Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 11, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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1-V'Fe SALB A fine lo on upper Washing
ton r.. near 21M M.. a -nap at ?!1.0rf.
A tine r'sHrve jiif. block in Holla
! c v k ; ba ra i n $; .
:ilo Shetland Hl'ic.
7-KOOM modern bungalow, tinted, fixtures,
larte ba.-ment - and atiic. $250; $.0O
ra-h. balance easy terms. Phone Owner.
Woo'Hawn 117.
R K L I X y I I . H M E N T a .
. H. P. lo aires tn louplas Co.. cruising
:;. tKS.Mirt f t til and w-.Jar; cood 4-room
hniLSw, g.-od barn. 2ox21. g-vd ehlekcn
1;J, b-artng fruit tret. Ht
a- rs unJtr cultivation; :i"-ft. creek rune
by hous'-, n. vtr Jiy: cod ri-lung and hunt
inn: this property t- un gt-od road. A snap,
I 6m aTPS. Douglas Co.. cruising 11. .33.--0
ff-.-t No. 1 y Mow and red fir; good
flrivmg .mrcam. tributary u main l"mpiua
Hivr; n: ii on this $1250.
a'-ren. iUK'as "., cruising o,&.
iku: f. , t No. 1 r-l an.1 yellow fir; good
orU'lng stream; price $75. .
:o arrs cruising M.". ?et red and
w Mr at -Ve per M tu nipaK ; this is
-Vniy a snap; Camaa Vally dlfirict.
j a-Tf . K in math Co. ; modern aw-
; cn-iugh oi-Il-tf to run to lull rapaciiv
v-ax; jrH.iMHi.M n. p'l-e adjoining; a
unr- tn this, i "ail and invftiwatf.
cations in SjiutE reservation. $4u to
;tlh W on'f'Htpr bios-
G')'KK.N'ME.T timber claim in Northern
California, sugar and white pine; guaran
teed 2.Ht, Ono or more pr claim; will cut
40 per cent No. 2 shop and better; acces
sible; personally examined these lands.
W ilt show iheuj and am responsible. John
B. ILavDand. 1-2B Failing bldg. Phono
Erit 4176. P. O. Box 633.
I hve sevrai good timber re iniui.h
m n ; loi atirn is line, and if you siil!
have a right I can place you. No money
to be paid until you net it.
g ko. w. dot ( i I a Ft?.
;1K Worcester bldg.
FAiVMIl.L cai.a-'itv i,ooo also IXVOtro feet
of tinier H-ljoiinntf. $.'i.vt; eay terms or
wttl -j(c.hang" for real estate.
Sawmill, capacity OO.vC-0; a bargain at
$4y,HK; terms.
71S Chamber of Commerce.
TI -M HKK F I i AbE.
Location in Columbia. Douglas and Coo?
counties, from 3 to 7 million f-et; millions
of JYt t of U--Hed timber land at prices that
will bUiel interest yu.
Wort-j'tor bldg.
good iruit and dairy land,
rontainlng about 2,HM),000 feet flPO fir
and cedar timber, within a mile of Forest
i;rove; nssepsed valuation $-K0; will ac
i rpt (2000 on easy terms. S t41 Orego
Cbicago. Npw Orleans. Seattle.
S2l Chamber of Commerce.
CHOICE homesteads and timber claims,
near U. H. and water, with 3.O00.OO0 to
(0.ton.OiV feet splendid timber. Call or
address The Coast licalty Co., XJCSi Mor-ri.-on
R have mtnie e--pi-ciaiiy good buys in tim
ber !and tn large and small tracts, close
In and far awny. Kinney & tampher,
srill Lumber Exchauso bldg., lid and Stark
si a.
CAN" file you on 11! choice Government
claims, vellnw pine. Inquire C E. Hatch.
Guarantee Co.. 7 N. 2d. Phone Main 3O07.
Government locations. :i27 Worcester "blk.
TIM HER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room
:iiS. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
WILL take one or two good lots not too far
out :is part payment on modern, sv?H,
brand-new K-room house, on East 14th,
nnr Helmont; $;km cash, halantre to suit;
No. 1 72 E. 14th. Key next door. Bollam.
GuiskI & Iligiey. 12S .Id st.
fbOOfi VVOIiTH of rfsidence lots in Lincoln.
Neb. all or part fn- anything of equal
atue In Oregon or Washington. Answer with
fill particulars and price, B 671, Ore
ftonlan. KlOTTEK than a gold mine something that
will make you S2.uoo; will take su00 in
good real est at". If- you are active, in
vesiiRHte. X tiSl. (irgoniun.
EN H ANG K Itooni ing-h"use, 12 rX)nis. 2
suites hi-usr-kt't ping, rent 4v. center of
cit, for hmisc and lots, tmburbs; no agents.
L t-;. uregonian.
C1TLTIVATED farm in Missouri. 160 acrei.
for tale, or exebance f"- property In Port
land. G. N. Howell. 200Vi Alder, room 7.
A JJOOrt stork of fresh groceries, doing .V
Pr day cash to t rade for re?i-d'-nee
property. Owner. I 644. Oregonian.
IE VOL' want to sell your house, of if you
want to buy or exchance. real estate. Call
r write :.!." Lumber Exchange.
W ILL trade a. tine candy store, doing good
business, for bouse and lot in city, value
$;;;.iMt. W oregonian.
FOi; SALE or trad', grocery store in choice
locution: thin is a bargain: what have
youV. Phone Tabor 21.
MON KY M A K ING market. established 7
vi'uri. f i- real estate or rooming-house.
2t:i Stai k.
SE I:K.L choice diamonds for lot or mod
ern eotlago or bungalow. 24:t Stark.
A SM A LL restaurant for trade, by owner.
What have ou? 71 N. fith st.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith.
411 Buchanan bldg.
Tit A 1K it for a wheat ranch. S 111-5-0 Cor-
b:t bldg.
W N I K Improved or unimproved real ep
t.tte, acreage, or god business chances, in
any' part of th- city.- to sell or exchange.
Call write. TVfft-Coui tols Co., ."ill Com
nuicial bldg.
HAK buyers for follouing: Vacant quarter
block in good residence district. Moore oc
Front Laud Co.. Swoliand bldg.
W A XTKIMIenl flixtf to exchange for SJotK
ci'tli of Home TjfiephoRo iNnd!. Main ot
M'i- Lumb'-i- VIxchaiiLie bldg.
