T 1U TITF MORXISG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY. AFXSIL. 7. 190S. CITY flEED NOT pay FOR Telephone Companies Must Meet Expense Under Franchises. NOW ISSUE IN COUNCIL Fecntiv? Roani of Making cdlo E&prndiuirc of 2.90t for Conducior. C :iy A -M.uv Kr':v.:r an option n The r.Ksr.'On reoorivy hrvicri jp, a? to t r r : :v i; ;y s powr to i ;"? 1 :he Ffl'.-'i "iV'.pVre & TeVtr-aiV'i Comr" ny Hn- Tt-pvvit Ot'tni punv :, fjr;v-sh n .vru:r k'1 of -wi-d-.H-T v- "Cor ; -it1 r :v s srrr. sr " .cv, M r. K.ari-, a-o-oo :r. N;h irstaYwi :.:at ihf- p-cm-'r : :i'.'.2 by ;.; c.iy. TVs ---s.r jt:tTi of provision? ' :h- fraT.- 'or t o;: . Vi: ;vi: rr;a:n o-:c.a's m i-.;? hy Oov.:ir -r.v.rtT! Priso.vl tiie iS"'- (-.xssjtry p'.itv of wor;' of ccvi- i -j no 75 for 1 .i ;. r' a . a r m rv x-e . TVs .ipvMr'.ii. ;t m iv."-.'joti by Mr. Pr;s co I, shivful :a-v Nvr, f;.rr-.taM V.Vvs; by i Hon "'; v-ror.o Cori7var.y. Mayor atmI Iv.s fr-onos. in turn. -ie- - rvl ;Ni; ; Ooirio- e-o.i rstfiV-s---"t. Nvftv tvv-.s of :h Pft rio T VpNv orcrar.y re ovor more O".? t c . y r t n "-r V-o ! rs f or vi . T- ; dvnvr whore l :o lnrr.o for : vs o lit '.ay of ri'ony s-iaii S- tVaCtM. or, arvl prow;:";? more b'.i'vr. Opinion of City Attorney. Mr. KavAnausrrfs ovi" o-i fo"1ow: Aj-i-TA- parhur TV- S:r; "By v.'.it ' ; ,v h ii "t y J iiv'. : ,;a i wv f-:ioh :n Ti O -.v r-T:iar.iS r-.i-1 n utvti f.i : - v!-: ?t pot ;".o At'.r i1;; T"--rs iT.pnv HT--1 : V.Tff Te'-ww r-fr t. .-f ,5t ohr'-.-r a i".iy rr s v tVfn f s -y. :p :r:t.s":ll in tlit1 r if f- m' rr. ar1 ih Wa;r Bcrd of :f"!R; r.-.v -n r.-'-,-r it anio? t'-tv t a ;v . : rrr-. v-n of in -r t t'o rraii n r -w. it "., : a -- t:"T .' : vf -n t- i'.v. ir T-'r-.r1 X.- Tc c- o. Company c." r l a n f i.-jr;n? p-.- Islori " --r-.n Tv.' r cli: t-3 p-; w hth-? by .s-tl.Tv are in;v " Fi-t K 7-' ;n arf pr .""-s;-n :::fvir.". " 'S"cor;rt si ;!-( ; . a n.i ot-v--a:.-n of ait1 f"an-pe- City of P-r;- ni ''a': vr r c''T Tv p"a.- xipvri r l en.i p':o :-'-far.)i :r! ani :iv. p-ai't'-T' na A jve riuird dur- v:i --- r1-Tj;?.v,? r.d o-nt-.',:: n jray b- P'.'fi'ary for t1 iTy ai sv"'- ctsp anl i a::- -a.' mRT a i-'wsa d ' TV-J X'-,; d-j-;-j- 5.- d :h rity Fo-7 iar Ofl'" ha i1"1 rijrM l-" s'rc , r..- j-.v o" ; h- (rrsT-1: i ,i i c:; p-v :i"op'- .r" . -'-71 .- f-.i .;:. or mvI c-an' rr a v b-- r- i--. Ivrrt i-i ar ST'.a i fi;-"? fc-j:: for- ucb f" of cV a. z? i r .n s'.ilvi; ision .-or qir-f ;- Fa S'.a; T pM-T- A- 7e-r-ai i" -rTM-y to p-.-v,lf ad ms:n;L-r. :; -o7.-iijv. ,-: aii rc-- a-v .-pri-'n a- i t ;ca " - f--i-" '"f : -v'; -p r.op.ir: .ift: ii?s w :y . r.v d, l4f t,. rpri'iifr: pVr- v -5 ,sf : i--pa-:- "-:: TX"-- -v.?: v pror-'v : 4 ad B'vnri h: -Jv r.: a ) a?t - on :rc.:o. i trt c : y Ty o::y has ;hc p,wr :o i1i-?rrr!T w-.tVn r'-nnaM? limits : tv i S1- ard Vi rQ5 of w-rr? -srv. a n i:r it it'i'i-a-v i$ eno'.w 5a id r :-( U' : frar:-h- rrari K m:vv.- :-. h fii-ocssors a".d a-i-x-.. - - n j,.x .s t1 f-a-. t'-r ps-y ; : .r.p. c .v.a.ns ie fo'- '"t pr.- T C:-y yorfa r sa ' hnv- vc of v)--h oor.'.s j-v..N- jao.i c-f u.-ri oV.arao:r n -ii -v3 t r alarm. p-V:j,t par rol. rfpa-imrt 'p-'ro ar"1 :o',eraph 5jm in t1- und-" i c ri(i.i':j anij ri vor K of -.ho f,.;wy ar-1 v - r.z.x i- m r ; - : rr f r p u rpo- ft v . n t h r AIm Affect Home ( pmpany. 1 c-p-.n- f--av-r;-. :o p- a-il roa-iaT n r r.d .n: a . ' r' . a-v :-;.hor.o and -ap1 v4: or c -jo: or f-r tv u5- of ' . p er-i i.!r (""partrror: of n d i"y rt"ns t - : f U.e f raav S: f P-" r -rr--ci hy frari-his t t a r fy:f: j. power r-- .- - erf r : f r n - a-: rori:-1rei. b-j t-'fc nr a-s a :r a -id ro.crb'.f- :n- l-pr; T. ? e ;1rf jK r -a. a -,-"p;a rv . ms: v.ion a f-an--" :e, in -f a. c.i: y. ;s i-- b r.ii.T-;,ej 5tr-V:'y aa-r.