Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 31, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Last Two Days of January Clearance Goods Reduced in Every Departm't
100 Street and Evening Goats
Reg. Values to $40 at $14.65
18 to 2 2-In. Embroideries, VaLto 85c at 29c
Nets and Allovers, Vals. to $1.50 at 43c Yd
Friday we place on sale the most sensational Embroidery event of the year 6730 yards of
Swiss and Nainsook Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroidery, 18 to 22 inches wide, dainty
sheer patterns and heavy floral designs. At no sale of the year will you find such g
extraordinary value at this sale price. Regular values to 85c on sale for wlw?C
800 yards White and Cream Nets, 18 to 45 inches wide; also Valenciennes, Net and Venise All
overs in exquisite new patterns, 18 to 45 inches wide. Sold regularly to $1.50, all in one lot for
Not in many seasons has there been such a splendid bargain opportunity as this, because
the coats are superb made of rich cloths in plain colors or invisible patterns that are in
favor from one season to another, very smart and ' quietly effective styles tight-fitting,
semi-fitting and loose coats. The materials are broadcloths, tailor suitings, tweeds and
cheviots, in plain colors and dark stripes and checks gray, black, navy, brown, red,
white, etc. Some coats are half lined, others fully lined with silk and satin. One coat
is fur lined, with fur collar. Some are plain tailored, some trimmed with plain silk braid,
others trimmed elaborately. All this seas on's styles. Values $25 to $40, mostly $30 and
$35. A serviceable coat for this season that'll be stylish for next Fall
as well, on sale at .' . ;
Tuxedo Veiling
Values to
40c Yard
For this Friday of our great 57th
January Clearance we offer a spe
cial lot of Tuxedo Veiling in round
and square mesh, all size dots,
comes in plain black and black and
white. Sold regularly to
40c yard, Friday. . :
3000Yds. Plain andFancy Silks
Reg. $1.35 Vals. for 69c
Special for Friday Bargain Day we place on sale 3000 yards of Plain
and Fancy Silks, in a variety of this season's best styles for waists,
petticoats or entire costumes. Regular $1.35 values re
duced to .. . ..
ai-inch Black Taffeta, soft chiffon finiah, beautiful luster,
quality equal to any $i.oo taffeta. Friday sale
Short Lengths of Wash
Goods and Linings at V2
Long Cloth
Outing Flannel
Silk Organdie
French Organdie
Colored Linens
Wool Flannels
Percaline Lining-Sateens-Moreens-1
Other Remnants-
C.B.and LaVida Corsets
$5-$6 Values at $3.75
A very unusual sale of high-class models in the famous
C. B. a la Spirite and La Vida Corsets, made of batiste,
coutille, broche and; fancy silk batiste, in low and
medium bust, long and short hip.
Regular' $5.00 and $6.00 values
1000 Women's Black Hosiery
Reg. Vals. to 75c for 27 c
Pi ri
t' jo 3
z, tic i
A great variety of styles in Women's Black
Hosiery, plain and embroidered, in 'plain gauze
;f lisle, plain black mercerized, plain lisle, lace
boots, black cotton, etc. All are good quality,
fast dye. They're sample hosiery, invoiced in
one lot regardless of values. So you
' get values to 75c on sale for
Sale of Scotch Ginghams
25c-30c Vals. at 17c
2500 yards of Scotch Ginghams in the very
popular plaids and stripes. Ginghams will be as
popular this year as last. Values from
25c to 30c yard M. w
I 42-ineh bleached Pillow Casing,
January Clearance
45-inch bleached Pillow Casing,
January Clearance .-,
$2.25 Values at $1.
$1.00 Values at 49
Full 1 6-button - length Silk Gloves,
black and white, made of the finest
quality silk and all double finger-tipped,
regular $2.00 and $2.25 val-fll S J?
ues, special Friday only for.PJ
40O0 pair. 2-cl.p Silk Glovs, in "
black, white and color., heavy
silk,' double - tipped finger.; all -
ize; 75c to $1.00
Etonian. Ololfe & Co
35 m
c Wk
in tl '4 A
first- LJS'.-.i
75c Incandescent Gas Lights at 38c Each.
