Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 30, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Informal Ballot Is Taken but
Lack of Quorum Prevents
Definite Action.
Employs Wisconsin Landscape
Architect at $2300 Salary,
Though Appropriation Tor
1908 Salary Is but $1300.
Not until the City Council meets, two
weeks hence, and takes a vote on the
matter, will It be definitely known
whether the Park Board will be given
authority to employ Emll T. Mische, of
Mad'.son, Wis., as keeper of the city's
parks. An Informal ballot, taken yes
terday afternoon, showed seven favor
able and five unfavorable to the Board's
proposition: three members were ab
1 sent. How these stand on the subject is
unknown, and therefore the whole pro
ject is in doubt at this time.
All members of the Park Board were
present at this informal extraordinary
session of the City Council, called by re
quest of Mayor Lane to straighten the
tangle brought about by a secret meeting
of the Board, at which Mr. Mische is
said to have been employed. There la
no record of the proceedings of this ex
ecutive meeting, but it has suddenly de
veloped that a park expert was recently
engaged by the Board, at a salary of
KuOO a year; that he has resigned his
position in Wisconsin, and is preparing
to come to this city to assume his duties,
and that the only available appropria
tion made for tills position is J1500 for
It developed at the meeting yesterday
afternoon that the Park Board has
learned, after a year's deliberation, that
A. D. Montieth, who was imported by
the Board from Idaho, is not in reality
a park expert, but merely a civil en
gineer. The members of the Board will
not say whether they will retain Mr.
Montieth or not, and because of this,
some Councilmen are opposed to a new
park-keeper, as they declare Mr. Mon
tieth has proved himself a very con
scientious and efficient official, and they
want him provided for. Councilman Kel
laher spoke at length along this line.
Develop Natural Beauty.
A. N. Wills, president of the Council,
presided at the meeting, as Mayor Lane
was absent from the city on official
business. Brief, explanatory speeches
were made by I. Lang, Dr. J. R. Wilson,
Dr. Dav Raffety and Ion Lewis, compris
ing the Park Board. They all declared
that the' time had arrived when Port
land's natural beauty must be developed,
and that In order to do this, a more com
petent and bettor informed man must be
employed to initiate the work.
As to the qualifications of Mr. Mische,
whom they engaged for the position, Mr.
Lang aid he was recommended by the
Olmsted Bros., the best authority on
landscape gardening in America, and is
known to be fully able to do the work
mapped out here. As to Mr. Montieth,
they said, he is a competent engineer,
but is Incapable of carrying out the plans'
for beautifying the city now under con
sideration. Councilmen Beldlng asked of Mr. Lang
how the latter came to censure the
Councilmen In a letter published in The
"Why, we get our information from
the Mayor,'' replied Mr. Lang, "and If
we are misinformed, we apologize," and
thereupon laughter broke out.
"As a matter of fact, haven't we a
man right In Portland who can perform
the work?" asked Mr. Belding.
"Well, you find ono for us we can't,'
replied Mr. Lang.
Driscoll Opposes Plan.
Mr. Lang said that, in his judgment,
the fact that Mr. Mische's training has
been exclusively in the East would not
hamper him in local work, as had been
feared by some. Councilman Driscoll
declared himself opposed to importing a
man and paying him more than the
salary of the City Engineer, which is
but $200 a month.
"I think the City Engineer should re
ceive at least JtiOOO," replied Mr. Lang.
"But the charter provides against more
than t'MO a month," suggested Mr. Dris
coll. "The charter is a misfit," promptly
and emphatically replied Mr. -Lang. "In
park matters, especially is it out of
Councilman Rushlight, chairman of
the committee on ways and means of the
Council, expressed himself as fundament
ally opposed to the importation of labor
ers. But he declared that he thought
Portland's possibi.-ties for beauty excel
any on the Coast, and said he would
support the Park Board.
Dr. Wilson, chairman of the Park
Board, spoke briefly, earnestly asking
co-operation from the Council, and say
ing that not in England, Italy or Greece
Ir there greater natural beauty than in
Portland. Upon motion of Councilman
Vaughn, & ballot was taken, resulting as
Testify They Did Xot Give Bacon
Girl Liquor.
