Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 07, 1908, Page 13, Image 13

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Rooms With Board. , - Room-. THE COAST REALTY CO.. 22 Morrison NOTHING LIKE IT. ' KlmUauou DR. MART LANS INSTITUTES, ' Machinery .
' rr st- leading real estate and business brok- 23-room brick flat, right in the business MEDICAL, AND SURGICAL, INC . "
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent WHEN YOU MOVE yon always ne.d ers largest and best located office U center. West Side, well furnished with. Iron , Women's and children's diseases are treated B. TRE.VKMAN4CO ,.,, . I
before you decide where to move; modest SOME furniture. Portland. beds, electric lights, porcelain bath etc.; NOTICE OP PINAL. SETTLEMENT exclusively at this Institute; up-to-dat ring machinery, nvdfau ic iaejlnti
prices: American or European plan; best ELY AT NO-KENT PRICES: the savings "Read these few Special Bargains." $100a month clear in this place; price $1100; Notice Is hby clv.n that the under- sanitarium and maternity hospital. Mater- all kinds, repaied. 1W N 4th stl
cafe in Portland; famous dining-room ser- will exceed cost of moving. $-0.000, half cash, swellest private hotel, cash $600. signed, W. H. Stemm. executor of the en- nity cases ar given special attention by , ;
vice; living here Is a pleasure; manage- WE OWN OIK OWN BUILDING: occupy $23,000. half cash, new income flat, close. IP11.;?0". tate of Edward Martin Stemme deceased eraduate licensed woman physician. Moving; Picture Machines
ment studies comfort of guests; every n-halr. collect rent cit balance. $20,000. half cash, income flat clearipg Rooms. 20 and 21, 26 Morrison St. na, flIt(, , , f e'h .TuTor with J'eara of experience. Children adopted . adenines.
modern hotel convenience; close in. yet MOROAX-ATCH LE Y FURNITURE CO., nearly 15 per cent. (Others all prices). TO . PMA In the County Coun of the State of Oregon J?..10 bMt families, list always on hand. MOVING picture machines. E. H. Moor
away from downtown dirt and noise. orand ave. and East Stark. Phone East $2000. third cash, new modern house- HERB IS A SNAP FOR YOU. ror Multnomah 1 County and that tbaSa S."1.0 and acute disease, treated In imost house Co.. 313 Alder st. Moor
Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave- 292!, $2000. half cash. 7-room house and lot. ,1$7? al' housekeeping, well- court h t nS'y ih. "th day o! f?ii'tUA and ""elit ""fT5.,"1 T"" S, " "
i FOR RENT--room house- bathroom and toi "iiSS ncmodlo- room. Kiulleady 'erntTnlyl 1 ' O.eop,thlc Pny.leJana.
THE MINNEQUA ha. one large room with tat. acre .,"3, brrembarnd and' UCo. hall cist roonS? clearing reCeip, ril'o rco"''" aacourt" StS? ana ?& ftSTtS - ddrcSm.Dtlanelternlyl.ld,,, " R- B. NORTH RUP,
board, on first floor, suitable for three; chicken-house, spring water piped to houee flSSO. 25 rooms, new, .team heated. Room. ffrJ o,Ru MrVison St hearing of objection, or exception, to sold 3i2V.-JSL Theater hide. . 5-16-17 Dekum BWg.. ,
also one single room; steam heat, phones. and barn, line bearing fruit trees: 15 mln- $800. half cash, 20 room., close in. Rooms 20 and -L 204 Morrison St. flna, and the eJttlen" Oto JJJdj, Washington St. Third and Washington u
bath: rates reasonable. 376 Yamhill St.. utes rioe to Portland:$l.Vper month. - . $650. half cash. 21 rooms, one. floor. TiF5nv cmnAlv estate. All persons having objections to K rnBn Phone office. Main 349.
corner West Park. MKay!, SX' sts fSfr half,cash' nI" f- toA roomsTmTy right in th. ' a" or , ,h settlement of Al. d.sease ofmen? women and ch.ldr.n- Reaidence. E. 1Q28. -
THE HAZEL A home for young men: GOOD 4 ro - SISSt SSerTose: ' SSX SISl . &wlca ""oTS' WS.S'.'S E' ArcrE.-? KSnSS s graduaIr Sh
steam heat; running water:-ao minutes' G2u5 ";",,now'- fcf' large chicken- . $1250. grocery at Invoice with 6 room.. on term? call eay P mentioned. blldderTbmin an"stJmah cat rheu- bS Ml? !K 'e.Mi, ,409.,?!?Kon-
walk from Postofflce. Phone Main 7094. Dro,. iff, 'u ralsln large JS50. small dry goods store. 4 rooms. ' DI ETZ-MULLER CO, I lated December 2S. 1907. . matUm: goitre, "SigMtTon constipation and 'an Dldg. Main ItJ; res. Main 2762.
A 41!i7. 385 3d. corner Montgomery. Good m S-. . ... . !-M00' Keneral atore' Albina (must sell). S03-4-5 Swetland Bldg. . . . , . WILLIAM H. STEMME, skin disease, promptly cured. All private Paints. Oil. and Gli
" mrai . Fas fuI1 base- $750. two-thirds cash. 14 rooms, near th. Z J Administrator of the estate of Edward Mar- and wasting diseases promptly cured and amis, um ana Olass.
