THE MORNING DREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 190S. . 15 FOB RENT. ' FOB RENT. FOB REIT. ' ' BUSINESS CHASCE8. BUSINESS CHAKCE8. PERSONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 Vnral.hrd Roomi ' HousekeeBlwr Boon. ' Offices. CHAS. J. O'TCOLE 4 OO. THE- COAST REALTY CO-.. 226 Morrison mtcaAXDSUKGICAIN? Machinery. urni.hed Booms. J'" . EXCLUSIVE BUSINESS BROKERS. .. leading real estate and business brok- MBMCAfc ."S treated B. TRENKHAN A CO mining sawmill lor. LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite; THE GATOSO Grand ave.; East Stark, new THREE GOOD OFFICE rooms In fire-proof T1S Chamber ot Comnerce - Paelflc 27.8 ers largest and best located , office U exclusively at this Institute: up-tb-dat. glng machinery, hy.lraun" pipe" iaiungi be7ifu Mtlook- newly furnished; every brick (Morgan building): rooms possess . building, steam heat and central location Grocery; established 18 years, doing Portland. y Banltartum and maternity hospital. Mater- all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th .t! modern hotel convenience: special rates to every modern convenience, steam heat. Apply to Portland Trust Company, ot good business; $1800 .,. ,5? ?t '58 "T. S c ?" ?ar?Bl" ,, nlty cases are given special attention by a rm.nen? auests- with or without meals; hot and cold water, baths, elevator, fur- Oregon. S. E. cor. Third and Oak ts. . Grocery, dong business of $30 per day, S2- hal' cash, tvelle.t privatjhptei. graduate and - licensed woman physician. MoslcaL SneT. re ta PortUnd at modest price,; nlshed or unfurnished; extremely reason- Phone Ex. 72. $700. half cash, new income flarlos with years of experience. Children aoopM . bV iure and see these rooms before you able: prices IS to $12. less than half , $7300 takes general store, doing good $20,000. half cash. Income flat clearipg iMa be8t famUlea- iim always on hand. Piano lewons Ada Powell Williams, B M In- decide where to move. Hotel Sargent same accommodations cost West Side; GROUND floor, office room, furnished with business. nearly 15 per cent. . (Others all price). Chronic and acute diseases treated in most etruetor of piano and harmony special at- Grand and Hawthorne avenues. flrst-class restaurant in connection. carpet, desk, chairs, counter and free use Bakery, two ovens, price, including $2000, third cash, new modern house. skillful and latest methods; consultation Mention given children. Studio "41 Grant . - both phones: reasonable rent. Sengstake wagons, stock, fixtures, etc.. $1200; em- S20O0. half cash. 7-room house and lot. free. Correspondence solicited and connden- , ii.. THE COMMERCIAL,. THE BEAVER apartments. 12th and Mar- Lyman, 90 Fifth St. ploys three men: owner retiring. will trade for homestead or timber. Ual. Open all day and evening until 8. Notice EMU, THIELHORN. pupil Prof Sevcllc vio- Nlcely furnished room. or en shall sts.. newly furnished housekeeping Bakery, clearing $200 per month; $900. $4500, half cash, new modern 60 rooms. The original Br. Mary Lane has only one ,n nnd v)ola t,achtr 334 pne pacific 289 suite, $2.50 per week up: steam heat, hot rooms: modern conveniences, fine plumb- OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil- Tea. grocery and bakery, clearing $280 $3000. half cash, 30 rooms clearing $300. address, rooms 6-14 Grand Theater oiag, ; and 'cold water; free baths, free phone; ing. electric lights, hot water, free baths. ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to per month; $2000: easy term. $1850, 25 rooms, new, steam heated. 352 Washington St. MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Jesse Parker, ' dining-room in connection; transients so- gas ranges, laundry room; $2.50 per week Robert Strong. 314 Worcester bldg. Drugstore in country town., cheap rent; I $800, half cash, 20 rooms, close in. - - ' Tllford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. llclted; open all night; best location la for single rooms and up. No. dogs al- ' $1400. $650. half cash, 21 rooms, one floor. Wfci CURES .,,.1 the city office and reading-room ground lowed. OFFICE and desk room for rent, with desk Dental practice, averaging $4250 per $500. half cash. 8 nice rooms. All disease of men women and cniiareii- Osteopathic Physicians. floor. 488 Washington. of8 furniture. Apply 209 Oregonian year, complete outfit and furniture; $1050. $400. employment agency, daily $20. both acute and chronic diseases of the eye. Z THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St., near Yamhill: bldg. Clear and confectionery store; $500. $400. lunch counter, close, must sell. ear nose, throat and lungs, heart. kidneys. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. HOTEL BRESLIN. new house, elegantly furnished. In suites Saloon on good downtown corner; $2600. $1259, grocery at Invoice with 6 rooms. laddeI- J1"?,1"1 and stomach, "Wrrn. rneu 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg.. New house. Just opened to the public, cor. of 2, 8 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water. 1 FRONT office room for rent, second floor. The Saloon clearing between $400 and $500; $S50. small dry goods store. 4 rooms. "J """, Boitre, ludlgtelion. constipation iuiu Third and Washington sts. Ilth and Wash, sts.: beautifully furnished; gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, ; Benson, opposite Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor- I40OO terms. 