7 TOE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1908. MEN OF AFFAIRS URGED TO ENTER Republican Club 'May Ask Prominent Citizens to Run for Legislature. SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION Organization Selects Slogan: "for Progressive Policies and High minded Men" Adopts Plat form, Declares Principles. An effort may be made by the members of the Republican Club of this city to in duce a number of prominent business men to become candidates for nomination to the legislature on the Republican ticket in the approaching: primaries. The subject was discussed last night at a meeting; of the club in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Several speakers sug- Bested the practicability of urging rep resentative business men to enter the con test for Legislative honors. They argued that the attention of the public for sev eral weeks had been diverted from im portant matters of legislation by a dis cussion of the election of United States Senator, and believed that several sub stantial business men could be urged to go into the race and Insure the people of the county a careful and economic session of the Legislature. "For progressive policies and high minded men," was the slogan adopted by the olufl last night. It also adopted a platform and declaration of principles. Among the subjects of legislation indorsed in the platform are extension of the powers of the Railroad Commission to all public service corporations; state ownership and control of all water powers; reapportionment of the state into Senatorial and Representative district to insure Multnomah County the repre sentation to which it is entitled under the state constitution: a practical division of Multnomah County into representative districts; the support by Republican mem bers of the Legislature of the Republican electors" choice for United States Sen ator. Text or the Platform. The platform as adopted follows: TV are Republicans became we believe In the fundamental principle" tor which the Republican party stands. We are proud of lis record and achievements in the part. Conceived tor the establishment of liberty for all men. it ha none on In securing and advancing equal rights and opportunities to All. We are partisans because the his tory of our Government has been made through parties, and true advancement can bet be made through organized effort. . We commend the wise legislation of our present Congress and the fearless admin istration of our Republican President, Theo dore Roosevelt. We favor the enactment of progressive laws In our State, and in the nomination and election to office of high-minded Re publicans; men who will administer our public aff.tlrs in a careful, conservative, business-like manner; men who have no special interest, to protect or serve, aside from those of the general public. We blleve that special care should be ..taken in selecting our party nominees for the next Legislative Assembly of this State; we want men who will carefully guard the interests of the taxpayers at all times by wise and careful appropriations of public funds for such purposes as are necessary; the enactment ot such laws as win con serve the best Interests of the whole people; that m.tre care should be taken in the prep aration of our laws, believing that rather than have hasty and unoigestea legislation, i, wn.iU he fur better to have none. We bell,v that the State Railway Com mission act. passed at the last session of the Legislature, to be a most meritorious measure, as it has already saved our citi zens thousands of dollars In freight rates. We favor an amendment to the act ex tending the powers of the commission to all public service corporations. We favor both National and State appro priations for the Improvement ot our water ways, and more particularly for the exten sion of the portage road from the Big Eddy to The Dalles: for the better improvement and deepening of the channel of the Wil lamette Blver from its mouth as far as n.vlnhle: forsaWk improvement and deepen in, of the channel of the Columbia River to the sea. and extendtng the powers of the Port of Portland commission as provmeu for In the measure to be voted upon at the June election. Revise Banking laws. We favor a revision of the banking laws nr this Kt Ate- and the enactment of such laws supervising and regulating our bank ing Institutions, so that depositors iumis therein will be as safe and sound as the State Itself. tv. heiieva In the perpetual State owner ship and control of all water power, and the leasing of the same for a term of years, not exceeding X under such terms and conditions as may be deemed advisable by a State Executive Board. We favor the calling of a State