A. M. Hyatt and C. M. O'Connors, of
the City Hall C'afo. were put on trial in
the Municipal Court yesterday forenoon
on a charge of selling liquor to a woman
already intoxicated. The two arc ac
cused of having plied Ethel Bacon with
liquor until she was unable to walk.
The girl was picked up in the gutter in
a orunken stupor.
The brace are seeking to establish that
the girl left their place before she was
drunk. Miss Bacon took the stand and
told of being given two glasses of wine
by O Connors. After the second drink
she became dazed, she said, and was
only dimly conscious of being carried out.
Further testimony In the case will be
heard today. Deputy City Attorney
Fitzgerald brands the case as one of the
most hideous on record, and in the event
the present charge fails, says he will
seek conviction of the saloon men on a
tiew charge.
Si. John Councilmen Will Open
Negotiations for Purchase.
Omncilmrn B. T. Lrggctt, S. I. DoUie
and L. K. Walker were appointed a spe
cial committee from the St. John Council
Monday night to onfr with the owners
if the present ferry with a view to its
purchase, and with the County Commis
sioners to ascertain If they will operate
Uia ferry if it b purchased, or a new
boat be built. This action was taken in
response to a petition asking the Council
to order a special election at the same
time the municipal election is held to sub
mit the question of issuing bonds to pur
chase or build a ferry-boat. This peti
tion was initiated by the St. John Com
mercial Club after a committee had
waited on the County Commissioners..
The committee got the impression that
the Commissioners would operate the
ferry free to the public if a boat were
purchased by 9t. John for the purpose,
but the Council -wanted to make sure
they would do this.
The street committee was instructed to
investigate the advisability of the city
owning and operating a rock-crusher to
provide paving material for the streets of
St. John.
Councilman Leggett brought up the or
dinance closing poolrooms and skating
rinks on Sundays. This time the ordi
nance reached the third reading, where it
stuck and was postponed until the next
meeting. The City Engineer was in
structed to install the fountain recently
purchased by a citizen on the City Hall
ground. He was also Instructed to pur
chase shrubbery for the grounds.
Petition for Authorization of Bank
Keorganization Held Vp.
Slight changes in the petition to bo
presented to the court asking authoriza
tion for the merger of the defunct Oregon
Trust Bank and the Germ an-American
Bank caused delay yesterday and the peti
tion "was not presented to the court, as
was expected. Receiver Devlin says the
document doubtless will be submitted to
Judge Gantenbein today.
Differences of opinion as to the phras
ing of one paragraph of the petition are
said to iiave caused the delay yesterday.
The absolute segregation of the assets
of the Oregon Trust from the German
American Bank is desired, so that deposi
tors in the defunct institution will have
the fullest possible guarantee that their
claims against the bank will be met. It
was with the purpose of throwing all
possible safeguards around depositors in
the closed bank, says Mr. Simon, attor
ney for Receiver Devlin, that he suggest
ed certain alterations yesterday. It was
believed that these changes would be
made in time for the petition to be filed
last night before court adjourned, but
this was found to be Impossible.
When the petition is presented, it is ex
pected that a date for hearing possible
objections will be set by the court, at
which time any having criticisms of the
reorganization plan may be present and
urge them. It is not expected that the
slightest objection will be made, or at
least none has yet been suggested.
Compelled to Arrest Br. Polil . in
Order to Exonerate Her.
Dr. Esther Pohl, city health officer, has
turned out to be the owner of automobile
No. 535, which stood out in the street all
Sunday night and caused the issuance of
an arrest warrant for the owner, under
the new auto law.
. Dr. Pohl has gone to the police station
with bail and offered to surrender her
self, but Chief Gritzmacher has declined
to accept bail or to book her. So far as
the Chief and the City Attorney's office
are concerned, Dr. Pohl's offense has been
satisfactorily explained and no further
action will be taken. Nevertheless the
charge still stands, for Judge Cameron
said he was unable to act in the matter
when dismissal was asked yesterday
forenoon. Inasmuch as no arrest had
been made there was nothing upon which
to base a dismissal, the court held.