2O00, general store. Alblpa (must sell). "'J1 diseases promptly cured. " R"T'J Phone, office. Main 349. private baths, hot and cold water, electric free phone each floor; no children. rison. Saloon on busy corner. $1100; owner re- $750, two-thirds cash, 14 rooms, near the wasting diseases promptly cured ana Residence. E. 1028. Sights steam heaf rates $1 and upward. 5 tirlnV Portland their effects permanently removed from tne Phone' Mam 7954. Mrs. B. Ogllvle. prop. THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 I Halls for Rent. Barber shop. 4 chairs; rent reduced to $3.10. 7 rooms, modern, close, rent $25. IdlnUal COw.' rant-" SV'oSr cC xJSITih. I10!!?'1 Ss"M")atn of Ore- Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished 1 . ,,, . a $275. 6-room modern flat. naenusJ. w e guarantee all or our cwe gon, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo. 409 Oregon- HOTKL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th housekeeping room.: gas ranges, hot Water, NEW lodge hall, reasonable. Address, M 189. RoomiK-house T in ' good condition. 27 2OO0, 70 acres, good level land, near ishhw Jfhrt wS S. ian bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2762. TlXrr hbl?&aT fl; - McMillen st. Phone East 8004. rooms, clearing ,125 per month id over: O-.a.houj barn, water, etc.. e'g'dcdB"T7LC,r GT- p,?.va,.P,o0.ntl .rng1tref?onT' o 461 East Morrison, cor. B. 8,'h. Newly furl FINANCIAI. pemonStuVe 'anrcaeu'-flmU? . toOOOfletToVhirs5 Tr"' sclyo'lteu RASMUSSEN CO.. Jobber,. pa.n. o, up by day: reasonabl. by mo. Main Q047. nlshed housekeeping suites, electric light,, new ;To,t $225? S T llThealth owner $0O, relinquishment. 3,(K)0.000 guaran- , HJ 2 'a peTi'al t y! unsurpassed hot- "" "n lu'd d"- cr- 2d Ta"r- TO ToZroIl; ru MONEY. Toney MO.Ey! npTgood locaUty; room,. 00. .mlfromrtUnd. VBSS I!LLEiLS ,S7th .,,2 door, south of Portland hoteK 09 tPOsg VJFA . !PLftS..A"i MoJr" "" -SSi JSS 'lrrZ!; ' FINELY furnished room, with flrrt-cla. ; -- NOINDORSER. . between $300 and $40O per "ralni eTeraI IarR( tractl,. tlmber flr matism remedy. wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. board. The Sterling. 60a (-ouch. 47 N 23D Near Roosevelt; two or three NO PUBLICITY. Rooming 'and boarding-house. In good or pine, preferred, direct from owners or LADIES, consult Dr 'Mary Lane (the only and j j hihshh r-.fp !,,- .... near Jeffers.n; board op- ffig gasryoe ' 0. SS trfi! Zk 1568. A4510. WS SSTwB V. S " y" $26 4 rooms completely furnished, entire ' NO SECURITY quick sale " ' The Coast Realty Co.. 226 y, Morrison St. equipped lying-in sanitarium on the Coast. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patents; 12 FURNISHED or unfurnished room. 142 N. S- rcW uth; TouI"nCtE tT "" I W!LL se my cash business at a sacriflc. SfiHS. ilr. corTor. SoSl -Ingement cases. 604 Dekum. . 10lh adult,. Phones A49-6. Main 44B8. . YOUR NOTE. RMming-house. 12 rooms, contents In If taken at once. I handle butter, eggs. Main 2796. Muio Tuning, - K 5KSi"Sr STATE SETYOMPANY. 'TYT J&!: FOU RENT unfurrHahPd rooms for house- modern. or 580 Second st. 704 DEKUM BUILDING. Restaurant and confectionery, clearing; Q WOITSFS v.n to tlB OOO- het llree Suit. nJeld it 50c at Giffi the bldg.. 2d an1 Taylor rta. Paclfle 244.- if.r.tne- 41" TLnm Murrison st. near Uth. Onen from ja a la tn ft P M $20O per month; H health compels owner kuuming-houSES. 5j0 to 16.000. best ia'ee: faults pressed at ooc at wioen, ino . ?.r,.Vown.t.,rV ' Wedn0e.LV,-amd8BAatu?d6tlH- s'p. M. -,,1 uslnes. chnb: Jg KKW 3 and 4-room flats. $12.50 and $13. keeping; ZkL? nnlnater. DON'T BE BROKE. Art .tore and picture framing: '$1500. 286 Washington. A2417. . cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 20HS. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chatten 1SS sad 1B214 Market St. : Money is our Htock we have plenty of This Is a good openln- for the right man. ... 'T. Z h . CLEAN vour own carDtt or rugs without re- Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sts. DESIRABLE bay window unfurnished suite -It yours for the asking. A few hours- CHAS. J. O'TOOLE & CO.. ART f "11 n.r Jni. HJ? InvTn them from rte flooV thi modern " 2 r.NKURNlSHED room.. 446 Washington , beautifully3 located apartment-house. prepartlon and the money is yours Exclusive Business Brokers. clean ng rom ?E : Ifnd Ttark Siitlil.Te '" JT '?eIr,M V? t0n- t. 30.V,i Jefferson st., cor. 5th. You can raise the money you need on . , . , t-xenange. ana atark. du. we nQ or nawa. 109 2d su A 45 ,4, M 7319. 1 your household furniture, piano. fix- NO SCHEME or hot air, you will find It OFFlcB f established real estate of- address 30i4 1st at. Phone Pacific 2470; T" Rooms With Board. NICELY furnished, steam tures. etc.. without removal or on your exactly as represented: $5300 for one of -i 5 , . JrT., fPiL " , i ii. A 2858 . Photograohers. heat, no children. The Brdmann. East salary by giving us your plain note and the most central located rooming-houses .Ktfls2?dbu,,lne!r ,? 'r6';.!,6" '. BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent Burnslde and Grand ave. without the knowledge of anyone. in Portland, paying $300 a month average eonaoie to ngct party, v ouj. uregonian. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester. B- W. MOORE, Elk, building. 