Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 12, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Crown of Germany Clears
With Full Cargo of Wheat
for United Kingdom.
Grain Shipments for the Present
Month Are In Excess of Those for
March, 190 7 Flour for. East
Siberia Waterfront Notes.
The four-masted bark Crown of Ger
many. Captain Helms, vai cleared yester
day for the United Kingdom with 141.14
bushels tr wheat, valued at J123.000. The
vessel left down In tow of the Harvest
Queen and will sail from Astoria the
latter part of the week. She was loaded
by A.. B;rg.
Tho Crown of Germany is the sixth
grain vessel to clear foreign .during the
month, and the total exports of wheat
amount to 6S3.723 bushels; with a valu
ation of IS37.058. With the exception of
tne French bark Pierre L.otl. which
cleared for Limerick direct, all the grain
carriers are under Instructions to pro
ceed for orders.
Exports for the month of March, 1907,
were fairly good, but will fall a long
war short of the amount which will be
set afloat during the present month.
"Wheat sent foreign during March of last
year amounted to only a few bushels in
excess of '500.000. The shipments for that
time have been far surpassed during the
first 11 days of the present month. Flour
exports have been alow, but before the
first of April there will be a noticeable
Increase. l.ast year March received
credit for shipping 3i2.T23 barrels of flour
to the Orient. The Neumantia will carry
a full cargo outward and a large part will
be made up of flour for Vladivostok.
tst year flour went to the Siberian port
In a steamer chartered for the purpose.
Westward cargoes are slack this year
and the flour for Kuns &. Albera will be
shipped on a regular liner. Tonnage in
the river la more than double what it
was a year ago and ships are receiving
better dispatch.
British Ship From Valparaiso to Pu-
get Sound Given Up for Lost.
LONDON. March 11. The British ship
Hartfleld, from Valparaiso October 23 for
Tacoma, has been posted at Lloyds as
missing. ,
A duserting sailor from the steamship
Thyra who arrived in Seattle January 21
reported to the hydrographle office at
that place having sighted the missing
ship Hartfleld several days previously 40
miles Inside the Straits of Fuca.' She
was flying aignals of distress and was on
her .beam ends. Seven hours later the
wind shifted to the northeast and the
ship was blown out to sea. Since that
time nothing has been heard of her.
Wreckage has been found on the west
coast of Vancouver Island and it is sup
posed by seafaring men that she piled
up at some inaccessible point and her
crew perished. The Hartfleld was in
command of Captain Sanderson and
sailed north from Valparaiso October 23,
in ballast. She was, under charter to
load wheat at Tacoma. Several re
Insurance quotations have been made on
Sailor Is Beaten by Runners.
, PORT TOWXSENT. Wash., March 11.
F. Harmenlng. a German sailor, sustained
a broken nose and was brutally beaten
while being taken out of the English
ship Pass of Klllecrankie, Captain Vint,
bound for the' United Kingrom, last
night. He had purchased some clothing
from a local shipping agent and objected
to going aboard the vessel without his
outfit. The two men In charge of the
boat set upon him, striking him in the
face with a quart bottle full of whisky
until the sailor Jumped from the boat Into
the ley waters of the bay. He was picked
up about 7 o'clock lost night by the
Untied States steamer General Wilson.
Warrants will be sworn out for the ar
rest of the two runners. The victim is
a union man, but wanted to make a voy
age to his home in Germany and sought
to ship through a local boarding-house.
San Pedro Shipping Notes.
SAN l'KDRO. March 11. The North
Pacific Company's steamer George W.
Klder. Oiptaln Jessen, arrived this morn
ing from Portland via Bureka and San
Francisco, with 9o0 tons of freight and
merchandise and passengers. She will
clear on the return trop tomorrow night.
Ths schooners Salem and Willie R.
Hume, at Everett, have chartered to load
lumber for Southern California ports.
The British steamer Berthlcy. Captain
Williams, which arrived yesterday from
Antwerp, will discharge only a small
part of the general cargo at this port
and will clear tomorrow for Ban Fran
cisco with the remainder.
The steamer San Gabriel, Captain Ken
dall, completed discharging today and
cleared for Umpqua River in ballast to
Captain and Two Officers flrown,
VICTORIA. B. C. March 11. Refus
ing to leave the steamer Windsor, one
of the Watts' freighters, well known
on this coast, when she was wrecked
on a reef off the Ahrolhous group.