Apartments. furniih for? ' month: would nicely Portland. WANTED A first-class man to take an in- ,K',.nei aSk . tnelr Bec" Permanently removed from the RASMUSSEN ft CO 1obh.r.
m'COy'ws . ,. $350. 7 rooms, modern, close, rent $25. terest in a rooming-house and business 1 GRAHAM & CLEETON. system. Consultation free and strictly con- glas T and doona n? m P.5
6-ROOM new .team-heated apartments in -tji. with Coast Realty Co., $275, 6-room modern flat. chance office; not necessary to have money I Attorneys' for th. executor. fldentiaX We-guarantee all of our oorea, " ooora. car. M and Taylor.
beautiful colonial building. b64-68 Flan- ay2 Morrison. $2000. 70 acres, good level land, near for the right man; give address and tele- : gew York Surgical & Medical Instituta, p B Beach & Co th pi, o, , r-
ders st.; all outside rooms, extra large 250 N 19TH ST sitiii ,(.. r. Oregon city, house, barn, water. etc.. phone number. Addres. M 500, care Ore- NOTICE to creditor, and to all persona, firm. Raleigh bldg.. 8th and Wash, sta Window glass and slulna ' IK 1st. lT 133
window, and closets, private veranda, prl- ST NEAR MARSHALL Flna" worth at least $2500. gonian. - . and corporation. Interested In th. Title ' 1 g' iso 1st. M. 1334.
vate storeroom. Look at them now and get "Qw ".J"1 hbo"' Darh on eacJ $8000. halt cash. 160 acres timber, with Guarantee & Trust Company In pursuance DR- FLORENCE TALCOTT. Patent and Pension Atton,
ynur choice. Best neighborhood In .Ity. jf ?fonb,?,Sem?'-fln"larBe prnh' 10.000.000 feet (others all prices). I HAVE a long-term, desirable ground lease, of an order made by th. Honorable thV?lr! .leeaees of men. women and children; gall ent ana penlon Attorneys.
Morgan. Sweet & Chapman. U13 Abington stm Vs WuhliSii Grave. Mustc $iSO0. relinquishment, 3.000.000 guaran- business district. San Francisco, and per- cult Court of th. United States for the Dl cant'er' oUr. rheumatism and ma- PATENTS SOLICITED Wash attv .inert
bldg. Phone Main 2015. Hi - Washington st. teed manent. ,espone1ble tenant; need $75,000 to trlct of Oregon in the uit of N. Coy. plain- ISITi 7 e" ? specialty; unsurpassed hos- advice free. A J Matfer" 111 itaZ
: v . . . FOR RENT Oottice . . ,u 180 acres, 20 miles from Portland, complete building from one or more inves- tiff, against the Title Guarantee 4 Trust S,,Hi,fc70loL0Ps: lnfam adopted-; con- wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny ,Jommon
MODERN apartment. 5 rooms, hath, hot and ,5' . i . mftn4 ba,h- homestead, good level land, well watered. ,ori: splendid Income, absolute security. M. Company, a corporation, and other" notice f'ation free. Suites 14 and 15, Raleigh : y'
cold water stationary tub. refrigerawr. gas Tsvot "ndalmoi T.kfft tH) vt75?' llght grocery and confectionery, M. H., P. Q. Box 614. San Francisco. is hereby given to the creditors, a. well a. 4b?f-?i?f7 ,,hi,slon' p'1?n -Va" J J. HIRSHHEIMER. solicitor and counsel
range, linoleum, furnace arid fireplace. oS Sunnyside or H,wV22. vt- M.Ta0 Morrison. all persons, firms and corporations having and A" Sole agents Alfalfa rheu- lor-at-law. Rooms 20-21 Labbe hld.7
Lucretia Place. Phone Pacific '. quire 174 n 32d ln" Wanted, several large tracts, timber Hr PARTNER wanted hi bakery and restaurant; any claim or demand against the "id Ti til matlsm remedy. l Jja0D ""
."7" , ' .. .. or pine, preferred, direct from owners or owPer ""PorialMe. and will guarantee man Guarantee & Trust Company, a corporation T A ; " : R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign natenua-
$40 Furnished 3-room modern and new: NEW T ro . " " Parties with options only. an1 w'fe weekly; good help needed of Portland, - Oregon, to present thVwS. LADlIuS consult Dr. Mary Lane (the only and infringement cali 604iku
steam heat. bath. -telephone, janitor serv- N pvJ-roo,,n 'i1 L "L1 mod,!rn 'mT Call, write, phone Main 1568. A4510. more than money; fully secured. Par- with the vouchers thereof, duly verTfledTto S'lslnal) established 10 years; specialist for ' 604 D"xlm-
Ire; walking distance. K 503. Oregonlan. g,5e-S d s t corner. West The Coast Realty Co.. 226 Morrison St Mcular. room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. the undersigned receiver of said Title Guar- "fses of women and children. The best Ilimo Tuning.
B Flanders. 40 Washington hid. Inquire room . 2 T ; ; antes & Trust Company at his office In th. ?"lpp.ei?, 'yinK-lt sanitarium on the Coast. ,
... .. 17 1! Z wasnington piqg. BEST EVER OFFERED. WELL-KNOWN real estate man will take a City of Portland. Oregon, on or befor three Sn." . fra- Correspondence conn- GEORGE ANDERSON expert 618 Tsomn
THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders, strictly mod. a e Z 7Z 19 ro- furnished up ta Telegant stvle; Partner without previous experience, to months from th. date hereof . fn,"al- 253 Alder, cor. 3d, Portland. Phon. bldg.. 2ddTaWor" iPartni 244
a 5-room apartment, steam heat, janitor. A NEW y ?d" JL00, c"af- 8 all brussels carpets, quartered olden oak 'ad: actlv.e man ak 8? Portland. Or.. Dec 18, 1007. Maln 27B1' i.ylor -. Pad Oo 44.
etc. YVti Irom canine, corner Humboldt and and mahogany furniture' been furnished 200 monthly; very little money required. H C MPARP. Phota Knmran.
7- bldg MtrnnMM2 Tm 225 Fleldner abot 6 months: elegant large lawn and the Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. Receiver ot th. Tttle Guarantee a; Trust I SITS pressed while you wait, 50c. To Tie- I -. .
"" . Tery best location In the city for renting j .,,, ; 7 " : Company "ors of Portland hotel, and to publlo at DBSIGNBRS. photo engraven. Nets. Con.
1 . . r FOR RENT S mom tnn.. . 1 r rooms; rent $SO per month; owner occupies IF. looking for a grocery, meat market, a- large: Suit, pressed at 50o at Gilbert, tha naway. 100 2d stT A 72 11 S
MODERN flat, ft rooms and bath: basement. "r1 tT"8 jr00 .ho";"- , centrally located, 3 nice rooms, and it clears above all ex- loon- rooming-house, drugstore, bakery, . tailor's. 1066 6th at. next to Quelle La- u a"1' M 7Bla-
furnace gas and electric fixtures; .trlctly J1 PWl Bten1?- Pw. $80 pe'r hSrth; lS?; ffi anJ1 confectionery millinery .tore, 'or othTr NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING dies' skirts preeVed, oOc FVatheS ild hot. Photoarapho.
modern: choice location; walking distance; SXTtf 1 ' Inoulre 32 E. DIBTZ-MUBLLER CO. business, we have what will Interest you. Notice Is hereby given that the annual cleaned and curled Phone Pacific 20S8 s-oow.-nnera.
