Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 31, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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    . J
Ma I li"n ; han rtoomc 6-story pressed brick,
just completed ; four-room, reception hall
and bath residence apartment, possessing
vrry modern convenience, f including ciec
t rlr a ii ton j a Mc elevator and telephone (i
charjjfi; hardwood floors throughout; the
mumum of enveninoe, elegance and
equipment at ncl Ingly reasonable terma
$v. to $-5 pr month. Location and sur
roundings unsurpassed.
NEW APARTMENT FLAT In beautiful co
lonial building for quiet, fastidious peo
ple; six iargn outside rooms, steam
heated, hot and ci'l water, af range;
l-w rent. Janitor, 603 Flanders at- Main
WELLINGTON COURT. 13th and Everett;
handsomely furnished 4-room residence
apartment, also 2-room unfurnished: oak
floor.; mantel wall beds; possessing every
modern convenience; excellent location and
surroundings; reasonable prices.
TUB SHEFFIELD I'nfurnushed 4 -room apart
ment with bath; new, modern an 1 fully
quipped for convenience; fine location,
eave carfare. Apply to janitor, 7th and
Jefferson at.
THE VALLA VONT will have a few nicely
furnlnhcd rooms, with board, by the
fl.-t of the month; home cooking; steam
heat; a No table board. 376 Yainh.i.1, cor.
West Fark.
THE CHKTOI'A, 18 Flanders, 4-room mod
ern unfurnished apartment, tein heat.
telephone and elevator. Apply to Clarence
J. Wheeler, with I. Gevurtx & hop.
TUB Cadillac Hotel, 3d and Columbia; fine
newly furnished apartment, single or en
suite rooms; phone, bath; furnished house
keeping rooms.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21 at and Flanders.
wlL! have a beautiful 5-room unfurnished
apartment, April 1; steam heat, Janitor.
lumbia, furnished 4-roo.n apartment; rea
sonable rent; adults only, See janitor.
HARRISON COURT. 5tli and Harrison, un
furnished apartment of three rooms and
fth, all modern. Phone Main 5148.
FOR RKNT One of the beet steam-heated
fiats in the city; modern In every respect;
Cf nit ally located; rent 111, Including hot
and cold water.
2iM Ablngton bldg.
FOR RENT Two 6-t-oom flats. 15th and
Itavlft ats., upper corner flat $33; lower
flat .'10. Furnace, fireplace and shades.
All modern conveniences. Phone East
4 .lilt.
Mi'DKUN flats, all sizes, for rent. Eaat and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. 8. E. cor. ad and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72
FOR RKNT ft-rocai atrtctly modem flat at
401 i I2ih . M. K. Lee. room 411 Cor
bet t bldg. Phone Mm In 6860.
ONE of the most copvenlent and modern
6 -room furnished flats in the city for rent.
.Ml eth st.
LOW KR flat, partly furnished; references;
no children. Phones: A. 3412, Main 1O30.
263 7th at.
NEW men" era flat, cannot be excelled for
convenience; close in. 601 East Morrison,
tor. 15th.
NEW. modern ft-room flat. Lovejoy near 23d.
Vanduyn & Waltun, fil6 Chamber Com
merce. STRICTLY modern flat ltith and Gllsan.
Inquire North loth at. Phor.e A fttifiO.
PUrUKARLi; lower ft-rooin flat, 8M W. Park
Mt. Phone I'ac. 1-70 forenoon.
7-ROOM flat: mmlrrn conveniences. Inquire
airs, jiaicign rtou, ito i'-trs..
M 1ERN' 6-room upper flat. 701 Hoyt
st. Inquire :iiwi Wash. ft.
2;2 7TH 7-room flat. gas. electricity; cen
trally located, for rent.
Fl 10-lum.M Oat for rent. t2 East 27th at.
Phone H Uiltl.
UouHrkcrping Rooms.
FOLK bright, convenient, nicely furnished
hciii-vkeeping room; b-ith room, pantry;
tlrat floor; $21. lti Porter.
TWO pleasant rooms In Piedmont, noar
WHlianiR ave.; reasonable. Phone East
471. fall after 7 P. M.
Sl.'JTK of nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 108 j.ttu St., near Morrison. Phone
Main 8.i;.5. References.
Foi'R completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, suitable for four; walking distance.
Phone Main 6-135.
THE NEWCASTLE. 402Vfc 3d at., furnished
housekeeping room; also single rooms,
reaaonable. Main 800.
4-ROOM suite, nicely furnished; new build
ing; heat, private bnth, etc. 47a Salmon,
between Kith and 14th,
11 or SEK EE PI NO or sleeping rootna, clean,
newly fuj-nlahed. gas. bath, phone. $1.75.
oML' 4 Hawthorne ave.
11G TWO clean. furnished housekeeping
rooms; In.ludea electric light, basement,
attic. Phone A 21M0.
fiL'lTB large connecting rooma. comnletely
fumllied; 1 irt N. mth; gas range, rurnace,
laundry. Main Mul.
11 PHKRMAN, 2 nicely furnished houe keep
ing room privntr toilet, bath, sink, pan
try, walking distance.
42 CLAY Nicely furnished front alcove,
kitchen, bedroom: rent reasonable; walking
diWance; phone, bath.
10ft N. 18TH Newly furnished housekeeping
rooms; gits range, running water, every
thing convenient.
FOUR furniehed housekeeping rooms, $26. In
cluding light, heat, gas, phone. E. J. Mann,
750 Washington.
LJ(iHT housekeeping rooms for ladlea or gen
tlemen employed during the day. Phcne Pac.
1270, forenoon.
TWO pleasant connecting- rooms, furnished,
cheap to right persons; bath, phone Main
or A yiT.
KIRXIPilBn rooms, suitable for house
keeping; fun and bath; private family. 450
FOR RENT One large front furaished house
keeping room; no children; gas; first floor.
488 Everett.
THREE housekeeping rooms, ground floor;
front entrance; reasonable. Call 2 to 4,
2S nth.
NICELY fumu-hed room a for housekeeping;
clows In. Inquire at studio. 103 West
rrk st.
4 CLEAN, light housekeeping rooms, ground
floor; sink, bath, yard. $13 month 6tt2
TW O nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
gockt location. 8HH .leffersoB st., cor.
BRWJHT front suite; room for piano; also
smaller oat; light, phone, bath. 117 N.