WANT income ral estate: will pay $2mn down
end balance on time. H 7:t. Oregonian.
WANT f to 0-room house. eat or West Side;
eufy terms. J tU5. Oregonian.
ft t 1 LIS from Tort Ian-!. 40 acres tillable
Un 1. good burdir.g" f"f 4o cows, iariif out-
pi.ic r;ia'-; Iki- coinfoiiahie houtf'; -j
n;l!e To s:a:i('tt. Aoplj aticr 7 P. M. to
7M Eitirt Coitih. Poviinnd. l'hone Eat lo4ti.
Folt KENT To responsible tenant, hopj'ard
near nillj-i-oro. c.-ntainina lnut liW acres.
Apply The Hnwihurne 1-tate. ;i2o Worces
ter bbli:.. Pot Hand. Or.
FtELI A IH.E man to rent farm; carh or sharea.
A. J. Hrown. Karlon. Or.. Route 1.
"WELL improved small farm on electric car
lire. ,S to IO miie oui. to acres
Moore & Frost Lund Co.. Swetland bldg.
A to 2i aervf. with small house.
r.. iir Portland Answer stating i trice and
tc ins. T Oioi-oi'.tan.
TIMBER WANTED T have several parties
de-irous of purchasing some gvoa tim
b, i- rr'.inuntslTinents. If vou have such.
i-ome see me at once. Geo.- W. Douglass.
o ! s Worcester block.
s-jtt AtMiES r.ear saiem. half cleared, bal
.in. iiood tiinl'T; fine soil; house and
b.rn: price J"J- '0 per acre; will divide !f
desired. I) ;i3, iregonian.
FtH SALE--tM-acr' tarm n-'Hf Sycamore; 15
a. -cj c'.-uitii: wnall orchard; Jr-on. The
!todli:n P. :Ltv Co.. 14 llaniliton bldg,
Phor.e Miiin 44t.
i:.o CCKS lard, wl! :er 1. m-a
H!i-1 .e- trU lw. R. ; worth ?2 aci-c;
f"t mnr.- y tak- it at 1.;.
IfV: 4t n wt.
1:0 ACRES improved, b'ack soil, on ca
Mr--, "'"J miles out. $fi.o an acre; worth
j .. J J . McCat th . 421-422 A bin g ton
j. o elrod tvr wheat ranches. &19-520
Cruett olQg.
W acres, 12 acres clear. 30 acres eaaily
etard, balance in small timber; house
lSx: bam 36x48. shed tuid other small
buildings; good well and small creek; all
fenced; land nearly all level; personal prop
erty. 4 horses. 10 cows, 10 heifers, 1 bull.
. i-hoat. 8 sheep. 85 chickens. 2 sets of
harness, lumber Wagon, new 2-seated hack,
cart, single harness, binder. mower, hay
rake, disc harrow, plow, fanning mill, cream
(separator, bonecutter, 10 tons of hay. 50
bushels . oata. 20 bushels wheat. 25 sacks
potatoes, household furniture, and a lot of
small tools; price (ftiVX; favorable terms can
be had. There are So acres adjoining with
40 acres under plow and in crop, which can
be rented for liny per year. This place is
four miles from Oregon City, mile from
tar line. 1 miles from "boat landing, 14
miles from Portland.
1334 First st.
Fine 6tO acre-farm in Southern Oregon.
200 acres bottom land under cultivation; 300
acres rolling, some timber, most of which
can be cleared and cultivated; 100 acres
hillside land well timbered; welt fenced
with woven wire and plank; -over 9 miles
of fence; about 20 acres of alfalfa, harvest
ing three crops annually; 2 acres young
bearing orchard, apples peaches, pears and
cherries and all kinds of berries and small
Modern 6-room cottage, with hot and
cold water.- which is piped from spring to
house and barn; good woodhouse, two large
barns, blacksmith shop and tools; abundance
of w-ater for irrigation.
For full particulars address 651 Union
avenue North, Portland. Or., or . phone
East 3141.
20 acres, one mile out; 10 acres No. 1
fruit land, balance pasture, uncleared;
house and big barn; two acrea sub-ini-gat-d;
easy to clear; price $1600.
10 acres 9 miles out; about all level;
rich, red shot so11. mostly under fence; 15
a-res cleared, balance easy clearing; 480
Spltzenberg. New tons and Jonathan apples,
1 to 4 years old. in good condition; S-room
houee and a b'g nam, root and woodhouse;
price $o&00, $3000 cash.
P.. FIELD & CO..
White Salmon. Wash.
100O ACRES, 100 acres under ditch. 45 acres
in alfalfa. 60 acres rough lana. naiance
al! tilled and 400 arre in wheat; good new
houve, fair barn. Willow Creek and O. R.
& N. R. R. runs through place; 4 mtles
from Heppner and 5 miles from Lexington.
This is one of the best grain and hay farms
in Morrow- County. I will offer this farm
at $20 per acre. Including the crop, for the
next 30 davs; better Investigate if you want
a bargain. I know what I am talking about
and will prove it to you if you will give
me the chance. Go. W. Turner, 3o3
Washington at.. Portland. Or.
$11tm Half cash. S acres level land near
Lents, an ciearea, 24 in cuinvnuwu, urm
J7KK Half rash. 10 acres, all im
proed. V miles of Lents, good house,
barn, fruit and water, elegant chicken
CWU io acres, homestead, plenty tim
ber, un R. R. and water. 120 acres level
land, 1 da"'s drive from Portland (no
agents). Coast Realty Co.. 226 Morri
son street.
ONE of the best little farms in Tamhill
County; 50 acres, 25 in cultivation, 10 in
oats, 4 in wheat and clover. 2 in mea
dow, 6 in timber, 00 fruit trees, two good
wells and running water, good 5-room
house, good barn and granary, one mile to
school, .church and town; price, with crop.
$:t6O0, one-half cash. This Is a dandy, up-to-date
place and is worth the money
asked. See It. Turner. 303 H Washington
at., room 4.
ft does not matter; if you want a
tnnall or large farm of any kind, it will pay
you to Investigate the large list of choice
farm bargains of thin firm: can serve the
poor aj well as the rich; $10 a day and ex
penses paid if not found as represented ;
special good bargains in driving distance to
' E'ortland.
