THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECE31BER 20, 1907. OVEHTUHES MAD t FOR COMPROMISE Agent of Federation From Denver to Confer With Gold- field Mineowners.' ;' THINK TOO LATE COMING Work (Joins on Day and Night Tbougli Xo Groat Number of Strikebreakers Arrive Presi dent Given Information. GOLDFIELD. Nev., .Dec. 19. The mine owners of Goldfleld will listen to the pro position that O. N. Hilton, of ' Henver, Bctins for the Western Federation . of Miners has presented, though there is small probability that any compromise can be made at this late day. . A letter was received by the. Goldfleld Mineowners' Association this .-afternoon from Mr. Hilton, asking that a meeting at which he' may be present to present the proposition of the Federation be ar ranged. No reply has yet been sent but President Dowlen stated tonight that a reply will be sent In the morning- and that it will be favorable to such a meeting. What the proposition is which Mr. Hilton has to offer has not been revealed, but the mineowners are emphatic In their statement that no compromise looking to the abandonment of the' position taken by them, that any miner who goes to work must renounce the Western Federation, will . be accepted. Secretary Erb also issued a statement tonight, as follows: ' "The position taken by the Mineowners' Association, which has been given to the public and published through the press, is Irrevocable. While the association is willing to receive Mr. Hilton and discuss the situation with binj the association can not reconsider the position it has taken.'.' Mr. Hilton has stated that he is authorized to make important conces sions, even to remove some of the mem bers of the Western Federation who may be considered by the Mineowners .Asso ciation as agitators, from the camps. The mines have, been in operation today and are working; tonight with about the same number of men as were at work yesterday.. No considerable number of men to break the strike has been brought in as yet. General Funston left today for San Francisco. President Roosevelt has asked for more information , regarding conditions here forthwith, and telegrams are being sent to him from, all of the civic organiza tions, the Mineowners' Association, the local Miners' Union and the commission sent to investigate the situation. Vanderbilt Turns Coachman. NEWPORT, .B,. X. Pec. 19. Alfred G. Vanderbilt will next Spring drive a public coach in England. The route will be from London to Brighton, the same that was covered several years ago by James W. Selby and his coach Old Times. Mr. Vanderbilt will take the coach Venture and about 60 horses to England and will drive the coach daily from May 1 to June 15. WOULD ST0 DESTRUCTION Italian Government Complains of Kentucky "Night Riders." - WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. At the re quest of the Italian Ambassador Sec retary of State Root' has called" upon the Governor of Kentucky to intervene to prevent . the further destruction by "Night Riders" of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government and stored in Kentucky. The representation is based on the burning by night riders at Hop kinsville, Ky of a warehouse contain ing a large quantity of tobacco pur chased by the Italian Government which maintains a monopoly of the sale of tobacco in Italy. The Governor of Ken tucky has reported -that he is invesr tigating. Blind Man to Bo Politician. CHICAGO, Dec. 19. George Rex Clark, the blind boy, who graduated from the University of Chfcago on Tuesday, wants to. make politics his life work. He made a special study of politics in college and intends soon to take an active part in the affairs of his ward, the Seventh. He aspires first to become an Alderman, but hopes to climb higher on the political ladder. To Core a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. DrwrKlets refund money if It falls to cure. K. V. GROVE'S 8lf:na.ture i on each box. 25c. Shirts, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs to match, packed in special boxes for Christmas presents for men and boys. Useful for everybody. Ele gant enough for anybody. Clothing Co GusKuhnProp' 166-168 Third Street. