THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY , 2, 1908. Women's Silk Hose Grades 78c In All Dept. Clear- ance Sale Prices Are in Effect Mail Orders Care fully, Prompt ly and Children's Hose WORTH TO 50c PAIR 17c These come in lace boot style and the colors are gray, pink, Dresden and wine only. Regularly worth $1.75 the pair; a clear- r7Qe ance sale special at Ov SCHOOL CAPS for boys, in all sizes; colors are navy blue, reel and brown; worth- 35c 1 Q each; sale price. XC MEN'S CAPS, in fancy mixtures; odd lines and not all sizes in the lot, but the values are from 50c to 75c each, and the sale 1Q. price but 1 C On sale in the Knitwear Aisle. The well-known "Munsing" Un derwear for women, specially piiced during this sale. Winter weight Union Suits in cream col or, line ribbed and cotton fleeced; worth $1.25 the suit; QQ sale price..... OJC M e d i u m-weight garments, fine ribbed, cream color, lisle and wool, regularly $3 the suit ; d"l r7tZ sale price P 1 iJ BLACK WOOL AND LISLE TIGHTS for women, in a fine rib. Regularly $1.00 the suit, A fig sale price 0 A cashmere stocking for children; ii) school weight; all sizes in the lot . and the regular prices run from 25c to 50c the pair; " 7r clearance sale price is....X WOMEN'S HOSE, in black only, neatly embroidered; regular 50c grades; sale price, the 29c WOMEN'S SILK HOSE, in plain styles; these are somewhat im perfect in the weave, but have no flaws; regularly sold at $1.50 to $2.75 the 'pair; sale 98c BOYS' WAISTS, made of percale or heavy chambray; all sizes in the lot and the colors are navy blue, red, blark or neat stripes. Worth regularly 35c ea., 1Q. sale price. A J7G BOYS' SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Two broken lines and not all sizes in either one: Lot 1 is a Swiss rib; part wool and regularly 80c the gar- A Q merit; sale price T'OC Lot 2 is fine rib, fleeced, part wool and worth 75c each; 48f sale price TUl SatisA ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS AGENTS LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS factorily Handled Or 17 to th e 30th mmtia eatanc Thursday Housekeepers' Day Comes the Third Day of the Sale Home Needs Strongly Featured Curtains and Bedding Fourth-flour home-fitting shops to the front with tre mendous opportunities to save on Lace Curtains, Bed- ding, Blankets and home needs. JJear in mind, 'tis the standard grades that are bargainized. Home furnish ings that are worth while to own, at savings worth while to share in. Real hand-made lace curtains in over 30 styles. Odd paiis of high-class window hang ings reduced as follows: sale ..$5.25 $8 values, - price '. $9 values, sale price $5.05 $10 values, sale price, pair. . ..$6.50 $11 values sale price, pair. . ..$7.25 $12 values, sale price, pair. . ..$7.05 $15 values, sale price, pair. ...$0.85 $16 vals., sale price, pair.. $10.50 $18 vals., sale price, pair. .$11.05 $21 vals., sale price, pair. .$13.85 $25 vals., sale price, pair.. $16.65 $40 vals, sale price, pair.. $26.65 $45 vals., sale price, pair.. $20. 85 $50 vals., sale price, pair.. $33.00 $55 vals., sale price, pair. .$35.00 $65 vals., sale price, pair. .$40.00 Blankets and Bedding in the Sale White Wool Blankets in full sizes and good weight. Regularly worth $6.00 pair; Clear ance price $9.50 grades, sale price only $7.00 grades, sale price only.. $5.00 grades, sale price only $4.45 $6.35 $5;15 $3.98 Sanitary gray Blankets worth $450 the pair, sale JfJ Fawn-colored Blankets, regularly $6.00 the pair, sale Alt price. pt.'iJ Eiderdown Comforters, with plain borders and fancy figured centers; $10.00 values, sale gg Novelty Dress Goods A half-price sale, embracing over 18,000 yards of fancy Silks, regular $1.25 goods. There is not a novelty that has been popular in the season past not included in this sale. There is not a want in fancy silk you cannot supply, and mind you, on all you fiOlAf buy you save just half I ADDITIONAL BARGAINS Regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2 nov elty Silks for. ..... : 98 36-inch black Taffeta, worth. $1.50 the yard $1.07 21-inch black Taffeta, regular $1.00 grade 79 20-inch black Taffeta, regular 85c quality .59 $1.00 Crepe de Chines, all colors, sale price .