-; : e jrun ard VtvrA-'.v :u fa--,'r o puV'f A :n ?s ft-t ir-?ance t-e r ' t y ai v d r - n v. r w . t h n rea aon a PI e hrr.;'; Tie nu-Tiber a--.i k-nd of cortdurt .-$ r:?d ard rr- prorr inu"a;?n. ;f any, nary t. "prjv rood ervio Tr orr.rr..t;- e : ad ;Fd aord:7!ir'v. Re ?;cct j ly. J F. K A V A X A l " "j H . Ciy Attorney. OWNER OF AUTO IS SUED John B. Kelly Akcd to Fay lam cs of Runamv. T4 1 an a-it- 'mob:!? NiorE::.( Jhn F. Keiiy. and orohire .i iVie of miR an hir. o frihtt-'ned tb-? h--r;so of K red ' ft j nn m : n a t the- a n m s ! p-r-t;rrr?fsi th- buccy a:-d w kii'v-i. is rhe allc.tio! of Mr. i"hpni(iri. wbo suinir Mr. K''iy .:i J-.ido Fronauch's dpart-Trie-nt t-f ibe t'ircuii Crm. Chapman says h was dn-jns aioi.g tb Linnion rfsd in July. iSK. wbn saw the auio isoin toward him. apd followed, by a b'indmc cloud of d'.ist. He bad ji:st time :- dr!y to o:e side-, m hen the meh ine whuaed past, the operator takir.i: no pre cnuxions to turn our. it s aliofted. Ch.ip man sa ; d That b h tre wa n -i ord i -ranly friphtened at auuimilf-?. and would not have be-en at th: one. but for the fcijcb. spoed at which iz wis run mr.ir and the careless manner in which it was hardl.1. It is KeHy s contention txat the Unn ton road is a public thorvmehfare. wher aaitombiles have a riffht t-- trae!. and that .the automobile as be.rg operate m a careful manner, bnt that the horse m being carelessly driven. Refor he-arms the testimony in the cue Judge Bronaufh and ih jury went W KING io view The scoie of aociden? Chai roan soeks J3: damasrcSs. The case will bo continued today. CHURCH CONFERENCE ENDS Xorwryian-Pjinish Methodist r tor Want Mikn IMrtriot- T h e X or wo ran-Pa n i sh M e 1 : od - st m i n -inters of Waphincton rd Orvsror. hxe i'.-'st o"oiev5 one of ;ne mos int-m?t.nr and protab?e dsir'ot Ovrifro"!oe er: held on lb.1 Pacific Cot. Presid'.nft Ri der C I Hansen was :e vhairnan and T"e rroe;rffs w h'd :n the church at TNrtoenTh Pv:? stroeT. T.'os church cerebrated The iS:h annrvorsary of i:s or sT:7ron arsd this jiubi-.ce added grewily ;o the ;--!e"xs: of The corferenoe. From t"e oca-' sai:on of t o Xorwosran Dsnsh CV-irh in Port a "id. years co. w-t z$ nembors ar.d two prob-anorters, work has s'-own to the ?-,ye of an an nua oor ferenoo. ;n f" ui::v s i". - Torr; t or y V r t a a . 1 tSa ho. V a v-c;o: Ore t.vi a ? id Cm : f o- i ; a . In : 'and t here ao two ohiTchs. one a Thirteenth ad Psvs T"e"ts. "Rev. H. t. Xoson. pastor, and one on Rossel ard F"r.t stroets. Rev. C- J- 1 -as- n . ;x4-tor. The foiow"rc neso'.-.:;on was tmani mo us". y aoopt od by 1 5io d is' r'x t c on f cr ertoe ; A.ea?. Te worV of ;c MeTbodit Kp: oorvsi Ciyi-b aT.onp e rr.o-o ihaTi ?. 00 ?-oil-- on '.be fS'.-.i.' Coast as tmponan" a? ;.e work of oar chtstvh anywnene ami( anv fore' e?-.ivak:f peoj-'.e. and Wfr.v Obs-:-aiion ani experience Tiav p-o-n :at our oV-jr-V w art for- e;n-T""aV:ns ts;" canpo be carried on as w-.i'i and tToc: ;vey w ,ie n d:vidi up in t.e Enrr75?i-?jv(ak;nc dis'ricts and confer f nt'f s ns wlen ovaiv.xotl in fli".ricia and conr-rrst-e by j:.f arni "Wbro T!:e p-roat majority of lb Swed ish Motliod.si-a on ine Coast feei ihe nted of orsa n:ans if em selves m;o a mission cnferenoe and are asking: ihis iffTTinf ) centra i conference to gran: thm this prlvi lf ire; Resov-vl. 7'"a t - e. .o :n:r:i: rrs of the Fa .