Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 29, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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The Meier & Frank Store
9:30 O'CLOCK
The Meier (Sb Frank Store
Portland Agents Perrins' Gloves, Butterick Patterns and Publications, Gossard, La Grecque, Nemo, and Estelle Corsets, Harvard Mills Wear
Todaythe Last of February's Phenomenal Values-Today
Good News From Every Section of the Store Every Item Is an Exceptional Value Saturday Bargains Unequaled in Quality and Price
Eight Speckls m Hosiery
For Women, Children, Infants Remarkable Values
25c Values on Sale at 18c
375 pairs women's extra fine quality black
cotton Hose, seamless foot, regular o
25c quality. Best value. Per pair. 1 OC
35c Values on Sale at 25c
360 pairs women's black cotton Hose, white
foot and full-fashioned leg, made from a fine
Egyptian cotton yarn, sizes 8y2 to
10. Regular 35c quality, per pair OC
50c Values on Sale at 38c
Women's fine quality Lace Hose, several
very pretty patterns to select from in the
lace, boot and allover effects; 50c OO
values on sale at low price of, pair. . . 3oC
20c Values on Sale at 12c
390 pairs women's cotton Hose, black and
tan ; seamless and double soles,
Sizes 8V2 to 10. Reg. 20c quality, pr
15c Values on Sale at 1 lc
360 pairs boys' and girls' fine quality black
ribbed cotton Hose, seamless leg and foot,
fast black, sizes 5y2 to 10".- Regu- -t
lar 15c quality, on sale at, per pair. . . 1 C
25c Values on Sale at 17c
Boys' and girls' Leader Hose, black cotton,
fine and heavy ribbed, double knee, heels
and toes, sizes fy2 to 10. Regular j
25c quality on sale at low price, pr. . . C
25c Values on Sale at 1 7c
360 pairs infants' pure cashmere wool Hose
in black, white, pink, blue, red and brown,
sizes 4 to'6- Regular 25c values rj
on sale at very low price of, pair. . . C
40c Values on Sale at 27c
390 pair women's fine . ribbed cashmere
Hose, sizes Zy2 to 10, regular 40c y rj
values on sale at low price of, pr. . . C
Towels and Spreads
Note These Special Prices
Hemmed union linen Huck Towels, size 20x
39-in., in all white, or red border.. Our regu
lar 30c value, special at the won- y
derfully low price of, each. . . -. . 1C
Fine quality white Marseilles Bed Spreads,
in new patterns, hemmed ready fi qo
to use, regular $2.50 grade, ea yxVO
Dress Shields BBSS
Kleinert's high point Shields, Nos.
regular 35c to 40c values, spe
cial at the reduced price of.....
Adjustable Shirtwaist Shields,
No. 2 only, on sale at, per pair. . .
Eton Shirtwaist Shields, Nos. 3,
4, 5, special at reduced price, pr. . .
Perfumed Shields, all sizes, val
ues to 50c, special .at low price...
3, 4, 5,
Laces and Embroidery Specials
C 1 1 fin nllTOt 500 yards Torchon Lace and Insertion from 1 to 2 frc
J lu Ui" 7 amCS inches, values from 5c to 8c, special for this sale t
Y'nliTOC tf 1 Oft 300 yards Embroidery for skirt flouncing, from 0fc
V aiUCS IU ? .VJKJ 9 to 12 inches, values to $1.00, for this sale at
TwoSpecials Children's and Misses
Dresses at Special Saturday Prices
Saturday Prices Were Never Lower Values No Better to Be Had Anywhere
Children's Dresses, made of serge and flan
nel material; colors blue, red, gray and black
and white check, in sailor and Buster Brown
styles, ages 6 to 10 years, prices Cjl QQ
to $4.50, special at low price of. J
Another extra value for your inspection.
Children's and misses' new Sailor Suits in
blue serge, plaited skirt, trimmed with white
braid, ages 6 to 14 years, special &r j-f-w
today at the very low price of . . . JOiOU
Sale of Boys' Waists
andWashable Suits
A saving here today of the most desirable kind. The waists are all
excellent value for the price named, and the washable suits are new
ones just received and made well and stylish for the price mentioned.
