Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 15, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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Rooms With Board.
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move: modest
prices ; A merican or European plan ; best
cafe in Portland; famous dining-room ser
vice: living here la a pleasure: manage
ment studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience ; close in, yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave
nues. THE HAZEL A home for ydunn men;
steam heat; running water; 10 minutes'
walk from Post of tu-e. Phone Main 7091.
A 4157. 385 3d. corner Montgomery.
Portland Women's Union; Ihth year; rooms
with board, use of eewing-room. use of
Htararv: Womcn'i Exchange. Ad-ires Mrs,
Elia RawlinRS, Supt.. 610 Flanders.
GLENDORA, 19th and Couch, first-class
rooms and board; homelike; twd carllnes;
walking distance; rates reasonable. 1
6-ROOM new steam-heated apartments In I
w ..i.niDi K,,ilrHno- AtU-AHB Flan- !
ders St.; all outside rooms, extra large
ttind3ws and closets, private veranda, pr.
vate storeroom. Look at them now and get
vour choice. Best neighborhood In city.
Morgan. Sweet ft Chapman, 213 Abington
bldg. Phone Main 2iJi5.
FOR RENT 5-room apartment In the
Mordaunt; best location in the city; steam
heat and Janitor, service. 18th and
Everett. '
THE DAYTON One modern 6-room apart
ment, steam heat, hot and cold water,
etc; low rent. 060-662 Flanders st.
THE) GARLAND Furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping rooms on Washington, bet. 19th
and 2oth.
B rooms on Ullsan st., between 23d and
24th sts., each flat has furnace, fireplace,
hot water, gas and electric light, floors
oiled and painted, cement basement, ev
erything to. make complete and conveni
ent home.
8. E. cor. 3d and Oak.
231 KNOTT ST. ft-room modern flat ; bath,
hot water, gas, electricity, furnace: nearly
new; $2250. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, ti. B. cor. ad and Oak.
FLATS Foun-room new steam-heated flats In
elegant Colonial bldg., rt4 Flanders St.; fin
ished floors, tinted walls, white enamel
kitchen and bath, water rent paid; all for
$25 per month. Morgan, Sweet & Chapman,
213 Abington bldg.. Phone Main 24)15.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms ana bath; basement,
furnace, gas and electric fixtures ; strictly
modern; choice location; walking distance;
Park and Harrison iU. Inquire 228 1st St.
TUB W ESTMINSTER 6th and Madison sts..
has one unfurnished suit to let; light, heat
and every modern convenience ; terms rea
sonable; only four blocks from postoffice.
TWO new flats, on center of a 60x100 lot, $30
for upstairs and $32.60 for ground floor;
choice location. For keys and information,
call at - room 40 Washington bldg.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. S. K, cor. Sd and Oak. Phone.
Exchange 72.
40 h A R RISON 4 rooms and reception
hall: front and back porch, steam heat,
electric light, gas range, shades, janitor
service. .
STRICTLY modern fourroom flat, with or
without three extra bedrooms, upstairs,
near 23d and Washington. Pac. 1245.
FOR RENT New and up-to-dnte flats on
Park. bet. College and Jackson; furnace
ai;d fireplace. Phone Tabor 763.
COLUMBIA Apartments, 11th and Columbia;
four-roAm apartment, furnished, for rent;
no children. Wee janitor.
BEAUTIFUL 2, 3 or 4, furnished or un
furnished, new, modern flats, 5 minutes to
Postoffice. 33. 5th st.
3-ROOM modern flat, well lighted, walk
ing distance, adults only: $18.50. 231
Hall. Alter noons.
NKWLY furnished slat of 5 rooms; walking
distance. 410 2d. near Harrison. '
Housekeeping Rooms.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms: gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no dogs,
no children.
GOOD furnished housekeeping rooms, west side
river, 2 f-r $S mciith. 3 for $15; furnished
cottage. $21; furnished 4-room lower flat,
2A gas. Coast Realty Co., 2264 Morrison.
TWO nicely furnished rooms fronting on the
st reet, with bath-room and large closets,
for rent for light housekeeping; price rea
'sonable. 4SH Washington st., suite 2.
and housekeeping; bath, electric light.
371 H E. Burnside. Phone East 3013,
HI 61 3.
4d East Morrison, cor. E. 8th. newly fur
nished housekeeping suites; electric lights,
baths, heat, new gas ranges; no children.
467 N. 23d, near Roosevelt, two or three
n Icely furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
gas. bath, laundry. Phone Main 6067.
109 N. I8TH. Newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, ga3 range, running water,
phone, everything convenient.
DESIRABLE bay window unfurnished suite
In beautifully located apartment-house.
805 H Jefferson St., cor. 5th.
LARGE, clean, sunny 3-room furnished
mi He, first floor, private home; separate en
trance. Phone Pacific 71.
FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, single or
en suite: modern accommodations; good
yard. 313 14th, cor. Clay.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; sink
and pantry, ess, no children. 48S Everett
t. Phnne East 4S31.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; elec
tric light, hot water and steam heat. Flat
4. 490 Morrison st.
S LARGE, light, clean rooms, completely fur
nished, housekeeping; gas, bath, yard; rea
' so liable, til 2 Front.
516 Thiee. nicely furnished rooms, in cot
tage, gas range, bath, good location; af
ternoons. 610 1st.
8-ROOM suite: view very nice: sink, laundry;
aipo one wry nire large room, all modern.
403 or 510 becond.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for board
ing one man. Inquire today. 309 -Russell,
nrar lllianis.
W5 KEARNEY 2 pleasant connecting rooms,
partially jr entirely furnished; references.
Main or A3176.
TWO front rooms', furnished for housekeeping;
modern convenience, central; facing park.
31 North Park.
SALMON. 354, one very desirable large room,"
Ituniwlied for light hou keeping ; gas plate;
no children. '
4-HOOM suite, nicely furnished; furnace heat,
modem conveniences; $40 per month. 4St
Taylor St.-
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at the Reed
Miinjfion; hot and cold water bath and phone
Main 2l'ti6.