Park and Harrison .la. Inquire 229 1st st. 22d st. North. 603-4-5 Swetland Bldg. ' Call 325 Lumber Exchange. ' GeneraT Electric0 ?1 "wllbe wj"! " Racine xub. a, w. MOORS, Elks bulldlnc. Tth and Btarfc
MODERN flats, all sues, for rent. East and W.EP;T? i' b.ou!f "tores, FOR SALE A flrst-class, well-established 84-ROOM hotel, well established, clearing over the office of the company. . 132 First Itreet. Diamond Brln" IrMlfsFor" C25Cears Phon. Main 289.
West sides. Portland Trust Company of rooms, etc ; long list of. apllcants. Albee- general merchandise business In rthrlvlVS! ,25? monthly; will sell at .less thati half Portland. Or. on Wednesday, the Wth day known as the best, safest. Reliable. TaK PutJjl,
Oregon. S. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phon. Be.nJam Co" 25 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark prosperous Southern California town; ideal of furniture; can give five years' lease: ' January. 1908 at the hour of 2 o'clock no other. Chlehesters Diamond Brand f mans;.
Exchange .2. stock, fin. brick store building, and ware- owner hasto sell on account of sickness. 219 f.,?L' 'r I?" ',?,ct,?n L- boaLd of d1' Vm- Sold druggists everywhere. OREGON PLATING WES. 128 Lcnrnadala
' ' v . nn.r.m 1 houses, healthful climate and an ei-rellent Lumber Exchange. rectors, to serve during the -ensuing year . . ' , ; 1' , , i wwMOsls
WELLINGTON FLATS. 15th and Everett. LARGEST list of house, and flat. In the opportunity to, part?es with aboSt for the transaction of such othe?, bu.I- LADIES-Whatever your ailment call on Dr. 26T8 "3!6T5 ' Platln'c- ""
5-room. unfurnished, steam heat, modern tj. Arthur S. Draper & Co.. rooms 5 $45,000. looking for good) location and a REAtl ESTATE man having more business nesa as may lawfully come before the meet- Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 1704. Sd '
convenience.. See Janitor. $37.50. ana B, 34.1 Washington St., cor. 7th. splendid Investment. For particulars annlv thttn he can attend to alone wants honest ""S' c- N. HUGGINS. St. Main 7154. RhK
I : to T 617. Oregonlan P"-uiar. apply partrer; will pay active man $150 a month; g"""?'8 Portland General. Electric Co. : xtnnnar Btampa,
FOR RENT New and up-to-date flats on r u" fc.iST A new 5-room modern cottage . ' little money required. Particulars 248 Portland. Or., December 30, 1907. . T a . .
Park. bet. College and Jackson: furnace on Mount Tabor carline to a family of GOOD cigar and confectionery tor with Stark st. ' BTJSrVESS DIRRCTORT t-?5 S??0? and all oc aooda. P.
av.d fireplace. Phone Tabor 763. two. Phone Tabor 237. '", '' MFAT store s-9 N ,r , 7 DISSOLUTION of- oo-partnensh.p-Notlce I, BUSINESS DIRKCTORY. Stark st. Both phoaea. 140T ,
a-ROOMED modern furnished flat. --HOOH cot,... In Mn.av,a, , good re- X rtoZl. nlat and"lTgh?"ff ; IST.'" "J cnditioT abhors. fn'S & & bWS,6 afSalner S'has Aocordlon Plaiting. Spiritualist-
3-roomed modern unfurnished fiat. .1. Jh" 8" ' fJTSSlySSLX: wlirinTetowhoncciu'rre MA,on3UaknI.ntdBpn7 WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL. "
BFAUTIFUL new modem 8. 4 or 5 rooms. MODERN B-room cottage, good location, gas PuJS . TSi by m?" C A s'lVa'"1 Accountants. 't ffl frS3?& m
furnished or unfurnished flats. S minutes fl,It"re 87 13101 8th North. A 3160 or ber Exchange. EAST SIDE Desirable corner business build- P Dy me' C. A. 8ILVA. Accountants. CA SPECIAL $5OT READING FORflJ.
to Postofflce. 383 5th st. Main 6.60. ing. close In. on carline, to lease for 8 or 5 NOTICE THE GEO T MURTON AUDIT CO. 818 PROPe' KHIMO BEST-
UPPER and lower furnished flat. gas. bath. MODERN 6-room house: bath. !90 McMIH.n " " roomsentratfonf IShed with SSSSSSSS EfJ' J, '-J SSenera! SSSStaS 'SStSSS' rlA ZtTZ lVt
near carline; Nob Hill. 124 N. lth. hear Steel bridge. Inquire 188 Mc- 5 bed9' "air mattresses. B. B. carpets, ' Po'letto, having left my bed and board, 1 general accounting. Mtaoiisngq low). ?" , , 1 ,? fd 'TJS '
. Millan st. me blrdseye maple, etc.; cost $3500 to fur- GENERAL merchandise stock Invoicing will not be responsible for any debt which B W GAGE room so RjUeieh w, TT S 1 k., IT.. ,tUal. and solentlila
. Housekeeping Rooms. J Jh; clears over $1000 a mon'th; price onfy $6500 for sale; "premtaent corner. dolSS she may contract, Camlllo Polletto. B snT Waang Jn? g.gemfom,mg:- bl '" X "prof SchISoT uCl0i""- .
