TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1908. 11 liemoval. Our efforts for the coming few weeks will be to dispose , of oiir present stock of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Lace Cur tains, Portieres, Draperies, Etc., at prices that will enable us to move into bur new quar ters (Fifth at Stark) with a, complete new stock which is now enroute J. G. MACK 86-88 Third Street FIRE IN WAREHOUSE Blake, McFall Co.'s Store room Swept by Flames. CAUSE IS NOT YET KNOWN Property Loss of $40,000 Is Fig urcd Out by Firm, but Insurance Is Supposed to Cover Stock of Paper Consumed. Forty thousand dollars' worth of paper was consumed by fire late yesterday afternoon when the contents of the Blake, McCall Company's warehouse at 49 Front street burned. Several thousand bolts of paper were In the place, and practically all were de stroyed by fire and water. The fire eeemed to have -eaten -its way from the rear end of the place and the stock had to be drenched -with water. The ware house Is a metal-covered structure with out windows and the fire waa similar, in a way, to the firing of a closely packed bundle of papers In an oven. The origin of the fire is a puzzle which nobody has yet been able to solve. No motive Is known for Incendiarism. Either a defect in the electric wiring or spon taneous combustion seems to have caused the fire. There wore several electric wires inside the warehouse, while a stock of tar paper might account for spon taneous combustion. The fire department made a record run and the firemen did excellent work. Half a dozen companies were ordered out by Chief Campbell to prevent possible spread of the fire, as it was in the heart of the wholesale district. The metal covering of the warehouse kept the tire securely sealed, however, and while the bis: bolts of paper were being consumed, flames were not seen by the big crowd that congregated about the fire line across the street. Although the alarm was turned at 5:13 P. M. It was not until after 9 that the last spark of fire was put out. The loss to the Blake, McFall Company will not be fully known today, further than that the contents were worth .ap proximately $40,000 and nothing seems to have escaped fire or water. The loss Is well covered by insurance. ST. PAUL TO REACH COAST Plana Branch From Tacoma to Grays Harbor. SEATTLE, TVash., Feb. 11. (Special.) As one of the important results of the visit to Seattle of President A. J. Barling, of the St. Paul Railroad, the engineers of the company have been instructed imme diately to take up the work of planning a line between Tacoma- and Grays Har bor. Surveyors are now in the field, and it Is the understanding that work will be Jiurried so that construction can begin thin Summer. The new line will place the St. Paul In a positoln of vantage when it comes to contesting with the Northern Pacific for the rich trafflo of the future In Western "Washington. The Olympic Peninsula is rich In coal and timber. " This is the first announcement that the company contemplated the coast branch, and, although railroad men believed It would build a line into the territory, it was not believed that this would be done lor a number of years. ) Athletic Field at Albany. ALBANY, Or., Feb. 11. (Special.) The construction of a good athletic field on the campus has been undertaken at Al bany College. The work of inclosing a portion of the west side of tho campus began today and inside the Inclosuro a football field, baseball diamond and track will be constructed. A- grandstand will be erected at the west end of the gym nasium. To fortn the new inolosure the fence and grandstand at Rambler Park will be removed to the campus. This means the end of the famous RamBler Athletic Park. It was on 'this field that the Albany Col lege football teams of 1002, 1903 and 1904, made strong bids for state honors. METEOROLOGITAIi REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 11. Maximum temperature, 40 degrees: minimum. 40. rtlvor reading at 8 A. 4.0 feet: chansre in Inst 24 hours. -0.5 foot. Total rainfall (5 V. M. to 6 P. M l .211 Ineh. Total rainfall since September 1. 1007. 23.06 Inches: nor mal rainfall sint-e September 1. 1!)07. 28.17 inches: deficiency .t.ll Inches. Total sun shine February 10, loot. 4 hours 29 minutes: possible sunshine February 10. 1008. 10 hours 1 minute. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M- 30.1 a Inches, WEATHER CONDITIONS. A 'small disturbance has advanced across British Columbia and then moved south eastward to Montana. It has caused gen eral rain la the North Pacific States and Sale 8 CO. high winds locally at a few place. The highest wind was at North Head, where a maximum, velocity of Co miles from the Northwest was reports during the day. The temperature on the Pacific Slope has remained nearly stationary. The Indica tions are for local rain or snow In this dis trict Wednesday. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ' Observations taken at 5 P. M.. Pacin time. February 11, 1008. 5 3 Wind. 4 ? Hf I TATION g -5 d J ; III ? I I Raker City ... Bismarck Boise Eureka. Helena' Kamloops North Hea'd . . . Pocatello Portland ...... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento ... Salt Lake . . . . San Francisco .Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla . . 13810.02) 4ISE Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy pt. Cloud Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy iPt. Cloud SPt. Cloud Cloudy IPt. Cloud iPt. Cloud Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy 42 0.00 16 NW 380.0B 4 N a:: 0.02 ae jw M O.OO! 4 w 34,0.04 Calm 4ti 0.02:36iNW 36;o.Ofl!20'SW 40 0.151 71 W .56(0.001 8 48 0.14 SW S SB W SW N NW SW . I54:0.00 . 4'JlO.lO . (56 0.00! . 34 0.12 .144 0.01 J4l0.01 .14610.181 FORECASTS. Portland and Vicinity Wednesday, rain. possibly part snow; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washing ton Wednesday, rain, possibly part .now; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Wednesday, rain or snow, followed by clearing weather; colder. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. Grand Centra! Station Tims Card SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Lee-vlna- Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger ... California Express Ban Francisco Express ...... West Side Corvallis Passenger ......... Sheridan passenger 8:10 a. xn. 4:15 p. m. 7:45 D. m. 12:00 p. m. T:00 a. m. 4:10 p.m. Forest Grove passenger ..... Forest Grove Passenger ..... 11:00 a. m. 8:40 p. m. 7:55 a. m. Arriving; Portland .Oregon Express i. oitago urove passenger ... Roseburg Passenger ........ Portland Express West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Fassenger .... Forest Grove Passenger .... 11:30 a. m 5 : 30 p. m. 111:15 p. m 6:35 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 8 :00 a. m. 2:50 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. -v .. I -i . 1.. 1 I Tacoma and Seattle Express 1 8:30 a.m. North Coast A Chicago Limited..) 2:00 p.m. Overland Express Ill :45 p.m. Arriving Portland I North Coast Limited... 7:00 a. m. 4 : 15 p. m. 8:15 p. m. Portland Express Overland Express OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland . Pendleton nassenger 7:19 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special j cpokane Flyer Kansas city vnicago impress. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. f'lty & Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special Pendleton Passenger 8:00 su m. 0:45 a. m. 8:50 p. m. 5:15 p. m. ASTORIA COLUMBIA RIVER. Leaving Portland Astoria & Seaside Express..... Astoria & Seaside Express Arriving Portland Astoria & Portland Passenger. Portland Express 8:0O a. xn. 6 :00 p. m 12:15 p. m. lO:O0 p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line, via Spokane Seattle .". Arrivlnsr Portland 8:15 p. m. 11:45 p. m. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spokane) 8:00 a. m. Via Seattle 7 :0O a. m. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving; Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger .... -7:40 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 10:15 s m. 6:&o p. m. " AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wlleon, at salesroom. 208 First St., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F.- Reg ular meeting this (Wed need ay) evening at 8 o clock, first degree, Visitors welcome. M. OSVULD, See. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO 2, I. O. O. F. ane f uneral Committee is hereby notified to meet at Oddfellows' Hall, corner 1st and Alder StB.. thin fWerlne-.da.vl afternoon. at 1:30 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late Brother Chauncey Dale. Funeral from rinceys unanei. Interment River View Cemetery. Other members of tho lodge and oruer are invitea to attend. M. OSVOLD. Seo. MACCABEE DANCE Uniform Bank Will give one Thursday evening, Feb. 13, K. P. Hall, Eleventh and Aider. Friends cordially Ini-itul -Ulluln , C.. ....... . ,.......u. .-.-ji-j j oiue. vjrenemra. t , P. C. ANDERSON, Chairman Entertainment Committee. REGULAR nomrnriTiftM n Washington Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M., I -.his (Wednesday! evening fMar Ma. I ionic Temple, East Side. CLYDE EVANS. Sec'y. OREGON COMMANDER! 1. K. T. All sir Knlghtm NO are cuinuisvnura 10 attend the nera.1 services of our late fu st r nuifciiL . xj. bailie. fliret at liOlm Chapel, 8:43. Services Crematorium a Knight V. tan's 6 O'clock. L. D. FREELAND, Eminent Commander, Ogn Com. G0RBETT BUILDING 5TH AND MORRISON STS. 1 L . . ( Jv-.-sr. T"- "X K" ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Akin, Otis F., and Mabel, osteopaths, formerly Macleay bldg. Phone A 47U, Main 3227. American Surety Co. Main tsJO. A 3550. For- eriy cnaxnner 01 commerce qiok. Cavanagb, Wm., Dr., dentist, formerly Co lumbia & Buchanan bldgs. Main 51S9, A 5139. Chrlstensen, C, optician and jeweler, formerly with Butterfleld Bros. Main 81H6. Chance, Arthur W., Dr.. dentist, formerly Dkum bldg. Of Hoes 810-11. Main 1068. Coffey, R. c, Dr., physician ana surgeon. otnee iuit. rnone Alain . Corbett Estate of H. W., Robert H. Strong, manager. Phone Main 815. A 3261. Crossley Co., The. real estate, formerly Mc Kay bldg. Offices 708-9. Main 7SS6. A 5722. Dleck, Robt. G. civil engineer, formerly Mohawlc hldsr. Phone A308S. Dufur & Dufur, public stenographers. Phons naaiQ aw, a. o.i.iu. Ellis, R- H.. Dr. physician and surgeon, formerly Columbia bldg. Main 6166, A 1466. Falls City Lumber Company, formerly Mo hawk bldg.. F. S. Belcher. Main ooio. Goudey Wood, bonds, formerly Buchanan bldg. . Main S472, A 3472. Hegele. H. W.. Dr., physician and surgeon. formerly Macleay Dldg. juain eui. a Jefferds, Henry C-. Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 463. Jones, N. W., Dr., physician, formerly Co- lumnia Dldg, buite iwa. aiain o. Jones, Trevor, Dr., dentist, formerly Bu chanan bldg. Main 4014. A 6333. Kelsey, Frank C, civil engineer, formerly Co lumbia bide. Main 5146. King, J. C. Elliott. Dr., physician, formerly Mohawk bldg. Mala 2260. Kinney, M. J., timber, formerly Sherlock bldg Phons Main 2032. . Kyne, B. F., Mrs., formerly Russel bldg. A3POT. Residence C197T. Labbe, Edmund J , Dr., physician and sur- &-w-in tMrmerlv Ijihlw hide. Main 450. A 1450. Lent, Geo. P., attorney, formerly 2o54 Mor rison et. Office 419. -Main 43. a iooo. Locke & Gullete, Drs., physicians and sur geons. Will occupy office t20 after Feb. 16. Mackenzie, K. A. J-, Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 267. Manion, Katherlne C, Dr., formerly Hamil ton bldg. Phone Main 2811. Matson, Ralph C. and Ray w., Dra, formerly Marquam bldg. Main 767. McCusker. Clarence J., Dr.. Physician and - Burgeon, formerly Fleldner DiQg. Jaaimio. Nichols. A. fa.. C. L. & H. S.. Drs.. physicians .Tiri Mursrpnns. formerly Dekum bid. Main 200. Oregon Life Insurance Company, L. Samuel, Uen. Mgr. Phones Main twso, Auwi. Oregon Railway & Navigation Co.,' surgson's offices. 908-10. Main 267. A 1207. Otis Elevator Company, formerly Fenton bldg. utnees 6Ul-x. fnone Aiain djw. Peters. Geo. D-, Dr., dentist, formerly Co lumbia hldr. Office 1021. Phone Main 767. Petzel, A. F., Dr., dentist, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 463. Pierce. B. A.. Dr.. physician, offices 1007-1008. Phones Main Ara:iu. Polivka & Co., tailors, formerly 249 Morri son. Phnne Main 7H1. Schoonmaker, F. M., real estate, formerly Mc Kav blde-.. offices 708-9. Main 7S55. A 6722. fltory, L. E., Dr., physician, surgeon, formerly St. John. Offices 9O1-02. A14UB, jusun oitsu. Taylor, Frank M . Dr., physician and -surgeon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 267. A1267. United Wireless Telegraph Co., formerly 1074 Sixth St.. P. 3. Stewart fiscal agt. Main 833. Veazle & Veazle, attorneys at law, formerly Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 11. Wight, Otis. B., Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 6168, A 14ti0. Williamson & McNary, physicians, formerly Marquam Dldg. -Main 449. Yaqulna Bay Co., The, formerly Mohawk bldg., W. F. Stlne. Main 6578, A1978. Zan. Jas. C. Dr., physician and surgeon. formerly Marquam hide. Main 850. MEETING NOTICES. V IVAN-HOE LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P. Members are requested to attend the fu neral of our deceased brother. Chauncey Dale. P. C. from Flnley's chapel. Wednes day, February 12. at 2 o'clock. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. W. J. CEpERSON. C. C. T. P. A.'S, TAKE) NOTICK All the mem bers of the Oregon and Washington Division of the Traveler's Protective Association, who can possibly do so, are requested to attend the funeral of William T. Custer, which will take place at Holman'M undertaking parlors, Wednesday. Feb. 12, at 3 o'clock. The de ceased was a member of this Division, was representing Bauer Bros. & Co., of San Fran cisco, and died of pneumonia at Baker City on tbe 10th inst. WILLIS FISHftR, Pres. JOSEPH C. GIBSON, Sec. -Trees. DIED. GAXS In this city, February lO, at the fam ily residence, 415 Fremont et., Mrs. Mary J. trims, aged- 07 years. 7 months, l day, beloved mother of Mrs. C. F. Willis, 'Mrs. . W. Martin, L. B. Cusick, Lillian F Gans. Henry Grcall Gans, Rose E.- Gana. POLLOCK In this cltv February 11. Jo- serh Pollock, aged 66 years 11 months anu -d aayg. jNotice or luneral will De given later. FUNERAL NOTICE. KARNT? February 11, Vincent E-. Karne, age 4W, cromer ot Mrs. A. u. Barker. Services at Crematorium Wednesday at 5 P. M. BVANS In this city, Feb. 10, Charles Evans, aged 74 years. Friends are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman s chaDel at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday). Interment River view cemetery. 6 PRAGUE February 10, at th. family resi dence 447 East Sherman et.. Grace Made line teprague, aged 18 years, 8 months, be loved daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edwin A. Sprague. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, 'which will be held et Hawthorne Purlr Prpshvtftrlan Church, corner Bast 12th and East "Taylor ris., at x t-. m.- lnursoay, ieD. is. inter ment Greenwood Cemetery. GANS February 10. at. the family residence. 415 Fremont St.. cor. B. 6th. Marv J. Gans. aged 67 years. 7 months, beloved mother of jwrs. - r . wuiis. Mrs. G. w. Martin, J. B. ' Cusick, Miss Lillian F. Gans, Rose B. trans, Henry Urcall Gans. Iriends are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 1 :30 P. M. Wednesday, Febru ary 12. Services at the Crematorium pri vate. GANS February 10. at tbe family residence. 