. lih.
PLEASANT. cleian housekeeping room;
phone, gaa and batS. 41." Xyior, opr. nth.
TWO light rooms, hot, cold water in kitchen,
nantry. big closet and porvh. 2t9 7th st.
ONE and H vry nice modern housekeeping
rooms; sink laundry. 403 or 4t0 2d.
50 N. 19th. nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; phone bath, gas range: ring.
THE NK'KI M, :tv 6TH Furnished house
keeping aparcments; also single rooms.
THE FIR Furnihed housekeeping rooms;
venter of business. 32 N. 11th. A 3S00.
TWO. three or four nicely furnished house
keeping rooms for rent. ftt7 Irving St.
3"H li KH unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
l-atit t y. bath. yard. Phone B 15S?.
THKRK unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
n.iults onl. 7t East luh North.
TWO furnished housckee;ng rooms. Main
Sue. l;t Hth. txr. Taylor.
Fl'RN I SHED houekc"pinK room. 18 13th
st.. bi't. Alder and Morrison.
Jul H A LL Three newly furnished rooms;
yaj, phone, bath, laurdry.
SlOfSKK-EEPiNG suites. Just two left. The
i' 3d and Columbia.
KI RN 1 Ml ED housekeeping and sleeping
rpemf. It, N. I ii Ion ave.
Til RES unfurnished rooms, with large
don't .".51 College at.
TH K ELMS Housekeeping- rooms, completely
lurr.Nhed liU Hth st.
. NICK fiilte. hstn, g is. phone; private fam
ily: Sl itt3 N. 16th.
t' RMHED rooms for light housekeeping;
modern. 3Vt llth at.
0 v0 sets housekeeping rooms; one set mod
ern. SOS, 4iu tL
Hous-f-fceeputur Rooms.
Marshall st. ; newly furnished, fully
equipped for housekeeping. Including gas
range, with the free use of electric lights.
hot water, bat ha. large reception room and
laundry room, from $16 up; also single
rooms with similar conveniences, $2.50 pr
week up. There is nothing in comparison
In the city for the money. This place
will bear inspection. Fhort distance from
Union Inxt. Take "S" or lOUi-st. car
going north, get off at Marshal) st. rhones
Main 6771. A 4540. No . dog a allowed.
Cor. 21st and Flandera ts.. nicely fur
nished 3-roon. suite, reception hall and pri
vate bath, elegantly equipped for house
keeping; steam heat, free phone, janitor
service and everything right up to date; will
b vacant April 1; the best furnished and
most modem house in the city; no children.
Phone M. 2762.
WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett,
handsomely furnished 4 -room residence
apartment, also 2-room unfurnished; oak
floors; mantel wall beds; possessing every
modern convenience; excellent location and
aurroundlngs; reasonable prices.
Washington, cor. 20 th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE ONEONTA, 187 17th at., near" Yamhill.
nw nous, elegantly furnished. In suites
of 2. 3 and 4 roomi, hot and cold water,
gas range eaoh kitchen; steam heat,
baths, free phone each floor; ne children.
ENTIRE lower floor, four newly-papered and
furnished rooms; den liable location; Kant
Sk! North; piano, gas, bath, phone, small
yard, with posts. Phone Eaet 1032.
CLEAN furnished or unfurnished housekeep
ing and slteping rooms, St week; cottages
and flats also. Apply 364 North 26th. 23d
street care to 26th. turn south half block.
FOUR, furnished housekeeping room, lower
floor; attic, basement, porches, yard; $25;
no children. 664 6th at. Phone A 4538.
461 BAST MORRISON, cor. 8th, new ly fur
nished housekeeping suites, elect rle lights,
baths, reasonable; walking distance.
FRONT heated room, with comfortable
housekeeping accommodations,' for lady;
amall private family. 555 Yamhill.
TWO large neatly furnished housekeeping
r,oon.s; pleasant loactlon; phone, gas, fur
nace; reference. 655 Irving at.
$1.00 WEEK up. large clean furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry and Path. 184
Sherman st.. South Portland.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close
in. 300 U 4th at.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need
SOME furniture.
BUY AT NO-RENT PRICES; the savings
will exceed cost of moving.
one-half, collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2029.
GOOD 6 -room house on N.E. corner of. Eaat
11th and Burnside sis.; rent $30.
250 Alder St.
SMALL house, full furnlehed or unfurnished;
big lawn, good place far garden; rent rea
sonable. 1028 Eaat 3oth, Wygant, Look
this up.
MODERN 8-room house on carline, walking
distance, carpets and gas range for sale.
M 749, Oregon ian.
FOR RENT Modern 9-room house 14th and
Clay. Inquire W. H. Lesh, 513 Dekum
6-ROOM house, bath, gas and lawn, walk
ing distance. $20. 365 4th at., room &i.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room house. near
Steel bridge; rent $26. ail McMillen st.
5-ROOM house April 1. 548 5th. Call 42 N.
6th. Rent reasonable to small family.
TWO -modern 6 and 7 rooms; nice yard;
fruit; $16 and $20. Phone Main 3547.
FOR RENT House, 771 Hoyt St., near 23d
st. Apply at 778 Hoyt st.
FOR RKNT Modern 8-room faouse. 481 West
Tark st Phone B 2286.
6-ROOM upper flat; cookstove, furnace. 868
13th. Call 455 Market.
8-ROOM bouse for rent. Apply 106 14th
st. N.
278 N. 12TH 0 rooms. Phone Eaat 53.
Fnrnl rifled Houses.
B BA U T I Fl LL Y furnished 7-roora house.
Nob Hill district: reasonable to right
party; snap if taken at once. Party leav
ing city. 675 Gllttan. A (WiO.
10-ROOM house, nicely furnished, best lo
cality in city; for the Summer $100 per
month ; give reference. R 718, Oregonian.
FLAT 7 rooms, central; 6 furnished; bath.
gRs; adults; $35 month. Phone Main
fcOO. Room 62. after 6 P. M.
4 ROOMS of 5-room cottage, furnished; yard
and garden; $13, with water. 319 Mar
guerite ave,, Montaviilla.
NICELY furnished 5-room cottage for rent
reasonable. Inquire at 339 Sherman, bet.
hours l.and A p M.
ELEGANTLY furnished 7-room house. John
eon. 23d; May 1; 3 months; no children.