THE BEAVER ,2,h snd Mar-" Furnished HMM. ft Ower, boxel,mMcMmnvllle,' OrW rent NOTICE Is hereby given that I will not be "d ""' "- ; "0
shall s.s.. newly furnished housekeeping FOR RENT-A new 5-room bungalow, new Rooms 20 and 21. 264 Morrion St. - o.T . ".X""?" lZ,tB , ??nraCiedbV. my ARTHUR BERRIDGE, 807 Chamber of NeIs AND a"1 ' AFFAIRS OF LIFE-!
rooms; modern conveniences, fine plumb- "P'? ""d curtains, two new stoves go Boiprava.uoSB T 7TZ F?R SALE Restaurant, centrally located, do- wife. Mrs. Addle Murletta. R. Murletta. Commerce, general accounting and audit- whom you will marrT how to ooatrol thi
Ing. electric lights, hot water, free baths. " 1 h house; will sell house; rent reason- ,Af fi?Tl,0,us,0' 2".TOOTns' a" ful1 lnS business of $50 dally, trial given until T. " ing. Phone Main 1531.. one yon lovi Svea though mile, awav-i
gas ranges, laundry room; $2 50 per week able. Inquire 873 East Ash st. Home B2160. the top clearing $150 to $200 a month; best you are satisfied; very little money needed. Master's Notice. Z. reunites the separated - eWes secret rS.wl
for single room, and I up. No. dogs al- " , 1'!9 n-ieax: 'urnlshlngs are A No. 1. Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg. Art Store. - to control others ro offferenT. howoTSII
lowed. 8-ROOM. modern. completely furnished "i1 'L, m open in hall; dining- 1 BR BARK "AMAZON.- G. Garrlck mas- . or how far away, u oaTalwav. obt
r - dwelling house. 260 Nartilla St., for rent. ?? mJLV7JBeLpTlc? ?1S0' an1 well worth I WILL buy Oregon Trust Co.. Title Guar- ter: 'm Mollendoi Neither the master HOME decorators, tinting, painting and pa- your desired resuiti TeUs you lust how
GOOD furnished and unfursjshed housekeep- See us for full particulars; rent $75. Par- thL I2m! Ti!,?? Inlsh it up for less antee i Trust Co. and Merchant, National or the undersigned consignees of th. permg and th. goods thatgorith iu a where and when to in vwt y 0 r money ti
Ing rooms West Side of river. 2 for $8 rlsh. Watkins Co.. 250 Aider st. H w r.Bi Jv-S!"' Banlc accounts. Thos. McCusker. 205 abov; named vessel will be responsible for H. Moorehouse i Co. 812 Alder st. obtain th. best possible resVlU If yoS1
month, $2 for $10, 3 ln front of cottage. $15. W- GARLAN D i CO.. 191 4th st. Couch bldg. Phone Main 7646. any debts that may be contracted by'th. ' are sick, melancholy, dlshlartened o,
2 unfurnished, $ month: 4 rooms, new lower MODERN upper fiat five rooms, nicely fur- iiyiTi.TP .,... . crew. Taylor. Young Co. Attorneys-at-Law couraged. DO NOT GIVB UP IN D8.
fist. $1. water included. McCoy, with "Ished; parties without children; close in. ThAm?, f,83 CHANCE8" A NICE LITTLE BUSINESS in a thriving attorney -at BPAIR;com. and i recelvi SpimuaOadVlc.
Cosst Realty Co., 2264 Morrison. iVest ? d,r' three months, $48 month. im, .,2.1. , "! Agency (established Western town of 11.000; small capital. HAYWARD H. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law that will help you to recel v. HKALTh!
7r--- Phono Main 8205. "' rnifh"' J"aa information on opportu- good references and good profits guaran- lOS AND FOTJJTD. 735 Chamber of Commerce? Main 4764. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS.
THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17th St.. near Yamhill: Slti J - . 1 or manu'acturlng lines, teed. Address M 474, Oregonlan. : , . I will do all other. adverUs. to do and
new house, elegantly furnished, in suites BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. 23 rooms, tb imos uiiiin. i., . LOST New Yeir's night, purs, containing GREY sc RICHARDSON, B18 Chamber of "J!"-' deal more. Hours 10 to 8, dlly.
of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, rent $35 per month. C. H. PIggott. law- an Ai',Sr MERCANTILE AGENCY, V, ANTED Partner with $300, to manage real copper bu'let, $5 gold piece, battered dime. Commerce. Practice ln all courts. Offlc. Nos. S and 4, Grand Theater bids,
g.s range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, yer. owner, rooms 4. 5. 6. Mulkey bldg. 04-uo Abington bldg. estate end ln established paying real es- little copper medallion and silver 5-cent . 852 Washington St. Phon. M. 1267.
free phone each floor; no children. bjtx-t n-r, atw n PTiyr-rirn swe Tu.a 521? rt'!'tal. aB.'n.eJ'- Cal1 ropms 8 and 4. , piece, dated 1844. Finder keep gold piece J. S. WINCH ESTER, attorney-at-law. notary v.nt ,
TTZ FSR RENT OR SALE Furnished cottage slTTPS ?f"E, Ia- . . W ashlngton ' st. and return purse and trinkets to Rev. S. A. public 08 and 89 Washington bldg. CONSULT PROF. SH23LDON.
'THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631V4 1 rooms; centrally located; cheap leni. i. ,m . .S'' f,ew block rrom this office, , Smith, Arleta. Or. Messages from Spirit Guides and Controls
Washington. cor. 20th Nicely furnished "all afternoon 91 V, 4th St. t-i on'yi'f wlth 'ease 2 years, good fur- WANTED Practical printer, business mana- : Assayers and Analysts. Trance medium, clairvoyant, psychic as-
housekeeplng rooms: gas ranges, hot water. EiiSSfi"- ,,o!5. a money-maker and Is a ger. to Invest and push good newspaper LOST Extra large shepherd dog: broad trologar. palmist; greatest adviser, past,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no doga. SNAP Plat, 11th and Alder, 147; Just argam at $1200. business. W 464. Oregonlan. head; tan spots over eyes: white breast- 'Wells 4 Proebstel. mining engineers, metal- present and future; marriage, love, business,
no children. furnished; leaving city unexpectedly; Room. ft S Ii L i , ! 3 heavy tan on legs; name "Roy;" white- lurglsts and assayera 2044 Washington. health. Journeys, mining work, land loca-
$12;.; time. -o and 1, 2b4 Morrison St. tipped tail Liberal reward if returned tions. lawsulls. Investments; tells every-
b;aut,f"1 re for housekeeping. . t , FINANCIAL. to 2503 Kaufman ave.. Vancouver. Wash. PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold 1"'"? P6 date Important lnf ormation;
within 10 minutes' walk of postofflce; heat, 7-ROOM modern house, well furnished- piano NICB FLAT A SNAP. ..yum... bouKht Aldcr eL Teunltes the separated, restore. lost love, re
light and telephone; rent $35 per month. and silverware; low rent. 148 Lane St. S. ,JL rooIT". steam heat furnished by land- Money to Loan. FOUND Wher. hair mattress, are renn- news lost vital force, remove, evil Influence.
