1. THE MOIiZSTSG OKElxOJSIAJT, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1908. 11 PLEA FOR MISSIONS J. Campbell White Tells of Laymen's Movement. MAKES ELOQUENT ADDRESS Speaks at Banquet at Portland Ho tel Attended by Members of Ix cal Ministerial Association and Representative Citizens. At a banquet last night in the Portland Hotel, attended by members of the Port land Ministerial Association and 300 rep resentative citizens, J. Campbell White, of New York, secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, reviewed in de tail the growth and aims of the organi zation. Mr. White is a speaker of re markable eloquence and magnetism, and made a profound Impression upon his hearers by his sincerity energy and thorough fitness for the work which he has undertaken. Other speakers were D wight K. Potter, district secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission Work at Oak land, Cal., and H. W. Adams, of Mln- Campbell bile, ftx:rr tary of iuu 7 Laymen's Missionary Movement. I neapolls, one of the 60 laymen named to visit personally the foreign mission field In Asia.1 this season. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, chairman of the Portland executive committee, presided at the banquet and introduced the speakers. In his opening remarks Mr. White refer red to the position this country has taken as a world power in the last ten years. He said that the President of the United States has greater influence in the council of the nations than any other man living. So, declared the speaker, this country cannot escape the responsibilities involved in this new political policy. As the at titude of the United States toward the outside worW had been chancred with re gard to politics, so this country was des tined to undergo a changed relationship with regard to things spiritual. Men Realize Failing. "The men of America have come to the conclusion that the women and children have been doing very well In the matter of foreign missions, hut that they them nslves have been trifling with the biggest problem that men have ever been given to solve.'' Tnat there is to be immediate reform In the administration of the foreign missionary enterprise was evident dur ing the discussion at the conclusion of Mr. White's address. Mr. White will address a meeting: of the Women's Foreign Missionary So cieties of all the churches of Portland at the White Temple this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and at 7 o'clock he will speak before members of the Epworth League. Christian Endeavor and Bap tist Union at the same church. He will also address a mass meeting In White Temple at 8 o'clock. Mr. White gave an Introductory address at a special meeting of the Ministerial Association In the Y. M. C. A. rvms yesterday at I o'clock. Mr. White, at last night's banquet, mid, among other things: We lined not pause to argue about whether in African heathen la better or worse than tn American heathen. Pot them, all in the mme class 1 you wish. It still remains true that the church's problem is ten-fold big- abroad a It la at home, from the standpoint merely of masses to be reached. Other considerations would certainly not fleoreese this ratio. They might materially Increase H. let us fairly face tills situa tion, in order adequately to deal with It. On chief reitson why the progress In evan gelising the world has been slow. Is be cause Christians and even church lenders, have nM s rapped the magnitude of the tank. Many have treated the subject as a subordinate side-issue. Instead of the one supreme work of the Christian church. That this la easily within the truth can scarcely be questioned in view of the tact that the members of our churches are now Riving an average of less than one cent a week to this whole undertaking-, or far lees than la spent for camly by the same constituency. Kxtcnt of the Problem. Assuming that our share of the world Is 500.000,000. and that it will take one mis sionary to every 2.Y"MH of thm. and $2 to ich each individual, our problem Is to Increase our frce of missionaries from Rhout 40O0 to 2iMHM and our annual offer 1 n ir from abou t $0. 000. ooo a year to $40. 010.000 a year. Can e do it? Let us look at It soberly for a moment. It would mean one missionary going ebroad out of every 1000 of our Protestant 'hureh members, or one-tenth of 1 per cent of our membership. Is this not extremely reasonable'. "In ISOo, Kansaa had a popu lation of 17.:?00. She furnished of en listed and mustered men in the United States service IS.rtOO soldiers, or one t every five and e tent-tenths of the entire population. In 160. Illinois had a popu lation , of 1.T1 l.M. She furnished 2.5.oA7 soldiers to the l-nited States army, or on man to every six and seven-tenths of her entire population." Many other Northern State provided an almost eQual proportion of aoldlere. and some of the Southern States an even larger proportion. For the greatest truffle of history, the setting- free of the human race, and the reunion of lost men with their dtvtne Shepherd and Savior. Is it asking too much to