415 Fremont St., Mary J. Gans, aged 57 years, i montna, -beloved mother of Mrs. C F. Willis. Mrs. G. W. Martin. L. R- t'lislck Miss Lillian F. Gans. Rose E. Gans, Henry Greall Gans. Friends are resnectfullv in vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 1:30 i . M. today (Wednesday), February 12. cervices at me uremaiprlum private. MERRILL In this city. January 11. by accidental drowning, Benjamin M. Merrill, aged 55 years Funeral services will be held at tbe chapel ot the Portland Crema torium at 10 A. M., today t Wednesday) February 12. Friends invited, ruary 12. Friends Invited. WALL At the family residence. 754 East AtiKsny street. February lu. Milton Oli ver, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wall, acred 6 months and 0 davs. Funeral will take place today, February 12. at 1:30 P. M., from F. S. Dunnlng's Chapel, corner of East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends Invited.' Services at the prave pri vate. MORGAN The' funeral' of the late Mon roe G. Morgan will take place today, Feb ruary 12. at 2:30 P. M.. from F. S. Dun nlng's Chapel, corner of East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends invited. Ser vices at the grave private. J. P. FIN LEY SON, Funeral Directors, Third and Madison. Phone Main 9, A 1699. Dunning, McKntee & Gllbaugh, Funeral Di rector., 7 th ii line, l'hone M. 4oU. Ludy aiMt. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Aide at- Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d St. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 273 Russell. East 1088. I-ady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 Eas Alder. Lady, assistant. I'bons East 62. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 14th and WashlnertcnL Phones Main 1 and A1122 Special Price Last Time Matinee. 2:15; Tonight, 8:15. DE WOLF HOPPER In De Koven's Comic Opera "HAPrVLAJiD" Evenings, $2 to 50c; Matinee,- 1 50 to B0o IT 17 T ir THEATER n r.l I . f V X 14th and Washington. Phones Main 1 and A1122 S NIGHTS, BEGINNING TOMORROW Special Price Matinee Saturday. MISS GRACE GEORGE, In Sardou's Comedy. . "DIVORCONS." Evenings. $t to 50c; Matinee. 1.50 to 25s. MARQUAM GRAND (Portland's Famous Theater, pnons Main a j Tonight and Remsinder of Week. Matinee Saturday. Joe Murohys Great Play. "THE KERRY COW," With Bernard Daly as Dan O'Hara. . Evenings 28c 60u, 75a. Matinee 25c. 50c BARER THEATER Phones Main 2; A5380 Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Manager. Set Your Seats Early All This Week Just On Long Howl of Laughter. CHARLEY'S AUNT Matinee Saturday Evenings 25, 35, 50. Mat, IB, 35 Next) In the Bishop's Carriage EMPIRE THEATER Phon. Mam m MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manager. Note the Teddy Bear Saturday Matinee. Tonight all week Matinees Wednesday Saturday. A beautiful production of the thrilling Indian melodrama. - AH TOLD IN THE MJJULB. New Seenerv Sneclaltles and Effects, Nights, 15c, 25c. S5c 50c; matinees, 10c 20a. Next Week Dora xnorne. LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4685; Home, AlOtB. Week commencing Monday. February 10. The Allen Htoca company presents A New Comedy. "THE LAWYER AND THE LADY." Matinees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices lOo and 20c Every .vnliiir at 8:15. Price. 10c. 200 and 30c. Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE STAR phones ES For Entire Week of February SV THE R. E. FRENCH STOCK COMPANY Presents AI H. Wood's Great Comedy Drama "CMJJXAruvf f sjtiAituj!;, In Four Acta Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2:30. Prices 10c and 20c Every Evening at 8:15 P. M. Prices 15c. 25o and 35c. Seats may be reserved. by either pnore. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe. Tim. and Prices Remain the Bams. Entire week of February 10. THE GREAT ALBINI. riTRl 1,'ridav evening. Feb. 14. at both performances, Mr. Alblni will give a grand expose of Anna Eva Fay. Dr. Mclvor Tyn dall, Mrs. Pepper and Dr. Blade. Giving full Infnrmntlntl wit h the TmrftDhernalia u used by th above so-called wonder-workers. Each prformance will begin on-nJi nour eariw. uon t ma xi. PANTAGES Fourth and Stark Sta, Hlr Nnveltv Act BARTHOLDI3, With His Troupe of 85 Trained Cockatooa bee tne txreateat ciru av, iu .v.,u. 9 BIG ACTS 9 Performances dally at 2:80. 7:80 and B:00 r -m Admlsnlnn 15 cents: lower floor, 20c; boxes', 50c. Any seat, weekday matinees. 16c WHERE TO DINE The Sargent : d'hote dly. 50c. Sun.75c Grand & Hawthorne ThA PsrlfiTI eth -nd 'Wash, sta M.r-J-He jrerKIUS chants- lunch dally. A la carte service all day. Sun. course din. 50c r-Io n-lll 103 6th st. Only a ai ouucii ui iu French chef can prepare such dinners as are served at Brander Grill. wr 363 Morrison mt. Merchants' HI use a iunch. 11-2. 25c Dinner 5:80-8 P. M., 35c; Sunday chicken dinner. 50c. Franklin Restaurant 468 .Wash. St. Best service. Best market foods. Din. daily 85c Sun. 60c. T, I)..!.. 