Phone Main 35. car south. 'nrd. lower floor, new building, furnishings Z , vited returned sam day 2 "g Front Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. breaks weak habits, imparts personal mag-
. ? exceptionally good, located on Washing- MONEY. MONEY MONEY. Main" 474 A 1374 Portland Curll Hlr ' netism. develops others. The Martin, llojj
461 East Morrison, cor. E. 8th. Newly fur- MODERN well-furnished house, 6 light rooms. tm StreetVr ?r,e -$3ir " nOW- SALARY LOANS Factory. ' PL Metsger EHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en- 4th St., cor, of Washington.
nlshed housekeeping suites, electric lights, walking distance. 412 2d. 1 to 4. nr. SnTS o 1 , '. ... UPON PLAIN NOTES. ' . gino and electrical repairing. 326 Stark St. .... '
baths, heat, new gas ranges; no children. Hni.g Rooms 20 and 21, -64 Morrison St. NO INDORSER. W3LL party who took brown neck fur Sun- The best clairvoyant Sedta In Trf
$26-4 room,, complete furnished, entire ST" & -el NPCtII. ' rsYur.'.' ,o",h BaSSt anod CJOy BStSVP
Ttla7M Honse. for Rent-rnmitur. for Sa.a ggf-SUFt' 0 '- - ol? Sge" yo SZon at.
ROOM rent free to man and wife without BRAND new furmture of 6-room hous. at SSSkV" bJlHf IsTS NO SECURITY. LOST-A bas,p,n with -Umona ... c3!SPer 'TSJ .'S?
S Alberta car. 209Morris St. vrir! a.T ,, ,,, . , $10 TO $100. LOST A four-leaf clover Din- small dla- NERVOUS, chronic, spinal and female die- Selling-Hirsch bldg lbth id lVaahiiSJtV'
.M.TM.Y furnished housekeeping suites,. steam T narloV loT ?K.d 'C.e C,refkm STATE SECURITY COMPANY, mond In centef. Ru 210 3d i and taB" a "Peclalty. Chiropractic remove. ba"""; Md" 10tn "J Washington.
hem. no ehlldren. The Brdmann. Bast A GRAND opportunity; modern 7-room bouse. i, "f?f, "u"1", l"HtJ1,l.i"? "i"1" " 704 DEKUM BUILDING. receive reward the cause. Dr. Lavalley, 303-4 Allsky bldg., Marlon Corelll palmist and trance medium-
Hurmnde and Grand ave. newly turn shed, with piano, at less than ' b"?sa lfKk1?Jm,cdlately- Pnone , Open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. reward. cor. 3d and Morrison. aati?fact n gua?anteed. 22814waih i?
t 'i PHce; all or part. .Owner. 148 Lane at. Main 4308, B 602. Oregonlan. Wednesday, and Saturdays till 8 P. M. LOST-BIack silk handbag, containing nurs- T , - guaranteed, m A wash. t.
vii2srt?Es. Jw "T : : ?-esj? store; do,re asv- M BE BROkE. etc- . oXt- flgr? f8-c- "2&rjr m
man st. South Portland. FOR SALE Four-room flat, modern, nlcelv aZdlnJ R roli. re t.,,onlyii ,5; n" .Money Is our stock w. have plenty of "
rr.T furnished, near Heilig Theater; terms If de- . SMTi?1??.;,."1 se" at ln" "yours for the asking. A few hours' LOST Alaskan fur neckpiece at the Grand Chiropody. . Bafe
CONNECTING housekeeping and sleeping lred. or rent furnished. Inquire 410 Wash- Y01ce- 219 Lumber Exchange. preparation and the money Is yours. Theater, last evening. Main 185' Reward -
r.Kims. cheaper than West Side; bath, phone lngton. , ... 1 : Tfou can raise the money you need on . WM. DEVENY, and Estelle Deveny, the only s-irf-phoop nH u...... ),,!,
gas. bath, pantry, sink; easy walking iiV- 1 ISth St. N. 1 office. .19 Lumber Exchange. the knowledge of anyone. LOST Black and white dog nointer- re- Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mr.. M. D. HIU. The Meier Saf. Co.. 108 2d at.
lance. 211 Sherman. " g I H.YB outflt and -took worth $1000 for toetVfroln4 nV I,ZnW T7t ward. Mnros st cof 55"' room 330 Flledner bldg. Phon. Paclflo 133. dieBOLD Manganese aafa.-larg. Ha., car-
. . 3-ROOMICD apartments with-bath for rent- n.wii oumi ana stock wortn JflOOO for .to get it from na on payment plan. It rittA T.rwk-mit nTwnvi Tfi mmi
'i'TH newly furnished 3-room houM- J"' 'o? saie. HarrisonbCo'urt,0r pS, K?? STSt Vtntl S: h'JFton1 M SS ' WSTPeari sear, pin. Reward If returned Clairvoyant fufnltu" HsTprice. 'anaVooot "Sort
.v"ef;.Sing",c,ove';,ielunB " - "' ? no sgen Tltf OregorSm"" . U "g&uS 2. Mrs. Sam'l Kerr. 597 Main St. MME3. DR. HBRZOG, from Berlin, lentlflo Pboe- J- & Pavf.. 66 3d.