F. PITHS. 221 Morrison at.
44 ACRES, in Washington County, all clear;
richest kind of land, wen waiereo; wun
tn 9 miles of Portland, within mile of
present railroad station and new Htlls
boro electric runs alongside; price, $6600;
one-third down, balance long time. We
know for a fact this Is a great money
maker; the present owner has made
enough money to quit. The Span ton. Co.,
'J70 Stark at.
20 acres of bottom, fine soil; does not
overflow; 15 acres cleared; every foot can
be cultivated; 200 young fruit trees; new
5-room house, barn and outbuildings; near
school and small town; come a-running if
you want it; $2200; terms to suit.
A. I. LONG & CO.,
Kalama. .Wash.
2o ACRES, on new HIHsboro electric line;
t he year round ; only short distance to
present railroad station; about 7 acres
cleared, 10 acres slashed, balance good
timber; price. $.".000; easy terms, low in
terest. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st.
Landa under the Furnish A Ooe project.
V mat ilia County, Oregon. Call on Columbia
Land Co., 603 Marquam bldg., Portlano.
FOR SALE In section 5. township 3. 8 miles
eat of Orgon City. 5-room house, cattle,
etc.; also 25 acres Improved land. 1 acre
cleared. S aero bearing fruit. Easy terms
for right party. For further information ap
ply to Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co.
CHICKEN RANCH Close to town, at bar
gain: 2 acres; new 5-room house; barn,
incubator-house. 16x90 brooder-house, hot
water system; 10 PetaJuma 1324-egg) in
cubators. L. C. Vanetta. O. W. P. waiting-room.
First and Alder.
The reliable dealers in Hood River fruit
lands. If vou want the best call on us.
Portland office 40S Corbett bldg.
J. A. ARMENT. Manager.
33 ACRES joining good valley town on
railroad and river; wilt sell at 20 per cent
less than actual value If taken at once; a
genuine bargain: will stand investigation,
401-402 Lumber Exchange bldg.
FOR SALE S1J0 lt(0 acre.. 30 In cultlva
tlon: large barn, good house; some timber;
6 miles from Columbia River and condensed
milk factory. h0 Lumber Exchange bldg.
THE best situated 30-aere farm In the
Valley, on railroad and river; orchard,
running water, etc.. near thriving town;
low price; terras. -o? &tarK, room
Horse. Vehicle mud Harness.
W A XTPTJ First-claes farm team and har
ness tmare preferred), not less than 2400
lbs., for $100 cah, balance in real es
tate near Portland car line; state partic
ulars In first letter. Address D 682. Ore
$j2o BUYS well-matched black team. 8
and j years, weignt -wo, ana nariirw.
x::im) well-watched black team. 0 and 1
years, weight 2200; can be seen at Dexter
Stables. 4j 4th st.
Foil SALE Horse. harness and covered
delivery wagon; must rdl at once. French.
Hlsck. Muck & Berrie. St. John car.
Phone Lnjon
sv P Pair horses. 270O lbs., $1S0; bay
hcrse. work single or double, 1130; other
horses. 23 N . I4tn st.
A BARGAIN 2 wagons. 34 in: 1 heavy set
harness. E. W. Clark, 1 mile south of
Lent. Route No. 1.
Hubert ft Hall. 2a 4th. dealer In horses
and vehicles; norses ana venicics ior moL
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. Montgomery.
HORSES, harnees and buggies for sale or hire.
HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland
Stnbles, 5th ana tilisan.
FINE roadster mare, weight about 1060; price
140. l'hone Kast .
BARN to rent. Rear 676 East Bumride.
Suitable for light rig.
SNAP A beautiful burl w-alnut Kimball
roano. almost new, for sale at naif price
must sell; objet leaving the city. 20
12th st-. near jenerson.
$7oO P I A NOL A pia no, like new . ba rgain :
terms or caftr. 61S Toumy bldg. Pbone
Pacific U44.
M i scv 1 laneous.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir wood, at $6
per cord delivered. Kirk Hoover. Phons
BBHNKB- WALKER Business College certi
ficate for sale: very reasonable; books free.
O Oregonian.
Mrtvinc-oieture Exchange Machines, sup
plies, slides, films for rent. 165 4th st.
FOR SALE Good roli-top dek and office
chair; inquire 424 Lumber exchange.
TTPEWRTTRRi- Second -hand and factory r-
HUlts; u. i Atarx ac
1 15 H. P. donkey Engine, guaranteed run
ning order, cheap.
One 15 H. P. Weber gas engine. $60,
80 Stevens roller flouring mills, com
plete and very reasonable i-rlces.
5 smelters.
A lour packers.
500 tons machinery, practically new,
including shafting, pulley, boxea. gears,
sheaves, sprockets, etc.. In all sizes at
very low prices.
3 8 assorted tanks.
5 miles relavins rails.
3 50 tons contractors rails.
200 tons black and . galvanised wire,
all sizes, cheap.
s 1. 000.000 feet pipe, black and sftvan
!sed. practically nw, for water, steam.
Irrigation, etc.. at very low prices.
IOO tons pipe fittings, all sixes, at half
price. .
All of above guaranteed as advertised.
All goods delivered free to all docks
and depots. Write for prices or further
information on anything.
Eighth, Glisan and Hoyt at.
10 6-YARD. 26 1-yard dump-care.
1 concrete mixer, n-yara cap. per nour.
1 concrete mixer, 23-yard cap. per hour.
2 ore skipe.
1 clam-shell. 2 orange-peel buckets.
2 dVmkey engines.
1 launch, 5 skiffs.
1 lO-ton locomotive crane.
1 pile-driver, skidded.
1 pile-driver, on scow.
1 centrifugal pump.
2 air pumps and other pumps. ,
3 air riveting hammers.
2 winches.
3.v0 feet pipe, 1-inch to 6-inch,
ooo feet 16-lb. T.-rail with fittings.
Camp outfit, tents, stoves, etc.
Failing bldg.
Two-inch pipe. 8c per ft.
2 -inch pipe 12c per ft.
3-inch pipe 15c per ft.
3 - inch pipe 17Vc per ft.
4- Inch pipe 25c per ft.
The above pipe is all in first-class con
dition. All ready for use. having new
threads and new couplings and perfectly
straight. Above price are F. O. B. Port
land. J. SIMON A BRO.
244, 246, 250 Front.