Constitu tional Convention for the purpose of re vising and amending our present obsolete State Constitution. We favor the adoption of the appropria tion or $125,000. made by the last Legis lature for the maintenance. Improvements, and support of our State University, to be voted upon at the next June election under the referendum. We favor a reapportionment of this State Into Senatorial and Representative districts whereby Multnomah County shall secure the number of members In the State Legisla ture to which w are entitled in accordance with the Constitution: and a division of the county into Representative districts so far as practicable. We favor the election of our United States Senators by the direct vote of the people, .1 to the accomplishment of that end, wt petition our next Legislative Assembly of this state to Join with the legislatures of two-thirds of the other stjjes In applying to Congress to provide for the calling of a convention to submit such an amendment, t'ntll such amendment is secured, we be lieve that Republicans electee, to mo ik i.i.him as such, should represent our prln .i..i. hv vnilni for the. Republican receiv ing the highest number of votes at the pre ceding election as the expression of our choice for t nltei Msifs !"", ENTRY LAWS ARE REVISED Knlryman -Now Has More Chance to Obtain Lands Heslred. WASHINGTON. D. C. Mnrch 13. The Clcncral lnd Office has promulgated, with the approval of the Department, re vised Instructions with regard to the amendment of entries under section 237! of the Revised Statutes, which section authorises amendments only In cases where final certificate has issued, and also, under the supervisory authority vested in the Secretary of the Interior in the disposal of public lands, under which amendments of original entries may be allowed to correct mistakes, or for other equitable causes. These Instructions clearly define the pol icy to be followed by the General Land Ofneo In passing upon applications to amend, and are summarised briefly as follows First, in cases where the Land Depart ment was in error In allowing the origi nal entry. Second, in cases where the entryman made a mistake in the description of the land which he Intended to enter, and. Third, in case where through "no fault of the entryman the lands embraced in entry are found to be go unsuitable for CORBETT BUILDING STH AND MORRISON STS. J -7? aU ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Akin, Otis F., and Jutoel. osteopaths, formerly Aiacit-ay Did- jraooe a -isiv, attaiu ox... Cs.vana.gh, Vim., Vv.. dentist, Tormcnj Co- : lumbia. ft Buchanan oius. htAin 6139, A fild. CarLteuatn, C, optician aj&2 Jawoler, formerly I with Hutterflftld Hru. Oitlce Main 8160. ! Chance. Arthur We, Dr., deutlst, rorm.rij lxticum bidg. Offices tilO-lz. Main 106. Chapman. H. B., formeriy A b lug ton bWg.; oirice -04. jVhone Atam oiw. Co Ct;y, K. Ur.. physicliui and. surgeon. nfnr lttlT Phfin Uoo 4411. Conroy, K. J.t Dr., phjsiciatt and surgeon, ot- UV'.'S DUO-V. saIU Uli0, A woa Corbtt Kstat of U. Robert H. Strons, maniLaCer. I'hona Main 816. A 32ol. Crockett, E. N., Dr., physician and surgeon. lormerly Monawit Dioar- Juam o, a xi-.. Crossiey Co., The. reai estate, formerly Mc Kay bllg. Office .uo-t. Main t&oi. A 5.2. t)ie:k, liobt. a . civil engineer, formerly Mohawk bids. Phone A36&0. Dufur & Dulur, public stenographers. Phone Main 30O4. A , , Falls City Lumber Co., formerly Mohawlc tildir. K R. Belcher. Main OA 78. Aldttt. Gates, Gertrude Lord, Dr., oswopath. to' ' naerly Macleay blcig. Main lfJ. - Guud'sy ft Wood, bouOjf, formerly Buchanan bidg. Main &4T2, A 3472. Begele, H. W-, Dr., physician and surgeon. iurmeriy jaacieay mag. stain uj., a Jofferds. Henr c.. Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum tlug. Main 4tU, A14ti. Jonas, N. W Dr., physician, formerly Co lumbia blag, tiulte lux,. Main 276. Jones, Treve. Dr., dentist, formerly Buchanan lag. vju.ces iVli-ii. nam wn, auw. Kelsey, Frank C, civil engineer, formerly Co lumbia bloc- Main fil4tk King. J. C. Elliott. Dr.. physician, formerly Mohawk bidg. Main 22ti0. m Kyne. B. Mrs., formerly Ruaeel bids- AS967. Hesldence '.71977- Labbe, Edmund J . Dr., physician and sur- a l.. -S.S.. . I .!.. Kit A 1iAn Lent, Geo, P., attorney, formerly 206 Mor rison si- ornoe jaain . a iwsj. Lee, M. E. Heal Estate and Loans, formerly Balelgrh bidg. Office 411. j&ain oow. Locke ft Gullete. Drs.. offices 81D-820-8ZX. nones Alain a z.ei. Mackenzie, K. A. J., Dr., physician and mir- geon, lormeny lAKnm oiag. mwu ... lianlon. Katherln. C. Ir., formerly HamU- ton blag, pnone slain zsil. alatsoa. Ralph C and Ray W., Dra.. formally Martiuom bidg. aialn 7a7. JtcCusker. Clarence J.. Dr.. Physician