TWO lovclv furnished housekeeping rooms;
sink, water and use bath. Call 586 Petty
Rrw t.
PLEASANT ,ulte of front rooms for houae
k pinR : iKHt. electric light, bath ana gas.
556 Fifth.
TWO very reasonably priced light house
keeping suites, new. clean and modern.
215 13th.
TWO room, furnished for hou.ekeeplng; gas,
bath, sink; eujy walking distance. 211 Sher
man. 2 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping; bright
and rlcan; 1 tt:k. 36 2lst st., cor. Wash,
TWO housekeeping rooms; gas. sink, phone,
running water in both rooms. 2Ii 4th st.
FURNISHED nous ep?na; rooms: walking
distance. 555 Morrison st., cor. ISrh.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; walk
ing distance. 410 2d. neur Harrieon.
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping;closa
in. Inquire at ltS3 West Park St.
TWO or three nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms at 530 Couch st.
THREE or four rooms; hath and large yard.
510 Overton st.
8UITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. 125
12th 4.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. M4 Everett st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER apartments. 12th and Mar
shall ts.. newly furnished housekeeDing
rooms; modern conveniences, fine plumb
ins, electric lights, hot water, free baths,
gas range, .laundry room; $2.50 per week
for single room? and up. No dogs. Take
8 car going north, get off at Marshall sti
THE ONEONTA, 187 17th si., near Yamhill i
new house, elegantly furnished. In suites
of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water,
gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths,
.free phone each floor; no children.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always) need
SOME furniture
BUY AT NO-RENT PRICES; the savings
will exceed cost of moving.
one-half, collect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2029.
NEW 7-room bouse, with all modern im
provements, located on good corner. West
Side; low rent of $27.50. Inquire room
40. Washington bldg.
WANTED To rent houses, offices, stores,
rooms, etc. ; long list of aplicants. Albee
Benhara Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark
sts. ' -
LARGEST list of houses and flats In the
city. Arthur S. Draper ft Co.. rooms 5
and 6. 343 H Washington St., cor. ?th.
A NICE 8-room house on Quimby street,
bet. 19th and 20th. Inauire at room 14,
Mulkey bldg., 2nd and Morrison st.
FOR R RNT Five rooms, modern, cement
basement, pavement, several caxlines. in
quire today 3ttt Russell, near Williams.
6-ROOM house, 21st and East Main sts.; $12
per month to good tenant. F. T. Berry, 4
N. 6th sU
MODERN 6-room house; attic, bath. Apply
67 East 17th st. Phone Bast 2463.
FIVE-ROOM house for rent, newly pap red
and painted. Inquire 641 4th.
.furnished Bouses,
$40 7-room house, modem, completely -furnished,
including phone and water; $30; 6
room house, modern, completely furnished;
$25, 6-room cottage, modern, completely
furnished. 670 Mill at. Adults only.
8-ROOM. modern, completely furnished
dwelling house, 260 Nartilla st., for rent.
See us for full particulars; rent $73. Par
rlsh, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder st.
BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. 23 rooms,
rent $35 per month. C. H. Plggott, law
yer, owner, rooms 4. 5, 6. Mulkey bldg.
WELL furnished house. 6 rooms, modern
conveniences, walking distance, pleasant
outlook. 412 2d. Afternoons.
FOR" RENT Furnished, modern cottage;
references required. 1SS E. 35th.
6-ROOM cottage, furnished. Phone East 5654.
645 E. Couch st. -
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale,
$2M BUY'S furniture 6 rooms, new, modern,
flat, complete, furnace, etc.; cloee in city,
near Park st. ; worth $700; going away.
Coast Realty Co., 2264 Morrison st.
PRIVATE sale of fine new furniture of an 8
room flaJ, by the piece or the whole. Call
afternoons, 2744 Park st.
NICELY furnished 6-room flat for sale; every
thing modern; arranged- for renting; $375,
640 Wash. st. Main 6U76.
7-ROOM house for rent; furniture for sale;
rent $25; four blocks from Washington.
Phone Main 6033.
FURNITURE lO-room house, all rented,
good furniture, $560. Hatfield & Smith,
10rV Fourth st.
OWNER must sell furniture of 6-room flat;
new 'house, cheap rent, with lease. East
FURNITURE of a 7-room house for sale,
house for rent; close In. Phone East 2522.
6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale.
Call at 407 Alder st.. after noon.
FURNITURE of 14 rooms cfteap; St. John.
Call 532 Couch. Phone 4071.
FOR RENT Store, centrally located, in fire
proof building : steam heat. See Port
land Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor.
3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72.
A FINE brick store. North 6th St.. 20x100;
cement basement, electric light and gas.
Inquire of J. C Hanks, care Rodyer-Hart-Gibson
Co.. 146 2d st. ,
LONG lease, specially built for creamery,
new barn, good for laundry or manufac
turing. G 494. Oregon! an.
SEE Archer & Schanz Co., 5th and Oak sts.,
opp. Commercial Club Bldg.
WAREHOUSE space for rent. Inquire
174 East Water st. f
STORE for rent. 142 N. 10th st.
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil
ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong. 314 Worcester bldg.
OFFICE, with upe of reception room and both
E hones; reasonable. Room 323 Abington
FINE) offices, best location. Room 815, Swet
land bldg., 5th and Washington.
EEE Archer ft Schans Co.. 5th and Oak sts.,
opp. Commercial Club Bldg.
Halls for Rent.
NEW lodge hall, reasonable. Address, M 189,
McMillen st. Phone East 8O04.
Money to Loan.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms; easy
payments and strictly confidential, also
on personal property ; rooming-houses a spe
205 Abingtoa bids;.
MONEY advanced- salaried people and other
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; oft tees in
60 principal cities; save yourself money by
getting cur terms first.
TOLMAN, 233 Abington bldg., 1064 3d.
MONEY LOANED On salaries, no other se
curity; my system la the best for railroad
men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes
and others; ail business confidential. F. A.
Newton, 511 Buchanan bldg., 26Vi Wash
ington st.
$100,000 to loaa In sums of $1000 -or mors to
suit, 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty,, M.
