Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 21, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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Glove and Merchandise Orders Sold for Any Amount at the Glove Department-A Quick Way of Solving the Christmas Gift Problem
Open Evenings
Until Christmas
00 Employes to Serve You at Meier
r?van!r'c Open Evenirigs
& K&nkl. 3 UntilChristmas
oliday Stocks the Greatest and Best We've Ever Provide
oliday. -Suspenders
eart Suspenders $1.15
Great special holiday sale of the cele
brated Heart Suspenders for Christ
mas gifts; heart buckle, with place
for photo; beautiful fancy silk elas
tic webbing; always sold at $1.50 a
pair. Each pair put up in a hand
some holiday box won- I 1 1 P
51 derful values, at, pair. .r A J
1000 pairs of men's fancy Holiday
Suspenders, silk webbing, one pair
in a fancy box; best 50c val- OQw
lies, on sale at, the pair.."C
Men 's Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,
Reefers and Dress Protectors, by far
the largest and best showing we ever
made ; prices are unusually reasonable.
Men's Silk Hosiery in complete as
sortment and at very lowest prices.
"Toyland" 3d Floor-City's Big Toyshop
Do your toy buying in
our big third-floor Toy
store; it's the largest
and most conveniently
arranged department of
its kind in the West
Foreign and domestic
toys, dolls, games, etc.,
in endless assortment
a superior showing of
holiday goods of every
description particular
attention is directed to
the wonderful display
of mechanical trains and
comic Xmas novelties
imported articles, the
personal selection of
our expert who goes abroad every year
so that Portland shoppers may have the
newest and best the world affords to se
lect from Dolls, doll carts, wagons, ve
locipedes, coasters, etc., at all prices
2000 Men's Vests
Great manufacturer's sale of men's
fancy Vests for today's selling
thousands of them in the nattiest styles
and materials vests that will make
pleasing Christmas gifts an immense
variety of styles in woven and fancy
mercerized cloths tans, fancy grays,
fancy greens, checks, plaids and
stripes well made and finished all
new up-to-date waistcoats and a com
plete line of sizes regulars and stouts
assortments large enough to please
uunnitiira tut cnuugu iu piease
every individual fancy $2.50 to $4 $
values take your pick g i n;)
values take your pick tf A O
at this low price, each 1 TffO
Mad Orders Will Be Carefully Filled Take Advantage Now
Pictures, Baskets, Blankets, Pendleton Indian Robes, Kodaks, Pyrography Goods, etc., etc., on the Fourth Floor
Men's 50c Handkerchiefs for 25c Each
. ,
Men's $ 1 .50 Dress Gloves $ 1. 1 5 a Pair
1000 dozen men's Corded Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, hand-embroidered OP
initial; beautiful style and quality: 1 doz. in attractive box; 50c vals., ea.
Men's fine soft-finish Linene Initial Handkerchiefs, great special values, on sale
at this very special price 12V2C each, six for 70c, or on sale for, dozen.. $1.35
1000 pairs of men's Dress Gloves, in light, medium or heavy weight; J1 1 C
best shades, all style stitching; regular $1.50 values, at, special, pair. .P X J
$1.50 Handbags Reduced to 97c Each
$1.50 Opera Bags on Sale at 98c Each
3000 women's Leather Handbags, in seal and walrus leathers; large shapes
and strap handles; black, brown and tan; best $1.50 values, on sale at, ea. f C
1000 women's Opera Bags, made from a nice quality of floral silk, several QO
pretty designs; the best regular $1.50 values, on sale at, special, each. OC
$1.50 Music Rolls, special, each. .$1.13 Reg. $2.25 Music Portfolios, ea..$1.75
Children's Hand Purses 25c vals., 15c; 50c vals., 35c; 75c vals., 50c; $1 vals..65
Women's Hand Embroidered Linen Collars
$1,50 to $2.50 Values at 98 Cents Each
In the Women 's Neckwear Department, a sale extraordinary of women 's hand
embroidered. Stiff Linen Collars, iy2, 1 and 2 inches high; white and colored;
all the newest and prettiest designs. The best regular $1.50, $2.00 and QO
$2.50 values, on sale at this matchless low price, each take advantage. 70C
On' sale in the Women's Neckwear Department entire stock of imported and domes
tic Crepe de Chine Scarfs, at greatly reduced prices-Ladies. should take advantage.
Silverware, Cut. Glass, Electroliers, Gas Lamps, Cutlery, Fancy China, Bric-a-Brac, etc., etc., in the Basement
Great Holiday Specials
ie Fancy Ct&iEa
Basement Salesroom
-wi!ini.itwtui : pa..i.. i x n,: ti i- i. t - j.