ana Stirs-Min. f.rm.rlv E'l.tdn.r bidg. MalD 2 ft. Metachan. K. L., lr.. dentist, formerly Mar- quam Dldg. rnone Alain no, Nichola. A. 6 . C. U 4 H, S . Drs., ohyslcians and surgeons, formerly Dekum bid. Main 200. Oregon LJa Insurance Com. iij. L.. Samuel. Gen. Mgr. Phones Malr. A6fl02. Oregon Railway a Navigation Co.. Burgeons offices, 806-10. Main 261. A llflST. Otis Slevator Company, formerly Fentoa bidg. Offices 601-2. Phone Main 30. petei-s. Geo. D.. Dr., den'trt. formerly Co lumbia, bldr. OfHce lOif. Phone Main 76T. retzel, A. F.. Dr., dentist, lonnarly Dekum bidg. Main 463. A1483. Pierce, EX A., Lr., physician, offices JOOT-1008. Phones Main 2S44. A3830. , Pollvka & Co.. tailors, formerly a Morri son. Phone Main 731. . iweet, Blnathac, formerly Ablngton bidg.; Of Hce 204. Phone Main 6790. Taylor, Frank M.. Dr., physician and enr geon, formerly Dekum bidg. Main 267. A126. Upton. Jay H. & Latourette. H. T.. Attorneys, formerly Swetlana bidg. Offices 626-7. Main 66. A1869. v Veaxle & Veaaie. attorneys, formerly Cham ber of Commerce bidg. Main 11. A 544. Williamson & McNory. ptiyalclana, formerly Marquam bidg." Main 449. Taaulna Bay Co., The, formerly Mobawk bidg. W. F. etlne. Main 5378. A197S. Zan, Jaa C Dr.. physician and surgaoa. formerly Marouam h'rtg Main 850 settlement purposes as to make the com pletion of the entry impracticable. But. It Is expressly stated that no amendment will be allowed In behalf of an entryman who makes entries without exercising due care in the examination and selection of the land, nor where good faith Is not clearly shown, and to this end a satisfactory showing will have to be made,, by the applicants in all cases. DEMAND REFUND OF TAXES Corporations Think Ix9 Angeles Has Taken Too Much. I.OS ANGELES, March 20. Attack ing the validity of the law imposing a municipal tax upon corporation franchises, officials of the Edison Electric Company and the Home Tele phone Company today made formal de mand upon the city for nearly 75.0O0 alleged to have been paid as taxes "under-protest and under duress." The Edison Company wants a re fund of 150.379 and the Home Com pany asks $24,435. It is alleged that the City Assessor has required the payment of more than a just share of taxes and that the city's assessment was void because of the payment made to the state. The Edison Company, as a further ground for its demand, alleges that it Is organized under the laws of Wyoming. The demands of the corporations will be turned over tomorrow to the City Attorney. I-'raneis Joseph Is Better. VIENNA. March at. The condition of Emperor Francis Joseph Is better today. His Majesty has no fever and his con dition is less painful. DAILY METEOROlXHilCAX, REPORTi FORTUANU. March 20. Maximum tem perature, 55 degrees: minimum. 44. River reading at 8 A. M., 17 feet: change in last "t hours 16 feet. Total rainfall. 5 P. M. to tl P. M.. 0.08 Inch; total since September 1 1907 2 4t Inches; normal. 34. 9 Inches; deficiency, a. .10 inches. Total sunshine March 19 S hours S4 minutes; possible. 12 hours ti minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., ;10.;! inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHEH. -f i-m ; ,3 Wind. . 9 - It TATION-S. I t 2 s Is" 1 1 ! I i f i Baker City Bismarck Poise Eureka. ........ Helena Kam loops Korth Head. . . . Pocatello Portland Red Blurt Roseburg. . . Sacramento Bait l,ake San Francisco.. Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. .. .l.M! T. '24'NW . 4).4.0O:l S , i.'.S' T. ..14 T. H8.W v . : T. NW .:4S'0.4!9 NW .i2O.O0!14 SE . sr.o.os iw .170.00: 4 NE .;10.0!U!W . '7riO.OO 4 NW ,l50.O 4 NTV 7ivo.oo'ia.w T.-tl2'NW . JS21 T. I1J SW .!4K o.ofi 2; w . :so.oi is w Snosr Id ear Cloudy Pt cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy 'Pt cloudy IPt cloudy ICloudy IClear fOler (Clear Clear Cloudy (Clear !Pt cloudy Rainy T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. ThA disturbance noted last night a ap- Droarh.nr the ijrittsn (.oiunibia Coast moved rapidly acroea lht' province and caueod a fw amiall ehowere over Lhe north veatern THE PORTLAND FCSIUHH. OK. BCatOPEsVX FLAX MODERN BMTACliANT, . MSBkaasarsM'BBm.s' tOBI OKE aUXXIOX DOIXABS. : HOTEL OREGON ; CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Z I Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up Z Z European Plan. Free Bos. Z Z WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Prop. Z Centralis Located daisras '-" IT, Lena; Dlateztea lm Everr Room. HOTEL PERKINS ' Filth and Washington Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN mm, tl-Oo M.OO Fee Day AeasardtBS to I twaitliini r HOTEL LENOX if, PortUnd'a Ntwait and Moa Modan Hotel Up-to-date grill Auto bus meets all trains Rates: $1 