-e a ?i Iv.st r;o: of ih W est em Nor- La IV; s-h Cnfei-enoe. asembed ai oi:r d:tr:ct corferooe ;.i ror:;rd. t":-m 4:h day of April. l.iv ;. resject rully pe'i'.ton ii centra C;-nferrno ;o jrant th reo-jos': of c-ur "e-i-. -.h brethren on i Cc ast a ad pa-s an en a b. :ns act to tiat effect. ALDEN WILL WALK BEAT Officious Polit e C lork Is Kclicved of Office lut. C. T. Aider., a member of the police department, who has been serving as cierk f the captain of detectives. w;il waik a boat after this. Alcen was trans ferred by Ca pt in Ej i y yesterday from station duty to t ho scc-ti d n : eh t rel ief . which operates from 11.1a P. M. until morn in a. "Head too iarse for his shoul ders." is the terse explanation given for A i d e n ' s re a ss i p r. m ej--1 . Aiden served for two yejirs as clerk un dr fX-Cantam Bruin . and was a warm advocate of Krtiin methods. He was one of the orisnators of the system of so prossirs 11 news from ih pub.'c a s--fm whu h was bvkvn up in a few wo-eks. aio :rveni'd the system of rxcludire a'd ;ercns othr thn members of th doartment from ridir.e on the patrol waC'm. even in emerency cass. His en terpr: in T-se various directions iff hetd larffIy responsible f.-r his trarsfer eno" to the grjveyard shift, where his ac tivities will be limited to walking a beat. BUILDING PLANS REVISED Y. M. C. A. Structure to Be evcn Moric Instead of Six. It has been decided by the Building Committee of x'.e Y. M. C. A. to revise the p'un. fT t;.e new b-iildir.g. makir.r it seven stories in heiarht instead cf six as oriein :j. ily planned. It was dis covered that by eiimin a tine the rear section of the bni-dine oetwecn rr.e Two lieht wt.Is, thus ms.kine a larpe rovrt, an s d d i ; i or. ai story c o ti d be added to the structure without mate rial increase in cost. Ki c tires f -r the bu il-Vre as or : gi n a1. ' y planned were bta ined several weeks azo. but the Buildine Commit- tee derided to reject all bids and ask for new bids covering sh changed I p'an. The contract wi'l be awarded ss soor. as a. tht bids are in. TV.ese w; 3 be rcc by t arc hit e- ts. 1a Naig1 ton. Raymond & Lawrence, until Apr! Stirs Kaii-Aay and Terminul Co. Before a jury in Judc-; O'Day's depart ment of the Circuit Court Richard Shi.-Ids is suiT.it the Southern Pacific Company and t: e Norrhern Ps.cifio Terminal Com pany to recover fV.V damag-s. His testimony on the witness-stand yesterday afternoon mas to the effect that he was struck by a Southern Pacirie engine while he wa at the foot of the steps at the west end of the S.ee! bridge. These steps lead from the tracks to the upper deck of the bridge. Shields said no warn ing s-.gnal wa given, and that he was knock-d unconscious, and his rignt arm and shoulder ere fractured. The ac fident occurred at 11 A. M., IecemDer 33. 1. iiectacie $L00 avt letxsr'a. . , rrmmr- . ,l"V"yT'"'a-X;'W" ' "U'"'" " "f " wf iTWUMiwiKn : : r - - x ' : - ? n $ I " 1 . - s -f v t - i i j ! j ; : ; ... - - Zl? - i n - i f'K -wr ....... . -- Ai ----- - r-mm-f - iin-tif-- - -f ri- - ft lm -iinfi - mm ft if Tani-" " & s , , . - .J VOTERS RIXSTKRINti AT THE COTS TV CLERK'S OFFICF. TWELVE HUNDRED REGISTER Total Enrollment of Voters Is Now Well Past 30.000 Mark. WILL REACH 31.500 TODAY Rook Will KfflK" After Primaries and It Is Evpwtl That Reisi ra tions Bervne June Election Will Exceed Seattle" S5.000. T uval rv? sir:isi o v.ter went j fwr -.lie .V nirk bef-e oVUvk lasl j r.i.ct. Brfor T?H' Nvks oVv. at 5 P. M. j ?ids that there wi"! he upwards of 31. ; rcg:s;cred. some of the notaries in outly ) ing district not yet having sent in the t names of those whom they have repis- tered. These will come in to swe.l the i nnal r.g-.ires. Before the general election ; in Juno County Clerk Fields expects that ! the registration will go above Seattle's When the co i r.; was made ; p at ? I o'clock iast nicht it was found that dur t inc th d:y had signed up. There, i wire iH K-puhicans. 