THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. 11 our money is fetter here than y where else. V H Y? because it will buy more. We brand all tate mfO that we ban die Kant era froura meat an ntalfrloua 11c, fend forthrrmore we Nhon onr meata with the date of wlnnKlitrr atamprd thrrron. ronvinofna; ynn that It Is abo Inlrly fresh. See yotireIf, 1 A RMERS& STOCK MEN OF OREGON: We are using great quantities of Veal, Pork, Kggs and Poultry. Anything that you may hare in those articles -will bring top market price and quick returns. We are sending out weekly circulars of prices that we pay for product the following week. If you will send us your address we will gladly put you on our mailing list. Our prices for the ensuing week are: Choice Fat Veal 80 to 8y26 Hogs, weight 140-180 7i20 Hogs, weight 180 to 250 70 Heavy Veal, from. . .-.70 to 72t? Try us on a shipment; see if we can't give you better and quicker returns than you have been getting:. MAURI OP MARKET GO. THE HOME OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEATS On the Corner, First and Alder Streets MARKET BASKETS FREE. M will prive on Saturday only vHth ffh $1 pnrchae a jtood atrona; market basket, absolutely free. Ask for them. EASTERN OREGON'S CHOICEST CATTLE. Api- solH here. W'c will vni yon any rot from the beef, rijrht before you. We won't pro Inlo ny dirty back room to bring; out Home old scraps. Soun Meat, lb :...34 Bollir.R Meat. Ib.'..: 5-6 Stew Meat, lb 5-fi Pot Roast, lb 7 -? Rump Roast, lb St-10e Prime- Rib. !b lOe-12"-4 Rnuntl Fteak, lb lO Sirloin Steak, lb Small T-Bone. lb Largo T-Boni.', lb lSe Liver, lb. Hearts, lb. Kidnevs, lb. Tripe, lb. ... Brains, lb. . .5 5 .'."ibS .12 ViC POULTRY AND EGGS. Me have a very rholcr lot of dry pleked C hicken. They are hlg-b. but are nnre nt jteltlns; your money worth irbra you buy a nice fnt hffl here. Chlrkn, Ih 16t-18-20 Strictly fresh Oregon Ranch Kcps at. dozen 20 Since running these Saturday specials we have been highly gratified with the large increase of trade that they have drawn to us. That in itself speaks very highly of the truth of our recent ads. As we said before, anything we advertise to do WE DO. We think that you will ftryl it worth your while to drop in and see us today. Special Cut in Prices of Roasts 7 Lard 3 lbs. Lard 5 lbs. Lard 10 lbs. 60c $1.15 If you do not like it, we will gladly refund yonr money 35c Remember, that this is lardroot a mixture VEAL., ThU I. the time that the very rholcest of small milk-fed Veal are at their best. W. have superb lot for yon Satnrriay. Veal Stew and Pumpllngs, b....8(i Breast Veal Stuffed, lb., lOe Breast of Veal Shoulder, lb.. 12 ViC Loin or Rib Chops, lb 15 of Veal, lb 12iie Veal Chops, lb 12Vi Com', early for first choice. BACON. choice lot of fine 15 Cents FISH DURING A very Breakfast Bacon for vou at Regular price, 20c; try a lb. PICKLES. We carry every kind of pick, lea and ollyes that yon can ask for. ASK AND PJTK LENT. Has Increased onr trade In onr flan department tremendously, and we sell at prices that are riarhti Salmon, lb IS. Choice Halibut, 3 lbs 25? Shrimps, lb 15e Claras, dozen 15 Little Neck Clams, lb 5i Try n Roast of Halibut or Salmon for a chaise. MUTTON. The flaeat Rant era Oresrna Wether Mit ton In Portland. loo do not need to take onr word come and aee for yourself t Mutton Stew, lb e Mutton