propose that one go to the front out" of every lOOO. not of the whole poru latin, but one out of every .000 rf the chun-h membership? It were trifling with the problem to propose less. We could send one out of every loo. and be only the richer for the sacrifice. Physical Directors In Session. SEATTLE. Wash.. March . (Special.) Orepon, Pujret Sound and British Col umbia Y. M. C. A. physical directors met here this morning- for a two days' con ference with Dr. George J. Fisher, who Is head of the physical department of the association in the United States. Play prounds, manual training, outdoor exer cises and other matters cominp within their department were discussed. Union High School In Lane. EUGENE. Or.. March 30. (Special.) At an educational meeting, held at Pleasant HiU Saturday, it was unani- 4 , tv-Nf 4ff;' I- ft f . vKrii V: v J; -1 V K ft Itf" , St If , V . v 1! I 1 S: a. - THE PORTLAND mTUND, OS. MODEKX KEBTACBAMT. COST OKI MTT.I.IOK DOXXABS. ! HOTEL CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modem Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp European Plan. Free Bus. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. - Centrally Located Loajc Dtetamc Plione In Every Room. - HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Baana. U.S. to & rr Bar - "IV ' vNJs; a HOTEL LENOX nTud Portland", limn and UoH UoAmm Hotel Up-to-date grill Auto tus meets all trains Rates: $1 day and up European plan Long dis tance phone in all rooms Private baths. St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND. OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.30 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. MorriMn and Alder CALUMET HOTEL mously decided to circulate petitions for the establishment of a Union High School, to be located in District No. 1, known as Pleasant Hill school district. This Hlgrh School district will be com posed of five districts. DAILY MKTEOKO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March SO- Maximum tem perature, 47 dmees; minimum. &7. River reading- at S A. M-. 6 feet: change In last 4 hour. 0-4 foot. Total rainfall, 5 P. M. to G P. M-, .25 inch; total since September 1. liK7, 30.24; normal, 36.t inches: deficiency. $.:t7 Inches. Total sunshine March 2d. $3 minutes; ponelble, 12 hours its minutes. Ba rometer (reduced to sea level), at P. 2i.&4 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. si STATION'S. Paker City Bismarck Boise Kureka Helen . . . Kamloons. ...... Pocatllo. ...... TorUand R,ed Hluff Kosehurpr Sacramento Suit litke tan Francisco.. Spokane Tricoma Tatoosh Inland Walla Walla . 40O. 1 8'N Snow Pt cloudy t Cloudy Pt cloudy Snow Cloudy iloudy Cloudy I Clear . 0 O.OO . !4l0.1S: :4S0.10 . 44'O.ia . ttll! T. 4W 8 X NW 6 W MS O.OO . t47 0.i:r . o.fx: M4 O.OGl . 104. T. .'500.00 .1S4 O.01" .'44 0.01' . 4i?0.0i; . 4SO.O! 16 SET 4JNW 20 NW s sw 14 W 12 S W li v 12 S 12 SW Pt cloudy ! Clear "loudy lear Pt cloudy Cloudy icioudy lpt cloudy IS NW 12 W . :2 o.oo T Trace. WEATH"E?R CONDITIONS. A small law-preeure area Is central over British Columbia and another low-pressure area occupies the Great Salt Lake Basin. The barometer ts rising- rapidly in Moatsna and the Canadian Northwest and It is rela tively hlprh off the North California coast. This distribution of pressure is causing- un settled weather in this district with low temperatures and scattered precipitation, mostly In the form of rain. The Indications are for showers Tuesday in Western Oregon and Western Washington and for local rain or snow flurries In East ern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washincn Showers; westerly winds. Eastern Orejpon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Occasional lisht rain or snow. EDWARD A. REALS, restrict Forecaster. AMVSEMf NTS. M.VRQrAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theater Phone Main 6 TOIYAY. and All Week. Continuous Per formance 2 to lO P. M. Amusement for All. BrllTlsrrt and Fainatin .MOTiOX PICTIRES THE YfcTAL Animated Snowballs "Slajre Memories of an Old Theatrical Trunk. -"The Frog" Special Added Features: Mr. F. G. Bauer. PuUman iOo JLny a& lOo EEADqClSIEM FOB TOCBIS1S mm COM3CEBCIAX TRAYTU.rKS Special Te wemA to tmmtUe mm tfU lanloaa. Tb. WU wQl b. nlcued m an tiiiia ty aiww raoms aad .1.. Ill ll.. A WMT11T en, Turkish bfth w- Kanasc. OREGON Modern Improvements Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. Metacbea & Sons, Props. Rates $1.00-$t.50-$2.00 N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF ' -WASBIKGTOIC ST. Portland's Newest and. Most Modern Hotel Absolutely Fire Proof American Ratea to Ftmlllu and European Oar Baa Sleeta All Train. Sample Suite., with Bath., for Traveling- Men. a. o. i A Strictly First-Class mud 1 Modern Hotel Containing 1 70 Rooms. Only American and 9 European Hotel in Portland. Lons Distance Phones . in Every Room. Auto Bus Meeta All Trains. Rate American. $2.00 per 'day and tip. Rates European, $1.00 per day and up. Per month, single room and board. (45 to $85 accordlnr to room. For two. $75 to $110. Board without room. $30 per month AMTJSEMEXT5. HEILIG 14th and Washinsrton Phones Main 1 and A 1128 Tonight S:l o'clock Special Price Mat. Tomorrow Last Time Tomorrow Nlgth The Musical Comedy THE BURGOMASTER Evening. $1.5X to 50c; Matinees, $1 to 25c. HEILIG THEATER 14th and Washington PIwrm Main 1. A 1122 Spwclal-Frio. Matlne. Raturdaj HART MAXXF.RIXG In th Dellflvtful Comedj "GIORIOCS BETSY" Bvenlna., 2 to BOc; MatlnM, 150 to 80& BAKflR THEATER Phon- George L. Baker, General Manager. Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday. The Baker Stock Company in that Clever and Mysterious Play, RAFFLES n First Time Her. at Popular Price.. Evenings. I5c. Sflc. Sue. Matinee. 15c 25c. Next Wk Hoyt'a "A Trip to Chinatown." LYRIC THEATER Both Fhone: Main M8S: Home, A 1S. Week Commencing Monday. March 34. Th. Allen Stock Company Present. Edward Milton Royle'a Celebrated Play, "CAPTAIN IMPrDKNCEL" Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Price. 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Price. 10c 20c and 30c. Bole. 60c. Office oDen 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. T K E STAR Phones: M A For the Entire Week of March 29 The R. E. French Stock Company Presents Th Most Sensational Melodrama Ever Of fered the Port hand Public. THE BLACK HAND," In Four Acts By W. R. Hurst. Matinee Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:30 P. M.( Prices IOo and 20c. Every Evening. 8:15 P. M. Prices 15c, 25c, 35c Next Week "The Texas Ranger." PANTAGES Fourth and Stark fits. The Leading Vaudeville House. For the Week Commencing Today. BAXTERS TYROLEANS, In "Life In the Alpine Hills." A bright opsretta with 14 voices, brilliant settings, etc. This Is one of the biggest acts ever signed by a Western vaudeville house. Prices: Upstairs, 15c; downstairs, 25c; boxes 60c. Week day matinees, 15c to any seat. Performances 2:30. 7:S0 and 9 P. M. daily. The Grand Vaudeville de Luxe One Week. Beginning- Monday, March SO. ORIGINAL YOUNG BUFFALO, America's Sensational Marksman. Assisted by Mile. Vera and His Wonderfully Well-Trained Dog "Frank." RICHEY TV. CRAIG, Musical Comedian. "Me and Mr Partner " XOTH CFNTCRY REVOLVING VIEWS, SHOWING THE MONEY LENDER." F. IT. Montressa, L A. T. S. Exhibitor. C0RBETT BUILDING 5TH A5D MORRISON STS. , , s ..... -T- ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY kin, Otis'F., and Mabel, osteopaths, formerly Macleay bldg. Phons A 4879. Main 3227. Cavanagh, Wm., lr., dentist, lormerly Co lumbia & Buchanan.bldgs. Main Mad, A 5139. Chris ten sen, C., optician and Jeweler, formerly with Butterneld Bros. Office 413. Main bloo. Chance, Arthur W. , Dr. , denUwt, formerly Dekum bid. Offices 810-12. Main 105d. Chapman, H. C. formerly Ablngton blug.; office 204. Phone Main 6790. Coffey, R, C, lr., physician and surgeon, oft Icq 1017. Phone Main 449. Conroy, R. J., Dr., physician and surgeon, of noes 80-9. Mala 6131. A 513U. Corbett Estate of H. W., Robert H. Strong, manager. Phone Main 5. A 3261. Crockett, E. N., Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Mohawk bid. Main 740, A 1427. Croasley Co., The, real estate, formerly Mc Kay bldg. Offices 706-9. Main 7S65. A 5722. Iieck, Robt. G., civil engineer, formerly Mo hawk bidg. Phone A 3688. Lhifur & Dufur, public stenographers. . Pnona Main 3004 A 533tt. Falls City Lumber Co., formerly Mohawk bldg., F. a Belcher. Main 657S A 178. Gates, Gertrude Lord, Dr., oateopah, former- t ly Macleay bldg. Main 1833 A 4706. Goudey A Wood, bonds, formerly Buchanan bldg. Main 3472, A 3472. Hegele, H. W., Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Macleay bldg. Main 4014, A 5333. Offices 1009-12. Jefterds, Henry C, Dr.. physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum bidg. Main 463 A 14t3 Jones. N. W., Dr., physician, formerly Co lumbia bldg. Suite 1003. Main 276. Jones Treve, Dr., dentist, formerly Buchanaa bldg. Offices 1011-12. Main 4014, A 5333. Keleey, Frank C, civil engineer, formerly Co lumbia bldg. Main 5146. King, J. C. Elliott, Dr.. physician, formerly Mohawk bldg. Main 22b0. Kyne. 3, F., Mrs., formerly Ruasal bldg. A 397. Residence C 1&77. Lab be, Edmund J., Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Labbe bldg. Main 450, A 1460 Lent; Geo. P.. attorney, formerly 2W6 Mor rison st. Office 419. Main 4eS. A 1083. Lee, M. IS., real eetate and loans, formerly Raleigh bldg. Office 411. Main 6S0. Locke & Gullete. Drs. , offices 81 9-8130-821. Phones Main 741, A 3741. Mackenzie, K. A. J., Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum. Main 267. A 1267. Man ion, Kattierine C, Dr., formerly Hamil ton bldg. Phone Main 2811. Maunn, Ralph C. and Kay W., Drs., former ly Marquam bldg. Main 767. MoCufker, Clarence J.. Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Flledner bldg. Main 276. Metschan. E. L., Dr., dentist, formerly Mar quam bldg. Phone Main 746. Nichols, A. 8,, C. L. & H. E., Drs. physicians and surgeons, formerly Dekum. Main 200. Oregon LdXs Insurance Company, L. SamueJ General Mgr. Phone Main 63M6, A 6602. Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., surgeon's offices. 