Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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Initiative Bill Will Prevent Take
of Salmon in Upper
Signatures Now Being Secured to
Proposed Measure, Which Is Re
sult of Inng Fighting Be
tween Fishing Interests.''"
An initiative bill to eliminate the fish
wheels of the Columbia river is being
circulated by representatives of Clatsop
County interests. The bill is a product
of the long fight between lower river fisli
men centered at Astoria and upper river
men centered at The Dalles. The Clatsop
men have striven many years to drive out
the wheel gear, which catches about &
per cent of the salmon pack of the river.
Wasco fish men, located at Tho Dalles,
have tried to check tfce fishing of the
lower river interests by shortening the
open season and by driving gill nets from
the river bar. where they are said to
obstruct ingress of salmon.
The two parties to the tight have been
unable thus far to obtain their objects
from the Legislature, and now the Clat
sop men have resorted to the initiative.
Wasco men retort that they will initiate
a bill to diminish the destruction of
salmon by lower river fisheries, which
take between 90 and 95 per cent of the
BHlmon. They will also put into their
bill a provision to stop gill-net fishing on
the bar. '
Would Stop Oregon Wheels.
The Astoria bill has been In circulation
for Initiative signatures in Portland sev
eral days. It provides that after August
25. 1008. there shall be no fishing above
the mouth of the Sandy river, at Trout
dale. This would eliminate all the wheels
on the Oregon side, but would not, of
course, affect those on the Washington
side. It is the contention of the Clatsop
men that no salmon should be caught
above tidewater. Their initiative petition
makes no mention of the source of the
bill nor of the conflict it will make be
tween up-river and down-river men. The
petition represents the bill as one "For
a law for the better protection of salmon
and sturgeon in the waters of the Colum
bia and Sandy rivers." The salmon in
dustry provides employment for 5000 of
our best and most loyal citizens and
brings Into the Estate $3,000,000 annually;
but for want of proper protection, the
salmon Is being rapidly destroyed.
"By prompt and proper protection, as
provided for In this bill, this Industry
cannot only be saved, but can be built
up to such an extent that it will give
employment to and sustain the families
of at least 15,000 of our citizens and
bring J1O.OO0.O0O annually into our state."
This bill embodies the purpose recom
mended by Fish Warden Van Dusen, who
In his last report urged abolition of
wheels within 10 miles of Celilo Falls.
The bill now proposed goes much further.
The Clatsop men were unable to put
their project through the legislature of
Oregon and Washington last Winter.
Backed by Association.
The proposed measure has the backing
of an organization known as the "Co
I imbia PJver Salmon Protective Associa
tion." of which George M. Orton, of
Portland, is president; Jay Tuttle. of As
toria, vice-president; H. M. Lorntsen. of
Astoria, secretary, (also secretary of
Fishermen's Union at that city), and F.
R. Beach, of Portland, treasurer. The
Astoria interests have endeavored to es
cape the charge that the bill Is framed
exclusively in their Interest, by having
men from other towns on the list of of
ficers of the Columbia River Salmon Pro
tective Association. But no member of
the up-river fisheries appears among the
Other members of the executive com
mittee of the Association are Judge
1l.,.,vi,.t A XlRHfl rtt ftrpffftn CMlv: W.
r 1 Vawter. of Medford: G. 8. Wright, of
IMcMlnnville; Charles G. Roberts, of
Portland; D. H. Miller, of Medrord; T. B.
Kav, of Salem: Dr. James Withyeombe.
of Corvallls; James A. lackey, of On
tario; C. G. Huntley, of Oregon City;
William Miller, of Burns; John H. Smith,
of Astoria; Frank Kankkonen, of As
toria. Text of Proposed Bill.
The bill reads as follows:
A Mil to propose by Initiative petition a
law for the protection of salmon and stur
Iteon In th waters of the Columbia and
Pandv Rivers - and their tributaries and
prem-rlblng a penalty for the violation of
th law:
B It enacted by the people of the State
of Oregon:
Section 1. That after August 25, IPOS,
It shall be unlawful to take, catch or fish
for inlmon or stcrg-ean at any time by any
msans whatever, except with hook and
line, commonly called angling, from or In
the waters of the Columbia River or any
of Its tributaries at any place up-stream
or easterly from or of its confluence with
the andy River or from or In the waters
of the Sandy River or any of its tribu
taries; or to catch, take or fish for salmon
or aturg-eon In any manner whatever during
or In the spawning season In any of the
waters of the Columbla-Rlver or any of the
tributaries thereof at any place up-stream
from or easterly of the confluence of said
Columbia and Sandy Rivers or In any of
the waters of eald Sandy River or any of
Its tributaries, at any place up-stream or
southerly of the confluence of sail Colum
bia and Bandy Rivers.