18th Alder." Home cook AHW iiariUU lng Special chicken dinner Sunday Me. Reasonable rates by th. wk. Th.Tlroo'nn 149 Tth. Merchants' lunch lllOlriigUll dBlly 25c Special Sun. din. turkey or chlcjten, chop suey ac noodles, sue TVnn 'Polriti 0th. cor. Btaxk. Merchants' AHW A BklU lunch 25c Chinese delicacies, chop suey & noodles. Spe.chicken dln.Sun.60c nil W-ffl. 146 eth st. A res- VUllttgo imino taurant of .stabllshed merit. Reasonable prlcea llnnamni-A'a 43 Washington st. Mer liansniOre S chants' lunch. 11:30-2. 25c; din.. 5 to 8 P.M., 25c & 35c. Spe. Sun. din. vmnl.a 102 Third st. Regular dinner, ""i"v 25c. Special dinner every Sun- day. rru- vi.nna 2ol Morrlaon St., under new 111" icuua managm't. Merchant's lunch 11-3. 25c. a la carte 6 A. M. to l A. M. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertising Is ordered to run consecutive days. Daily and Sunday lssnes. The Ore gonlan charges Urst-tlme rate each Insertion for e la sallied advertising that Is not run oa consecutive days. Tbe first-time rate Is charged for each Insertion In The Weekly Oregonian. "Kooms," "Rooms and Board,' "House keenlnsr Rooms." ."Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 15 eentst 18 to 20 words, 2 cents; 21 to zs words, za cents. c no iHu.nint In tttlHftton.1 lllMrtlon.. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ada, one-time rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Ken Today," SO cents for 15 words or lees: 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 60 cents. - etc nrst Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-halt: no furtner discount na iler one month. "NEW TODAY," (gauge men snore agate) , 14 cents per line, first insertion t 7 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressesd care The Oregonian. and left at this office, should always fee inc. lowed in nestled envelopes. No stamp is required on such letters. NEW TODAY. To Loan $200. $400, $500, $1000, $1200, on good real estate security; 7 to 8 per cent. GEO. P. LENT 206 Morrison. 419 Corbett Bldg.. after Wednesday. To Exchange 5,000.000 feet choice yellow fir. well lo cated, back of Scappoosc for Portland resi dence. Irvlngton preferred, worth about $7000. , . JACKSON DKERINO. Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate, Insurance A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and 8trk. GIVE ME A CALL. Piano Studio of Louis H. Boll Now located earner 6th and Washington sts.. Lafayette biag.. pariors su ana at. CLIENT wants $2000 at 6 per cent, will give mortgage on house and lot on North 16th at. .Yv". H. Nuun, 449 Sherlock block. NEW TODAY. EXCELLENT STOCK AND DAIRYJARHS 160O Acres In Benton County. Or.; 325 acres under plow, 375 acre slashed and seeded down 10 clover- ana timotny; oaiance 01 me ia.no. is most all good saw timber and piling; ; enouch to nay for the farm. The place is all under fence. Is well watered by streams and springs. Two-story house or lO rooms; barn, 454x100, with 18-foot posts; large hog and soat house, machine sheda and tool hr.niA Thin land ran nil he Cultivated when cleared; no waste land on place; rood soli: half mile to school; telephone and B. F. D. Price 30 per acre. 1600-Acre Farm One-half mile west of Wellsdale Station, on the 8. P. R R., in Benton County, Or.; 1O00 acres Is rich bottom and rolling lana, balance low open bill land, with scattering oak. ash and fir timber; the bulk of it can be cultivated when cleared; all fenced and divided into three divisions by county road; lH-story new) house, with bath, hot and cold water. A fine large spring supplies the house and two large barns from a large storage tank of brick and cement of 2000 gallons, with abundant fall and force. This farm Is very cheap at $20 per acre. We consider it a bargain at this price. 895 Acres Three miles east of Roseburs;, Oreron. on Deer Wek : 1AA in cultivation. 240 easily put into cultivation; 496 acres good pas ture land with considerable oak timber. The entire farm is Well watered by creek and eprinsrs; will make an Ideal stock and dairy farm: a 2-story frame house of 7 rooms, stable and hay barn, granary and other outbuildings; orcnara ot appie, peacn. pear, cherry and prune trees; entire farm Is fenced; on telephone line; rural free deliv ery and K mile to .school house; good, level road to Rose burg. Price, $15 per acre. 302-Acre Farm In Benton County Oregon, all good, tillable and srrass land, all fenced and cross-fenced; This farm is conceded one of the best grain and trrass farm. In the county; no waste lana, ana an can do cuuivuieu; nuuui acres in cultivation and grass, balance tim ber, oak and ash; well watered; 2-story bouse, large barn; other outbuildings; bear ins orchard. Price, $35 per acre. 226 Acres iu miles south of Gresham (no better land in the state), 30 acres In good cultivation; 100 acres brush pasture, balance timoer; lurs-e hearing orchard: house of 6 rooms. barn and other outbuildings. This (arm can be divided into 4 or 5 parts very nicely; will take in part income-bearing city property. price, $40 per acre. 34- Acres On Johnson Creek; the best place In the conntv to raise chickens, ducks and ceeee. or anything you want to plant In tbe ground; soil the beet, no-gravel or rock: on good, level road to city, close to car tine. Price, $3000. 