Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 04, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, Columbia Yarns, Butterick Patterns, Ostermoor Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses, Perrins' Gloves
SIF5 The Meier m Frank Store's Clearance Sale Bulletin -PS-
Until 9:30
Marked at Very In
terestingly Low Prices
Ir. Wright's fleeced Underwear for men; all sizes Ctlf
shirts and drawers; regular $1.00 values, on sale at.
Men's Australian Wool Underwear, all sizes in djl
shirts and drawers; regular $1.75 values, at . .P
Men's super-weight natural wool Underwear; regu- 7Q
lar $1.00 values, on sale at, special, the garment.
Men's vicuna wool Underwear, all sizes in shirts and OA-
drawers; $1.00 values, on sale at, special, garment. 0
Men's woi'sted ribbed Underwear,. in blue, gray and QC
pink, all sizes shirts and drawers; $1.25 values, at. . .OiJC
Cooper's form-fitting Ribbed Underwear, in blue, QlSi
salmon and ecru; regular $1.25 values, at, garment. 03C
The famous "Lewis" high-grade Woolen Underwear, forni-
titting special lines we are going to discon- CJO QQ
tinue; salmon and blue; $4.50-$5.00 values, at. . . POS
Boys' worsted Ribbed Underwear, 75c values, special.. 45
Men's Cashmere Wool Hose, regular 35c values, pair..l7
Also heavy Lisle Hose, plain and fancy colors, 35c vals. .17
Great Sale of Fine Stationery
Eaton-Hurlbut 's fine linen Paper, Mousseline OO
de Paris, in pound packages; special value,, lb."
Envelopes to match, on sale at, special, package.. 7p
Evangeline Linen Paper, both note and letter 00
sizes, in 1-pound boxes; regular 50c value, at. '''
Envelopes to match, on sale at, special, package, 12
Eaton-Hurlbut 's fancy boxed Papers, reg- Cff
ular 85c and $1.00 values, on sale at, sp'l. 3 VIl
American Alarm Clocks 79c
American Alarm Clocks, on sale at, sp'l., each..T9
Alternating Alarm Clocks, on sale at, special. .98
La Reine Alarm Clocks, at this low price, each..89?
Eight-Day Mission and Mantel Clocks, val- 7Q
ues up to $6.50 each, on sale today at, ea. . P"
yoS on alt our Fancy Gold Clocks Take advantage.
Entire line of Holiday Jewelry on sale at low clearance
sale prices today an opportunity you should not miss.
All our Fancy Back Combs on sale at reduced prices.
All holiday goods now on sale at quick-selling prices.
Women's $4 Shoes $2.65 Pair
Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes
Clearance Sale extraordinary of Wom
en's Fine Footwear 1000 pairs in this
lot; hand-turn and welt soles, in fine
vici kid and patent kid leathers ; Cuban
and common-sense heels; J. & T. Cous
ins and other standard makes, in all
sizes and widths ; regular $3.50 and
$4.00 values ; on sale while d0 ?C
they last, special at, pair.j)00
1000 pairs of misses' and children's
patent leather, vici kid and box calf
Lace Shoes ; good, heavy, extension
soles ; plain and, patent leather tips ; all
sizes, 114 to 2, 8Y2 to 11, asfollows :
$2.00-$2.25 values, pair $1 .48
$1.75 values, at, the pair $1.28
Boys' box calf and vici kid Shoes, all
sizes, 24 to 52, !Sy2 to 2, 9 to 13y3 ; regular $2.00 to $2.50
values, pair $1.28, $1.58 and
ill illjj
See the Great Clearance Sale Bargains m All Departments of Store
Men's $3 Hats for $ 1.89 Each
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Department today, great clearance sale men's Derby
Hats in black and brown,all new blocks. Included will be found about 500 soft
hats in black, brown, tan and pearl; come in all sizes; hats selling fl1 GQ
regularly at. $2.50 and $3.00 each, on sale at this special low price. OI7
Entire stock of men's and young men's Derby and Soft Hats at low clearance .prices.
Women's $ 1 .00 Underwear at 38 Cents
Saturday sale extraordinary of women's Knit Underwear; heavy, medium and light
weight, in wool, mixed wool and lisle thread; vests, pants and union suits; low
neck and sleeveless, high neck and long sleeves ; white, gray and black, alL sizes.
Underwear finding ready sale at prices up to $1.00 per garment. Your "JQ
choice today only at this unusually low price, garment take advantage.