Sec. 2. Wherever the word "salmon" Is
used In this law. the same shall be deemed
and held to Include Chinook, steelheads.
bluebarks. sllversldes and all other anadro
mous species of salmon.
Sec. a. That any person, firm or corpo
ration violating any of the provisions of
this law shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by a fine of not less than
100 nor more than I1O00, or by Imprison
ment In the County Jail for not less than
25 days nor more than one year or by both
such fine and Imprisonment.
, Proposal That Money System Be
Taught to the Young.
PRINEV1LLE. Or.. Jan. 1. (To the
Editor.) Now that the gold standard has
come to be recognized as the best for the
world's money system, may it not be re
garded as advisable to teach the same in
our high schools and In the higher grades
of the public schools of our state? At
present, high school literature touching
upon the world's money is extremely
brief, considering the vast importance of
getting a right start. It would be better
to forestall the vagaries of the fiatist
which the student will sooner or later lis
ten to. and maybe digest. Lack of cor
rect Information at this time seems to the
writer to be the cause of the general be
lief common among young men who have
not had occasion to study the currency
system, that that system is entirely at
fault because of an occasional flurry.
" So impressionable is the youthful miad
at this time, that it may take years to
outgrow prejudice acquired. Indeed, . It
may never outgrow it, and all because of
lack of thorough information at a critical
period. Take for Instance some gray
beards who are fiatlsts and always have
been. They were probably "convinced"
by financial fakers during earlier years
and never will recover.
High school textbooks teach only that
money when plentiful Is cheap, and when
scarce, dear. This naturally leads the
student to infer that any kind of money,
gold or fiat, will hjr.rease the circulating
medium and therefore advance prices of
other commodities. From the brevity
with which it Is dealt the subject Is con
fusing, and the smooth faker has no trou
ble in convincing the youth, who is going
to vote that he should fight with all his
strength against the "money power," that
is the man who has more money at com
mand than he has. Fiat money Is his
theme and he pltrys It for all it is worth.
The youth thencefortn is a fiatist, and he
grows worse with the passing years.
The suggestion is to teach in the high
schools, and possibly the public schools of
the state:
That Government stamp on coin has no
value in itself.
That the United States mint takes the
miner's gold, puts the Government stamp
upon the coin as a guaranty of its weight
and fineness, or in other words certifies
to its commercial value, and hands It
back to the owner.
That two standards cannot continuously
circulate together at a parity; that one
must inevitably yield to the other, or
some other.
That the fiaist is a humbug, either will
fully or ignorantly.
That nations are inter-dependent.
That money will always be compara
tively scarce; hence Its value.
This done, the pupil will bo equipped
with knowledge to repel such suggestions
as have been heard lately, about the gold
standard being responsible for the recent
panic, togther with the banks of the coun
try. The place to begin the work indicated is
in the school, and'both sexes should be
encouraged to lfcarn of all the points
enumerated above. Not every man has
the opportunity to take a college course,
In which these wrong impressions are cor
rected. The number of college men is a
very small percentage of the total vote,
which Increases by thousands every year,
and as most of them spend some time in
either the public school or high school,
either is the place to teach among other
things financial sanity. A mother can
do wonders in teaching her boy to think
clearly, vote sanely and talk intelligently.
If she is mentally equipped for the work.
Employers Refuse - to Discharge
Their Nonunion, Men.
The refusal of Portland employers to
discharge all the non-union ironworkers
that were employed recently, will be fol
lowed by a general walkout by all union
laborers working at the trade this morn
ing. The Iron trade unions, through the
Iron Trades' Council, on Tuesday served
notice on the employers that a strike
would follow a failure to dismiss all
nonunion iron molders. Continued efforts
one the part of the different shops to en
force the "open shop" policy, say the
Ironmolders will be resisted firmly if
it becomes necessary to call out the
machinists, the blacksmiths and other
union men employed at the iron trades.
Such a course would result In tying up
the iron manufacturing plants of the city.
Some of the shops have made no fight
on the union and are Keeping all union
men. These men will be allowed to re
main at work, for the strike will be called
only in such shops as have replaced union
men with workmen not affiliated with the
Hlbernia Savings Bank to Jopephine M
Howell, lot 24, block 16, Capitol 11111..$ 00
Jennie E and John Holland to Title
Guarantee fe Trust Co., lot 1, mock 3,
Sehmeer's Add y 150
Rachel I. Johnson, Tr., to Catherine Oa
borne Barnhart, lots 12, 13, block 3,
Roselawn 1
Mary F. DeGrandpre to Emma V.
Champion, Lulu G. and Harry F.