2 3-4 Acres Wml Rffflwvnr.fi. nn .Tohneon Creek ; level and good soil; well Improved; 7 -room house and barn; bearing fruit; good plaoe for chickens and ducks. Price, $3500. J. L. WELLS CO. 806 Chamber of Commerce Rldr. THURMAN ST. SPECIAL Corner lot, 53x98; sub stantial three-story frame; stores and rooms above. Leased five years, three years at $75, two years at $100, to responsible tenant. $9000 $5000 cash,; balance 6 per cent. Thurman street is a "comer."' E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. DOUBLE CORNER . QUARTER BLOCK SUITABLE FOB HOTEL - THEATER - STORES This property has 270 feet of street front age, with car lines on all three streets. A $150,000 hotel has just been opened within 100 feet; and a ml 111 on -dollar office building Is to be built only two blocks away. - Latt year six . brick buildings were completed within two blocks. Burnslde st, Is the Ion Rest Bast and West street In the lty and will become Its main artery, while Stark st. Is now successfully competing with Washlnrton and Morrison street for retail business. For sale by owner or will lease for term ox years. CAXI, ft FIRST ST. VS0.iD$ryr.CC Wolf Tomorrow, Thursday At Baker's Auction House, Cor. Alder and Park Sta. Mortgage Sale IRON BEDS, DRESSERS, SIDE- BOARD, EXTENSION TABLE, COOK 8TOVE. OAS RANGE AND OTHER FURNISHINGS OF EIGHT-ROOM RESIDENCE. SALE 10 O'CLOCK. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. BAKER & SON, Auctioners, DO YOU WANT A HOME? Lot 73x100 in Irvington, with up-to-date 7-room home. Beauti ful lawn . and shrubbery. The price is $7250. $1000 will handle this. Reason for this sacrifice, owner is moving to his country home. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 392 ; A2392. 264 Stark St, DOES 2fl0 t per acre from prunes. $300 for peaches suid $150 from vin.s Interest you? Do yon want- an Irrigated farm, al luvial .oil. electric road transportation, on eay term.? Write for tree printed mat ter. Irrigated Land Co., Sacramento of fice, we j st t FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-AC BE STOCK RANCH; $10 FEB ACRE AU fenced: all tillable: substantial im provement.; in Doueloa County, or will ex change for Portland property or close-in acreage, paylnc difference. " JACKSON ft DEEKING. Phons Main 845. ' 248 Stark at GERMAN SETTLEMENT ' Small tracts of improved land, one of acres for $110 per acre; 10 acre for. $125 and so on. Splendid German neighbors; 10 miles from Portland: terms. J. F. COttPTON, 100 Abington Bid. NEW TODAY. Stop That Rent $5 Monthly WILL BUT YOU A LOT IN Railway Addition 400 Choice' Lots to Choose From. AT $85 EACH Improved Streets, 5c Fare; Good Soil, Title Guaranteed Perfect; No Building Restrictions and Immediate Possession. Liberal Discount for Cash. AGENTS AT TRACT ALL DAY Take Montavilla car at cor. 3d and Morrison streets, get off at corner. Villa and Hibbard sts., Monta villa branch office; for fnr- . ther particulars call office 0. P. WELLS, 231 Worcester Bldg.- Phone M. 3253. Residence Sites (1100 10x100 Sightly residence site, all improvements In; B. Taylor, near 25th st. J1750 200x100 Half block in Patton's Afl- aition, iirar 3119 ui uw-i clos. to carlins. This U a snap. Sinnott & Sinnott B21-525 Chamber of Commerce. 64x128 HAWTHORNE AVE. Nr.r 24th Price 12500: nail eaan. 1011 Is a pick-up SENtiSTAKE LTMAJf. 80 Fifth St. Money to Loan At and T per cent, and plenty of It at ner cent on eood West Side Improved real aetata security. Mortgacea purchased. J. FRANK PORTER. 607 Commercial Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. JV Whtt. Washlnsrton St. Andrews, F. V. & Co. M. 3349. S3 Hamilton bL Angeles Exchange. 618 Commonwealtn mas. Baker. Alfred A- 215 Ablngton bldsj. Bollam, Grusst Hlgley, 128 8d st. Chapln sV Herlow, 4 25 Chamber of Commerce. Churchlll-Matthewa Co.. Main A174S 110 2d. Coast Realty Co.. Main 1588. 22614 Morrison. Columbia Trust Company,- 714 Couch nl. A1816. Commercial Invent. Co., 210 Lumber Exchange. Compton, J. F. Pac ft A1S4S. 100 Ablngtoa bL Crossley Co., 708-9 Corbett bldg. M. 7865. Davis, M. C. Co. Main 4610. 1 Hamilton bldg. De Burgh, C. R., Pac. 773. 220 Ablngton bldg. Dean Land Improvement & Colonization Co. , 631 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Dubois A Crockett, 2704 Washington st Goddard, H. W.. Main and A174S. 110 2d St. Eotchklss, C. K. Co.. M. 1065. S03 C. of C. International Invest. Co., 809 Macleay bide Jennings A Co., Main 188. 332 Wash. aC Lee. M.'B., room 411 Corbett building. Mall Von Borstal, 104 2d St., 392 E. Bnrnstd CDC4J..11. J. F., M. 4561 A256L. 230 Stark. Palmer, H. P., 202 Rothchlld No. Main 6661. PARKER, C. L. Woodstock, end of car lie Farrlsh, Watklns Co.. 250 Aiaer bc Porter. J. Frank. 607 Commercial Bldg. Reed. Fields A Tynan, M. 7004. A3661. 102 2d. Rose City Realty Inv. Co., La jayeiie oiog. Schalk. Geo. D-. 