. FURNITURE of modern 12-room house for ,"TrT777777 7 , , 1 . ' revealer. tells life from cradle to grave. t ,.,. j M, vn
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, bath ea'e; all In housekeeping rooms. 447 Main. IF TAKEN at once $350 buys tea. coffee and LOANS made to salaried people holding per- N if-rmvvt Consultation on all affairs, nothing ex- pnowcaae. Bans ana Btora snxmrea.
phono free, walking distance cheao rent - p 8 Tuie'. '"eluding horse and buggy; manent position, and responsible Arms; easy x-j.kjijiaa cepted; good advice, sure help, mistake lm- K , .,,,. ,i. ,
ifli'i Grand-ave ' D NEW furniture 6-room modern flat chean Fiiaranteed $150 per month clear. Room ' Payment, and strictly confidential, also myw w.. . . possible; restores lost love, unites separated N1?Wa nd second-hand s hj w case sal ways In
rent. a-ood locMlon-$250 Sait Bi? P 403 L"mb- Exchange bldg. CHATTEL LOANS " DRS.. .iU ,f?T "",' ali elzeB: 1 month 6y sympathy; also locates burled treasure. stock, also made to order. Aetna Show-
NICK suite furnished housekeeping room. .. r nt- ooa location. $20. East 6217. . : on personal property; rooming-house, a pe- J"" J2th.iIeane Pad. buttons Fee $1; letter $2. 240 Park .t. case Co.. 14 7th st. Main 1661.
.,. Main 53$ g.g.g j, jg. Ji&JSl. US i!' ,r T...;;;,.
FURNITUP.E of 10 rooms closs ln Phon. Si'5" "'Pts $35: everything first-class; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices ln 3d St.. near Harrison. 8 car. Commission Merchants. Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6536.
WAMM JJoeT. ' Kg tgaTl'T8l'n4th'tsi.alCknC" 0t , 5.tlC1ffser:5r yOU0ir mOM"W 'iSS n'RAINEhIh, NURSE-He.slngfor, HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of hide.. To W Ml
Call evenings Washington. . TOLMAN, 233 Abington bldg.. 106 3d. fr?da' hand rubbing, steam, sweat and pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber Hoyt. Phon. Main 1408.
ON a,count of famlly trouble we will sell best- tul haths. 7 E. 11th su Take East Ankeny and old metal and general commission mer- .
FOR RENT On. large partly furnished WILL build and lease 2 storfs with apart- Seated saloon In city, and help you to buy; MONEY "LOANED Oa salaries, no other se- "f. Cures rheumatism. Both sexes. Phones chant- Front St.. near Main. Portland. O. tgn xTUntmg.
pZTa-nT' " &Y0rmlJ& ' VSfd? X w "-Url TAYLOR, YOUNG CO., ship brokers, com- T.T North
- SchSo? N E co" East sfaVk if5 " ' and othera: a'1 business confidential. F. A. WANTED To know the whereabout, of mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. J$. Jif""" J? SSl
n.WASANT furnished room for houkeep- it J B HirrlMtof w E.t n.i. 1 SALOON on principal street. ' doing a bust- Newton, 511 Buchanan bldg.. 28614 Wash- Monroe Long; something of Importance th and FA-erett sta. Phon. PrlTata
Ins- heat' electric light as hath fi Harrington. 4.) fc.aat Davis at. ness of .V) daily; will sell chcSp on ac- lngton st. to communicate to him. Address Louis D. C- BURNS & CO.. grocers and commission Exchange So. Home A 1155. -
Fifth St. ' ' FOR RENT Store centrally located in Are- Sl1 ratirln from business. 219 Lumber Nockels. 524 Alaska bldg., Seattle, Wash. merchants. 210 3d t. SIGNS CThat Attract.')
TWO" .nd three-rm suite.; ght phone &J$& ' lJ Bahan?. SSS 52 SON, of marrlageabl. age. either sex, election. PomandPgg., SPao. 1896.
hath. sink. ,suny; walking' distance." 3adndanTdrUtSkC;SPapyhon(e0Erx.S7 S" b -1 110 2d ., PUn'&'SSS'ZS INTERSTATE Adjustment Co.. law and col Storage and Transfer.
NEW corner store room, best for grocery. health See owner; no agent,. 479 Will- -Phone. Main and A1743. Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 1st st. . lection. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bldg. OLSEN-ROB TRANSFER CO.
1' BJ--- FOR SALE-Thoroughly establ.shed newspa- W'lntereT" t? FSSTl SSS'SSSSSSi ' S SSS
fTrniSHED and unfurnished room,. $10 .0 LOnT leas, "penally bu,,r- for creamery ' SnttoS? oiZ Co.. 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d & Sorflaon. ,1. fSSS- "ISfSSpL'&'SE SSTSTSSi
MarkJ?d " ,,n8" WlDdoW- 231 f ew barn. ,0d for laundry or manufae g""a"- LOANS to salaried employe, on .locks and GERMAN, French. Spanish and other For- sclSo" offfoi and a?f - 12, , SeUlng-ilSJch G O. PIC office 88 1st. Det. Star MdC.ak,
.. ark . luring. G 491. Oregonlan. BOARDING and rooming-house In swell 1' mw Irt? Loan Company, eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Liter.- bldg.. 38.B4 Wash, st., bet. W. Park and- LhlZS?- '"SS-"1
rVo"I,;unons.0";k:erdr004 "in" co" 6EE 8-h" o., 5th and Oak st... Sf "val'ue gS""5,S Washington bldg. t (Ge book, a.peclaity). A. W. 10th sts.; also dancing taught by mail. Iskwltn'St.
Hav si a 1 1 ons, nice j-ard. ..13 14th. cor. opp. Commercial Club Bldg. Exchange 219 Lumber $100,000 to loan ln sums of $1000 or more to ' DANCING-Innructlons daily 1:30 to 4. Mur- and Clay sts. i
. : : . , ; - ! . a;-1". 6 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. M. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor- lark Hall. 23d at Washington. Professor . '
NICELY furnished hou.ekr.plne room, STORE for rent. 142 N. 10th .t. GOOD 8hort.rder restaurant for sale on G' Grlg"' 266 Stark" PP- Cbam- of Coro' Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c a box. Writ. Carter, principal. Main 8ltt5. ' Btreet Paving.
single or suite,: ground floor. 403 or 5S0 Office. mnd.h"lee V j'yle2" chatmHP1.- MONEY to loan on diamonds and real es- Son bet. TanS 227 Uorr'- Dog and Ho Ho.p.tal. WARREN Construction Co street paving.