Champion, undivided i of lot lii,
block 13. and lots 11, 14, block 17,
King's Second Add 1
Ell la Hanson and A. H. Hanson to J. R.
and Ruthie J. Howell, lots 13, 14,
15, ltf, block 11, Portsmouth Villa
extended , 900
Louise and Amos P. Boyd to Laura B.
Marcy, lot 24. block 2, Highland -Park
'Portland TruBt Company of Oregon to
Joveph Chandler, lot 4. block 8. Men
efee Add 1
Joseph Clossett et al., to M. J. Man
ning, lot 18. block 31, Albina 1
J. I. and Bertha Mackey. to Mm. E. K.
Mllhollen. B XL of lota 17. 18. block
2, West Piedmont 2.000
Victor Land Co., to Lydia I. IeMent,
lot 23, block "C," Tlbbetf Add 600
"William and Sarah A. .W'lntermantel" to
Sadie Wintermantel, lO acres com
mencing at N W corner of B of
N B Vt of Section 32. Township 1 S R
1 E 1
Aloys Harold to Alice and Lillian
Shorey, lots 17, 18, block 21, Ports
mouth 1
Eastern Investment Company Limited to
Alice and Lillie Shorey, lots 17. 18.
block 21, Portsmouth 660
Henry B. and Jennie B. Thleteen to Or
vllle C. Johnson. Jots 1, 2. 3, block 8.
Terminus Add 2,000
R. L. Stevens -heriff) to Louisa Lau-
thers, lot 2, block 10. Multnomah 144
Rose City Cemetery Association to Ed
gar M. Collins, lot 13, block 40, Sec
tion "D" Rose City Cemetery 50
William G. Gofisiln et al to George D.
Hauptman. undivided H of N of
8 B 1 and 8 W of SB J4 of Sec- ,
tlon 2, township 2. Ni R, 2 W; and
other acreage 10
Louisa B. Netherton to William J. and
"Wesley B. Netherton, lot 3, block 0,
Hawthorne's First Add 6
Sydney Dell to W. K. Smith, my Inter
est in block 101, City 1
Dell W. and J. M. KuTin to Emily
Foster, lot 8, block 5. Piedmont 1
Dell w. and J. M. Kuhn to Mary E.
Harvey, lot 7. block 5. Piedmont. . 1
E. 31. and L. A. Raffety to W. B. and
Frank J. Stevens, lot 3, block 10,
RaffetyB Addition 454
R. L. Stevens to -.Charles J. Wilson,
tract 7. Taylor's subdivision of sec
tlon 2. X. 1 5., R. 2 E., containing
5 acres 664
Elizabeth and John Conloy to Etta
May Widener, lots 11, 12, block 3,
Mount Hood Addition to Gresham 400
Paul and Carrie Hlnc to John Den gel,
lot 16. block 12. Elberta 135
Estelle W. and E. W. Demarest to
Riley Vernon, lot ft, block "H,"
Portsmouth Villa Extension . 175
Alvah C. and Sarah A. Edmunds to
Hattte C. Gloss, commencing at
stene in center of Hawthorne ave
nue. 20 rods west of east line of
Seldon Murray donation land claim, .""
thence west SO feet, south 17, feet to
beginning point, thence south 5
feet, west 92 feet, north 5 feet, east
&3 feet to beginning 125
Scott-McClure Land Company to Maud
Griffith, lot a, north block 3, Co
lumbia Heights 125
Charles H. and Laura P. Kopf to
Adley H. Beeson. lot 8. block 19.
First Addition to Holladay Park
Addition 10
Overlook Land Company to Elisa
beth Scott, lots 22, 23. block "C,"
Overlook 2,000
C. F. and Nettle Bunker to Willam
ette Box A Lumber Company, com
mencing at point which should be
center line of "F street, produced
Ely. 30 feet east of west line of
First street, thence east 30 feet,
thence north 30 feet, thence west 80"
feet, thence south SO feet 1
Charles F. and Xettie Bunker to Lil
lian J. Murdock, lots 1, 2. block
31, LInnton 100
Eugene S. and Mattla B. Jenne to
Elvira B. Archer, 1 acre beginning
11.04 feet south of southwest cor
ner of lot "H In Jenne tract 1
Eth el Barton to George W. Brown.
lot 12. block 64 Vernon 260
Minnie L and J. 8. Gleason X&
Stephen Olasek. lots 21, 22 23, 24,
block 8 Henry's Fourth Addition. . . 00
Total .81X844
Rm your abstracts made by the Secvrtty
Abstract a- Trust Co.. T Chamber of Coxa.
If Baoy la Cutting Teetb
Be sura and use that old wall-tried remedy,
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens tha
smsoa. allays iwJn, coilo and diarrhoea.