SEWING MACHINES Special sale -of sec-
ond-tiatHi roacninee xiwb w--&. o uh-h,
2 New Homea, 2 Standards, 8 White, 3
Wheeler-Wilsons, all drop-heads. White
Sewing Machine Store, 420 Washington St.,
cor. llth. H. T. Jones, manager.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; w rent
tables, with privilege of buytn;; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunawick-Balke-Collender.
49 Third at.
DID It ever occur to you that by trading
nlshlngs you could save time and money?
New and good as new; time or cash. We
want your trade. '
3 ODD dressers, 2 iron beds. 1 buffet, stee!
range, dining table, oooKcas-s, aee.
dothes chest, French plate mirror, small
gas range. 106 Union ave.
Main 6374 Stove doctor. We make A 3237
sick stoves well, do expert stove repairing,
stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st.
FOR SALFj Chester White and Berkshire 4-
month-oid pigs, $3 and inquire v. on.
York. Powell Valley and Lents road.
A SNAP for railroad man, a 21-Jeweled
Elgin grade veretis ana a x"-ear xu
case, $32.60. Room 3. 107 H tn
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
DOUgni, soia ana excnwis-u. -- rr uivwb,
Til ford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
LOGGING and hoisting engines for sole or
rent. Railway j&quipmeni -., vuoui
ber of Commerce; both phones.
J. Y. WOOD YARD We have the most
rasonarie wooa ior . --"" ay-w.
816. East 6th and Main.
ELEGANTLY finished launch with search
light and boatnouse; seats 10 persons; war
gain. V 689, Oregonian.
FOR SAiLE At 476 Morrison St., very fine
iruit put up in icm jip. r. "
of Newberg, Or.
SOME goods at a bargain; large trunk, bath-
UIO, lOOl Cliesi, U-iWi munitu uliviia-;,
108 Union av.e.
DRESSER, washstand and sanitary cpuch.
1 .. -t rrn- UUb OA arA Tovlne.
FOR SALE A fresh cow. $35. or trade.
i4 east isa si. jNon.ii.
WFJ pay more for furniture; that's why we
Duy more, a v.
FOR SALE Three pool tables. Inquire
372 Hawthorne ave.
ROLLTOP desk, good as new, at a bargain.
, Phone Tabor 1005.
SPECIALTY merchandise traveling salesman
wanted for Washington; man expenencea in
calendar line preferred; excellent opportunity
for right party. 237 Worcester bldg.
MAN with Just a little money that wants
to go into business with me; will make
$10,000 first year; absolutely legitimate.
Phonj Main 1779. Buce.
WANTED Young men to study telegraphy;
day and evening classes. Oregon College,
6th and Oak.
WANTED Two good salesmen; our men
are making from $150 to $400 per month;
references required. The Jacobs-Stine Co.,
Acheson bldg.
HIGH-GRADE life insurance salesmen, to
sell guaranteed stock; only men capable
of earning $1000 per need apply. O 6S4,
akj ntii.'nrtiiniiv for a first-class mdies'
tailor and cutter to step into a well estsb-
lished business by renting space, x ooi,
rrt.iaBLE real estate man wants active,
bright man as partner; some capital re
quired, particulars o-wn n -uhibium bi
room 14.
wanted Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers.
stenographers and clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract uo., szat waan, st-
wanted Good man who understands
horses and garden work. Call between 9
and 10 mornings at 001 ocnuyier st.
JANITOR. $50; machine drill man, $3.25, 8
hours; camp noi-sesnoer, s-i.u. . nours.
C. R. HANSEN, Jr., 26 N. 2d st.
WANTED First-class barber to go to Ana
conda. Mont.; guarantee $21 week. Apply
to Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co.
WANTED- Two strictly first-class barbers for
Interior point: good wages. Apply 10
Lewis-Stenger Barbers supply co.
BERBERS wanted to bear !n mind we do
the best grinding on earth; try us. Dellar
tt NTRli A thoroughly competent engi
neer for sawmill. Apply 303 Couch bldg..;
references requirea.
AN experienced salesman wanted to eell new
good salary.
BOND salesmen wanted; salary and commis
sion paid to good men. Call S20-327 Cor
bett bldg.
PARTNER at once for restaurant: $150 re
quired: partner for real estate office, $275.
lt)3 4th.
WANTED Honest young man to take ac
tive interest in office business. Call 85
5th st.
WANTED First-class barber for Roscburg,
Or. Apply to Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Sup
ply co.
TWO large rooms, first floor, furnished for
housekeeping; sink; modern. 31 North
WANTED An experienced band resayer
references required. Inquire 303 Couch
HIGH-GRADE rustler, fortune for riaht
man; something new. 215 Commercial
5O0 MEN WANTED Free shaves and hair-
cats. 84 coucn sc. Moier Barber College.
BOY acquainted with city to drive delivery
WANTED Yard foreman for local lumber
yaro; must ds rustier. c 45. oregonian.
WANTED First-class barber at once; $15
WE secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y- M. C. A.
WANTED Tailor; ftrat-class vest maker, at
once. Apply uo stark st.
WANTED A candy maker at once. With
Otto Kaofrman. Eugene. Or.
MEN to clear land: good wages. Call early
BOY wlth wheel preferred) to learn good
fiustness. i ctarit.
The reason the high-grade employers of
Portland are more than satisfied with tha
COURTNETS save them all the time,
trouble, expense they have had recourse
to In securing the right man for the
right place. We owe our success to the
thorough system we use and our long ex
perience In placing high-grade men. If
you are a high-grade, comwtent man in
your particular line and are looking for
a change to better opportunities, or are
temporarily unemployed, call and talk
over our system.
403, 404. 405 Swetland bldg.
1! station gangs. New railroad work.
Axe men for ri g h t of w ay.
3 saw-mill men.
3 farm hands .
men for logging
Farmers A Loggers Employment Co..
29 N. 2d st- Phone Main 643 1.
WANTED Reliable man In each locality to
advertise our goods on commission or
salary, $90 a month and expenses $3 per
day. Entirely new plsn. Write Ssjus
Medical Co., London, Ontario, Canada.
WANTED Professionals and amateurs de
sirous of going on the stage. I write
original sketches, comedy acts, talking
acts and parodies for the vaudeville
stige; terms reasonaoie. Aaure ncm.'
