1C THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, . FRIDAY, JANUARY 10,- 190S. SPEIER WILL ASSIST Harbormaster Interested ' jn Rose Show Water Carnival. HIS PLANS ARE AMBITIOUS Include Cleansing of Entire River front in Preparation for Great Aquatic Parade During June Festival. Surpassing in picturesqueness and splendor any marine spectacle ever at tempted in the Pacific Northwest, or on the whole Pacific Slope, for that matter, will be the water, carnival' which the Hose Festival Association is now plan nlng. Every vessel availably in this sec tion next June will be drafted to add to the magnificence of this aquatic parade. A committee was appointed by President Whltemore, of the Festival Association, yesterday, to have full charge of the af fair, and Captain Speier, the city har bormaster, who has consented to act as chairman of the committee, says that one of the very first things he will do will be to clean up the whole waterfront on both sides of the river, in order that the hosts of visitors who will be here to view the spectacle may be shown a pano rama that will prove a great advertise ment for the city. Captain Speier is preparing to serve notices on all dock and waterfront property-owners to "clean house" between now and next Spring, and to keep the waterfront spick and span in the future. He has insisted on the appointment of a committee that will stand back of him In this crusade, so that if the American Navy, now on its way' to the Pacific Coast, docs put in here for the Festival days, the first week of June, Portland harbor will present a spotless appear ance. Strong Committee, Named. Associated with Captain Speier on this water carnival committee will be the fol lowing citizens: Walter Honeyman. C. W. Hodson. B. R. Smith, R. Macleay, G. H. Brown, W. H. Souls, J. McCraken, Captain W. H. Patterson and Frank Thorn. This is regarded by the Festival management as a most representative body, and one that will show enthusiasm in renovating the waterfront and in dress ing the harbor in honor of the pageant that is being planned. Chairman Speier declares he will Issue orders that every craft in this port at that time "dress ship" for the occasion, and he feels sure that all waterfront property-owners will do justice to the spectacle. Great hopes are entertained that the Navy Department and the President will see to it that, at least a fitting repre sentation of the Nation's Naval strength will be sent here for the Festival, and in case this Is done. Naval features will vie with the purely marine in the celebra tion. Boat clubs yachting clubs and rowing organizations as well as aquatic sport organizations will be asked to participate, and. to use a landsman's term, the river from Ross Island to Guild Lake will be "fenced off" for the marine spectacle. The chief feature of the night pageant will, of course, be the arrival of King Rex, who is to be given the keys and freedom of the city, on his royal barge, attended by his court and by Queen Flora and her entourage, the Queen being the patroness of the school chil dren's street parade. California Is Interested. The Merchants' and Manufacturers' As sociation of Los Angeles has written for further particulars regarding the festival and Chairman McMurray, of the publicity committee. Is preparing a de tailed programme ,of the entertainment features. He has also heard again from the California State ' Board of Trade, which is planning to come here in a body witW delegates from every com mercial organization of any prominence in the state, and he will keep this body in . close t,oueh with all arrangements. Inquiries are coming In from a number of general passenger agents of trans continental railroad systems as to what attractions they may best exploit in order to Induce tourists to route their tickets via Portland during Festival week. A special invitation and folder is being devised for the passenger agents throughout the Hast and they will also be supplied with plenty of advertising. All railroads with terminals in this city will be asked to furnish advertising mat ter to be distributed in the Middle West and in tlie East within the next three months, and a campaign will be con tuctcd during the six weeks in which the usual Spring colonist rates will be in effect. "If we once get the people of the East out here," declared Chairman McMurray, last night, "you can bet your last dollar that a large percentage of them will stay, so the main thing for us to do Is to offer the proper inducements for bringing them out here." FRANCHISE IS DISCUSSED Council Committee Considers Appli cation of Fire Alarm Company. That they are considering a franchise of much Importance to the city is fully realized by the members of the committee on streets of the City Council, to which ' lias been referred the petition of the Na tional Automatic Fire Alarm Company for a 25-year franchise. At a special meeting yesterday, the provisions of the proposed franchise were considered, after which