TIIURSDAT. 3IARCH 5, I90S. Hot Water Bottles And Combination Syringe 2 and 3 quarts, white rubber, heavy tubing, 3 pipes, extra quality, regular price $1.50. . OJ 1 1 A Cut Rate..: ...4jpllr Established 1 850-FIFT Y-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-Established 1 850 Genuine Malt Extract A pleasant and valuable nutritive tonic, perfectly pure, and extremely agreeable. A preparation of malted barley with hops. Regular price -flO 35c bottle. Cut Rate, bottle... XoC DIES AT CAPITAL Short Illness, Following Grip, Fatal to Aged Vermont Statesman. Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Oar Prices Are Always the Lowsst Anniversary END OF NOTABLE CAREER THE 3J0RXIXG OREGOXIAX. SENATOR PROGTOR (Mian, Uteif e & 0 "Owrvcut Rate Drug Sale JHMinguixhcrt Solon Served as Sec retary of War and Made Speech Thnt lo Croat Extent Inspired Spanish - American War. TTASH1XUTON. March 4.-t'nitJ States Senator RrdfieM Proctor, of Vermont, died at his apartments at the Champlatn here this afternoon, after a short Ulness, following an attack of the grip. The Senator's son. Governor Fletcher Proc tor, of Vermont, who was summoned' to the city, was at the bedside when the Senator passed away. Senator Froctor was 77 years old. The Senator had been 111 and conllned to his room at the Champlaln apartment for about a week. His ailment was diag nosed as grip, which later developed Into pleurisy, with pneumonia complications, which affected the heart and whleh, in his enfeebled condition, proved too much for his power of resletance. Besides his son. Governor Troctor. the Gov ernors wife and several Intimate friends were at the bedside when death occurred. The Senator's body will be taken to the old home In Proctorvllle, Vt. Health Breaking Some Utile. The Senator had been tn feeble health ever since the assembling of Congress and It was remarked by his friends that for the first time in their recollection he had failed to return from his usual Ash ing trip in the high state of health which he always enjoyed. His condition became alarming today and the members of his family were notified that the end was near. During tho day his colleagues In the Senate learned for the first time of the dangerous turn his illness had taken. The news of his death reached the Senate a few minutes after 5 o'clock. 'Senator Warren, chairman of the com mittee on military affair, was then urg ing the passage of a bill to increase the pay of the Army, which is a measure that for many years had attracted tne interest of the. late Vermont Senator. He had advocated putting the Army on an equality with the Navy as regards the pay of enlisted men. Congress AVI1I Adjourn Today. ' "No announcement of the death was made to the Senate. The information' was communicated to Vice-President Fairbanks, who immediately advised Mr Warren. Mr. AVarren asked that the pending bill be laid aside for the day. The Senate was adjourned, but it was not desired formally to announce the death, for tho reason that It was thought best to lay aside business for an entire day in respect to the Senator's memory. Therefore the official announcement will hf made, tomorrow by Senator Dllling hom. Mr. Proctor's colleague from Ver mont. While definite funeral arrangements have not been made. Mr. Proctor's body will be sent tomorrow evening to Proctor ville. Vt.. for interment on Friday. When the two houses of Congress meet tomor row at noon, official announcement will be made of Mr. Proctor's death and ad journment will be taken as a mark of respect. Tho Vice-President and the Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives will tomorrow appoint committees to ac company the body to Vermont. Senator Proctor was born at Proctor vllle. Vt.. June 1. 