G. Griffin, 2Ut Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
WILL pay caih for accounts of Oregon Trust
At Savings, Title Guarantee & Trust. H. W.
Ooadard, llO 2d. Phones Main and A 1743.
$5000 By a private party at 7 per cent on first
mortgage; no agents: prefer dealing direct
with owner of projcrty. C 520, Oregonlan.
LARGU and small amounts on good security
at low rate of interest. C F. Pfluger ft
Co., 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison.
DEPOSITORS In the Title Guarantee ft Trust
Co. will learn something of interest to them
by addressing C 521 Oregonlan.
LOANS to salaried employes on stocks and
other- securities. Fidelity Loan Company,
room 10 Washington bldg.
MORTGAGES. 1st and 2d liens, and other real
estate securities discounted. H. E. Noble,
Commercial block.
SALARIED people save money by getting our
terms on loans first. Employes Loan Co..
716 Uekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on timber land, terms easy,
all correspondence answered- Address W
52i. Oregonlan.
$3000 TO $50,000 to loan on Improved city
property. Louts Salomon 4k Co., 233 Stark
Bt., near 2d.
$1000 TO loan on improved city property.
Coast Commercial Co., Dekum bldg. Main
MONEY to loan on aii kinds of security.
Wm. HolL room 0. Washington bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C W. Fallen, 3U4 Fen ton bldg.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts, w. H. Nunn, Sherlock bldg.
State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. i&. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com
MONEY to loan in sums of $2000 to $20,000
on city property. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d.
WANT to borrow $.0 from private party;
$2000 security. Address K 628. Oregonlan.
TO LOAN $20,000 or less," 6 per cent, on
real estate. Farrington. Fenton bldg.
$500,000 to loan at 6 per cent on mortgage.
Wm. G. Beck, room 312, Failing bldg.
I WISH to loan $3000 or less on Inside resi
dence property. B 461, care Oregonlan,
A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel,
the Loan Co., 410 Dekum blag.
Money to Loon.
$10 TO $100.
Open from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Wednesdays and Saturdays till 8 P. M.
Money is our stock we have plenty of
It yours for the asking. A few hours
prepartlon and the money is yours.
You can raise the money you need on
your household furniture, piano. fix
tures, etc.- without removal or on your
salary by giving us your plain note and
without the knowledge of anyone.
When in need of money it will pay you
to get it from us on payment plan. 1$
costs you less and gets you out, of debt.
512 Dekum bldg. 513.
LOANS made on any and all kinds of
curity. 207 Couch bldg.
TO LOAN $4000 on Inside residence property.
$500 $700 on realty mortgage,
torney. AUsky Bldg.
Ward, at-
LOAN of $5000 for 6 months or one year, in
terest 7 per cent; security more than ample.
F 633, care Oregonlan.
$2800 LOAN wanted, for three years, on Inside
Income property; no bonus; principals only.
F 632, Oregon i an.
WE can loan your money for you on good
real estate security. Louis Saloman, 233
Stark st.. near 2d.
UNITED STATES Marshal's Notice Ad
miralty seizure. Citation. United States
of America, District of Oregon. ss.
Whereas, a tlbel has been filed In the
District Court of the United States for
the District of Oregon, on. the. 30th day
December, 1907. by Newton McCoy and
H. B. Nicholas, proctors on behalf of
Virgil K. Poland, by Edward N. Deady,
guardian ad litem, as libelants, in a'
cause of damages, civil and maritime,
against the steamer Ruth, her tackle,
apparel and furniture, and praying the
usual process and monition of the Court,
that all persons Interested in said Ruth,
her tackle, apparel, machinery and furni
ture, may be cited to appear and 'answer
the premises and all due proceedings be
ing had. that the said Ruth may be de
creed to b sold, and the proceeds there
of distributed according to law. There
fore, in pursuance of said monition under
the seal of the said Court, to me directed
and delivered, on the' 30th day of De
cember, 1907. I do hereby give notice,
generally, unto all persons having, or
pretending to have, any right, title or in
terest In the said steamer called the
Ruth, her tackle, apparel, machinery and
furniture, to appear before the said
Court, in 'the City of Portland, in said
District, on the 3d day of February,
190S, next Clf it be a Court day. or else
on next Court day thereafter) -at 10
o'clock in th" forenoon of said day. then
. and there to answer the said libel, and
to make known their allegations in that
behalf. Dated at Portland, in said Dis
trict, this 14th day of January. A. D.
3908. Charles J. Reed. United States
Marshal for the District of Oregon. New
ton McCoy and H.. B. Nicholas, proctors
for Virgil K. Poland, by Ed ward N.
Deady, guardian ad litem, libellants.
UNITED STATES Marshal's Notice. Ad
miralty seizure. Citation. United States
of America, District of Oregon, ss.
Whereas, a libel has been filed n the
District Court of the United States for
the District of Oregon, on the 31at day
of December, 1907. by Cake & Cake,
proctors on behalf of The Western Trans
portation & Towing Company, a corpora
tion, as libellants, in a cause of damages
by . collision, civil and maritime, against
the barque Europe, her tackle, apparel
and furniture, and praying the usual pro
cess and monttion of the Court, that all
persons interested in said barque Europe,
her tackle, apparel, machinery and fur
niture may be cited to appear and answer
the premises ' and all due proceeding.?
being had, that the said barque Europe
may be decreed to be sold, and the pro
ceeds thereof distributed according to law.
Therefore, in pursuance of said monition
under the seal of the said Court, to me
directed and delivered.- on the 31st day
of December, 1007, I do hereby give no
tice, generally, unto all persons having,
or pretending to have, any right, title or
interest - in the said baraue called the
Europe, her tackle, apparel, machinery
and furniture, to appear before the said
Court, in the City of Portland, in said
. District, on the 8d day of February,
1908. next Uf It be a Court day,' or else
on the next Court day thereafter) at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. then
and there to answer the said libel, and
to make known their allegations in that
behalf. Dated at Portland; in said Dis
trict, this 14th day of January. A. D.
I'.HtS. Charles J. Reed. United States
Marshal fdr the District of Oregon. Cake
and Cake, Proctors ' for The Western
Transportation and Towing Company, a
corporation, Libellants.