7th and Stark before you decide where to move; modest When in need of money it will pay you above all expenses; long lease alone worth WTrQT.TTr a ."r i,i T-n-.i-w i Diamond Brand Pills For 25 years st. Phone Main 29S9. prices: American or European plan: best THREE nicely furnished, large, clean to get It from us on payment plan. It more than price asked; call personally; no R TAUR ANT clearing 300 monthly, low S i S b. .Xt Rellabl. Tak! ?afe in Portland: famous dining-room s.r- housekeeping rooms; gas. bath; $25 per cost, you less and gets you out of debt. phones answered; -ood term, given to T"';" aExchlnge SS o?h" CWchMtefr blfmond B! PlaUng. vice; living here 1, a pleasure; manage- munlli. 61)2 Front st. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. responsible parties; when you see this firm '"w requireq. Lumper i-.xcnange. pms god druggist, everywhere " ment uilles comfort of guest.; every 512 Dekum bldg. 612. advertise a business chance you can de- rnlY.- t t ,,... h, eisno- OREGON PLATING WKS.. 128 Lownsdale t.. modern hotel convenience; close In. yet TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping; . . pend it s a good one. location on East Side- rent ; onlv V5'dolnc MADAM ANNA LUCKEY Elect rlo .ham- gold, silver, nickel plating. Main 2075. A257.V away from downtown dirt and noise. gas, bath, pantry, sink; easy walking dls- LOANS made to salaried people holding per- F. FTCHS. 221 Morrison St. a Sire cash bus In esi' cln 1 4ft W Poo and scalp treatments; bust develop- , Hotel Sargent. Grand and Hawthorn, ave- tance. 211 Bherman. .P0""0"' , responsible flrms: ear a nice cash business. Call 191 4th st. metT wrinkle, eradicated: scientific mag- Rubber Stamp.. liues. : payments and strictly confidential, also ST. JOHN. OR. i,i , ., i,yi . n, netic and electric massage for nervous : ' " NICELY furnished houekeeping rooms. CHATTEL LOANS ,2500 will buy best saloon In town; nuturl 7 business nroflt at least loo SfeeLes . 20 4th" Main ,aoi ALSO trade checks and all offlcs good. P oTOl-SU man. If you want flrst-class room modern accommodation, with yard. 313 on Personal property; rooming-house, a spe- long lease, best trade. einU a bU MlSn eaW D. C c2! 231 Stark t. Both TphoTe 140L and board for $.V50 Prr week, all con- 14th, corner clay. . ctalty. no $2230 Confectionery. Ice cream and per cent, ili couch bldg. Mam bS06. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hel.ingfors , - " aLarlt " Ll", . vrnlenres, also table boar.I. good home cook- . jh.w i-KALOAN A MORTGAG19 U), postal shop; best location; lease; a for- a room -hotel hot and cold water in vrv graduate, hand rubbing, steam, .weat and Snlrltnallsts. "i Ing. call at the Aster House. 7th and MadI- PLEASANT suite of front rooms for house- 206 Abingtoa bldg. tune ,r candymaker. - . room- clearlner $400 iJr month- wll? bths. 7 E. Ulh .t Tak. East Ankeny bpintnallsta. "n- keeping; heat, electric light, bath and , " , , ; T $2500 Family liquor store; good trade. IllvJiin , i .VJUeEi Ji? car. Cures rheumatism. Both sexe Phone. wi i pipi-p .nvnnwiTT gas. 555 Fltth. MONEY advanced salaried people and otters otl location; lease; Phone Woodlawn at bargain. 219 Lumer Exchange. Et 2TO. HomeBlSOS. " WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL BOARD and room In a lovely home for re- : upon ttelr wn names without security; r206 Owner 109 N. Jersey St.. St. John. , RrSrPWPrtn .,... i7m , : wor a fpw days ONLY S-B.M c:Jr.. JTSSJS SSWSi SSS tt good cigar and confectionery .tore with SSSSrJ ft. SJ3 VlcHuSI1 and dinner. $23. R 502. care Oregonian. lilth and 20th. - getting oar terras flr.1. new3 stand, ln Kood ,ocaton on washing- ga-tlon solicited. Call 248, Stark St. 2c The Model th flneflt ji.cai,- barber PROF K KHIMO r;-M MONEY ED-osalarles no ler KS5lS JTVST S& 9 si. XJXS'K! aM;" from' PT,f,H-c. "phone Main 704. alnjlj " ) SS'ISL "eeVrfetcl? empires Mtot?n$"8Jwu,Z monthly. 219 Lumber Exchange. Dr. T. J. Pierce, epeclan.t. disease, of women; Sf i & t&ZllM'ZmSSS?' . A 41.-.T. 3S5 3d, corner Mon.gomory. : K",othS,,!T "o"'1 6 t a'k WANTED Practical printer, buslnee, mana- ? .'"''If" !Stf".L " SSL! - PROF. RHIMO, EIFUWTIY furnished room, with hoard Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg.. 28614 Wash- J1" h-n " can t b be at today. 219 r to lnvest and push good newspaper charge, moderate. 181 1st, cor. amhUL Greatest living astral dead-tranc. clalr- ' 'rSru. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need Lumber Exchange. business. W 464, Oregonian. Mme. courtwrlght. .kin and scalp treatment,; &?llal SI Zij? . hot and cold water, steam heat. 300 Juffer- hOM B furniture. .i. 1 j OOO to loan ln sum. of JIOOO or more to GILT-EDGE BUY. LADY desires to hear of flrt-clnji bitln facial deformities correoted; plastic sur- whom you will marry, how to control ths so... between 5th and Oth. ASMS. BL AT Nj 0-RLNT PRICE S: the saving, .K to loan In mm, ct fl M U rooms on Taylor L. very nicely fur- LtPrtunity" RrimmeXetyr.tau 'par! gery. 225 Flleder bldg. M. 5642, A2Q69. on. yol lovs. even'though mile, away; .i uUf,? ?.,-S lSir5? itT?T rTx-r.. (j Griffin 2H8 stark onn Cham of Com nlshed. rooms all rented and Is positively tiruiiirs T Bfu ow-ininn reunite, the separated; give, secret power, Portland Wrara' Union; 18th year; room, WE OWN OL R OWN BUILDING: occupy G. Griffin. B8 bta.k. opp. Cham, of