Ship Glenejyan Completes Full
Cargo of Grain.
Charter of Vessel for December
Loading High Water and Cur
rent Kept Her From Entering
Berth Sews of Waterfront.
The British ship Glenelvan finished
loading yesterday and will be ready
to clear when the Custom-House opens
for business this morning. The charter
of the Glenelvan called for December
loading-. She was moored above .the
Steel bridge and the freshet in the
Willamette prevented her from shift
lns; in time to load. Her time expired
Tuesday at midnight. Yesterday was
a holiday, but the vessel worked
straight through and by banking
hours tomorrow she will have bills of
lading on board.
Th. Glenelvan received rapid dis- INTELLIGENCE.
Doe to Arrive.
Name. From. Data.
JohanPoulsen San Francisco. In port
Roanoke Los Angeles. ..In port
Costa Rica... San Francisco. Jan S
Alliance Coos Bay. .. ...Jan. 3
Nlcoraedta. .. Hongkong Jan. 4
Breakwater. . Coos Bay... .lan. 5
CJeo. W. Elder.San Pedro. Jan. 7
Arabia Hongkons; Jan. 10
Senator. . . . . . San Francisco. Jan. 10
Northland. .. .San Francisco. Jan. 12.
Aiesia .Hongkong .Feb. 1
Numantia.... Hongkong .Mar. ' 2
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
.Arabia Hongkong Ind'ft
Jonanpoulsen ban Francisco. Jan.
Roanoke..... Los Angeles . . . Jan.
Alliance Coos Bay Jan.
Costa Rica.. .San Francisco. Jan.
Breakwater. . Coos Bay Jam
Geo. W. Elder San Pedro Jan.
Nicomedla... Hongkong .Jan
Senator bd Francisco. .Jan.
Northland. .. .San Francisco. Jan.
Alesla ..Hongkong -Feb.
Numantla. .. .Hongkong .Mar.
patch as far as loading goes. She
was moved from the O. & C. dock at
noon Tuesday and by Wednesday night
she had completed her Inward cargo.
The Glenelvan has on board about 3000
tons of wheat and will clear for the
United Kingdom for orders.
Aside from the work on the Glenel
van, business on the waterfront was
suspended yesterday. -
The Breakwater worked at Ains
worth until noon. She sailed last
night for Coos Bay. This, morning
the Elginshire will discharge ballast
at the Oceanic dock and the Claverdon
will work wheat at the Montgomery
No. 1.
Owners of Steamer Annie Comings
Tie Up French Vessel.
Owners of the steamer Annie Com
ings have libeled the French bark
Europe. A United States officer took
charge of the , vessel late Tuesday
night, and she will be unable to pro
ceed to sea until a bond has been filed,
pending a settlement of the case.
The steamer Annie Comings was
sunk and lost by collision with the
French bark Monday night. The sail
ing craft was at anchor off St. John
and the Comings was bound down the
river. The steamer struck the bow of
the Frenchman broadside and broke in
two'. Her crew escaped to the bark.
A survey of the vessel was held yes
terday by Captain Veasle, representing
Lloyds, and by Captain Crowe, repre
senting the San Francisco' underwrit-
You have heard the old expression, "Jack
of all trades and master of none." Let us
apply this saying to the medifal profession,
"Doctor of all diseases and master of
none." I am not a doctor of all diseases.
I am a specialist in men's diseases, and
master of every ailment belonging to this
class. I have treated so many cases that I
know exactly -what to do in every
doubt as to -what the results will
consultation or examination, and
will be pleased to render them.
My Fee in Any Uncomplicat
ed Ailment of Men Is Only
I Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Cured "1
I know, what my treatment will accomplish. The result, therefore,
is certain in every case undertaken. My patients risk nothing when
they accept my fair offer to pay when the cure is accomplished.
go-called "Weakness" in men is cur
able fully curable. It has not been
cured by those measures commonly
employed, for they are methods based
upon supposition and not upon fact.
Loss of power in men is due
to a chronic state of Inflamma
tion in the prostate gland, and
nt In a disordered nervous condition,
as has been supposed. I treat the
Inflammation by a local process that
does not fall to accomplish its pur
pose, and with this condition correct
ed, full and complete strength and
vigor returns.
The idea that specific or contagious
blood poison is incurable still exists
In the minds of thousands of physi
cians, who continue to salivate their
patients with potash, mercury and
other dangerous minerals. Such treat
ment can only drive the disease deeoer
Into the system, where it lies dor
mant for a time, then manifests Itself
in the form of bone decay or frightful
eruptions. I positively cure this dls
ea.e. never to return, in sixty to nine
ty daysr and I use only cleansing rem
edies that hare no harmful effects.