" ' ------v
Regular 20c fapcy China Plates, at, each.l5
Regular 25c fancy China Plates, at, each. 19
1000 fanr.v ripprirnfoit Phinn Knln R,..lo ,1
s Cake Plates; beautiful pieces; best 1 O
regular 25c values, on sale at, each.' OC
1000 fancy decorated China Salad Bowls and
Cake Plates : regular values nn to
40c, on sale for, each.
1000 ' fancy Japanese China Vases,' prettily deco
rated; regular 30c values, on sale at, special, each
1000 fancy decorated China Shaving Mugs, regu
lar values to 50c each, on sale at, special, each
Fancy decorated China Sugar and Creamers, hand
some designs ; regular 50c values, special, the pair
Great special values in Silverware, Cut Glass, Copper and
Nickel Novelties, in the Basement Store Take advantase.
2000 Children's Books
75c Vals. at 39c Copy
Sale extraordinary in the Bookstore
today 2000 popular books for little
children at about one half their value
Included will be found all the comic
series featured in the Sunday papers
Foxy Grandpa
Buster Brown
Happy Hooligan
Buddy Tucker
r'i Por LilMose
Wogglebug Book
Katzenjammer Kids Peck's Bad Boy
All 75c values, on sale at, special, copy.. 39
All mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Buster Brown Nuggets, regular 25c 1 -
edition, on sale at, special, the copy.' VrC
The new "Chatterbox," special, copy.. 90$
1908 Calendars in wonderful array, on sale
at these special prices, each, 5c to $15.00
Gift Books in endless assortment, all prices.
Books for young and old Bibles, Dictionaries.
Men's "Priestley" Raincoats
$ 1 5 Vols. $ 1 0.-1 0
Great Special Holiday Sale of the genuine
Priestley "Cravenette" Raincoats for men a
practical and necessary garment in every man's
wardrobe neat shadow-striped worsteds, also
in black wool thibets of fast color 3A-lined
with Venetian lining and satin sleeve Iining-
every garment guaranteed a genuine Priestley
"Cravenette" full 52 inches long water will
not spot or wet through all sizes, 36 to 46
every coat in the lot our regular $15 value
!;. tar
the exclusive clothing store asks $18 for the
same garment your choice 1 A 1 A
for this Holiday Sale, each p 1 Jm 1 U
en's Clothing Department on Second Floor
Mail Orders Carefully Filled Take Advantage
Furs, Waists, Silk Petticoats, Sweaters, Aprons, Knit Goods, Veils, Infantswear. Undermuslins, etc., on Second Floor
Silverware, Carving Sets and
Bohemian Glassware Low Prices
Five frreat rpecial lines of Carvlnp Sets;
Hrmlnr Carving sets for , 3.57
Krculnr Carving Set. tor S5.17
Reiculnr 7X.O Cnrvingr Seta for 115.98
Regular VO.OO C'nrvlnK Seta for )i7.1S
Kriculnr 1 0.00 Carving Seta for 87.98
Boliemlan Glassware very low priced:
$1.25 Bohemian Nappies for, each. .95
2.00-?a.2r Boliemian Nappies SI. 59
J5.00 Bohemian Bowls, special at.. .S3. 62
Boliemian Glass Water Sets low-priced:
Regular J8.00 vals., special, set. .86.37
Regular $11.00 vals., special, set.. 88. 95
Silver Plated Tea Sets 4 Pieces
Regular $7.50 values at, set..
Regular $12.50 values at, set..
Regular $17.50 values at, set...
Regular $27.30values at, set..
11.00 Tea Strainers, special, each.
fi.oo Nut Bowls on sale at, each.
fi.oo Keusn Dishes, special at....
$3.00 Comports, special at, each..,
$2.75 Spoon Trays on sale at
Regular $4.50 Chocolate Pots at...
Regular $10 CoffeS Sets, special.
$1.25 Couch Covers at 95c Ea.
15c Curtain Swiss at 11c Yard
Saturday bargains, on sale in ihe Drapery Department, Third Floor See them :
1000 Roman Stripe Couch Covers, blue or red predominating, 50 inches QC
wide, 3 yards long; the best regular $1.25 values, on sale at, special, ea. OC
Remnants of Cretonne, Silks, Madras, Silkoline, etc., 1 to 5-yard 1 fa Dl!
. lengths, all styles, all grades, on sale at one-half regular prices. ?. IC"
5000 Brass Extension Rods, brass ends, complete with fixtures, etc; special, ea. .7
3 to 15-yard lengths of Curtain Swiss, dots, stripes and figures, on sale at, yd. 11
$ 1 .50-$ 1 .75 Flannel Gowns 98c
$2.50. $3 Flannel Gowns $1.6?
In the Muslin Underwear Department, Second Floor, we place on sale 5000 wom
en's outing, flannel Nightgowns, all white and fancy stripes, in grand variety;
neatly trimmed, well made arid finished. Big, full size and extra length; just
the garment you want-to keep you warm on cold nights. We place them on
sale in two lots best bargains;of the season, at the following special low prices:
$1.60 AND $1.75 GOWNS, EACH, 38 $2.50 AND $3.00 GOWNS, EA., $1.67
Insults Woman; Gets
Blow on Eye
Huxbnnd PnnUben Man who Jostles
and Speaks Rudely to Wife on
Crowded Street.