Com. cearln(,, above aU eipenHeat peVmonth: tlcular.. T 504, Qregjnlan. to control other8. difference how clos. with board, use of r-ewlng-room. use of one-hlf, collect rent on balance MONEY to loan on diamonds and real es- ; will take Oregon Saving. Bank FOR SALE Restaurant doljir a eood nav- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. or how far away, you can alway. obtain i.iuFisn - Mir d"- T ,r -sa. Fng EBSi BLV;i,Tr,'cYo,.pe',rn!rrhn,-; h'e 2N. 19TH ST.. NEAR MARSHALL-F.n. IRGE and .mail .amount, on .ood-urlty LEGITIMATE BUSINESS CHANCE. RriIfiNce-H0SEBhrarnS' C Jc" oSJg IZA "SS" SiV" ST- ZrWWZ" .nlJ c'o., Su!key SSTk agd fjaSSSST fM etUecy (est, 10 bldg., 286 and genera, accounting. Established ,899. on bM a, the Mlnnequa; steam Sorat432,S10WashlnIgntqoUnlr.t. LOANS to salaried -.toc-d P- open new mm?rceBEg?nReV?,G?ccouninTa'ud VET1oIDot?eAr.Pa1dNv5rti. to do anl hnle cooing. sTrkl NEW 7-room house, with a,, modern Im- S5S xT'lngtoTO C' THB AMERCANTI AGENCY. gS'' Uon MSX", Tk gSS Vheate provements. located on good corner. West 1 ; : " " ,r , " ; Art Stores. 852 Vs Washington t. Phon. M. 1267. OLENDORA l'tth nnd Couch nrst-claa. ide: low rent of $27.50. Inquire room WE have some money to loan on good real FOR SALE Best paying oil and gasoline , OIroom,0.nd- boa??; l"om.Hke: two cTrUnes! 40. Washlnpr.on bldg. estate security at 7 per cent. Otto LADY totonelf Inter- brines, in city. Call 175 East 23d. near deCorator tinting, painting and pa- CONSULT PROF. SHBLDON. walking distant: rate, reasonable. Harkson. lo3H 1st. est n an estabHshed busl nes. wUl guar- Belmont. perlng and the goods that go with It. a Messases from Spirit Guides and Control.. . z FOR RENT Nice 0-room house, all con- . J , r : antee iw a montn, musr. nave ,ww casn r. Moorehouse &. Co S12 Alder Bt. Trance medium, clairvoyant, psychic, as- Nl.-K furnished room lor two irentlemen veniences; desirable location; good as MORTGAGES. 1st and 2d liens, and other real and give good references; this is strictly a GROCERY Price sacrificed to sell quick; old- Moorehouse & t-o.. ait A.aer .t. trologer. palmist; greatesl adviser, past, lo nrV Z., l.?,a.d- close in- bath aai new. Inquire 1043 Hawthorne. Phone estate securities discounted. H. E. Noble, flrst-class proposition and unless you mean established; good trade. Call 248!4 Stark Ft. Attorney.-at -Law present and future; marriage, love, business. id im nl W' 'liimon .1 F1S1I2. Commercial block. business, do not answer. T 613. Oregonian. . Attorney, at -" health. Journeys, mining work, land loca- p ''' 1 ' Hivwipn h RinrjTcr L. ' attornev-at-law tlons, lawsuits. Investments; tells every- o-. lnTHneslmhle rooms- board If de- WANTED To rent houses, offices, stores. SALARIED people save money by getting our PARTNER wanted In light manufacturing SPECIAL NOTICES. 7B Chamber of Commerce Main 4764 thing; names, dates, important Information; ' i -ST .Tl., ?,.tm h.'.m rooms, etc; long list of apllcants. Albee- term, on loans first. Employes1 Loan Co., business; experience not necessary; owner .J5 Chamoer or commerce. Main 4.Q4. reunites the separated, restores lost love, re- 71 f,,"n,I:.!. k,,i Privileges. Benna,n Co.. 25 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark 716 tekum bldg. will guarantee $100 monthly, besides profits. Proposals Invited. GRBY & RICHARDSON 518 Chamber of news lost vital force., removes evil Influence, pnune. tain, lu.nme neat. tJ va cash, balance to be paid out of business; Commerce Practice In all courts. breaks weak habits. Imparts personal mag- .ji.- V-7.T7.V.T; ,i, ,,, o.l. ' MONEY to loan on all kinds of security. $00 required. Room S23 Lumber Exchange, GENERAL DEPOT, Q. M- DEPT., Jefferson- netism. develop, others. The Martin, llov, "est board in Wit mod'rate prlcel 165 LARGEST list of houses and flat, In the Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. 2d and 6tark. ville. Ind.. Jan 6, 1908. Sealed proposals j. s. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law, notary th st.. cor, ot Washington. Vo.i u , Viorri.nn v'"-"- (.lty. Arthur 8. Draper Co.. room. 5 ; ; ; . ln triplicate, endorsed on cover "Proposal, nubile 68 and 69 Washington bldg. l good tab,, board- TLX '11 Sgi "rJSSS'T. ' " 1.11 Atlly.ts. JT tW A.!V-ff',re M-nE?acWd H N?nn?8hob.dSr IJiiS. Tr S ..4 Welte Proehstel. mining engineers, meta,- f"" 1 niom. 41- jtncrju.i. Mulkey bldg.. 2nd and Morrlaon at. contracta w. H. wunn. os Sherlock bldg. Jhow land. Call room 402 Lumber Exchange VHea' required for Manila, P. I., as per lurglsts and assaycrs. 20 Washington. aalllng-Hlrsch bldg.. 10th and Washington. DESIRABLE room, most excellent board; s.n00M house, 748 E. Taylor St.. $27.50; State fund, loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomaa, bld,g- ; cation to thlsC depit and the depotsaNew PAUL BAUMBL, assayer and analyst. Gold Marlon Corelli. palmist and trance medium; Pno'nT.!.: W tmP,yed " ,W meK- Llriba'liJa;1- Fi "" MUl,nmah 0t -HOOM hotel, w... established, clearing I'SS'. TTlSrl saUsfactlou guaranteed. 22o Wash. ... f,,n, nicely furnish with MOD1-RX cotlage good iocatlon. gas TOSt " SlTM iSS pStlK Bicycle and Klectrlcal Repairing. MAY ANDREWS, .reading at 325 Main. " V.TVn V.;;,'1-31'' n'l"- tonvenjencts. aXl res. S7 East 8tn ' North. A 3160 or co0 000 to loan at 6 ner cent on mor,.