Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 24, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Goods Reduced in Every Dept. in This January Gearing and White Sale
$20 Suits $10.87, $12-$18 Coats $5.85
Children's Coats, Values to $8.50, Sale $1.95
75 Women's Suits of Cheviot, broadcloth and fancy imported Suitings, in plain black
and navy and smart gunclub checks in various effects. Jackets are in the always
popular Prince Chap and military effects, trimmed with silk, braid, g J f
velvet, etc Values to $20.00, on sale for 4 JLv.O L
69 Coats, in all lengths, sizes and colors, only a few of each style, in long coats and
jacket styles light, medium and dark shades. Some extraordinary J f" Q f
values. Regularly sold to $18.00, on sale for u PaJJJ
Absolute clearance of Children's Coats, 3, 4 and 6 years, and a few jl - Q J?
odd sizes, in a variety of fabrics, colors and styles. Reg. $8.50 values PX27"9
4Inch Taffeta Ribbons, Regular
30c Values on Sale at 18c Yd.
10,000 yards all-silk taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches
wide, regular 30c value. All colors are repre
sented, but some are limited. Be 1 O
i.. ci !
, Silk Pin-on Hose Supporters
Regular 65c Values on Sale 33c
. 300 pairs Pin-On Hose Supporters, of frilled
silk elastic, assorted colors, strong clasps;
regular 65c values; reduced for. Jan- OO.
. uary Clearance Sale to only .. ,-OOC
$1 Bl'k Dress Goods 69c
Imported Black Dress Goods, seeded and plain
voiles, fancy panamas, shadow eheck foules and
batistes, mistral and granite cloth. . CQi
Regular $1.00 qualities for
$1.25 Wool Suitings 75c
50-inch plaid and check broadcloths, 50-inch tailor
suitings, fancy panamas, Scotch plaids, shepherd
checks, etc. Regular $1.25 values. ; Rp
Sale price. . '. '. J
$1.50 Cream Granite Cloth 89c
Cream Granite Cloth,' 50 inches ' wide, extra heavy
quality, for skirts, children's coats, QQp
etc. Regular $1.50 quality 027
. - Bearskin Cloakings $ 1 .50 Td
50-inch Bearskin Cloaking, plain and curl, all quali
ties included, in cream, tan, brown, gray, cardi
nal, black, red and brown mixtures, di
.black astrachans, etc. Choice, yard. . P.-v
$1.25-$ 1.50 Dress Goods 98c
All odd lines of plain colored dress' materials pop-
lini, henriettas, panamas, ' taffetas, , shadow
checks,, serges, chiffon mohairs, etc.; -all colors.
Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values 98C
18-22-Inch Flounces and Edges
Values to $1.00 Yard, 53c
Special for Friday Bargain Day, we offer 1400 yards of Swiss
and Nainsook Flounces and Corset Cpver Edges, 18 to 22
inches wide, in an infinite variety of pretty, and dainty pat
terns, values to $1.00 yard;
on sale Friday at only...".
".- A
12c Flatte Val. Laces, 6c
17c Platte Val. Laces, 9c
Platte Val. Laces and Insertions, 1 to 7 inches wide,
regularly 12c yard, on sale for 65c dozen, 2
Platte Val. Laces and Insertions, 1 to 7 inches wide,
regularly 17c yard, on sale for $1.00 doz., Qst
vard... ........271'
Tapestry Couch Covers
$2.50-$3.00 Vals, $1.49
$6.00-$7.50 Vals, $4.49
100 heavy reversible Tapestry Couch Covers, in Ori
ental and conventional designs, in handsome' color
: combinations to suit all surroundings ; 3 yards long,
60 inches wide; fringed all around. C1 AQ
Sale prices, $1.49 and. . . . . . i'Pt.t
Sensational Skirt Sale
Values to $10 at $4.79
Whije we portray only five of the
styles in this great sale, bear in
mind that they are merely a repre
sentation and that there are many
others in which the style and the
quality show a similar superiority to
the general run of $ic skirts. The
materials are of our selection the
specifications as to style and work
manship planned by bu own de
signers. , ""he offering is on an im
mense scale and contains several
thousand skirts of the most fashion
able make.
They're made of Imported nanama,
wide range of coloring.. Made
up In the ' new plaited, sored,
banded and plain modela. In fact.
- every
of the fashion
makers la shown In this vast as
sortment, so you need not limit
yourself to the styles illustrated.