the draft was turned over to the City At torney for further investigation. While the petitioners make the claim that the fram-hise is not exclusive, and de clare it would not shut out competition, it is regarded by some of the members of the committee on streets to be practically certain that no other company could se cure a franchi.se to operate, should it de sire to do so, because the city could not permit more than the one concern to con nect with the wires of the Fire Depart ment, as the Automatic Company will do under the terms of the franchise, as drafted? Councilman Kellaher, who acted as chairman of the meeting yesterday, says that lie knows this to be one of the best paying enterprises in Portland, and for one. he is determined that, if the grant Is given, the city shall be fully remunerated ty receiving a portion of the gross earn ings. He is also determined to have a provision making possible the revocation of tnis franchise at any time. This, he explains, is to allow of the city taking action to permit any other company, which might have a better system, to en tor into business here and to connect with the city's fire alarm system. City Klectrldan Savarian, who was called in to consult with the committee men, said he believes the automatic serv ice afforded by the company now seeking a franchise is a benefit to the city and to its patrons, but he said he could not say anything very favorable about the ther mostat system, for sending in alarms au tomatically, as he declared that 90 per cent of these are false alarms. He also -aid It would never do to let more than one company connect with the Ore depart ment's wires, which makes the grant, if given this company, exclusive according to the statements of the committeemen. As to the remuneration to be received by the city, in case of the granting of the franchise, that is a matter to be deter mined by the Executive Board, according to the charter. The officials of the Auto matic Company declare they are willing to do anything that is just to the city in exchange for the franchise, but assert that the business is not one that pays large returns. They believe that the fire-alarm boxes now installed, valued by them at 13000. are sufficient to warrant the granting of the franfchise, since these, to gether with any new fixtures that may be put in, are to become the property of the municipality. . OREGON PIONEER OF 1843 Death at Yoncalla of Mrs. Susan Smith After Two Years' Illness. Mrs. Susan Smith, who died at Ton calla, December 30, 1907, was the daughter of Charles and Melinda Applegate, and was born in Cole County, Missouri, May 25, 1831. At the age of 12 years she crossed the plains with her parents, . - ... ss' v: tin. The Late Mrs. Susan Smith. who first settled in Polk County, but moved in 1850 to the Umpqua Valley, taking up a donation claim near the present town of Yoncalla. Mrs. Smith was married March 11, 1851, to Robert Smith, who was also a pioneer of 1S43. After their marriage they moved to their donation claim near Yoncalla. where they resided until the death of her husband, which occurred on May 5, 1SS8. Mrs. Smith lived in the old home until 1893, when she moved to Yoncalla, where she had since resided. She is survived by her seven children. Richard, of Spo kane, Wash.; Fannie, wife of Edward Johnson, of Colfax, Wash.; Robert Franklin, of Pullman, Wash.; Jerome, who resides on a portion of the old homestead; Ellen, wife of L. E. Warner, who also resides on a portion of the old homestead; Albert L., of Marsh field, and Elmer C, of Portland. Mrs. Smith, who was familiarly known as Aunt Susie by her many friends, had been ill for the past .two years, during which -time she bore her sufferings cheer fully. She was attended by her son Albert, who went from Marshfleld two years ago and devoted himself to his mother during her long illness. WILL PREVENT VANDALISM Southern Pacific to Make Example of Ingebrightson.. The legal department of the Harriman lines in tills state took action yesterday to make an example of John Ingebrightson, a young laborer of Cornelius, who put a tie on the Southern Pacific track near that town. He has confessed the crime, which Is punishable In this state by im prisonment In the penitentiary. But for the timely discovery of the presence of the obstruction on the track, a passenger train probably would have been ditched, and the lives of many passengers endan gered. The Harriman officials here are deter mined to put a stop to wanton train de struction and are convinced that a long term in the penitentiary for a few of the offenders will do much to prevent such acts of vandalism. Detective Reilly of the Southern Pacific went to Cornelius yesterday and located Ingebrighton, who made no attempt to deny that he had placed the tie on the track, tout pleaded that he was drunk at the time. Ingebrightson was formerly a section hand on the Southern Pacific's West Side division at Cornelius and it is believed his dismissal from the railroad