Chop?, lb. 12 inn iron ssnoiuaers, id.. .. Mutton 19, lb Mutton Loin Chops, .lb Mutton Breftst, lb Thee prlre look blub, bnt yon all know tbat food Mutton la Tery 1Kb and acaree. PORK. This Is Oregon grain-fed perk. We do not have to have our pork shipped from Nebraska, as some of our neighbors do. Oregon pork Is good enough for ns. We know you will like it. 3 lbs. Puro I.ard 35 5 lhs. Pure Lard (SOc 10 lbs. Pure Lrd, special SI. IS rem .aiiFBg", (o. . . . . Pork Shoulder, lb.... Pork Roast, lb Choice Cut Shoulder, Pigs' Feet, lb Pigs'. Head, lb Leg Pork Roast, lb.. Hams, lb Pickled Pork, lb VEAL SAUSAGE. "We make a greater amount of Veal Sausage than any shop in Portland. Why? Because we ie psni. sell at 3 pounds for... vCniS lb. JO ...v.ioe X uc ..124 . . 1 2 i i SPRING LAMBS We hare received a very choice lot of Spring Lambs, which we know are worth your attention, and the price is right Hindquarter Lamb, pound 2O0 Frontquarter Lamb, lb 15 Loin of Lamb, pound 200 Shoulder Lamb, pound J.&0 We will furnish you the mint free with your purchase. GOOD NEWS We again have in stock that very High-grade Butter that we have been selling you all "Winter; the finest Butter, we believe, in the Northwest. Ask for Goldenrod. Price, per roll. 700 "We also have the agency for one of Oregon's Best Creameries and can sell you a Butter made right at home. Ask for Carnation Brand. Price, per roll 700 Good Butter, roll 600 EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS FROM 7:30 TO 9:30 P. M. Loin Steak, lb. . . . Salmon, 2 lbs. for. 11 250 250 Just to see what prices will do for business, we are going to offer you for two hours Saturday the greatest reductions in the price of meats that ever happened. LOOK AT THEM. - Loin Fork Chops, 2 lbs. for 250 T-Bone, lb.'. 12Vst Halibut, 4 lbs. for . Prunes, 6 lbs. for..; 250 Pork Sausage, 3 lbs. for.......'. 250 Shoulder, Pork, lb..- , 9 Pigs' Jowls, lb . .....4 TRY THESE THEY ARE WORTH TWICE THE PRICE: REMEMBER, WE ARE ON THE CORNER. THE MARKETS TO THC WEST OE US MAY SCRAP ALL THEY WANT; WE WANT BUSINESS. EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS FROM 7:30 TO 9:30 P. M. 0 tOMMMcVR&ETS PT UUAV TINGL.E. IN thedays of the Caesars, we are told, a single stem rf choicest Ravenna afltuLrairuB sometime weighed as much hjb three pounds. In the Ind century, cer tain African explorer, who, itorirs are more rirturn.ue than convincing report that they found In (Ictulla. naparaaua, ot excellent Quality and vary beautiful growth, po leofl than 13 foot hrh. With ' these Haures before me. I heal t ate In fie- aorthmg aoine cholna Mpn.rn.irua en in the Portland markeia a "large and fine." But there were aoma bundle of "fancy (luallty" at ft) centa onch wbicn looked very atr-raotive a,nd would ault rrry alee of-H.ppetite miH-h better than the ftavenna. or Oetulia Wnd, trnod. plain AHparagus. wlt-hout "friila," urai to be had for 12H cerrta a pmtnil, tv you know the trick of cooking a pantctia In aueh a manner that the heads are steamed While the a talk is bolltMl, so that a frreater extent of atalk Mtn be softened without d?ina;er of overcooking th tip? Aitlohokea are plentiful, con tin 16 cents jnr uireo or xoiir, acoomina; w mm. in- matnea are rather lower in price, nice L -fnea beinir obtalnnhle for 20 cents a pound. I Hothoueo ououmhera atlll coat 25 to 36 