Varicocele, Spermatorrhea. Lost Vigor, Organic Weakness, Con
tracted Disorders, Strictures, Specific Blood Poison and Piles I also
treat and care promptly nd thoroughly.
Corner Morrison and Second Streets.
Private Entrance 234y2 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
ers. Their findings have not been announced.
. Change Iri Steamers.
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. L (Special.)
When the new steamer Julia B. goes into
commission about January IS she will
take the run to Deep River in place ot
the Miler. The latter vessel will then go
on the run to Ilwaco for several weeks,
while the Nahcotta is in Portland being
lengthened and practically rebuilt for the
Summer traffic between Astoria and the
new terminus of the Ilwaco Railroad &
Navigation Company, opposite this city.
Marine Xotes.
The steamship Breakwater sailed for
Coos Bay last night.
It has been announced that the new
steamship Rose City will .sail from
San Francisco for Portland on the 11th
of this month. .
The steamship Costa Rica is due to
morrow evening from San Francisco.
The ship Walden Abbey will move
alongside the dock today and will be
gin discharging ballast. ,
Notice to Mariners.
The following affects the list of lights
and fog signals. Pacific coast, 1908:
Three Tree Island Shoal Range Front
Light located on Three Tree Island
Shoal, easterly side ol the channel of the
Willamette River.
The structure from which this light was
shown, carried away and the light extin
guished December 28, will -be rebuilt and
the light rellghtd as soon as practicable.
Swan Island Bar Lower Light Located
on the lower end of Swan Island Bar. in
20 feet of water, and the southwesterly
side of the dredged channel of the Willam
ette River.
The structure from which this light was
shown, carried away and the light extin
guished December 2T, will be rebuilt and
the light relighted as soon .as practicable.
P. J. WERLICH, Inspector.
Ar rivals and Departures.
PORTlXnd. Jan. 1. Arrived Steamship
Montara, from San Franctsco. Sailed
Steamship . Breakwater, tor Coos Bay;
steamship Northland, for San Francisco.
Astoria, Jan. 1. Condition of the bar at
8 P. M., rough: wind southeast, 52 miles;
weather cloudy with rain. Arrived down
at It last night and sailed at 9:15 A. M..
steamer Senator, from San Francisco. Sailed
at B:20 A. M., Johan Poulsen. for San
Francisco. Sailed at 9:25 A. M.. steamer
R. D. Inman, for San Francisco; Norwegian
steamer Herm. for St. Vincent for orders.
Sailed at 9:45 A. M., German bark Rchur
bek, for Queenstown or Falmouth for or
ders. Sailed at 9:50 A. M.. schooner Al
vena. for Redondo. Sailed at 10 A. M.,
schooner Oakland, for San Francisco. Ar
rived down at 4 P. M., British ship Port
San Francisco, Jan. 1. Sailed at 10 A.
M.. steamer CoV E. L. Drake, for Port
land. -Sailed at 11 A. M.. steamer Costa
RlcS. for Portland. Arrived last night,
steamer City of Panama.
San Francisco. Jan. 1. Arrived Steamer
Yellowstone, from Grays Harbor: steamer G.
C. Lindauer, from Grays Harbor; steamer
Carmel. from Grays Harbor: steamer Ho
qulam, from Grays Harbor: steamer J. B.
Stetson, from Gary. Harbor; steamer Buck
man, from Seattle. Sailed Steamer Costa
Rica, for Astoria: steamer Colonet E. L.
Drake, for Astoria, towing barge Three:
steamer Charles Nelson, for Seattle; steamer
Centralis, for Grays Harbor; steamer Che
halis. for Grays Harbor; steamer Thos. L.
wand.. for nravs Harbor: steamer Coronado.
for Grays Harbor; schooner Rosamond, for
Grays Harbor. Arrived British steamer
India, from Sydney.
Astoria. Jan. . 1. Sailed Norwegian'
steamer Hern, for United Kingdom; German
ship Schurbek, for United Kingdom.
Liverpool. Jan. 1. Arrived Teucer, from
Tacoma and Victoria, via Yokohama.
Yokohama, Jan. 1. Arrived Monteagle.
from Vancouver.
i . .
Tides at Astoria. Thursday. ,
High. - Low.
a ai rr IR-l!t A tut S S ft
0:15 P. M... . 1. ft.
To Uphold Settlers Rights in the O.
& C. Land Grant.
PORTLAND, Jan. 1. (To the Editor.)
To attempt to add anything to what
has already appeared in print in refer
ence to the Oregon and California land
grant- matter, may seem like a "twice
told tale," but I feel that the subject
should be constantly agitated until the
matter is righted.