service caused him to harbor resentment which he expressed by placing a tie on the track. Detective Reilly placed his prisoner in the Cornelius jail yesterday after he had pleaded guilty before a justice of the peace. The man was ordered held to the grand jury and will be taken to Hillsboro, the county seat, and placed in jail await ing the convening of the grand jury. iue prisoner is also a witness In cases against saloon men In Cornelius who are accused of having sold liquors to minors. Inge brightson is a minor and Is said to have purchased liquor at Cornelius saloons. MONSTER T. M. A. BENEFIT Big Annual Event of Theatrical Lodge Next Week. A varied array of all kinds of talent except the bad kinds has been selected from the different theaters to take part in the great benefit of the T. M. A. an nual affair, which will be held next Tues day afternoon at the Marquam Grand Theater. The T. M. A. is composed of theatrical people only, and professionals from all over the United States will be in the city at the different theaters next week. These are all interested in the event,, and all will unite to help In some way, either on the stage or in the front of the house. It will be a most interest ing affair, both for the public and the members of the profession. Tickets can be purchased at all the theater box office. . . McMinnvllIe Postal Statistics. M'MINNVILLE. Or., Jan. 9. (Speoial.l Records of the local postoffice show 11.705 money orders paid during th year 1907, and the amount of mail sent out from the office according to the last six months' weighing totals 41.999 pounds, 4M approx imately 21 tons. Of this amount August contributed the lowest. 626$ pounds, and December the greatest. 7975 pounds. The total receipts of the office for 1907 were JS491.68. a gain of 1360.09 over the year 1906. With a proportionate gain for the next two years, McMinnvllIe will be eri7 titled to the free delivery of mail. Gain of the fourth quarter of 1907 over the fourth quarter of 1906 was J971.70. KISKR CALENDARS 10c UP. Halfprlce while last. 24S Alder. Today is the last day to obtain discount on West Side gas bills. Portland Gas Co: ;;liBp . ... WILL INSPECT TEA Francis Sealy Appointed by the Treasury Department. IMPORTANT TO PORTLAND Resident Inspector Will Greatly Fa cilitate Importations a This Port. Other Inspectors at San Francisco and Tacoma. Francis Sealy has been appointed tea 'inspector for the Port of Portland at a salary of $1600 a year. The appointment goes into effect immediately, and will stand pending the establishment of CivUJ Service regulations covering the position. The news of the appointment of Mr. Sealy was conveyed in a private dis patch to Collector of Customs Malcolm yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sealy has been officially notified and will enter upon the duties of his office at once. The office of tea Inspector is an im portant one and the placing of an of ficer at Portland will greatly facilitate importations at this port. Tacoma and San Francisco have heretofore been the only cities which have been allowed tea inspectors. All tea entering at Portland or Seattle had to be opened and samples sent to Tacoma for inspection. During the past few months the importations from Northern ports have been so heavy that the Tacoma official could not get through with the work. An application was made from Portland, where most of the tea was received, for the appointment of an official to have permanent head quarters in this city. The application has been - favorably considered and Mr. Sealy named as the inspector. The new appointee for the office of tea Inspector is a man who has long been identified with the wholesale and retail business of Portland. His qualifications for the position are well known, and he will no doubt be retained in the position after the Civil Service rules are put in effect. NINTH WHEAT CARGO CIEARS British Ship Clackmannanshire Car , ries Grain to Europe. The British ship Clackmannanshire cleared yesterday for the United Kingdom with 88,259 bushels of wheat, valued at J78.109. The vessel is the ninth craft to STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Kimf . From. Alliance. .... Coob Bay Jan. 10 10 10 12 12. 13 13 .14 1 5 21 1 4 X Arabia Hong-Kong .Jan. Senator Ban Francisco. Jan. JohanPoulsen San Francisco. Jan. Northland.... San Francisco. Jan. Breakwater. .Coos Bay Jan. Rose City San Francisco. Jan. Roanoke Los Angeles. . . Jan. Costa Rica San Francisco. Jan. Geo. W. Elder.San Pedro. .. .Jan. Atesia Hongkong Feb. Nlcomedla. . . Hongkong Feb. Numantla. .. .Hongkong .Mar. Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Dats. Arabia. .Hongkong IndTt Alliance Coos Bay Jan. 11 Senator .San Francisco. .'Jan. 12 Breakwater. . Coos Bay Jan. 15 JohanPoulsen San Francisco. Jan. 15 Northland .San Francisco. Jan. 15 Rose City,. . . .San Francisco. Jan. 15 Roanoke Los Angeles. .. Jan. 16 Costa Rica. ..San Francisco. Jan. IS Geo. W. Elder San Pedro Jan. 23 Alesia. ..... ..Hongkong .Feb. 12 Nlcomedla... Hongkong. .....Feb. 20. Numantla. .. .Hongkong .Mar. 12 Entered Thursday. Gertrud, German ship (Henke), with ballast, from Valparaiso. Cleared Thursday. Geo. W. Elder, American, steam ship (Jessen), with general cargo, for San Pedro and way ports. Breakwater, American steamship (Macgenn), with general cargo, for Coos Bay. Clasckmannanshire, British ship, with 88,259 bushels of wheat, val ued at $78,109, for the United King dom for orders. clear foreign for the month and raises the wheat shipments to 803.310 bushels. This is more than double the shipments for the corresponding period In Decem ber. Between the 1st and the 10th of last month the shipments were confined to two cargoes. With the tonnage in. the harbor at the present time and the wheat receipts there is no reason in the world why January should not break all records for the ex porting of "wheat and lumber cargoes. The British ship Claverdon has finished and is anchored at St. John. She has on board about 145,000 bushels and will clear for the United Kingdom for orders. There are a number of Frenchmen who are loading or are about ready to begin and they will all get away before the 1st of February. Steamer Contracts Awarded. Colonel S. W. Roessler, United States Engineers, has recommended the granting of the contract for the construction of the Ayers Pills Ask your doctor what he thinks of this formula for a liver pill. Do as he says about using these pills. He knou)s. Complete Formula Ayers Pills Each Pill Represents Jalap ..'.. i Grain Podophyllin .... Ginger . . ... J Grain. I Gamboge . . . . Aloes ...... i Grain I Oil Peppermint . , . Colocynth. Pulp . . -'" . g Grain. Oil Spearmint ... Excipient Sufficient quantity. We have no secrets I We publish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemitts, Lowell, Mass. steamer Umatilla, for service on the Up per Columbia River, to the "Willamette Iron Works, that firm being the lowest bidder.- At the same time Colonel Roes sler recommended the bid of the Portland Iron Works for the construction of a dredge for use in the harbors of the Ore gon and Washington Coasts WILL TIE VP SOUXD BOATS Strike of Engineers Expected Today. Not All Men Will Walk Out. TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 9. (Special.) Many of the steamboats on Puget Sound will probably be tied up tomorrow unless an understanding between the engineers and operators is reached at the last min ute. So far both sides have been obdurate. Not a small number of engineers, it is asserted, are opposed, however, to mak ing' any demands upon the owners at this time, when both freight and passen ger traffic is light, and will remain at their posts. Fred Marvin, manager of the Olympia & Tacoma Navigation and the Merchants Transportation Company, said he ex pected to operate all of his boats, in cluding the Greyhound and Multnomah, without any trouble tomorrow. Some of the men will stay by the own ers and they have secured engineers at Washington, Chicago and San Francisco who - are ready to come on telegraphic notice. N All of .the captains will stay by them, they think, and so will the pilots. COMINGS' BOILER IS SECURED Government Snagboat Drags Kettle Out ol -Main Channel. The Government snagboat Mathloma, which has been working opposite Linn ton, in an effort to move the boiler of the wrecked steamer Ar nie Comings from the channel, has succeeded in working it for a distance of 40 feet from the main chan nel and out of the track of deep-draft vessels. Whether the tackle of the Math loma is heavy enough to lift the boiler to the surface of the water is not known. An effort will "be made this morning. Tuesday a chain was made fast to the boiler with the aid of a diver. When a strain was taken the chain gave way. Yesterday heavier tackle was used with the result that the boiler was ' moved a sufficient distance out of the channel so as not to be considered a menace to navi gation for deep-water vessels. The Mathloma has been ordered to pro ceed to the Upper Willamette and operate in her capacity as a snag-puller at points above Corvallis. During the recent flood a number of snags were deposited in the river, and as there Is a large quantity of grain to be removed the services of the snagboat are badly needed. R. C. Rickmers Is Chartered. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. have chartered the five-masted German bark R. C. Rick mers to load wheat for the UniteS King dom. The charter calls for Portland or Puget Sound loading. The rate is given as 27s 6d, the minimum for the associa tion ships. The R. C. Rickmers Is now en route to San Francisco from Sydney, N. S. W. The R. C- Rickmers is the largest sailing vessel afloat and is equipped with auxiliary engines so that she may be converted into a steam vessel at any time. Her steam equipment is a triple compound engine and will drive the craft at about six knots an hour. Battles With Heavy Seas. VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 9. With rails broken, companions carried away, ventil ators crumpled and part of her bridge wrecked In a heavy gale encountered at the meridian in mid-Pacific on December 31, the Japanese liner Aki Maru reached port this afternoon with 264 passengers, only four of whom were Europeans, and 6000 tons of cargo. In a storm on Decem ber 23 the steering gear broke and the steamer was helpless In the trough of a heavy sea for two hours before extra gear was rigged. Captain Hansen. In the Hospital. Captain Hansen, master of the steamer Tallac, has been removed to the St. Vin cent's Hospital, where he will undergo an operation for appendicitis. A new mas ter will arrive from San Francisco within a few days and will take the Tallac South. The steamer is loading a general cargo for California ports. Pprt of Portland Meets. The Port of Portland Commission met yesterday afternoon at the City Hall. All members were present with the exception of Captain A. L. -Pease and P. L. Willis. Routine business was taken up and bills for the past month were audited. Nothing of importance to the city or the harbor was taken up. " Reinbek Makes Fast Passage. The German bark Reinbek arrived in at Astoria yesterday after a remarkable run of 29 days from Santa Rosalia. x It usually requires 40 to 50 days for a. sailing vessel to come up the coast at this season of the year. The Reinbek is in ballast and will load wheat for the United Kingdom. Marine Notes. The British bark Miltonburn left down yesterday. The steamship Senator, from San Fran cisco, arrived last night. The steamship Alliance is due to arrive today from Coos Bay ports. The steamship Breakwater sailed last night for Coos Bay ports with passengers and freight. The steamship Nome City will sail for San Francisco and 6an Pedro from the -rV Grain -fe Grain xV Grain ts Grain WHEN KIDNEYS GET WEAK TRY THIS HOME-MADE MIXTURE AXD GET RELIEF. - . 1 Will Be Less Kidney Trouble If Pre scription to Make Remedy Becomes Known. - Here is a prescription that any one can mix at home. Any good prescrip tion pharmacy can supply the ingre dients named at little cost; being com posed of vegetable extracts, it is harmless and Inexpensive. Best of all it does its work well, relieving even the worst form of bladder trouble, frequent urination, backache, kidney complaint, and by its direct action upon the eliminative tissue of the kid neys, makes these most vital organs rid the blood and system of waste mat ter and uric acid which causes rheu matism. Here it is; try it if you suffer. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargou, one ounce; Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in- a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known local druggist is au thority for the statement that "One week's use shows good results in nearly every Instance, and such symp toms as lame back, frequent desire to urinate, pain in bladder and even chronic rheumatism are generally re lieved within a few days, the pain and swelling diminishing with each dose. Couch street dock tomorrow evening at 5 o'clock. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Jan. 9. Arrived Steam ship Senator, from San Francisco; steam ship Cascades, from San Francisco, sailed Barge No. 3. for San Francisco: steamship Breakwater, for Coos Bay ports; British bark Mlltonburn, for the United Kingdom. Astoria, Jan. 9. Condition of bar at 5 P. M., rough; wind east, 12 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived at 7:30 A. M. Steamer Col. E. L. Drake, from 8eattle. Arrived at 7:50 A. M. Steamer Cascade, from Sail Francisco. Arrived at 10:15 A. M. German bark Reinbek. from Santa Rosalia. Ar rived at 3:10 P. M. French bark Bayard, from London. Arrived at 10:25 A. M., and left UD at 1:20 P. M. Steamer Senator. Arrived down at 3:30 P. M. Steamer Argyll. San Francisco, Jan. 9. Arrived Steamer Asia (Br), from Hongkong and Yokohama, via Honolulu; Umatilla, from Victoria: steamer Bandon, from Coos Bay. Sailed Steamer Wimbledon (Br.), for Melbourne; steamer Washlrtgo, for Portland: steamer Elizabeth, for Brandon; steamer Daisy Mitchell, for Wll lapa Harbor; steamer Hoqulam, for Grays Harbor. Tacoma, Jan. 9. Sailed Ship Gejenesslin (Br.), for United Kingdom: ship Earl of Dun more (Br.), for United Kingdom. Astoria. Jan. 9. Arrived Bark Bayr.rd (Fr.) from Landon. Clallam Bay, Jan. 9. Arrived Ship Ancen is (Br.), from Vancouver, for United Kingdom; ship Glen Avon (Br.), 'from Seattle, for United Kingdom. Punta Arenas, Jan. 9. Arrived Menes, from Hamburg, Genoa, etc., for San.Fran- Tides at Astoria Friday. " High. Low, 8:20 A. M.j... 8.4 feet12:85 A. M 1.8 feet 8:43 P. M 8.7 feet ACCUSED BY YOUNG GIRL Dr. J. D. Dunn Arrested on Charge of Attempted Assault. Dr. J. D. Dunn, who operates the "Sci entific Vlbratorlum" at 106 West Park street, was arrested at 7 o'clock last night, by Detectives Baty and Klenlen on a-war-rant charging an attempted felonious as sault on Halite Williams, a 14-year-old girl. Dr. Dunn was placed in the