day and up European plan Long dis tance phone in all rooms Private baths. S. W. BATm. St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.39 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St. Bet. Morrison and Alder CALUMET HOTEL jiaBBgjaBOjll. J American and Enropeaa portion of this district. A new high-pressure area has made its appearance off the mouth of the Columbia River and it iviH move east during ine next nuur u.c weather In this district with light frost in ina early munns " ......... V.B Western Washington and freezing tempera tures BBai ui mw V; i . . It ts mucn warawi " 1 ' " Bantn. but elsewhere the temperatures on ine I'acinu oiwiw " c . " ... . . tionary. FORECAST. Portland and vicinity Fair, with light frost in early morning and warmer weather during the afternoon: westerly winds. western urecuii owu. .. Fair with light frost tn early morning. except near the coast. Warmer during the arternoon, wcntcnj .......... Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair, with freezing temperatures In early morning. " EI'WARP A. BE.M.S. Tltrlct Forera-ter. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG 14th and Washington Phones Main 1 and A 1 1--. TWO FKBr'OKMAXt'ES TODAY. Popular Price Matinee. 2:1." Uast Time Tonight, silt San Franlsco Onera Company In "THE TOVMAKER." Inees 7Hc. 00c. Sic Evenings 1 o 25c. HEILIG 14 th and Washington Phones Main 1 and A 1122. 4 NIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW. Special Price Matinee Wednesday. The Merry. Musical-Comedy Success. "COMIN' THROUGH THE RYE. Frank I.alcr a. Nott. the Tailor. Evenings !.: to iftc Matinee l to 2Sc. BAKER THEATER"0 -J Geo. I Baker, Gen. Manager. Permanent home of the far-famed Baker Stock Company. Matinee and TodIrM Lat Two Time. "Z1RA" Ona of the ttreatst plays of the entire year. Evening prices, 2rc. 5c. SOc; Mat.. 15c, 25c y ext Veric, St art inn: Tomorrow M at inee, When We Were Twenty-One." THE STAR THoxEs s For the Entire Week of March 15. THE R E. FRENCH STOCK. COMPANY PRESENTS Vance ft Sullivan's Sensational Rural Drama. "ON THANKSGIVING BAT" In Four Acts by Owen Davis. Matinees Sundays. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2:30 P. M. Prices loo and 20o. Every .venina; at 8:11. Prices lfc. 25c and 35c PANTAGES Fourth and Stark Sts. The Beat Bill Ever Presented In Portland. HEADED BY Melbourne Macdoweil. Famous Tragedian and Star and Virginia Drew Trescott In the Traglo lramatic Sketch. "THE OATH" Matinees Every Day at 2:S0 In the After noon. Nls-hts. 7:30 and o'clock. Prices Upstairs. IS: downstairs. 25e; boxes, &Oc; weekday matineea, 15c, any ae&t. fXEADQTJARTKBa FOB TOCiOSTS aaal COMMBaVCLAl. TBAET,ffHfl gpeeiai rate aaasfls) to tamlUea asd sin gle gemUamsaa. Tba mam y will ba pleased at an alms to show room, and gtv price. A S TBrktah bath -tan"-1--"" 1 aba H. C. BOWERS. Modern Improvements Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington Phil. MeUchen & Sons, Props. Phone Rates $1.00-S1.50-$2.00 Unihai Cbeek Witkt Motal. ; Third and ain Sts. CL O. DATB, aea. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. JjgnK Plstanen Phones in Every Room. Auto Bus Meets All Trains. Rates American. 2.00 per day and up. Bates European. $1.00 per day and up. Per month, single room and board. $45 to $65 according- o room. For two. $75 to $113. Board without room. ....... .$30 per month N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. Portland's Newest and Most Modern Hotel Absolutely Fire Proof Rat., to Families Onr Boa Meet. All Trains AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND portla-nd's Famous Theater Phone Main Q Matinee Today at 2:15: Tonight at 9:15 Last Two Performances The Season's Greatest Hit "DREAM CITY" With Marble and Little Chip ron't Mias It Eve nines, 25c, 50c, 75c. $1; Matinee, 25c, 50-c. 7.c. MARQUAM GRAND Beginning Sunday Matinee, March 23. Creston Clarke In the Beautiful Jfer Play "THE POWER THAT GOVERNS" Evenings. 25c, SOc. 75c, tl; Matinee, 23c, EMPIRE THEATER Phone Main 117 MILTON W. SEAMAN. MANAGER. Matinee Today Last Time Tonight. "SIS" IN NEW YORK Hiram, Mandy, Zeke and John, all the Posey County characters. A big; scream of laugh ter. Don't miss It. Night prices 15c, 25c, i:."c "" Matinees JOc '20c. "What Women Will Do" starts tomorrow. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones t Main 4685; Home, A 1026. Week Commencing Monday. March 16. The Allen Stock Company Presenta The Celebrated Comedy-Drama, "THE STOWAWAY." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8-15 Prices 10c. 20c and 30c. Boxes 50c Office open 10 A M. to 10 P. M. THE GRAND VandeTille de luxe Entire Week-of March 16, i GILD AY A FOX. England's Foremost Hebrew Impersonators and Comedians. MAY REDELLE And Her Village Cut-Ujw?. p p Montressa's Great I. A. T. S. E. Mo tion Pictures, Showing "The French Spy." WHERE TO DINE n. d "Best service on Coast. A lie oargeut . u- connoisseurs. Table d'hote dly. 50c San.7Sc Grand 4t Hawthorne. j.)n.ni 103 6th at. Only JjrauUCS French chef can prepare ,ucb dinners as are served at uranqear urlll. irtoltsormn u ,ln- aiercnania- luncn IneliragOn dally 25c special Sun. din. turkey or chicken, chop suey at nooaiea, toe. . . H' f f I 146 6th at. A m tOlMge " taurant of astahUabed merit. Reasonable prlcea nncmnrp' 3 Washington st Mer WnnSIIlOre chanta- lunch. 11:80-2. 25c: din.. 5 to 8 P.M.. 25c A 85c. Spa. Sua, din. VegetarianCafe hund!V m near nner. 35c. with ice cream. 11 A. M. to 8 P. ML. M e rchants' lunch 5c. 103 2 "irn st j.ruia.r ainner. .inpire 25c 8pclal dlnn-ar evrr Bun- day. Tli Vlonna 351 Morrtooa c. under new A lit? manag'm'U Merchant's loacli Xl-Z, 25c. a la carta. A. M. to 1 A. M. EranJ Centra! Station Tune Can! SOUTHERN PACIFIC. IrmTtna i-ortaaa Robv burc Passenger Cottage Qrova Passenger CalUornla Express ....... Baa Francisco Express ... Wast Clde Corvallia Paaaenger Sheridan Paaaenger Forest Orova Paaaenger Forest Grove Paaaenger .. Arriving; Portland Oregon Bxpresa .......... Cottage Grove paaaenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Sxpreas 8:15 a. r 4:15 p. s 7:1111 13:00 pa 7:00 a. i 4:10 p- l 11:00 a. a 5:s0 p. t 7:50 a. i 11:80 a. r 1:30 a. I 11:15 P-I Weat ma Corvallia Passenger ...... eheriaan Pa&senger ...... I:SS p. I 10:30 a. t 8:00 a. t 2:50 p. I Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger . NOBTKEftX PACIFIC. lM,1n Portland Tacoma and Seattle Expreas.... North Coast A Chicago Limited. 8:110 a. m. z:00 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. AniTisa- Portland North Coast Limited. T-.OO a. i 4:16 . i 8:10 p. i Portland Kxpresa .... Overland Expreas .... ORKGOX KA1LBOAD NAVIGATION CO. Lemvlnc Fortlaad I Pendleton paiMnger ... 7:15 a. m. Cb lea go- Port land Spc.a :30 a. m. gpokac Flyer 8:16 p.m. Kansas City A Chicago Sxpraaa. 6:00 p. n. Arrlvi&c Fort ! ml ftpolu.no Flyr 8:00 a m. CbL. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. 0:45 a.m. Cblcapo-Poialand Special 8:00p.m. Pendleton PaaaenRer S:14p-iix. ASTORIA t COLUMBIA KIYKB. IeviiMC Portland v ABtorla 4k Seaside Kxprea . . . . . . 8:00 a. m. Astoria A Seaid Kxpra ...... :0tf p. nx ArriTtujc Portland Astoria A Portland FftiMDfer, . 12:15 p. m. Portland Express lO:O0 p. m. CANADIAN PACTFIC RAILWAY CO. laeaivtnar Port land C P. K. Short lAan, via Spokane 8:L0 p. m. , Seattle 11:45 p. a. Arrlvlnc Portland C. P. R- Short Line via Spokane 8:00 a.m. Via. Seattla 7:00 a. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACinC. Iveavliic Portland Dallas Passener T:40 a. m. Dallaa Paaaenger .. 4:15 p. m. Arrlvinc Portland Dallas Passenger .............. 10:18 a. m. Dallas Paasenser 6:50 p. m. OK FX. ON ELKCTRJC RAILWAY. Lartnr Portland Balem Local 6:15 a. m. 8 :'J5 a. m. 9:05 a. m. 11:05 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 8:35 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 8:35 a m. 10:21 a. in. 11:S a. m. 1 :25 p. m. 4:50 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 7:52 p. m. Halem Local Salem Limited Salem Local Salem Local Salem Limited Salem Local Arriving roniHmi Portland Local Portland Local ....... Portland Limited Portland Local ....... Portland Local Portland Limited Portland Local CLASSIFIED AD. RATES . FOR CASH ADVERTISING.) ' Ffrilowtny rmtea will be rirrn enlj when advert in big is ordered te rim consecutive da. vs. Dally and Sunday Isaac. The Ore gonian chsra-ps first-time rate each bisertioB for claaslfled advertising that la not ran on eonsecatlve days. . The flrat-time rate la chanced for each fawertlon in The Weekly Oregonian. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board' "Hoiwe keeping Rooms' "Situations Wanted," 15 words or lees, 16 cents; 16 to 20 words, 0 rents ; 2 1 to 5 words, 25 cents, ete. J discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-time rare earn insertion. UNDER 'ALL OTHJCR HEADS, except "New Today, 30 cents for 15 words sr less; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. AO cents, to. 0rst lnaertlon. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further disco-ant un der one month. Ahwre - rates apply to advertlsinc paid la advance -only. All book entries trill be enarired In line 14c per line for first in sertion and c per Una. for each consecutive insertion, special rates on, contracts jlven on application. ".NEW TODAY, (range measure aerate), 14 cents per tine, first Insertion; 7 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oreffonlan. and left at this office, snooid always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons. The Oreconlan will accept advertisements for tmblication in classified columns over the telephone. Bills for such advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oretronlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7VJ0- A 1670, AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At L nion Meat Co. s ranch. Trou tda le, horses, implements, household furaiture etc Sate at 10 A. M. Bak-er & Son, auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. SPECIAL CONVOCATION OP WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18. R. A. M.. this (Saturday) evening at 7:30. M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. By order E. H. P. CLYDE EVANS. Secretary. OREOON LODGE. NO. 101. A. p. AND A. M. Stated communlca llon this (Saturday) evening. 8 o'clock, new Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill. M . M. degree Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order W. M. A. J. bmuj-, A. TtKT.I1.AR meeting of M. B. B A. NO. 41 will be held thip (Satur day) evening. F"' room IV. vlaitin. mfmbera welcome. F. G. FORBES, Sec, Bus. Mgr. DIED . . . . . i . . . n ooii firanrf ttVf . MfLM20. Fraa'c: McClure. aged 28 years 8 montha ' aays. uu. . - . . . . V. rt Ctha T Seabolt. aged 23 years. 3 months and JO dav? wife of Lay Ion T. Sea bolt. .Notice of "funeral will be given later. KELLY At 627 Brunswick at.. Pt. View Sta tion, est. jonn. .wuu.ni r, j " loved wife of Jolm Kelly, age 38 year.. 18 Gays, r uu-iw ............. . . FBROUSON In this city. March 20. at the reaidnca ot ner aaugnier, -i l. Di.CT.t Elliabeth Jane Ferguson, aged i3 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. CAI.LBECK In thia city, March 20, at her reaiaetsce, i :- r. i . v " ... . wtrR 0f Thomas R. Callbeck. aged 53 years, noxico or iunw n . . . FPXBRAL NOTICE. JACKSON At Juneau. Alaska. January 8. months. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend xne lunerai Brnices wmvu win be held at Holman's Chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets at X P. M.. Sunday, March . xpiermcni ausi :w terv. M'COLLOUGH The funeral of the late John chapel today at 2 P. M. All members of the tj. jv. iv. are uith w .nmu. oeasod was) a member of Co. G 1st Marine Artillery. r in uiia f . " 1 -.... j . . ... ., . 1. W . . IB Uonnah SAPU AUHWUlllI iiiuc, " 1 - Nash, aged S4 years. Funeral . services TV 11 1 pe neia at pinmy . v. i .n i. i .. , Maroii 2z at i.uw r. js. r i i.n-. .m ... u. J P. FT NT J" Y aV BON. Funeral Directors. Tblrd and Madlaoav 1'h.n. Main . A UM. Dtxaainr. MeEntee at OUbangrh. Funeral Dk rectors, '.in a) riao. Fhone M. ao. Lady aaat. KRICSON rNDKKTAKINO CO.. 40 Aldta g. Lady aaaiaraaic. j-bmhs asaust v&m. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Dlrec. sn. ISO sd at. lt assisrans. a-nfas sa. nru CELUR-BTRNE8 CO.. Fun.lal DlrMS. aca. t"S llnasrll as 1S. Lswly aaalatajat, r. k. DUNNINO. Vsalea-tTskar. 414 AlaVsE. lavdr a as lata nt fhono Saat SS. A UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSW Lit CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRE SENTING TOI.-R CHECKS AT THE ORE GON I AN OFFICE: - A, 858. 072, 6S0, 885. 692. 69S. 700, 703, lUT, 70S. 677. KO. 634. 695. 6S, 700. 705. C. 648, 673. 701. 704. 70S. D. 642, 600. V3. 6M5. 702, 70S. E. 6S2 6t'i 8t4. 700. F. 866. 685. 689, 697. 689. 701. 702. T07, 708. 715. G. 680. 686. 695. 697. 701. 71S. H. 659. 66S, 883. 890. 693. 694, 69S. 702, 705. 707. 709. 712. 713. , . 681. 682. 689. 694, 697, 701, 712. 715. K. 171." 880. 853. 667. 676. 677, 8S1. 692, 696. 697. 698. 713. 714. 715. 1. 652, 655. 878. 680. 686. 6S8. 689, 690. M. 648. 654. 696. 6S7, 714. 715. N. 853. 673.- 886. 706. 713. 750. O. 673. 675. 700. 701, 703. 710. 711. jC 691, 698, 699. 700. 701. 70S. 70T, 709, 715. 8. 6S7, 632. fl8. TW. 'too. A T. 641. 60.6. 675. 680. 6S4, 694. 698, 724. koVV1. 684. 687. 689. .!. 692. 693. 698. 697, 702. 711. X. 692. 694. 700. 708. 707. NEW TODAY. SURE WINNER 250 ACRE FARM This farm Is well art anted for dairy In it and stock raising. Clean, cool springs water the farm perfectly the, year around. Soil black, adapted to fruit, clover and timothy: 40 to 50 acres In cultivation: 100 acres easy to clear. 3000 to 4000 cords of good wood on farm; small house, good barn, old orchard; fine surroundings; H mile to uagie ureeK station on j. w. r. n. rv. . nlle to school, enurcn ana t-osi uirice; and adjoining selling from J"0 to $ll0 per acre. Our price $28 per acre. Se us soon if 3foa want a bargain. J. L. WELLS CO. 3v6 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. $6250 Irvlnpton home, on Broadway, near 21st. Nearly new 8-room borne, hard wood floors, combination fixtures, four larare bedrooms, cement basement, fur nace. Reason for selllnsr. owner's busi ness compels him to move to another city. This is a (rood buy. Can take possession April 1st. Geo. D. Schalk Main 392, A 2392. 