2 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3. 1908. The Muslinwear Sale Discriminating -women haven't had such a chance to buy fine muslinwear in years. The product of one of the best factories in the world featured in this monster sale. Thousands of sample garments bought at an unusually advantageous price offered for half regular value. Come early and choose.. .PAY HALF Women's Cambric Drawers, made with deep ruffle and trimmed with clusters of fine tucks Valenciennes lace and embroidery edging, regularly -worth AQk 85c, sale price t Corset Covers of fine cambric, low round neck, trimmed with lace, insertion, beading and ribbon; no regularly worth 35c, sale price, each siJV Women's Knit Petticoats Now that surely means knee lengths; made of all-wool yarn, in all sizes, including "extra large" num bers; plain colors, or touched with fancy stripe. Regularly $1.50 value 97 Children's Drawer Legging of fine wool yarn, close fitting at waist, trimmed in fancy stitching; come in white only; regularly $1.40 and $1.50 values 98 Regular $1.20 and $1.30 vals..87 Hatpin Holders, Fancy Pin Cush ions, etc., various shapes and sizes, trimmed with ribbon or lace, 35c values .'.... 23 Children's Corset Waists of fine cambric or heavy drill, reinforced over shoulders, embroidery or lace trimmed, sizes 2 to 13 years; regular 50c values 23 Infants' Long Skirts of fine white Domet flannel, cambric waists; regularly 40o each, special.. 25 Infants' Wrappers of white Domet flannel, with collars and cuffs of dainty colors in the same materi al, trimmed with fancy floss stitching; 75c value 47 Dust Bags and Brush Holders, hand embroid'd in German cross stitch designs, on art canvas; 60c and 65c values 39 PROMPT DELIVERIES. With the best and newest equipment in the city, we're pre pared to. give prompt se rvice. Neat, courteous, uni formed drivers, handsome new wag ons, and plenty of them. 3 WE FILL MAIL ORDERS. Out - of - town friends should share freely in the Clear ance Bale Savings. Mail orders have as careful attention as tho our customers were here in person. Take advantage. Waists or Wrappers To $2.50 Each 49c A sensational Friday sale of Waists, including a splendid' collection of the best liked mod els in wash materials. White Lawns with fronts of all-over embroidery, or with fronts of e m b r o i dery, insertion and tucks. White Lawn Tailored Waists, trimmed with box pleats. Dotted Swiss. with front of embroidery and insertion. Lawns in large or small dot ef fects. Values from $1.00 to $2.50 each; choice 49c A clean-up of Wrappers. A one day's sale of tremendous saving opportunities. They are made of a fleeced flannelette; the col ors are gray, red, blue, black and white, etc., neatly trimmed in many styles, some with belts to match. Generously full sizes, comfortable, sightly garments for house wear, in fast colored fabrics, regularly worth $1.25 to $2.50 each; today 49c Save On Good Shoes Slippers for men or women at stupendous savings. In felt or leather, women's in Juliets or slippers, the men's in all styles. Men's and Women's Slippers In felt, kid and patent leather. The women's in Juliets or slip per styles; the men's in Romeo, Cavalier, Opera or Everett. Regular $1.19 grades; sale price, the pair 79 $1.39 grades, sale price . .98 $1.50 grades, sale price .$1.09 $1.75 grades, sale price .$1.19 $2.00 grades, sale price .$1.39 $2.25 grades, sale price S1.49 $2.50 grades, sale price. ... ...$11.69 $3.00 grades, sale price $1.89 Unrestricted choice of every pair of Slippers In our stock at reduced price. LOT 1 W m e ' Shoe a High grade footwear in many styles. Heavy or light soles, kid, calf or patent leathers; lace or button models and a large number to choose from. Values to $6.00 the pair. Clearance Sale price. 