R 704, Oregonian.
FURNISHED 9-room house, thoroughly reno
vated. 12 Kelly at.; references. Inquire
21 Mulkey bMg.
MODERN 5-room" upper flat, nicely furnished
West Side. 10 minutes to P. O. ; phone
Monday A 3300.
FURNISHED 7-room modern house. Nob H1U,
walking distance; near car. Phone fore
noons, A 4353.
C-ROOM lower flat, modern, complete! v fur
nished; would sell furniture cheap; 'terms.
830 21.
N0W modern 6-room house, 772 East Yamhill
st.. near 23d. Phone Sast 3128 .or Bast
$35 6-room modem furnished home. West
Sine, Call 343 H Wash., room 3. Main
$35 Nicely furnished 7-room house. East
Burnside. near 20th. Phone East 5632.
$25 CLOSE In, East Side, furnished 6-room
bouse; gas. bath. Phone Sell wood 289.
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottace for rent.
Call 31 N, Park. bet. 4 and 5 o'clock.
ENTIRE lower floor, furnished; all modern
conveniences. Apply 113 13th.
House for Rent Furniture for SaIs.
FURNITURE of modern 7-room house for
sale; house for rent; 167 N. 17th st.; key
and particulara apply Room 4:16, Cham
ber Commerce.
CARPETS and furniture for partial fur
nishings of splendid flat for sale; every
thing first-class. 494 Morrison, flat
3d floor.
WANT 15 to 80 rooms, also 5 to 10-room
rooming houses, from owner; must be
first-class. Phone 10 and 12 A. M., Main
COMPLETE furnishings of 7-room steam
heated flat for sale, flat for rent. Atldresj
G 730. Oregonian. Phone A 5034.
6-ROOM modern bungalow; $20 per month;
all or part of furniture for sale. 95 E.
27th st. Phone B 1198.
FOR SALE OR RENT 'Furniture, newly
furnished 6-room flat; walking distance.
Phone Pacific 2941.
FOR 'RENT 6-room house, furniture for
sale, cheap. Apply at 90 10th St., between
1 and 2 o'clock.
FOR SALE Furniture 7-room house, central
ly located; house for rent; bargain. Phone
Paclti 7U5.
FOR SALE Furniture of modern 5-room flat,
all new; centrally located. 565 Everett st.
22-ROOM house, nicely furnished; fine loca
tion; terma Inquire 531 Couch at.
NEW 3-story brick building, 50x100 ft., good
wbolemle location: will itase half or whole
5 years, L 73U. Oregonian.
FOR RENT Two stores. 23x94. in ne-w
building. South 1st at.; low rent, long
lease. 409 Swetland bldg.
WELL lighted upper floor, 50x100; good
elevator. Inquire 91 Front st.
FOR RENT Corner store and 6-room flat
near Sunny-side. Phone Tabor 414.
FINE office for rent $20 per month, all fur
n I. died, ready for business. 220 A Din ton
DESK RiKM for rent. Inquire 508 Wells
Fargo. after H A. M.
DSK room. c2 Cox be U Building.
OIT-ICE1 for rent, furniture for sale; well
established physician's corner. Id and Mnr
. rison, over McAllen'a Room 7, Cambridge.
OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and
Hamilton buildings at moderate rate. Ap
ply to Robert Strong, 710 Corbett bldg.
VERY desirable corner office rooms, rea
sonable. The Cambridge, cor. 3d and
Morrison. Apply room 36.
FINE offices and desk room: best location.
Room 315 Swetland bldg.. 0th and Wash
ington. Let us show you.
DESK ROOM Modern bldg.. near Chamber
of Commerce. Call and see Harmon. 25
Concord bldg.
TWO fine front offices In Raleigh bldg., 6th
and Washington; best location. Apply
rootn 32.
TWO halls and office room at 206 H 1st,
Phone M S764.
M iacellaneona.
WAREHOUSE 268 N. 13th. Phone Eaat 568.
iTopoaala Invited.
OFFICE Chief Quartermaster, Department
of the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks,
Washington. March 2&, luOS. Sealed pro
posale m triplicate, will be received at
this office until 11 o'clock A. M. April 8,
1!H8, and then opened in the presence of
bidders, fr furnishing all labor and ma
terials and constructing a light draft river
steamboat for Alaska service. Executive
order of September 19, 1900, limiting the
hours of laborers and mechanics to not
over eight hours in any one calendar day,
..will not apply on this work. Bidders will
state price for construction complete and
delivery of boat ready for service at St.
Michael. Alaska; also alternate price for
delivery f. o. b. of boat complete at place
of construction knocked down and ready
for shipment and setting up at St. "Michael
aa specified. The United States reserves
the right to accept any one, or reject all
proposals. Plans can be examined, and
specifications. Instructions to bidders and
blank forms for proposals obtained on ap
plication at this office, or to Depot Quar
termaster, Portland. Or.; or Seattle, Wash.
Envelopes containing proposal should be
marked: "Proposals for steanvboat," and
addressed to John E. Baxter, Quarter
master, U. S. Army.
Master's Notice.
NORWEGIAN steamship "Elsa," Captain
Warsoe, from. Aeapulco Neither the Cap
tain nor the undersigned agents of above
named steamer will be responsible for any
debts contracted by the crew.
March 30. 390S.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, as trustee In . bantu-uptcy in the
matter of Lee Teutsch, bankrupt, now pend
ing in the District Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon, will of
fer for sale at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash at 10 o'clock In ths fore
noon on the 6th day of ApT4, 1908. at the
front door of the store formerly occupied
by Lee Teutsch, at the corner of Main
and Alta streets, , in the city of Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, all of the goods,
wares and merchandise belonging to the
bankrupt stock of the said Lee Teutsch,
bankrupt, in the state of Oregon, also all
of the office and store fixtures belonging
to the estate of the said bankrupt in said
store room, and the Interest of the bank
rupt and bis estate In the lease of said
store room, made to Jiim bv Eureka lodge.
No. 32, I. O. O. F. (which lease expires
January 1, 1909), and one pony, IO shares
of stock in the Equitable Savings & Loan
Association, class D, 9500 shares of mining
stock and one lot of claims, debts and
open accounts claimed to be due to the
eaid Lee Teutsch by sundry parties; all
sales to be for cash in hand.