Having given the matter some consid
eration, I am convinced that those who
are "actual settlers" upon these lands
have a right to demand from the Govern
ment that it grant them the privilege of
suing in Its name to establish their title
to the lands so occupied by them.
To talk about forfeiting these lands
The Leading; Specialist.
instance. There is not the slightest
be. I -will charge you nothing for
if helpful suggestions are possible, I
Without using knife, ligature or
caustic without pain and without de
tention from business, I cure Varico
cele In one week. If you have sought
a cure elsewhere and been disappoint
ed, or if you fear the harsh methods
that most physicians employ In treat
ing this disease, come to me and I will
cure you soundly and permanently by
a gentle and painless method. Don't
delay. Varicocele has Its dangers and
brings Its disastrous results. If you
will call I will be pleased to explain
my method of curing.
I - cure stricture without cutting,
without dilating and without pain.
Harmless remedies dissolve the ob
structing: tissues and cleanse all aX- .
fected membranes.
. I cure contracted disorders thor
oughly, and In half the usual time re
requlred. I employ new remedies of
my own devising. Do not take chanoes
by relyina upon uncertain methods.
to the -Government and. through, that
channel, opening ' them to settlement, is
foolishness. The Government, for itself,
has no grievance. The railroad company,
so far as the Government is concerned,
has discharged all its Obligations. It
built and continues to operate the road as
a public utility, in all things complying
with the terms of the granting act, sav
ing alone In the matter of selllns to each
actual settler a. quarter section of the
lands granted, and at a price not to ex-,
ceed $2.50 an acre. The actual settlers.
then, are the only people aggrieved, the
only parties who have a right to com
plain and demand that their rights be
The'grant by Congress created a trust
in these lands for the benefit of "actual
settlers," and they have the right to de
mand at the hands of the Government the
enforcement of their rights. They have a
right to demand that the Government,
with themselves as relators, sue the pail
road company for theenforcement of the
terms of the trust. In such suit the
court, no doubt, would enter a decree di
recting the company to convey to each
relator the lands occupied by him, and,
upon the company's refusal, or default,
would, through Its own commissioner,
make such conveyance. The term "ac
tual settler" has been defined by the
Supreme Court of the United States to be
"one who takes possession either by him
self 0r another, and proceeds to occupy
and exercise acts of ownership." .
in an opinion rendered by Chief Jus
tice Marshall, the Supreme Court used
this language: "The Court is disposed to
think that a settlement made on the land
by another person, who cultivated it for
the proprietor, would be sufficient,
though the proprietor should not reside
in person on the estate, -or within the ter
ritory." The press -dispatches from Washington.
D. C. have several times indicated that
the Mr. Townsend and Major McBlair.
who were sent here to investigate (?)
this land grant matter, had conferred
with the Attorney-General, - and that
probably Congress would take some ac
tion in the premises. Such talk is sheer
nonsense. The matter has passed beyond
the jurisdiction of Congress, It now
belongs to the courts, and the
sooner the Government "gets busy"
through that channel, the sooner will the assured that the railroad com
pany is.not-to be "whitewashed" and per
mitted to escape its duty to the actual
settlers upon the lands granted in trust
for their benefit.
Eastern Livestock Markets.
OMAHA. Jan. 1. Cattle Receipts. 1.T00;
market. 10c higher. Native steers, $:t.00
5.80; native cows ar.d heifers, $24; West-
em steers. $34.50; range cows and heifers,
$1.753.75; canners, $1.5002.25; stockers
and feeders. $2.7594.25; calves, $3 5.50;
bulls and stags, $1.75375.
Hogs Receipts, 7000; market slow to
weak. Heavy, $4.3064.40: mixed. $4.30
4.35; light. $4.254.S5; pigs, $44.30; bulk
of sales, $4.304.35.
Sheep Receipts. 4000: market, 10c higher.-
Yearling. $4.g5.50; wethers. 14.25
4.E5: ewes, $44.50; lambs, $G6.50.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 1. Cattle Receipts.
Cured by absorption. No pain. The
enlarged veins are due to mumps, bi
cycle or horseback riding, disease, etc
In time it weakens a man mentally as
well as physically. I will cure you for
life, or make no charge.
Cured by absorption; no pain; no loss of
time. Why suffer Jonger when you can
be cured in a few hours at a moderate
cost ? Call and consult me at once,
and I .will- convince you of the super
iority of my New System Treatment over
any other method. .
Overcome in 90 days or no pay. Symp
toms overcome in 7"to 21 days, without
chemicals, or poison. If suffering from
any fclrod troubie come and I will drive
the poison from -your blood forever by
my New System Treatment.
X Do Not .Patch Up, I Cure Forever.