El kins, 299 Washington sL, room 16.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
a cement. icsnc- u ulm.
call for full Information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 205
V eiis-r argo omg. a" -
WANTED Cabinetmakers. $3.50: rip saw
yer ror dox tacxory, iwj
Main Office 12 North 2d.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plastering.
nnegiaying, awiimi .n v'-" " rT
and night; no books: positions seared; free
catalogue. Coyne National Trade Schools.
230-240 6th st., San Francisco,
WANTED Competent carpet -cutter and shop
foreman: man wno is comp-"i
work and take full charge of shop. Address,
stating experience and references, John
Breuner Co., Sacramento, Cal.
MEN and women to learn baer trade in
eight weeks: graauaic- b
$25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st.. Porttand.
WANTED Gasoline engine operator, to
run Ransome concrete mu-r y'-imi
gasoline engine; wages -Wl Pr Jjf;
Apply at once. Red Cross Employment
Co., 20 North 2d st.
SALESMEN wanted to handle one of. the
best kind or security i
country; salary and commission paid. Ask
for B. "E. Clements, mgr. of agents.
to 827 Corbett bldg.
YOUNG men over 20 to prepare for Custom-
House examination, may ai. MZzf
pointments yearly; good pay. Call or
write today. Pacific States School. Mc
Kay bldg.
BRIGHT, able, young men over 18, to pre-
ii... i ..v m kfnln am on.
pare ior 1 i 1 - mi , ,
File Vour application at once; exam. April
6; no delay. Pacific States School. Mc
Kay bldg. .
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics- easy terms; positions securea; mv-J
earned while learning. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Energetic man with S250 for
small manufacturing nusiness; n wi Pe
tition; splendid prospects. Particula-ts
room sin, uooanougn oiug.
WANTED Reliable man for active Inter
est in real estate office; will guarantee
M r week. Call room IO. 1424 2d st.
WANTED Bright boy to work In wall paper
CAMP cook, about 8 loggers, $35; 2 wait-
kn,-i c-io uLrh t a.reS
here: 8 waitresses, country, $25, Kalama,
Condon. Camas; 2 chambermaids, 2ft or
more house girla and family cooks. $15 to
$35; 4 hotel and boardlng-houee cooks, $40,
3 small boarding-house cooks, $30.
2 women to sell baking powder, $1
day and expenses, no experience.
343 Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Applicants for all kinds of rork regis
ter with us, free of charge, so we may
locate yon on short notice.
843 Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs.
WANTED Attractive young ladies for big
. .1 n, AntrnHA. t All tO-
day, 1 P. M.. Mrs. Edna B. Jones, care
H. C. Browne & Co., Yamhill and West
Park sts. .
Female help. Pacific 1406. A 1406.
Ladies' Department. 205 Morrison at.
W ANTE D Youn B women to -tudy tele-
rrantiv: gooa posiuottt rw."1 " X
p"nt; day nd eventn claM. Oregon
CaMege. 5th and Oak.
WANTED Young ladiM to enter training
school for TMr particular. ' apply
to sister superior, St. Jonej.'h's Hoepital,
Aberdeen. Wash.
YOUNG woman, with experience In offlce
work, for caehier in wholesale office. Apply
in own handwriting, giving experience. W
tt&8, Oregonian. '
WANTED Competent girl for genera!
w . 1 . ' rTT 7.r m n . n t nlace: will pay
Sood wes. Call East 25J2. 21 Eaat
Washington St.
PRIVATE lessons In "ookkeeplng; experi
enced instructor; terrns 4 per month. 4
nights In week. Pacific 948 and A 49s.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, walt
?eses. second girl-. A1
Agency, 2304 Yamhill. Main 641J.
WANTED Experienced family cook. !3;
wpaSe second girl. 30 Swedish pre
ferred. 230 , Yamhill. Main 41rf.
WANTED Beflned, capahla woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
43V4 Washington St.. comer 7th. upstair.
Phone Main 1684.
WANTED Four ladles, middle age: pleasant
w A . ri . m u w.itinr-room. First
employment v. ... - - - -
and Alder.. 9 A. M.
Nortonia Hotel.
. . . l, am.ll fftm.
P1. eneSim: cill -forenoon: 14T
North 2Sd st.
WANTED Good girl for general house-
work Call . at 601 Schuyler st. Home
phone 104O.
GIRI. for cooking and general housework;
must be competent. Apply 161 14th St., cor.
WANTED Dining-room girl, good ex
perience not necessary. Apply at 81 North
6th t. ,
GIKL for general housework In small 'amlly:
wages 115 and a good home. Inquire l.o
E. 14th. ;
joy st.
WANTED Girl to do eh" and
i rilnln.-nwiD. 73 Kussell St.
WANTED-Competet cook J'0'
references required. 5B Lucretls. st.
OASH4 BR -nd bridle wrapper with refer
ences. The Annex. 5th ana Alder.
GIRL for general housework; 3 in family;
good home. 679 N. I rdon ae.
GIRL for drs-wlng and lettering. D. M.
Averill A Co.. 102 North 5th st.
WANTED Girl for neral housework.
Apply 6-.Q Lovejoy. near 21st.
EAST BIDE Female Employment Office.
122 Grand are. East 1066.
WANTED Young ffirl to assist with house
work. Apply M2 Johnson st.
WANTED A girl- to assist in general
housework. 3S Alder st.
A NURSEGIRL to assist in second wo:.
Apply 65 North 21st st.
GIRI. for general housework, good wages.
658 Broadway. C 1327.
WANTED Girl to do general housework
Apply 881 10th St.
GIRL to do housework in smsJl family.
4dl th st. '
WAITRESS WANTED Palace Restaurant.
129 4th st.
W A TRD Girl tor generaJ housework.
Wants experienced millinery trimmers,
makers and salesladies; aloe salesladies
for laces, trimmings, ribbons, neckwear,
and a thoroughly competent saleslady for
the art needlework department, one capa
ble of giving instruction. Apply before
10 A. M.
MILKER, wife, $40: waitresses, city. Hepp
ner. Shaniko; chamber, family, dish-washers,
cooks. Drake's," 2u5 Washington.
LARGE Incomes, reformed shorthand ac
quired In 30 lessons. School of Shorthand.
550 Fourth.
SOLICITORS to sell benefit tickets. Inquire
Burkhard Hall, 3S7t, E. Burnside St.
GRAND offer to agents. 403 Oregonian bldg.
Bookk pig ud Clerks.
