Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 28, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    the mousing oregoxiax, Tuesday; January 28, 190s.
Fails to Overcome' Lead of
Handicap Men in Pas
time Games.
Takes 60-Yard Event in Record
Time, but Knocks Over Hurdle
and Time Is Not Allowed.
J,arge Crowd Present.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2L 'Special.) Harry
Hillman. champion hurdler of the New
York Athletic Club, conquered H. P.
Ramey. tho Western half-milo champion
and member ol the Chicago Athletic
:iub, tonight in the 600-yard special race
at the Pastime Athletic Club games at
Madison-Square Garden. Hillman won
by a scant yard, his time being 1:18 3-5.
Dun Kelly, the world's champion
sprinter, was beaten in two dashes. He
started from scratch in the 60-yard sprint,
won 'bv S. McSweeny from the 15-yard
mark, 'and was unable to overcome the
handicap allotted to his opponents. It
was Kelly's first race on a board floor
and he ran finely. In the 220-yard dash
the Held was so large that he was un
able to get past the handicap men and
was again beaten.
Forrest Smithson, the National cham
pion high hurdler, won the 60-yard high
liurdle event in record time. Ho covered
tho distance In his heat and the final
in eight seconds, but on each occasion
he knocked down a hurdle and thereby
deprived himself of the record.
Despite the fact that Melvin Sheppard
was ineligible to compete in the 1000
yard special race, the event was held.
Guy Haskins having as an opponent T.
B. White, of the New York Athletic Club.
White only graduated from the novice
class a few weeks ago and was con
sidered to have little chance against the
collegiate champion. Haskins won. but
he was compelled to run his best in or
der to do so.
Thirty-five hundred persons were pres
ent. The summaries:
M-yard hurdles, scratch Won by Forrest
Smlthnon. unattached: D. Robbiiis. Yale
University, second; S. C. NorthrMfce, Trleh
Amerlran A. C. third: time. 8 seconds.
iO-vard handicap Won by P. A. tiocKin.
Tastlme A C. t." yards): C. E. Harris.
Twonly-thlrd-street Y. M. :.. A. (15 yards),
second: R. C. Taylor. Chicago A. A., third;
time. 23 1-5 seconds.
Trotters to Race at Vienna,
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Intending to en
ter them In the leading trotting meets
in Kurope tills Summer. John Splan, the
grand circuit driver, will ship the two
trotters. Lotta, 2:08Vi, and Codero, 2:09,
to Vienna this week. Codero was cham
pion 4-year-old trotter last year.
Kluhert Leads Pedestrians.
CI-EVELAND, O., Jan. 27. At two
o'clock tonight the scores of the five
leaders in the six-day go-as-you-please
walking match, which began at 1 o'clock
this morning, were: Klubert. 105 miles;
Shclton, 101.12; Dineen, 95.8: Prouty, 91.5;
Barnes, 88.11. Nineteen men started.
Jones Champion Skater.
PITTSBURG, Jan. 27. Leo Jones, of
St. Louis, won the grand final In the
two-mile event of the tournament for
tho world's roller skating champion
ship. . Jones defeated OIlie Moore,
champion of the one-mile event, by a
small margin.
Sutton .Defeats Morningstar.
NBW YORK. Jan. 27. George Sutton,
of Chicago, defeated Ora Morningstar, of
Xcw York, for the championship of the
world in 18.2-inch balk-line billiards in
a 67-lnning contest by a score of 500 to
;9 tonight at the Lenox Lyceum.
Hoppc Defeats Cutler.
WATERKURY. Conn., Jan. 27. The bil
liard match here tonight between Willie
Jloppe. of Now York, and Albert Cutler,
of Boston, was won by Hoppe by the
score of 400 to 304.
Move to Quash Verdict.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. Jan. 27. (Special.)
An effort is being made to drop the case
nq-iin.t Lewis Poirl, an Aberdeen mer-
Including: Nix Victor Records.
31 Down
Are You Aware of the Pleasure
This AVill Afford You?