Boys' Blouse Waists, sizes 4 to 14, made full width
and length in dark blue and dark red figured, per
cales, blue and gray chambray, black sateens, each
Boys- Washable Suits in Russian blouse or sailor
styles, sizes 2y2 to 12. Made neat striped galatea,
plain or fancy chambrays, tan crashes. Special, suit.
1908 new Spring styles, Boys' Reefers, sizes 24 to 12 years, in blue serges, :
reda, tans, black and white checks and light gray plaids ; the latest novel
ties; with velvet collars and chevrons on sleeves. $4.50 to $12.50
This Evening, 6 to 9:30
$1 Scissors on Sale at 59c
TO 9:30 ONLY. '
Gold-plated Scissors in different r Q
sizes; regular $1.00, special at only. .ijIC
Our Basement Grocery
TO 9:30 ONJLY.
For Saturday evening our Grocery Depart
ment offers two specials 2 lbs. a r
Walnuts 35S 2 lbs Almonds. .tOC
$1.50 Panels on Sale, 68c
TO 8:30 ONLY.
$1.50 White Irish Point Door Panels, 36-in
Dy 4Z-in. A large variety or ae- rey
signs on sale at low priec, each. OOC
12V2C Silkolines for 9c
1 6 TO 9:80 ONLY.
50 patterns best quality of Silkoline, light
grounds with floral designs. All q
colors. Reg. 12y2c quality, yard 5C
20c and 25c Pictures 6c
6 TO 9:30 ONLY.
1000 Matted Pictures, large assort- r
ment. Special, remarkably low price. OC
$2.50 Pictures for $1.19
100 Framed Pictures, 16x20, including fruit,
landscape and flowers, in 3-inch gold
frames. Regular $2.50 values. "I Q
Special at the low price of. tj) X X J
50c Suspenders for 35c
6 TO 9:0 ONLY.
Men's or. boys' "President" Suspenders,
light or medium weight, new webbings,
pretty patterns, 50c values, on sale q T?
special at the very low price of, pr. -OOC
Extra Special
m Fmnnery
A clean-up tonight from 6 to 9:30
Untrimmed Felt Flats, assorted Ag
colors, values up to $2.50, for, each. iJ7C
Children's Tarns in assorted colors,
values np to 75c and $1, for, each.
60c Glass Sets Only 47c
4-piece sets in Fancy Pressed Glass, includ
ing creamer, sugar bowl, spoonholder and
butter dish. Regular 60c, on sale yt pj
special at the very low price of. C
30c Berry Bowls at 23c
6 to 9:30 Only.
9-inch fancy glass Berry Bowl; reg
ular 30c value; special at only..
25c Mounted Pictures 10c
Beautiful Colored Reproductions on cream
and gray mounts. Regular 25c i r
values ; special at low price of only. . X.vIC
A Drug Section Special
6 to 9:30 only at Drug Section
Air Float Talcum, low price of.. ..JC
Last Day of Grocery Sale
White Cotton Waists Low Priced
Today an immense assortment new,
fresh, clean waists, she cases of them
$1.75 Values 95c
White, cotton Shirtwaists, in lawn
or figured mercerized, made with
pointed and square yokes,
trimmed in allover lace, embroid
ery and lace insertion, or fronts
in panels of embroidery and
tucks Long or short sleeves,
values $1.75, on
sale special at
Second Floor.
i&?zW- BIW Sectlon
6 Underwear Specials for Today
In the unparalleled special offered in most every section of the store today, we have not
forgotten the women's knit wear. Here are six items of the most dependable merchandise:
OA,, Ladies' Swiss ribbed cotton Vests, low
neck and sleeveless; sizes 4, 5
and 6. Regular 20c values on sale at
A Of Women's fine Swiss ribbed cotton
Vv Vests, lace yoke back and o C
front. All sizes. Regular 40c values OC
OC Ladies' Swiss ribbed cotton Vests, low
neck and sleeveless, fine lace o7
insertion trimmed. All sizes; 35c vals C
"7 Cc Ladies' fine quality pure lisle Vests,
hijrh neck, lone sleeves, bean.
tifully made and finished; 75c vals, ea
QCC Women's fine ribbed cotton Pants,
tight, knee lengths. All sizes, qj
Regular 35c values on sale special atw3C
yCcLadies' low neck, sleeveless Union
Suits, knee length, pure white. Cf
All sizes. Regular 75c values on sale atOUC
Boys, Play Ball
Just arrived a full line of Baseball Suits.