YOUNG man with 6 yeans' office experience
wishes position as office assistant, book
keeper, or any c lerical work ; best refer
ences. C 672. Oregonian.
EXPERT accountant desires a few more sets
of books to keep at his office: reasonable
monthly charge. Address H 669, Oregonian.
HARWARD clerk with six years experience;
steady and reliable, desires position. W 685,
FTRST-01ASS bookkeeper desires engagement;
references: no agencies. H 665 Oregonian.
POSITION wanted with implement house or
factory; age 36; married, and live In city,
and of good, moral habit?: have had several
years' experience In operating all kinds of
milling and logging machinery: six months
road experience. H 684. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as buttermaker in or
out of city, by young single man ; best
of references, and graduate of Wisconsin
dairy school. Address 604 Spokane ave..
Sell wood. Port land. Or.
THBRB are Japanese workmen at following
address. Give us your lniormation. e. wiun.
care of J. R. Steele, R. F. D. 10. Hood
River, Or.
HANDY Chinese wants a posit Ion; first-class
cook; private family, boarding-house and
go out camp oook. Apply j oew, ureswmit
WANTED By a capable and responsible man,
collections, etc.; wholesale house preferred;
best references. Address B 672, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as foreman on dwell
ing construction by competent man; thor
uV.iv .-trriTic0d . c 675. Oregonian.
WANTED By a plumber of three year? ex-
nenence. a. iod in a. -ikiu ouuw
I the trade. Address X 671, Oregonian.
WANTED Married man wants Janitor or
porter work. Phone least dvi-i, t
Otis rooming-house; call room 10.
GOOD Japanese couple want positions In
. . i . . (j. UVn sr ItaK rtl
nic amiiy, uvm fj'aa ..,
Room 7 271 Everett st.
EXPERT electrician and engineer wants
permanent position ; gooa micninwu
dress J 671. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted Salesman, gent's furnish
ings and shoes; expenenoe, reiorencoB.
dress H 676, Oregonian.
Will furnish all kinds of Japanese help. 268
Everett it Main 4oTW.
YOt'N'G man 22 years old. wishes work of
Phone Pacific S13.
GOOD Japanese boy, first-class cook, wants
situation at hotel or family. Sll Everett
st. Pacific WW.
nrrT Tman-i wnnto nltuatlon In family:
kitchen help or housework. Togo, 373
Burnside si. ,
JAPANESE laborers want situation In saw
mill, logging ranroaa or nnn. so,
IF YOU want an all-round business man
and bueiness getter. rnoaa .main
SALESMAN of integrity and ability wants
position with gooa company. j- w, ore
$25 TO any person who will procure for me
a. good job as watchman. O 681, Ore
COOK wants work; can fill any position in
. k. . i . .ts (is TT eaa fironriniAii.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. z tjoucn sx. - rnone mu w..
JAE'ANESE good cook wants situation in
private lamny. o on, uiti""'""
AN erecting and operating engineer of 'ability
K A'LSOM IN ING done at $3 per room. 135
1st st. Main 1334. K. winn.
POSITION wanted by an experienced city
teamster. M 674, oregonian.
HOUSECLEANLVG by day. Job or boar.
Thompson. Phone Factne 151.
A GOOD Japanese boy wants situation as
schoolboy. H oregonian.
FURNITURE of seven rooms. 1M Ne
braska St.. Pulton car.
Bookkeepers mud Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer
wishes to mane cnange auum oni j. mur
ber office preferred; would leave city. O
677, Oregonian. -
WANTED Work by the day by competent
dressmaker. rnon- or cmi
land, the Ockley, 10th and Morrison.
t- aim npumiikin2 And Kewlnr: prices rea
sonable.. Room 13, 224 First st. Phone
A 1552.
WANTED Sewing by the day. Mrs. Kinsey
Main 6642.
STRONG German girl recently from abroad
wants place in a German-American fam-
ThW TQ1 attar ft
REFINED German lady desires position in
fine family as nurse, companion or house
keeper; best New York and Portland ref
erences. J osu, ureson'-
desires situation, care Invalid or child.
230 Yamhin, Main otio.
BXPHRIBNCBD nurse will take maternity
D - T PhAna TP.
B ou sekeepers.
MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes position as
housekeeper ior lew in i'"".v- '
YOUNG lady. 16 years of age and business
college student, desires home in small fam
ily m return for work evenings; expr-
lenceo a no can give rvwivua. " wo.
care Oregonian.
GERMAN girl wants housework as second
iriri: verv clever with needle; after March
18th. Address by mail, Miss Ross 505 20th
st., Portland Heights.
wii'isir; i-riv of education and refinement,
now holding responsible position, desires
employment with another firm. Address
C est. uregonian.
tt- a v-Tcrk . A 4a wAv nunil. In Cn fyl 1 llV-l
individual instruction; moderate charge
PIANO Wessons at your home: i-eferences
terms reasonable, fnone Kast iwn.
WOMAN wants work by the day or hour,
Phone East 1182.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
week ly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery co., Haiem, or.
WANTED High-class bond salesman. A
6WJ, Oergonian.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, roomlng-houefcs. etc. Land
lords will do well to tall on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. pnone lsxcnange i-
WANTED A few good milk cows; good
buggy and narnera; must oe reasonaoie.
Address rl eu. uregonian.
FURNIPHBD housekeeping room, man and
wife, close tn. immediately; state terms.
674. Oregonian. -
I WANTED 5 or -room cottage, furnished
J Ajwwcr Immediately. . O 678, Oregon tan.
WE) rent houses, collect rents, look after
your fire insurance and keep tnem in or
der for so little that you will be surprised,
call or phone Smith's Rental Agency, 442
Sherlock bldg. Main 2413. 3466-
hand store In Portland, we buy ana sen
from a chair to afull bouse.
lOth and Washington, phone Pacific T9&-
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main M&o. A 4121.
OLD furniture and pianos renewed, carpets
and rugs washed on noor, woooworg ana
windows cleaned; 15 years' experience;
prices reasonable. C. Gordon, International
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
snoes ; we aiso ru y noueenoiu xui iiifiii.fs.
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 61 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
HARDWOOD furniture fdesk. carpets or
rugs, phonograpn : must oe gooa yet ; gwe
description and price. N 632. Oregonian.
WANTED A good runabout suro in ex
change for new mrrtuure or nousmoiu iwus.
Address Dealer, C 677, Oregonian.