- lTaun;rlher0FlcLn.aCC0Un Further information furnished on application. SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en- T 1 ''"' Main 6760. WrnG. room 12. Falling bldgf sickness. 219 Lumber Exchange. JM. Marshall, Asst. Ox. Mr. Gen. and glne and electrical repairing. 326 Stark at. Bttf- ' T1,,K WlThiZat'r !'.arrinesrUn"urBl-uh" MODERN 5-room cottage for rent. 201 t tn ,n,n lm, ' on .n-M. MILLINERY ' store, fine trade and stock. ' ' Carpenters and -Builder,. FIREPROOF and Manganese .teel bank safes tcr. Htam boat. lu carllnes. -Ui Ulh. 1!tn Pac,flc. il2 month. Phone 1 i?1 " 2,r 'Sf ?.?JL with nicely furnished living rooms; price TELEGRAPHED or written bids will bo at factory price,; second-hand safes at low r 7-r nrivatelllngThTu..- modern con- Ea 3i:0- dene, property. B 461. care Oregonian. lrs wortn 1700 as tne locatln and received till Friday noon. January 10. w. L. Buckner. office, store fixture,, general &,,c, ar? m.nU'"oiUJer"i DOt deaIers- hhLL: ,w "vZ Tyir'lZ. . . ,.t. roluInbltt ln A LOAN will be made for reasonable amount. Tyn0r'tOT'mMb,a'm- " H'" oS'whed contracUng. 330 Stark. Main 5881. The Mosler bate Co.. 108 2d st. , ,,, 7-ROOM house., ana Columbia. In- f rtrB1., ft1 nil.h.niln ki. v o0, Oregonian. olTerins freiirht on wo tons wheat and 1 - . .1 two connecting rooms with board suitable quire 346 14th St.. or phone Main 5095. fair rate of Interest. 613 Buchanan bldg. f, United Kingdom for orders on J. J. RANKIN Jobbing and remodeling. 287 DlEBOLDManeanese f 'Vr, ' "e" tn S? '. w M Phone S i A LOAN for the asking salary or chattel RELIABLE- real estate man having more British ship -Rajore." now at Astoria; Front. Phones, Main 6523; Woodlawn 991. r d. Lock-outs "P"- JnS"f f"r 4 ' r '" ' " oi FIVE-ROOM hou; gas. hot and cold water. TheLoan Co 410 Dekum TbldT cna"el- business than he can attend to alonl wants cargo to be aloncslde before noon Satur- 'r"""re- T ? ILP S fd W TtotiMS with or without board- modern con Pnone B1sl- Inquire 936 East Couch. ine Loan co., 4io pekum mag. bonnn partner; will pay active man $200 day. January 11th, 1908. William Will- Cleaning and Dyeing. phones. J. E. Davis, no 3d. veniences. 331. Ma,iUn. near- Park. MODERN 6-ROOM house: attic, bath. Apply 'SsSJkr m0rtgaSe- TsUrk". T""llT'i- P"licul"' : PAN-CO-VESTA CLUB. 174 West Park. M. Showcase, Bank and Stor Fixture.. THE MARLYN-Fur..heu room.: .o.rf 87 East 17th st. Phone East 2463. torney. Allsky Bldg. . . MlsceUaneona. 8242. A5027 -BpoDj. and pres. your secon(J.hani 8howca8es alway. ln bosrd: convenient. 553 Wuhlngton. ro-.n K ,sth I WANT to loan 1500 or 2000 on real estate. WE are offering one of the best paying . ... . . ... ciotms, i.uo per un.m. stock, also made to order. Arms Show- 6-ROOM modern house. 214 E. 28th t X 511. Oregonian. confectionery stores on West side for a NOTJCE cr1d,tor"1 to. " P" 5' , case Co 14 7th t Mali 1661 Nlf-T room for two gentlemen, with o- corner house. Take E. Ankeny car. very ,ow prlce. $1200 wlll handle. 216 ni oorporatlons interested In the Title Chiropractor.. case Co.. 14 .tn t. Mam -loot. wUhout board. HX W-st Park. T-ROOM house, bath. gas. close in, on East TO LOAN4C00 on In.ld. residence property. Chamber of Commerce. Harry E. Wagoner Ur5,lS'ltoSl NERVOUS, chronic, spinal and female dls- MB Jarne. I Marshall Mjrg. '"" ON,, front room wh board, .ultahle for Side; $20. 60 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. A 3 I J TT SaiTS.SS: &2?7 Cocht. "Al"" , j: young men. 24 N. 10th st. urtUahed Hons. Wn. w, A hanc. ft a -"Jj.- tc'nlpafy'-' G! S R. H. BIRDSALL. designer: agent M. Winter FURNISHED rooms with board. The Osark. odern comnletely furnished ,6? OR "J?" ;n 1-acr . trr;t ' lay from 2 o'clock to 4 P. M., Winches- Ireby gvS the creditor a, well a! Dr. L. M. Gordon, graduate P. S. C. 204-5. Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6536. 8"weUmg ?Pt. gSS ifcotuTr'S-.nS 26 cTaln! 6" Crar iVuTlStH,S O""'" 'd'- ""- A THE Lutke Manufacturing Co.. .or. 5th and ROOM ,nd board at 195 N. 23d. Phon. Pa- VT hLy"' Harry E. Wagoner -g'T . - . M S51rSSS ? xSTSoSSSSS; cofp'C Ch.ropodr- : cinc u" 1 company. MEAT store. S29 N. Union ava.. for sale of Portland, Oregon, to present the aame, . r . ,, T "T T Kirn ptln . pop r? pvt (Lrnnm riiT-nijihrf hoitR$ rinx in 7771 , cheap; in fine condition; also horse and with the vouchers thereof dulv to wM. DBVENY, ana Estella Deveny, tne only x . Apartments rrFcVgdfonTec'vTr" W5.f. state" ritT'ul.Va'lom wagon. S.10O takes It. F- D Chamberlain, SrunSlrslgned rec.rveTof SaVJ tS. GuaS ?f'entlH, h'ro?od1""- "ni01;' ??3,DreW msTFtt & K, EISPR S1GX3 " -miOM new steam-heated apartment. In er"- Inquire at 33VJ N. 2d St., between 8 Itarknear- toul. Saloman. 233 Trustee In Bankruptcy. Labbe bldg.. Port- 4 Trut Company at hi. office in th. bldg.. 162 2d St. Phone Main 1301. nJTt lgnC-m?LersRTn he3" North beautiful colonial building. 604-6(16 Flan- and 10 A. M. ..,, . : . moL from e datehereo? " Chiropody and Pedicuring.- Mrs. M. D. Hill. west. 6th and Everett sts. Phon. Private Jtiri" BOARDING-HOUSE furn,sh.d . room, K'S B"Z 8fa'"1&03i? UTei Portland, Or?, Dec? 6,907. room 330 FUedner bldg. Phone Pacific 133. Exchange 55. Home A U55. l'XX. ZZ'rZZX ABey'- Rece ot th. Tit,. O-S?. CI.- .portlandSiPgn-SCQ.7SAtl'pao. ,390. Morgan. Sweet Chapman, 213 Abingtoil -,,k .,,, WANTED To borrow $800 on Improved prop- tympany MMB. DR. HERZOG, from Berlin, .clentlflo ' b!dg. Phone Main 20U, "fitiS??.