Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 07, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty All the Best Possible Materials and Workmanship Lowest Prices Guaranteed
Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, Perrin's GIoves'Lq Grecque" and Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets
The Meier (b Frank StorePortland's Greatest Clearance Sale
ighest Grade of Merchandise at. the Lowest Prices of the Year
All Muslin Underwear at Low Clearance Sale Price
The Great "White Fair" continues the center of
attraction thousands of Portland women are shar
ing fa the best Muslin, Underwear bargains it has
ever been our privilege to offer new, pretty,
dainty lingerie of beautiful style and quality at very
economical prices every garment in our immense
stock is included, even the high-class, hand-made
and hand-embroidered French undermuslins look
to your wants and profit by the grandest saving
opportunities ever offered Portland women 2d fl.
New' lot of women's fine cambric and nainsook Drawers, made
in the new short-garter style; also wide umbrella effects and
trimmed in fine cambric and nainsook embroideries, clusters
of lace insertion and edging; great variety, special values:
AT $1.22, $1.75 AND $2.00 THE PAIR
Xew lot of women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, made
high neck and long sleeves; low neck and short sleeves, trim'd
in fine embroideries and lace edgings, insertions, tucks, head
ings and ribbons. Great variety and wonderful values, sp'l. :
$1.25-$1.50 Gowns for.... 08
$9.50-$12 Gowns for.. $6.75
?2.75-$3.00 Gowns for $1.98
$2.00-$2.50 Gowns for. $1.67
$5 to $7 Gowns for, ea.$3.98
See them, on the Second Floor.
Special lot of women's fancy white Underskirts, made with wide
flounces of lace, insertion, beading and ribbon; made very
full and fluffy; separate dust ruffles; values up CQ QC
to $18.00 each, on sale- at, this low price, each. ,PO50
Great reductions oh all two-and three-piece combination Under
garments, made with fitted waist lines and wide flounces on the
bottom of lace and embroidery. Beautiful styles and marvelous
values Take advantage. See them on the Second Floor.
Entire Stock of Muslin Underwear on Sale at Clearance Prices
Corset Covers at 25c, 39c, 49c, 69c, 79c, and up to, each
1 1 i
e5yXTI ti' if
Wonderful Values in Many
Lines of Men's Furnishings
Great Money-Saving Opportunities Take Advantage
Men's Flannelette Nightshirts, made full size and extra long; very best patterns
and colorings. The best values we ever offered in Flannelette Nightrobes :
75c Flannel Robes, special, ea., 49 $1.00 Flannel Robes, special, ea., 69
Men's Cashmere and Vicuna Wool Socks, in black, gray, brown and 1
vicuna; all sizes; best regular 25c and 35c values, on sale at, pair.
The genuine "President" Suspenders for men; all weights and styles;
' the best regular 50c values, on sale at this special low price, per pair.
Night Gowns at 47c, 83c, 98c, $1.22, $1.48, and up to, each
White Petticoats at 98c, $1.22, $1.93, $2.69, and up to, each
Chemise, 69c-$7.50 Short Skirts, 49c-$3.98 Combination Garments, $1.83-$10
200 dozen men's Midget Ties, in plain and fancy colorings; in grand OI5.
variety; the best regular 25c values, on sale at this low price, each. I C
500 dozen men's plain and pleated Golf Shirts in light and dark colorings, very
best patterns; plain blues, tans and grays; great variety of stripes and rCCp
figures; cuffs attached or detached; $1.00 shirts, on sab 4, special, ea. "C
Men's Mocha and Suede Dress Gloves, in browns, tans and grays; some QQ-
are silk-lined; come in all sizes; regular $1.50 values, special, the pair. 057C
Men's all-linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, best 15c values, on 6ale at, each..lO
Men's fine quality pure linen Handkerchiefs. Y4, and -inch hems, 25c vals.,17
All our regular $1.50 and $2.00 Silk Mufflers and Reefers; black, tf OQ
f A. XJJ
white, pearl and gray; wonderful values, on sale at, special, each.
attached collar; all sizes.
Men's fine quality Madras, Oxford and flannelette Overshirts, with soft CQ.
Best $1.00 values, on sale at, special, each. vv
The Manhattan Shirts
Exce ptionally Low Priced
All our fine Shirts are marked at low clearance sale prices
"Manhattans," "E. & W.," "duett's," "Monarchs," etc.