908-10. Main 2ti7, A 1267. Otis Elevator Company, formerly Fen ton bldg. Offices 601-2. Phone .Main 6340. Petfrs. Geo. D., Dr., dentiM, formerly Co lumbia bldg. Office 102-4. Phone Main 767. Pstzel, A. F., Dr., dentist, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 463, A 1463. Pierce, EJ. A., Dr., physician, offices 1007-1008. Phones Main 2644. A 3930. PoMvka & Co., tai!ors, formerly 249 Morri son. Phone Main 731. Sweet, Elnathan, formerly Ablngton bldg.; of fice 204. Phons Main 6790. Taylor, Frank M.. Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 267. A1267 Upton, Jay H. & Latourette. H. T., attorneys, formerly SwetJand bldg. Offices 526-7. Main " 6969 A 1869. Veatie & Veazls. attorneyw, formerly Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 11. A 6442. Williamson & MoNary, physicians, formerly Marquam bldg. Main 449. Yaqulna Bay Co. . The, formerly Mdhawk bldg.. W. F. Stlne. Main 5578, A 1978. Zan. Jas. C, Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Marquam bldg. Main 850. Grand Central Station Time Card SOL T HERN .PACIFIC. Leaving Portlana Robv burg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger California .Express San Francisco Express ... West bide Corvallls Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger Arriving; Portland Oregon Express . Cottage Grove passenger Rose burg Passenger Portland Express ........ West Side Corvallls Passenjcer Sheridan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger . :13 a. m. :15 p. zn :45 p. m. ;0O p. m. 00 a, m. : 10 p. m. ;00 a. m. 40 p. ux. 55 a. m. :30 a. m. :30 p. m. ;15 p. nx. :35 p. m. 30 a. m. 00 a m. 50 p- na. NORTHERN PACIilC. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express t 8:80 a.m. North Coast St Chicago Limited. .1 2:00 p.m. Overland Express (11:45 p.m. ArHvlntc Portland I North Coast Limited. Portland Express . . Overland Express . - 7:00 a. m. 4:13 p. m. 8:35 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION CO, Leaving Portland Pendleton passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kansas City St Chicago Express. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer ChL. Kan. City ft Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special ....... Pendleton Passenger 7:15 tt:30 6:13 o:0O 8:00 9:45 8:50 5:15 p. m. p. m. a. m. p. nx. p. m. ASTORIA A COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria Seaside Express Astoria & Seaside Express Arrlvma Portland Astoria fc Portland Passenger.. Portland Express 8:O0 a. m. tt:0O p. nx. 12:15 p. i lO:O0 p. i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. C P. R- Short Line, via Spokane i 8:10 p. m. Beattis .....in : p. i Arriving Portland I C. P. R- Short Line, via Spokanei 8:00 a. i Via SeatUe 7:00 a.m. Jefferson-Street Station SOLTHEKX PACIFIC IaTlna Port)... Dliiu passenger ..... Dallas Passenger ..... Aniriac Fort land' Palla. Passenger ..... Dallaa P&asenxer ' T:4 a. i .J :U B- l 10:18 a. I 6 .0O p. l OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Leaving Portland Sa.1 em Local ......... Balem Local .......... Salem Limited ....... Salem Local ......... Sclera Local Salem Limited ...... Saiem Local y- Arriving Portland Portland Local Portland Local ....... Portland Limited ..... Portland Local ....... Portland Local Portland Limited ..... Portland Local 6:15 a. m. 8:25 a. m. 9:05 a. m. 11:05 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 3 :35 p. m. 6 :30 p. m. 8:S."1 a. m. 10:21 a. m. 11:. '.8 a. m. 1:25 p. m. 4:50 p. m. 6:10 p. in. 7:52 p. m. ACCTIOX 6AI-K8 TODAY. B J. T. "Wltoon. at 211 Lonsdale street, at 10 A. SC. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At Gtlman'. Aaction Rooms. 411 Wash ington street at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. Gllman. Auctioneer. At Baker's new auction house. 152 Park street. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sal. at 10 o'clock. Baker Jfc Son, Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICXa. HA89ALO LODGE NO. 15. L O". O. F. Members will meet at our hall. Oddfellows' Temple. 141 Vi First street, on Tuesdaw, March 31. at 1:30 P. M., to attend the funeral of our late brother A. J. Marshall, P. G. M. The Grand .Lodge of Oddfellows will con duct the servi7. Interment at Lons Fir Cemetery. F. COZENS. Secy. A. A7CD A. S. RITE, ORB GON CONSrSTORT NO. 1. Regular meeting In Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. Fol lowed by rehearsal ninth degree. By order Master of Kadosh. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 15, O. Et Officers and members are re quested to attend the funeral services of our late brother, Andrew J. Mar shall, to be held at Ockifellows' Tem ple, corner First and Alder streets, at 2 P. M. this (Tuesday) afternoon. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec GRAND LODGE. I. O. O. F. Officers, members and Oddfellows generally are re quested to attend funeral services of our late brother. A. J. Marshall, P. G. M. and P. G. P.. today (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock. Oddfel lows' Temple. By order Grand Master. K. E. SHARON, Grand Sec. W. O. W. All members are Requested to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, Peter Perry, of Hoquiam Camp No. 1W, at the Ca thedral, 15th and Davis. 