- care " 1 l ' S fer J,T!t',,,W SUoruBnuft,U5uU55: rags snd Tran.. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, trees. Phone Main 2J10. . "jr wu . promm ent c orner doing -.. cepted; good advice, sure help, mistake lm- OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO. an elegant 5-room apartment, steam heat, ,...oFr, . . mth WANTED To borrow $5000 on flrst-clas, Oo S Bl Mcvlll(' Or ER, i.,PS. dVhI; Jt. i.Xoe possible; restores lost love, unites separated Flrst-class fireproof storehouse: prompt Janitor, hot and cold water, gas range, Fl.RNJhHED -t-room oottage $10 per month , securlt d lnterest. 21 Mul- owner, pox Q31. Mcjlinnviue, or. from Valparaiso. Nether the master nor ,ynlpaUly: also locates burteo treasure. and careful attention given to all classes refrigerator, telephone, best residence dls'- Inquire second house south end Woodstock k a e 1PB.IrrTIF tusinfs? m thriving the "plerslgned consignees of the above- h! $l Wlter S2. 240 Park 6t. transferring. Office 209 Oak. Phon. Main trlrt Inoulre at 7l)t Dekum hide or of carllne. ' Zl AJ;ILB LITTLE BUSlNt.tS in a thriving named vessel wlll be responsible for any I 647 A 2247. Pacific 1061. Jnlior Dekum bldg. or of , Western town of 11.O00: small capital. debts that may be contracted by the crew. Cleaning and Pressing 1 1 : Honsc. for Rent Furniture for Bale. - rnTrm f aod ree"nces nd,,Kd pro,fl" uara-n- Taylor. Young & Co. 7 g c. o. PICK, office 88 1st. bet. stark and Oak. mtt. FOTJNP. . teed. Address M 474, Oregonian. Ideal Custom Tailoring Co.. repairing work . Phone 596. Piano, and furniture moved and , $700 P.OOMING-hou.e of 12 rooms, almost BETWEEN- 1Tth and Fast Couch and w, sai F Confectlonerv and ice cream FRENCH BARK BUFFON Neither the Uei tot and del. Main 7843. 303 Stark. packed for shipment; commodious brick new furniture: no better location: will v ,,ln "J1 , . 1 . ?o i fALt confectionery ana lco cream master nor the undersigned consignee, . warehouse, with separate iron rooms., Front pay $50 a month above your own rent: shopping district between 10 and parlor, located In the best part of the wlll be . responsible for any debts that Commission Merchant.. and Clay sts. unexpectedly called East. 107 Third. 12 o'clock, a .mall circle amethyst and city; bargain If taken immediately. Phone may be contracted for by the crew. K, . i NEW ELEGANT FLATS ' ?,TJlt h: Tev,,LIi at Merchant, Na- Main 4368: B 502. Oregonian. G. & Co. HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of hides, Street Paving. The verv latest in flan Jut romnleted $230 BUYS furniture 5 rooms, new, modern tionai nana. pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber situated on Gl"an betweei; I "3d and "ith flat, complete, furhace. etc.; close ln city. OLD established grocery .tor. doing a bu,i- and old metal and general commission mer- WARREN Construction Co.. street paving. Beau.rtul Surroundings A? car sVrvie 3 ' Parket.; worth $700: going away. LL,S,ud';-, '.S'.' i.i. MMk ness of $25O0 monthly; rent only $50. n- PERSONAL. chant. Front .. near Main, Portland. O. sidewalk, and crossing,. 314 Lumber Exch. rfduuiui BurrounaiiiKs. a. iar service, s roast Realtv Co 226t4 Morrison st. waukle. Elgin gold watch: name M. N. eluding 6 living rooms; will sell at in- . . .m-ndnelcr coast Realty CO.. 6 case Return room 414 voice. 210 Lumber Exchange. ' PICTURE AGENTS Meech has gold teeth; TAYLOR. YOUNG CO.. ship brokers, com- THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. at wash iiand aid laundry travf wood BRAND new furniture of 6-room house at Swetland bldg. Reward. -..--.o . . Burns has black niustache,. are not In my mission merchants, Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block. "ft. c'ment b.wn, hot water In bargain If taken at once; come and mak .T--- T PARTNER wanted because owner can t de- employ; pay them no money on contracts; ' ever? convenience AppIv to an offer; house for rent. U, Woodlawn or FOUND Where hair mattreesM ar. reno- pend on hired help; $o00 required; dutle, ring me up if they cail. W. G. Cutberth D. C. BURNS ft CO.. grocer, and commission Typewriters. PORTLAND' tri-st 'CO OF ' ORfc.nv Alberta car. 299 Morris .t. T?t.ed,-r.etu.rnf ?-.-"," day-. 22?-P?n.t- easily learned: owner wlU guarantee you $5 photographer. merchants. 210 3d St. . PORTLAND TRlbr CO. OF OREGON, Aiperta co. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair a day. Call 248 Stark .t. P S : : . jjjjW and second-hand typewriters. sll MUST .ell furniture modern 4-room home; Factory. H. Metzger '.. ' . . ' DRESS .ults for rent, all sizes: $1 month Collections. . makes repaired. sold and rented; also vnrd near Heilis Theater- terma In- . PARTNER wanted ln small cash business; keep, your clothe, cleaned, pressed buttons - " " . .tat. agents the Visible Fox. The Type- oulre 41o Washington LOST Black velvet handbag, with green will .how from $4 to $7 dally; small amount sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt call, and de- INTERSTATE Adjustment Co., law and col- writer Exchange. 84 3d st. Main 606. " 'm - trimmings, between loth and Taylor and of money required. Room 323 Lumber Ex- liveries Unique Tailoring Co 309 Stark. lections. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bldg. MODERN flat. 5 room, and; basement, FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, nicely fur- i?d Sll011- Return to 40 Grand change. 