- 81 $1.25 plain Panamas, special, the yard 98 $150 plain French Serges and Pru nellas .$1.10 S2 rftinnroof fabrics, special, the yard $1,501 $1.00 plain color Henriettas, the yard 79 Black Dress Goods, in Novelty Weaves Reg. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 values, odds and QQ- ends, sale price IOC Black Voiles, worth $1.00 yd. 79 Black Voiles, worth $1.50. $1.10 $1.25 Black Panamas, yard. 4)8 $1.50 Black Panamas, yd . .$1.10 $1.75 Black Panamas, yd.'.$1.30 $1.00 Black Serges, yard.... 79 $1.25 Black Serges, yard.. .'98 $150 Black Serges, yard. $1.21 Shoes and Slippers Clearance Sale MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SLIPPERS, in felt, kid and patent leather; the women's in Juliets or slip per styles ; the men 's in Romeo, Cavalier, Opera or Everett. Regular $1.19 grades, sale price, r7Ckn the pair $1.39 grades, sale price. 98 $150 grades, sale price jpX.UJJ $1.75 grades, sale price $1.10 $2.00 grades, sale price $1.30 $2.25 grades, 6ale price $1.49 $250 grades, sale price $1.69 $3.00 grades, sale price $1.89 i Unrestricted choice of every pair of slippers in our stock at reduced price. LOT 1, WOMEN'S SHOES, $3.89 High-grade footwear in many styles; heavy or light soles, kid, calf or patent leathers; lace or button models and a large number to choose from. Values to $6.00 the pair. Clearance OO QQ Sale price pO.Oi7 LOT 4, SHOES TOR MEN, $3.19 An assortment of lasts and pat terns that even the most fastidi ous may feel free to choose from, assured in advance of satisfaction. Calf leather for wear, shiny for dress. An assortment of about 1800 pairs; regular $3.50 and $4 values, in a good run tO 1 Q of sizes; sale price. . .V LOT 2, WOMEN'S SHOES, $3.19 A large assortment of leathers, styles, sizes and lasts; college cut or full height ; welt or hand turned sole; shoes tin high arch models or with low, broad heels; values $3.50 and $4; " 0 " Q sale price P0.1 LOT 3, MEN'S SHOES, $3.89 High-grade footwear from the fore most factories' of America. Kid, calf, patent leathers; regular val ues $5.00 and $6.00 fcO QQ the pair, sale price. . ..P, LOT 5, riVE STYLES, $2.49 Blucher or regular lace, kid, calf or patent leather; a sale price spe cial that will be indeed &0 ACk hard to duplicate tmV LINENS AND TOWEL BARGAINS These Specials Concern the Famous Richardson Damasks, Pattern Cloths and Napkins Worth $1.10, sale price Worth 75c yd. price 78c sale 55c Table Damask, worth $1.85 i.:?r..$i.48 Worth $1.50, sale tf " 1 Q price pl.lO Pattern Cloths, in t hree special lots. All have rich borders. .Size 2y2x2V2, a $5.50 qual- Size 2y2x2y2, a $6.00 qual- pricesr::........$4.45 pr.1: $4.95 Size 2123, a $6.50 quality, sale price $5.25 .NapKins, worth $8.00 dozen, n Worth $5.00 dozen, Clear- Sale $6.75 $3.95 $2.15 $2.38 Clearance price Worth $4.50 the dozen, Clearance Sale price Worth $2.75 the dozen, Clearance Sale price TEA CLOTHS that are regular $350 qualities; sale price MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK, an excellent wearing quality, that sells regularly at 50c- OQ the yard; sale price OUC IRISH HUCK TOWELS, of heavy quality; - A 20c values, sale price, each XT'C SCOTCH TOWELING, of all linen ; 15c 11 quality; sale price, the yard 1 1C TERRY CLOTH, in white or cream; 15c 11 grade, sale price, the yard AC ance Sale price..... ...$4.25 CCD FRENCH LONG CLOTH, for underwear of the bet ter sort. A 35c grade, sale price, the QCJ yard OC 5000 yards of imported Wash Goods, Dress Linens, Madras Cloths and Mercerized Zephyrs. Your choice, regardless of former price, at. .JUST HALF BEDSPREADS, crocheted in Marseilles patterns ; large size and best quality material; regularly $2.00 each, sale price 600 SATIN SPREADS, of large size, with cut cor- ners and fringed all around; sale price t4 Off each : pt.O PILLOW CASES of extra heavy qual ity; regularly 18c each; sale price... $1.48 12V2C All Women 's Apparel Reduced Every garment in Portland's largest and best styled salons, selling now at clearance sale prices. The savings are phenomenal, and