Dr. Pohl explains that she did not
leave the machine out in the street be
cause of having no garage. She has such
an establishment, but lost the key Sun
day and consequently was compelled to
leave the auto out. This explanation is
satisfactory to the City Attorney's office,
which wishes the warrant withdrawn.
Whether a warrant can be withdrawn
without service Is a matter yet to be
determined. At least the case cannot be
dismissed until an arrest has been made.
Former Manager of Golden Eagle
Insists on Surrendering Himself.
Gus A. Lowit. who has recently been
brought into prominence by charges of
misdeeds committed by him while man
ager of the Golden Eagle Dry Goods
Company, and who recently came back
to this city from Denver, Colo., to an
swer a charge of larceny preferred
against him by Deputy District
Attorney Moser, was arrested yes
terday afternoon by Detectives Price and
Coleman. Lowit' s arrest was more a
matter of surrender than otherwise, for
during the afternoon Alexander 'Sweek,
acting as his attorney, called at the of
fice of the Municipal Court and an
nounced that he was prepared to give
bond for his client. The bond was re
fused by Clerk Hennessey, who asserted
that bond could not be taken for a per
son not in custody.
Finding that he would have to be ar
rested first, Lowit, who had been tele
phoned to, started for the police station
and was .met by the detectives, who
placed him under arrest. Bond in the
sum of $2000 was furnished by Simon
VoIt and I. Weinstein. Judge Cameron
set the hearing of the case for Friday
morning, at the request of Attorney
But to Get Them It Costs $1.50 for
' Each Leg.
This calls attention to the big pants
sale . now running at the Brownsville
Voolcn Mill Store, in which for the
small price of $3.00 a man can pick from
a stock amounting to over three thousand
pairs of pants which sell every day at
J4.W, 36.00 and 36.00.
The sale of used pianos, organs, pian
olas and kindred instruments that was
inaugurated by Eilers Piano House nine
days ago is rapidly drawing to a close.
A number of the remaining instru
ments, among them some of the most
desirable In the entire sale, are adver
tised on page 5. this paper. Never have
prices on dependable instruments been
made so low as during this clearance
sale, and with such a list of unusually
desirable Instruments to choose from, it
is not to be wondered at that buyers are
being found quickly, not only In this city.
but throughout the entire State of 'Wash
ington. Terms of payment are made to suit
any reasonable buyer.
-Of New Spring Suits.
Advance showing of new Spring suits,
coats, skirts and waists today at McAllen
& McDonnell's. Correct models of the
season's leading styles. . Our prices are
always the lowest.
Original photos. 248 Alder at.'
Display Miserable Marksman
ship in Street Battle With
Revolvers. .
Demonstration Following Arrest of
Offenders by Police Serious Side
of Affair Armed Mob
Threatens Detectives.
Serious trouble between a mob of 30
Japanese and a squad of live polico de
tectives was nearly precipitated early
1 A I
m .. Xw At -Cv:. , ; 'V W. r.-.'.v .v. v v.::::::- JT , o .V.
! f fp.
Jennie Jeffers.
ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 29. (Special.)
Jennie Jeffers and Master Carl Thomas. On last Friday evening It defeated Tillamook team and In this contest sup
ported the affirmative of the following question: "Resolved, That the United States Government Should Own and Oper
ate the Railroads." On February 14, the team will debate the winner of the contest to be held between teams from
the Gresham and Clatskanie schools.
yesterday afternoon in the Japanese quar
ter Immediately after the arrest of two
Japanese for engaging in a revolver duel
on the public streets. Japanese contempt
for American law was shown in a bad
light, and for a time it appeared as if
trouble of a serious nature would result.
Not less than 15 Japanese flashed re
volvers during the melee.