2d and Stark. PIJcrtv.a , ; Z TTZ , NEW ""l,:- furnace, gaa and electric fixture.; rlctly nlshed. complete with piano. For partlcu- ave. N... regard. ln .thll,h,d t,o.,i.v PERSONS of marriageable age, either .ex. Dancing. paired. Coast Agency. 21 Stark. Phone 1407. V'uS1 1F-4'7F2. Ji FOUND-Lady-s handbag, Wednesday even- p'roducT bStaS?' -f2.S,,!JS tlafSEtC2?i?5aM2i WALTZ, -two-step." -three-step." and stage Whole..., Jobbers. rara iq arr on .is. tnquite a i.t n. SALW Furniture .trlctlv new and ing- wner oall at Dr. Templeton's office, than $230 monthly; $600 required. 219 Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 1st st. dancing; lessors 25c; seven ladles and gen- roR RENT Richly furnished modern 6-room nestalrSbTigS'to move. A. s! Hoy? Hamilton bldg., describe and pay for this Lumber Exchange. 1 2 tlemen teachers. Prof. Wal. Wlllson'. NEUSTADTER BROS., mwr. J.J flat; positively all conveniences: two car- 109 lsth st. N. notlce- 1 MADAM BRUCEv naturaopath; scientific mas- school, office and hall 12. belllng-Hlrsch wholesale men's furnishing goods. 8th and lines: 15 minute.' walk from city. Phone , , : PARTNER wanted to help manage estab- sage, eletcrlc treatment, cabinet baths. bldg.. 386 Wash. St., bet. JV. Park and Ankeny sts.. Portland. Or. A3"01 591 Gllsan Bt SNP Flat 11th and Mder 147V.; Just LObT Diamond ring on or near Morrison st. lished business; big money-maker: exper- stomach trouble and rheumatism cured. loth sts.; also dancing taught by mail. . . " ! furnished-' leaving city unexpectedly: Finder pleaee return to 524 Lovejoy ,t., lence not necessary. Call ln person, suite 260 7th t. Phone A 3304. rT ; WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers. MODERN fiats. .11 for rent. East and $425 tfm'e. unexpectedly bet. 15th and 16th. and receive reward. 3, 221 Morrison. v Z 5 h 17 rSSS''" "pVofesSr Ti'TT- commls!"on ""chants, Vt sids. Portland Trust Company of " GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For- lark Hall, d al wasningion. x-roiessor 4tn and O'.tk. Oregon S. . oor. Id and Oak. Phone FURNITURE of 12-room house for sale: LOST Between 19th and 23th and Kearney PARTNER wanted for pleasant Inside work: elgn Dictionaries, Text Book, and Lltera- Carter, principal, main soao. Exchange 72. fitted ln housekeeping rooms. 447 Main and Lovejoy, a dog-collar of white and . experience not necessary: $250 required, and ture (German books a specialty). A. W. TT , 8t. pink corals. Reward 770 Flanders. owner will guarantee you $25 a week. Call Schmale Co.. 229 First st. Educational. I BANKS. arkbef-ClleK?" jac'kTOn "furnace $275-Furnlture 6 rooms modern flat: rent LOST Tuesday. Webber's Tannery. Macadam LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor- PORTMrND,,IIl,iS, LLGE. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA m, d fireolkce Phon. Tab" w' J15T with lease. 95 East 3oth. East 5505. Road, brown female Irish water spaniel. BOARDING and rooming-house ln .well ens' Nerve , Tonic Tablets. 25c a box. Writ. A ipmstkhnp Morrlsoa (Established In 1864 ,) ',, a..d flreplace. Phone laoor .63. 'J- Return 167 11th. Reward. neighborhood; all rooms filled; leaving or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy. 227 Morri- A- rLA . n , r Prlmt. S . ta. HEAD OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. BFAUTIFUL new modern 3. 4 or 5 rooms. 6-ROOM. new modern flat, furniture for sale. city, will sell at half Its-value. 219 Lum- son St.. bet, 1st and 2d. ,S.fons PosUon certam when mpe- PRESIDENT. ... ....... .HOMERS. KINQ furnished or unfurnished fiats. 5 minutes '3 Glisan. Tel. Main 7725. A snap. LOST Bunch of key. with name "W. S. ber Exchange. r 7 fn modern methods of bookkeeping Gen- Mgr. of Branches. .. .W . MACKINTOSH to Pcstofflce. 383 5th St. Raker" on keyring. Return to 22 Concord . MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow. Ht,, Ai2,J? corresrSSdence raoW calculi,- CaPltal i-ald upi;-;;-i i: i?4V'Si2 NEW. modern 4-room flat. Williams ave. Io " W J- SSJ "reaion "STiJEZ SSrTSSL iggSttgSLf , p ao. $17,0 a month. Phone Wood- ROO,aNO-HO,aK OPPORTUNITIES. fSS OREGON Expert . te, - resTptimi VPPF.R and lower furnished flat, gas. bath. FOR RENT store, centrally located tn fire- Crown Business Exchange, 38 Raleigh bldg. SALOON, on principal street, doing a busl- treatments. Lady attendant. pupil, d'aily. depo, ts. gAVINGg DBPARTME'T. near carllne; Nob HUI. 124 N. 19th. proof building: steam heat. See Port- r!et f ,,it. rv, soai k cn-atisnH ,io. ness of $-r0 dally; wlll sell cheap on ac- 4 .cc wv,a,Av. n,, ,, Account, opened for .urn. of $10 and UD- lnnd Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. """"Mueller Co., 503-4-5 Swetland bldg. count retlring. Irom business. 219 Lumber LAPIEThate;ero,f.,'ir. "J'1?1"" C"!,Vn0" Electrical. ward opeueu lor .u 4 iv anu up- $15 Modern 5-rcom flat. 771 Mississippi ave.. 3d and Oak St.. Phone Ex. 72. Devlin Flrebaugh. 609 Swetland bldg. Exchange. Dr. Ketchum. graduate, advice free. 170 . 1 w A MACRAE Manager near Ut-erh; no children. L car. EUlls, York & Co.. room 21, 264 Morrison ,t. 3d t. main im. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO.. 490 Wash. j. f. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager FIRST and second floor., each 25x100; new o'Toole Chn r 71 Chamw of r.,-, SALOON partner wanted; owner will .how no T .nres wh.