wise, shrewd women are thronging our aisles, buying freely. Assortments are magnificently complete. Choosing is a real pleasure from a stock like this. There is an abun- dance of authentic and charming styles and prices already low are reduced in surprising manner. A collection of women's attire of un equalled richness and style worthi ness at your disposal, to choose from at will. Saving on every gar-ment. All Silk, Net, Chiffon or Lace Waists, 4 Less - r I t$js All French Flannel and Al batross, long or short Ki monos HALF PRICE Bath Robes and short Kimonos in outing flannel or silk, ONE FOURTH LESS. Women's Coats, fancy wool ma terials, values to. $28.50, price now Any street or Cravenette Coat in the store ONE-FOURTH LESS Women's Walking Skirts, hun dreds to choose, from, entire stock selling now at. LESS $6.75 Children's Coats at. . . LESS Silk Petticoats, worth to $10.00, your choice $3 08 Silk Petticoats, worth, to $15.00, 'your choice today ig All Suits Sharply Reduced Big Savings on Opera Coats Evening Costumes Are Lower Priced Muslin Underwear at Half I- T Ml II ill r Royal Worcester Corsets A sample line of high-grade garments, containing thousands of garments here in time for the January Clear ance Sale and going at half its value. Good fortune has favored us in helping us to secure a sample line of one of America's largest manufacturers of high-grade lingerie. Drawers, gowns, corset covers, chemise, long and knee skirts and combination garments (corset covers and drawers or corset covers and long skirts).' The materials are nainsook, cambric or muslin. The trimmings are filmy, foamy laces or exquisitely dain ty embroideries, tucks and raffles. An assortment that offers a wide choice in design; style and Quality Gowns worth from $2.50 to $22.50 ; Drawers worth from 75c to $10.00; Corset Covers worth from 65c to $10.00; Long Skirts worth from $2.00 to $50.00; Short Skirts worth from $1.00 to $750; Chemise wrth from $1.00 to $16.50; Combinations worth from $2.75 to $18.50;'" U PTjne vour choice ' ttC WOMEN'S PETTICOATS of black mer- - cerized sateen, made with two flounces, fin ished with double row of knife pleating and ruffle; regularly $3.75 flJO OO each; Clearance Sale V"JO WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE GOWNS, in a variety of styles, including extra large sizes, dainty stripe effects in pink, blue or white; regularly $1.50 each; sale Ay price; C CHILDREN'S FULL FRONT BONNETS of silk, velvet or bearskin, in white or col ors and in many styles Pyro "of trimming. I& EUN1T SHAWLS, in large sizes, square or circular shape, fancy stitch effects; colors are gray, blacfe or wnite ; reg- IE C "T ular $4.00" values; sale price. Our Spring stock has been bought and we must have room for it. The clearance sale must move Winter styles. We 'ye selected 35 different models that will be discontinued when these are sold. Tremendous savings are the result The materials are batiste, Italian cloth, coutille.or silk; colors pink, blue, drab, white or black; sizes 18 to 36; Bon Ton or Sapphire grades, divided into sii lots, as follows: Lot 1, regularly worth from $1.00 "70 to $150 ; special w Lot 2, regularly worth from $2.75 to $3.75, special Lot 3, regularly worth from $4.75 to $650, special. Lot 4, regularly worth $7.50 to $1150, special. Lot 5, regularly worth $12.00 to $16.50, special Lot 6, regularly worth from $17.50 to $25.00, special from from $1.57 .$2.88 $4.23 $6.50 $8.47 SqAnVfin Haviland China An extraordinary clearance offer on all Haviland China in odd lines. Several hundred pieces, containing articles of all sorts that are in daily use, reduced for the clearance sale to a point where to buy means econ omy in the truest sense. Lovers of fine tableware will be delighted with, the assortment of shapes, decorations and prices. Plates worth $4.85SC0 OO , sale price, doz. ,J,tJ $6.00 grades, dozen.. $4.00 $7.00 grades, dozen.. $4.67 $8.00 grades, dozen. . $5.33 $10.00 values, dozen. $6.67 $20.00 values, doz. $13.33 $30.00 values, doz. $20.00 $33.00 values, doz. $22.00 Cups and Saucers J7 f( reg. $10.50 doz. . .P $12.00 values, dozen. $8.00 $14.00 values, dozen. $9.34 $27.00 values, doz.