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed Store Open Evenings Until After Christmas weal IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, READ CAREFULLY Owing to the fact that our. windows are all filled with other Holiday goods we haven't the room to display these extraordinary specials, Dut Cordially invite yo.u, who are riot among the hundreds that have already taken ad vantage of this exceptional opportunity, to bring your friends and visit our magnificent fur department. THE FAMOUS SILVERFIELD FURS NEED NO INTRODUCTION. You always buy them with perfect confidence that they are the richest, best furs attainable and ARE IN EVERY. RESPECT AS REPRESENTED, and THAT MEANS MUCH IN A FUR PURCHASE. Besides, the weather suggests furs more and more every day, and Christmas is only five days off, SO NOW'S your chance to buy, while the prices are so low as to place them within the range of every pocketbook. THESE ARE POSI TIVELY THE FINEST FURS EVER SOLD IN PORTLAND AT PRICES QUOTED. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE NOTE THESE RE MARKABLE REDUCTIONS BUY FROM THE MANU FACTURER AND SAVE THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT. $350.00 Our best genuine Alaska Sealskin Jacket, sold elsewhere for $450.00. Our Christmas special price Our best Brook Mink Jacket, sold elsewhere for $100.00. Our OCfl OH Christmas special price. .. gOUiUU Our best Russian Pony Jacket, sold elsewhere for $100.00. Our Christ- tecm....... S60.00 Our best genuine Caracal and Per sian Astrakhan Jacket, beautifully trimmed with mink collars, cuffs and revers, sola elsewhere tor $125.00. Our Christmas special QQfl flfl price OjUiUU Our best Sable Squirrel Fur Sets, sold elsewhere for $22.50. PIC flfl Our Christmas sp' price $3iUU Our best Natural Squirrel Fur Sets, sold elsewhere for $16.00. Pin CO Our Christmas sp'l price. 0 I Uiull Our best Brook Mink Fur Sets, sold elsewhere for $18.00. Our Pin fin Christmas special price. .. 0 I UiUU Ourbest Imitation Ermine Fur Sets, sold elsewhere for $14.50. PQ 7C Our Christmas special price .'ODi I u Our best genuine Real Royal Ermine EDNA MAY Neckpieces, sold else where for $40.00. Our O QQ P Christmas Special price. . . gZZiUU Our best extra long Arctic and Isa bella Fox Boas, sold elsewhere for $35.00. Our Christmas pnr nn special price OZuiUl) WE ARE ALSO SHOWING A SPLENDID LINE OF - MINK SETS. Our best genuine Real Alaska Mink Muffs, sold elsewhere for $100.00. Our Christmas special 00 MOTHERS, BUY THE LITTLE GIRL A FUR SET FOR CHRISTMAS. Our best White Turkish Angora Children's Sets, sold elsewhere for $2.00. Our Christmas spe cial price ......... Our best . Angora and Lamb Chil dren's Sets, sold elsewhere for $3.50. Our Christmas special price Our best Brook Mink Children's Sets, sold elsewhere for $4.50. Our Christmas special P0 7K gjii u $1.25 ib Chil 'or $3.50. $2.25 price TO THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ' Tor the benefit of those who through necessity or neglect have put off their Christmas shopping until the last few days, they will find exceptional bargains today in all departments, which contain something of interest for either the baby, daugh ter, mother or grandmother. 