-d . . mno. aee J. Boyle. Merchants Hotel. tate: mortgages bought. M. E. Lee. room - - sidewalks and crossings. 814 Lumber Exoh.
FiiR REXT-J nicely furnished houeekeerlng "Sm w"1, SS"?B't!:LB!;.,E PARTNER wanted to attend office, collect, 20 Raleigh bldg.. 323 Washington .t. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Dr. a E. Brown. D. V. S. D. C M. Dog. - HARBBR asphalt PAVING m at
room,; ga, .nd Phone. 532 Couch. B .S-.l'Sr 'n CemCDt SJLSrf'Uir' MONEY to loan on Improved and unimproved Sde g JSTtoSS?? hox' tl?. 106 T' ftwl?
: H1E- DAV f,oaSdHi?- BkMf SPECIAL-If yoTwInt a JL Ith U ,1 SaaV Pierce, 181 1st St. Typewriters.
TT.RASANT front suit for hfupkninir u BFrCCIAX, if you want a grocery with lir- ; . ; " 1 1 ' .
light, heat, bath and gas. 555 5th st. ' THREE GOOD OFFICE rooms In fire-proof buy ;Ta b?rW in." 'SaSlSVa TO loan $8000. 3, 5 or more year, on ' ap- "o" geStTemaTwUh money": RTnhBaialCn?LLBGB- NEW and "oond-hand typrritera. .,,
S77Z F, -, . , . . r , building, steam heat and central location. '' 8 atarK "' proved real estate; no agents: no oommia- no bad habUa' oblect mairimonv "pT,. A P ARMSTRONG LL EE PRINCIPAL. makes repaired, sold and rented; also -
" L. noMwa7er'hne,n.hephone0iot".Ph,n APBl l ?SH Company, of EQUITY In some valuable Portland city lot, " Add"M N 401- Oregonlan. nobadhabiu. object matrimony. P 614, A. ARMBTRONG. . MNCIPAU Ma
ne. not water neat, pnones. lni 14th. gEon. S. E. cor. Third and Oak sts. for sn established retail business. Davis, i h .. ,,, , T " structlons. Position certain when compe- writer Exchange. 84 3d .t. Main 606.
THREE connecting : housekeeping rooms: mod- . Fhon. City Transfer Stable. 5th and Glls.n. twlT Hossak. Im "safmon tTcui D .VreJuflrit lSht-Ai 'rrespondenli "rapcScu'l." NEW typewriter.. .11 make., rented, sold, re-
ern. 94 North 16,h . Phon. Main 6007. OFFICES , rent In the Worcester and Hamil- $150, IP Invested quick, win give an Income et. 11 and 2 P. M. rre .ularlUe. coreo tad expo;,; tTSSSSaXgLSftZS Paired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Phon. 1407.
"-euifc Xr&JtfKSSS SZ?SS2Ue' " VSSS &SSE? SS'AJS'SSt Mouriwrlgh, ,k,n andalp treatments; 0t 71 Oak. re, J01"
TH REE nice, large, modem housekeeping 71 " SSTiS Commercial block. gg 2 mdTT UTe.- ih t?A-SS oaoen's'urish sodslroi and
Jlli- wlo! T;, ... '"l"'" '2T9atmbyraE;?ha3ngterada: iffayaW'fSf' A REFINED widow, good .coking, of age , , , " Ankeny at... Portland. Or.
"J! "Zr-tSZ"" F'anHd'bT-5tl-andCavVa0sh,nHt ionThndote . nTaS'1 EmPlye' C- S.'0 p'Tll' Sffi?"to- WADHAMS CO.. whol.sal. grocers.-
snfl some low priced ones. sfe them. room, clearing $400 per month; will sell at gaaoo to loan at 7 per cent- no -omml..lon gentleman. f on. uregonlan. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO.. 490 Wash. ??nutai;t"re- commission merchant.
S TOVEt.V r.-y furnNhe,! rooms, private ffilScrtUUcM " " bargain. 219 Lumber Exchange. . rg:'descr?Lecurlt"''tbTl6Ccam,' Ore" MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow. Fixtures and wiring. M 4884,; A 8881. 4th and Oak.
home. $10. 14S Lane st. R. car south. opp. commercial Club Bldg. ; ...,... gonian. alcohol rub, cream massage; 'reference. ... . i
L , THIRD interest ln 10 years' established renl i&'iy, Park. Main 2403, A2734. ' ed Store.. BAKKs!
,rm NEW,odgeha""rAddresa.M18, " " "JZ$. li. SZX .gATW 45, t AT W. M. Ladd C. , W. Ladd
"keemrcomS!"-- McMillen st. Phone East 3. SS'S Bt.."Mu! & Too 6 ggg ' T Gaao.lns Knctae. PORTI.N.
oarguin. 1 oi uresonian. IADIES Whatever your ailment call on - Established 1859
THREE modern housekeeping rooms, fur- BUSINESS CHANCES. In th. het mvi IANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice fre. 1704 8t'r'wnol1i7.reittUni: Transact a general banking
rished. 333 Market St.. near 7lh, FOR SALE The Oregonlan Confectionery nm' ForUaTd. ,n SSl "cferks1! glstrt curlty. C. W., 804 F.nton bid.. 8d st. Main 71o4. TJn,tS,Vr 1' Savings?? fe? onslspo.'iu.