Plain, soft, pleated and stiff bosoms, in all the very best patterns
and colorings shown for Fall and Winter wear. Great bargains :
$1.50 Shirts on sale at ..... $1.15
$2.00 Shirts on sale at ... $1.35
$2.50 Shirts on sale at $ 1 .65
$3.00 Shirts on Sale at $1.95
$3.50 Shirts on sale at $2.59
$4.00 Shirts on sale at $2.89
25c,35c, 50c Ties at 1 7c
Sale Men's Underwear
200 dozen fine silk Four-in-Hands, in narrow, wide and medium
widths, all the very best patterns and colorings; regu- 1 J '
lar 25c, 35c and 50c values, on sale at this low price. , C
Broken lines of men's fine Winter Underwear, in gray, brown,
tan, pink, blue, plain and ribbed styles; regular val- QQ
ues up to $2.50 a garment, special at, the garment. OS7C
Men's regular $1.00 Natural Wool Underwear, special at.T3
Dr. Wright's $1.00 Ribbed Underwear, on sale at, special. 63
Boys' regular $2.00 Jerseys, on sale at, special, each.. 1.15
Boys' all-wool Sweaters, on sale at this special price, ea.93
Entire Stock of Women's Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Kimonos, Dress Goods, Etc., at Greatly Reduced Prices
real Clearance Sale Bargains in All Departments of the Store
Notion Specials
$1.75 fancy Hose Supporters at..98S
50c Princess Chic Supporters at.. 38c1
Women's and misses' Belt Sup- 1 A
porters, 25c values, on sale at.."
Dressmakers' Pins, 1-lb. boxes, at.37
Hook-On Hose Supporters, low-priced:
25c values at 19 50c values at 390
Needle Books on sale at 26c and 420
Patent Hat Fasteners at, the pair. 120
Plain and plaid Moreens, the yard. 380
Best Cotton Moreens, at, the yard. 290
Lining Kemnants. special, HALF PRICE
"Willamette" S p o o 1 Cotton, in Cr
black and white; all sizes, spool.. JC
Kerrs Silk Lustre. 300 yards, at.. 100
Snapper Garment Fasteners, 2 doz..90
Removable Dress Shields, the pair. 230
Stationery Dept.
Boxed Writing Paper, fine quality linen
paper, white only; regular 25c "I C
value, on sale at, special, box.
Commercial Envelopes, good quality
white wove paper, 5 and 6-inch; tS
regular 10c value, at, the package. .-'
Cloth back Daybooks, special, each. 80
250-page cloth-bound Ledgers, Journals
and Cash ruling; great value, ea. .590
Entire line of 50c Stationery in plain
and fancy shapes, including Eaton
Hurlbut's, Whiting's and Ber- OO
lin's; great special value at. .'
Dennison's Paper Napkins, plain Q
white, 15c vals., at, the hundred..''
300-page Books, leaiher-cornered, flat
opening, all rulings; special, each. 980
Clearance Sale of Curtains,
Draperies, Etc., on 3d Floor
i r.nnr
Sis patterns of Nottingham Lace Curtains, floral
and scroll designs; white and ecru, 50 QQ
ins.: wide, 3 yds. long; $1.50 vals., pair. iOC
Special lot of full mercerized Portieres, two-tone
effects and mission designs; heavily fringed or
corded ; brown, gold, green, olive and red ; beau
tiful styles; best regular $8.75 val- tJC 9C
ues, on sale at, special, the pair. yOJO
12 patterns of Nottingham Lace Curtains, Brus
sels patterns, white or ecru; 50 ins. Cjl, ?Q
wide, 3 vds. long; reg. $2 vals., pr.
i Special lot of Cluny and Renaissance Lace Cur
tains, maae on me oesi x rencn nets, wun Draia
effects and. linen. Cluny inserting and edges; in
.white or ecru; 50 inches wide, 24 Ij QC
yards long; $6.50 values, at, pair.
5000 yards of the best French Nets, in Arabian
color only; edges slightly uneven; 54
inches wide; 65c quality, on sale at, yd.
Printed Cotton Madras, patterns copied from for
eign material; light or dark grounds; 36 inches
wide; the best regular 25c values, on 1 A
Ml X
sale at this special low price, the yard
10.000 yards of Curtain Swiss, in stripes and dots, suitable for sash or long
curtains; best regular 12 jc value, on sale at this special low price, yard
Sale of Flannels
Three immense lots of new Waisting
Flannels in basket cloth effects, silk
threaded plaid waisting and Panama
plaids for waists, children's dresses, etc.
All desirable patterns and colorings, in
grand assortment, at this low . price :
2000 yards new Wash Shirtwaist Flan-
. nels, 38 inches wide; silk stripes and
checks. First time this material has
been shown in Portland. A beautiful
fabric, at an extraordinarily low price:
In the Button Department, 5000 dozen
Pearl and Bone Buttons, all colors and
different sizes; regular 10c and 15c val
ues, on sale at this low price, doz..50
Our Carpet Dept.