Baseball Suits from $2.00 to $6.00
50c Mitts on sale special today at 39J
50c Gloves on sale special today at 39
25c Gloves on sale special today at 19J
25c Mitts on sale special today at 19
50c Masks on sale special today at 39
25c Baseballs on sale special today, 19
Men's HatSpecial
We are offering today a fine line a-i
of Soft Hats, $2.50 and $3 values. J l.O if
Hats in black telescope styles, new blocks,
in various shades of tan and ti j-Q
gray, in all the new shapes, at.pl0
New styles in Men's Hats are now being
shown. See window display. We invite
your inspection.
Rugs, Matting, Curtains, Couch Covers
Every Item a Great Bargain
Sale Arts and Crafts Rugs $2.50 CouchCovers $1.85
A durable and artistic Rug for bedrooms $2.50 double-faced Couch Covers, Bagdad
pink, blue, green, tan and mosaic. See them, stripes, Oriental colorings, full size, 60 inches
Mosaics, 30x60, special at, each $1.25 by 3 yards, regular $2.50 values, r.-i Qr-
Mosaics, 36x72, special at, each $1.75 n special at very low price of, each. Ji.OO
Light colors, 27x30, special at, each. .$2.65 di rfk C m. ' 70 O
Light colors, 36x72, special at, each . . $3.05 S1UU L,UrtaiIlS OC rair
They can be cleaned with soap and. water. 5 patterns Ruffled Swiss Curtains, dots,
2000 yards Jap Matting, plain and insert ef- stripes and figures, with plain ruffles, 36
fects, carpet design, all colors. yr inches wide, 2y2 yards long, regu- pjq
Regular 25c values special at, yard. . . UC lar $1.00 values, special at, per pair. . OG
I A Talk to Men e Saving
Men's Furnishing Goods, Morrison-St. Entrance Men Clothing, Second Floor
$1 25 VALUES Men's Spring - weight 1C- VALUES Men's fancy border
t1"" wool underwear; natural, gray; AJl Japonette Handkerchiefs, new de-
nicely finished. All sizes. $1.25 val- qq signs in great variety; 15c values,
ues, special at low price of, garment. OC special at -the very low price of 3 for. OC
t 1 95 VALUES Men 's form- fitting, M Cft VALUES Men 's m e r c e r i zed
p X d-J Spring- weight worsted ribbed twill Pajamas, white or fancy
Underwear, well made, $1.25 values, ryrj trimmed; $2.50 values, on sale j
special at the low price of, garment. O C special at the very low price, suit.P 1 xD
TnOIIGr made equal to merchant tailoring in all-wool fancypOD AY AT
uua d worsteds in stylish and neat stripes of dark grays, black
6.00 &.$7.00and grays, of medium light and dark -fabrics. Exceptional C L CT
VALUES values $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 trousers special, per pair P "
New Fancy Vests in brown, grays and light colors of latest '. pattern and cut, fr
handsomely tailored; on sale at the remarkably low prices of from $2.50 to pD.UU
For Today Only in the Leather Goods Section Women's Leather Hand Bags, Strap Handle, Moire Lined; Worth 75c, Today 42c
frpokane Churches Renders Only
Aid Woman Says She Cleared
Husband of Murder Charge.
SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. -28. (Special.)
laying on a sickbed In a Howard-street
lorjginiRr-housp. a. pennllesa invalid. Is
Mrs. Bert Webster, an actress known
professionally as Frankie Hall, and In
contrast to the woman's plight, accord
lnif to her statement. Is the luxurious
life of her husband In San Francisco,
who. she says. Is the idolized son of a
wealthy woman and the favorite nephew
of a rich aunt.
Mrs. Webster was questioned today re
carding what church people bave done
to relieve sufferine caused performers
when the Variety theaters were put out
of business in Spokane, clergymen hav
ing given their word that no deserving
case should go unnoticed. Her illness
made it impossible for her to obtain em
ployment. Dr.' Henry Rasmus, of the
First Methodist Church, heard of her
plight, called on her and left $25. while
the proprietor of a variety theater, wno
claimed he had been aiding the woman,
failed to make good.