Not a skirt in the entire lot that could
be made and sold in the ordinary way
of retailing for less than $8.00, but a
great many belong to the regular $12.00
class. . We hope you will feel interested
in this splendid offer and make a point
to investigate, for we CA
never sold finer skirts f or . . r
7C or a wice selection of fleecy
Outing Flannels in a variety
I of pretty stripes and checks in
blues and pinks
, value.
for w o men's heavy
fleeced Shirts and. Pants,
gray and ecru, high neck, long
sleeves, drawers ankle
length. Reduced from.
for women's ribbed heavy
merino Vests and Pants,
half wool, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length. Reduced for
clearance sale from....
O 7 a pair for ioo dozen worn-
"n : --A
lisle thread Stockings, all fine qual
ity, values to 50c pair.
Reduced for cl'rance from
for women's ribbed wool 29C r ren's ""i00 woo
Stockings, merino heels
and toes, seamless foot, all fast dye.
Reduced for-January
clearance sale from..
stockings, merino heels
and toes, seamless foot, fast dye. Re
duced for this January -
clearance from reg. price .
850 Prs. 2-Clasp Suede Gloves,
Regular $2, $2.25 Values, $1.48
Special for the fourth Friday of our great January Sale we
offer 850 pairs of a-clasp Suede Gloves a special purchase
from one of the leading glove importers of the world, includ
ing two of the best-known makes. They come in all colors
and black and white- Sold regularly at $a.oo
and $2.25 a pair. For Friday sale at
3000 Yds. Plain and Fancy Silks
Reg. $1.35 Values 69c
3000 yards plain and fancy
Silks, all this season's best
styles for waists, petti
coats or entire costumes.
Regular $1.35 3Qr
values at . xJ27V
Reg. $1.25 MESSALINES 98c
5000 yards best quality imported Mes
saline, in all the leading colors for
street and evening wear. ' QQn
Our regular $1.2o value at Ol
1000 yards 21-inch Black Taffetas, good, reliable quality,, ' .Qp
regular $1.00 value, for. . . .
30-inch chiffon-finish Black Taffetas, regular $1.35 value, QCn
sale rrice .'
Reg. $1.50, $2 Shopping Bags,75c
Reg. $3, $3.50 Shop'g Bags, $1.35
Shopping Bags, sold -regularly up to $2.00, odd styles and tZf
. sizes, for clearance at t Jw
Seal and walrus Bags, fitted with outside pockets, leather-covered
frames, patent catches, etc. Values M O E
to $3.50, at ................P'"
$1.00 brown leather Collar Bags, sale price 69$
$1.56 leather-back Mirrors, for traveling, etc 50
Leather Suit Cases, straps all around, shirt fold, patent CO-rlft
locks and bolts, $4.00 values, at exactly half price. v
All Leather Goods reduced
Clearance Sale. Genuine reduction
for January n(QL
eduction of O
Tapestry Portieres
Val. to $10 at $4.95
Portieres in a large variety of patterns,
in tapestry, bordered, corded and
fringed effects, in both solid and mixed
colors; best patterns of the season;
only one or two pairs of a kind. Big
gest value of the season. Regular
$7.50, $8.50 and $10.00
250 Men's Soft and Stiff Shirts
Reg. Vals. to $1.50 at 98c
Very smart patterns in these 250 men's Shirts, both stiff and
soft bosoms, made of percale and
madras, ' great variety of effects.
Regular values to s QAf
$1.50; on sale for "Ot
$1.25 Night Shirts 79c
Men's outing flannel Night Shirts,
made with either turn-down or mili
tary collars, large variety of colors,
both stripes and figures. 7 Of
Regular $1.25 values
60c Underwear 39c
Men's derby ribbed cotton fleeced
Undershirts in blue and ecru, French
neck; drawers to match. OQn
60c quality, for this sale J7C
6x8 Picture Frames
Reg. 50c Values 21c
6x8-inch Gil
frames, for cal'
inet photos am
pi c t u r e g, com
plete with glass,
mat and' back.
Regular 50c val.,
on special
.:... :21c
Regular 50c Black Frame, 7x10 inches, com
plete with glass and back. ' ' ' jl t
Sale.. .......wit
Regular 75c Picture, Frames, gilt, with gilt
mat, with two cabinet-size openings, back
-and glass. Sale . . 43 C
Oval Frames in black, brown and gilt, sizes
from 4x5 to 8x10 inches, with glass, mat
and frame. Regular 75c - A,f
values, sale price
$8.75 Petticoats $4.87
125 guaranteed fine Black and colored
Taffeta Silk Petticoats, of finest qual
ity taffeta, made extra full with deep
flounce and elaborately tucked and
trimmed, with ruffles and fancy head
ing. The styles are simply exquisite;
all new, all fresh from the maker's
hands. The silks are so good that
you need not fear that they will crack
Splendid $8.75
or wear.
values on sale Friday at
$1.75 Corsets at 98 Gents
As an extraordinary Friday inducement we offer 350 new,
; perfect and stylish Corsets, selling regularly $1.75. Come
in three distinct styles, all sizes;
extraordinary value
75c Skirts, 49c
Women's Outing Flannel Skirts, soft
'and fleecy, variety of attractive
patterns. Regular 75c
values; sale rxOLf
$2.00 Gowns, $1.39
Outing Flannel Nightgowns, in win
some patterns of pink and blue.