Woodard, Clarke
& Company
chant recently convicted of robbery from j
the person of a red light habitue. He la i
now under bonds for foeoo and papers !
havo been Hied at Montesano with the i
evident purpose of quashing the verdict.
Forgan Opposes More Currency and
Government Guarantee.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Speaking of the
financial bills offered as a panacea for
the financial troubles. Ijavid R. Forgan.
president of the National City Bank of
Chicago, In a toast tonight on the ques
tion. "Chicago View," at the annual ban
quet of the baakcrs of the City of New
York, declared that In his Judgment the
country needs less, not more, expansion
of credit. Mr. f organ opposed stronly
Mr. Bryan's proposition of "Government
guarantee of all deposits of the National
banks." Among tliose at the guests'
table were J. P. Morgan and Controller
of the Currency Ridgeley.
Proof of the Remarkable Power
of Dr. Waiiaras Pink Pills
in This Severe Ner
vous Disorder.
Union Pacific Shops to Work Xow
but Three Day a Week.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 27. Supple
menting the order of Saturday issued by
.Vice-President Mohler, reducing the work
in the Union Pacific shops to five days
per week, the order was posted here to
day reducing it still further to three days
per week, apparently in pursuance of the
policy of retrenchment which Mr. Mohler
is quoted as saying would be followed
as long as the President's attack on cor
porations continued.
$1,000,000 FOR MUSEUM
Jcssup Gives Large Amount to
Church, Rest to Widow.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-By the will of
Morris K. Jessup. the financier and phil
anthropist who died last week, Jl.000,000
is left to the American Museum of
Natural History and $100,000 to the Brick
Presbyterian Church of this citv. The
remainder of the estate Is bequeathed to
his widow for life and after her death
Is to go to his heirs.
North Carolina to Hold One on Last
Thursday In April.
RALEIGH. N. C, Jan. 27.-The House
of Representatives at midnight tonight
passed the Senate bill for a state elec
tion on prohibition, the election to be held
the last Thursday in April Instead of the
l.ret Thursday in August, as provided in
the Senate bill.
Piltsburg Kxchange Opens.
'PITTSBURG, Jan. 2iXThe Pittsburg
Stock Exchange opened for business
today, after a suspension of three
Bankers Remain In Jail.
BBLLINGHAM. Wash.. Jan. 27 A J
SchafTer and Jacob Youngblood. bankers
of Ham lton. Skagit County, were a"
vJ? JLtHe S.uPPrior Crt at Mount
Vernon today, charged with larceny by
That Dr. "Williams' Pink Pilla have
cured obstinate cases of St. Vitus' dance,
is the best evidence that they will cure
all lesser nervous disorders. Here is
evidence that will stand thorough in
vestigation. Mrs. James Wiltle, of 707
Spruce street, Cherokee, Iowa, says:
"I was of a very nervous tempera
ment even when a child. Aa I grew to
girlhood, more and more of the work In
our family fell to me. At the same
time I tried to keep up my studies in
school. The strain was too great and at
the age of fourteen I had to leave school,
because of the run-down and nervous
condition I was in. I gradually grew
worse, becoming extremely irritable and
suffering terribly from melancholy. It
was first noticed that I had St. Vitus'
dance, when I began to lose control of
the muscles of my face. The disease
soon spread all over my body and my
head and arms seemed to tremble con
stantly. "I was in this condition for about a
year and dwindled away to almost noth
ing. Finally I became so weak that I
had to stay in bed all the time. Up to
this time I had been under the care of
two doctors and aa I became no better
gave up their medicine. After I had
been in .bed about two months, my
father heard about Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills from an old friend. He bought
some at once and I started using them,
not expecting much benefit. I noticed
very soon that the pills were helping me
and that I could sleep better. We all
thought this so wonderful that I was
encouraged to give them a good trial. I
was soon able to sleep like a log and my
appetite became good.
"I was sick altogether about one and
one-half years and when I began to use
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I weighed less
than 88 pounds. I gained weight rapidly,
while taking the pills and weighed 117
pounds when I stopped using them. I
was completely cured and have never
taken medicine for my nerves since. I
feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills."