An Inventory of the above described prop
erty, together with the appraised value
thereof, made in the above bankruptcy
proceedings, may be seen by applying to
the undersigned, at his office in the etore
room of the Taylor Hardware Company.
No. 741 Main st., Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oregon,
Dated March 21. 190S.
' T. C. TAYLOR. Trustee,
NOTICES to creditors and to all persons,
firms and corporations interested In the
Title Guarantee Trust Company In
pursuance of an order made by the Hon
orable the Circuit Court of the - United
States for the District of Oregon in the
suit of N. Coy, plaintiff, against the Title
Guarantee At Trust Company, a corpor
ation, and others, notice Is hereby given
to the creditors, as well as all persons,
Anns and corporations having any claim
or demand against the said Title Guar
antee & Trust Company, a corporation, of
Portland, Oregon, -to present the same,
with the vouchers thereof, fully verified, to
the undersigned receiver of said Title
Guarantee & Trust Company at his office
in the city of Portland, Oregon, on or
before three months from the date hereof.
Portland. Or.. Dec. 16. 1907.
Time extended to May 6, 1908.
Receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been 4uly appointed as executor
of the estate of Edward Lothroj? Coldwell,
deceased, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Multnmah County, and haJ
duly qualified.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present the
same, duly verified, to me at- the office
of W. A. Cleland. 534 Chamber of "Com
mterce Ibuiidjlng, Portland, Multnomah
County, Oregon, within six months from
the data hereof.
Dated and first published March 31, 1908.
W. A. CLELAND, Attorney.
NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
greeting of the stockholders of ths Ore
gon and California Railroad Company,
for the election of a board of directors
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before the
meeting, will be held at the office of the
company, Wells-Fargo building, Portland,
Oregon, Tuesday, April 14, 1908, at the
hour of 11 o'clock A. M. W- W. Cotton,
LOST Wednesday last,, on 20th St., between
Yamhill and Morrison, on Mount Tabor car,
or Francis ave., fox cape. Finder commu
nicate with Mrs. T. J. Lew ton, 110 Central
ave. ; reward.
FOUND Where hair mattreeises are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Owner, at 567 Irving St., will give $5
to party who will return spotted black and
white young bird dog bearing license 166.
FOUND -Purse containing amall sum.
Call Room 1003, Wells-Fargo bldg., prove
property and pay for this notice.
LOST New white waist on Wash.. 14th
st., or 23d st.; good reward. 55 j N. 15th.
Pbone Pacific 20UU.
LOST At Lyric Theater, Sunday night,
March 29, small brown fur. Phone Wood
lawn 1192. Reward.
LOST On Third or Washington streets,
lady's gold watch and fob; reward. 207
Macleay bldg.
LOST White envelope containing papers, on
-'U uiu itsiiiiisLun, xtewara. t ou wasning
ton. LOST Horse, sorrel, about 1000. Kindly In
form Huber Bros.. Lents, Or.
FOUND Collie bitch. Inquire 718 Brook
lyn. Phone Sell wood 544.
FOUND Purse m Meier A Frank's. Phone
Main 1911.
Arnold & Co.. Male 7311. 3514 Morrison at.
Crown Business Exchange. 88 Raleigh bldg.
Lev iln A Flrebaugh. S08-8 Swetland bids.
Diets-Mueller Co., 417-18 Corbet bidg.
E11U, York & Co., 201 Merchants Trust bldg.
O" Toole. Chas. J.. 718 Chamber of Commerce.
Phoenix Investment Co., rin. 10, 142 2d st.
WANTED Good reliable partner as cashier
In a paying established Business; refer
ences exchanged. 530 Lumber Exchange
7-ROOM rooming-house, fine furniture, low
rent; owner leaving; only $250. Call to
day, room 402. No. 102S 2d st.
GOOD paying restaurant; centrally located;
.moderate rent; owner leaving city. For
particulars H 741, Oregonian.
$o5j 12-room rooming buse; very central;
all full. 530 Lumber Exchange bldg.
SALOCN for sale, between Taylor and Sal
mon; $80t if taken at once. 2C9 1st.
ALMEIDA Consolidated stock bought and sold.
W. J. Curtis, 213 Commercial block.
SNAP Cigar stand, clears $100 monthly, $425.
Call S5 5la st.
5 OR A thousand dollars will handle a well
established hardware business- The busi
ness Is now paying big returns on amount
mvestea. A gooa territory te araw (rout.
This is an exceptional opportunity.
Do not answer unless you bare ths
Call on owner.
' R. E. DIX. Hotel Lenox.
$60t outfit complete, nearly new. con
sisting of 1 grader. $1400; 10 dump-wagons,
$170; scrapers, plows, picks, shovels, black
smith shop, stable for 75 head of honees.
bunk and cookhouse, also $35,000 contract
that will make good money. This ia gilt
edge and will stand the closest investiga
tion; $2500 buys this if taken at once. 510
Buchanan bldg., 26 Wash.
18 rooms, mostly housekeeping, on Mor
rison St.; very well furnished and malting
money: rent $75: here Is a chance to
make a or 4 hundred ' in a short time
price $700.
417-18 Corbett Bldg.
VThe Ames Mercantile Agency (estab
hed 1895) furnishes free information on
opportunities in mercantile or manufac
turing lines, city or country.
204-205 Ablngton Bldg.
FOR SALE On account health, a first-class
nam ware business that will net $6u0 per
year; stack will invoice about t'ifioO and is
situated In a good farming locality within
40 miles of Portland; cash consideration.
Call on the owner. R. E. Xix. room 218
- Hotel Lenox.
60 ROOMS, nicely furnished, steam boat,
rent $50: pries $1100.
T9 rooms on Wash In elan st. : price
$1900; 37 rooms, good location. $1000; 66
rooms, ground noor, siloo; 14 rooniB. Sdm;
27 rooms. $80O; 21 rooms, $650. Call and
see our list. Phoenix Investment Ce., room
10, 142 2d at. Main 6053.
THIS amp lies to you If in want new bus!
ness. I have two light manufacturing
enterprises; each pays 100 per oent; small
capital. To be appreciated, see models.
Call or address Room 221 St. Charles
FOR SALE Book and stationery business in
tne most promising town in Southern Ore
gon; price $8500; $4500 will handle. It U a
paying business and the best location In
city. Address W. T. York & Co., Medford.
