THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1. 190S. GROWN JGOLOTBIA PUL AtM COMPANY Manufacturers ? sc aa v;, J 1 1 . ii uJ s--"-- . i units I - ' Ju&a t.ffrn In. it'uFttniwimT'Sf; -t li-mii' tHiarni PAPER, PULP AN'D SCLPHITE MILLS OF CROWN-COLUMBIA AT CAMAS, WASH. News, Manilla, Wrapping and Building Pap ers 120 Tons Daily Produced Under One Management Office: Foot of Madison Street Portland Largest Paper Production on the Pacific Coast HBf Iliilllill "u''S At'-S ' v, ' - ' ; - ' ''Ass !fMt . A' . -; i$A- -s,f.foH- - X s!"- ' Aj4f " " 1 it - PAPER, PCI-P AND SULPHITE MILLS OF CROWN-COLVMBIA AT OREGON CITY. OR. CITY'S BANNER YEAR FOR BUILDING Portland's Splendid Record in 1906 Surpassed During the Twelve Months Just Ended Over $9,000,000 Invested in Business Blocks and Residences WITH new office blocks, hotels, warehouses and residences ris ing on every hand, the ring: of the trowel, chisel, saw and hammer has been a paen of progress in Port land during the past year. Following an era of unprecedented building ac tivity, 1907 has get a record of Its own and will go down in history as a pe riod of transformation, marking very largely the disappearance of the old Portland and the advent of a metro politan city in appearance as well as In size. With building: permits aggregating more than SMW.OOO. Portland has even surpassed its own record for 1906, which was regarded as a banner year. There was no slackening in construc tion throughout the period, and the large investment of capital is one of the most encouraging features to which citizens can point., indicating as it does, full confidence in the growth of Portland on the part of capitalists. Building expenditure is on a perfectly sound basis here, for the volume of busi ness is taxing even the increased fa cilities, and vacant dwellings are al most unknown. If a former resident of Portland should return now, after a few years' absence, he would hardly recognize the city as the one he had ( left. Every where are to be found changes, and al most the only thing that would appear the same is the superb natural setting of the city. In the. business district steel skyscrapers are springing up where frame buildings stood for years. One by one the old landmarks are dis appearing and In their stead commodi ous stores and offices provide quarters for the ever-increasing business of the commercial center of the Pacific North west. The building movement in Portland has on the whole been well balanced. Although the fine skyscrapers are most conspicuous, a large proportion of the outlay has been for dwellings.. The number of new homes to be seen, especially In the newer districts, is a revelation, even to citisens. when they visit a part of the city with which they are not familiar. Several fine warehouses of an improved type have been erected and the field for apartment-houses, flats and hotels has not been overlooked. It may come as a Surprise to some that the amount spent in the erection of new homes In the past year is con siderably the largest item in the build ing expenditure, even exceding the cost of the many class A, B and C structures that have gone up. Alto gether, I4.S3S.73S has been invested in new dwellings, of which amount $3, hss been for homes on the East Side and $1,003,450 for homes on the West Side. There were 1850 homes built on the East Side and but 210 on the West Side. This indicates that the available building area west of ttie river is becoming somewhat limited, while the suitable tracts for homesto the eastward are practically unlimited. Much of the West Side land, too, which m-as considered residence prop erty a few years ago, has now become too valuable for this use. The average cost of the West Side home was S4968, tnd the average on the East Side was I1T47. The average expenditure for dwellings in the entire city was $2056, which shows that an excellent class of homes is being erected. Permits for class A. B and C build ings were tak6n out during the year amounting to $3,517,000. This includes many steel and reinforced concrete buildings of the finest type. Besides those represented in this total, many that were started In 190S were com pleted in 1907. An instance of this is the handsome 12-story Wells-Fargo block, the "permit for which was issued over a year ago, but which has only recently been occupied. A partial .list of the buildings, four stories or more in height, which either have been com pleted during the past year or are actually under construction, follows: Wells Farico. W stores. Sixth and' Oak streets: Boald of Trade Building Asaocla tiono. 11 stories. Fourth ana Oak streets; Corbett estate, ten stories. Fifth and Morri son streets; Commercial Club, nine stories. Fifth and Oak streets; Courh building, eight Ptorles, Fourth, between Washington and Stark: Rothchild Bros., seven stories. Fourth and Washington: L.. Q. Swetland. seven stories. llfth and Washington; L'orbett es tate, eight stories. Fifth and Ankeny streets; Cornelius Building, eight Stories, Seventh and Alder streets; Baldwin & Downing, six. stories. Seventh and Alder streets; Fall ing estate, six stories. Fifth and Alder streets; Beck estate, six stories. Seventh and Oak streets: atesy building, six stories, Tsrk street between Alder and Morrison; Buchanan building, six stories, Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth; McClung & Wetherbee. six stories, Ella strset, near Washington; Lamson c Holbrook. six sto ries. Eleventh and Stsrk streets; Masonic Temple, five stories. West Park and Yam hill streets; Mason. Ehrman A Co., Ave stories. Fifth and Everett streets; Gordon building, five stories. West Park and Yarn hill streets; Gerlinger building, five stories. Second and Alder streets: Oregon Hotel An nex, seven stories, Seventh, near Stark; T. M. and V. W. C. A. buildings. Ave stories, Taylor, between Sixth and Seventh streets: Wemme building, four stories. First and Burnslde streets; Steams building, four sto ries. Fourth street, between Yamhill and Taylor; Jorgensen building, four stories. Third and Main streets; Mitchell. Lewis & Staver warehouse, four stories. East. Second and East Morrison streets; Troy Laundry., four stories. Ninth and Flanderea streets: Fleisehnor. Mayer & Co., warehouse, four storlesr First and Couch streets: Meier A Frsnk Company, four stories. Second and Jefferson streets; Gadsby warehouse, four stories. Thirteenth and Hoyt streets; Prael llegcle warehouse, four stories. Thirteenth and Hoyt streets; Haselwood