1831, and was gradu ated at Dartmouth College and the Al bany Law School. Hp served as lieu tenant and Quartermaster of the Third Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, on " staff of Major-General William F. Smith, and was Major of the Fifth and Colonel of the Fifteenth Vermont regiments. Beginning his political career. Senator Proctor was a member of the Vermont Houso of Representatives In 1S67 and af terward in 18tS and 1S8S. He was also a member of the State Senate and president pro tempore of that body in 1S74 and 1875. Following this, he was I,ieutenant-Gov-rrnor from 1M76 to 1S78 and Governor from 1S78 to 1SS0. In Senator Proctor was a delegate, to the Republican National Convention and headed tho Vermont del egations to the same convention in 1SSS and IRitfi. President Harrison appointed Senator Proctor as Secretary of War in 1SS9, in which position he served until 1K1. At that time he withdrew from the Cabinet lo accept an appointment as Cnlted States Senator to succeed George F. Kd munds. The following year he was elect ed by the Vermont legislature to fill both the unexpired and full terms and waa re-elected . in 1S98 and 1!4. ' The term which he was serving at the time of his death would have expired March 3. 1911. One. of tho most historic episodes in Senator Proctor's career was the im portant part he played In bringing about the Spanish-American War. A few months before the blowing up of the Maine, he made a tour of Cuba and vis ited the concentration camps, where, the ' Insurrectionists were eontlned. and saw much of the cruelty oT Sansh rule. On his return he made a speech in the Sen ate, in which he described in most graphic and feeling terms the horrors of the rebellion. This speech made a deep impression not only in Congress, but throughout the country, and did more than anything else, with the exception of the blowing up of the Maine, to ripen, public sentiment in favor of intervention.' ACQUITTED OF CONSPIRACY Judge Give Jury N"o Option in Hartje Case. PITTSBCRG. Ta.. March .-Augustus Ifaitje. J. 1.. Welshons. a hardware mer chant and friend of Hartje. and Clifford llooe. the negro coachman who have been on trial In the Criminal Court charged with conspiracy to blacken the character of Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje. were all ac quitted today, binding instructions having been given to the jury to find auch a verdict and place the costs of the case upon the country. It is now stated that Mrs. Hartje will push her action to obtain a divorce from her husband. The case is on the trial list and will be called within a few weeks. Shaw's Successor Elected. NEW YORK. March 4. C. C. Dickin son today was elected president of the Carnegie Trust Company, to succeed L.cslie M. Shaw. H1.HT FEET RICH SCETSIC PHOTOS. See them at Riser's. 24 Alder st. 46 Derma Viva" Transforms into a beautiful milky white red, brown or dark face, neck arms or hands. One application shows results. Eruptions, freckles or liver spots cured in a short time. Sold everywhere for 50c a bottle. Special Price 39c This photo ob errj bottle. 1 39c Reg. 50c. Dr. Williams' rink rills for Pale People. In use for half a century, regu lar 50c package, "Owl" Cut Rate, 39c '(JLverOil jl Hi Cod Uvrr Oil. Guar an teed pure and wholesome. Bst Norwe gian oil pro curable, full $1 bottle, for this sale only 69c riRE REFI.NED BORAX. Adapted special ly for the bath. Put up by the Chicago Drug Specialty. Co.; 4 oz. Special price for this sale. 3c Wyeth's I.Uhla Tablets. Full bot tie. 3-grain tablets, specially priced for this sale at 29c ; w Syrup off Tar fc W ild Cherry. A most simple and effective cough med icine for both adults and chil dren, dtlTr in? this sale. Rfln size, 29 Blue-Jay Corn and Bunion Plasters Stop the pain instantly. Remove the corn in 48 hours. Blue-Jay plasters worn day and night for Jwo days relieve the pain and take out the corn without discomfort. 19c Keg. 25c. Packa.ee four plasters. 