NOTICE to creditors and to all persons, firms
and corporations Interested In the Title
Guarantee & Trust Company In pursuance
of an order made by the Honorable the Cir
cuit Court of the United States for the Dis
trict of Oregon in the suit of N. Coyt plain
tiff, against the Title Guarantee ft Trust
Company,- a corporation, and others, notice
Is hereby given to the creditors, as well as
all persons, firms and corporations having
any claim or demand against the said Title
-Guarantee ft Trust Company, a corporation,
of Portland. Oregon, to presetft the same,
with the vouchers thereof, duly verified, to
the undersigned receiver of said Title Guar
antee ft Trust Company at his office In the
City of Portland, Oregon, on or before three
months from the date hereof.
Portland, Or., Dec. 16. 1007.
Receiver of the Title Guarantee ft . Trust
by given that the undersigned has been
appointed administrator of the estate of
John Herverk, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mult
nomah County and has qualified. All
persons having claims against said ' es
tate are hereby notified to present the
same to me at No. 613 McKay bldg.,
Portland. Or., with proper vouchers and
duly verified within six months from the
date hereof. Dated and first published,
Wednesday, January 8. 1908.
FRANK A. NICHOLS. Administrator.
John T. Whalley, Attorney.
21-ROOM house, central location, steam
heat. -Brussels carpets, good beds, well
furnished, $2000. Hatfield ft Smith. 165
4th St.
FOR SALE Confectionery, Ice cream and
cigar store; this is a bargain; $1150 will
handle it; reason for selling, leaving city.
Phone Main 4368 or G 636, Oregonlan.
A SNAP The dining-room of a first-class
family hotel for rent, furnished; no cash
rtnt ; parties must have experience and
references. 455 Aider St., cor. 13th.
A SNAP if taken at once, a rooming bouse of
thirty rooms, housekeeping and single; $850;
no agents. Cor 60th and Pettygrove; Pacific
I WANT two good American non-union men,
with backbone, brains and a little money.
Address K 532. Oregonlan.
65-ROOM hotel, clearing $400 per month ,on
Washington st. ; owner has to. selL 219
Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Restaurant doing a good pay
ing business, $1000 cash. I can ;iow you.
T 515, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Ctgar and - confectionery store
with 2 living rooms; price $450. M 628,
IF you want to sell or buy a business of any
kind we can interest you. 324-325 Lumber
CASH business for a. lady; you can make $5
a day ; little money required. Call 24Sfe
Stark st.
A MILLINERY store to be sold this week;
fine location. Call 825 Lumber Exchange.
BARBER shop doing good business will
clear $150 per month; sacrifice. 646 H
ABSTRACT bsulness, cheap; fine business;
sickness. Address W 616, Oregonlan.
SALOON Want honest partner; $700 required,
secured. Call 248 Stark t.
CASH grocery; a" good clean store; pries
$1000. Call 24SH Stark st.
17-ROOM lodging-house for aale, $800; rooms
all full; at 86 Park st.
fcMATT, stork furnishing goods for
A 5-0, Oregonian.
ale cheap.
59 ROOMS of good furniture in good location.
225 Fifth st.
BARBER shop for rent. 142 N. 10th St.
Arnold ft Co.. Main 7311. 351 Morrison st.
Crown BuslnewExchange 38 Raleigh bldg.
Devlin & Flrebaugh. 506-9 Swetland bldg.
Diets-Mueller Co., 603-4-5 Swetland bldg.
Ellis, York ft Co.. room 21, 264 Morrison at.
International Invest, Co., 309 Macleay bldg.
O'Toole, Chas. J., 718 Chamber of Commerce.
Tl Chamber of Commerce. Pacific 2758.
Rooming-house, centrally locaued, rooms
alwavs filled, 34 room. This Is a good
buy at $2500. ,
Rooming and boarding-house, very clean
and in good condition, clearing over $120
a month; $450.
Roqming-house, 65 rooms, hot and cola
water in each room, clearing $400 a
month. ,
Confectionery, one of the best stands
In the city; $1500. This business nets
$150 a month.
Photo studio, complete outfit, $250;
rent $3. .
Restaurant, doing business of $40 a
day, low expenses, net profit $225 a
month; $1100,
Cigar stand on Washington St., rent
$26, including water and two living rooms;
Newspaper and printing business, $1100.
We have businesses of all kinds for
sale. We are business brokers, handling
businesses exclusively.
The most beautifully furnished and
best arranged 10-room rooming-house in
the city can be bad on a ssmall payment
down and the balance monthly; elegantly
furnished with Axmlnster and velvet car
pets and best grade B. E. maple furni
ture. Clearing $75 per month above ex
penses. Owing to personal reasons, we
can sell this place at an extremely low
'price if sold this week. Call on us at
508-509 Swetland bldg., corner 5th and
Phone AH344 or Main 1450.
10-room rooming-house, fine corner, In
best residence district. West Side; 6 min
utes walk from this office; steam heat,
hot and cold water in all rooms; furniture
and carpets best grade; rent only $50. You
can have 3 elegant rooms for yourself and
clear $50 & month. Here la a prize for the
right one. Terms will be made. Price.
. $1350.
Rooms 20 and 21, 2G4 Morrison St.
29 ACRE-S fine apple orchard in Southern
Oregon; best Winter varieties; located
mile from S. P. depot in growing town
of 600 inhabitants; will bring Income of
$15,000 annually; will exchange for mer
chandise or real estate, and would pay
any difference in cash or would take dif
ference in cash cr security. Call on
owner. Room 40, Antlers HoteL. 10th and
Washington, or Phone Main 2333.
20 rooms few blocks -from Portland Hotel,
large elegant rooms, steam heat, running
hot and cold water in every room, furnish
ings first-class; large, beautiful yard with
flowers, etc. Receipts $8oo a month; filled
with high-class patronage. You can get
into this with $700 cash; price $1100.
Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st.