264 Stark. A Sacrifice New 8-room modern house, worth $3500. We are instructed by the owner to sell for $3100. This is with out exception the best buy in west Piedmont. Near carbarn. For few days only. Summit Investment Co. 153 Killingsworth Avenue. East 5404. Ladd's Addition Most hifi-hly improved inside residence property in the city. ASPHALT STREETS A building restriction. , Special inducements to builders FULL WARRANTY DEED Perfect title. Ask for descriptive pamphlet. ' F. W. TORGLER, Agent Sherlock Bidg., 3d and Oak Sts. Holladay's Addition Tbe one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DB 9IRABLE residence property of ths city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER co and see the many CHOICE residences under construction and the Improvement! coins on. The Oregon Real Estate Company 884 Third Street. Portland. Oregon. An Acre in the City Beautifully located and overlooking the Willamette, with 30 feet open right of way to it: o minutes riae irom Maatson Driage, on two canines. For a Home There Is Nothing Finer Price J2203, $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Neighboring lots sell for ?600 each. Owner wants the money, there- THE CROSSLEY CO. 708 and 709 Corbett Bidg. KING'S HEIGHTS Handsome Residence for Sale, A most desirable property, near the Wilcox home, in exclusive King's Heights. MAC RAE & ANGUS, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Onfe Acre Vithin City limits, on the "Willamette, 76 feet of riverfront, on macadam road, with Southern Pacific track; through land. Owner has to go to higher altitude on account of sickness. If you want to double your money within six months buy this acre, at S2700. Terms. The Cirossley Co. 738 and 709 Corbett Building. $1050 Lot IWxlOO on E ISth st.. north of Tilla mook. Thia price is (250 leas than any lot on the street. Geo. D. Schalk Main 202. X 2392. 264 Stark St. TO LET THE COLONIAL UNFURNISHED A familT apartment hotel In Salt Lake City, Utao, now nearlns completion, of flats and 50 rrfnarle room; a part with bath: cafe, paasenarer elevator; building strictly modem. Party wanting to lease must have practical experience. Addreaa A. Fred wey, salt lu uiy, bean. NEW TODAY. WHEAT RANCH I 'own a 430-acre wheat ranch five miles from lone, in Eastern Oregon. Has the regular farm buildings, liv ing well, etc. (I would like to trade it for Portland property. The value is $20 an acre. H. P. PALMER 202 Rothehild Building. 0,000 ACRES CHOICE CARET .LANDS ON BIG .LOST B1VR, IDAHO. Soar Berts. Alfalfa. Fruit. Grala. Aimost tiis entire tract la practically level, with just a. ant nouH to Irricais cicely. No alkali. Mines, smelters and quarts mills la mineral region adjacent. Thrte best surar factories operating in Bingham and Premoat oountles. In wblch a Isrce portion or this tract Is sltuatsd. Market facilities UDexoelled. TDis tract la also bordered by one of the most ex tensive stock ranges la Idaho. Ths Oregon Short Line Railway Is already In operation across this tract and three proposd railroad will also pass over the same. Purchase tickets to Powell Station, on Oregon Short Ilns Rail road. Price, 930.50 per acre; $3.25 per acre In advance, balance In 10 annual Installments. 0 per cent Interest on deferred payment. WhiTE KOR CIRCULARS TO THS BIG LOST RIVER LAND AND IRRIGA TION COMPAN i . LTD., BOi&tt, IDAHO. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Abraham White. 2274 W a ah melon at. Andrea, V. V. A Co. M. 3341. 113 Hamilton U Anselea Exchange, frltt CGxnmoaweallA b-a. Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablngton bidg. Chapln at Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. Uoaot Realty Co.. Mam lotis. 'ZMVt alorrtaon. Columbia Trust ComDany. 714 Couch bL A191& Coimuerv lal Invest. Co.. 219 Lumber Exchange. compton, J. jr. rac. & A1&4&. 1UU AOlngtoa hi. Crodsley Co.. 708-9 Corbel, bidg. U. 7625. De Burgh. C. R., Pao. 778. 220 Ablngtoa bidg. uean i.ana improvement at coioaisauoa to., oji ChatnDer ot commerce Diag. Dubois & Crockett, 270 Washington st. Ooddard, H. W Jktaln and A 1743. 110 Id at. Botcbklss, C. R. Co., M. 106S. 0 C. of C. Jennings at Co, llaln 1S8. 12S 7th at. Kinney ac SUunpher. 531-532 Lbr. Ex. II. 44S. Lee, M. E.. room 411 Corbett building. Mall 4 Yon Boratal 104 2d St., 892 E. Buraaida. CDonneU. 