city Jail pending his deposit of JluOO bail. Hal He Williams Is the sister of Mrs. Winnie Loomis, of 996 Corbett street, who ap pears as the complainant In the case. Mrs. Loomis alleges that Dr. Dunn had been treating the girl with electricity for goiter and that she had received 15 treatments at Dr. Dunn's house, and that on all of these occasions Mrs. Loomis had accom panied 'her, but that on January 2 Mrs. Loomis was busy and could not leave her house and had permitted the girl to go to Dr. Dunn's bouse alone. It was on this occasion that the alleged attempted assault Is said to have been made. Yesterday the facts were placed before the District Attorney and he caused a complaint to toe made and a warrant to be sworn out against Dr. Dunn. Dr. Dunn admits that he is not a graduate physician and at the police station denied that he was guilty of the charge. LECTURES BY ELDER FLAIZ Series of Talks on Seventh Day Ad ventist Topics at Sellwood. A series of lectures on vita topics of tlie day lias been begun at Strahlman's Hall, in Sellwood, by Elder A. L. Flaiz, of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. His subject, last night dealt entirely with Adventist doctrine, and In the course of his remarks he said: ."People everywhere are living today in a state of unrest and expectancy. The rellglQus, social, physical, financial, po litical and military world are In a state of extreme tension which cannot long continue. The Scriptures alone furnish a solution to the world's great problem. God revealed to men the history of the nations, and their ultimate destiny was clearly outlined 2500 years ago In a dream given to a heathen king. He saw the We Are The Leading Specialist. OUR FEES Obstruction Varicocele Hydrocele Atrophy Nervous Debility. . Waiting Ulcers Diftcharjre Blood Pot mod Pimples Eczema Bladder Ailment. Kidney Ailments. . Prostate Ailments. Fallinc Hair $5 TO $30 Medicine from $150 to f6.AO CuurM, 'VV it hiii . Any Mub Reach. HOURS 9 A. M. to ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CORKER SECOND iNU YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. . ' ; . SAFE AND COKES f Different doctors have different ideas in re gard to cures. Some call a suppression of symptoms a cure. They dose for drug effects and claim that nothing more can be done. But the real ailment remains, and will bring the real symptoms back again, perhaps the same as before, but very likely leave the patient in a much worse condition. -I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of disease can be a real cure. I treat to re move the disease, ansi not merly the symp toms. I search out every root and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured1 ."Weakness" I not only cure "weakness" promptly, but I employ the only treatment that can possi bly cure the disorder permanently. 'It is a system of local treatment entirely original with me, and is employed by no physician other than myself. This may seem a broad assertion, but -it is just as substantial as It is broad. So-called "weakness" is but a symptom of local inflammation or conges tion, ana a radical cure is merely a matter of restoring normal conditions throughout the organic system, and this I accomplish thoroughly and with absolute certainty. My Fee for A Cure Is oo In Any Uncomplicated Case Varicocele Cured Without Cutting The time was when every man afflicted with varicocele had no choice other than to allow the disease to go on undermining his power and health or submit to a surgical operation. Now he can choose a thor ough cure by painless treatment. I cure varicocele in one week, and It is seldom necessary that the patient be detained from his business even a single day. My method is original with myself, and is the only safe and successful treatment for varicocele ever devised. CONSULTATION AXD ADVICE FREE. My Fees Are the' Lowest. You Cam Pay When Cored. the DR. TAYLOR co. 234H MORRISON STREET, COR. SECOND, PORTLAND, OREGON. HOURS TO 5( EVENINGS, 7 TO 9. SUNDAYS, 10 TO 1. nations from his day to the end of time, under the symbol of a great Image, as recorded in Dan. II:3i-34. "Four univeal empires were to arise, and the four-.n would be divided Into ten kingdoms. The prophecy has been ful filled. Babylon was succeeded by Medo Persla, and this kingdom in turn by Greece. Home followed and was divided into ten kingdoms as predicted in Dan. kjI:42-43. The division of Rome into the ten kingdoms of Kurope occurrea ueiwrau 356 and 483 A. D, Since that time we have been living in the time of 'these kings.' The prophecy further states that 'In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, and it shall not be left to other people, but it shall break In pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." As the preceding kingdoms are literal,' so we may conclude that Christ's kingdom will also be literal. This prophecy plainly teaches that the next, and impending event is the setting up of Christ's literal kingdom, and the end of the