They are sold by all druggists, or will
be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price,
50 cents per box; six boxes for 2.50,
by the Dr. William? Medicine Company.
Schenectady, N. Y.
embezzlement and receipts of deposits
after the bank became insolvent. They
were held for trial, bonds being fixed
at J30.000 each. They had not been able
to secure bondsmen up to a late hour
this afternoon.
Millions to Fortify Paget Sound.
ington. Jan. 27. Senator Ankeny today
offered an amendment to the Army ap
propriation bill appropriating $5,478,761
for establishing and equipping new forti
fications on Puget Sound, as recom
mended by the War Department.
Perfect fitting glasses 1 atMctzger's.
The House of
Sherman, Clay & Company
Invites Yourself and Friends to a
Musical e Given With the
Victor Auxetophone and A. B.
Chase Player-Piano
Tuesday Evening, January Twenty-eighth
Eight o'Clock
Steinway Hall
Sixth and Morrison Streets
Opposite Postoffice
'", ',vi" voicr-t
83-85 Grand Avenue, Corner East Stark
ine House
Wholesale and Retail
iciof 13 e ale rs.
the Big
j Ellers )
j Last few days of the f
sacrifice clearance ?
j of the stock of the
$ East Side Phono- $
j graph Co. High- i
js. auc( uiajugi s.s
25.00 Machines now $11.65
$ 35.00 Machines now $16.75
50.00 Machines now $27.10
$ 65.00 Machines now $35.15
$100.00 Machines now $54.40
J Magnificent De j
l LuxeOutfits,reg-
iular value $122 j
I Now cut to j
$15.00 Cabinets now $ 8.10
$25.00 Cabinets now $13.60
$30.00 Cabinets now $16.25
$40.00 Cabinets now $21.75 t
$65.00 Cabinets now $45.50
$85.00 Cabinets now $58.50 j
The latest De Luxe Cabinet,
with high-grade tapering-arm
machine, and one dozen 10-inch
record s a strictly first-class
combination in every respect
and the greatest value ever offered.
Remember, every machine and
cabinet in the East Side Phono
graph Company '8 6tock is in
cluded in this wind-up sacrifice,
except certain contract goods.
Only a few
days more
This great sale is progressing
rapidly: these unparalleled bar
gains are being rapidly snapped
up; you 11 have to hurry. Come
today, this evening, or at your
very earliest convenience.
Easy terms
or cash as
you prefer
Choose your new records at
Eilers. Remember, we have the
largest stock on the Coast all
the new selections as soon as is
sued. Individual, sound-proof
demonstration rooms; cosiest,
handsomest, most convenient in
f handsomest, most convenient in M
town. '
I pianoreliabiliVr NPy J
j All Best Makes
For February, on sale throughout America
All vocal selections -have accompaniments fay the Victor Orchestra
8-inch 35 cents
Arthur Pryor's Band
Klna of Rl (A Two-Ste OiUit?) (No. 5301) Svlhr
Duet by Macdonough and Belmont
Robin Redbreast (from "HapprUnd")
(No. S314) DeKotcn
Tenor Solo by- Byron G. Harlan
Two Blue Etc (No. S310) Mom
Hymn by Frederic C. Freemantel
The Nloetr and Nine (No. 341) Sanfcer
Duet by Miss Jones and Mr. Murray
Make Believe (No. S317) Mono
Yankee Talk by Cal Stewart
Uncle Josh at the Dental's (No. 52Si)
10-inch 60 cents; and 12-inch' $1
Arthur Pryor's Band
International March 10-inch (No'. 5334) Roberts
"Shoulder Arms" March 10-inen (No. 5326) Rose
"Hla Honor the Mayor" Melodlea 10-Inch
(No. 5299) Aarona
Plltrlm'a Chorus (from "Lonrexrdi") 10-tnch
(No. 5325) Verdi
Oberon Overture 124aca (No. 31689) Weber