1. I., M. 4501 A256U 2M Btark. Palmer. H. P.. 102 Rothehild bide. Main 5601. FarrUb, Watklne A Co.. 250 Alder at. IPorter A j-reDcn, vji commercial oiug. Reed, Fields A Tynan, M. 7004, A36M. 102 2d. Boas City Realty Inv. Co., La Fayette bidg. Bchalk, Geo. D.. 254 Stark St. Main 392. A392. Surety Investment Company, rooms 626-27-28 Corbett Ding., opp. fosiomce. UDUa:a xx. nmlth Robert B. Mar and W. Lawrence. Bharkey'. J. P. Co., 122H Sixth at. Stelntnets, F. J. & Co.. 193 Morrison St. Sweneson. A. T. A Co.. NH Washington ax. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. 881 Third St. (Holladay Addition.) Thompson A Ogden. 848 Mlas. Woodlawn 202. Veteran TLand Company, 1664 Third at. Waddell, W. O., 308 Lumber Exchange bidg. FOR SALE REAI. ESTATE. HOUSES for sale In all parts of ths city on easy terms; acreage auiiaDie xor luoqi vldlng made a specialty. Kinney Etampher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange bidg.. 2d and Stark sts. 13500 Bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, large llv- inS ITOBI, llicpmi-c. vw...tv case, attic, banement. concrete walks: new. convenient, modern; terms. 1111 East Al der. MODERX 5-room cottage, $200 down, $15 A. S. nRAPER A CO.. 843 Wirt. St.. room 6. IRVINOTON. $1150. Beautiful lot on 14th. Tillamook aaa I Thompson. 6Oxl00. all Improvements In and tald. 331 Chamber of Commerce. M 3177. . . IRVINOTON, 1150. Choice lot on 17th. between Tlllamoolc and Thompson, beautiful alte for bungalow. 881 Chamber or Commerce. 14 8177. (11.000 WHOLE block, close In, live bouses on property, netting t per cut, u.i'.. block good for manufacturing sits; terms. Owner. Apply 47 East Couch. $1350 New 4-room cottage, price reason able; 4H blocks straight weat from Nash ville. Mount Scott carllne. Call week days. John F. Muller. owner. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BT EXPERT REAL ESTATE ATT Y. D. A. TUFTS. S0SH WASHINGTON ST. GOOD 5-room cottage, full basement, toilet and bath; Vancouver ave., south of Rus sell St.; $1650. Brletow, Dodson & Con ley. 437 Chamber of Commerce. WAREHOUSE site, 200x400, on O. R. ft N., near St. John. A. S. DRAPER A CO.. S4314 Wash, st., room 9. IRVINOTON. COR. 65x100. $1350. S i. corner 14th and Thompson, blg est snap In city. 381 Chamber of Com merce. M 3177 WILL sell my beautiful country home at a great bargain; three acres, splendidly im proved; modern bouse, near 5c oar fare. F 711, OregonlaTK LOT on Alberta St.; street Improvements paid; price 5O0; terms $50 cash, balance $10 monthly. Slate Land Co., 133 V4 la st and 507 Alberta st. 7-ROOM bouse, strictly modern, furnace, high and, sightly, price $35o0; terms HOOO cash, balance to suit. Inquire at 607 Alberta St. A car. WHY pay rent when you can get a IH-story 7-room house built for 816O0T W. D. Swar Ingen, 63llj Washington. Pac. 1227. Call , evenings. NEW, modern 8-room house, corner. $4500; modern 8-room house. $3500: small pay ment, balancs monthly. Owner, phone East 675. NEW modern 5-room cottage, corner 50x 100 also 2 full lots Joining; terms. Take W -Woodstock car. 604 26th and Tlbbaia. $1800 New 6-room bungalow: full base ment; bath, near car. achool and church; $600 down. 530 Lumber Exchange bidg. S2500 BUYS from owner 6-room modern cot taxe In Sunnyalde: $200 cash. bal. $25 monthly. Hot East Taylor. Tabor 930. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MAC RAE ANGUS, 432 Chamber of Commerce. T-ROOM house. Highland. New, modern; a bis- snap. $S'J50. John P. Sharkey Co., 122 Mr 6th St. Main 55Q, A 2537. 6 TO 20-scre tracts, near Hlllsboro. bet. 8. P. and Salem electric A. S. Draper & Co.. 343 -Washington at., room 6. MODERN 6-room cottage. 3 roomi, hall, pan try den, first floor, or more; bath, gas, basement. 356 Lincoln. West. FOR SALE by owner: price and terms to suit Applv at room 405 Ablngton bidg., or Tel. B. 1453. after 7 P. M. LADY must sell 8-room cottage; lot 50xS5: new furniture; near Alberta and Wood lawn cars. 473 Mildred aye. LOT bought on Installment plan must be sold at a sacrifice; can't keep up payments. F 713, Oregonlan (y YTT A OK B rooms, new, modern, two blocks to car. large lot, price $2000. State Land Co.. 607 Alberta st. FOR SALE Nice building lot on 34th St.. near Hawthorne ave., on easy payments. G 718. Oregon tan. $1200 FOR a 5-room cottage, close In. can arrange very easy terms. State Land Co., 133 Vs 1st st. SEASIDE bungalows. Houses built, re paired. Sea Johnson. 204 Mohawk bidg. Main 5607. MODERN 6-room . house for sale by owner; reasonable terms If desired. Telephone Sell wood 1155. j SPHINX AGENCY, business and residence I property. SOS Chamber of Commerce bidg. j ACRES. H In cultivation. 9 miles out. So : fare Horace H. Fisher. 170 Front st. BRAND new 6-room house, close In; $3260. , Inquire 08 E. Stark. Phoae East 1487. j $S50 4-room cottage, large lot. 4 blocks as)' car. 630 Lumber Exohang bidg V