93.89 Shlnola Fountains; Outfit Polisher, dauber and polish, 25c value 19 LOT 3 Women's Popular-Priced Shoes A large assortment of leathers, styles, sizes and lasts; college cut or full height; welt or hand-turned sole; shoes in high arch models or with low, broad heels. Values $3.50 and $4.00; sale price 93.19 FRIDAT SPECIALS IJf FINDINGS. Foot Powders Different kinds, reg ular 25c values; Friday price 19 Llild Shoe Dressing; A regular 25o grade; specially priced for today at ; 19 The. Cieara nee S ale Is at Its B est Just Now TT1 lyin, cotiom v Sale Brings Wonderful Examples Of Never - Equaled Values Odd Lines Cut Glass, China, Etc. Odd lines cut glass in scintillating, sparkling richness. Pieces you'll be glad to own, in artistic cuttings and late designs. Articles LJ A J 17 I? I? ( THAR needed in every home. The price is only 1 M.J-Ll AJJ KJrA $5.00 Bowls, sale price $5.50 Bowls, sale price $6.00 Bowls, sale price '. $0.50 Bowls, sale price $8.50 Bowls, sale price $2.25 Cologne Bottles, Clearance Sale price.. $3.90 Cologne Bottles, Clearance Sale price.. $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 $4.52 $1.13 $1.95 $5.00 Water Bottles, Clearance Sale price. $6.00 Decanters, Clearance Sale price. $7.50 Decanters, Clearance Sale price. $10.50 Decanters, Clearance Sale price. $24.00 Goblets, Clearance Sale price. $27 Cocktail Glasses, Clearance Sale price. $21 Wine Glasses, Clearance Sale price. $2.50 ..$300 $3.75 $5.25 $12.00 $13.50 $10.50 "LIBBEY'S" ROCK CRYSTAL GLASS $36 Tumblers, sale pr'ce, d'z.$18.00 $r,2 Goblets, sale price, doz.26.00 $10 Sherbets, sale price, doz.$20.00 $S4 Finger Bowls and Plates, clear ance sale price, the doz. .$42.00 Ilavllnnd f'lilna ls Opea Slock Pat trrnit plain shapes, decorated with gold traced handles and knobs and small green sprays, with roses; 60-plece dinner seta, worth $22.75, sale price -...$18.20 100-piece dinner sets, worth $33.25, sale price -i.-926.60 Ilavllnod China, in open stock; fancy shapes; decorations of pink and green aprays, with heavy gold border; 63-ptece dinner sets, regu larly $45.2r. sale price $36.15 100-piece dinner sets, regularly $65.75, sale price $52. 50 lias Lamps, complete with shade: clearance sale price 92. -lO Gas Lamps with square black base, etched shade, sale price. . . . $4.20 Gas Lamps, with decorated shades, sale price 95,95 Electric Lamps, complete, green shade : 92. 40 Electric Lamp, with decorated etched shade 95.75 Electric Lamp, with handsomely dec orated shade 95.95 $36 Wine Glasses, sale price, the dozen 918.00 $44 Lemonade Glasses, with han dles, sale price 922. OO $44 Finger Bowls, sale price, the dozen 922. OO $95 Finger Bowls and Plates, clear ance sale price, the dozen. 947. 50 All Odd Lines of Glass Vases Spe cially Priced for Clearance Sale. Decorated Vases In Odd Lines, All Specially Priced. Art Pottery. Odd Pieces, at Clear ance Sale Prices. Jardlneres at Very Special Prices for the Clearance Sale. Decorated German China In Odd Pieces at Clearance Sale Prices. "Elite" German Enamel Ware Four coats of enamel on best steel, dark blue color. -quart Milk Pans, worth 62c each, sale price 32 Pudding Pans, worth 90c each, sale price ....454 Tea Pots, worth 75c each 38 Tea Pots, worth 85c each 4Si Tea Pots, worth $1.10 each.... 55 Aluminum Tea Pots, regular $1.90 values, clearance sale price... 954 All Dark Blue "Elite" Enamelirare During Clearance Sale Half Price. Bear Cloth A superb special for today only, for making women's or children's coats. The colors are cream, light blue, cardinal, brown, gray or black. A reg ular $3.00 quality, special to day, the yard. $2.48 Li men Bargains TABLE DAMASK Our well known qualities in many patterns and all widths, at the following redactions: Regular $1.85 quality, d "1 A Q the yard J 1 .tO Regular $1.50 quality, 1 1Q the yard pi. iO Regular $1.10 quality, "7Q the yard OC Regular 75c quality, the CC yard iJiJC Pattern Table Cloths, size 2i2x2V2 yards, $6.00 value, t1 QC sale price... prI-.iJiJ Pattern Table Cloths, 2V'2x3 yards, regular $6.50 value, sale price $5.25 Splendid Savings on Rich Rugs Odd pieces, to be sure, but there is an assortment of over 200. The lot contains all sizes, from small ones to those large enough to cover a good-sized room. The weaves are Shirvans, Daghestans, Mossouls, Kazaks, Bokharas, Sarouks and Kir menshahs. "Were these not what we call odd lots 'twould be impossible to sell them to you at figures so small as those quoted here. Cover your floors with Oriental Rugs; save at the clearance sale. . Values to $14.00, sale price, each ,.. ,$8.40 Values to $18.00, sale price,' each : . $10.25 Values to $24.00, sale ' ' price, each $14.50 Values to $29.00, sale price, each $17.50 Values to $33.00, sale price, each $19.75 Values to $39.00, sale price, each $23.50 Values to $43.00, sale ; price, each . $26.00 Values to $47.00, sale price, each ....... .$28.50 Values to $55.00, sale price, each $33.00 Values to $75.00, sale price, each $45.00 Blankets and Bedding in the Sale White Wool Blankets in full sizes and good weight. . Regularly worth $6 pair. Clearance price..$4.45 $9.50 grades, sale price only. .... .$6.35 $7.00 grades, sale price only. . . $5.15 $5.00 grades, sale price only. ..$3.98 Sanitary Gray Blankets, worth $4.50 the pair, sale price $3.15 Fawn Colored Blankets, regular $6.00 the pair, sale price $4.45 Eiderdown Comforters with plain borders and fancy figured cen ters; $10.00 values, sale price. . .$7.85 Women9 s Union Suits 89 Cents Cotton or Cashmere Stockings for Children, in school weight; all sizes in the lot, and the regular prices run from 25c to 50c the pair; Clearance Sale price is 17 Women's Hose, in black only; neat ly embroidered; regular 50c grades; sale price, pair 29 Women's Silk Hose in plain styles; these are somewhat imperfect in the weave, but have no flaws ; reg ularly sold at $1.50 to $2.75 the pair: sale price 9S Boys' Waists, made of percale or heavy cham bray; all sizes in the lot, and the colors are navy blue, red, black or neat stripes. Worth regularly 35e each, sale price 19 Boys' Shirts and Drawers Two broken lines, and not all sizes in either one: Lot 1 is a Swiss rib, part wool, and regularly fine rib; reg. $1 garment, sale price. ...48 Lot 2 is fine rib, fleeced, part wool, and worth 75c each ; sale price 48J WOMEN'S SILK HOSE These come in lace boot style, and the colors are gray, pink, Dresden and wine only; regularly worth $1.75 the pair; a Clearance Sale special at .78 Men's Caps in fancy mixtures; odd lines, and not all sizes in the lot, but the values are from 50c to 75c each, and the sale price . .19 worth 75c each; today i9 On Sale in the Knitwear Aisle. The well-known "Munsing" Underwear for women, specially priced during this sale; Winter-weight Union Suits, in cream color, fine ribbed and cotton fleeced; worth $1.25 the suit; sale price 89 Fine Savings on Small Things Framed Pictures Every one we have in stock to go dur ing this great Clearance Sale at prices just HALF REGULAR Toilet Sets in ebony, fox or stag, with brushes, combs and mirrors. Your choice of our entire stock . .'. ONE-THIRD LESS Baskets for trinkets, hand kerchiefs, gloves, etc., neat ly tied with ribbon and lined with satin. Clearance Sale price 1-3 LESS REGTJL'R Bath Sponges, worth 50c ea. Sale price 36 Writing Tablets of ruled pa per. Sale price, each....5 Fancy Calendars, our entire stock to choose from. Clear ance price, just HALF Toilet Sets, Celluloid Boxes, etc., odd lots that we are closing out in the Clearance sale at HALF "Star" and "Gem" Safety Razors, in fine leather cases, with mirrors; reg. $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 to $12 the set, sale price ..HALF Stationery of high grade, in fancy boxes; sale price... ONE-THIRD OFF Tooth Brushes in many styles and grades, values to 35c each, Clearance price, each 10 Bath Brushes, with