9 o'clock A. M., to day (Tuesday), March 81. GEO. W. TABLER. Clerk Prospect Camp No. 140. VEREIN ETKTRACHT The members are requested to attend the funeral of our late member, WUhelm Logus, - at 2 P. M-, March 31, which will take place from his residence, 354 Tillamook st. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. G. H. IBB ELS, President. ' By Geo. Harold. Secretary. PORTLAND SOCIAL TURN -VEfftEIN All members are requested to attend the funeral of our late member. Wllhelrn Logus, to take place today at 2 o'clock P. M., at his residence. 354 Tillamook street. By order of- the president. WILLIAM TEU3TEL, Seo. ELLISON ENCA MP MKNT, NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Officers, members and visitors re quested to attend funeral services of our late patriarch, A. J. Marshall, P. G. P. today (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock P. M., Oddfellows Temple. E. E. SHARON, Scribe. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. F. and A. M. Special commurdca- , tion this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially Invited., W. M. DE LIN, Sec. BRICKLAYERS UNION All members are notified to meet at hall Tuesday. March 31. at 14 o'clock, to attend funeral of Brother Frank Bingham. CANTON PORTLAND, NO. 1. P. M. Drill meeting this (Tuesday) evening, March 31, at 8 o'clock P. M. Chevaliers requested and urged to attend. E. B. SHARON, Clerk. DIED DA VIES 'In this city, March 20, at 472 Spo kane avenue, Marian C. Davies. aged 1 year, 9 months, 19 day a Funeral services will be held at the above residence today (Tuesday), March 31, at 10 A. M. .Friends Invited. BENEER In this city. March 29, Michael Benzer, aged 32 years, 5 months, 23 days. Funeral announcement later. CONCANNON March 80. Thomas T. Concannon. aged 50 years. . Funeral an nouncement later. PERRY In this city, March 29, at the fam ily residence, 488 Eiverett St., Peter Perry, aged 61 years. FTNXRAT, NOTICE. MARSHALL In Oregon City at th. resi dence of Thomas F. Eyan. on March 28. Andrew J. Marshall, aged 7fl Jeers. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will b. held by the Grand Lodge I. O. O. V. of Ore gon, at the Odd Fellows Tempi, on cor. First and Alder at... Portland, Or., at the hour of 2 P. M. Tuesday the 31st day of March. 1008. Special car will leave 10th and Main sta. Oregon Oity .at 1 P. M. Special car for Lone Fir Cemetery will leave Second and Morrison its. at the con clusion of the service, at th. Il O. O. F. Temple. CRANDALL At the family residence. Linm ton, March 29, Johanna Martin Crandall, aged 64 years. 5 months, beloved we of Mark Crandall. daughter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Sol Richards. Friends are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which will be held at Holman'a chapel, corner Third and Salmon ets., at 2:30 P. M. today (Tuesday), March 81. Interment River View Cemetery. FL1BDNF4R At hi. home, Stewarts Station, at 2 A. M., Monday. March SO. Christopher Flledner, aged 73 years and three months. Deceased leave, a widow and four chil dren. Miss Ann, Miss Claudia, Mrs. H. G. Broclrman and W. F. Flledner. Funeral from Holman'. Undertaking Parlors, 1:30 P. M., Tuesday. March 31. Services at the grave private. COLLINS At the residence of his brother, J. W. Collins, at Rosemere, March o0. Marrian E. Collins, aged S9 years, 4 months and 19 davs. Funeral will take place to day (Tuesday), March 31, at 3 P. M-, from F' S. Dunning's chapel, corner of East Al der and East 6th sts. Friends Invited. Interment In Rose City Cemetery. LOGUS In this city, Mach 29, at th fam ily residence. 354 Tillamook street Will lam A. Logus. aged 67 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the fu neral services, which will be held at the family residence. S54 Tillamook street, tday (Tuesday) at 2 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. WlfdTZ In this oity, March 30, at th. family residence, 30814 College St., Mabel Wlrti, aged 21 years, 6 months, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wlrtz. Friends are respeotfuliy Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be at the Portland Crematorium at 4 P. M. today (Tuesday), March 31. MVUZBT At Good Samaritan hospital, March 29. Frederick L. Mauzey. son of Mrs M. F. Loy. and brother of Mrs. v . T. Pangle. Service will b held this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from Holman' s undertaking parlors. Interment at Hood River Wednesday. BINGHAM In this city. March 29. Francis Alfred John Bingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bingham, aged 28 years 2 months and 15 days. Funeral services from St. Mark's Church, Tuesday 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Portland Crematorium. PROUFIT At th. residence at Lents. March 29 Cecil Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Proufit, aged 3 months. Funeral will take place today (Tuesday), March 11, at 11 A M., from the residence of Z. Fits gerald. 