brKk warehouse, with separate iron tuoms and fire-proof vault for valuables. N. W. corner of 2d and Pine et. Pianos and furniture movt.d and packed for shipping. Phones Main 59o, Home A 1096. CITY TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Bob Ash by and Judd Fish. Furniture and piano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office it3 Front st. Phones Main 62, A 1162. OLSBN-ROB TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, piano aud furniture moed and packed tot shipment. 209 Oak, bet. Front and 1st. Tele phone Main 547 or A2247. - Street Paving. WARREN Construction Co., street paving. idewaikfl ana crossings, die Lumocr trxu. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at fort land ornce, 4uz-a-e worce'.r diock. Xype writer. NE1W and eccond-hand typewriters, all makes repaired, -.iu ana ientea; aiso state agent the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 606. SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re paired, xj. v-. w).. ui starx. aiam i-toi. Wholesale Jobber. WADHAMS ft CO., wholesale grocers. manufacturers, commission xnercnaata. 4th and Oak. Wood. THE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY. Phones E 26. JB 1J2B. 2S7 n;. Morrison si. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $L 500, 000 No Interest paid on accounta THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA iJCstabiisnea in 1H04. T4-EAD OFFICE. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. PRESIDENT HOMER S. KING Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up S4.000.000 Surplus and undivided profits $10,153,879 A General Banking and Exchange Businea 'i ransactea. Letters of credit Issued, available in all carts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. . A V IINLjS U Ll Ar. i XI 1. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE .'Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager M, Ladd a E. Ladd J. W. Ladl LADD ft T1LTON Bankers. PORTLAND. OREGON. Established 1859. Transact a general banking business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposit, interest paid on xime posits. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK POKTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President L. DURHAM Vice-President W. HOYT CAMhlr GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Caahler 8. E- CATCHING 2d Asuistant Cashier TKAAOaClO jCI ckal NANKING BUSINESS. United States Depository. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able in all parts cf the world. collections a specialty.