214 IVmoorats and ; el ur c". a sscd. T h- gr a n d total last n i gr. t wa.: 152. of whiom 3.571 are Rep.;b!v:-ans, 1 f" arc IVmocrats and "1 are of other po- : luiea! faiths. ! Almost a:i day yesterday there was a ; lone lin of men waitine their turn at the books. Svera t:ms during tr.e day and ! last r ;gh; the line extencied from the County Clerk's office out mto the Court ' bouse corridor, and nearly to the front ! door. The work of rreistrirg t-.e voters , was handled systematically and raptd'y by the deputy clerks, so that none was . kept waiting longer than was absolutely rit ccssar. j Final Grand Rush Today. i ! Tod a y w i j ! see the gran d fl n s 1 rush of the last-Tirniue proerastinators. Those who do not take advantage of this last . opportunity to register will rind them . selves praetical'y debarred from voting j April 17, for Swearing in votes is a. tedious j process, and those who resort to this ; method wii he compelled to spend con i s'derable time at the polls waiting for th registered voters to be attended to. : County Clerk Fields w::l suesrest to the . judees and clerks of election that the j ree.s'.ered voters be given preference over : those who come to have their votes : sworn in. Bch citiien to be worn in j must take with h'm six freeholders with : whom h is acquainted. These six must I make affidavits resarding the citizen's fit ! ness to -ote. A meeting of the judges ar.d clerks of j election will be held in Iepartment No. 1 i at the Courthouse Friday and Saturday : n.sMs at S o cIock. Friday r.scht the : West Side .iudzes and clerks will meet, i wni"-e on Saturday right those from the . F-ast S op wi",! be instructed as- to the j elation law. Sample ballot will be on , hand, together with ballot-boxes and elec I tion record bocks. Then a mock election j will be held, that the official may famil j iarise themselves with the duties they 1 will be expected to perform. Must Brinr Naturalization Papers. The rule o the County CWk is that all naturalized American citizens must bring with them their citizenship papers, but in case these have "oeen Jost and the ap plicant has reentered in Mj'ttnomah Co u n t y within r h last four y e a rs , the record can b? looked up. Those who come to the Courthouse without their papers, however, wili be obliged to wait until there are nor waiting to revKTer who would r delayed while the deputy clerks are lookine up the record. Dohtlss stirred by thouehfs of the comir.e loct iori, a n;imNr of aliens, be twen and 1 applied fr first citizen ship papers yesterday. A number also obtained their second papers, entitling them to fuil clf Jzcnship. A few days aftr the primary election, to be held April 17. the registration books aran will be rmened. nr-A win lrc vin I May 15. before the general election to be held June l. Lawyer ues Grievance Committee. Attorney H. C. King has come back at the grievance committee of the Oregon Bar Association with a suit in the Cir cuit Court to recover Hl.OO damages on the allegation that his reputation has been injured. The defendants in his action ai-A Frank S. Grant. M. E. Pogue, R. B. Fisher and A. F. Flegel. He aliestes that on February 10. W, the de fendants tiled an information against him alleging that he appeared before Judge Bronaugh on February 17 and IS. in crossly drujikea state, thus violating chm-swi him iriiti N1nir tinUUiwl ocn !um of ptrUiKMls liquors, says Kmg. SAYS ACTION WAS HASTY B. 3. osarlyn Rrpliejt to Criticism by Baptist Ministrrs-, That the action eter1y of the Baptist j Ministerial AjssociaTion fit ndvteod in iafrain rehukir.sr th street railway otvn pany