Mrs. Webster says her husband Bliot
"Billy Wolf at Robert, Okla., lour years
ago, as a result of business Jealousy, and
she successfully fought to clear him. Her
husband is kind and good, she declares,
but only the great love of the mother for
her boy keeps them apart. Mrs. .eb
ster says the husband is living with his
mother And an aunt at the Denniston
Hotel, owned by Madame "Webster, at
991 Valencia street. San Francisco.
Denial From Reeder & Watkins.
.MARSHFIEIJ,. Or., Feb. 26. (To the
Editor.) We have in hand an article pub
lished in Friday's Orejfonlan asvociaWni? us
with the St. Paul Sc. Faciflr Timber Syndi
cate, both by circular and personal interview
wirh Bryan R. Dorr. W are not now nor
have we ever been, attorney for the above
syndicate, nor is said syndicate acting as
subagents for us, nor have we ever received
one cent from the above syndicate or any of
Its officer, and we knew nothing of the
objectfonal circular until we read same in
The Oregonlan. We are Innocent parties
and have not been guilty of any wrong
doing, and any use of our names for fraudu
lent purposes la unauthorised by us in this
or any other circular. We trust that, this
will correct any misstatements that have
tended to prejudice us with the public.
Good News for the Hungry.
After this the price at Morris' res
taurant will be: f
For two eggs, with coffee, etc 15c
For sirloin steak, with coffee, etc 25c
For. plain steak, with coffee, etc 15c
Other dishes in proportion.
Only restaurant on "Washington street
employing white cooks.
Care for Alaska's Insane.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 2S. In . the Sen
ate today, Senator Fulton called up and
secured the passage of Senator Bourne's
bill providing for the care of insane per
sons in Alaska.
Veal Sausage, 2 lbs. for 25
Fork: Sausage, fresh every
hour 12V2
Hamburg Steak, fresh every
hour, i 12V2?
Smith's choice Sugar-Cured Break
fast Bacon, guaranteed pure and
fresh 15
Hams 12Vz
Half a Ham, same price. :.. .12V2
Sliced Ham, from the center of the
ham ..250
Sliced Smoked Shoulder . .15c
Smith's Pure Lard in five-pound
pails 60
At Smith's yon nerer get Kan Franrlnco
meats or meats brought from Omaha,
Chicago or other Eastern points.
8m1th's meats are kept helilnd a-laae and
lntiide the shop until you buy them.
Smith's meats are clean meats..
"Fighting the Beef Trust'
Eat Pork is the Winter this la the
season foe,. it :
Roasts of Pork ttie. best and cheap
est meat ever offered 10 J
Pigs' Feet 5c
Pigs' Hocks
Shoulder Roast Pork .10
Shoulder Pork Chops
Center cuts of Shoulder Roast
Pork 12V2
Sweet Pickle Pork.... 12V2
Fresh Side Pork 12V2
Dry Salt Pork 1212?
iieai juara 1J5V?
Pork Loin Chops lo
Fork Loin Roasts 15
Legs of Pork ...15
The Following tuts Are the Finest,
Cholceot and Sweetest of Ore.
Ron's Kaacy Beeves.
Soup Meat 3
Beef for Boiling 5
Beef for Stewing.... 5
Short Ribs to Bake
Shoulder Roasts 8
Shoulder Beefsteak
Prime Rib Roast Beef. . i 10 !
(You get it only at Smith's.)
Tender cuts of Round Steak 10
Sirloin Steak, so juicy and palatable
that old and young enjoy it 11
Small Porterhouse Steaks and small
"T"-Bone Steaks everybody knows
how good they are 12V2
When yon are looking- for Smith's avoid
the market on eaoh side of dr. They have
no connection with the flrm and do not rarry
Smith's aOHolittely frenh Oregon meals,
weighed on honest scale.
Chinook Salmon ....15
Red Snappers 10
Fresh Herring 10
Black Cod 12Vzt
Razor Clams, per dozen 12V2
Hardshell Clams, per lb 5
Olympia Oysters, per pint .30
Halibut, 3 lbs. for 25d
Perch 10
Tom Cod 10
Crabs, each 15?
Plenty of Fresh Oregon Vea! at Smitls
Plenty of Oregon Lambs at Smith's
Also All Kinds of Fish and Oysters.