Cream Com pany, four stories. Fourth and Boyt streets; Olds. Wortman & King, four stories. Fourth and Jefferson streets. In spite of the large number of new buildings, it is believed that the growth will continue. Practically all the apace In the new structures has been taken, even before the buildings are completed. Most of the expansion represents new firms and new business, for offices In the old buildings have been filled as rapidly as tenants move to the new blocks. In fact, a large amount of money has been ppent in enlarging and remodeling the old buildings. One of the most urgent needs in Port land is more modern apartment-houses. Several fine buildings of this class have been put up during the year, but the field has hardly been touched aa yet. Money spent in tlra construction of strictly first class apartment-houses or family hotels would be a gilt-edge Investment in thla cit.f. There is also need of more fiats in Portland, and this class of property is re turning good revenue. Cottages and resi dences, too, although so many have been erected, are badly needed. So rapidly is the population Increasing that there is al most a residence famine and the various rental agencies always have a waiting list of tenants. Warehouse" construction has 'been one of the features of the year. Portland has many line wholesale blocks, but' the busi ness is constantly expanding and more warehouses are in demand. Several Job bing firms are contemplating the erection of new quarters, an instance of which is a large hardware house that recently purchased two entire blocks on which structures will be built to accommodate its growing trade. of safety and health, we are making rapid strides. Of hot less Importance is our home building. Some two years ago we boasted of 25.00 homes. Since then over 6000 residences have been constructed. Our residences are nearly all of frame construction. It has been found that such houses are drier than brick houses, ow ing to ous climate. As we owe the great number of private houses to the low cost of lumber, we need not feel sorry that so few are built of brick. Hundreds of beautiful homes have been built during the past few years. Build ing lots, sold with restrictive clauses in the deeds, have found great favor, with the result that large additions are being built up exclusively with costly mansions. Modern conveniences are employed on every hand. Gas and water mains can be reached in almost even- section of tne NEW BUILDINGS OF FINEST TYPES Steel and Concrete Used in Majority of Office Blocks Erected Last Year Marked Advance in Architecture Bt W. Irving Spencer, City Building In spector. A COMPARISON of building opera tions now In progress in Portland with those of the past decade is encouraging to all who have the interest of the city at heart. Existing natural conditions have retarded our progress toward more permanent construction, and this movement has been slow until re cently. Portland is located in the midst of a timber belt unequaled by any in the world, and our mills manufacture im mense quantities of lumber. The result ing low price of lumber and our loca tion, remote from the heart of the steel and cement manufacturing centers, has resulted in an almost exclusive use of timber in building operations. But during the last two or three years the value of our business property and the price of lumber have doubled. More enduring building materials are, there fore, cheaper In comparison and have come Into more extended use in the busi ness districts. Our conservative property-owners are looking with ipore and more favor toward fireproof construc tion. Besults of these changed conditions can be aeon on every hand. The structures recently erected are, with few excep tions, modern in every respect. Many of fice buildings have been constructed of steel and concrete and are fire-resisting in design. Almost without exception new warehouses are of the "slow burning'' or "mill construction" type. Throughout the city new and old build ings alike are. being furnished with appa ratus for the prevention of fire. " Such apparatus comprises standpipes and hose reels, - "Babcocks" and automatic sprink ler systems. Not less encouraging is the marked im provement in architecture. The build ings of today are more adapted for the purposes intended. The trend is toward better lighted and ventilated rooms and costly decorative features are becoming a thing of the past. - From the standpoint Hydraulic Rams For Country Homes, Farm Houses, Stock Yards and Irrigation Made in glies from 1 inch up. Write for Bulletin B-2 and R-J Columbia Steel Go. PORTLAND, OREGON 1 III M.M ll I o ' ' . I i tvi-J. Tt JUS'S 9i or I AI' "W?4 "Ar,r - 71 -c - , . " i THE FUTURE HOME OF MASON, EHRMAN 8 CO. Wholesale Grocers and Cigar Dealers S. E. Corner Fifth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. city, and sewers are being laid through out the city. Apartment . houses, apartment hotels and flats are being built without num ber and afford homes for hundreds of families. Building operations in Portland have not been overdone. We have never had ! such a period of building activity In our j history, but with it all there is not a j desirable house within the city that lacks an occupant, or a business block begging for a tenant. " . It is my opinion that building operations will resume In the early Spring and con tinue unabated throughout the coming year, and especially should present condi tions result in cheaper labor and material. A solid foundation has been laid for the building of a great city, and- the com ing years will show greater progress than the pn st. Main 44. Home A 1144. C. H. Brettell. W. C. Brettell, DEFIANCE TEA GO. COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES AND EXTRACTS ROASTERS OF FINE COFFEES 54 FRONT STREET, CORNER PINE Pacific Metal Works 73-75 North Second Street, Portland, Oregon ; Ap aMbf A-i'iMn,. inmii.nM.iililniM mm. - " Tllllilil I I ll ll 1 1 mM" 3 1-2 POUND CAKES No cleaner, more pure or free running . metal can be made than the lino type which we manufacture Electrotype Metal Linotype Metal Stereotype Metal Used by all the leading Pacific Coast Papers. SOLDER For Tinners, Plumbers and Metal Roofers. Canners' Solder in Triangular Sticks, Drops, - Wire, etc. STAR BREWERY Northern Brewery Co. Brewers and Bottlers of the Famous Hop Gold Beer Portland, Or. . East 3d and Burnside Telephones East 46 Home,BJ146 Vancouver, Wash. Try HOP GOLD and yon will use no other