The clash followed an exchange of. shots
between N. Taksu and K. Takasuigi,
near the corner of Third and Everett
streets. The two were rivals for the hand
of a Japanese girl. Taksu opened fire
on his countryman without warning,
shooting four times. - Takasuigi turned
and faced his assailant and commenced
shooting . on his own account. Neither
of the men seemed to know much about
the use of the revolvers and their shoot
ing was inaccurate, no damage being
done. That some of the missiles did not
strike pedestrians in the vicinity is re
garded as inexplicable. After Taku had
lired four times and Takasuigi three, they
turned and ran at the approach of De
tectives Price and Coleman. The officers,
followed by Detectives Baty, Maloney
and Hellyer, followed the pair, who went
toward a Japanese hotel near Third and
Davis streets.
It was opposite the hotel that the clash
came nearly to a climax between the
officers and a mob of Japanese loungers.
With the firing of the seven shots brown
men began pouring out of the hotel.
They saw two of their countrymen being
followed by the officers, who were not in
uniform. The detectives were immedi
ately surrounded by not less than 60 angry
Japs an61 no less than a dozen drawn
revolvers were seen. Detective Price
threw back his coat and showed his star
and the revolvers commenced to dis
appear. Both Duelists Are, Caught.
Takasuigi was caught on the street and
held, but the other fellow disappeared in
a lodging-house. While two of the officers
followed and one held the prisoner,
Takasuigi, Price and Coleman had their
hands full beating back a horde of Japa
nese, who persisted 'in crowding into the
rooming-house. Aggressive measures were
resorted to and the intruders were kept
back with some difficulty, several having
to be forced out bodily. ' The fugitive was
found hiding in a .room on the second
floor and was taken to the police station.
No less than 300 Japanese were gathered
when the officers transferred their
prisoners to the patrol wagon.
It was then decided to make an effort
to arrest the dozetl or more belligerents
who had exhibited revolvers. In the con
fusion the officers had not singled out
any of these offenders and a search of
the Japanese hotel was agreed on. A
Fortune Teller's Rapacity Gets
Her Into Trouble With Law
Swart Assyrian Takes Ignorant Laborer's Last Penny for Promising
Him Rich Bride Then Police Raid Her Establishment.
CHRIS JENSEN, who has had a
more or less unpleasant existence
in sawmill camps since he was old
enough to work, spent the last cent he
had on earth yesterday in an effort to
marry a wealthy and beautiful heiress,
who would give him a fine home. The
heiress was not a tangible proposition,
such as the Hungarian Count picked up
in New Tork the other day. She was a
creation of a fortune teller, who painted
Jensen's future for him . in glowing
colors and incidentally plucked him of
his last remaining sheckels, so that th
city will have to feed him until he gets
work. The city is feeding the fortune
teller, too. at. the City Jail.
Mary Adams, an Assyrian, is the for
tune teller, and the charge against her
is that of operating without a license.
The police have been trying to get her
on some charge or other for the past
month, since her victims are said to be
numerous, and she has taken badly
needed cash from scores of illiterate
workmen. Patrolmen Goltz and Circle
were detailed to watch her place ooJ
JVsrtn Second street yesterday after
noon. The manner in which she parted Jen
sen from his last cent marks the victim
as a person of absurd credulity. After
charging him a dollar to look Into his
future, she claimed to have made a re
score or more of the Japanese were
hurriedly, searched on the street, no
weapons being found. Objection to hav
ing their , quarters searched without
search warrants was made by the ma
jority. In the quarters the officers were
admitted to nothing in the way of re
volvers or knives was found. The Japa
nese had undoubtedly hidden their
weapons. '
The alacrity with which a mob of
armed Japanese turned out was a revela
tion to the police. The incident served to
show that the local colony of brown men
is inclined to be aggressive and that a
clash between American, civilians and
Japanese in that vicinity might prove a
serious affair.
Weapons Mere Toys. -
The weapons used by the duelists were
of small caliber and inferior make. Taksu
used a .33 caliber gun. while Takasuigi
fought back with a toy of the .22 variety.