GROCERY STORE $1100; doing a good busi
ness ; no credit ; no delivery ; investigate
this and you will find the best location in
the city; the owner's health is good, he is
not sroinar East, is not overburdened with
other business, no financial troubles; Just
wants to sell. 105 H N. 6th St.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (established
1895) furnishes free information on opportu
nities In mercantile or manufacturing lines,
city or country.
2O4-205 Abington bldg.
-room rooming-house right In business
center, bath, gas, etc. well furnished; room
rents pay all house expenses and $30 be
sides. You can't do better with $500.
Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrison st.
r AIL, A.NU MAKU Utf J fcirt.
CAPABLE man with $3500 can buy half
interest in a profitable. Incorporated
business; salary $100 per month and
the profits; would take residence prop
erty to the value of $2500. balance cash.
P 628, Oregonian.
BAKERY and restaurant, for man and
wife; will cjear over $100 monthly; fine
location, cheap rent; part cash, balance
out of business; $500 required. Room
'. 323, Lumber . Exchange bldg., 2d and
PARTNER who will put from $1000 to $4000
against my experience and money to start
a pickling factory. Individuals or towns
close to Portland Interested in such en
terprise write to 416 Chamber of Com
merce. SPECIAL A solid business firm wants an
honest partner; will pay you salary, be
sides large profits: $12o0 required; duties
easily learned; bank references given you.
Particulars 248 Stark st.
PARTY to loan $800 on an established busi
ness; money used to enlarge same; good
inside position to right party; lady or gen
tleman; good security and will pay 8 per
cent. G 629, Oregonian..
PARTNER wanted for an amusement busU
ness; experience not necessary, but must be
honest; owner- says you will make $20O to
$3o0 every month; $500 required. Particu
lars 246 Stark st.
CIGAR STORE and news stand on Washing
ton at., with 5 living rooms, heat and elec
tric light free; $1250 will handle this, in
cluding furniture in living rooms. ,219 Lum
ber Exchange.
SALESMAN I have a brokerage for sale
that will net you $150 to $200 monthly;
small amount of money required. Par
ticulars room 323, Lumber Exchange, 2d
and Stark..
BOARDING, and rooming-house, no children,
all rooms filled; In swell neighborhood; $550
will handle this; elegantly furnished, clear
ing over $80 per month. 219 Lumber Ex
change. FOR SALE Best paying oil and gasoline
business in -city; 5 horses, 3 w aeons, 3
double harness, about 4000 6, 10 and 30
gallon tanks. Call 175 East 23d, near Bel
mont. MEAT store, 829 N. Union ave.. for sale
cheap; In fine condition: also horse and
wagon, S500 takes It. F. D. Chamberlain.
Trustee in Bankruptcy, Lab be bldg.. Port
land. W E offer a safe and profitable investment
where you can make your savings of from
$10 to $1000 pay the greatest Interest. Blue
Diamond Pressed Stone Co.. 220 Abington
CASHIER for restaurant; owner will guar
antee $S0 monthly and board; very little
money required. Particulars room 323,
Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
ONE of the best grocery stores, well located,
select trade, $3000 business per month; will
sell at Invoice and give -liberal discount on
fixtures. Owner, lock box 682, city.
Western town of 11,000; small capital,
good references and good profits guaran
teed. Address M 474, Oregonian.
I WANT a party with $500 to back me in a
corporation. I have started but have not
money enough to go on with. Money fully
secured. H 623, Oregonian.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for office man
with $3000 to secure interest In established
merchandise broke rake business. Commercial
Abstract Co., 323 Wash. at.
PARTNER wanted, with from $15,000 to
$25,000 capital to take one-half Interest
in well-established, good paying business.
Address V 524, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Saloon; fine location; doing a
good business; license and long lease; rea
son for gelling, owner not able to work.
Phone Main 4O50.
LUNCH-COUNTER, clearing $260 monthly, on
one of the principal streets; steady business;
$1000 will handle this. 219 Lumber Ex
change. ROOMING-HOUSE, establisfied over 10 years;
84 rooms, clearing over $250 monthly; can
be bought for $2000. 219 Lumber Exchange,
I WILL buy accounts In any of the sus
pended banks. Thos. McCuaker, 206
Couch bldg. Phone Main 7646.
WANTED Partner with $5000 to $10,000 to
loin me in staple dignified business. 218
Couch bldg. Phone Main 6806.
FURNITURE of 12-room house, rooms all
full, choice location. Call 251 Alder.
Phones A2612. Main 5612.
WANTED Mat market, direct from owner,
in good residence district, by private
party. C 522. Oresonian.
GROCERY STORE on East Side. In good dis
trict: well established; will sell -for $1800.
219 Lumber Exchange.'
THE Coast Realty Co.. 226 Morrison st.
Leading real estate and business brokers;
largest and best located offices In city;
reasonable amount of money loaned on
nearly all places sold.
$1500 2-8 cash; 28 rooms, close in.
$20:H 15 rooms; close; long lease.
$600 6 rooms: elegant flat; cost " over
$1000 1 month ago; close.
$00 cash; 10 rooms; modern.
$750 cash; 15 rooms; brick; modern;
all large, light, clean rooms.
$1000 20 rooms; good location; close.
$300 New elegant fiat; complete; cost
$700 2 months ago; furnace.
- (Others at all prices.)
$150 6 rooms, furniture; cheap rent.
"1750 cash; 22 rooms; sacrifice.
, . $1200 2-3 cash; 30 rooms; cheap rent.
$400 4-room hOuse; leased ground.
$1000 cash; IS rooms; one floor.
$4000 Best paying rooming-nouss city.
$3000 cash; rooming clearing $300.
Have others at various prices; all parts
of city.
S80O0 cash; 320 acres; splendid tim
ber near Oregon City; good mill.
$1000 cash; 30 acres bottom land
near Oregon City: must sell.
$1500 $300 cash; 5 acres; level land;
T miles Portland; coat $2000.
$1200 cash; 2 acres level land; 6c
carllne; must sell.
$8000 cash: 160 acres timber 10
miles from Portland.
$500 160 acres; homestead; 20 miles
Portland ; level, wel I watered.
tOthers all prices.)
$600 Relinquishment with 8 million;
splendid timber; guaranteed.
(We have others.)