9c La Larger package twelve plasters. 19c IN 158 V u t e r' Emulnlon of Cod Liver Oil An absolute ly pure Em ulsion of Ood Liver oil with h kv p o p h oa phltes, $1.00 size for this sale only 69c 22c Ahnorbent Cotton. Pure and Taest Ion r fibre cotton, full pound pack age priced this sale at 28c I5ALT5 lc.3ota ay- Hochelle Salts, regular price 35c. Cut rate, 22c . fo-1--il 1nmi 3MVIR0 PS; ."-irr. Quinine Pills. Regular price Kfle. Cut rate. 29 IsiRiPjq tstficsj Syrup of Fiss, .Regular price 35c. Cut Rate. 19 EPSOK SALTS Epsom Salts, Regular price 10c package. Cut rate. I 3 Compound Ca thartic Pills, Regular 25c. Cut Rate, 14c Typical "Owl" Cut Rate Sale Values Madame Yale Complexion Bleach, iTheater Rouge, No. 18, cut rate..X7 cut rate SI. 8-3 'Satin Skin Face Powder, cut Toilet Paper, 1 dozen packages, I J"ate : 19 cut rate -45j JSTrafe Ponder, Parker Pray's Rosaline, cut nubbll Goods',' regular' 75c, 'cut rate rate 39J Parker Pray's Ougaline, cut rate.39?lHgienol Tooth Wash, cut rate. .19 Greme Ormonde FOR FACIAL MASSAGE Creme Ormonde is scientifically pre pared, non-fatty, massage or com plexion cream, unequaled as a soothing application in all cases of roughness and irritation, is unsur passed, fills out, removes OQ all wrinkles and hollows. .. OIC Thespian Cold Cream A PERFECT SKIN FOOD Makes the skin delicately soft and is the finest of all disappearing Sold regularly at OQ. creams. 50c, cut rate In two years Lipman-Wolfe's "Owl" Cut-Rate ' Drugstore has revolutionized the drug business in Portland. The "Owl" Drugstore has brought to Portland the LOW EST PRICES ever known, hon est and FULL MEASURE, ab solutely PURE DRUGS, and a square deal all around. In two years we have built up the larg est drug business in Oregon by doing a drug business on the square. During these two years we have been fought bitterly by the druggists of Portland, who have combined to prevent wholesalers from selling goods to us and who have annoyed us maliciously. The Druggists' Association has asked the City Council to amend the anti-trust law so as to exempt the Drug gists' Association. We reprint the following from The Oregonian: They asked that the ordinance be amended to prevent any patent medicine or preparation being sold for a sum less than the price marked on the wrapper. This request was made, they said, for the pnrpose of PROHIBITING LARGE DEPARTMENT STORES FROM CUTTING PRICES on various articles and drugs far below the wholesale cost merely for advertising purposes. They said tiat in order to protect themselves against such illegitimate busi ness methods the druggists had to combine to prevent wholesale dealers selling to those who persisted in cutting prices. ; One of the members of the Drug Trust said: "We wish you to set a standard price for all articles on which the manufacturers have stamped a price, and thus PREVENT THESE CUT-RATE STORES FROM UNDERSELLING US. SEVERAL OF THESE LARGE FIRMS SELL THESE GOODS FOR LESS THAN WE CAN PURCHASE THEM FROM THE MANUFACTURER. v Deputy District Attorney Fitzgerald said he believed tie ordi nance provided that all combinations in restraint of trade should be unlawful. He did not believe, however, that a law could be passed to prohibit an individual from fixing any price on an article, unless he did so as the result of an agreement with others. On the ground that the ordinance prohibited the' fixing of a standard price, the petition of the druggists was denied. Although our prices are always lower than those of any other store,' the saving in this great Second Anniversary Sale will be sensational. Carloads of drugs have been pur chased for this sale; and will be sold for lower prices than the drugstores PAY for them. Twenty-five drug clerks will be on hand to wait on you. No waiting for change .or wrapping. Quantities will be limited in order to protect our customers and