Detective Price says that'- the dozen or
more revolvers he saw . flashed all were
mere playthings in size.
The Japanese who ran out armed on
hearing the exchange of shots no doubt
held the idea that some of, their country
men might be in trouble with Americans.
The officers say that on learning that
the trouble . was between two of their
number many of the belligerents turned
back and the word was rapidly spread
through the colony that the white men
were officers engaged in arresting Japa
nese duelists '
Taksu was locked up on a charge of
assault with a dangerous weapon, . while
his intended victim was held for carrying
a concealed weapon, as he could hardly
Carl Thomas.
The Astoria High Sohool debating team ts
-The Astoria High Sohool debating team is
be blamed for shooting when he was
fired upon.
Carl S. Faucette Receives Good News
M From Washington,
A private dispatch received from Wash
ington, D. C, says that Carl S. Faucette,
a filer in a local lumber mill, has won
out in a contest before the Patent Office
over an improvement in the cutter heads
of planing mills, which is said to be a
valuable invention. Mr. Faucette worked
on this cutter head for a long time an
by persistent energy developed a device
which was acknowledged by Eastern
manufacturers to surpass anything then
known to the trade. But when he made
application for a patent he was con
fronted with the fact that while he was
conducting his experiments another per
son, also pretending to have invented a
somewhat similar device, had already ob
tained a patent.
Mr. Faucette then instituted a contest
before the Patent Office, going East in
person with his attorney, T. J. Geisler of
this city, for the purpose of making a
thorough investigation as to us rivals
dlaims. The dispatch advises iiim that
the Patent Office has decided in his
favor, holding the patent issued to his
rival invalid. .
Bennett Property, at Corner of
Park, Disposed of for $98,000.
The northeast corner of Park and
Morrison streets, 100 feet on Morrison
and 60 feet on Park, now owned by
J. E. Bennett, and held by him at
$98,000, has been taken at that figure
by Ixiuis Burke, although the papers
were not passed - up to last night.
There is a three-story frame building
on the quarter-block, which will more
than likely ba replaced by a modern
building in the near future by the new
owner, who said last night that nothing
definite had been decided upon, and
that he might hold the property as
an investment or would build, in case
a suitable tenant for a large structure
on a long-term lease could be found.
In Monday's report of transactions of
the previous week mention was made
of a sale of a lot on Cornell Heights,
and Mr. Burke was given as the pur
chaser. The fact is, he sold the lot at
a good advance over his purchase price.
markable discovery. ' He was soon to
meet a beautiful and wealthy young
woman who would be taken by his manly
beauty. The woman must have smiled
to herself in saying this, for Jensen's
dominating characteristic is his personal
ugliness. Jensen's face brightened and
he asked, when he should come into
possession of the prize.
.Miss Adams at once had another peep
Into the future. There was just one ob
stacle to be overcome. The Goddess of
Fortune had demanded that he buy an
Assyrian shawL Jensen must buy this
shawl for J2.50 and leave it in the room.
Then lie must turn his back while the
shawl . was taken by the fortune teller.
The heiress would then be waiting for
him at the next corner quite as anxiously
as a New Tork heiress awaits the com
ing of some insipid nobleman.
Jensen nearly tore his pocket out in his
hurry to get rid of his last penny. He
bought the shawl, did as be was told,
and left- Golts and Circle were waiting
outside. Noting his happy expression,
they concluded he must have been vic
timized, and questioned him. With
pathetic simplicity he told of the heiress.
The officers then arrested the Assyrian
fortune teller and took her to the station,
along with Jensen. Since Jensen hadn't
a cent left, and it was noon by this time,
he was fed at the City Jail and held as
a witness against the fortune teller, who
was released on -ball -
Mount Hood Company Wants
Lighting Contract. ,
Latter Makes Announcement at
Meeting of Council Committee..
City Engineer Submits Inter
esting Data on Plant.