Western Australia. Captain James
Walters. Chief Officer David W. Jones
and Chief Engineer John Jenkins were
drowned, according to news received
In the Australian mall. All other offi
cers and the crew were saved.
Alliance Will Sail Saturday.
The steamship Alliance, which has been
on the drydock since last Saturday un
dergoing an annual overhauling, will he
lowered at noon today and will come to
her dock at the foot of Couch street
during the afternoon. The Alliance has
been reoaulked and her boilers and en
gines given a thorough overhauling. She
is scheduled to sail for Coos Bay Satur
day night.
Marine Notes.
The steamship Breakwater sailed last
night for Coos Bay with a full passenger
list and 2H tons of freight.
The British ship Verbena is discharg
ing ballast at Montgomery docjc Jfo. 1.
The steamer Washington sailed yes
terday for San Francisco with a full
cargo of lumher.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. Mar. 11 Sailed Steamihlp
Brrafc water, for Ceos Bay; steamthtp Wash
ington, for Sn Francisco; steamihlp F. S.
Lwip. for fan Fraaclsco; Brltlah bark
Crown of Germany, for Queenatown or Fal
mouth for orders. .
Astoria. March 11. Condition of the bar
at 5 P. M . mmooth: wind southwest 12
miles, weather, cloudy. Arrived down dur
ing the nisht. French bark Emllle GalHne
and steamer Elmore. Arrived at 9 A. M.
and left U at 10 A. M Steamer Joban
Pouisen. from San Francisco. Arrived at
3:35 P. M. Brttlih shla Clan Buchanan,
from Santa Rosalia. Outside at 5 P. M.,
a three-masted bark In ballast. Sailed at
6 P. M. Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook, and
F. S. Lood. for San Francisco.
Harwich. March 11. Arrived March S
French bark Col. Vllebois- Mareuil. fro
Portland. ,
Tldea at Astoria Thursday. .
Hlsh. ' Vow.
S:BO A. M 7.2 feet 3:10 A. M 4.0 feet
10:35 P. M 68 feet'SS P. M 0.8 feet
Councilmen Mand With Him Against
City Lighting Ordinance.
. Mayor Lane's veto of the ordinance
authorizing the Executive Board to ad
vertise lor bids for electric lights for the
streets, public buildings -and parks for
not less than five years, was sustained
by the City Council yesterday afternoon.
However, the action is not of any par
ticular significance, as the reason for the
vote was simply to delay the matter un
til such time as it may be possible for
, - Doe to Arrive.
Name. From. T,t.
Nuraantia. .. .Hongkong- In port
Alliance Coo Bay In port
Ron City . .. .Ran Francliro. .In port"
Roanoke. ... .Los Angeles... In- port
JohanPoulsenSan Francisco. In port
R. D. Inman.San Francisco. .Mar. 12
Breakwater. .Cooa Bay Mar. 15
SueH. Elmore. Tillamook. ... . Mar. 15
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro. .... Mar. IT
Senator San Francisco. -Mar. 17
F S. Loop San Francisco. Mar. 25
. Arabia. Honjrkonc April 20
N loomed la. . . Hongkong April Zl
Aleala Hongkong May 25
Scheduled to Depart.
Nam a For. Data
R. D. Inman.San Francisco.. Mar. 13
Roanoke. .. ..Los Angeles... Mar. 12
Rose City. ...San Francisco. Mar. 13
Alliance Coo Bay ..Mar. 14
JohanPoulsenSan Francisco. Mar. 14
Numantla. . . .Hongkong Mar. 19
Sue H.Elmore. Tillamook Mar. 17
Breakfeater. .Coos Bay ...... Mar. 18
Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro. .. ..Mar. 10
F 8. Loop. . an Francisco. Mar. 29
Senator San Francisco. .Mar. 2
Arabia Hongkong April 2T
N I co media. .. Hongkong May 5
Alesla Hongkong. . . . .' June 1
Entered Wednesday.
Breakwater, Am. steamship (Mac
fcenn). with general cargo, from
Coos Bay.
Cleared Wednesday.