Gas Mantles, Values to 35c for 10c
iooo Incandesoent Gas Lights, producing an extraordinary bright:
light of 170 candle power; latest improved burner with patent regu
lator to save gas; good, strong mantle and genuine Jena globe. Fits
any fixture. Limit of one dozen to a customer. Clear- o Q
ance sale price for Friday only v . . .(jOv
3000 good, serviceable Gas Mantles, standard quality, will fit any
fixture. All are regular 20c, 25c and 35c values. Some ar slightly
discolored, but are good as new. While they last Friday ff
Bargain Day
75c Embroidered Collars, 29c
300 Women's Embroidered Stiff Linen Collars,
in eyelet and bKnd effects, very stylish, all sizes.
Regularly sold to 75c, Friday Clear- r)A
ance ,.
$2.75 Heatherbloom Taffeta
Petticoats, Black, Colors, $1.78
These beautiful Heatherbloom Taffeta Petticoats are the equal
of ordinary $5.00 taffeta petticoats. They will wear longer;
they have the same subdued rustle and shimmering luster.
Best of all, they can be washed ; they never "crack." In black
and colors, with a tucked flounce and four rows of tucks,
trimmed with a ruffle with five rows of shir
rings. Clearance sale Friday.
29c Pillow Tops, 15c
Japanese Pillow Tops, in quaint designs, regu
lar 20c values. On sale 15c
50c Pillow Tops, 17c
Tillow Tops, in smoker and conventional de
signs; regular 50c values 17c
39c Pillow Tops, 25c
Lithographed Pillow Tops in a large assort
ment of designs; regular 3!)c O C
value for dJ
Holbein Pillow Tops
"Holbein" Pillow Tops, Stamped on linen
I'tamine, at January Sale prices:
14x18 Pillow Tops, 39c
15x20 Pillow Tops, 45c
20x20 Pillow Tops, 50c
25c Pyrography at 17c
2.V (Hove and Handkerchief Boxes 17
50c Nut Bowls for burning: .". 39
Cut Glass Bowls $3.23
Iargc Glass Bowls, of fine quality American
cut glass; regular $5.50 values 3 23
Sjierinl values in Cut Glass Water Pitchers,
Vases, Nappies, etc.
Goods purchased Friday go on bill rendered
March 1.
75c Underskirts at 49c
Woman's outing flannel Skirts, soft and fleecy, variety
of attractive patterns, regular 75c values," ylQ
Clearance Sale
$1.75 Camb. Drawers $1.18
Women 's extra quality cambric Drawers, full sizes,
prettily trimmed with fine lace and inser- fl "I 1Q
tion, values to $1.75; special sale at. . . ;. . .P AO
Combinat'n Chemise $1.10
Nainsook combination Chemise, daintily trimmed with
rows of fine lace insertion, beading and ribbons; oth
. ers with embroidery yoke, etc. ; regu- t 1 - 1 f"
larly sold to $1.50; special sale at. . i . . . .P vl
60c Cr'm Dress Goods 48c
All-wool Cream Serges and Taffetas, 38 inches wide.
$1.00 Cream Yachting Serge at 79c
All-wool Cream Yachting Serge, 44 inches wide.
$1.25 Cream Yachting Serge at 98c
AII-w ol Cream Yachting Serge, 48 inches wide.
$1.50 Cream Pebble Cloth at 89c
All-wool Cream Pebble Cloth, 50" inches wide.
$1.50 Cream Yachting Serge at $1.29
All-wool Cream Yachting Serge, 52 inches wide,
heavy quality.
$2.00 Cream Tailor Serge at $1.48
Kxtra fine mialitv Cream Tailor Seree. 50 in. wide.