age." FARMERS ARE PROSPEROUS W. T. Matlock Tells of Conditions on Ranges Around Heppner. W. T. Matlock, one of the principal cattlebuyers of Eastern Oregon, was at the Imperial yesterday, and in referring to the conditions on the ranges around Heppner, where he resides, said that everything in the farming line looks fine. Mr. Matlock rides over several counties in the pursuit of his business, and Is therefore well qualified to speak author itatively on conditions as he sees them. He says farmers in that portion of Ore gon were never more prosperous than now, having: had big crops laBt season. llftniJiii'c fll4fefi"SIII9 Ict3-111 mother must pass usually is ' iy jrfl M H If so full of suffering, danger and fear I jf fljfff that she looks forward to, the critical . hour with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend, by Its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system tor the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffcrine. as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. TljE BRADFK1P REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. A TALK TO MEN Do you want the vim and snap of perfect health; the result of being a manly man Do you want the lire of youth renewed, and the hopes of other days ful filled? Do you realize you are a wreck, an object-of pity to yourself? Are you willing to try once more to find help and with our assistance and your aid become the perfect man you were intended to be ? Are you satisfied with your present condition physically and. mentally f We ej.tcnd the helping hand to you with good advice and skillful treatment, and we can cure you. Our cures are permanent and lasting. Under our treatment you feel the life-giving flow of rich red blood renewing your worn-out tissues. Your nerves are quieted and you feel that life is indeed worth living. Young men old men come to us. -We can help you, if your case is curable as we wish to state that we do not accept any incurable cases. - We cure safely and promptly Weakness, Lost Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, Specific Blood Poison in all stages, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, or any of the Diseases Common to Men. Personal attention giveu all patients. We are licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Oregon. Our qualifications are superior to any specialists in the City of Portland, and our equipment for the treatment of special diseases is unequalled on the Pacific Coast. You may consult us privately in confidence. You will be examined in a thor oughly scientific manner, and our diagnosis and advice will be eheerfully given to you absolutely free of charge. After this, if you desire to be treated we will cure you and make you well and strong as you ought to be. No matter what your ailmeaU are, call or write to us today, stating your case plainly in your own way, and receive the benefit of a modern, skillful diagnosis. All letters answered in plain, sealed envelopes. 5 P. M.; Evenings, 7 to 8:30: Sundays, CERTAIN or- -L DR. TAYLOR, The Leading; Specialist. You . Pay When Well and have every assurance of a repetition next year, from present outlook. He says the Winter has been particularly favor able to the fattening of cattle and sheep, the weather having been so far much milder than usual and stocks of feed equal to all demands upon them. "We saw nothing of what you city peo ple call panicky times out our way," said Mr. Matlock, "for business went right along on the old basis and stock fattened just the same as It did when you people had all the currency you needed. Of course we find a better market for our products now than we did then and are glad financial matters have settled down to a normal basis. I And the market here in good shape and am bringing in cattle and sheep right along and sell promptly either here in the local yards or out -at Troutdale. "The Butter Creek and Willow Creek sections are feeding large herds of cat tle, and with plenty of alfalfa and grain are In an excellent position to go on through 'the Winter, even If the weather should turn blustery before Spring." McDonald Gets Damages. 1 By the verdict of the jury In Judge Rronoueh's deDartment of the Circuit Court brought in yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock Patrick McDonald will receive $560 damages for a right of way through his property on ,the Sandy River, granted to the Mount Hood. Rail way & Power Com pany. In his answer to the suit of the railway company, McDonald asked $1100 for the land, an4 $1900 damages for the inconvenient shape Into which tlie. prop erty would be cut by the railway. The railway company wished to pay him only $35 for the three and one-half acres. Do it now. Attend Rosenthal's great house-cleaning sale. Perfect fitting glasses $1 at Mctzger's. Is to love children, and no home can be completely il happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex- 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. - mm it ill liHiyi - d