Breakwater, Am. steamship (Mac
genn), with general cargo, for Coos
Crown of Germany. Br. bark
(Helms), with 141,145 bushels of
wheat, valued at $129,000. for Queens
town or Falmouth for orders.
the Mount Hood Railway & Power Com
pany to bid against the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company.
Mayor Lane vetoed the, ordinance be
cause, as he said, he thought it unwise
to tie the city up to any corporation
for so long a period of time, and because
he declared the Council had exceeded its
authority by limiting bids to electricity;
he thought the charter provided for bids
for any kind of lights, he said.
"When the roll was called yesterday on
the passage of the ordinance over the
veto by the Mayor, three of the ten Coun
cllmen who stand together on all matters
of policy, were absent, and tuose present
Tell Into line and voted to sustain the
veto. It requires a two-thirds majority
to pass an ordinance over the Mayor's
veto. Therefore, it would have been use
less for the Mayor's opponents to have
attempted to do so yesterday.
Warns Council Against Increasing
Salaries of City employes.
Mayor Lane yesterday sent a communi
cation to the City Council, calling atten
tion to the numerous petitions from muni
cipal employes for Increases in salary.
He expressed the belief that,- at this time,
the city should be careful in granting in
creases, as the financial depression has
brought about a change in affairs. He
said he believed that all applications for
increases should at least go to a com
mittee for special Investigation.
When some of the petitions for in
creases came up for action by the Coun
cil, Mayor Lane arose and announced
that, in case any of the increases were
granted, he would be obliged to veto the
appropriation ordinances. Some discus
sion followed among the Councilmen,
when a motion was made and carried that
the matters be referred to the committee
on accounts and current .expenses.
St. John Club Elects Officers.
St. John baseball -promoters elected the
following officers Tuesday night at a
meeting held in the rooms of the Com
mercial Club: President, F. W. Valen
tine: secretary, H. C. Hunter: treasurer,
D. C. Rogers. The club will be known
aa the St. John Tri-Clty League Club. D.
C. Rogers, F. "W. Valentine. R. D. Jack
eon. Sam Norton and H. C. Hunter were
elected "directors. R. D. Jackson was
appointed to represent the club at the
meetings of the Tri-CSty League. I. C
Rogers. R. D. Jackson and 6am Norton
were authorized to negotiate with Pascal
Hill for a 5-year lease on his baseball
ground. Articles of Incorporation were
forwarded yesterday to Salem. Secre
tary Hunter said yesterday that St. John
will have a winning ball team.
If Baby la Cutting Teeth
Be sure and um that old w.U-trUd remedr.
Mrs. TVlnslow Soothlna Syrup, for chlldrea
tMthln. It soothe, the ohlld. softens th.
gums, allays eollo and diarrhoea.
Spring styles Hanan shoes at Rosenthal's
. When your food does not
seem to give you strength,
stop eating promiscuously for
a few days, take a dish-, of
Grape-Nuts and cream for
breakfast, eat slowly and note
the way you can work all
the forenoon without that
"faint" feeling.
Grape-Nuts, made from
wheat and barley, contains
the phosphates .which the
miller of white flour throws
out, for that part makes dark
flour, but these phosphates
are necessary to the rebuild
ing of brain and nerve cells.
You get Nature's food, not
drugs, in Grape-Nut.
"There's a Reason."
Menefee Puts License Com
mittee on the Grill.
Censures His . Colleagues for Per
mitting Pullman Cafe to Con
tinue Fiery Speech Is
of o Avail.
Councilman Menefee yesterday after
noon took occasion 'to arraign the - mem
bers of the liquor license committee
severely for their attitude toward the
Pullman Cafe, a saloon at 185 Alder
street, and the West Coast Oyster-house
at 143 Seventh street. He declared that
the committee is censurable because
after it permitted "a fake transfer" of
the Pullman license to go through from
John Conrad to C. A. Tuck it still later
allowed Tuck " to transfer to P. C.
O'Mera. Dr. Cottel. chairman of the
liquor committee, replied, - saying; that
Mr. Menefee was in error; that the
transfer were not "fakes" so far as
the committee could asce rtain.