THB street? were crowded iesterddy
with Christmas shoppers, and at the
coiner of Fourth and Washington, about
2:30, there as a Jam of people going
along both thoroughfares.
Elbowing his way up Washington street,
a man with a bloodstained handkerchief
pressed to his eye made his way through
tho crowd. The shoppers turned to
glance at him. their smiles of holiday ex
pectations suddenly changed to sympa
thizing concern. The man, with distress
plainly depicted on his countenance, pur
cued his way to the doctor's office he
He was plainly dressed, was burly of
fnrm, but had not the appearance of a
rough character.
At the corner other men stopped to talk
with a small man. who was agitated and
who was explaining to the gathering
throne that ho had done what any man
with a particle of manhood would have
done under similar circumstances.
"Why," said he, "that loafer' Insulted
my wife while I was momentarily absent.
He passed in front of her and Jostled
her, and when she asked his pardon for
being In his way, he turned and said: 'It's
a 7- strange thing you can't keep
out of the way.' '
"I came to her side at that moment
and she pointed out the man who had ad
dressed the vile language to her, so I
'soaked' him."
The crowd of men applauded the plucky
little chap, and just then the patrol
wagon dashed up. Just how .t happened
to come, was a secret, for there was no
policeman In the crowd; and, after mak
ing Inquiry 'as to the cause of the dis
turbance, and finding no one able or will
ing to tell him why the wagon had been
summoned, the driver turned his team
and trotted off back to the station.
The man with the bloody head went on
up Washington street and the little man
and his wife continued their shopping.
Of the Breakwater Postponed.
The sailing hour of the steamer Break
water, for Coos Bay points, has been
postponed until tomorrow (Sunday) P. M.,
December 22, at 8 o'clpck, from Oak-street
226-228 Alder St., Between 1st and 2nd Sts.
Christmas Poultry at Smith's
CHICKENS 15c TO 18c -
We offer 10D0 of the finest, plumpest,
fattest chickens ever exhibited in the
city. The last will be as good as the
first they're all choice. Size from 2
lbs. to 6 lbs. It shows what Oregon can
do in fancy, well-bred poultry.
GEESE, 15c, 18c, 20c
. At Smith's the Christmas Goose does
not hang high. It comes within the
limit of every man's purse. You can
select from 500 weighing from 6 lbs.
to 15 lbs. They are superbly fat and
choice. They are a feast for the eyes.
TURKEYS, 15c, 20c, 22V2C.
And the American standby, the
Christmas turkey, is here in all his
greatness, as fat as butter and with
all the mellowed sweetness that comes
with ihe end of the season. Not a
scrawny bird In Snlth's market. Jot
that down.. ' ; :
In England it is the Baron of Beef
that graces the' festive board at
Christmastide. You likewise can
have one of the choicest cuts from
Smith's far -famed Christmas
beeves for 10 per pound.
Prime Rib Roast Beef . .1)V
Beef Roasts 7 to 8
Beef for Stew ....:.5$ to 6
Beef to Boil . ... . .5 to 6
Sirloin and Tenderloin Beef
Steak 11 to 13i,
Porterhouse Steak 12M.-15
"T."-Bone Steak 12y2i5
Best Rtfund Beef Steak 10
In Germany, it is the boar's head
that is carried in triumph into the
banquet hall. At Smith's, you dan
get the most delicious Pork -to -be
found. And it's such a satisfying,
substantial dish that a full-fed
feeling always follows.
Roast Pork . .12V to 15d
Pork Chops .".12&? to 15
Pickled Pork 12y2 to 15
Dry Salt Pork 12M
Breakfast Bacon, sugar
citred 16 to 17M.
Sugar-cured Hams or Half
Hams .16
And the Frenchman wants his
fattened calf at N o e 1 . Do you
know that in France the Christ
mas calf is fed on milk, eggs and
other delicacies? And we know
that no other Veal on the face of
the . globe can be better than
Smith's Willamette Valley milk
fed VeaL
Veal Sausage . ... . . . .12V
Breasts of Veal ....... 8
Veal Stew 8
Shoulder Roasts of Veal 10$
Rump Roast VeallO-12V-
Veal. Chops. . .12& to 15
Away out on thei ranges of
Eastern Oregon the shep
herd will pick out the prize ,
lamb of the flock. We have
250 prize lambs to offer our
customers from today until
after Christmas.
Legs of Lambs ... . 15
Lamb Chops. .12Vfc to 15
Lamb Stew 8
SMITH'S Meats and Poul
try are all Oregon's own and
weighed on plain, honest