8S5 'Sandy Road. Friends invited. BARCLAY In Oregon City. March 30. Alex ander Forbea Barclay, son of tie late Dr. Forbes and Maria Barclay. Service, at Cre matorium Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Car leaves Seventh street. Ore gon City, 2 P. M. COLWBLL In this city, March 29, at 716 Mississippi avenue, Theodore F. Colwell, aged 61 years. The funeral services will be held at Fuller's chapel at 10 A. M. today. T-iesday. Friends Invited. Interment River view. J P. FTVT-FY V BOH. Fnneral Plreetois, Third and Madison. Phone Alain . A lflfltt. Dnnnlnr. McF.ntee m GUbangh. Fnneral Di rectors. 1th Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON rVPERTARINO CO.. 40 Aides at. Lady assistant. Ph.n. Main 6183. EOWABD HOLMAX CO Funeral Dfa-eet. an, 2 3d St. Lady assistant. Phoae M. 601. ZEI.I.KR-BYK.VFR CO.. Ftmer.1 Dlreefc. .rs. tl BiuhU. Kut 108. Lady asslstaaat. F 8. DtTSNISO. Undertaker, 414 East alder. Lady aaaietanl Phou. East SS- WHERE TO DINE rri,A c..vai. "3 est service on Coast." 1 he Sargent w tonnoiMeurs. Taw. e'not dly. 50c. Bun.tSc Grand Hawthorn., VegetarianCafe J" 6c. Meals served a la carte 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. rrv,A Vianna 251 Morrison' st.. under new XllU V Atriiua manag'm't. Merchant's lunch 11-3, 25c a la carte. 6 A. M. to 1 A. M. Branded Grill KT.nchtercM?re'par: snch dinners as are served at Brandas Grill, Thahrofrnn 149 Tth- Merchants lunch LDeiTUgUIl Qal,T 25c. Special Sun. din. turkey or chicken, chop euey St noodles. DOo. Cottage Waffle tusSS merit Reasonable priou. nnntmnrn'a 484 Washington st Mer AlUnSmOre S .nts- lunch. 11:30-, Z&c; din.. 6 to 8 P.M., 25c A 35c Sps. Sun. din. Austro-Hungarian Restaurant 247 Taylor, between 2d and 3d. Best place In town to eat at a normal price. Try us today. 1?TnTh1rA Third st Regular dinner. X.uiyiic 2ic. Special dinner every Sun day. CLASSIFIED- AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTUEIXO. Following rates will be given only when advertttlngr Is ordered to run consecnti.o days. Dally and Sunday issue. The Or ffonian chara-ee first-time rate each ineertlon for cJLaeslAed advertlslDgr that is not run on eonsecutive days. The flrot-ttme rute is charged for each tneertion in The Weekly Oreironian. "Rooms," 'Booms and Board. MHooso keeplnc Rooms." "Situations Wanted IS words or lose. 15 cent j 16 to SO words. t cents; SI to SA words, 25 cents, etc No discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-time rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 50 cents for 15 words or let; 16 to SO words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 60 cents, etc nret Insertion. Kach additional Insertion, one-half; no further diecount un der one month. Above rates apply to advert- In- paid tn advance only. All book entries will be charged in lines 14o per line for first in sertion and ?e per line for each consecutive insertion. Special rate on contracts given on application. WEW TOD AT," (gauge measure agate), 14 cent per line, flnit insertion ; 7 cents per line for each additional insertion. ASWEK3 TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Cvguuian, and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes, o stamp is required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons. The Oregonlan will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian will .not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7010 1 A 1670. KEW TODAY. OVER AM ACKC RjyiBIUTlEJ tflLTMOMAH 51 OMtY $5250 Advantages of the country in the heart of the city. Contract let for concrete bridge over East 28th st.- Bound to Increase In value. FRED H. STRONG 242 Stark Street. GN SALEM ELECTRIC LINE $175 an Acre We haw some choice acresge for sale, four fifths under cultivation, 8 miles from Port land, 20 minutes' car ride to city; Southern Pacific Is also building through this tract. If you want to double or treble your money. Investigate this; no land around Portland has a better chance to Increase In value; every acre will sell for double or mors , within 3 months; easy terroi. We are selling the adjoining land In lots at $100 a lot, six county roads join st the station and a township will spring up hers this Bum mer. For a suburban home with sufficient ground for berries, garden truck or poultry, this can not be equaled. Acreage same distance out on any other electric line sells for $600. Now Is the time to get In on the ground floor, while you can have your choice and prices are low. ' THE CROSSLEY CO. 708 and 700 Corbett Bldg. 80,000 ACRES CHOICE CAREY. LANDS ON BIG LOST RIVER. IDAHO. Sngar Beets. Alfalfa. Fruit. Grain. Almost the entire tract la practically level, with just slant enough to Irrigate nicely. No alkali. Mines, smelters and quartz mills In mineral regions adjacent. Three beet sugar factories operating in Bingham and Fremont counties. In which a lance portion of this tract Is situated. Market facilities unexcelled. This tract io also bordered by one of the most extensive stock ranges lu Idaho. The Oregon Short Line Railway Is already