Mr. Menefee endeavored t$ defeat the
adoption of the report of the committee,
which carried with it a transfer of the
Pullman Cafe license , from Tuck to
O'Mera, and succeeded; but he was de
feated at last, when Councilman Con can
non consented to change his vote, and
Cottel moved to grant the transfer. When
the ballot was taken the motion carried,
and the Pullman Cafe still lives.
A motion to deny the application for a
liquor license at the West Coast Oyster
house failed, and that somewhat notori
ous establishment will continue to sell
liquor. ' Both places we're once recom
mended for revocation of license by the
liquor license committee.
It is seldom that any Council commit
tee receives such a scathing rebuke as
that administered the members of the
liquor license committee by Mr. Menefee.
The latter seldom speaks at length, but
is known to be a man of strong convic
tions. "I would like an opportunity to vote on
some of these transfers said Mr. Mene
fee when the committee made- its report
In routine fashion. "I cannot understand
why the committee makes its report as
It has, after holding a lengthy investi
gation of certain of the places recom
mended for transfers, without submitting
a detailed account of its findings."
Chairman Cottel then explained that
the committee had no detailed report to
submit, but assured the Councilmen pres
ent that investigation had determined the
places recommended for transfers to be
"all right."
Councilman Menefee grilled the mem
bers of the committee for recommending
that the Council grant a second transfer
in the Pullman Cafe case.
, "It Is a matter of common knowledge,"
declared Mr. Menefee,- "that the transfer
from John Conrad to C. A. Tuck was a
pure fake; that Tuck was a mere dummy,
and that Conrad remained in charge of
the saloon all the time, and that he is
Btill the proprietor. Recently Tuck and
Conrad quarreled and Tuck left the city,
leaving it up to Conrad to secure some
one else to whom the transfer
Councilman Driscoll, who generally
champions saloonmen In the Council, de
clared that Mr. Menefee's statements
were based on information furnished by
persons who were Interested In having
the Pullman Cafe closed, and said that
the transfer should be granted. During
the debate Mayor Lane said that he had
received reports to the effect that the
Pullman is as bad as ever.
Demand Kire Protection.
Mayor Lane and the members .'of the
City Council have been petitioned by the
members of the Mount Tabor Improve
ment Association, the Center Addtion
Push Club, the Sixtieth Precinct Push
Club and the Montavilla Improvement
Board to provide fire protection for the
districts embraced in the territory of
these clubs. The petitions set forth the
fact that the district? mentioned have no
The only Genuine
Th Grtat Laxative and Blood Tonic
' If other physicians have treated
you for so-called "weakness." you
were helped only temporarily, if
at all, and the reason is very ap
parent when the cause of loss of
power in men is understood.
Weakness" isn't a weakness at
all. but is merely a symptom of
chronic inflammation In the pros
tatic gland, broifght on by early
dissipation or some contracted dis
order. Our system of local treat
ment removes this inflammation
and is the only treatment that has
ever restored or ever tan perma
nently restore strength and vigor.
ough and searching examination la desired, though if inconvenient to
call, write us a full description of your trouble. Our office hours are
from 3 A. M. to 8:S0 P. M., excepting Sunday from 9 to 12. Address or
call on the
Too Risky
Ask your doctor if he does not think
.would be wise for you to eep a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house.
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
"A 'hard chill, pain through the chest, difficult
breathing." If this should be your experience, send
for your doctor. It may be pneumonia! To doc
tor yourself would be too risky. If your doctor
cannot come at once, give Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
When, he comes, tell him exactly what you have done.
We have no secrets I We publish
the formulas of alt our medicines.
J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell; Mm.
fire protection whatever and that this
condition of affairs was brought to the
attention of city officials a year ago by
Fire Chief Campbell, In his annual re
port; that the districts named have for
three years paid taxes to the city and
that the water supply is now adequate
for the use of a fire engine and a combi
nation hose and chemical wagon.
Must Remain on Table.
Pursuant to his declaration, made in
open Council two weeks ago. Councilman
Vaughn yesterday called up the air
brake ordinance, in an effort to have the
measure removed from the table and
placed on final ' passage. It provides
that all streetcars shall be "equipped with
airbrakes and specifies the speed of cars
and other features. Mr. Vaughn's motion
was defeated by a large majority, leaving
the measure on the table. He said he
would call for it every session' until it is
disposed of.