lRi; ioth ST.. three nlcelv furnished house- and. Lun,cb Parlors, located at 131 6th; - tlon Bureau, 3864 Wash, st. TO i.0AN $20,000 or less. 8 per cent, on A WIDOW wants -a gentleman to board and ' and saddlerv Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
keeping room, complete. -kitchen. w.Sfff a,n d " nce- CaU 4" w.virn-P. real estate. Farrtngton. Fenton bldg. room; no other,; nice home; close ln. Harnes. ana saddlery. ,
asnlnston st- WANTED Partner In good paying -buslnas: -p ka Oreeonian - wpRrHANTa NATIONAT t a tvjw
housekeeping room,: cheap: bath. g,,. rTvTvT: SonevbepaBfT Ve.onrrn'"1'1 "" MONEY to loan on ail kinds of security. ' rggoI"an- IHa V'1 ?w "sAllSl pS"andV of
Phone. 4M Montgomery ,t. . ...,DP J0" W"NT- . ., money. P 510. Oregonlan. Wm. Hull, room 9. Washington bldg. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity and harness mnfrs.. 8Q-86 1st. Main 226. FRANK WATSON... President
. "f3 n,ly turnhrtie d. strictly .nodern 7 r-! ! cases; good care; terms right. Ad Allsky bid. Jnnli Hide. nri ,.,. " R. L. DURHAM Vice-President
WKI.I, furni-hed "-room housekeeping suite 20-rooni hou,e. cor. Jamhill and 7th? Must IF you want to buy a part or whole Interest tsCO.OOO to loan at 6 per cent on mortgage. Junk. Hide, and Pelt. R. w. HOYT..T Cashier
305 Salmon st cor " 0th .fl': Ko'5' qU1Ck- KDeI- A 11,90 " Pa" ?f avBOi? Cv'h W1" business, call 321 Wm. GvBeck. room 312. Falling bldg" MANICURING and scalp treatment. Room . SHAK . co nurchasera of hide, n.lts GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier
imntcurv cific SOS. Lumber Exchange. 1 23. 343 Yamhill, corner 7th. May Toner. 1? f3s talloW old bbe?s mVSl.P,.nd S- E- CATCHING 2d Assistant Cashier
rt PN'ISHPr) housekeeping room on first floor ,, . .... . , . - , . : : I WISH to loan $3000 or less on Inside rest- Iur7!, pllrj,' 2, ruooors, metais and TRANSACTS OENBRAL BANKING
2115 11th I llMr T or HA.h 5 V '?IiI?,S,.ln a "rst-'fclas. prop- WANTED A contractor to build cottage In dence property. B 461. car. Oregonlan. FINNISH masseuse:, steam baths. Olga sack. 312 Front BUSINESS,
TWO n,ce,y fi.rnl.hed housekeeping room,. S SStl" 3 exchafor lots not far out. Addres. P. JS n bldg. A2337. Leather and Plndmgs. L avail-
Sg agonia'n" The Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. , MANICURING, jacl -caveat- , -OWBK. tfonspeili-" .
foK ' TVS& ToZn m0rt8ae6 RECENTLY opef.ed. manicuring parlor, re- i AS W '"U . FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
WirW r1 MxlJ'SnS. ,0-ROOM house. weH furnished, clearing $50 Z moved from 351 to 343 Morrison, rm. X MASTICK CO Front and Oak CAPITAL AND iLR PLUS $1,500,000.00-
East 3rt0 P-'"c: $12 month. Phon. ve.ted. Address X 486, Oregonlan. monthly; $600. Hatfield Smith. 165 I HAVB "r oan on Umber. JUST OPENED-Manicurlng and facial IhSd'aigSS Oldest N'kTn.Paclfle Coast
: , HALF interest In well-ea.ablished poultry and 4A . ' Oregonlan. . massage parlor. Room 5. 145 6th st. for all purposes; sol. and tap cutters' find- 1 m?Ll1 Pre?ld" i "
nNJV'I-A"0tm..V0'!ri MR"rj,'J'e - J n.f flCS"0' business, clearing never less than PARTNER wanted for a store; $600 required; TO LOAN $4000 on inside residence property. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous hair removed! ' J. W. NEtvkl'RK!7.'.V.".'.".".'.V.".".".".'.'. ..Cashier
$-0 per month. Louis Salomon. 233 Stark st. Ji;namth'y; 219 Lumber pay you $150 a month. Cair248 Stark st. B 477. Oregonlaa. Mr. M.IX Hiu; SSOFUemfr bloi. Pac. IS carpenters and BuUders. w- J?- ALVORD Assistant Cashier
'I" Al T"R ppa. r-iC1 KA I rl 1 " ' '" 1 " '" anai-aaama .-aaMk - . B- F. STEJVEN S ......... 2(1 ARSlStailt CaShlCP
:Lrrr?Z fMM 4 A CLIENT year , per 'Mg- g M aK. ;
ys FrsA:trramne r- f$g -s se -rv mro a.w yassrw igrSS-'s
M's7f' Fast 1-Th "st ""rrone'F'i. ""tr'-i ArP'y Betmorl '" t'"U K5 nw MUST SELL-200 ,hare, Comock Golden ' FINNISH masseuse: steam baths. Olga Lan- Mn.caL Capital paid up... ....i:" ! iW
X. East l.lh st. Thone E.'st 2403. Bclront- ; Gate. $1 per share. W 502, Oregonlan. S6O0 MORTGAGE for sale, on new house and den. 15-16 Selling-Hirsch bldg. Tel: A2337 " I Surplus arid undivided profit... $10,163,878
5-ROOM modern heu,e. 214 E. 2S.h St.. 20 ROOM... one floor, fln. furniture, cheap CIGXR and candy ..ore living rooms- clear, Oafi'uSSiS,'11'- Por,,and Ho BALM OP FIGS tor all female d.-e.. a7a P.ano lessons-Ada Powel. William. B. M.. ,. ' tel0"""'
rorn-r house. Take E. Ankeny car. rent, central. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th ,r a dly- price $550 Call 248Ts?frk s? Morrison St. BALM OF FIGS for all fema.1. disease. 626 structor of piano and harmony; special at- Letters of credit issued, available in all
HOl'SF -o rent Mount Tshor re.e-olr- '" " - WE can lean your mone, for you on good Belmont. Phon. E. 40S4. . tentlon glv,n obn.i.en Sludlo iM Grnu parts, of th. world. Inter. paid, on tim.
em. -Acng WAC.,,, price and location. 4WSSi T gark-nea? LAD barber shop; manicuring, face EMOK P Sevcik. tl"Sf a?'-.
-'- Kn0tl 1 A atT -l VtSBW2'- 7 aTneaV S s Massage, ,L f-Ags. Jess, rke, wf