Regular $2.00 values; rjn
on sale for. ipliOS?
LOO a Week
Hear the lattit
"Rtd Stat"
Grand Opera
. Records
tit the Vkttr.
I01 Victor Talking Machine
$1.00 down and $1.00 a week pays for a Victor Talking Ma
chine delivered free to your home. It brings the world's
famous bands, opera singers and theaters into your own
home. After supper you can sit down in comfort, without
dressing for the theater, and have a little theater of your own
company as select as you please.
model, brass bell horn. II
Victor records (your own choice);
20.1 ypcartiead needles, exhibition
soundbox; complete 7Q 9ft
outnt for J
octfit xo. a
Victor II. New 190S Model
Large black Japanned morning
fflory horn. 12 Victor records and
200 Spearhead needles, exhibition
soundbox; complete ?H
outfit for Pa4u
Kin it of Rags, a two-step oddi
ty.. Autumn Intermeszo, Moret.
lxve Me and the World Is Mine
Two Blue Eyes, a new march
sonic. Guide Me, O Thou Great
Jehovah. Budwelser's a Friend
of Mine, sung by Billy Murray.
Make Believe. Come In and Kiss
To' Baby. Let the Savior In.
So What's the Use.
AmIc to hear
them played
Victor III. Talking Machines
1908 model, larg;e black Japanned
morningiory horn, 12 Victor
records, exhibition soundbox and
200 Spearhead needlesA7 OCX
entire outfit for only "P w
NO. 4
Victor V. Talking; Machines
190S model, large black japanned
morning-glory horn, 12 records,
exhibition soundbox and 200
Spearhead needles; C7 9fl
total for... OZ.aSU
'Goodby, Dull Care
Fond of Soiisa's stirring marches?
Of Strauss charming waltzes? Of
Melba's velvety soprano voice? Of
Caruso's matchless tenor?
These and hundreds of other world
famed artists sing and play to you
through the wouderful VICTOR.
Tou 6o not hear mere "reproduc
tioni." ' of voice or Instrument, but
the voice or instrument itself in all
its perfect purity and melody. '
With a VICTOR in house or cot
tage, camp or bungalow, on porch, or
yarnt, tnere isn t a. aua moment.
$6.50 Lace Curt'ns $4.98
goo pairs of Marie Antoinette, Renaissance, Lace Arabe
and Cluny Lace Curtains, all made on the best quality of
French' nets,. both edging and inserting patterns, white or
Arabian color, 2 and 3 yards long.
$7.50 Curtains at $5.89
$6.50 Curtains at $4.98
$5.50 Curfaint at $3.89
$4.50 Curtain at $3.15
Also 500 pairs of Scotch
Lace Curtains,. 3 and 3
yards long; specially priced
as follows:
$3.50 Curtain at $2.33
$2.25 Curtains at $1.49
$1.65 Curtains at $1.09
- Headquarters for Shades made
to order. Made, from the best
materials and hung by experi
enced drapers. Prices lowest in
the city, considering the quality
of the work.
Curtain materials in great variety;-
Couch Covers, Portieres,
Rugs, etc. ' '
Street HatS Early. Spring Styles
For several week3 our milliners have
been preparing an assortment of Street
Hats to sell at $4.75; which we consider
the best values ever offered at the be
ginning of the season. All based on sug
gestions from our designer now in Paris.
They're neat little Turbans of Neapolitan braid and
chiffon, trimmed in entrancing effects the style
that Paris calls "coquet" The making kept our work
room busy when the season was dull 1
that's the key to the riddle of the price
Reg. $4.50 Ostrich Plumes at $1.95
" For Friday Bargain Day Only
400 Ostrich Plumes in black, white, maize, blue, navy, purple,
violet, nile, carnation, stahl gray, etc. j - Q C
Regular $4.50 values for. . . ?X7c9
75c Roses for Spring Hats 39c
. , , .
Roses in all colors and shades, including yellow, pink, blue, white, black,
smoke, brown, orange, etc. .