Assessment Bill Passed.
An effort toprevent the passage of the
assessment ordinance on the Grand ave
nue improvement, from Belmont-to Stark
streets, failed m . the Council yesterday
afternoon because the majority believed
the contractors should receive their pay
for the work already completed. A rule
to force contractors to complete the en
tire contract before receiving payment has
applied to some cases, but in some in
stances it is ignored.
Adjourned Meeting Today.
Owing to the fact that the buainess of
the city, has increased to a large extent
of late, it is impossible for the City Coun
cil at an ordinary session held bimonthly
to complete its work. Because of this
fact, it has been forced to adjourn to
meet at a later date for the past three
sessipns. An adjourned meeting will be
held 'at 2 o'clock this afternoon to finish
up yesterday's calendar.
Defeated by Party Vote.
The ordinance providing for eight ad
ditional detectives, who were to have been
named to do duty . as' patrol sergeants,
failed to pass the Council yesterday after
noon by the usual party vote. The meas
ure originated in the ways and means
committee, the members vof which are
largely friends of the Mayor, and the ma
jority of the Council will not sustain
ordinances recommended by this commit
tee. Brother Cline Waxes Sarcastic.
PORTLAND, March 11. (To the Editor.)
Being informed by the evening- papers last
Monday, and The Oregonlan next morning,
that the (writer produced the greatest per
turbation in the Portland Methodist preach
ers' meeting Monday last by the assertion
that mm of his clerical companions are not
greater preachers and scholars than Spur-
Pills b-hd 752
4 1 i
If We Do Not Cure You It Will Not Cost You
One Cent.
pi nnn pnKftN skin diseases, sores,
dLWU ruioun ulcers, psoriasis, eczema,
Every case of contracted disease
we treat is thoroughly cured; our
patients have no relapses. When we.
pronounce a case cured there is not
a particle of infection or inflamma
tion remaining, and there is not the
slightest danger that the disease
will return in its original form
or work its way into the gen
eral system. No contracted dis
order is so trivial at to warrant
uncertain methods of treatment,
and we especially solicit those
cases that other doctors have been
unable to cure.
geon, Talraag-e, Dr. John Hall and Henry
Ward Becher ever were, I 'hasten to ask
why such a bold Implication should not pro
duce Indignation and wrath; and how could
a man who knows what danger Is, who
during- the Civil War fought, bled, died and
almost suffered for his country, be so
thoughtless, so reckless In fact, as to take
the risk of suck an offensive utterance.
But then, some who were present In that
meeting, says the reporter, who was not
present, wove like the spider most of that
story out of his own bowels, worming the
rest of it out of willing "injured innocents."
At any rate after screwing my courage up
to the sticking point I boldly deny the alle
gation of any row and defy the alligator.
Eleven Oriental Gamblers Pay City
Tainted Money.
Tainted money to a total of $220 drop
ped with a merry jingle into the city's
coffers yesterday forenoon, when Muni
cipal Judge Cameron fined 11 Chinese
gamblers S0 each. At least Lawyer
Pague declared the money . was tainted
and said the eity should not take it. Mr.
Pague was appearing as attorney for the
The 11 were arrested iii the basement
of Bow Wo's place at 82 Second street,
Just across the street from police head
quarters. They were absorbed in a quiet
game of fan tan when the police broke In
the doors and arrested all occupants of
the room. Through interpreters the ac
cused 11 denied they were gambling and
Mr. Pague pointed out that their mere
presence about a table did not signify
anything. So different in customs, tem
perament, education and religion are
these people from the Orient that the 11
may have been banded' together for the
purpose of waiting on some sick brother,
the attorney pleaded.
The jury In the case, however, was not
convinced, and took advantage of a very
infrequent chance to punish a few of the
hundreds of Orientals who are gambling
in Chinatown.
IjOS Angeles Capitalist Trades for
Warehouse District Property.