Or. ,
PARTNER wanted for ft good wood busi
ness. Experience not necessary beyond
ability to check wood, answer phone, etc.
$800 required, and will pay you $150 to
$200 a month. Call 248 Stark st.
GROCERY stors ; fine location ; doing over
$100 per day; on account of sickness owner
will sell at invoice, 87o on the dollar;
best grocery store buy in Portland. M. E.
Lee, room 411 Corbett bidg.
SPECIAL Partner wanted; must be steady,
- sober man of good appearance and satis
fied to start at $150 a month; bank ref
erences given you; $1000 required. P ar
ticular s 248 Stark St.
A PROMISING proposition for Investment;
an enterprise lor the manufacture of
various kinds of brick, terra cotta, drain
tile and other clay products. Address L.
Ogan, Astoria, Or.
PARTNER wanted to work In lunch busi
ness as cashier, etc.; will pay you $4 a
day and your board ; $400 required, se
cured; experience not necessary. Call
243 Stark st.
WANTET Active partner with $750 to take
v H interest and manage the best manufac
turing plant In city; will guarantee $J60 per
month salary. For information call 300 Lar
rabee st.
GROCERY STORE Will make sacrifice for
quick sale; a good little money-maker;
all cash trade; no delivery; owner In busi
ness in another city; Investigate. 105
N. 8th.
GROCERY STORE in Aberdeen, best money
maker In the city, good location, doing $4U00
to $7000 per month. For cash inventory
$3500 to $4500. Address K 742, care Ore
gonian. ESTABLISHED real estate office, doing good
business; very best of office fixtures; $150
if sold today; don't overlook this; it's a
bargain, 223 Chamber of Commerce.
6TH ST. Furnished rooming-house, excellent
neighborhood, rent only $50 per month, 25
per cent on Investment; owner goes east
at onoe. Call 210 Ablngton bldg.
GROCERY store bargain, all cash trade, no
delivery, living room in. connection; look
It up; best little money-maker in city,
105 North 6th.
COFFEE HOUSE; dally receipts $20; rent
$30 for next three years ; excellent place
for two people; experience not necessary;
bargain for someone. 431 Washington.'
WANTED To charter steamer 100 tons or
less, Puget Sound service, freight and pas
sengers; give name and f uli particulars.
The Raeco Products Co., Raeco, Wash.
PARTNER wanted for half interest In light
manufacturing plant; good for carpenter or
mechanic ; $325 required : will net $6 per
day. Call at S25 Lumber Exchange.
A MONEY-MAKER Fifty furnished rooms,
very central, 5-year lease, $60 per month;
price very reasonable; easy terms. Geo. C.
Jackman, 2o9 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE In Eastern Oregon, a first-class
two-chair barber shop, splendidly fitted up.
For further particulars apply Lewis-Sten-ger
Barbers' Supply Co.
SOLID BUSINESS Partner wanted; $2500
required. This pays you a good salary
every month and big xVronts beside. Call
248 Stark st.
PARTNER wanted to take half interest In a
good cash paying business; experience un
necessary; only $150 required. Apply 543
Washington st.
PARTNER wanted for & strictly cash busi
ness; will pay you $4 a day. Experience
not necessary; $200 required. Call 248
Stark st.
ROOMING-HOUSE- for ssle; 16 rooms, all
full; any reasonable offer takes It within
the next 10 days; good location. 83 N.
8d st.
MUST sell at sacrifice, furniture of 12-room
house In good condition, $o50; $350 cash,
balance easy; a money maker. Call 85 5th
PRACTICAL mechanic will form partner
ship handle valuable invention foreign
countries; $300 required. K 733, Oregonian..
FOR SALE A well-established ladles 'and
genus' tailor shop; good location, fine store,
low rent; Investigate. 546 Wash. st.
$225 SNAP, will go at sacrifice If sold to
day cigar and confectionery on Morrison,
doing $8 to $10 a day. 818 Alisky bldg.
LONG-ESTABLISHED, well-paying meat
market; It is a snap; we will prove tt. Call
at once. 325 Lumber Exchange.
ROOMTNG-HOUSE. 34 rooms, for sale by
owner; this bouse is a money-maker; will
give terms. M. 765. Oregonian.
BARGAIN At less than cost, 14-room
rooming-house, rooms all full. East Side,
close In; $450. 318 Alisky bldg.
7-ROOM swell rooming-house, best loca
tion, low rent, owner leaving city; only
$250. Call Room 402, 102 2d.
DO you want to buy a saloon? I will sell
you mine, the Baltimore. Sol Hawthorne
ave. Come and investigate.
CIGAR and news stand In good location,
$000; business $18 to $20 dally. 610 Bu
chanan bldg., 2S6 Wash.
WANTED Young man to take Interest In
lunch counter: will average $5 a day; par
ticulars call 85 Gth st.
BAKERY ; good cash business ; good loca
tion; If sold near future $950. A- New
burn, Lebanon, Or.
MUST sell on account of sickness, furniture
of 8 rooms; $375 cash; always full of room
ers. Call 85 5th st.
FINE barber shop with bath for sale cheap;
fine location; reason for selling poor health.
W 734, Oregonian. ,
SAWMILL, IO M. capacity, and planers.
Address Storm Storm M11L R. D. route
No. 2. Oregon City.
FOR SALE Blaoksraith shop, $325; $125
down, balance easy terma 333 28th ave.
South, Seattle.
WANTED Man with $1000, fine paying mo
tion theater; good location and lease. Call
293 Burnside.
I HAVE for sale 1 to 500O shares United
Cardinal mining stock; terms. N 763,
WAITING ROOM, fruit, cigars, confection
ery. Ice cream. 530 Lumber Exchange
bldg. -
$2100 22 rooms; steam heat, hot and cold
water in ail rooms. 530 Lumber Exchange
GOES today for $225. coffee house doing
$id to $15 a day business. Call 318 Alisky
FURNITURE of 18 rooms In good location;
pjce reaiona.bie, 432 t&rk and 12 Lb arts.
General store in good town; owing to
death will sell for 75 cents on the dollar.
This is a splendid opening and will not last
We have businesses of all kinds for sale
in Portland and throucb. the country. Ve
have The largest list of rooming-houses in
the city. Our lists are open for your In
spection. ,
Tobaoco and oljfar store. $300.