226 Morrison St.
- Phone, write, wire at our expense.
Main 1568; A4150.
9-room flat, furnished a few months ago
new with the best of everything. With few
reservations will sell for $500 or about half
of cost. Swell place with furnace heat and
cheap rent, on 7th, only few blocks from
Morrison st. -
Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison St.
20 rooms in housekeeping, 14; furnished, 6
rented unfurnished; always full of good
roomers; receipts, $125, rent only $i5 with
lease. Price $860. A SNAP, owner leaving
Rooms 20and 21, 264 Morrison st.
FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, cheap;
doing good business; can 'be bought either
- for 'cash or part cash and balance on time;
must . be sold this week on account of leav
ing city. 462 Glisan st.
SPECIAL to sell today; established business
for $260; worth double; pay you $4 to $6
a day ; experience unnecessary. Call 248
Stark st.
FOR SALE Thoroughly established newspa
per printing business; will exchange for
other property. Address A 464. Ore
igonlah. CIGAR STORE and pool-room; center of city;
clearing $2O0 monthly; will sell for $1500,
being less than Invoice. 219 Lumber Ex
change. FOR SALE The Oregonlan Confectionery
and Lunch Parlors, located at 131 6th; a
bargain If sold at once. Call 413 Washing
ton st.
SALOON Doing a business of $50 per day; 6
years lease; rent $o; win sen ror $uw;
' half cash. 219 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Practical printer, business mana
ger, to Invest and push good newspaper
business. W 404. Oregonlan.
BUSINESS opening for the right man; $2500
cash, bal. out of the business ; must take
. charge. K 526, Oregonian.
HALF interest in good machine shop; will
sell for $1500 and put It in the business.
219 Lumber Exchange.
BEST close-in grocery In the city; good lo
cation; best trade, new goods, bee Hell
man, 300 Abington bldg.
HALF interest In poultry and produce busi
ness; clearing $250 monthly; $050 required.
219 Lumber Exchange.
SALOON In center of retail district, clear
ing $300 per- month; rent free; $3500 cash.
219 Lumber Exchange. a
WANTED To wll barber shop, on account
or otner Dusiness. Address pi. K. ivingsiand,
Carlton, 'Or. .
GROCERY STORE) doing a business of $2500
per month; will sell at invoice. 219 Lum
ber Exchange. ,
LUNCH counter, price $275; rent $25; good
location. Alexander, 304 Ankeny st.,
near Sixth.
OYSTER and short order house; central and
cheap. Call 248 Stark st.
EASTERN Multnomah Farmers. A black
mare, 16 hands, weight about 1450. two
white hind feet, star on forehead, shod
alt round. Is wandering in your neigh
borhood, or is tied up In someone's barn;
reward for information. Rose Vista
Farms, 12-mile House), or Fred" T. Mer
rill. Portland.
LOST Between Lad d ach ool and M oh aw k
bldg, one gold bracelet with 3 amethysts;
one gold ring with 5 pearls; one ring loose
turquoise surrounded by pearls. Phone Main
LOST Llewelyn setter. , black and white,
about 15 months old. Answers to name
of Rush. . Reward if returned to 1054
Quimby St., Willamette Heights.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger
LOST Wide gold . band bracelet, on 5th
between Jackson and Marquam bldg. Re
ward if returned to 375 4th.
LOST Black silk watch fob with monogram
W. C, S., Finder please leave at Grand
Theater office and receive reward.
LOST Small fox terrier; brown ears, black
spot on tail, two black spots on neck. Return
to 430 Wash. ; reward.
LOST Airedale terrier dog. Finder return
to' 213 Chamber of Commerce and receive
LOST Black and white cocker spaniel dog;
answers to name Rufue. Reward. 691 Love
joy. LOST Sunday evening., a gold -band bracelet.
Leave at Oregonian office and receive re
ward. V
WILL boy who took wagon from little boy
on 10th st. please return to 404 10th at.
LOST A pointer dog; license No. 1193. Phone
East 1763. Reyrd. ;
LADIES, consult Dr. Mary Lane (the only and
original) established 10 years; specialist for
diseases of women and children. The best
equipped lying-in sanltaHu.m on the Coast.
Consultation free. Correspondence confi
dential. 253 Alder, cor. 3d, Portland. Phone
Main 2796.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Uniaue Tailoring Co., 309 Stark.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex,
desiring acquaintance, correspondence or
companion, seiki 10c for circular. Portland
Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 1st at.
LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin and cotton
root -pills; only safe and sure remedy" for
delayed periods; $2 per box, cr 3 for $5.
Dr. Pierce, 161 1st at.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture .(German books a specialty). A. W.
Schmale Co.. 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, . 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri
son st., bet. 1st and 2d.
Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 6042, A2069.
"THE SNOW DEN BATHS," 145 6th at.,
rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, vibratory
treatments. Lady attendant.
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage ; references.
282 Park. Main 2403, A2734.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, -call on
Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170
8d St. .Main 7154.
LADIES Whatever your aliment, call on Dr.
Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170 3d
at. Main 7154.
FINNISH masseuse: steam baths. Olga
Landen. 15-16 Selllng-Hirsch bldg. A2337.
MANICURING, facial massage; scalp treat
ments. 12-14 The Cosmos, 26S Mdrrlson.
RECENTLY opeied. manicuring parlors re
moved from 351 to 343 Morrison, rm. X
JUST OPENED Manicuri-c and facial
massage parlors. Room 5. 145 6th st.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. 'Hill, 330 Fliedner bldg. Pac, 133.
ALL kinds of baths, $25c.
207 3d. near Taylor
Massage, $L
Women's and children's diseases are treated
exclusively at thie institute; up-to-date san
itarium and maternity hospital. Maternity
cases are given special attention by a grad
uate and licensed woman physician, with
years of experience. Children adopted into
best families; list always on band. Chronic
and acute diseases treated In most skillful
and latest methods: consultation free. Cor-
respondence solicited and oonfldentia Open
all day and evening until 8. Noyce The
original Dr. Mary Lane has only one ad
dress, rooms 5-14 Grand Theater bldg., 352
Washington st. Main 3928. A5607.