Qiir Greatest and Best Sale
of New Dainty Undermuslins
500,000 pieces of beautiful,
new, dainty Undermuslins
are included in this great
annual "White Fair" Mus
lin Underwear of style and
quality F i n e s t materials,
the best workmanship and
trimmings the assortment
and values the best we ever
provided the wise woman
will anticipate her needs for
many months to come
every garment in the entire
stock at a special low price
during this sale.
39c, 49c, 69c, 79c, and up
to, each $7.50
NIGHT GOWNS at 47c, 83c,
98c, $1.22, $1.48, and up to,
each $27.50
-,SJ&S!5teSC 98c, $1.22, $1.93, $2.69, up
-Var' 1 to, each $48.00
CHEMISE at 69c, 98c, $1.22, to ..... : $7.50
SHORT SKIRTS at 49 to $3.98
COMBINATION GARMENTS. .. $1.83, $1.89 to $10.00
Children's Muslins, French Hand-Made Underwear at Very Low Prices.
Second Floor.
Clearance Sale of Books, Etc.
Padded Poets, great special value, on sale at this special low price, the copy.. 65
r.AA..nl4 Ua.i i. Ui.nlr i Iia mmilao 4:1 ( nAii in llooru 1 cold . TWM1 OQ'Vl Oilk
copy. .59
copy.. 39
it -mr
Clean-up sale of Gift Books and fiction for boys and girls, 3oc-50c vals., copy. -19
Great Clearance Sale of our entire stock of Calendars at low prices take advantage.
1000 copies of the Twentieth Century Cook Book, on sale at, special,
Foxy lira ml pa and Peck's Bad Boy, on sale at this special low price,
1 drill : l il ! i 1 ' L ...... I. l U . . ..n.innallir 1-i.t .-..-i j (1 fVta
6 to 9:30 Specials Tonight
$4.00 Corsets $1.59
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, special lot of -women's
Corsets, white and drab; straight
fronts, long hips, with and without
hose supporters; all sizes; flJ 1
regular $2.50 to $4 .values.
Flannel Gowns 98c
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 2000 women's outing
flannel Night Robes, in fancy stripes,
braid-trimmed; regular $1.25 and $1.50
values, on sale tonight at, eaeh..98
Huck Towels at 1 lc
Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, special lot of hemmed
Linen Huck Towels, the best II
values ever offered at, sp'l., ea.
Marseilles Spreads
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, special lot of hem'd
Marseilles Bedspreads, large size, won
derful values, on sale at CO t
this special low price, ea..&f
Women's Hosiery
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, women's fine black
Cotton Hose, seamless leg and foot; all
sizes;' the best regular 20c Of
values, on sale at, the pair. Jo
Women's Underw'r
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 3000 women's and
children's heavy-weight cotton Vests
and Pants; high neck and 1 Olf
long sleeves; 25c values, at.
Pyrographic Outfits
Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 400 Pyrographic Out
'fiats; all new and in perfect condition.
Best regular $4.50 values, OQ
on sale at, special, each. P
$5.00 Pictures 98c
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, on the Fourth Floor,
great special lot of Framed .Pictures
all sizes and subjects; $3.50 to QQ
$5,00 values, on sale at, each. - ,
Remnants Half Price
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, remnants, of Swiss,
net, cretonnes and silkolines, 1 to 5-yd.
lengths. Best styles and grades; fo
all on sale at this sp'l. reduction.
Lace Curtains Half
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, odd pairs of Lace
Curtains at half regular prices; Not
tinghams, Irish points, Clunys, Brus
sels. et. ; only one pair of a kind ; 1 fa
$2.00 to $40.00. values, special at.
Neck Ruches 5c Ea.
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, Neck Ruches, 13 to
14-inch; chiffon, crepe and mousseline;
best 10c 'values, on sale at, sp'l., ea.o
1 5c Handkerch'fs 5c
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, women's and chil
dren's Initialed Handkerchiefs, white
and colored borders; regular 10c and
15c values, to be cleaned up at
this unusually low price, each. . . .'J
50c Golf Gloves 27c
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 3000 pairs of wom
en's and children's all wool Golf Gloves
white, black and all colors; all sizes.