One of the syndicate that owned the
half-block on Ankeny street between
Fourth and Fifth Prank C. Perrine has
traded his interest in the property to
John Foxton, a Los Angeles capitalist,
who intends to make Portland his home
hereafter. Mr. Perrine by the deal ob
tains a residence in Los Angeles which
'was figured on a basis of $25,000. He ex
pects to divide his time between the two
The half block on Ankeny street is
No matter if you have been pronounced incurable by any other physician, don't on that
account hesitate to come to me for treatment. 1 have cured hundreds of men who had
been told that they were incurable. Remember, that my methods will cure cases that
are practically incurable by any other treatment. My methods are original with me,
and are the result of many years' experience in medical practice. I effect a cure in
every case I take for treatment, because my treatment is adjusted to the needs of each
patient with scientific precision. I leave nothing to guesswork. I KNOW when I be
gin treating a patient that I will, perform a complete and permanent CURE. Such a
cure by my treatment is Just as certain as that two and two make four.
I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of the disease from the sys
tem is a real cure. I treat to completely remove the disease and not merely the symp
toms. I drive out every root and fiber of the ailment and effect a cure that will
make you strong and vigorous for a lifetime.
The cures 1 effect are the result of my thorough knowledge of every phase of
the disease I treat and to the fact that I apply individual treatment to each case.
In every instance I know the ailment and I know the cure for it. The fact that I
agree to wait for my fee until you are cured la proof of my confidence In my ability
to cure in every case. Some physicians assert that certain diseases of men are in
curable. I deny that, and stand ready to PROVE that by my methods there is no dis
ease peculiar to men that cannot be cured.
You Can Pay Me When You Are Cured
Under my treatment the most
asgravated cases of varicocele are
cured in a few days time. There
is no p'ain, and it is seldom neces
sary that the patient be detained
from his occupation. Normal cir
culation is at once restored
throughout all the otga n and
' their- natural processes of wasto
and repair are again established.
If you are afflicted with varico
cele consult me at once. Delay
can bring on aggravated condi
tions and nervous complications
and involve the general health.
No other physician employs a
like treatment, and so thorough is
my work that there need not be
the slightest fear of a relapse int
old conditions.
Twenty-five years of successful
practice In Men's Diseases' enable
me to apply the proper methods
and medicines. I treat Varicocele,
Hydrocele. Contracted Disorders.
Specific Blood Poison, Pile"; and
Stricture restoring all affected
organs to normal and healthy ac
tion in the shortest possible sp'ace
of time.
To Judge my ability without
personal consultation may be an
injustice to yourself that will cost
a lifetime of suffering. Consul
tation is free and confidential and
you place yourself under no obli
gation to me whatever by coming
to taiJC Willi me i
Cures Guaranteed in
Cases Accepted
Do Not Suffer Longer
Promises of Others
If Honest and Responsible
Pay When Cured
No Money Required to
Commence Treatment
The Reliable Specialist
Many a bright- and promising career haa been bltprhted W neglected
conditions and injurious habits before the age of knowledge and under
standing, and many have been cut short by some disease, which through
neglect or improper treatment has completely undermined and shattered
the physical strength and mental faculties. No greater mistake can be
made than to consider lightly the first evidence of the introduction of
any disease Into your system or to neglect the first symptoms of weak
ened mind and Impaired, health caused by neglect, .ignorance, dissipa
tion, etc.
Such Indifference and neglect of the first symptom are responsi
ble for thousands of human wrecks, failure in life and business, do
mestic discord and unhappy married life, divorce, insan'.ty, suicide, etc.
Men, why take such desperate chances?. The manifestations of the first
symptoms of any disease should be a warning to you to take prompt
steps to safeguard your future life and happiness. You should carefully
avoid all uncertain, experimental, dangerous or halfway treatment, for
upon the success of the first treatment deperds whether you will be
promptly restored to health again, with all taint of disease removed
from your system, or whether it will be allowed to become chronic and
subject you to future recurrence of the disease, with the various re
sulting complications, etc "
V treat men only, and rare promptly, safely and thorouEMy and
at the lowest coat. Varicocele, Hydrocele. Vital Weakness, Blood and
Skin Dtaeaaea, Kidney and Bladder Disorders, Ulcers, Sores, Painful
Swellings, Burning, Itching and Inflammation, Nervousness, Loss of
Strength and Vitality and All Contracted Disorders of Men.
Medicines $1.50 to $6.50 a Course
If you cannot "call, write for Diagnosis Chart. Our offices are open
all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M-, and Sundays from 10 to 12.