Nteents ervh. Green paa are cheaper, at ISSfc to 0 oenta a pound. AM rhe different ktnHti nf irwni men tioned last, week are (rood and plentiful. tn-pRon radiahea fcr coming in and are well-flavored and trnder. Finely chopped, they make a pleasant aldltion to a vin aUrfttte sauoe. Ohlvea are ftood for the tamo purpose and can be had at 15 to 25 cent a root. Cauliflower la not aa good as It has been, but there Is atlll excellent celery to be had the "celery hearts" at 6 centa a bundle beinjr particularly econom ical where a quantity la needed as a relish or for aaJad, Thera were some pood little r rencn carrots at w cents a ouncn; ana a few irtiifthronms at 75 cents a pound. but hardly enough of the latter to be worth montlnnmjr. Strawberries at W cerrta a baeket were to be had, thousrh at present I prefer rhubarb, freeh and pink., at In to cents a pound. 1 aa- terrapin at $10 a dozen, but as the creatures were surrounded by an In (prested group of Japanese, and the last words that I henrd from the market man were, "Well, take the lot or leave them it ia quite poaethle that by now all the t'rrapin have been butchered to make a Nippon holiday, and you may seek for thfm in vain. Sea trout and striped bass at 31 to cents a pound were amona; t he most Inviting of the flph displayed. Smelt and insrkerei were not plentiful, though there were a few at 10 cents and lo rents pound, respectively. Catfish and sole were lfi cents, aa usual, and California ehad was the same price. Rock cod and black cod were both 12H cents. I sa some particularly pond silver perch at 10 cents. Croppiee. herring, salmon, hali jhhut, erabe, e'irimpe and plants complete I the list of nh for this week. I 1 noticed a nice fore qunrter of Spring I lamb for tl and a hind quarter of the I same for Jl.fO. Also a fine boned shoulder of val that was to make a suhiianthil 1" rca-st f or vBome good-sized family. rn tiJ t r-f nrlrnia n-nca ahniit tha sdmn hilt for variety there were some good pfeons at 80 cents each, as well aa squabs at 75 centa a pair, and some particularly ' fancy" squabs at $1.2f a pair. I should think It would be very plea.iant to raise squabs at the latter price. GETS BLACK-HAND LETTER (SPECIALS TODAY AT) Xrw York Produce Exchange la Threatened With Destruction. NT,W THTIK. Arril S. Members of the Produce Rxchnnge are worried over a threatening Black Hand; letter received today by TV. H. Trafton. one of the prom inent men on the exchange floor, which stated that unless fl was paid over by tonight the exchange would be de stroyed next week. The aid of the police headquarter? has been enlisted to determine the source of ihe letter. In fumrvn tattooing i? a lone and p'nfi. process, but one that Is thoupht to confer irrwt honor tipon the ntif tattooed. It has a PC'tal Interest to EngttJ'h-spr.'ikinK races lea;i our word "taT.v n formed from a rpfturl iraTion of the To! jrnpsian word ta," For Saturday CHICKENS, GEESE DUCKS, TURKEYS Butter, roll 55 and 65e Ranch Eggs, dozen 20 1 Chinook Salmon, lb 15C Halibut, 3 lbs ; 25c Milchner Herring, keg 81.00 Honey, 2 combs 25c Large Eel, lb 20 Columbia Fish Co. Third n4 Ankcojv Phoam, Mla , A S9 Come here today prepared to buy, not only a few things, but everything necessary for your Sunday dinner. The very cream of fertile old Oregon's products are here, and you will notice that many