"Victor Orchestra
Barcarolle (iram ''Contea i'Hoftnia") (Talea
otHoAman) 10-inch No. 5333) Offenbach
Snow Birds Mazurka (who. bird warbling)
10-inch (No. 5303) Wohinka
Clarinet and Flute Duet by
, Christie and Lyons
Dreamy Moments 10-isch (No. 5327) Ehrlch
Whistling Solo by Alice J. Shaw
La Gazelle 10-inch (No. 5306) Bendlx
Contralto SJo by Corinne Morgan
Bliss Forever Paat (from "Bohemian Girl")
10-inch (No. 5328) Balfe
Soprano Solo by Helene Noldl
Innamtnatus from St bat Mater 12-Inch
(No. 31694)
.Donald Hugh MacBride, Soprano
(Piano Accompaniment)
An tola Ever Brlcht and Fair (from "Theodora")
ie.incb. (No. 5329) Handel
Tenor Solo
by Frederic C. Freemantel
Ave Maria (Latin) 12-Inch (No. 31691) Abt
Baritone Solos by Alan Turner
Aa Long as the World Rolls On 12-lach
(No. 31693) Ball
Rule Britannia (with Male Choraa) 10-ioch
(No. 5342) 'Arne
Evening Star (from TsnnhaosM") 10-mch
(No. 5336) Wagner
Baritone Solo by Percy Hemus
The Sons of a Heart 12 -inch ( No. 31692) Tunlsoa
Songs by Billy Murray
Much Obliged to You 10-inch (No. 5335) Burt
Under Any Old Flag at All (from "Talk of Now
York") 10-inch (No. 5339) Cohan
Duet by Collins and Harlan
rnfGoingon the War Path 10-inch (No. 5337) Feist
Duet by Stanley and Macdonough
The Flowers Outside the Cafe 10-inch
(No. 5332) Solmaa
Duet by Miss Stevenson & Mr. Macdonougn
I Love Yon So (Waltz) (from "Merrr Widow") ,
10-inch (No. 5340) Leber
Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet
I'm Happv When the Band Plays Dixie
10-inch (No. 5330) Vanderveet
Male Quartet by the Haydn Quartet
Down In the Old Cherry Orchard 10-Inch
(No. 5331) Henry
Descriptive Specialty by Miss Jones
and Mr. Spencer
You've Got to Love Me a Lot 10-inch (No. 5334)
Descriptive Specialty by Spencer
and Girard
The Stranded Circus 10-Inch (No. 5338) Spencer
New Red Seal Records
Mario Ancona, Baritone
lO-lnch, with orchestra $2. each Xm Italtmm
Puritan! Ah per aempre (To Me Forever Lost)
(No. 87014) Bellini
Otello Era la notte (Cento's Dream) (No. 87015) Verdi
Carlo Albani, Tenor -
10-inch, with orchestra $1 each Im Itallmm
Trovalore Deaerto eulia terra (Naught oa Banh
(Left Me) (No. 64081) Verdi
BaDo in Maachcra Barcarole "Dl tu se fldele"
(The Sea Will Bear Me) (No. 64082) Verdi
12-inch, with oreheetra $1 JO In Iflia
Otello Ora e per sempre sddio (And Now Pare
well) (No. 74099) Verd
H. Evan Williams, Tenor
12-ioch, with orcheitra $1 .507. EmtHib
All Through the Night (No. 74100) Welsh Arr
Pianoforte Solo by Frank La Forge
12-inch ilze Jl.50
Erode de Concert (No. 74101) Mac Dowel I
Emilio de Gogorza, Baritone
12-inch, with orcheitra Si .50 ItalUn
Faust Dio posaente (Even the Braveit Heart)
(No. 74102) Gounod
t Any Victor dealer will gladly play these records for you. Go and hear them to-day!
New Victor Records
on sale throughout
America on the 28th
of every month
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden N J, u S A
Berlinet Gramophone Company of Montreal, Canadian Diitrtbatsra
Write for free
catalogue of over
3000 Records
1.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK
Come to our Victor Hall, near
4th-street entrance, and hear
the new records played. Also
the best of old favorite records
Victor Talking
Machines from $10 to $100
ffi. Sixth & Morrison
1 353 Washington
Cor. of Park