Oregon Medical Institute
183 Morrison Street, Between 4th and 5th, Portland, Oregon.
held by the syndicate referred to as an
investment. There is a frame building
on the site used as a. sales stable and
livery, adjoining the wholesale house of
the Marshall-Vells Company. On the
deal made by Mr. Perrine there was. In
addition to the residence in Los An
geles, $15,000 "involved in the transaction,
making the quarter interest 4O,000, or a
holding value of $160,000 for the piece.
Uniform for Ball Team.
K. H. Smith. H. H. Pomeroy and W. M.
S. S. S. 13 the only safe and reliable cure for Contagious Blood Poison.
It is purely vegetable, made entirely from healing, cleansing roots, herbs
and barks, and in addition to curing this vile disorder, S. S. S. builds up
every part of the system. Mercury and potash, cannot cure the trouble;
they can only maslc it in the system for awhile, and when they are left off
the disease returns, usually, in worse form than before, and the patient finds
he has damaged his health with these strong minerals, which disease the
delicate lining of the stomach, affect the bowels, produce chronic dyspepsia
and often set up Mercurial Rheumatism. It will not do to trifle with a dis
ease so powerful as Contagious Blood Poison, for everyday it remains in the
blood it i3 progressing toward a dangerous stage, and will in the end get be
yond the control of any treatment. S. S. S. cures blood poison in the right
way, it goes down into the circulation and removes every particle of the virus.
No bad results are ever experienced from the use of S. S- S. , It is gentle and
pleasant in its action, and forty years of cures warrant the statement that
S. S. S. is not only a safe but a certain treatment. Home treatment book
k on this disease and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write.
Others dose the system with
mineral poisons scarcely less dan
gerous than the disease itself.
The best they hope to do by this
treatment is to keep the disease
from manifesting its presence
upon the surface of the body.
Undjer my treatment, the entire
system is cleansed. The last taint
of virus is destroyed. Every
symptom vanishes to appear no
more. I employ harmless, blood
cleansing remedies. They are
remedies heretofore unknown In
the treatment of this disease.
They cure by neutralizing and ab
solutely destroying the poison in
the system. Such cures cannot be
other than complete and perma
nent. STRICT! RE.
My treatment for stricture re
moves the necessity for surgical
operations even in severe cases of
long standing. I do no cutting
nor dieting. No other physician
employs my methods of overcom
ing this disorder, so the service
I offer you is original and dis
tinctive. Do not give up hope be
cause others have failed. I will
cure you and the cure will be a
prompt and painless one. My
treament dissolves the stricture,
subdues all inflammation, relieves
all - irritation or congestion that
may exist In the kidneys or blad
der, reduces enlargement of the
prostate gland and restores health
and tone In all organs affected by
the disease.
All medicines are prepared In
my own private laboratory and
are absolutely fresh and pure.
Jackson, from the East Side Business
Men's Club, will wait on East Side busi
ness men this week and ask them to sub
scribe toward the purchase of uniforms
for the ball team for the Trl-City League.
The insigna of the Business Men's Club
will adorn the front of the uniforms.
San Francisco, March 11. Arrived
Steamer Quito, front Newcastle, Australia;
steamer christian Bora, from Honolulu.
Sailed Schooner L,izzle prien, for t'nala.ka;
steamer Daily Mitchell, for South Bend;
schooner cweirtm, for Coqullle; schooner Ad
vent,' for Coos Bay; schooner Guide, for
Grays Harbor.
The LeatlinK Specialist.
In Any Uncompllentrd Diiiorder,
To but partially cure a con
tracted disease is almost as dan
gerous as to allow it to f?o un
treated. Unless every particle of
Infection and. Inflammation Is re
moved the probability exists that
trie disease will gradually work
Its way into the general system.
Still greater is the danger of the
prostate gland becoming chronic
ally inflamed, which always
brings partial or complete loss of
power. Perhaps 25 per cent f the
cases of so-called "weakness" are
a direct result of some improperly
treated contracted disease. Dur
ing the past five years I have
treated thousands of cases of con
tracted disorders and have effect
ed an absolutely thorough and
safe cure In each instance.
Of the male anatomy will be
found both interesting and in
structive. Free at office.
If you cannot call, write for
diagnosis blank.
TO 12 OS"LT.