for permmin picture and smj- slot machine in its First and AJder-treots wa.tinft-room. wa- the opinion expressed last piffht hv President B. S Jvvffclyn. of the company. Sa:d Mr. Jose1yn: "1 observe That the Baptist Ministerial Association hs aysin taken up the mat ter of the pK Hires tn the waitintr-maMtt of the Portia nd Raitwav. Iftht Powor CVmpany at F"rst and Aider streets. The ministers ary a Httie hasty, t had al ready taken action that wouM romox'e aiiy possibie cnuse for complaint on the part of the ministers or any one else. The company had leaded to a concern, known as the Pao'Tle CVt Con cession Cmpany. the prixilejre for the sale of eljrars and cards in the waitio-room. and this com pany, without the knowledge of the rail way company sib-josed the picture ma chine privUeipe to one FVitsi. Objection was made to the nature of these pictures and the- owners wore immediately onAored to have them removed. "We have done more than that. Wo have done it because we did not want to have a mttor of this kind made the sub ject of controversy between the railway co: v. pany aa d F: pt i si min is t or? or a n y one else. On April 1 we notified the Pa cific Coast Concession Company that their Ipusf was canceled. They have days in whioft to remove their belongings. We shall then make other arrangements. It seems to me that the ministers might easily have ascertained the facts by in quiring of me or any other responsible officer of the railway company." VOTE ON BOND ISSUE TODAY Taxpa-rrs to Say if Alblna Sliall Have S250.000 Hislt School. Between 1 and 4 o'clock this after noon, the taxpayers of Portland School District Xo. 1 will pass on the pro posed issue of bond to the amount of $':'. 0J' for a High School to be con structed in Albina. No opposition has developed to the proposed issue of bonds, the election for which was voted unanimously at the annual school meeting two months ago. Under the state law regulating the voting of bonds for additional school facilities, it is provided that the elec tion be held in the ofnee of the School Clerk, between 1 snd 4 o'clock in the afternoon. In order for the taxpayers of the district to vote on the proposed issue of bonds, it will be necessary for them to call at the office of the Dis trict Clerk, in his office at the City Hall, between the hours announced. At a recent meeting of th Board of Education, several taxpayers from the outlying districts called and requested that the hours of the election be con tinued until 9 P. M.. to enable many of the patrons of the district to par ticipate, but they were referred to the law, which requires the voting to be held between 1 and 4 P. M. It is ex pected that the taxpayers will vote unanimously for the bond Issue. OREGON APPLES IN AFRICA Portlandcr Receives "Letter From Brother In Orange Colony. The market for Oregon apples is limited only by tha circumference of the globe. Rev. T. J. Jonas, an Eglish rr.an, who Is working in the local mis sionary field, reports having received a letter from his brother, who Is lo cated in Orange Colony. South Africa, in w-hlch he says that the pcopl of that district are eating Hood River apples. Originally. the fruit was shipped from Oregon to New York, and thence to London, from whence it was forwarded to South Africa, the journey requiring at least six weeks. Oregon apples are shipped to aH parts of the world, shipments being made to China and Siberia and Con tinental Europe. In fact, the National reputation for Oregon apples has been established largely through the product of Hood River. TAXES NOW DELINQUENT Many Take Advantage of Last Day to Pay. County tax money poured into the Sheriff