Sheets, Pillow Cases
Sheets made from heavy cotton, ready for
use; a great bargain; size 72x90 C Cf
inches. A limited number at JJK
Pillow Cases to match, 45x36 inches, 1
January Clearance..... XJv
25c Frostilla at 16c
25c Espey's Cream, cut rate 16
45c Milkweed Cream, cut rate.. 29
50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 29
50c Dr. Fenner's Antiseptic Soap. . . . . . .21
Ajax Toilet Paper, dozen ...SO
25c Gold Dust at 17 V2C
15c Pearline, Friday sale 8
10c Dutch Cleanser, Friday sale Th'sifr
25c Gas Lighters, Friday sale 12
25c Jena Globes, Friday sale X8fr
10c Gas Tapers, Friday sale ..'.4
$1.50 Cambric Skirts at $1.18
Women's white cambric Walking Skirts, with
deep flounce, trimmed with tucks and hem
stitching', others with embroidery and lace
insertion and tucks, the regular- o-f 10
values to 1.53
$2.25 Cambric Skirts at $1.48
Women's white cambric Walking Skirts, with
deep flare flounce, trimmed with val. lace and
insertions and dust ruffle; others trimmed
with embroidery. Values to 13.25; JFl AO
special for this sale P 4
75c Cambric Drawers at 48c
Women's cambric Drawers, made with deep ruf
fle, trimmed with lace and embroidery; open
or -closed; regular values, 7oc; .. 48C
Women's " cambric Drawers, made with deep
flounce, trimmed with lace insertions ftf
and embroidery i values to tl.25 wu
Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with lace em-
nroiuery, iiibw huh ouu riuuvii, vmua -ui
I to 50c; on sale- for. ........
$1.25 Broadcloths, yd. 75c
$1.25 quality 50-inch all-wool fancy Broad- tyf
cloths and 46-in. Fancy Panamas. Clearance. J
$1.50 Heavy Cloaklngs, 75c
$1.50 quality 56-inch heavy Cloakings, Clear- 7 Cp
ance Sale at .
$1.50 Novelty Suitings, 98c
$1.50 quality 52-in. high-class English Worsted f ttf
Novelty Suitings for tailor suits 27 Ow
$2.50 Fancy Broadcloths, $1.39
$2.50 quality 54-inch imported fancy Broad F1
cloths in stripes and checks. Clearance. 4jJA07
$3, $4 Bearskin Cloakings, $1.50
$3.00 and $4.00 Belrskin Cloakings. all col G" E
ors, 50 inches wide. Clearance Sale pl.9JJ
$1.25, $1.50 Voiles, 98c Yard
$1.25 and $1.50 imported silk and wool Voiles, 44 inches
wide, for evening wear, in cream and colors. QOp
Clearance Sale.
$1.75 Corset Covers gl.18
Nainsook Corset Covers, circular neck, trimmed in
fancy design with Cluny and Val. lace. edges, inser
tion, medallions, beading and ribbon; JjJl 18
85c, $1 Corset Covers 59c
Women's 85c and $1.00 Corset Covers in several pretty
styles, trimmed with dainty lace, etc.; sizes 34 to 44;
. regular 85c to $1.00 values, on sale 59 C
Alarm Clocks at 73c
First-class Alarm Clocks, good Amer-3
ican movement, Clearance Price.... tl
Sterling Silver at 29c
Sterling silver articles, such as Book Markers,
Bodkins, Hat Markers, Key Kings, HQp
etc. Clearance Sale Price wJJi
Sterling Silver at 18c
Silver-back Pocket Combs in case, Emeries,
Bodkins, Stick Pins, Beauty Pins. lOp
Clearance Sale Price .-..Wv
Jewelry Sale at 48c
Vanity Cases, Pearl Buckles. Brooches
and Beauty Pins. Clearance Price. "Ow
Jewelry Sale at 68c
Card Cases, Vanity Cases, gold-filled Brace
lets, Cuff Links, Slick Pins, Hat !Op
Pins, Bead Necklaces. Clearance. .. wOl
Jewelry Sale at 78c
Watch Fobs, Lockets, Hat Pins, Veil Pins,
Hair Barettes, Belt Pins. Clearance 7Qi
Sale OC
St. Valentine's Day
Now is the time to buy while you can pick
from the. nrattiest 1 V to KIO.OO.
V s