DR. FLORENCE TALCOTT Diseases of men,
women and children; g,all stones, cancer, gol
. tre, rheumatism and maternity cases a spe
cialty; unsurpassed hospital accommodations;
infants adopted; consultation free. Suites 14
and 15. Raleigh bldg , 6th and Washington.
Phones Main 4151, A5007. Sole agents Al
falfa rheumatism remedy.
SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To vis
itors ot Portland noteis ana to punuc a
large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 106 6th st.. next to Quelle. La
dies' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas
' cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088.
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters
jjiamona strand riua. hot, years
known as .the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. ' Chlchesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
poo and scalp treatments; bust develop
ment; wrinkles eradicated; scientific mag
netic and electric massase for nervous
diseases. 209 4th st. Main 2011.
graduate, nana running, steam, sweat and
tub baths. 7 E. 11th st. Take East Ankeny
car. Cures rheumatism. Both sexes. Phones
East 260, Home B1&03.
MAN1CURING and scalp treatment. 851
Morrison sV, room 10; hours 10 to 8.
BALM OF FIGS ror all female diseases.
E. Belmont. Phone E, 40U4.
LADIES' barber shop;
maseage. 64 4th.
manicuring, face
DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity
oases; good care; terms right. Ad AUsky bid.
Chamber of Commerce, office eystematlzing
and general accounting. Established lHfett.
Art Stores.
HOME decorators, tinting, painting and pa
pering and the goods tha go with lu J3.
H. Moorehouae ft Co., 312 Alder st.
Assay era and Analysts.
Welle ft Proebstel, mining engineers, metal
lurgists and ass ay era 204 Washington.
PAUL BAUMEL, assay er and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder st.
Bicycle and Electrical Repairing.
SHAW ft MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en
gine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st.
Carpenters and Builders.
W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general
Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. -Main 6881.
J. J. RANKIN Jobbing and remodeling. 287
Front. Phones, Main ti023; Wood lawn 91.
Cleaning and Dyeing.
PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB, 174 West Park. M.
8242, A5027. Sponge and press your
clothes, $1.50 per month.
Dr. L. M. Gordon, graduate P. S. C, 204-5,
Oregonlan bldg. Phone A 1953.
WM. DEVENY, and Etelle Deveny, the only
scientific chiropodists, parlors 203' Drew
bldg., 102 2d st. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room 3JO Flledner bldg. phone Pacific 133.
Coal Dealers.
Delivered in ton lots. Phone Main 3039.
Home AU030. Thompson ft Swan, Swetland
Cleaning and Pressing.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called for and del. Main 7843. 303 Stark.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER, purchaser of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tailow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front St.. near Main, Portland, O.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS & CO., grocers and -commission
merchants. 210 3d st.
INTERSTATE Adjustment Op., law and col
lections. Main 8134.. 414 Buchanan bldg.
WALTZ, "two-step," "three-step," and stage
dancing; lessons 25c; seven ladles and gen
tlemen teachers. Prof. W'ai. Willson's
school, office and hall 12, Selllng-Hirsch
bldg.. 380 Wash, st., bet. W. Park and
loth sts.; also dancing taught by mail.
DANCING Instructions dally 1;30 to 4. Mur
lark Hall, 23d at Washington. Professor
Carter, principal. Main bu5.
Directory Rothchild Building.
Dr. T. J. McCracken, Dentist, 4O&-410. Phone
Main 903. 4th and Washington.
Viavi Co. Rooms 608-10. A3525, Main 5015.
Removed from Tilford bldg.
Drawing and Painting Classes.
C. Lillian Hounsell, of Cblorossi Academy,
Paris. Portraits from life. 64 Seliing-Hirsch.
Tenth and Morrison.
Open all the yean, Private or class in
structions. Position certain when compe
tent. Ail modern- methods of bookkeeping
taught; also correspondence, rapid calcula
tions, office work, Chartier shorthand, easy,
rapid, legible. Catalogue free.
I PREPARE- you for college. Lessons in
arithmetic, algebra, French, Latin. Private,
J 483, Oretfonian.
OREGON Expert College. 6th and Oak, tel
egraphy, shorthand. typewriting; new
- pupils dally.'
Fixtures and wiring. M 4864,;-A 3881.
Electrical Knf&ieers.
PACIFIC Electric Engineering Co.,
94 1st St., now 21U 2d st.
Electric Signs.
ELECTRIC SIGNS Sold and rented. Port
land Electric Sign Co., 44 2d st. Main 8479
fr eed b tores.
E. L. COOPER ft CO., hay, grain, feed. 128
Union ave. East 1517; B1517.
Junk, Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK ft CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts,
wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
sacks. . 312 Front at.
Leather and .Findings.
" tabllshed 1S5S Leather and findings; Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; . full line
Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st.
CHAS. L. MASTIC K ft CO., Front and Oak
sts. Leather and skins of "every description
for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' find
ings. Machinery.
B. TRENKMAN & CO., mining, sarmlll log
ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings,
all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st.
Harness and Saddlery.
TH E G eorge Lawrence Co. . w h olesa 1 e sad d 1 e
and harness mnfrs.. 80-86 1st. Main 226.
Piano Toning-
GEORGE ANDERSON, expert. 618 Tourney
bldg.. 2d and Taylor sts. Pacific 244.
Moving Picture Machines.
MOVING picture machines,
house ft Co.. 312 Alder st.
EL H. Moore-
Piano lessons Ada Powell Williams,' B. M., in
structor of piano and harmony; special at
tention given children. Studio 246 Grant.
EMIL THIELHORN, pupil Prof. Sevclk. vio
lin and viola teacher, 334 Pine. Pacific 2U88.
I MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Jesse Parker.
Mlir bids., 30 Morrison st.
Osteopathic Physician
415V16-17 Dekum Bldg., "
Third and Washington sts.
. Phone, office. Main 349.
R abide nee, E. lv2A. ,
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, graduate Klrkviiie. Mo. 4u9 Oregon
ian blug. Main 1242; res. Main 2762.
Paints, oils and Glass.
RASMUSSEN ft CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils,
glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Patent and pension Attorneys.