Write if
We Will Cure lour
- we are especially anxious that mny
WEAK MAN who has failed with"
other methods call on na and let us
explain to him why we CURE peo
ple who have failed to get relief he
fore seeing: as. This we will cheer
fully do FREE of any cost.
Everybody . Knows and Calls Us the Old Reliable Specialists in the
. . Diseases of Men. .
Our Special Prices Given Below Will Last a Few Days Only. '
Varicocele '
Cured by our new method; no pain.
The enlarged veins are due to
mumps, bicycle or horseback riding,
disease, etc. In time it weakens a
' man mentally as well as physically.
We will cure you for lite or make no
Cured; no pain, no 'loss of time.
TV'liy sufler longer when you can be
cured in a few hours at a moderate
cot? Call and consult us at once,
and we will convince you of the su
periority of our New System Treat
ment over any other method.
v Blood Poison '
Overcome in 90 days or no pay.'
Symptoms overcome in seven to 21
days without chemicals or poisons.
If suffering- from ulcers, sore mouth
or throat, falling hair, bone pains,
come and we will drive the poison
from your blood forever by our New
We Do Not Patch Up We Cure
The Oregon Medical Institute
291V2 Morrison Street, Near Fifth,' Portland, Oregon
Lester Herrick 6 Herrick
Public Accountants
Office " v
Wells Fargo Building?-.
Other Offices
San Francisco Merchants Exchange
Seattle. Alaska Building
Los Angeles Union Trust Building
New York 30 Broad Street
Chlraso.. 1S9 La Salle Stree
3000; market, strong. Native steers. 3.S0t?
5.60: native cows and heifers. $2.2594.75;
stackers and feeders. :4S4 25; bulls, $2.50
4; calves, $3.756.50; Western' steers,
$3.0Sf 4.50; Western cows, $2.5063.73.
Hogs Receipts, 12,000; market, steady to
5c lower. Bulk of sales. $4.204.43: heavy.
$4.4004.50: packers, $4.3594.45; pigs and
lights, $404.40.
Sheep Receipts, 4000; market, strong.
Muttons, $4 ff 4 75: lambs. $3.506.75;range
wethers. $4. 7593.75.
Albany, or. For the first time this win
ter the mountains in this part ofthe state
are covered with a snowfall which is visible
in the Valley. This is true both of the
Cascade Mountains and the Coast Range.
The snowfall In the mountains Saturday
night and yesterday morning is said to have
been very Heavy.
EGGS and VEAL and HOGS ..
Highest CASH PRICES Paid
Prompt Returns Write Us
97 Front St.. Portland,
w. H. McCorauodale. Manager.
The Wetl-ILnoTTB
Root mnd Herb
sim . lif study
& of roots and berba. and
In that study dlscoverea
and is giving to iae
world bis wonderful
D remedies-
No Mercury. Arouons or IruKs Used Ma
Coros Wlutoot Operation, or Without tarn
Aid of tha Knife. He guarantees to cure
Catarrh. Asthma. Lung. Throat. Rheuma
tism Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Stom
ach, IJver. Kidney Troubles: also Lost Man
hood. Female Weakness and All Private
Just Becelved from . Peking, China Sate,
euro and Reliable. IF YOU ARB AF
DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4
eents In stamps. CONSULTATION FREE.
Xbe C. Geo Wo Chinese Medicine Co..
First St., Cor. Morrison.
- Portland. Oregon.
Fleeoe Mention This Paper.
You Must Come to Us Sooner or Later
Why Not Now?
I Am the Court of Last Resort
If you will come to me. -without money and without price, I will give you free my
best opinion ofybur case. I can be seen only at this office. I lead, all others
follow. I have the largest practice in Portland. I have the best-equipped office
in the world. I do not accept incurable cases. No man too poor to receive my
best attention. Everybody knows and calls me the old reliable specialist who
cures forever all cases. My special prices given below: - - -
A Chance for the Poor
Nervous Debility
Wast ins;
Blood Disorders
Bladder Ailments
Kidney Ailment
Prostate Ailments. ...
People know bo well of my ability that
they are fllUnc my offices by the score.
If Yon Cannot Call. Write for Free Self
Examination Blank. Medicines from
$1.50 to $6.50 a course.
Within Any Man's Reach.
you cannot call. All correspondence sacredly
M. to 9 P. M.; Evening;, 7 to 8:80; Sundays. 9 .
The Reliable Specialist.