Regular 50c values, -at, the pair. .27
Tea Kettles $1.17
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, 200 all-copper nickel
plated Tea Kettles, No. 9 size; regular
. $1.50 value, on sale at this d j 17
special low price, each .N
Incandescent Lights
Tonight, 6 to 9:30, special lot of 1000
Lindsay Incandescent Gas Lights, com
plete with globe, mantle, burner, etc.;
wonderful value at this low price. 39
25c-50c Pictures 1 2c
Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, 1000 beautiful colored
mottoed Pictures, regular 25c to 50c
values, on sale, 6 to 9:30 only, 1 O-,'
at this special low price, each.
35c Hosiery at 1 7c Pr.
Saturday Sale of 5000 pairs women's black Cotton Hose, in plain and lace effects;
- absolutely fast black and stainless, all sizes. The best regular 35c val- 1 J
ues, on sale at this exceptionally low price, the pair Take advantage. 1
Great clearance bargains in Gloves and Umbrellas. Great clearance bargains in
Ribbons and Handkerchiefs. Great clearance bargains in Laces and Embroideries.
Great clearance bargains in Leather Goods and Belts. You should see these bargains.
Great Clearance Sale of
en's Finest Clothing
Sweeping reductions on our entire stock of
men's and young men's fine Suits and Over
coats Every garment in our immense
stocks is included Men's ready-to-wear ap
parel in all styles and grades at the lowest
prices of the year.
Big Bargains in Men's Suits
$ 1 2.50 Suits $ 9.85$ 1 5.00 Suits $10.15
$ 1 8.00 Suits $ 1 2.89 $30.00 Suits $ 1 4.35
$22.50 Suits $ 1 5.65 $28.00 Suits $21.10
$25.00 Suits $ 1 7.85 $30.00 Suits $2 1 .35
$35.00 Suits $34.98 $40.00 Suits $26.90
Great Overcoat Bargains
$ 1 5 O'coats $10.1 5 $22 O'coats $ 1 6.69
$18Q'coats $12.98 $25 O'coats $17.65
$20 O'coats $14.35 $35 O'coats $26.65
Entire stock of boys and young men's
, )'S i S Copyright.',
1 1 8 iw. by
Overcoats on sale at low clearance prices.
Men's Clothing Department, on the Second Floor Take Elevator
Twenty Songs for 22c
In the Sheet Music Department today, special lot of Music Books containing twenty
of the most popular songs of the season, arranged as two-steps and waltzes, by
the noted W. C. Powell; each copy bound in beautiful cover. By far ths OO.
greatest value ever offered at the price Take advantage of this sale. C
All the latest Sheet Music, vocal and instrumental, sold here at the very lowest
prices. Sheet Music Department, located in the balcony, rear of the Main Floor.
Mail orders promptly attended to. Send for Sheet Music Catalogue. It's free.
Juvenile Court Magistrate Making
Hiiux-ir Familiar With Dutlrs
of tlie Work.
Judge Raiitenhrin visited the State
Reform Sehool at Salem yesterday in
order to faniillnrize himself with the
work there. He lias also visited the
Prtentlon Home of the Boys" and Girls'
Aid Society and the House of the Good
Shrpn'rT as he wishes to understand
the Inside workings of the homes to
whieh he must send some of the chil
dren who will come before him as
judge of the Juvenile Court, for jus
tice. Much dissatisfaction is felt by those
connected with the Juvenile Court
work over the change of Probation Of
ficer Haw'.ey to a police beat, his work
with the Juvenile Court being one for
which he is said to be eminently fit
ted. Those familiar with the work
my it would be difficult for another
to acquire Mr. Hawley's experience in
less than several years, owing to the
larre number of wards which the court
looks nftir and the fact that old cases
are continually being revived.
B. 9. Pague, a prominent member of
the Juvenile Improvement Association,
said last night:
"Mr. Hawley is an ideal man for the
Juvenile Court work. I think he has
a better knowledge of the delinquent
children of the city than any other
man. He also has a peculiar fascina
tion and hold upon the children with
whom he deals. I have frequently
been with him when we would meet
children who had formerly gone
wrong, but who had been set on the
right track through his efforts.
"1 cannot sperk for the other members
of the association, but personally I feel
that we cannot get along for any
length of time without Mr. Hawley,
for no other man can fill his peculiar
place. The next meeting of the
Juvenile Improvement Association will
be held within two weeks, and I per
sonally Intend to take the matter up
with the association to see what can
be done toward reinstating Mr. Haw
ley in his former place.
"It is probable that the next Legis
lature will provide for a Juvenile Court
judge in addition to the Circuit judges.