$18.O0 $39.00 values, doz...$26.00 Tea Pot, Sugar and Cream, worth $4.25 the fl0 QO set, special p.OO $4.75 quality, the set $3.17 $5.25 quality, the set $3.oO $6.75 quality, the set. '.. . .$4.50 Sugars and creams tj1 Ef worth $2.25, pair.P X $2.95 values, pair. ..$1.97 $4.30 values, pair. . .$2.-87 $5.75 values, pair. . .$3,83. $12.50 values, pair. .$8.34 Salad' and Berry Bowls, reg ularly $1.75; fc 1 1 7 sale price p X X f $3.75 grades each... $2.50 $5.90 grades, each... $3.93 $9.00 values, each...$6.00 $12.00 values, each.. $8.00 Celery Trays, (jjl OP reg. $2.25, ea P-A $3.00 Travs, special. $2.00 $4.10 Trays, special. $2.67 $9.00 Trays, special. $6.00 Bread Travs worth $2.45.. $1.63 $2.90 grades, special at... $2.04 $5.75 grades, special at... $3. 83 Special Sale On Libbey Cut Glass Even this world-famous ware specially priced for the clearance sale. Savings that appeal irresistibly to people of discriminating taste. The name of the maker etched on every article. Come early ai choose. Nappies worth $3.00; sale price, each . ; . . Nappies worth $4.00; sale price, each Nappies worth $550; sale price, each Cheese or Jelly Plates, worth $4 ea., special $7.25 Water Bottles, clearance sale price, ea. $11.00 Water Bottles, clearance sale price, ea $2.10 $2.80 $3.85 $2.80 $5.07 $7.70 Colonial fluted $16.50, the dozen Tumblers, worth ...$11.55 Fancy Cut Tumblers, worth $22.00, E!:.":. $15.40 Fancy China in boxes, - Chocolate Sets, Berry Sets, 1 (IC fancy plates all. ... . 8-ih. ' Bowls, worth $5.50 . . $3.85 8-in. Bowls, worth $9.00. . $6.30 is r . . ro fA$4.oo lO nUHOn VJlOVeS PZ. & Grade Of a very fine quality kid. Made to us. All colors except white the pair; sale price Women's Gloves, 16-button length, tan cape, tine for street wear; su perb $4 value, spe- 39 Women's Kid Gloves, in the two clasp "Empress" style, black, white and all colors; reg- QQ ular $1.25, sale price. . .. . yOU by Chas. Perrin, and imported direct and'tan. Worth $4.00 Women's Swiss Kerchiefs, in em broidered effects, scroll or hem stitched edge; regular 25c 1 Q and 35c values, special....'' Women's Plain Initial Kerchiefs, with 4-inch he"m; regular 35c, 40c and 45c values, spe- OC cial.... JV $15 Trunks .gfc $11.59, Heavy, canvas-covered Trunks, made with aNo. 1 spruce box. and heavy steel corners, full brass finished and bound with heavy leather strap, have two travs; these , m are reg. $15 vals., fl 7 C Q ? Goods HEAVY COWHIDE SUITCASES AT $6.85 For men; made of a good solid leather, extra heavy cowhide that will stand wear and hard knocks, fitted with brass lock and . trimmings, quilted satin lining and extra strap; regular $10 value, sale price $6.85 Suit Cases $2.45 For men or women; made with steel frames and leather handles, have brass lock and catch and are the popular 24-inch size, canvas covered; regularly $3.00 to $4.00 each; clearance sale tO AtZ price 4- fJfci.rJ Mens Suspenders Made with a linen web and cast-off buckles, neat designs in "1 Qc regular 35c grade, special. . Men's Handkerchiefs, Japonette, neatly hemstitched; a regular 10c grade, specially priced for C the clearance sale for, ea. . Men's Golf Shirts Shirts that fit and give good service as well as looks; made of light or medium dark materials, and they' are the well-known "Griffon" and "Conqueror" brands; sizes 14 to - 17; worth $1.25 each; .. QQ special OSl Men's Sweaters Jersey ribbed Sweaters, in, good colorings and patterns; navy blue, white or cardinal ail sizes and reg ularly worth $3.50 each; choice while the clearance (tO flCk sale is on, only, each. ,r"" Men's Underwear Shirts and Drawers in natural wool, a splendid Winter weight, trimmed with pearl buttons sizes 30 to 46-inch ; regularvalues $1.25 the garment ; special clear- 7Qf ance sale Men's Gloves, in assorted shades of tan; regularly $150 the QO pair; sale price JlJJ Men's Nightshirts Made of domet flannel in a good weight, cut generously full, soft and warm; the sizes run from 15 to 18-in. neck; a soft, well-fleeced Night Shirt, that sells regularly for 75c each; clearance A fie sale special Ot