'LADIES' HIGH-GRADE BACK COMBS, ONE FOURTH OFF " A magnificent line of ladies' high-grade Shell Back Combs, with carved gold mountings, which we place on sale for Friday only at V4 off from the regular prices. This is an opportunity to pur chase a very useful gift at a saving of yt off from the regular prices. HIGH-GRADE HANDBAGS V. OFF Choose today from our entire line of ladies' high grade imported Handbags, some fitted with opera glasses, powder puff, nail file, mirror, etc., in walrus, seal, alligator and all other popular and serviceable leathers. Any of these would make an ideal Christmas gift. On sale today only for one-fourth off from the regular prices. CHILDREN'S INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, 19c A BOX Children's Initial Handkerchiefs, in neat little boxes with a cute little verse printed on cover, with three dainty little initial handkerchiefs. On sale today for the extremely low price of, a box $1.75 FANS $1.39 A beautiful line of ladies' Fans, that sell regularly for $1.75; on sale for today only at a ; . . . What could be more appropriate than one of these for a Christmas gift? SPECIALS FOR THIS COLD WEATHER Ladies' long Eiderdown Robes, in colors, red, blue and dC CQ gray; good quality and nicely trimmed; values to $9.50. ,pOJJ French Flannelette Kimonos, both long and short, trim'd in satin bands; values up to $2.00 ....... SPECIAL Ladies' Silk Hose, fine quality, in black, blue, pink, red and gray; regular $2.00 ; Our Beautiful Establishment Is Now Replete With Exclusive High-Grade Merchandise Suitable for Christmas Gifts. . 4 Anything purchased at any of our departments IS OF THE BEST, and customers mav well feel confident in' jrettihsr GOOD. DESIR ABLE AND DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. GREAT XM AS SPECIALS "WE HAVE GIFTS FOR THE BABIES." "WE HAVE GIFTS FOR THE MOTHERS." IN ALL DEPARTMENTS "WE HAVE GIFTS FOR THE GIRLS." "WE HAVE GIFTS FOR THE GRANDMOTHERS'. $1.39 $1.19 $1.30 V-& Sf.'":-u. ? xw"..fc t.:,:- iff i . Vjff-- I '; m !,.; a ' mmmmm m - . siiSMtt m ' my 19iliWiSif!l- Jcoralvian's uhnstmas Sil "till lit in. You'll find more good things here to give as Christmas presents for a man or a boy than you'll see elsewhere things that will give pleasure, and be sen sible at the same time. BSEESSBSBBB Copyright 1907 by Hart Schtffher 13 Marx We 've a lot of Hart Schaff ner & Marx fine clothes to show you Suits, Topcoats, Raincoats and 1 Overcoats from $18.00 to $40.00. Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats from $3 to $20. We have a large line of silk Neckwear at 50c. See dis play in Morrison-st. window. A FEW SUGGESTIONS House Coats, BatE Robes, Men's Jewelry, ' Shirt and Cuff Studs, Scarf pins, Gloves, . Umbrellas, Mufflers, Reefers, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Plain and Fancy Sus penders, Shirts, Collars, latest styles in . Hats for men and boys. iam'l Rosenblatt & Co, N. W. Corner Third and Morrison A SWELL LADIES' SUIT $1 See the swellest line of Ladies' Suits, Waists, etc., etc., ever shown in Portland. Prices far below actual cost. Every piece of ladies' apparel must go before January 1st. Every new style, every up-to-date model, every chic coloring, will be found in our immense line. ONE DOLLAR A WEEK Buys any Suit, Waist or Coat in the house. Three Great Specials $25 and $35 Q Q f p Suits &r. . .' JplO.foc) $10 and $12.50 fl f ft Waists at . . . epDUe) $50 Fur (xats at $31.00 Swell Ladies' Apparel at Sacrificial Prices ON EASY TERMS Men, Dress Up for Christmas Call and see our immense line of Men's Suits in every conceivable shade and style; all the new,. nobby effects. See our swell line $25.00 SUITS $20.00 SUITS $17.50 SUITS $15 Overcoats These are the greatest values ever offered and we are anxious to sell to you on easy terms. ONE DOLLAR A WEEK BUYS ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE L GEVURTZ & SON, YAMHILL STREET, FIRST STREET THRU TO SECOND STREET Explain Supposed Miracle. NANCY, France, Dec. 19. Tlie Dio cesan authorities have investigated the alleged miracle reported to have oc curred in the village church at Brian recently and found It to have been an optical illusion caused by the reflec tion of a church image upon the sacred wafer as the candles moved. Rntte Woman Pardoned. HELENA, Mont., Dec. 19. The State Board of Pardons today approved the action of Governor Toolp in granting a pardon to Rlizabetli Morrison, a Butte woman, who upon conviction on a man slaughter charge for the killing of Rich ard Klnnegan .had been sentenced to the penitentiary for tnrea years. .