Mayor Lane sprung a surprise In the
meeting of the City Council commit
tee on street lighting yesterday after
noon, when he asserted that the offi
cials of the Mount Hood Power Com
pany have assured him that they will'
be ready to furnish lights to the muni
cipality y January 1, 190I. and that
thev want to put in a bid for the city
lighting. The Portland Gas Company
Birdie Wise.
composed of Miss Birdie Wise,
composed of Miss Birdie wise. Miss
wishes to bid, as it proposes to in
stall 3500 lamps on the West Side and
4500 on the East Side, to see if .the
city will consider gas lighting.
Tne matter of- a municipal electric
plant was discussed briefly during the
committee's session, and another meet
ing will be held next Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock to further discuss the
matter. City Engineer Taylor will se
cure more data from Seattle and else
where, and all who are interested will
hand in such facts as they may possess.
Upon this the committee will make up
its report to the Council, which is to
be in at the next regular sesslo'n of
that body.
In the very brief time in which City
Engineer Taylor had to secure esti
mates, he reported yesterday that it
will cost the city .approximately $550,
000 to equip and put into operation its
own electric lighting plant. It will
cost about $30 per lamp, it is estimat
ed, to maintain the service. Mr. Tay
lor figured the depreciation at 5 per
cent, but Chairman George B. Cellars,
who was presiding, expressed the
opinion that this item will be not less
than 10 per cent.
City Engineer Taylor was unpre
pared to report as to the power supply,
and declared that this cannot be
definitely known until surveys are
made and some expert work done. The
source of the power supply is general
ly accepted to be Bull Run River, but
already there seems doubt as to the
advisability of using the water in that
stream for the purpose. Councilman
Belding spoke against using- the
stream for power purposes, saying it
might create an impression In the pub
lic mind that the supply was being
Cnalrman Cellars suggested that It
would be advisable for the city to con
sldcr the proposition of Installing its
own wires and electric lights and then
advertising for the current only. Fig
ures on this work will be prepared by
the City Engineer.
Oskar Huber, constructing engineer
for tne Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company, declared that, with
but one exception Spokane Portland
is getting cheaper lights than any city
on tne coast. His company has 1401
arc lights in the service and owns 203
miles of wires.
ONLY $50,000 STILL ' OUT
Nearly All of Portland's Asset Cur
rency Is Retired.
Portland's issue of clearing - house
certificates has been retired, except
about $50,000. As fast as this out
standing paper makes its appearance
at the banks it is taken up and re
tired. The emergency paper is being
redeemed as fast as presented. The
date set for the retirement of the
clearing-house certificates was Feb
ruary 1, . but the entire issue has al
ready been practically wiped out, only
a very small part of the original issue
of $1,442,000 remaining unredeemed.
Various estimates are being placed
by bankers upon the amount of clearing-house
paper that will never be
presented for redemption. One says
this will reach a total of $5000, while
another says it will not exceed $500.
The reasons for there being a certain
amount that will never be presented
for payment are that some of the
emergency money Is bound to be de
stroyed and lost, while many people
have made collections of the asset
money which they Intend to keep.
It is believed that many people who
liave obtained complete sets of the
emergency currency for curios will
tire, of them within a few months ami
turn them In for collectyn.
Election of Directors and Banquet at
White Temple February 4.
Plans have been perfected for the
annual' meeting" and banquet of the
board of directors of the Y. M. C- A.
It will be heid at the White Temple
on the nipht of February 4. -George B.
Hodge, international secretary of the
educational department of the Y. Mi
C. A. tor the last 15 years, and I. B.
Rhodes, state secretary for the Y. M.
- . ... . '
C. A. in Oregon. Washington and Idaho,
will be the speakers of the evening.
Mr. Hodge has been in Portland
twieein J S!5 and four years ago. He
is an enthusiast on education for em
ployed men, having made a special
study of the effect of education upon
industry and manufacture, and upon
criminality. He has gathered a mass
of fctatlstius, having made a number of
trips to Kngland, Germany and other
Kuropean countries In doing so. At
one timo the Bureau of Statistics of the
Government at Washington. D. C, en
deavored to secure his services in pro
curing statistics along educational
lines, but as ho had devoted a nymber
of years to Y. M. C. A. work he did
not feci Justified in making the change.