Confectionery store, $45t.
Ice cream mfg. plant, $1900.
Delicatessen store, $1000.
Fish market, $500.
Saloon. $&0.
Room 402, No. 102 2d St.
FOR SALE The best family hotel in Seat
tle, filled with guests, long lease and cheap
rent, and a good dividend-payer; reason for
selling, poor health; reasonable terms to
''suit purchaser; this Is a bargain if taken
quick. Address box 116, Salem, Or.
NO matter what you want in the way of a
business opening, we can furnish It for
you. and what we sell you we guarantee as
represented. Kinney & Stampher, 531-532
Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark ats.
RELIABLE real estate man wants a sober,
energetic partner to show land, etc He
will teach you the business and show
$175 a month clear to you. Little money
required. Particulars 248 Stark st.
WELL-KNOWN real estate man will take
honest man as partner in old-established
real estate business and guarantee him $150
per month: very little money required. Call
room 402. No.. 102 2d st.
COMPLETE up-to-date set of abstract books
In live city of 35,000 people; established
business; must be sold therefore very low
price will be made. Address N 740, care
WHOLESALB business of 30 years standing;
owner retiring from active duties and will
sell on terms to suit buyer. For particulars
call room 627 Corbett bid-. 6th and Mor
rison sts.
WANTED Man with services and $10,000 to
$30,000 to Invest, to take interest, up' to
one-half, In established business: refer
ence exchanged. C 626, Oregonian.
INVEST in stocks; the Columbia Oil Gas
Developing Co. advance certain, quick re
turn a Address lock box 2220, Spokane,
Wash. Office 404 Nichols block.
AN old-atabllshed wholesale house; present
owner must retire; advantageously lo
cated; new warehouse; rare opportunity.
Address 95 North 18th at.
RESTAURANT centrally located; on account
of other business will sell at sacrifice. For
particulars call room 627 Corbett bldg.,
6th and Morrison.
We can give you a special price on any
mining stock or bond? F. 3. Cattarlln &
Co., 125 Ablngton bldg.
COFFEE HOUSE, long lease, low rent; clear
ing $350 monthly; on account of sickness
will sell. Call room 627 Corbett bldg., 5th
and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE A drugstore in a good live
town, doing a good business; the present
owner wants to retire from business. G
736, Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE, centrally located, doing
paying business; will bear investigation.
Call room 627. Corbett bldg., 6th and Mor
rison sts.
LABORING man's, hotel, clearing from $250
4o $3O0 monthly; part cash, b&lance to suit.
Particulars room o27 Corbett hi tig., 5th and
CANDY manufacturing; partner wanted;
4600 required; profits immense; owner
will teach you trade. Call 248 Stark st.
CIGAR and confectionery for sale, $550;
rent $15, with living rooms. 352 East
Burnside st-
IMPROVED SMELTER stock bought and
sold. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial block.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To visitors
of Portland hotels and to public at largo:
Suits pressed at 5uc at Gilbert, the tailor's,
66 6th st., next to the Oxford Hotel. Ladles'
skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas
' cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964.
Is again back In her business office, 350
Morrison St., where she will be pleased to
see her patients, both old and new-. Room
10. Phone Main 4521, A 1U44. Residence
phone 7320.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's
Diamond Brand Pilla For 25 years known
as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no
other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pilla
Sold by druggists everywhere.
DRESS suits tor rent, all siaes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex, de
siring acquaintance, correspondence or 'com
panion, send 10c for circular. Portland In
troducing Bureau, room 3. 181 1st st.
FOR atoentinc massage, vapor baths and
sea-salt glow call at Selllng-Hirsch Ding.,
loth and Washington, suite 19 and 20.
Rheumatism cured. Mrs. J. M. Wood.
GERMAN. French, Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A. W.
Scbmale Co.. 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonio Tablets, 25c a box. Wflta
or call at Eysaol's Pharmacy 227 Morri
son St.. bet. 1st and 2d.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin and cotton
root pills, only safe and sure remedy for
delayed periods; $2 per box, or 8 for $0.
Dr. Pierce, 181 1st at.
DR. T. J. PIERCE cures all nervous and
private diseases of men quicker and
cheaper than others. Call or write. Of
fice 181 First st.
Mme. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery.
225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042, A 2069.
MRS. OBKOCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; references.
282 Park. Main 2403, A2734-
MISS ZOGG, masseuse graduate of Dr.
Makl's system, ladles only, phone Tabor
433. Address 1429 East Stark.
LIQUOR, drug and tobacco addictions cured
by reputable physician. For appointment
address M 608, Oregonian.
LADIES Whatever your ailment. call on
Dr. Ketch um, graduate; advice free. 170
3d st. Main 7154.
Room 40, Hamilton bldg. Phones Main
4943; A 2545,
GRISELDA, the gypsy palmist, clairvoyant,
car-reader and magnetic healer.. 190 3d
st., room 19.
LADY BARBER SHOP Hair cnrllng, 26c;
manicuring and face massage. 810 Burn
side st.
MADAM BRUCE, electrical massage and
scalp treatment. 260 7th st. Phone A
J UST opened, dermatology parlors ; expert
chiropodist. Room 1, 291 Alder st. Vashti.
DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
cases; good care; terms right. Ad. Alisky b.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous fcair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Flledner bldg. Pac 135.
PILES CURED without operation by a wall
established physician. Box 270, city.
LESSON 9 in telegraphy; a years experience
In railroading. H 744, Oregonian.
MASSAGE H. Newcomb, trained nurse and
masseur. Phone Pacific 502.
Money to Loan.
CASH paid for savings and check accounts
in the Title Guarantee & Trust Bank. H.
E. Noble. Commercial blk.
MORTGAGES, 1st and 2d Hens, and other
real estate securities discounted. H. E.
Noble. Commercial block.
MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and
any sura. $100 and, up; see us. Vaughn &
Burt, 402 Corbett Bldg. -
MONEY to loan on real estate, also for
first-class chattel security. 420 Com
mercial bldg.
State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas,
state agt Multnomah Co. 400 C. of Com.
MONET to loan In sums of $2000 to $20,000
on city property. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts, vv. a. Aunn, ck8 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE loans, $200 up; moderate cost,
no delav. W. fi. Ward. A rt v 1 n.kv kih.
MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates of Interest.