WB buy your household goods of every de-
-1 r i r.n.e "9 1 ait tit " tsTM Itt
scripiiun x ii v i"'
your trade. Main 6374, A 2327.
WANTED Buyer for $1000 to $5000 City
of Portland ten-year per cent oonaa.
Address X 677, Oregonian.
WANTED 8 furnishsed housekeeping-
rooms, first floor; state terms, location
K 6SI. Oregonian.
oir--iv-T"tJ VT K. VI T wnnmr mil art he in
gooa con a iti oa ana cneap. k, oo, ore
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices tnan m aeaier. fnone isasc ssss-
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage ft
Penneii Fur. co.. S45 1st. rnone sw.
WANTED A second-hand Underwood No. 5.
Address IKS 13th St., stating price.
WANTPJD Some one to adopt fine boy. 11
months old. A mi. oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, $2-50 per week up: steam heat, hot
and cold water, free baths, free phone;
A in in room in Mnn-ctton : transients so
licited: open all night; best location in
the city; office and reading-room ground
floor. 488 Washington st.
LARGE outftiriA rnAms. alnrle or en suite;
beautiful outlook; newly furnisnea; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates
to permanent guests; with or without
meals: flneet. t-Afa In Portland at modest
prices; be sure and see these rooms before
you decide where to move. Hotel sargent.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
HOTEL BUSH MARK, Washington 8d 17th
r lrer-ciass rurnished rooms, single or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electrio
ngnt. pnone in every room; suites wua
private bath, single, from $3 by week. J76c
uy ujr uay, reasonaoie uj mo, m&iu .
Large, light and neatly furnished
rooms ; hot water h eat ; h ot and co l d
water, hatns and phone; transient. l,
special rates by the week. Phone A 1356.
ooi lamniil st., N. V. cor. v est j-ara.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout:
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room, phone Main
7ios. Long-distance phones in an rooms.
WHY walk 10 blocks or more to work
when you can get rooms In brick rooming-house
in business center for $3 up
per week; 50c to $1.50 day? The Ben
son, Morrison, cor. dtn.
TWO single rooms, one with hot and cold
running water, elegantly furnished; free
Datns, Doth phones; large sunny rooms,
very reasonable. The Del Monte. 20th,
near Washington.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496-
THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Stark, S. W. cor.
6th st. Well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient, 50c to
$1: by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1296.
TH E ARTONIA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne ;
nicely furnished rooms, all steam heat, ail
modern conveniences. Rates $4 per week
and up; transients. 128 West park.
THE WOODLAND A few pleasant rooms
HUn V O-L-ttllt , UCKUtl 1 U 1 IM.riVr I (JUKI, UUl
water, bath and. telephone, vacant 16th.
Call and inspect. 263 fith.
PACIFIC HOTEL, 1st and Columbia sts.;
steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water
in all rooms; 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5
per week. Phone A 1539.
HOTEL ANTLER'S, cor. lOth and Washing
ton sU. All modern conveniences; suites
with bath ; principal carllnes pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
BRIGHT, sunny room, beautifully furnished.
suitable for one or two gentlemen; sj per
week. Including bath and phone. 327
West Park, near Clay.
POSITIVELY new and nicely furnished
rooms, including double parlors; modern
improvements. 192 13th st., near Taylor.
Phone 1180 Pacific.
13th and Alder, modem, walking distance,
single and en suite, special rate by month.
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
bath, free phone; walking distance; $3 a
week and up. 445 Columbia st. Main 7410.
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison ; homelike.resi-
aence noxei; rooms strictly moaern; woman
cook; cars to depot; reasonable; transieot.
FOR RENT Three to five rooms furnished,
modern, furnace heat, hot and cold water
and bath, close in. 410 2d st. Pacific 1554. -
THE" ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
. furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 4a
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Eates.
TO pleasant couple or two young ladies, 1
or more well furnished, strictly modern
rooms; fine location. Phone Main 2090.
THE ELLSWORTH Furnished rooms;
nice front room; new brick building.
166 Lownsda-le. Phone Main 6474.
$10 Newly furnished warm, bright room,
quiet, central, fine porcelain bath. gas. 325
12th st. Phone Pacific 2102, A 3702.
258 i 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms in
private family ; house new ; every conven
ience; moderate; gentlemen only.
NICELY furnished alcove, running water,
furnace, bath, single room. l. minutes'
walk. Phone Pacific 22, A 82-
8T. FRANCIS. 34 North 8th St.. opposite
park, beautifully furnished rooms en suite
or single; rates reasonable.
161'. 1st st.. cor. Tamhill. nicely fur
nished rooms;, reasonable; permanent or
transient Both phones.
LARGE corner room, running water, heat,
closet, beautiful private house, 2 blocks
from P. O. 227 7th st.
NICELY furnished front room, second floor,
new. modern house, near Steel bridge; rea
sonable. 291 Crosby.
LARGE front parlor, suitable for two;
walking distance; private family; $3
. week. 429 7th st.
LARGE fumiehesd room, hath. private
family, tetween North 19th and 2uth.
Phone A 4O30.
189 7TH Elegant front room, mahogany
furniture, brass bed, velvet carpet, near
Portland Hotel.
494 MORRISON ?T.. flat 12 Front parlor
suite or single room; steam heat, bath and
MODERN furnished rooms, close in. oppo
site Portland Hotel. 181 6th st. Phone
A 5326.
VERY desirable front room, large, modern,
eve-v convenience; close in, reasonable. 472
E. Oak.
THE ELWOOrj Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk.; also transient rooms, 343 Morrison.
WOODLAND Beautiful location;
ant rooms very reasonable. 265 6th.
HOTEL ROYAL. Ki 4th st. Steam-heated
rooms $2.50 to $5 week; 50c to $1 night.
NICELY furnished rooms suitable for one or
two gentlemen, close in. 410 Jeffenwon st.
351 W. PARK ST. Well-furnished, des
able suit of room for gentlemen.
PVRNDFHIBD room for gentleman; ga and
heat; $3. 671 E- Morrison u
Unfurnished Rooms..
wNPVRNISHBD rooms. Apply ft64 Tam-
Rooms With Bssjrd.
East 3d and Burnside sts., new and ab
solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished
rooms, single and en suite: elevator hot
and cold water, steam hesA and tale
phone in each room.
Grill in connection; special rates to
families. Fhornt East 171.