The evening of February 3 Mr.
Hodge will dine with the teachers and
educational board of the Portland as
sociation, and on February 5 will visit
the Salem association.
W. C. Gibson Stays in City and Is
Arrestedor Robbery.
W. C. Gibson's determination to remain
in Portland has landed him in trouble
which he may be many years in getting
out of. A week ago he was ordered out
of town by Judge Cameron. He didn't
go. Yesterday he 'was arrested and
identified as a holdup man. The crime
was committed several days before the
fellow was given the opportunity - to
G. H. Reiser, keeper of a saloon on
Thurman street, caused Gibson's arrest.
Keiser was help up recently and wbile
down town on Monday he recognized
Gibson as the man who did the job. Yes
terday he presented a belated report of
his discovery to the police. Gibson was
picked' up on the street a few hours
When arrested before, Gibson was out
late at night and had a large revolver
n his pocket. While regarded as a bad
man at the time there was no evidence
connecting him directly with any crime
and on motion of the District Attorney's
office 'Judge Cameron dismissed the case
and suggested to Gibson that he get out
of town.
Heaviest Fall of Season Reported
Over Wide Area.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 29. (Special.)
Precedad by a damp, cnilly wind and
low hanging clouds, snow began falling
over the entire Inland Empire, Palouse,
Lewiston, Grangeville and Nez Perce
prairie countries early this morning. By
nightfall the - ground was covered with
from six to eight Inches, the heaviest
snowfall of the year. The storm raged
during the day and at night had not
ceased. The mercury has dropped a few
degrees, insuring that the covering will
remain for some time. Farmers are. ju
bilant. Fall grain is as yet very green
and the heavy fail of snow came at an
opportune time to protect it from freez
ing. At St. John the snow was six Inches
deep last night. Reports from Garfield,
Pullman, Colfax and other places in the
Palouse country show the fall to have
varied from two to seven Inches. At
Northport the ground was covered with
three Inches o snow; Tekoa, four inches;
Medical Lake. Oakesdale, Latah ana
Plaza report heavy falls.
Jack London's Captain Served Sen
tence for Murder.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 29. (Special.) Gov
ernor Chamberlain today received a let
ter from Jack London, the author, say
ing that the captain of his boat, the
Snark, is J. L. Warren, who was con
victed in Portland of killing First Mate
Kirk, on board the ship of which Warren
was then boatswain. Warren was con
victed in 1900 and sentenced to life im
prisonment, but was pardoned by Gov
ernor Chamberlain because of doubt "as
to his guilt.
London's letter is written on "copy"
paper such as newspaper men use, and
tells of Warren's faithful work and abil
ity as a seaman. -It was written from
Papete, Tahiti. The novelist says War
ren himself told of his criminal record.
Funeral or Captain Larkins.
The funeral of Captain W. B. Larkins.
late master of the steamer Lurllne, was
held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Methodist Church at Oregon City.
A large number of steamboat men were In
attendance. The services were conduct
ed by the Rev. Mr. Blackwell, assisted by
Rev. A. E. Bernays, of the Portland
Missions to Seamen. The floral offer
ings were many and included a broken
wheel from Willamette Harbor, an anchor
from the officers of the Hassalo, and a
wreath from the Missions to Seamen.
Prepare for Boxing Tourney.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.; Jan. 29.
(Special.) Tom Marshall; the welter
weight champion of the Seattle Amateur
Athletic Club, who will box in the ath
letic tournament to be held here on Feb
ruary 7, has established training quar
ters and is already getting down to hard
work. C-ther boxers on the programme
are also establishing training quarters.