64 8tark st. Main 892. A392. Security Investment Company, rooms 628-27-28 Corbett Diag., opp. i-wwnOT. v-'"'1 Bmith,. Robert B. May and W. Lawrence) Bharkey. X P. Co.. 122 Sixth st. . Stelnmeta, F. J. & Co., 193 Morrison st Swensson, A. F. & Co., 258M Washington st The Oregon Real Estate Co., 88 Vi Third st (Holladav Addition.) Thompson & Swan, specialty, Clark Co. farms 805 tiwetland oldg. ana v ancouver, w asm. Veteran Land Company, 165 hi Third St Waddell, W. O.. 809 Lumber Ex Chang, bldg. I'OR BALE REAL ESTATE. $3600 GETS the biggest bargain in West Port land, new, modern 5 -room bungalow, built for a home; all conveniences; lot 40x100 on Savler st INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 809 Macleay Bldg. ' lii-liCl! is a isux nun iuu. 720 acres of fine land (or dairy, ranch and fruit land, 1 mile of Columbia River, only $8 per acre; worth $20 per acre. Room J. F. . CDonnelL 230 Stark St.. Makes a specialty of selling houses and lots in Irvlngton ana iioiiaaay rvs a.muuiu. FOR SAX FJ Three-room cottage and three lots at AVOOdmere. A snap ix iaciJ .v uuw. poiwmMir. lot. Nob Hill. 40x100. $2750: good for Hats or residence. Vanduyn sc W Ski ton. B13 uosiuuar v.. ....... . ..... OWNER wants to sell his home; see him nt once, at 969 B 16th st. North.: 6-room Mouse ana iu-.i 0oO0 Modern 8-room hou.., partly furnished, cement walks; Holladay's Addition. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce. -$4500 BUYS 6-room modern house. West Side, near West Park, fractional lot M.. K. Lea, room 411 Corbett bldg. 23-ROOM house, lot 60x100, In- Vancouver, Wash., good location; cash or terms. N 694, Oregonian. SEASIDE) bungalows designed, houses built, repaired'; get figures. Johnson, 204 Mo hawk bldg. $0600 Full warehouse lot on. railroad. North Portland, with two house. Owner. L 608, Oregonian. FOR SALE, rent or trade, lease on 20-acre loganberry ranch; vsurlety of terms. W 608, Oregonian. FOR SALE Nice piece of property on Front st. near Salem Depot Inquire 110 First at $W New 4vroom cottage; be fare; $200 cash, bal. $10 per month. See owner at . 86 6th. SACRIFICE SALB-1 lot on E. 40th St., near Hawthorne. Owner, 20 Concord bldg. Pac. 637. CHOICE residence lots near Alberta car, $200 up, $5 cash, $5 month. Phon. Main 6646. BEAUTIFUL residence lota on Improved street: buy from owner. 819 Belmont st CHOICE lot. East 22d st., only $750. Van duyn tc. Walton, 615 Chamber Commerce. SNAP 3-room house. 4& lots 50x125 Mount Scott car, $1000 cash. Phone labor 687. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE 80-acre tract. 10 miles from Portland. 7o In cultivation, nn. house and barn, good spring, good orchard. .11 kind, of fruit, running water, no gravel: the beat buy in the country; $10,500 will take, some trade. Fine tract. 36 acres. 30 In cultivation, fine house, cost $3000; good barn, running water, two orchards, , all kinds of fruit, also about 1 acre walnut., flne .oil. no gravel, one of the finest country homes In Multnomah County, only ten miles from Portland. 1 from carline. graveled road, school and church near. Only 3oO per acre, improvements worth the money; will take $3000 or J.vuj) In traae. Good 80 acres, 2 7' miles -from boat landing and R. R. station, some good timber, 3 miles from Kolso. Wash.. $10 per acre. $2D0 cash, balance $100 per year, 6 per cent; will take some trade. Good 8-room house. 2 good lots llood River, Or.. $1800, win take som. trade or a Fmall payment down. Fine 20-acre tract. Base Line. road. 7 miles from Portland, lies well. $250 per acre. Fine 10-acr. tract near Rockwood. mostly cleared, barn and good well. $00 per acre, $J,"0 cash. Ea.y terms. Fine 6-room house on carline. modera in every way. hardwood floors, a good buy. S4O00. Easy terms. Good 10-acre tract, 10 miles from Port land, 6-room house, wood fiber plaster, good well,, small barn, $2250. Good terms. Monev to loan in sums from $500 and up. If you want to 'sell your note or mortgage call on ' Charleson & Co.. 411 Commercial bldg. Phone Pacllia 1196. $ 860 60x100 lot, cement walks and street Improvements paid; East 10th be tween Division and Clinton, worth $850. $ 700 Beautiful lot on 32d, near Hawthorns; terms; must be sold; a snap. $1000 Lot 75x100. east front on E. 17th st, only 60 fet from Division; ce ment walks; street Improvements paid. $1300 Cottare. 6 large rooms, good lot, near car, $200 cash; balance very easy. f 1800 Buys three fin. lots, close to Division, Opposite Ladd tract or will sell sep arately; terms reasonable. $1900 Swell 6-room cottage, new and mod ern, close to good car service, 20 minutes out;. $JO0 cash; very easy terms. $3660 New 7-room modern house, 60x100 lot, located K2 B. '2th at., three blocks north of Sunnyside carline; terms. $4600 New .nd strictly modern 8-room house in Walnut Park; terms. THE KPANTON COMPANT. 270 Stark St (Ground Floor). WtUT' SIDE HOME. $9000 10-room modern home, with full concrete basement and finished attic; fur nace heat, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors and . other modem improvements; full size lot, best location on Nob Hill, between 2irth anil 21st sts.; this 1. a bargain and must be sold this week. ' JAMES J. ELY N N, 612 Chamber of 'Commerce. CRISP WEST SIDE SNAP. CLOSE IN. $1750 40x100 nice level vacant lot 1MM) 40x100 line cottage site. 8750 80x100 npiendid for flats. , sr,oo 80x200 for factory or laundry. Above 7 minutes on "d" car to :td and Morrison; cement walks, macadamised sts., sewer, gas. water; terms. Owner, box 710, city. A GENUINE BARGAIN. 