in operation across' this tract and three pro posed railroads will also pass over the same. Purchase tickets to Powell Station, on Ore gon Short Line Railroad. Price, $30.60 per acre; 5o.25 per acre In advance; balance In 10 annual installments, 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments. WRITE FOR CIR CULARS TO THE BIG LOST RIVER LAND AND IRRIGA TION COMPANY, LTD., BOOK, IDAHO. A HUE ON THE WILLAMETTE Beautiful sightly lots, EOxlOO, overlook ing the river at Island Station (adjoining Rock Island Club property); convenient to car, 25 minutes' rid. to center of Portland; city water, graded streets, pro tected harbor for .yacht or launch; an Ideal location for. Summer home; electric light. Price, J200 to tS76. Easy terms. Be wise, buy one or more of these lots NOW and tret your pick of the best. You will double your money within one year. The Crossley Company 708 and Corbett Building. LISTEN! House and Lot Free This Is Important. Coma to our office and learn of the 7-room house with lot 60x150 feet which some person Is to re ceive as a gift. This house and lot is worth J1500 and Is located in Capitol Hill. The title Is absolutely perfect and a free abstract thrown in. For particulars call on Clohessy & Smith 401 McKay Bldg. GRANDEST VIEW IN THE CITY T,ve have a few choice lots left, close in, on Portland Heights; overlook en tire city and both rivers. VAUGHN & BURT 402 Corbett bldg-. GBORGB BLACK. FTJBLIC ACCOUNTANT. B2X Worcester Building. Phons Mala 8271. FOB SALE REAL KSTATE. $1000 THREE-ACRE plot land; rich soil; lavel; 25 minutes' ride. 5c fare limit; bax . rain: owner must have the money; ad Joining; land valued $Z0O to $1000 per acre. ' JOHN T. GRAHAM, 1016 Williams Ave., Phone East 6062. NEW house, 8 rooms, den, open-air sleeping- room, fireplace, two toilets, furnace, stationary tubs, cement floor, finished at tic, modern in every respect, corner East th and" Schuyler, Holladay Add. Apply owner. 322 Ross st. ; $2500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Phone East 1536. MUST be sold, fine 8-room house and full lot In Upper Alblna; all modern conven iences, furnace, fireplace, gas and lec- trlclty. 7-room hotM. In Irvlnrton. fin. neigh borhood, close to. school and cars. Whaliey, 618 McKay bldg. 6TH ST. Purmeneat roomtngbousa, excellent neighborhood, rent only $60 per month, 26 per oent on Investment; owner goes ast at onoe. Call 210 Ablngton bldg. FOR BALE New noose, two lots. Mt. Tabor. Flrst-clss. plumbing; $1160. T. J. Byrnes, - Morrison st. ?rrRICTL,T modem 8 and 6-roora houses; terms to suit. Owner. Phon. East 675. $700 TjOT. $300 cash, or $600 on terms Owner. Phon. Main S0S9. .CAS,- j REAL tSTATK DEALERS. Abraham & White. 227 M Washington St. Andrews, F. V. & Co. M. 3348. S3 Hamilton bt Angeles Exchanga, Ala Commonwealth bldg. Baker, AUred A., 113 Ablngton bldg. Caspln Herlow. 428 Chamber of Commerce. Columbia, Trust Company. 714 Couch bl. A1W16. Commercial Invest. Co.. 21 Lumber Exchange. Compton, J. F. Pac. & A1848. 100 AblngSoa bl. Crossley Co.. ?us-l Corbett bldg. M. 7S&S. De Burgh, C. R.. Pac. 773. 220 Ablngton b!3g. Dean Land Improvement A Colonisation Co.. 61 Chamber ol Commerc. bldg. Goddard. H. W., Main and A 174$. 110 2d et- Botchklss. C. R. A. Co., M. 106S. 303 C. of C. Jennings 4 Co.. Main 1SS. 128 7th St. Kinney & Stampher, S31-532 Lbr. Ex. M. 4484, Lee. M. E., room 411 Corbett building. Hall & Von Borstal 104 2d St., 392 E. Bunsrida. O'Donnell, J. F.. M. 4561 ft A2361. 230 Stark. Palmer. H. P., 102 Rothchlld bMg. Mala 6681. Parrlsh, Watkin. sV Co., 250 Alder st. Porter & French, 607 Commercial bldg. Reed. Fields A Tynan, M. 7004. A3651. ICS 2d. Rose City Realty Inv. Co., Merchants Trust M. Bchalk, Geo. D.. 264 Btark st. Main 392. A382. Surety Investment Company, rooms 636-27-28 Corbett blag., opp. PosLofCio. (Douald H. Smith. Robert B. May and W. Lawrence). Bharkey. J. P. & Co.. 122 Sixth st. Swensaon. A. P. Ic Co., 253, Washington sc. The Oregon Real Estate Co., 88 Third at. (Holladay Addition.! Thompson Ogden. 848 Mlsa Wood lawn 30$. Veteran Land Company, 165M Third sc. Wad-dell. W. O., 309 Lumber Exehang. bldg. FORSALE REAL ESTATE. ONE 9NAP. $300 down and $25 per month will buy new 5-rora nouee a.ttlo will make 2 good rooms) on Portland Heights, Pat ton road and Montgomery drlx-e; owner there to day to show house. HO Second St., H. W. Goddard. THRE-H acres, with 6-room. plastered house, store foundation, apples, cherries, prunes, vineyards, perfect home, ready to move In, US minutes ride on Oreron City car: eh f apes t and cholceet. L. "V. Reln hardt. Oak Grove Station. FOR 15 ALB or trade for Portland or farm property, a good house and lot with all , modern Improvements. In Palo Alto, Cal. : " owner ha no further use for It and must sell or trade. Whaliey, 013 McKay bldg. GOOD 5-room cottage, full basement, toilet and bath; Tillamook and Vancouver ave. ; line r.o. BRISTOW. BODSON" CON LET, 437 Chamber of Commerce. ANOTHBR SNAP. S 6 acres near Lenta llne suitable for fruits and berrlee; worth ft00 per aAiro, but will sell for $500 If taken qui cite. H. W. Goddard, 110 Second st. TWO o-room modern cottages near Hawthorne m ve. , one $00. one $2300 ; lour 60x100 ; lawns and roues; $300 down on each house,' balance $25 monthly, including Interest. Conklln Bros., 302 Rothchlld bldg. A BARGAIN' If taken at once, two choice lots, (HtxllO, cash or easy terms. Call to day, 33 E. 16th st. North, Holladay Addi tion, near Irvington and Broadway carltna, . Home phone C 15oS. X HAVE an elegant residence lot on 15a. t . Salmon, near 15th. which I will sell af a much lower pYice than surrounding prop erty. Call forenoons; no agents. 