items are priced at figures that make the visit well worth your while. If you consider quality with price, you will be better pleased at DRESSER'S. DRESSER MEATS We try to give all customers meat that will cause them to re mark about its excellence when it is served. Your trade of to morrow and next year is just as important to us as that of to day. DRESSER'S Sirloin Steaks lb 18 DRESSER'S Fresh Pork Hum Steaks, lb :.18tf DRESSER'S Fresh Pork Ham Roasts, lb 12a DRKSSER'S Shoulder Roosts of Lamb, lb 15 DRKSSER'S Shoulder Roasts of Veal, lb 1212 DRESSER'S Choicpst Spring Lamb Shoulders, lb 20 DRESSER'S Fancy Tickled Pork, lb 15 DRESSER'S Pure Pork Sau- sape, lb 20C DRESSER'S Select Teal Sau sage, 2 lbs. 1 .25 Fruit Specials ORANVES Nice, larjre, size 126, oranges at, per doz.35 APPLES We have just 79 boxes of all fancy Hood River. 4-tier Rhode Tsland Greenings, Baldwins, Gainos, Red Cheeks and Hen Davis Apples. Don 't miss this chance, the lot will po to day at, box $2.00 Read These "Standard" Corn and Toma toes, today 3 tins 25 Singapore Sliced or Grated Pineapple, reg. 20e the can, today, doz $1.50; two cans, 25Ct each 15 Norwegian Smoked Sardines, reg. 15o can, today 10c Crosse & Blackwell's Kippered Herrings, six tins $1.25 or, each 1 25h Smith 'k Kippered Herrings, six tins, $1.10, each..; 20 The Candy Counter DRESSER'S Cream Mixed Candies, reg. 2fc, today. 20 DRESSER'S Famous Nougat, reg. 40c; today 30 DRESSER'S Chocolate Chips, reg. 50c, today 400 "SPECIAL BLEND" And before you complete your order tell the man to put in a pound of Dresser's "Special Blend," the coffee we guar antee will please you or cost you nothing. Haven't your neighbors told yon about this coffee f Always 3 pounds for $1.00; lb." ..- 350 FIFTH AND STARK BAKERY ITEMS The Bakery, the cleanest, air iest and most high-grade shop in Oregon, offers the follow ing excellent specials for today. DRESSER'S Genuine German Fruit Loaf, reg. 25c 200 DRESSER'S Chocolate Cream Layer Cakes, made with pure whipped cream, reg. 25c 200 DRESSER'S Assorted Cookies, reg. 10c doz., 4 Aoz 250 DRESSER'S Assorted Pies, thousands know them for their quality. Mince Pies made with Heintz' goods and the other kinds equally fine; reg. 23c; today 200 Smaller Assorted Pies, four slices, each 100 Some Wine for Sunday We have the purest of im ported, and domestic goods. Also the finest Whiskies and Brandies in bulk or bottle. Today: California Port and Sherrv, reg. $2.00 the gallon. $1.50 Dewar's "Special" Scotch, reg. $1.25, for $1.10; "Ex tra Special," reg. $1.35, for $1.25 Excellent, guaranteed pure, Bourbon and Rye Whiskies, best value on the coast at, gallon $-1.00 White Clover Butter In Wax Cartons First in Quality Because ofOur Experience First in Sales Because of the Buyers Experience T. S. T0WNSEND CREAMERY COMPANY PORTLAND ASTORIA SALEM LYONS DALLAS SEATTLE UTTER Fine Storage Butter, per roll... 500 California Butter, per roll 600 Trout Lake Butter,' per roll 650 Elk Creek Butter, per roll 650 Corvallis Butter, per roll 700 EGGS, 2 DOZ ....350 Henion-Henley Co. 267 YamhilL Main J789.