long han dles that, are detachable; worth $1.00 each, sale price 6o Boxes of fine hardwood for gloves, neckties, collars and cuffs, etc. Clearance Sale price ONE-THIRD OFF Hand and Nail Brushes, with solid backs, odd lots, with values' to 50c each, sale price 19 Hair Brashes, with solid back and pure bristles. Sale price, each .39 Box Stationery, in odd lots. Sale price, each 10 Writing Paper with linen fin ish, in half-pound packages, white only. Sale....l2y2 Women 'sHandBags ZTk 59c For women, made of solid leather, in excellent values; nicely lined and fitted with coin purse and cardcase. Odds and ends of bags regularly worth 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. A rousing clearance special on leather goods that any woman would be proud to carry. Colors are black or brown. Mind you, 75c, EQf $1.00 and $1.25 values. Clearance price, each. Men 's Sweaters $2. 69 Jersey ribbed Sweaters in good col orings and patterns; navy blue, white or cardinal; all sizes, and regularly worth $3.50 each ; choice while the clearance flJO CQ sale is on, only. . .'. . . . P.0 Men's Nightshirts 48c Made of Domet flannel in a good weight; cut generously full, soft and warm; the sizes run from 15 to 18-inch neck. A soft, well fleeced nightshirt, that sells reg ularly for 75c each; Clear- A P ance Sale Special, each..."0 Ribbons S the yd 19c A sale of thousands of yards. Some of the best patterns to be had are included. There are light or dark colors, striped or embroidered effects, and several widths. Ribbons that have sold for 35c, 40c and 50c the yard. Many hues and designs. Save on 1 Q this stunning special. Sale price. Men's Underw'r Shirts and Drawers, in nat ural wool, splendid Win ter weight, trimmed with pearl buttons; sizes 30 to 46-inch ; regular values $1.25 the garment; . Sp'l Clearing Sale. "C Men's Shirts Shirts that fit and'give good service as well as looks; made of light or medium dark materials, and they are well-known "Griffon" and "Conqueror" brands. Sizes 14 to 17. Worth $1.25 each, QQ special OI7C Fancy Silk Belts at 98c Each Women's Fancy Silk Belts, in plaids or plain colors; regularly worth $1.50 to $5.00 each; sale price 9S Women's Swiss 'Ker chiefs, in embroidered effects, scroll or hem stitched; regular 25c and 35c vals., sp'l 19 Women's Plain Initial 'Kerchiefs, with 4-in. hem, regular 35c, 40c and 45c vals., sp'l 25 The first item in the Handker chief list is a lot of 'kerchiefs that have been slightly soiled from the Christmas display. We have used them for dec orating, and though they are all worth double, or more than double, this small price, they need to be laundered, and we offer them for only 4 Women's 'Kerchiefs, of Rich ardson's purest linen, hem stitched edge, extra good ' 15c values, sale price, each 9 Women's Linen Stock Collars, with front tabs, wash materi als, regular 25c and 35c val ues, sale price 12Vk Women's G 1 0 v e s , 16 button length, tan cape; fine for street wear; superb $4.00 values, special . . $3.39 Women's Kid Gloves in the 2-clasp "Empress" style, black, white and all colors; regular $1.25 values, sale price 98 Women's 16-Button Gloves, a very fine quality, made by Chas. Perrin and imported di rect by us.. All colors except white ajid tan; worth $4.00 the pair, sale $2.79 Ready-to- Wear Hats 10c Ea Two lines of Hats concerned in this stirring 10c special. Ready-to-wear Hats for women or children, or dress shapes in various styles. The values run to $3.00 each. A surprisingly good special in the Millinery Section today 10 Serge Tam o'Shanters In fine quality; several colors; regularly worth 75c each; today. 39 Fancy Feathers Many novelties, good styles; selling now at half regular price HALF Novelty Dress Shapes and Flats- Including a large number of the famous Sybell blocked French felt .HALF PRICE All Millinery Goods at Reduced Prices During the Clearance Sale. i j i