105 East 14th. $800 Acre tract fronting on tw-j streets; deep rich soil, cleared and grubbed, close' In: only few minutes on "West Side electric car; $.W0 cash. James C. Logan, room 411 Cor bett bldg. $100 PROFIT. Lot In swell residence district, street Im provements, cement walks and curbs; paid $300; get this quick, X 745. Ore gonian. BBS J. E. Redmond. Montavllla, Phona Tabor 24. for acreage, larae or umali. im proved or unimproved, suburban home ana nusiness property at reasonable prices. ment basement and walks; electricity; wnarneiea pain; aouoie noors; lot 60x100: $500 down. 530 Lumber Exchange bldg. ACRE) tract, only $600; close In, West Side; oeep ricn son; oniy tew minutes from busi ness center; $160 down, bal. to suit you. M. B. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. OWNER obliged to sell new, modern 7-room la-story bungalow; price $3200; will brinff $4000 for party able to carry it; no agents. Phone B 228$. G 767, Oregonian. $300 TAKES 4 beautiful building lots, R Side, cloee to car. west of 41st at.; high and sightly; 60x100 each; cheap. James C. I Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. $42i Modem 8-room house with full lot. 470 Jflint at., East Side. See tib, terms, eto. ( PARRISH. WAT KINS & CO., 250 Alder st. FACTORY site at St. John; 470 feet frontage O. R. & N. R. R., and 100 fee from pro posed N. P. spur; bargain If taken at once. Owner, H 747, Oregonian. 2-AC RE tracts, $600 each, clow In, West Side; south and east slope; One deep aoll; V cash, balance long time. James C. Lo gun, room 411 Corbett bldg. , NEAR Hawthorne ave., 9 rooms, strictly modern home with dea; lot 60x100; $3250, t5H) down, balance to suit. Conklln Bros.. 02 Rothchlld bldg. NEW, attractive modern 7-room house, artis tic ally arranged; choicest location. - Holla day Park Addition; Broadway car. Owner, K 723, Oregonian. $2460 Modern 0-room boose, BJ. 84th t., 4 blocks to car; $800 cash ; owner leaving city; bargain. Room 10 Washington bidg. Phone Main 5741. K A LA MATH BASIN LANDS "For farm, orchard and garden. Irrigated and n on - irr 1 ga ted. Fran k Ira Whl te, 1 S Oregonian bid?. 4 LOTS In Richmond, covered with flr trees; a natural little park, near ear, only 4 $2000, U cash. Conklin Bros., 802 Roth chlld bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, $2900; 0-room modern mission house. $3400; nice loca tion; terms. Phone Owner, Woodiawn 197. $400 CASH. $20 monthly, will buy a new modern 6 -room house at 1075 East Lin coln st. State Land Co., 133 First st. 0-ROOM modern horse ....-$2000 6-room modern house $2100 Reasonable terms. Phone fie II wood 1156. 0-ROOM modern, bungalow .....$290( 0-room modern mission house ....$3400 Terms. Phone owner, Woodiawn, 197. LOT 60x05, Broadway, near Bast 0th; sewer, water, gas; $1500; easy payments. Culver, 023 Chamber of Commerce. 80x130, 1 block erst Grand ave., $1100 BRISTOW. BODSON St CONLET, 437 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN Modern 0-room house, near 34th and Hawthorne, $2300; $00 down. Phon IO to 12 A. M.. Main 1976. 15 -ACRES choice land, modern house; must sell; price only $2tt50 cash. &27 Falllnv bldg. Phone Main 1429. WB repeat. If you want a house, any alse, location or price, we can interest you. Call 825 Lumber Exchange. WILL build for you. taking mortgage for H on all; 6 per cent; Irving ton or Holladady Add. 211 Couch bldg. mviNGTON Choice Inside lot, $110O, and 14 block, $2500 ; must sell. Phone today. Main Falling bldg. $450 Lot Lincoln Park; no cash required. Owner, W. E. Thomas. 400 Chamber ot Commerce. I HAVE a home for sale; on to three lots; small payment down; easy terms. T 709, Oregonian. SEASIDE bungalow. Houses built, re paired. See Johnson. 204 Mohawk bldg. Main 5007. 7-ROOM house, two lots; electric light, base ment, fruit trees. 1140 Holgat. W.-W. car. SPHINX AGENCT. business and residence property. 308 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE or rent cheap, trice 9 -room house. 542 Karl st., near Brooklyn school. SNAP Modern 0-room house, nice lawn, near car, $1000. E 738, care Oregonian. A BARGAIN Five acres at Grays crossing. $L500. A. Groener. room 0. Cambridge bldg 22 ACRES, In cultivation. 0 miles out. So tare Horace H. Fisher. 170 Front st lOCxlOO ON Peninsula, only $800 cash. Sphinx Agency. 308 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD building lots, $10 cash. $5 per month. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR McKenna Junction, eight lota, 81400 cash. Phone Main 1544. 4V j .