TWO pleasant connecting rooms, suitable
ior inree. no me cooking; private; mod
ern conveniences; very reasonable.'
North 19th at., near Marshall. Pacific
Portland Women's Union, ista year: rooms
- uw.uj u- on sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs, Supt., 510 Flanders st.
S3 N. 17TH ST.. near Washington Beau-
ntui sune oi ironi rooms; fireplace and
buffet; electric and gas light; board op
tional; also single rooms. Phone A 1948.
THE CLAY. cor. 2d and Clay, nicely fur-
itieiiru rwras, uain, wUDie ana single, wiia
board, everything comfortable. Just like
home, $5' and $5.50 per week. 320 2d st.
THE COLLINGE. 4th and Clay First-class sou room irom to IT per
month; hot and cold water 'and heat in
every room; everything new.
MCELY furnished room with board; good
- home cooking; walking distance city;
suitable for two gentlemen. Phone Main
5190. 3U5 6th st.
FRONT rooms, with board, home cooking,
steam heat; walking distance; modern
conveniences; $6 per week. The Lindell,
209 Market st.
T O nicely furnished rooms In modern
house; private family: walking distance;
West Side; board tf desired; references. W
683. Oregonian.
NICE sunny front room, heated, with excel
lent board, suitable for two. Phone A
3096. 205 23d st. N.
WANTED Young couple or young lady to
board and room; good home; private family.
5th st.
THE GLEN DORA. 19th and Couch, beauti
fully located, steam-heated, good board, rea
sonable rates.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board; convenient. 553 Washington st.
FRONT and ile room with board; family
cooking. Phone A 3622. :28 S. 6th st.
ROOMg. with or without board. 350 Mad t sob.
near Park; modern conveniences.
FURNISHED room with board. $20. 210
14th st., upper flat. -
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Osark.
225 llth st.
THE ORMONDE, 656-68 Ftasder St. De
. sirable 5-room apartment in up-to-date Co
lonial building: all modern convenience?;
steam heat and janitor's service; best resi
dence district: fine surroundings. Apply to
Janitor, or phone Main 8251.
THE WESTMINSTER, 6th and Madison st.-..
will have one of its up-to-date apartment.
to let on 1st prox. ; every modern con
venience at moderate rates; only 6 blocks
from post office.
TH E DA YTON 6-room upper and 4-room
basement apartment; new colonial build
ing, large outside rooms; alt conveniences;
low rent, adults. Janitor, 658 Flanders st.
lumbia sts., four-room apartment ; mod -ern;
rent reasonable; adults only. See
THE GARLAND, 6G1- Washington, near 19th.
elegantly furnished, modern housekeeping
apartments; Janitor service.
COMPLETELY furnished apartment 5
rooms; steam heat; Janitor servioe; West
Bide. Phone East 2642.
FOR RENT Three-room apartment, com
pletely furnished, with private bath. Home
Phone A 8258.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phons
Exchange 72.
FOR RENT Upper or lower half of private
residence; unfurnished; reference. 492
Taylor st. Phone Pacific 1336.
252 7TH 7-room fiat for physician's office
and residence or private family; electricity
and gas.
NEAT 4-room flat, with bath; walking dis
tance; $10. 89 East llth, near Washing
ton. NEW 4-room fiat, private entrance and bath,
walking distance. West Side, phone Tabor
5-ROOM upper flat, $3; if dflred. gas
range, etc., can be had cheap. 2S6 14th t.
LARGE 5-room fiat; fireplace, furnace, (as,
electric light. 851 W. Park St.
FURNISHED 5-room flat; electric light, oath
close in. Inquire 271 7th.
Housekeeping Rooms.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite, light,
convenient; walking distance; no chll-
dren. 47 Clay, near 14th.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas
range, running water; everything con
venient. 109 N. ISth.
189 13TH Two pleasant rooms, completely
furviished, modern, suitable for married
couple. Adults only
TWO or three newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms; private residence. S3 North
Park, near Everett.
FURNISHED alcove room for light house
keeping; also separate sleeping room. K0
Yamhill, near 12th.
888 JEFFERSON Three nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, lights; no
children; reference.
THE4 JEFFERSONIAN 3-room suite, fur
nished complete for housekeeping. 514 Jef
ferson. Main 54.12.
TWO front rooms furnished for housekeep
ing; gas range, bath and fuel furnished;
$3. 6."8 Qulniby.
41 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th; newly
furnished housekeeping suites, electric lights,
baths, reasonable.
FURNISHED rooms, also housekeeping suite;
verv desirable and walking distance. 549
Wash., near 17th.
TWO or three bright, nicely furnished
light housekeeping-rooms, large front
room. 169 Porter.
354 SALMON, one very desirable room, fur
nished for light housekeeping; also par
lar sleeping-room. -
SUITE, completely furnished, $15; gas range,
furnace, walking distance. 140 N. 16th.
Phone Main 5173.
$5 MONTH Very nice furninhd housekeeping
room; lady; walking distance. 321 Chap
man, near Clay.
ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room flat ; central,
modern; by week or month; S depot car by
door. 429 3d.
611 GLISAN 2 and 3-room sufte. com
pletely furnished for housekeeping ; very
THREE furnished housekeeping-rooms, or
flat all modern, near Steel bridge. 18fl
Halsey at.
TWO furnished housekeeping room'. 1
per month. No. 5SH Pettygrove st. Phone
Main 3423.
TWO housekeeping rooms, clean and qoW,
$14. X15 Yamhill, cor. 17th. Phone Sell
wood H33.
FOR RBNT3 or 4 clean, large, light house
keeping rooms; gas, water; lower floor. 6-4
E. Davis. .
4R5 MAIN. cor. 12th St. AM kinds of fur
nished housekeeping-rooms; cheap rent;
- central. .
NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping;
close In. Inquire at studio, 163 West
Park st .
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping-rooms,
bath, no dogs or children. lM'i ?Sori n
14th st. 12
115-TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. tie
of attic and basement; no children. 681
Sixth. .
FOUR housekeeping rooms; light, heat, gas,
phone and bath. E. J. Mann. 750 Washington.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms;
reasonable rent. 4W. Washington St.
135 14TH ST. Two large connecting rgoms,
well furnished for housekeeping.
FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, phone. 452 5th st.
THREE furnished rooms for rent at 75J
.Williams ave., near Fremont.