7-room new thoroughly modern house In Portland's best residence district; only $460o; best of car service; a snap! don't fall to SN4. It; must be sold at once; term can bo had. A2727. M4261. U. S. TIMBER ft REALTY CO., 319 Chamber of Commerce. RIVER FRONTAGE, The finest 150 feet of river frontage on th. Willamette, cannot overflow or wash' away, city water, fine fence, halt block from car. CHAS. M'CORMICK, CARE WM. GADSBY tc SONS, 1st and Washington. 6-ROOM bungalow-shaped modern cottage: -full basement, furnace. gas fixtures, shades, gas range, everything swell; never lived in; on Waverly-Richmond car; $600 cash, balance $25 per m.onth. Beats pay ing rent. BOLLAM. GRUSSr HIGLET. 128 Third St. NOB HILL home on monthly payments ' New. modern 8-room house aln heart th. fashionable residence section. 304 North 24th st, near Pettygrove, $7000; small amount down, balance $50 per month. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. OWNER, 406 Commercial Block. Phon. Main 447. $3200, on easy terms, will buy a modern 7 roorn house, built 4 months ago; next to ttstner of 19th and East .Everett: the house Is very well built, has large livtng room, front and back stairs, linen closet, full attic, slectrlo and gas fixtures. Royal furnace. H P. Palmer, 202 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and Washington. 11TH ST., N. OF HARRISON. 6-room modern house; 2 bathtubs, fir place, stationary waahtubs, cement base ment elegant lawn, plenty of flowers: easily arranged for two families; price less than $76O0. LA MONT & HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg. LOOK HERE. One of the finest homes in 'Piedmont, 7 rooms, strictly modern; fireplace, furnace, cement basement and floor; large porch; ground 100x100; near car; only $4000; terms. DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Washington bldg., room 9. !500 TBRM3. 100x100,. extra large new modern S-room house, furniture, wood and insurance, fruit trees and lawn. West slope Mount Tabor. 100x200 for $4500. ZIMMERMAN & VAUOHAN, 808 Buchanan Bldg., 2blH Wash. St. A PICK UP. Beautiful lot. $400. Graded Streets, Cement Sidewalks Paid. Take Title Bank Account. Address W 604. Oregonian. GOOD BUY. New 7-roora modern house, ground 60x100; fine location; $2ooo, $250 cash, bal. to suit DUBOIS & CROCKETT, ' Washington bldg., tpom $. ACREAGE. 22 acres, 4 cleared, on Base Lin road on O. W. P. Ry., running water on place, $!6o per acre. See Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 122i4 6th st. Phone M550. y X HAVE a beautiful residence site 100x150 on Portland Height worth $2100. which 1 will sacrifice for $1000 it sold Immediately, as I need the money; no real estate agents. Ap ply X 5B0. A SNAP. Fine 1 acre and fraction, 2 blocks from carline, open ground, $750 caah will handle; balance $20 per month. Jno. P. Bharkey Co., 12214 6th st Phone M560. SNAP 3 full lots and good 6-mom house; East GHenn; only $1700. $400 and $16 month. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg.. room 3. BKeJT lot on Willamette Heights; overlooks the city; this side the bridge; a snap at $1700. Hartman V Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. MUST SELL. $2500 will buy modern 6-room cottage; $.Vo down, balance $10 per month. Call 1U4 E. Taylor. Tabor 930. FOR SALE: Two houses and lota 701 and 703 Everett st. bet 21st and 22d: fine flat or apartment house site; present In come 4720. Inquire owner. 318 Falling , bldg. $1750 BUYS 20 aoros 8 miles out; Improved lands In same section sold recently for $250 per acre; this should be picked up at once. J. F. Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg. FULL lot and 2 9-room houses, clo.ie In on West Side; a money-maker at $12,000; or will sell one house and half lot. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE 6-acre lots for sal. oa the Oregon electrto carline; also a few sp.clal bar- , gains In larger tracts near the cltr. W. E. Burke. 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg; "YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY." $70 per front ft. TODAY ONLY; 30 ft. or more, Kearney near 2.M. LAM ON T & HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg. 6-ROOM house on fractional comer one block from E. Bumside and Grand ave.; fair rental; a good buy at $2.'ii)0. Hartman A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. $775 buys fine building lot on 37th, near Haw thorne ave., graded and gravelled street, cement walks and curbs In and paid. James O. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. $7250 10-room house, full lot Nob Hill: Marshall, between 23d and 24th; lot alone worth $4500. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room house, E. Hth, with fur nace, nice fireplace, enameled bathroom, 15 minutes' walk to 3rd and Morrison sts. Phone E 4o5. GOOD house, barn, 2 low, full-bearing healthy trees, apple, cherry; near carline, school, stores; $2500; terms. Owner. Phons Tabor 271. $2.100 New 6-room bungalow, modern. 3 blocks south Hawthorne, on East 44th; $:t00 cash, $20 monthly. Address Dr. Darling. 4-ROOM cottage, $B50. 422 Ablngton bids.