Varicocele, from J10.00 to $25.00
Hydrocele, from 15.00 to 60.00
Atrophy, from 6.00 to 12.S0
Nervous Debility, from 5.00 to 20.00
Wasting, from 7.50 to 10.00
Discharges, from. .... 6.00 to 10.0)
Ulcers, from. . '6.00 to 15.00
Blood Poison, from... 10.00 to 30.00
Falling; Hair, from... 6.00 to 10.00
Pimples, from 7.50 to 15.00
Ecsema, from 13.00 to 30.00
Bladder Ailments, from o.OO to 12.6)
Kidney Aliments, from 10.00 to 30.00
Prostate Ailments, f'm 6.00 to 15.0)
Tree Advice Given
Send ns particulars of your case
at once If yon cannot call. Medi
cines from $1.50 to S8-50 a course.
Dally Hours, A. M. to 8' P. M.
Sunday Hours i A. SI. to 12 moon.
Do Not Delav Call or Write s
Ticket Office and Waltlng-Room,
First and Alder Htreeta
Oregon City 4:00, 6:25. T:00, 7:35.
S.-10. 3:45. i): 20. 8:55, 10:30. 11:05. 11:40
A. M.; 12:15. 12:50. 1:25. 2:00. 2:35. 3:10.
3:45. 4:20, 4:55, 5:30. 8:05, 6:40, 7:15.
7:50. 8:23. 9:00. 10:00, 11:00. 12:00 P. M.
Gresham, Boring. Eagle Creek, Esta
rada. Cazadero, Fairview and Troutdaie
7:30. 9:30, 11:30 A. M-. 1:30. 3:40.
5:44. 7:15 P. M.
Cars Leave Second and Washington Sta.
'6:15. 6:50, 7:25. 8:00. 8:3o. 0:10. 9:45.
10:20. 10:53. 11:30 A. M. ; 12:05. 13:40.
1:15. 1:50, 2:25. 3K, 3:35, 4:10, 4:45.
6:20. 5:55. 6:30. 7:06. 7:40. 8:15. 9:25.
$10:35. 111:45.
On third Monday In every month tho
last car leaves at 7:05 P. M.
'Daily, ex. Sunday. SDaily, ex. Monday.
Only direct steamers to San Fraitclsco.
Only ocean steamers sailing by daylight.
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, IF. It
SS Costa Rica, Jan. 6. .-,
Benator, Jan. 12. 24, etc.
Knr-ai Rtrt. Sun Xranrlirn. T 1 A. U-
g Senator, Jan. 7, 19, 81, etc.
ium city, dan. i, zs, etc.
JAS. H. DEWSON. Agent.
Alnsworth Dock. Main 263.
North Pacific S. S. Go's. Steamship
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
oau A.UI .cutejxa, uau f isuciatv nuu
Los Augeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M.
1314. H. Young, Agent
The steamship BREAKWATER leave
PorUaiid Hedneida7 at 8 P. M. from 0k
street dock, tor North Bend, Marhtatleld and
Coot Bay points. Freight received till 4 P.
M. ob day of sailing, passenger fare, first
class, $10; second-class, S7, including berth
and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third
and Washington streets, or Oak-street dock-
Steamer Pomona for Salem, Independence
41bany and Corvallls, leaves Tuesday
hursday and Saturday at 6:45 A- M
Steamer OreeonJa for Salem and way land
ings, leaves Monday, Wednesday and Frld&ft
at 0:45 A. M.
Office and Dock Foot Taylor Si rest.
PhAtll! Vlaln Ad- A OAt.
Cured in a few weeks. Improvement
from the start. If you suffer from
loss of energy and ambition, feel tired
when you arise in the morning, lame
back, dizziness, spots before the eyes,
and feel you are not the man you once
were, I will cure you for life.
Cured by absorption in a short time.
No pain, no cutting, no operation. By
my method the urethral canal is healed
and entire system restored to its healthy
state. No failures, no pain, no loss of
I Diagnose by Exclusion,
No Mistakes Made
tV. M. to 12 Noon.
Run No Risk
Investigate our methods aad learn
that we are all we claim to be, aad
when you plaee your case la our
hands you are sure of setting; the
heat treatment that can be - ob
tained anywhere.
To every man who knows himself
to require advice as to marriage and
its requirements, or who has taken
that step, we also extend a cordial
Invitation, that we may advise fafm
as to the beat thing to do. This we
will do FREE ot all charges.
Nervous Debility
Cured in ' a few weeks. Improve
ment frojn the start. If you suffer
from loss of energy and ambition,
feel tired when you arise in the
morning, lame back, dizziness, spots
befpre the eyes and feel you are not
the man you once were, we will cure
you for life. ,
Urethral Obstruction
Cured by absorption in a short time;
no pain, no cutting, no operation.
By our method the urethral canal is
healed and entire system restored
to its healthy state. No failures, no
pain or loss of time.
Examination Free
Call and we will explain why our
New System cures -when all else
fails. A friendly chat will cost you
nothing. Call at once; don't delay.
Examinations Are Thorough Our
Diagnoses Positive