Louis Salomon. 233 Stark st.. near 2d.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C W, PaUett, 04 Xaaton bid.
Money to Loan.
20. J30, o0. 170. tlOO.
Cheapest and best place to
LowMt rates. Easiest paymeatfc
OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.
Wed,, and tiats. until 8 P. M.
209 McKay Bldg.. Cor. Third and Stark.
Are you earning a salary ? You can get
money from us on your note. Business
confidential; no unnecessary inquiries.
Mo. geml-Mo. Wkly.
$75 Return to ua...$2u.oO $10.00 $5.00
50 Return to us... 13 33 3 35
30 Return to us... 8.00 4.O0 2. Oil
15 Return to us... 4.0O 2.00 1.00
Office open & A. M. to 6 P. M.
SALARY and Mortgage loans to salaried
employes and ou Pianos, Furniture, Ware
house Receipts, Horses. Insurance Policies
and all kinds of securities.
205 Ablngton bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in
, 66 principal cities; save yourself momey by
getting our terms first. t ma
TOLMAN. 33 Ablngton bldg., 106 8d.
Money loaned on salaries; no other security;
my system la bast for railroad men, clerks,
bookkeepers, streetcar employee and others;
business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611
Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st.
MONEY to loan on gilt-edge real estate se
curity in sums from $300 to $0,000, 7 and
8 per cent interest. Coast Commercial Co.,
504 Dekum bldg-. Main 7342. A 2314.
WE positively pay the highest cash price
for Oregon Trust. Title and Merchants
accounts. We also pay caan for bonds.
Cobn Broa. 180 1st at. Main 4773.
MONEY to loan for building purposes; can
be repaid in monthly installments. Call
for particulars, Columbia Life & Trust
Co., 21 4 L u m bar Exchange bldg.
$100,000 to loan In sums of $1000 or mora to
suit, 8 to T per cent, on Improved realty.
M. G. Griffin, 266 aUark, opp. Cham, of C
LARGE and amall amounts on good security
at low rate of Interest. C. F. Pfluger A
Co.. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison.
CASH for telephone bonds, Oregon Trust.
Merchants, Title Guarantee. H. W. God
dard, 110 2d bu Phones Main and A 1743.
IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all
securities. R. X. Eckerson & Co., room 5
Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655.
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co,. 410 Dekum bldg.
TO LOAN $6000 or less, 6 per ceat; real es
tate. Farrlngton, Fen ton bldg.
Loans 'Wanted.
Every one with experience knows that
much money is made by buying acreage,
then platting and selling the lota. It
takes more money than the average per
son has to do this, but several persona
together can do It. I have an option ou
4u acres close in, where the lots will sell
for $350 and upwards and the orlce per
acre is right. We can olat and Bell and
get our money back with 200 per cent on
the amount Invested inside of two years.
Full information to those who may mean
business. If you want to invest $1000 or
more ad drey a H 75v, Oregonian.
HAVE applications for the following loans:
$1000 Three of them.
$2utK. $230O. $2500.
If you have the money, see ma.
H. W. QODDAlta
110 2d st. Phone Main and A 1743.
HAVE client who- wants to borrow $2500 on
gilt-edge security, 3 years.
303 Buchanan bldg.
$5O0u FOR H years. Inside property. Income
$70 per month; principals only. Address
C 741, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, loan of $100 from pri
vate party. Answer, with address, S 766,
Oregonlan.v (
Accordion Plaiting.
MISS O. GOULD, S35 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac
cordion and knife plaiting and pinking.
Accountants. -
E. H. OOLLIS, 324 Worcester block, public
accountant and estate aeent. Auditing, In
vestigating, sy tenia Using, Permanent
keeping oi books and records a specialty.
tiuunDcr ox vomiuerce, oinoe systematizing
and general accounting. istablL&hed 1&9U.
Claussen & Claussen, architects, 613 and t14
J3UCXLUIULU oiuK-t rt wasiungton st.
LESSONS In oil, wt;er color, china, tapestry,
silk painting, leather carving. Designing,
order work, china firing. Markley & Sul
lander, room 64, 350 Morrlaun. Main 7647.
Assay era and Analysts.
.aDoratory ana ore testing lau Mor
rison st.
Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, metal
lurgist ana assayers. U-ft Washington.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
oust ooutuu jkiucr au
For a first-class shave or hair cut; sew
management. 242 Washington st.
BATHS Turkish and Russian, $1. 207 3d St.,
between Taylor and tialmon. Main 484.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 2tt Stark st.
Carpenters and Builders.
W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general
jobbing, contracting. 830 Stark. Main 588L
WM. DEVBNY, and Estelle Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew
bldg., 162 2d su Phone Main laui.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 02Q Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 135.
Cleaning- and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called lor and deL Main 7843. 303 Stark.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER. purchasing of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow-and rubber
and old .metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st-( near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR. YOUNG 4k CO., a hip brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bidg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS &. CO., grocers and commission
merchants. 210 2d st.
Directory Roth child Building.
VIA VI CO. Rooms 608-10. A352S, Main 6015.
Removed from Tilford bldg.
WALTZ, 4'two-step," "three-step." and stage
dancing; leaeons 25c; seven ladies and gentle
men teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson's school,
office and hall 12, Selling-Hirsch bldg.,
eo Wash, st., bet. W. Para and 10th sts.;
also dancing taught by mall.
PROF. RINGLEJR'S academy; correct dancing.
Cor. Grand avw. and E. Morrison. Phones.
Dog and Bona HospitoL
Dr. C. B. Brown, D. V. 8. D. C. M. Dog.
horse hospital. Iu6 N. 6th at. Union Trans Co.
Arithmetic, writing grammar, bookpg, $5 mo.,
day or eve., individual Instruction. 225 5th.
Elect rio Signs.
ELECTRIC SIGNS Sold and rented. Fort
land Electric Sign Co., 44 2d st. Main 8479.
Feed Stores.
B. L. COOPER & CO., hay, grain, feed. 12$
Union ave. East 1517. B1517.
Gasoline Engines.
Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch
es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re
pairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Mor
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
I. 8HANK fc CO.. purchasers of bides, pelts,
wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacks, a 12 Front at
Uarasss and saddlery.
Vr -wnw wnoiesale s-ddle
and harness nm in.. lu Main 226.