In that case the judge will appoint his
own officers. Should Mr. Hawley re
sign from the police force now he
could not be reinstated. I do not
understand what the Police Commis
sion means by making such a change."
Sealed Orders for Shearwater.
VICTORIA, B. C., Jan. 3. H. M. S.
Shearwater has been ordered to
Iquique under sealed orders and will
sail January 26. The reason for the
dispatch of the warship Is not known
on board.
Examiner Calls Tpon Them to Sign
Agreements to Leave Their
Money in the Bank.
Another step toward the reopening of
the Merchants National Bank was taken
yesterday, when Bank Examiner "Wilson
began accepting the agreements of depos
itors to leave their money In the Institu
tion for stated periods on time certifi
cates. This is a precaution required by
the Government in all such cases, and at
least one-half of the deposits must be so
protected before the reopening can be or
dered. Many certificates were issued yes
terday, and the receiver and J. Frank
Watson, president of the bank, believe
that it will be but a short time before a
large proportion of the deposits is repre
sented. Letters explaining the situation and
blank contracts are being sent to all de
positors. The first of these were mailed
yesterday. The contracts are to leave de
posits In the bank for periods of six, 12,
IS and 24 months, according to the amount
of the claim. The certificates will bear 3
per cent interest, and it is expected that
they will circulate aa collateral. It baa
been decided not to ask depositors with
claims of less than $100 to sign agree
ments, and their accounts will be avail
able, if they desire to draw on them, as
soon as the bank resumes business.
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Watson explain
that the signing of these contracts does
not necessarily mean that the money will
be tied up for the whole time. The cer
tificates are simply to safeguard the mu
tual interest of bank and depositors. It
is the intention of the bank officials to
pay off depositors just as rapidly as ad
visable, where they need their money.
This precaution is not only for . the
benefit of bank and depositors, but It will
allow the institution to transact business
without pressing those owing the bank.
Examiner Wilson expresses himself as
greatly pleased with the disposition
s-hown 'by depositors to sign the time
agreements without delay and thus expe
dite the reopening. He wishes to empha
size the fact that depositors should call
at the. bank at the earliest possible mo
ment and take up this matter. In this
way bu."iness will be resumed . at the
earliest possible date, which is especially
desirable in view of the extra expense In
curred every day the institution remains
Mr. Wilson yesterday received a letter
from the Controller of the Currency at
Washington, asking what progress was
being made, and if a date had been set
for the reopening. Mr. Wilson desires to
correct a published statement that this
telegram called for a report on the con
dition of tho bank. The Inquiries about
the reopening were incidental to a mes
sage about another matter.
Fine shoes at factory cost at Rosen
thai s house cleaning sale.
Same Old Entrance
Fighting the
Beef Trust
Small P'rt'rhouse Stk 12V4?
Tenderloin Steak 12'
Sirloin Steak ......... ll
Best Bound Steak 10
Prime Rib Roast. 10
Hamburg Steak ...... 10
Shoulder Roast 8
Short Ribs to Bake. ...St;
For Boiling 6
Soup Meat 3
Loin Chops 15
Loin Roast 15J
Shoulder Chops 12V!'
Shoulder Roast 12V2
Fresh Side Pork 12 Va
Pickle Pork ' 121
Dry Salt Pork : .12V2
Spare Ribs 12V
Leaf Lard l212
Link Sausage 12Vi
Mixed Sausage .121'
Pigs' Hocks 8
Pigs' Feet 5
Legs of Lamb 15
Loin Chops 15
Rib Chops 15
Shoulder Chops 12'A
Shoulder Roast 12V
Whole Shoulder- ld
Lamb Stew 8
Breakfast Bacon, extra light.. 17V2
Breakfast Bacon 16
Hams J 5(?
Cottage Hams. 1 1 o?
Picnic Hams 12V4
Veal Sausage 12'2
avoid the markets on both sides of us, for at neither one can yon get
- When yon are looking for Smith's,
Smith's Meats. . .
Don't eat meat that has been tampered with and handled and snuffed and sniffed at and breathed upon by
every "undesirable citizen" and "heathen Celestial" that passes by that's what you get in Beef Trust markets
"Jungle Markets." They lay their meat right up alongside the sidewalk and expect people to feel how soft and
mushy it is. t
Smith's meats are handled in a clean and sanitary manner and kept inside the shop and behind glass until yon
bny them they're the only safe meats to eat. . V.' " '