PATBNT3 SOLICITED Wash, atty., expert
arivtr fret A I V -.. - e i .
wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny.'
J. J. HIRSHHEIMER, solicitor and counsel-lor-at-law.
Rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents;
infringement caes. ti04 Dekum.
EX W. MOORE, Elks building. 7th and Stark -sts.
-Phone Main 2189.
SAVE $4.0U.
Thla Is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my office sud become
familiar with my spiritual and scieniltio
work. A hint to the wis la sufficient.
Greatest living astral dt-ad-trance - clalr- -voyant
of the age; ADVISER OF BUS I-
whom you will marry, how to control th
one you love, even though miles away; '
reunites the separated; gives secret powers
lo control others; no difference how close
or how far away, you can always obtain
. your de,Eired results. Telia you Just how.
where and when to Invest your money to
obtain the best possible results. If you
are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis
couraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DH
SPA1R; come and receive Spiritual -advice
that will help you to receive HEALTH.
I will do all others advertise to do and
a great deal more. Hours 10 to 8, dally.
Ortlce Nos. 2 and 4. Grand Theater bldjt..
852 Washington st. Phone M. 1267.
Messages from Spirit Guides and Controls.
Trance medium, clatrvoyunt, psychic as
trologer, palmist; greatest advihyrl past.
present and future; marriage, love, business,
health, journeys, mining work, land loca
tions, lttWMUil, investmenui; .tells every
thing; names, dates, important information; -reunites
the separated, restores lost love, re
news lost vital forco, removes evil influence,
breaks wetfk habits, imparts personal mag
netism, develops otnera. The Martin, 1U
4th st., cor. of Washington.
Messages from Spirit Guides and Controls.
Trance medium, clairvoyant, psychic as
trologer, palmist; greatest advteer. past,
present and future; marriage, love, business,
health. Journeys, mining work, iand loca
tions, lawsuits, investments; tells every
thing; names, dates, - important Information;
reunites the separated, restores lost love, re
news lost vital force, removes evil-influence,
breaks weak habits. Imparts personal mag
netism, develops others. 268 Morrison,
bet. 3d and 4th.
THAW, L-c- '
Oelrlchs Thaw, master mind of mys
ticism, graduate of Benares School of
Mental Therapy. Healings and readings..
Charges moderate. Fret to tfau deserv
ing poor. Everything private. No aigu.
Phone A3753. Parlors 3oS 3d St.
MRS. C. CORNELIUS, spiritual medium.
Selling-Hirsch bldg.. 10th and Wash. A3620
Mrs. Sophia Selp. reliable spirit'! rdnga. 302
AUsky bldg. Public circles Tue.-Fri. eve.
Marion Corel li, palmist and trance medium;
satisfaction guaranteed. 228 Wash. at.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 325 Jus in
25c. Phone Main 7548.
Photo Engravers.
PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatten
Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts.
DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Nelss ft Con
naway. 100 2d St. A 4573. M 7319.
OREGONLATING WKS.. 128 Lownsdale St.,
gold, silver, nickel plating. Main 2575. A2575.
Rubber Stamps,
ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P.
D. C Co., 231 Stark st. Both phones, 1407.
- Safes. .
FIREPROOF and Manganese steel bank safes
at factory pi ices; second-hand safes at' low
prices. We are manufacturers, not dealers.
The Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d st.
DIE BOLD Manganese safes large lines car
ried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, jails, metal
furniture. Honest prices and. goods. Both
phones. J. E. Davis, 66 3d.
Showcase, Bank and Store' Fixtures.
NEW and second-hand showcases always in
stock, also made to order. Aome Show
case Co., 14 7th. Main 1061. .Hotel Scott.
THB James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 2b9
Couch st. Pacific 2181.
R. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter
Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6536.
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th -and
Hoyt. Phone Main 1408
Sign Painting;.
The largest si en -makers. In the "North- .
west, 6th amd Everett sts. Phone Private
Exchange 55.. .-' Home A 1155.
SIGNS ("That Attract.)
Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pac 1806.
Storage and Transfer..
First-class fireproof --storehouse prompt '
and careful attention given to all classes
transferring. Office 200 Oak. Phone Main
647. A 2247. Pacific 1061.
C. O. PICK, office 88 1st bet. Stark and Oak.
Phone 5U6. Pianos and furniture moved and
packed for shipment; ' commodious brick
warehouse, with separate Iron rooms.. Front
and Clay sts. . - .
Street paving.
WARREN Construction Co,, street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber Exch.
Portland office,- 4l2-3-4 Worcester block.
NEW and second-hand typewriters, all
mak'ea repaired. sold and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. The Type
writer Exchange. 64 3d St. Main 600.
SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, wold, re
paired. P. T. C. Co., 231 Stark. Mainl40T.
Wholesale Jobbers.
NBUSTADTER BROS., manufacturers and
wholesale men's furnishing goods, 5th and
Ankeny sts.. Portland. Or. .
WADHAMS . ft CO., wholesale grocers,
manufacturers, . commission merchants.
4th and Onk.
(Established In 1864.) . .
Gen. Mgr. of Branches. .-.W. MACKINTOSH
Capital paid tip.-V $4.000.0t0
Surplus and undivided profits .$10,153,878
A General Banking and Exchange Business
' Letters of credit issued,- available In all
parts of the world. Interest ' paid iOtt time
Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up
ward. WM. A. MACRAE Manager
J. T. BURTCHABLL Assistant' Manager
, ..
W. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd V . -J. W, Ladd
PORTLAND, OREGON. -Established
450. -Transact
a general banking business.'
Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
3. FRANK WATSON. President
R. L. . DURHAM... ........ Vice-President
R. W. HOYT .' - Cashier
GEORGE W. HOYT Asistant CasfaifF
S. E- CATCHING 2d .Assistant Cashier
United States Depository.
Orafts and letters, of credit Issued, avail
able in all parts of the world.
Collections a specialty.
Portland, Or.
Deposits. $14,000,000
Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast.
A. U MILLS President
J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier
W. C. ALVORD Assistant Cashier
B. F. STEVENS 2d Assistant Cashier