Mullane's Cincinnati taffies. Sis;
Siehel & Co.. sole agents.
and Quality
appeal to the Well-Informed in every
walk of life and are essential to per
manent success and creditable stand
ing. Accordingly, it is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
: Senna is the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reasons why
, It is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves the internal
. organs on which it acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
. having to increase the quantity from
time to time-.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
' truly as a laxative, and its component
parts are known to and approved by
; physicians, as it is free from all
j objectionable substances. To get its
' beneficial effects always purchase the
genuine manufactured by the Call-
. fornia Fig. Syrup Co., only, and for
i sale by all leading druggists.
fH fS ve a
I remedy for Oonorrbcss,
Gleet, spermatorrhoea,
Whites, unnatural dis
chargee, or any iDlUmmv
fc&ts MDtselsa. tion of nneon; menr
THEEmmChEb1KI!.H branes. Kon-attriagent
.awcutATI,e.f1 oll 6y Stragglsta,
or eent in plain wrapper,
bv axaresa. nmnaid. fol, or 3 bottieb, 2 7a,
f Xla 1 e ft d7-
f W OasraatMl
1 J B.
I For Man After Shaving j
I is delightful to use as it keeps the j
S . skin soft, smooth and firm, relieving (J
B ail irritation. if
After hmvimr. wash the face in B
!mnn water, rub with a dry towel. H
then apply Eoemeo. rub it in well ana II
wipe the face thoroughly with dry H
towel. Powder may then be applied at
if desired. H
Your skin will never ci . S3 H
ffet sore, chapped or -t"" ' l fl
irritated if you uaeKoa- .
meo regularly after "SKf!Fg H
ahavina. gJH I
50c at all yMjjM
Dealers '''1 I
Note the jar carefully. RlJSMk' '
M and insist that your i"r.JO 3
H dealer supply you the 1 " i
W genuine Koameo. "
For Kale In Portland by Woodnrd.
ClarKe A: Co., Special Agents).
Mail Orders Solicited.
t'n this tSgnaiure.
cm- .A - j .
Its a gu&r&rvtee of purity
a. qua.ra.atee that your
meat extra.cT is Tree Trorrt
ch.emic&u- &fa.t; irxfaxt
that you hive the genuine
pure .ra s&xe
(Established 1879.)
" Cures Whllt You Slnp." .
Whooping-Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, Coughs,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
Confidence can be placed in a rem
edy, which for a quarter of a century
nas earned unquaunea praise. a.csuui
nights are assured at once.
Cresoleae is a Boon to Asthmatics
All Druggists
StxJ tosal for de-
scrip tive booklet.
Cresolene Antiseotlc
Throat Tablets for the
irritated throat, of
your druggiBt or from
us. 10c. in stamps.
The Vapo-Creso!ene Co.,
180 Faltan St., N. V.
'IS triS- -
It will cure all cases (including chronic)
of kidney and liver diseases. I sell my
kidney cure (Just a tea, no medicine) on the
condition of "No cure, money refunded."
Call at office and read testimonials of per
sons cured by the use of this tea. A trial
will convince any sufferer. Put up in 60o
and $1.10 bottles. 185 Morrison street, near
bridge, next to Pap's coffee house.
The Well-Knows)
Re liable
Root and Herb
Baa mada a Mm tudT
of roota and berbs. an
in that atufly dUcovrd
and la giving to tna
world hi wonderful
ramedles. -
1. jl, .. . . ..l. on. or Dnura Caed Ha
Cores Without operation, er Without the
Aid of the Knife. Ba guarantees to eura
Catarrh. Aathma. Lung. Throat Rheuma
tism. Uervouaneaa, Nervous Debility. Stom
ach, Liver Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man
hood, Female Weakneaa and Alt Ptlu
Diseases. A BtrRE CAllcen CUR 15
Jnxt Received from Feklng. China Safe,
Care and Reliable. IF YOU ARB AF
DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for
eymntom blank and circular. Inclose 4
cent. In etamps CONSULTATION FREK.
The C. Geo Wo Chinese Medicine Co,
162Va First St., Cor. Morrieoa,
Portland, Oregon.
Flcase Mention Xhia Faper.
It insnres an enjoyable, iavigw .
orating bath ; makes every pors
respond, removes dead skin.
starts the circulation and leaves
a glow equal to a Turkish bath.