All-wool Art Squares, fine assortment of
patterns and colorings, in all sizes; the
best values ever offered at these prices:
7 ft. 6 in. by 9 ft.; $8.00 vals.S 6.00
9 ft. by 10 ft. 6 in., $10.50 vals.$ 8.40
9 bv 12 feet, $12.00 values, ea.$ 9.60
10 ft. 6 in. by 12 ft., $14 vals. 11.20
12 ft. by 13 ft. 6 in., $18 vals. $12.50
12 by 15 ft., $20.00 vals., each. $14.00
Substantial reductions in many lines of
Carpets, Linoleums, Wilton Rugs, Body
Brussels Rugs, Mattings, etc.; 3d floor.
Great special sale of "Sleepmoor" Hair
Mattresses, 150 of them, 35 lbs. weight,
filled with the very best silver gray
hair and covered with blue and white
striped ticking ; regu
lar $30.00 values, at, ea
$3.50 Allovers 98c a Yard
In the Lace Department an excep
tional offering of 3000 yards high
class allovers at a marveloasly low
price Swiss, Batiste and Nainsook
for lingerie waists Eyelet work,
blind embroidery, imitation hand
designs, shadow embroidery, etc.,
in splendid assortment; values up
to $3.50 the yard on QO
sale at the low price, yd vOC
It's the best bargain in All-over
Embroidery you will have an op
portunity to share in for a long,
long time Take advantage.
10,000 yards of Swiss, nainsook and cambric
- embroidery and insertion, V-A to 12 inches
wide; very best of patterns, in grand variety; values' up. to 85c, for, yard. .250
5000 yards of Point de Paris and Piatt "Val. Edges and Insertion, 1 to 8- 1
inches wide; regular values up to 65c, on sale at this low price, yard. XOC.
2000 yards of white, cream and ecru .Venise and Baby Irish Edges,' Bands, Ap
pliques and Medallions, 9 inches wide, on sale at the following low prices:
Regular values to 25c, at, yard, 120 Regular values , to -$1.25, at, yard, oO0
Regular values to 60c, at, yard, 250 Regular values to $1.75, at, yard, 980
Women's Underwear Specials Low Priced
Women's "Harvard Mills" extra heavy
fleece-lined cotton Union Suits, high
neck, long sleeves, ankle length tights;
hand- finished garments, 1 f C
regular $1.25 values, for. .P vJ
Women's "Harvard Mills'" medium
weight cotton Union Suits; high neck,
long sleeves and low neck, no sleeves;
ankle and knee length, all t 1 AC
sizes; best $1.25 values, at. .P
Women's "Harvard Mills" light-weight
silk and cotton Union Suits; high neck,
long sleeves and ankle length; also low
neck, no sleeves, knee length; the best
regular $2.00 values, on sale at. $1.63
Children's "Harvard Mills" Merino
Wool Union Suits ; high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length ; best d 1 1 O
$1.50 vals., on sale at, sp'l. .P
Women's ''Harvard Mills" Silk and
Wool Union Suits, heavy Winter weight
high neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
hand - finished ; regular $5 fiJQ ft
vals., special, the garment. .p&JO
Women'i " Harvard Mills " heavy
weight Wool Undervests and Tights, in
gray and white; good, warm quality;
the best regular $2.00 val- C1 CO
lies, on sale at, garment. .P JI7
Women's "Harvard Mills" medium
weight Merino Wool Union Suits; high
neck and long sleeves ; beautifully made
and finished; $2.50 values, t 1 QO
special at, the garment. .. .r 00
Women's "Harvard Mills" m-e-d-i-u-in-weight
Wool "Vests and Tights; high
neck, with long or half sleeves; ankle
length Tights, in all sizes; C1 flC
regular $1.25 vals., special. .V vrJ
Sale of Women's and Men's Shoes
1000 pairs of women's $5.00
Shoes, patent leather, gun
metal and kid, welt or hand
turn soles and Cuban heels;
tipped or plain toes ; J. & T.