to keep drug stores from purchasing. Some articles may not last all day. Dr. Fenner's Clear Skin Soap A Medicinal Toilet Soap prepared from the purest ingredients, possessing remarkably curative properties. Regular li price per cake, 2oc, cut rate, box, 3 cakes Uv Sozodont Tooth Powder 16c Reg. 25c. is a benefit as a deodor izer, antiseptic cleansing agent and preservative. Ask your dentist. Regular 25c siee. Reduced for this Sale to 16c SI Murine, the great eye remedy, Owl cut rate, 44c a, a 1 BROMO i SELTZER Emerson 's Bromo Seltzer, regular price 00c, Owl cut rate, 39c infMTS f lifotlUXffN J Fletcher's Castoria the kind you have always bought, regular 33e, Owl cut rate, ' ' 21c if Peer Beef, Iron and Wine, regular price $1.00, Owl cut rale. 59c , These Cut Rate Prices Save You Money Willow Charcoal Tablets, 15c 8 Bronchial Lozenges, 15c 8 Fig Syrup, 35c 19 Comp'nd Licorice Powder, 25c..l2 Liver Pills, 25c 14 Compound Carbolic Salve, 25c..X4 Bee, Iron and Wine, $1.00.... 59 German Malt, 35c ..19 Effervescent Sodium Phosphate, 25c 16$ Effervescent Sodium Phosphate, 50c 37 Effervescent Sodium Phosphate, $1.00 69 Iron and Manganeze Peptonized. $1.00 39 Syrup of Hypophosphites, $1.25. 59 Peruna, $1.00 .-. ...69 Glyco Thymoline, $1.00 74 Medicated Porous Plasters, 15c, 2 for . 15 Large package Boracic Acid, 25c.l4 Large pkge. Bicarbonate Soda, 15c.8 Large size Epsom Salts, 10c. .... .5 Zymole Trokeys, 25c 19 Ounce can Sulphate of Quinine. 50c .36 5-grain Quinine Pills, 50c 29 Grove's Bromo Quinine, 25e . ..16J Bradley's Toilet Water, cut rate.39 Bradley's Perfumed Sea Salt...39 Madame Yale's Tooth Powder. ,23 Madame Yale's. Hair Tonic... 23 79c Reg. $1.00. French Olive Oil "HUILE D' OLIVE" Bottled especially for us in France a pure and wholesome genuine olive oil, fiuest for medicinal and table use. We want to interest people who want a good olive oil in this special brand of ours, and offer the fol-i lowing introductory prices: Half pts., reg., 35c. Pts., reg., 65c. Qts., reg., $1.00. 19c 39c 79c "Owl" Cut Rate Anniver- sary Sale Wine of Cardui $i.oo 69 Black Draught 25c 16 Milk Sugar, lb. pkg.. 50c 29 Pure Witch Hazel... 25c 18 t r.,. 1 a4 Hydrogen Peroxide.. $1.00 691 Arnica Liniment...'.. 50c 29 Cocoannt Oil 15c 84 Precipitated Chalk .. 15c Sc Swamp Root $1.00 69 Henderson's Hair - . Tonic, $1,00 69d Fletcher's Castoria... 35c Phillips' Milk of Mag nesia 50c Dioxogen $1.00 Sassafras Bark, pkg.. 15c Senna Bark, pkg 15c Henderson's Dyspep sia Cure . . : 50c Castor Oil, per pint. 50c Henderson's Kidney and Backache Pills 25c 21e 39 67 9 29 39 14 100,000 Cakes Toilet Soap for This Great Anniversary Sale Every Soap in this Great Event Is a Soap of World-Wide Fame-Lowest Prices Ever Known on Toilet Soaps Violet te de Lorme and San dalwood Soaps, box 1 Q -of 3 cakes 1SC Societe Hygicnique Soap, cut rate. 03-, cake ..OOC Elderflower Swap, Owl A cut rate, a cake Pear's Scented Rose Soap, cut rate, per J Q cake C Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, cut rate, 3 rakes 1 7 for v. A C Resinol Soap, cut 1 rate, per cake Dr. Fenner's World Famous Soap, regular price QQ 75c box, cut rate... OOC Roger et Gallet's Lettuce Soap, cut 1 O rate IOC Lister's Dog Soap, Owl 7 cut rate ' C Witch Hazel, Oatmeal, Tur kish Bath, Elderflower Soap, cut rate, At dozen "JV Pompeiian. Massage Soap, cut rate, per 1 C cake J.... IOC Williams' Barbers' Bar Soap, for 50 years the standard of America, superior to all other advertised soaps, bar fT.EE. 10c Pond's Extract Soap, 1 7 sale price, cake i C Roger et Gallet's V i o 1 e 1 1 c Sandalwood and other per fumed Soaps, cut rate, per cake. . . . 19c Stiefel's Sublimate AQn Soaps, cut raje, box. T"OC If?" 4711" Carbolic Soap, regu lar 3oc, Owl cut rate OC Woodbury's Facial Soap, cut rate, 1 7 only C Packer's Tar Soap, 1 ? cut rate, per cake. . . "C Read Sharkey's Sunday ad.