-aver vour ailment n - r,r Fixtures and wiring. M 48S4,; A 8881. Housekeeping Rooms. brick, in wholesale district. Fifth St.. to O Toole. Chaa, J.. .18 Chamber of Commerce. ,ess VMa 154) monthly above aI1 expense.. ,I?hsrW VtSduatr ; adWcefree. 170Vt ad 1 1 ' W. M. Ladd C. E. Ladd J. W. Ladd suitable tenant; reasonable rent for term of Particulars room 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d 5 SEX 7154? -vlc tree. 170 3d lera stores. - LADD & TILTON TWO and three-room suites- light, phone, years. D 503, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. and Stark. ' Banker.. bath. sink, laundry; walking distance. 117 : r .wr0-,. ,,., k.,. .,.,, E. L. COOPER ft CO.. hay. grain, feed. 128 PORTLAND. OREGON. N. 18th. A FINE brick store. North 6th St.. 20x100: READ THIS. GROCERY doing business of $200 dally; will "lX-T.lTittiCV7 Union ave. East 1517; B 1517. Established 1859. cement basement, electric light and gas. 10 nice large rooms, elegantlv furnished. sell at Invoice: cash, or will trade for cases, gotm -n, terms rtfent. au hy p. a. Transact a general banking business. LARGE, nicely furnished front room. hou.e- Inquire of J. C. Banks, care Rodyer-Hart- good location for renting rooms; running good farm. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d ,v-x-tw Tne.- .,- both. m Harness and baddlery. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. keeping privilege;.; no children. 347 Gibson Co.. 146 2d at. water ln all room.: wlll take Title Trust or and Stark. Wnrt.n Seiflne-Hlrsoh MoT a"--7 ; 7. T Savings Books Issued on Savings Deposits. - Market. Oregon Savings account for it. Call for : Landen. 15-16 Selllng.-Hlrsch bldg. A.3.. THE George Lawrence Co wholesale saodle Interest Paid on Time Deposits. : LONG lease, specially built for creamery, particulars. LUNCH counter, price $273; rent $25; good .-Tr-T-TiTNO facial , ,., LnA harness mnfra.. 80-86 1st. Main 226. 271 MARK ET Three room; a neat little new barn, good for laundry or manufac- DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. location. Alexander, 304 Ankeny ,t., MAi?L ji fVj ' Si CoST8 Morrison" . 'i m.h- f... MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK home for housekeeper,; modern conveniences; luring. G 494, Oregonian. 503-4-5 Swetland bldg. near 6th, ments. 114 The Cosmos, -68 Morrison. Junk. Hide, and Pelts. -PORTLAND. OR. PrM!ant -J- SPACE for groceries, family liquor and cloth- WANT to sell .lock merchandise. Willamette CORNER saloo.. want honest partner. Call Rfuom03ri3TMoTT?mlL Snowlfti "me-UiS I" ki"""- ''-' " M.! Til RED cozy hou -keeping room,, furnished. Ing. Golden Eagl. Department Store. M. Valley town of 2500; will invoice $250(1; quick If you want a bargain. 248 Stark st. moved irom 001 to n- -orrison. rm. - . wooU furs, tallow, old rubbers, metal, and R W. HOYT . .... ..Cash er l.alh. runge. 34S Union ave.. sear Broad- Michael. small rent- ell at Invoice- ill health N1 TT. .. U,,,"Z ZZZ ,.,, sackfc 812 Front St. GEO RGB V. HOYT. Assistant Cashier wsv. S? Onimlan inoice, 111 neaun. . HST R ACT bsuinesa cheaD- fine business- 3ljST OPENED Manicuring and facial . b. E. CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier : SEE Archer & Schanz Co., 5th and Oak at.., eonn. A BsTRAC " W 516. Oregonlan ' massage parlora Room 5, 145 6tn -A ..ther and ringing.. TRANSACTS OKNERAL BANKING x KI.L MrnL-hcd bousrktcpmg rooms, private opp Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE Thoroughly established newapa- MOLES wrinkles, superfluous removed. 7 7 sTBfivi-UHinBP I ithi-b m ZT . , eV'.SIN5,Si. , F'or d.,uolI; nMrorW,r..'h' 32" nin8" ' --: FOR SALE-Restaurant doing a good bus.- SiA'SlS" Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front . Conectlon. a specialty. STORE for rent. 142 N. 10th ax., . SAY. are you looking for a grocery business? ness; price $650. X 507, Oregonian. ,' CHXS j, MASTICK & CO.. Front and Oak first NATTONAt bank. FI.nM.-HED housekeeping and sleeping $8.K) worth stock and fixtures. 1271 Ma- T : BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 626 ,ui Leather and skins of eve descripUon Pof f Or. rooms, gas and bath. 1 N. Union ave. Offlcea. cadam. MEAT MARKET Large room, cheap rent; e. Belmont. Phone E. 40S4. for all purposes; sole and tap cutters- find- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000.00 ' ' good location; cheap. 154 N. 14th st. lngs. Deposits $14 000 000 $6 TWO rooms, furnished for housekeep- FIN B eff.ces, best location. Room $15. Bwit- FOR SALE Cigar more, confectionery, book, -LADIES' barber .hop; manicuring. face Oldest National Bank on the Pacific Coast. Ing. 618 Seventh. Main 4529. land bldg. &th and Washington. and stationery; living rooms. 9 1st st. 22 ROOMS of good furniture, only $1375. massage. 54 4th. Movtng Picture Machine.. A, L. MILLS I...T.... ............. .President TWO nicely furnished' rooms: piano, etc. 264 SEE Archer ft Schanz Co.. 5th and Oak .is., A GOOD business; wlll sell all or half Inter- . ALL kinds of baths. $25c Massage. $1. MOVING picture machines. H. Moore- VT.C. ALVrmJ..V.V.V.VV.'.As'slVtanV'CMhl" L. utith, 5 doors from Hawthorne. opp. Commercial Club Bldg.. est. For particulars, 3u3 Buchanan pldg. BAKBBR shop fT t N. loth sC 207 3d, near Taylor. X house ft. Co., 312 Alder st. J b. F. STEVENS.. , 2d Assistant Cashier , . '