-A2774. FOR A FIRST-CLASS SUNDAY DINNER : Call on G. C0VACH 8 CO. : They handle the best Poultry, Fish, Crabs and Oysters in the market. Always reliable. Phone or call at 275 First. J Phones A S535, Main 535. SAVE YOUR MONEY Best Creamery Butter.. .600, 650 Dairy Butter 450 and 500 Eggs, 2 dozen 350 Ranch Eggs, strictly fresh, doz. 200 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs 350 Best Sugar-Cured Hams, lb..l2V20 Remember, Saturday is Chicken day. La Grande Creamery gSi Yamhill. Some Are Wise Cash Buyers Others Are Otherwise BIG SATURDAY SPECIAL Main 1412 1st and Taylor Sts. Al 4 1 2 SATURDAY ONLY 18 Pounds Sugar $1 Fyfra nprfal 20 lls sugar for $1.00 Hams Is A 11 U JJJCllQl With This Order The best sugar-cured we can possibly buy, 1 lb. Coffee 250 7-bar box Toilet Soap ...250 1 bottle Extract 150 1 lb. any kind Tea 250 1 bottle' Cider Vinegar 100 per lb Hams ... ..1O0 tottage rlams 1 lb. Loaf Sugar...., 1 lb. Monarch Coffee. $2.0Q ....250 ...250 Pwmie 3 nflilinmi: T?Aitnfl2? 3 eflns Com 3 glasses Jelly .. ..250 3 cans Salmon 3 cans Tomatoes ..250 -I cans Lye .... Free Basket With Every $3 Order .12VS0 12 .250 ..250 .250 Ranch Eggs, 2 dozen 350 MEATS Beef Porterhouse Steak, per lb 12V40 Loin Steak, per lb 12V20 Round Steak, per lb 1O0 Whole Rump, per lb 80 Leg- of Beef, per lb 70 Porterhouse Roasts, per lb 12x20 Ixiin Roasts, per lb 12V20 Round Roasts, per lb 100 Pot Roasts, per lb 60, 70, 80 Special Veal Sale Veal Stew, per lb 80 Veal Roast, per lb 100 Veal Chops, per lb 10 Veal Loin, per lb ..120 Veal Leg, per-lb 12Vi0 ATeal Sausage, per lb 12Vi0 Pork Pork Roast, per lb 120 Pork Steak, 2 lbs 250 Fresh Ham, per lb ..llVi Fresh Sides, per lb ...12V2 Dry Salt Pork; per lb 12Vs0 Loin Pork Roats, per lb 14 5 lbs. Navy Beans 5 lbs. Pink Beans 1 gallon Columbia Syrup .250 .250 .450 Pioneer Cream 3 Cans for 25c 250 300 50 250 3 packages Macaroni 1 lb. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate Prunes, per lb 1-quart bottle Salad Oil SATURDAY ONLY. 2 lbs. Full Cream Cheese 1 package Postum 1 package Fig Prune . 25 oz. K. C Baking Powder ....250 ....200 ,...2O0 ...200 Spuds, Per Sack, SOc 10-lb. sack Cornmeal .. 10-lh. sack Rolled Oats . 10-lb. sack Farina 10-lb. sack Graham .... 10-lb. sack Pastry Flour .250 .350 .350 .300 .300 Soaps fi bars Naptha Soap 13 bars Soap 6 bars Baby Elephant Soap . . . 250 .250 250 Flour "Our Special" Brand. $1.10 SACK, BARREL. $4.30 Butter SSc and 60c Famous Norway Creamery .65 $500 Guarantees It's Purity Crescent Baking Powder FREE DEMONSTRATION AT 'THE PEOPLES" SATURDAY Free Demonstration of Candy and Syrup Made From Mapleine BUY YOUR MEATS AT WHOLE SALE PRICES HAMS LARD BACON Were you one of the many that profited by the exceedingly low prices we made last Saturday on our Hams, Lard, Bacon and other meats? We are going to give another opportunity at the same low prices. Don't miss this. These goods are fine and you never heard of such prices before. The Best Sugar-cured Ham,' lb . . I2140 Bacon, pound .... ..150 Mutton Stew, pound 6 Shoulder of Mutton, pound 80 Leg of Mutton, pound Shoulder Roast of Pork, pound 10 Loin of Pork, pound 12M Five pounds Lard . 550 Extra choice Sirloin Steak .... 12i2 Extra choice Porterhouse . ..150 Extra choice Boiling Beef . . .50 to 60 Extra choice Round Steak 100 Extra choice Hamburger, 2 lbs. . .150 Extra choice Leg of Lamb 150 We guarantee our Lard to be pure kettle-rendered Leaf Lard. At the prices we quote hams today they are the very cheapest meats in the market. Buy one and sco THE BOSTON PACKING CO. CORNER THIRD AND ANKENI STS. Branch Market: FIRST AND BURNSIDE STS.