Leather and Finding.
tabliahed Ihie, Leather and tindlags; Stoci
lan sole leather and cut atock: iuil Una
Eastern Jumbos. le9 Front st.
CHAS, L. MA STICK & CO., Front and Oak
sta Leather and akins oj every dejcrtption
for ail purpoara; sole and tap cutuiv nnd-
B. TRBXKMAN & CO.. mining aawmlll. Io.
C ng inachUi.ry. hydraulic pipe. tuitUiii
all kind, repaired. lui N. 4th u
MUSIC STORE Rana Instruments I gel
berllcg. 2m Tourney bios.. 2d and Tajlor.
PIANO .tudlo; ttrma Sl er month, littt
Uln. gear Jegursoii. hune Main 3803.
SMIL IHIKLHUHN, violin tcaoner. pup.l of
sevelk. A 4160, Fin. 334, ac. 2asM.
MilXH' sultar oanjo. Jeaa. farlter.
MUner blag.. Jioi, Morrison ,t.
Kubber fetampe.
ALSO trade cnecks and ail otne. gooda. p
c- lo-. -1 Stark ,t. Eotn phonaiT 1407.
OeteopatlUo l'liyelclana.
41A-16-1. Iiukum Bidg.,
Tblid and Washington eta.
Phone, ofnee, Main 349.
Residence. E. 1028.
gynecology and obstetric. 311-14 Sweat-
Padllo BUT 6i'"li A m"1"":'-
DR. L B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkville, Mo. oi Oresi
nlaa Mog. Main 1; res, ialn 2 7M,
1'atcnt and Pension Attormeys.
PROTECT your Idea. w. can patent It.
ftri,Mn BSc?!"yi ". 6U4 Colum
bia bldg., Portland. Or.
J. J. HUasHHEIMHR. pension and patent at
torney, rooms 2o-2i Labbe bldg.
. C- WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents:
infringement cases. 004 Dekum"
PATiONTS, trade marks, copyright, A. J.
Matter, 51 a Commonwealth bldg.
Pulnta, Oils and Glass,
RA&ttTJtiSEN & CO., jobbers paints, oils.
m wwip. vur. xu ana Taylor, f
e jo., tne rioneer Paint Co. f
Window glass and glazing, loa let. At. 134. v..
Photo Engravers,
PERFECT printing plates, Hicks-Chattea.
HUigraving Co., corner 2d and Aider ta
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neisa st Coo
naway, lus 2d st, A467a, M.
blgn Painting.
The laigtwt aigii-inakeia in the North
west. 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private
Exchangetf5o. Home A1155.
SIGNS f'That Attract.")
Portland Sign Co., 2&T btark. Pac. 1396.
bAVU f4.0U,
This is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my office and become
familiar with my spiritual and acientiiio
wora. A unit to the wise is sufficient.
PROF. khim..
Greatest living astral dead-trance clair
voyant Of the age; ADViKK UP BL'bi
Nhliia AND ALL At i Alivo OF LlFs.;
whom you will marry, how to control tne
one you love, even though milua away;
reunite the separated; givt. secret porvcu
to control? others; no diUerence how uloa
or bow far away, you can aiwaye obtain
your desired lobults. Telia you jus? nov,
where and when to Invest yoi.r uioney u
obtain lb best possible rjsuaU. If you
are sick, 1 melauchuiy, dishtartned or uis
COUraged, ; Du NOT OlV-fc. LP IN U
Aiii , come- and receive Spiiliual aavic
teat will help' you to receive ifcrt L- iti.
I will do all othwr advertise to do u.nd
a great ieal more. Hows lw to o a any.
Oft tee N'ts. 3 and 4. Giuoid Theater btug.,
352 VY.ishiutftoa St. Piio..0 M. lUI.
MRS. C COKNJOLIUS, spiritual med'um.
Selllng-lllrsch bidg., luth and VYah. A it:u.
Mrs. bopiua Slp. reliaoie spirit' 1 r'ainua. ouJ
Alisky lids. Public circle Tuts.- :i. ev.
MARIAN OOHliLLI Palmist and trance me
dium. 22b Washington st., bet. 1st and 2d. '
MAY ANJjytEWS, card reading at eK.5 Main,
25c. Phcne Main 7548.
66 3d st. Bargains in second-band saft-s.
THE MOSLEP SAFE CO.. 1U8 2d dt. baXoS
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
bhowcaae, Bunk and btore Fixtures,
THE James L Marshall Mfg. Co., showca-j
cabinets, store and olhue natures. lb
Couch su Pacltls 2181.
i . . .
R. H. B1RDSA LL, designer;' agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bid-. Main o5oo.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. 5th and
Hoyt, Phone Main 14U&.
Storage and Transfer.
C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. office
and commodious four-story brick WLreboute,
with separate iron rooms and lire-proof
vault for valuables, N. W. corner of 2d
and Pine ets. Pianos and furniture moved
and packed for shipping. Phones Main iliti.
Home A 1996.
Bob Ashby and Judd Fish.
Furniture and moving, baggage,
freight and general hauling. Office lud
Front st. Phones Main 62, A 3162.
General transferring and storage, safes,
pianos and iurn'.turs moved and packed for
shipment. 20U Oak, bet. Front and 1st, Tele
phone Main 547 or A2247.
Street 1'avlng.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving,
side walk, and crossings. 314 Lumber toh.
Portland office. 402-8-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes
repaired, sold and rented; also state agents
the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchange.
84 3d st. Main SOU.
fclJLX-1 A.L prices, all makes rented, rold. re
paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 14UT.
. Wboleaal. Jobber.,
WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale gTocersv
manufacturers, commission merchants.
4th and Oak.
E 26. B 1J26. 287 B. Morrison st.
W. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd J. W. Laid
Established 1859.
Transact a general banking business.
Savings Cooks IsFued on Savings Deposits.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
R. L. DURHAM Vice-President
R. W. HOYT Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
8. E- CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Draft, and letters of credit Issued, avail
able In all varts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland. Oregon.
No Interest paJd on account.. 1
(Established In 1SB4J
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid up tl. 000. 003
Surplus and undivided profits $10,153 78
A General Banking and Exchange Business
Letters of credit Issued, available In all
parts of the world. Interest paid on time
Accounts opened for sums of ,10 and no
ward. WM. A MACRAE....
J, T. BURTCHAELL Assistant 'Mazier