Cousins' best make, all sizes
and widths; tJ QC
choice, the pair. . P-0-
1000 pairs women's $3 Shoes
in kid, velour calf and pat
ent leather, lace and blucher
styles; heavy and light
weight soles ; Cuban and
military heels; regular $3.00
values, on sale t1 QQ
at, special, pair. . P X 0
Great special lot of women's
fancy Dress Slippers, two,
three and four-strap styles
and fancy lace patterns, in
kid and patent leather; val
ues up to $5.00 a pair, to be
closed out at, dJO 1ft
special, the pr..ri,X'
500 pairs of little children's Shoes, sizes 2 to 6, in patent leather, kid and A Sir
some fancy-colored kid leathers ; regular $1.00 . and $1.25 values, "OC
500 pairs of men's vici kid, box calf and velour calf Shoes short lines of Fall
and Winter footwear, all good, serviceable styles; best $3.00 values, pair. $1.95
Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes, all new, high-grade footwear, in patent dJO OJ?
leathers, vici kid and gunmetal, all sizes; best values in city,- at, pair. ,PJ0J
fni$i nJ2v i
J. L. Kuht Thought to Have Been
Hilled by Xcgro.
J. I. RuhT. proprietor of tlie lodging
house at 122 North Seventh street, died
yesterday at St. Vincent's Hospital and
from the facts which have been broug-ht
to light the police believe he was killed
by Claude- Edmonds, a negro, who was
formerly employed at the saloon of Allen
& Walker on Sixth street. Many con
flicting stories have been told as to the
cause of the trouble between Ruhl. who is
a white man. and Edmonds, but there is
evidence that they quarreled over a nefro
oman named Adlne. Edmonds is miss
ing and the police are now doing their
best to find him.
Ruhl's death was reported to Coroner
Finley yesterday iby Dr. Merriman, who
stated that death had resulted from the
beating Ruhl had received over the head.
Investigation by the Coroner was Imme
diately instituted and facts were learned
to warrant an inquest which will be held
Ruhl was injured on the night of De
cember 30. Thomas J. Green, a negro
lodger In Ruhl's house was awakened by
knocks at his door and found that Ruhl
had 'been badly beaten. Ruhl declared
that Edmunds had struck him with a gun.
A doctor was sent for and Ruhi was sent
to the hospital.
The matter was reported to the police
on the night it occurred and Detectives
Kay and Kienlen were sent out to inves
tigate the case.
Portland .Man Grows Cedar Trees
Like Those of Holy Land.
H. C. Campbell, of the Pacific Bridge
Company, Is the owner of 12 baby cedar
trees that were grown from seed that
was sent to Mr. Campbell by J. Hishmet,
superintendent of the Friends' School at
Ramallah, Palestine, about six miles
from Jerusalem.
While on a tour of the Holy Land a
year or two ago. Mr. Campbell visited the
Friends' School at Ramallah, and was
much impressed with the beauty of a
cedar grove surrounding the building.
He learned that tue trees were planted
at the time of the founding of the school,
some 30 years ago.
Last Fall Mr. Campbell received a
package, of seeds taken from these trees
by Mr. Hishmet. ' They were immediately
planted and the plants are now about six
inches high.
The trees at the Friends' School, Mr.
Campbell says, were the most beautiful
evergreens he has ever seen, the foliage
being unusuaily heavy and of a brilliant
green color, unlike any of the evergreen
trees of this country.
Original photos. 248 Alder St.
Inspect Rosenthal's shoe store win
dows and get busy.
Spectacles $1.00 at Metzger's.
Sad News Reaches A. H. Cross, Sun
day School Field Secretary.
A. H. .Cross, of Cleveland, O., one of
the Sunday school field secretaries of the
East, who since a break in health has
been spending several months on the
Coast has just received word of the death
of his mother,, which occurred' at
Vandalia, Mich., on New Tear's day.
Relatives knowing that the state of his
health made it necessary to remain this
Winter in a milder climate, and that he
would not for this reason be able to go
on for the funeral, did not telepraph the
news of his mother's death, so that by
the time the letter arrived, the obsequies
already had been held. Mr. Cross' grief
is enhanced because he was prevented
from being present at the funeral.
Clearance Sale to Clear Out All
Overcoats. .
In our clearance sale, which is now on
In full blast, we will sell all our Craven
ette Rain Coats at exactly half price.
Third and Stark Street.
lOo up. Kxser. 248 Alder st '
Council Committee Preparing to
Make Its Recommendation. "
Several styles of fenders will be tested
at the Savier-street barn of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company, at
10 o'clock this morning. This was decided
upon at a special meeting of the fender
committee of the Council at a meeting
held in the Chamber of Commerce build
ing yesterday forenoon. The commutes
is comprised of W. T. Vaughn, as chair
man; George L. Baker and M. J. Dris
coll. It Is the business -of these three
to select a fender, to be recommended to
the Council for adoption by ordinance as
th required devices.