s office all day yesterday and un til a late hour last night, for yesterday was the last day when taxes could be paid without the addition of the 10 per cent penalty. Those who have not yet paid at least one-half their taxes must now pay 10 per cent additional. anJ 1 per cent a month until the amount is paid. Many have taken advantage of the law which allows them to pay one-half then- taxes before April 7. and the balance before October 5. The deputies have been too busy to COUGH SEMEBf Conghs,Colds, cfeoyp, ma'. fool up (h totals pM in since April S. At Hit timo $:i.8'i remained to le paid, in addition to the which is being protested by the O. R. & X. Com pany. Deputy S. B. Martin will prob ably give out the totat collections today. DR. POLING WILL RETURN Weil-Known Factor Summoned to Albina Chnrrh. One of the most important an nouncements in connection with the appointments made at the annual con ference of the United Evangelical Church held at Dallas. Is that Dr. C. C. Poiing will return to Oregon, and has been appointed to the Second United Evangelical Church at Kerby and Fargo streets. Albina. He will be here in about two weeks. Dr. Poling has been president of the Western University at La Mars, la., for the past two years, going there from the presidency of Dallas College. Ho had a special work to do for that university and having finished it is ready to resume his duties in Oregon, where he had been in active work for nearly ?(! years. Dr. Poling has many friends in Portland and throughout the stare who will be glad to hear that he will return. Rev. A- A. Winter has been sent back to the First Church. Tenth and Sherman streets, for his fourth year. RIOTING BEGINS IN PARIS Striking Builders Attempt to Ie stroy Material in Yards. PARIS. April 6. The first incipient rioting in connection with the lockout of bricklayers, masons and anted work men occurred today in the Place de la Bastile. A crowd of workmen attempted to force an entrance, into the Tiui'dins vards with the intention of wre.ckin Mothers axe at their wit's end many times trying to find a safe, nourishing food for the baby that's just been weaned. This is an impor tant epoch in the little one's life and on securing proper food depends the future growth of the child. Grape-Nuts soaked in hot milk, then cooled to the right temperature, with a little sugar, meets the requirements of the newly weaned child in 99 cases out of a 100 per haps an even hundred! Try a teaspoonful, softened to a paste with a little of the hot mfflf and then all mixed together half a cupful It's safe because Grape-Nuts is made only of wheat and bar ley and baked from 12 to 16 hours. It's a great food for babies or grown-ups. "There's a Reason." k atmaat-i avka. laaaIW We sell Selz Royal Blue shoe "YOU'LL, find one thing about this shoe store that's worth finding about any place where you spend your money You can't get anything but good shoes here. We sell Selz Royal Blue shoes, because they help uphold our reputation for quality ; they're good shoes for us to sell because they're so good for you to wear. The new Spring styles arc very smart. $350, $4, $5. All sir., material, but they wer prevented by the arrival of police reserves. Unless a speedy settlement of the con troversy 1s arrived at. workmen of allied t ra des to th number of 1 Srt. w will bo called out in sympathy. The masters are stapding firm. They contend also that the labor organizations of late have deliberately engaged in spoiling their work and destroying material, with the purpose of forcing acquiescence to their demands. oAn.Y mvtkoroio;tcai, rkpokt. PORTUNP, April a Maximum temper ature, dea-ref ; minimum. V River reart inr t H A. M.. feet: chne in lart 24 hour. OS feet. Total rainfall. , W M l 5 r. M-, .Ort inch; total rainfall at nee Sep tember 1 . tfwvr. .trt 47 tneh: normal. ST 4t inches; deficiency. AM incha. Total mm "Mie Anril 5, R hours: poemMe i:i hour 1 The Finest of Uprights at Actually Less Than Factory Cost Splendid Instruments as Low as $168, $196, and One at $98 Pay $1.50 Weekly Act Now. $350 Mahogany Upright, well-known make, only $168. ; A superb, strictly highest grade $475 Upright, in elegant ma hogany case, now only $235. A fine, full-sized Upright, in pretty oak case, sold everywhere at $400, offered in this forced-out sale at $196, and others easily worth $375, $450, and as high as $525, go at $172, $218 and $246. Among them are such well-known makes as the Behr Bros., Kimball, Jacob Doll, Steinway, Arion, Grammer, Brinkerhoff, etc. Remem ber, too, that all cash is not necessary in fact, well accept, in some cases, as low as $1.50 weekly ; or, if you desire, you can pay by the month. Bear in mind, however, that quickest action is necessary to secure choice. Come in at once today if possibe. GRAVES S CO. Deal Gently with the Bowels Don't be Harsh Some poop) say, "Caacsreta are too gentle. I need a strong physic." The trouble is this : They have takes harsh physic nntfl their bowels are calloused. Nature has catised the bowel linings to harden to resist the attacks of harsh pills. And the bowels fail in tbeir natural functions while that hardness exists. Ia such cases, take Cascarets o teener one tablet night and morning. Cascarets won't irritate. They are as gentle and natural as a tazatjre food. Soon the bowel lining grows soft again, and begins to resume its fa actions. "L0VELE1G OPENED TO PUBLIC THURSDAY, APRIL 9 and IVI.Uh. Marked In rl.ln It mHk. Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. m'mnr. Umwneler r..1vtoed 1. new level. ( T P. M.. :!0 -.V. iiii'hr! A lMrire htit:i-preft.ilre urea t. central pfl Hi. m.Mith of l!ie rotumbu HIv.! and m 1iturl'nce of dei.d.'i1 rliir'ter In c.mrn! ir I xn'.x. -nr!ntf the l.t '24 hour. Itch. how..re Ii.ve fKen in m.nv !.. tn the North pn.Mri siMte. and In a few loctUlite. a vrrv I'irht fall of ..now hnji Oi-eiirred Tlie tempernturo t. from five to ten deame. ooloiv norm.! and the outlook I. favorjtolo for Khun froel in enoeed Itv.Mtto. dnrin the net two mornhtc. with modernteiv miid edernoon.. i;on-rsllv fair weather wl!l nrevnil Tueday ov.-oot In Sotttheaat ern Idaho, where rain or snow la probable. FORKfASTJ. Portland and vicinity lalr and warmer; novlhwest winde Woatorn Orerton and Western Waehlnirlon Kair. warmer, except near the cnaxt : nort h ec.t wind. KaMevn Oreaon. VTamcrn Vhinton and Northern Idaho Fair and warmer. Southern Idaho Kalr wcet. probably rain or .'-ow .Tt portion JL No matter where you go or how long you shop, the equal of this great money saving event cannot be found. We're compelled to sacrifice everything in our present quarters, for reasons which are now thoroughly understood. There's no time to lose. A choice, virtually new $300 Upright, now $146. A splendid 100,000 Copies of SHEET MUSIC 5c 6 for 25c 328 Washington St. Then Cascaret a day is enough, and a little later yon need none. For Cascarets the bowels. They bring back the natural action. They heal what physics destroy. No harsher laxative can be used without injury, and none is ever necessary. Cascaret are eaaxtr tabfeta. They are mold br an oragviats. bat never to balk. Be sura to sat the grerrame, with C C C on ceat tmbtai. rae box maraaa law tua: Tha Test-poeket box is 10 cents. The montb-Ugat men I box S ceata. 12.000.QOO boxea (old annually.